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. ROLL NO-11018180056

SUBMITTED BY: Naresh Kumar


I would like to thank Sh.S.K Dahiya {Senior Manager (H.R) !akshmi

"re#ision S#rews !td. $ho hel%ed me in #arrying out this %ro&e#t study a#ting as the guiding s%irit 'ehind the #om%iling o( this re%ort and %utting tremendous e((ort (rom his side to assist me as mu#h as %ossi'le. . I am also e)ually grate(ul to !akshmi "re#ision S#rews !td. and Sh.K.! Malhotra ("lant Head) or his *alua'le suggestions and encouragement given to me from time to time. I am also thankful to all EXECUTIVES OF DOCUME T!TIO attitu'e to&ar's me# &hich ma'e me com)lete this )ro*ect. CE T"E#

$akshmi %recision Scre&s $t'. for their time# an' co(o)eration an' hel)ing

Naresh Kumar


I Nare ! K"#ar, student o( Va$ ! Te%!&$%a' I& ($("(e, R)!(a* here 'y de#lare that the Industrial +raining Re%ort entitled P'a&( 'a+)"( & Pr),"%( $& LPS P'a&(-. is an original work and the same has not 'een su'mitted to any other Institute (or award o( any degree. +he %ro&e#t re%ort was %resented to the su%er*isor o( the %ro&e#t. +he (easi'le suggestions ha*e 'een duly in#or%orated in #onsultation with the su%er*isor o( the %ro&e#t.

S$/&a("re )0 (!e S"1er2$ )r

S$/&a("re )0 %a&,$,a(e

,s an integral %art o( +++++.# a stu'ent has to un'ergo a four &eeks of the real construction &orl'. Fulfilling this course curriculum# the )ro*ect &as un'er taken at $akshmi %recision Scre&s $t'. .

The )ro*ect &ork has ,een un'ertaken to anal-.e the in'ustr- in In'ia in the li,erali.e' econom- &ith )articular reference to $akshmi %recision Scre&s $t'. .

+he (ollowing re%ort will dri*e the reader an insight in to the inter %lant manu(a#turing system 'ased on standard %rodu#tion. +he #om%arati*e analy-e will ena'le to analy-e trend o( %er(orman#e and %resent the %i#ture o( o%eration o( !akshmi "re#ision S#rews !td. in %re . li'erali-ation.

The re)ort )resent a frame &ork /in li,erali.e' environment0 for the tren' of )ro'uction )erformance of the com)an-# the change in the )erformance# the various factors lea'ing to these changes# the e1)en'iture on ra& material# o)erating cost# )ro'uction etc.

!akshmi "re#ision S#rew !td. is one o( the leading manu(a#turers and su%%liers o( high tensile (asteners su#h as 'olts s#rews nuts and similar %arts o( automo'ile and other industrial se#tors. !"S ltd. was (ounded 'y Shri /imal "rasad 0ain in 1234 under the name o( Na*/harat Industries. !"S were in#or%orated as a %ri*ate limited #om%any in 1256 and were su'se)uently #on*erted into %u'li# #om%any in 1271. Initially it had only one8'old making ma#hine 'ut now there are one hundred di((erent ty%es o( ma#hines %rodu#ing wide range o( %rodu#ts. +he #om%any has latest ma#hines im%orted (rom a'road 0a%an 9erman and +aiwan. In addition the #om%any has heat treatment automati# mi#ro%ro#essor #ontrolled %lating and %hos%hate %lants. +o u%date the 'oth %rodu#t and %ro#ess re)uirements the #om%any has its own resear#h and de*elo%ment #ell whi#h is well e)ui%%ed with most modern #hemi#al and %hysi#al la's. +he !"S "lant . II started (un#tioning in Se%tem'er 122: as an e;%ansion unit o( !akshmi "re#ision S#rews !td. o( a'out 1< <<< S). yards. +he %lant is situated ad&a#ent to !"S . 1 at Hissar Road Rohtak. +he layout o( (a#ilities in the %lant has 'een designed a(ter taking se*eral le#tors su#h as lo#ation o( ma#hines= men ma#hine 'alan#e material (low > material handling (a#ilities in to (asteners o( *arious si-e > s%e#i(i#ations. +he %lant has 4< se#ondary o%eration ma#hines. +he (a#ilities in#lude : shar%er Hearth ?urna#es 4 @erti#al ?low Air#ulation (or heat treatment %ur%oses. +he %lant has also got (ully automati# %lating > %hos%hate lines o( grow > well make. +he #a%a#ity o( %lant is 43<< tons %er annum. +he %lant has dedi#ated work(or#e o( around :3< em%loyees.

9rowth in de#adeB8

In 125< the #om%any turned into a limited and Seth. 2.C. 3ain &as )ro)ose' as the chairman of the com)an-. !fter turne' into limite' the com)an- raise' its )ro'ucts an' variet- in )ro'ucts an' achieves the turnover aroun' 45 crores.


IN 7<Cs > 6<Cs In 7<Cs under the name na*'harat industries it ado%ted new de*elo%ed te#hni)ues and e6ui)ments an' u)'ate' its )ro'ucts technolog- to confirm that a'o)te' ,- lea'ing )ro'ucers of nuts an' ,olts. !fter the 'eath of Seth 2.C. 3ain his el'er son Seth ".7. 3ain took the charge of the com)an- as Chairman an' rename' the com)an- a $!7S8MI %"ECISIO %recision Scre&s $t'. !.".S. Aom%any whi#h is (amous in all o*er world was started in rohtak. Its o&ners &ere live' in rohtak in starting an' as the kno&ing )ersons are telling that the- &ere o&ners of a ,ic-cle sho). The- &ere starte' there com)an- &ith a versmall )lace an' having three or four machines. having their )lants in all our In'ia. o& a 'a-:s $.%.S. Com)anSC"E9S $TD. !s $.%.S. the com)an- ,ecomes the market lea'er in scre&s an' nuts an' ,olts. $akshmi

Sh. !alit 0ain Sh. R. K. 0ain Sh. H.S. Dada* Sh. "ardee% Dhawan Sh. Ra&i* Shekhawat Sh. S.". Singh #hairman > marketing dire#tor managing dire#tor (e;%ort) senior %ersonal manager %rodu#tion manager engineering (tool room) training o((i#er

+he #om%any is situated on hissar road in distt. . Rohtak (Haryana).!.".S "lant 1 4 ltd. is nearly a'out 3 km. (rom 'us stand and : km. (rom railway station. +he #om%any was lo#ated at one o( the 'est lo#ation in rohtak in the dire#tion o( %rogress o( the #om%any. !o#ation o( the #om%any is good enough to %ro*ide the all re)uired (a#ilities to the #om%any. +he #om%any has got e;#ellent manu(a#turing (a#ilities and #onditions manu(a#turing %lant e;tending o*er a s%a#e o( a'out 438:< ,#res.


E*ery logo %resent or des#ri'e its meaning (or what %ur%ose it was manu(a#tured. !ogo o( any #om%any is 'asi#ally to des#ri'e the (eeling > moti*ation o( that #om%any. +his logo 'asi#ally is the identi(i#ation o( that #om%any. +he #om%any is identi(ied 'y its logo. +hatCs why logo is *ery im%ortant (or a #om%any. +he he;agon is a sym'ol o( %re#ision. +he %eo%le related to !.".S. are re%resented 'y *iew o( he;agon nut. In the sym'ol the #ir#le re%resent the #o8%ro#ess understanding dedi#ating towards the workers duties like in )uality #ir#le. !.".S. is the name itsel( (!akshmi "re#ision S#rew) in sel(8e;%lanatory. !ogo o( any #om%any is %resenting its %resen#e in market.

!.".S. has a'o*e 4<<<< share holders more than 6<< em%loyees an#illary su%%lier and 63< dealers and sto#kiest all engaged in large s#ale in*ol*ement and sustained e((orts to meet the e*er &in'ing market hori.ons of technological com)etence a))ro)riate to In'ia;s uni6ue an' changing nee's. It achieve' aroun' a turnover of <5 crores in 4=== an' e1)orts )ro'ucts of >? crores. $.%.S. attri,utes its success to a constellating of the right )eo)le over motivate' )eo)le. Striving for one goal()rogress &ith one commitment )erfection. One attitu'e )rofessionalism an' one )hiloso)h-( enter)rise or &ork. Their ho)es as)irations# De'ications# Commitments an' team&ork have hel)e' $.%.S. its magnificent heights. ! goo' reason to &ork har'er to'a-# for still making their tomorro& ,etter.

/usiness +y%e Aa%ital in Dollars E;%ort "er#entage "rimary Aom%etiti*e ,d*antages E;%orter Manu(a#turer FS GHH million H:I ISJ 2<<4 #erti(i#ation KS82<<<B1226 #erti(i#ation ISJL+S 152H2B1222 #erti(i#ation ISJ 1H<<1 #erti(i#ation @ol*o 9lo'al Su%%lier #erti(i#ation in8de%th e;%erien#ed #aterer at reasona'le %ri#es.

Dear o( Esta'lishment


JEM Ser*i#e "ro*ided


"rodu#t Manu(a#turing

High +ensile ,ll En8Aa% /olts Nuts S#rews ,uto $heel /olts ,llen Key.

+he main %rodu#ts in#luding so#kets head #a% s#rews so#ket #ounter sunk scre&# socket set scre&s an' other fasteners have ,een su))lie' to %olan'# U.S.!.# 9est @erman-# Englan'# Tai&an# Mala-sia an' man- other countries. o& it is also su))l-ing 'o&el )ins an' cotters to the other countries in ,ulk. E1ercises its mono)ol- over its )ro'ucts market. In A5s it starte' im)orting some of the ,est e6ui)ments an' mBcs# availa,le in the &orl' an' starte' e1)orting its )ro'ucts at large scale. It starte' su))l-ing their )ro'uct to the ,est com)anies in the In'ia is there fiel's. o& lakshmi )recision scre&s have latest e6ui)ment an' machines. $ike ,olt maker /C5h.).0 chun.u =5#445#4?5 )iecesBmin. /Tai&an0# threa'ing machines 8artfor' /U.S.!.0 national ,olt maker /C8F(4>50 >?5 )c;sBmin. /Tai&an0 threa' rolling &ith vi,rator- fee'ing /Tai&an0 /Chun.u0# )rogressive our former >55 )c;sBmin. lathe C national# 8.M.T kiloskar an' heat treatment mBc in colla,oration &ith &est @erman- etc. # $.%.S. also e1)orts its )ro'ucts &orks /C5 crores to the carious countries in !sia an' Euro)e such as Englan'# U.S.!.# )lant# Mala-sia etc. its )ro'ucts are use' ,- re)ute' com)anies or automo,ile fiel's like Damaha# 8ero 8on'a# Escorts Tractors lt'. Maruti U'-og lt'. !uto 2a*a* etc. &hich 'ominates their market. $%S to'a- ranks among the ,est in'ustrial giants in !sia )ro'ucing scre&s nuts an' ,olts# $%S )henomenal gro&th an' success steam form the fact that all its )ro'ucts geare' to meet the nee's of the )eo)le. $.%.S. com)an- is consi'ere' as the !sia;s an' ,olts in crores. o. 4 com)anmanufacturing nuts an' ,olts. Its one )lant /)lant 4# rohtak0 &ill manufacture nuts


!.".S. ltd. is to 'e #onsidered in the NJ.1 #om%anies in ,sia in manu(a#turing the nut > 'olts. +here are some %i#tures gi*en 'elow o( models o( nuts and 'olts whi#h are manu(a#turing in di((erent %lants o( !.".S. $.%.S. lt'. is reall- consi'ere' in list of that com)anies &hich are tr-ing to making some effort in 'evelo)ment of our countr-# 'irectl- or in 'irectl-. ?ollowing are the %rodu#ts whi#h are manu(a#turing in !.".S.


Special Automotive Fasteners LRS-01

Special Automotive Fasteners LRS-02

Hex Nuts LRS-03

Hex Head Bolts LRS-04

Soc et Set Scre!s LRS-0"

Soc et #ounter Sun Head #ap Scre! LRS-0$

Soc et Button Head #ap Scre! LRS-0%

Soc et Lo! Head #ap Scre! LRS-0&

Soc et Head #ap Scre! LRS-0'

(urloc Bolts LRS-10

)*eel Hu+- Bolt LRS-11

Axles LRS-12

Hi,*er -or.ue -rans/er LRS-1"

#onnectin, Rod Bolt LRS-13

Stud LRS-14

!.".S. %ro*iding their )ro'ucts# mainl- nuts E ,olts to man- com)anies. Mainl- these com)anies an' )ro'ucts of $%S are relate' &ith each other mechanicall-. ?ollowing are some (amous #om%anies whi#h are dealing with !"S.

Name of Companies

Logos/ Symbols


"lant la-out of an- com)an- is im)ortant ,ecause it is one of that factors &hich increases the )rofits an' 'ecreases the in)uts of the com)an-. @oo' or ,a' arrangement of a com)an- 'eci'e' that com)an- goes to&ar's )rofits or not. Taking small area of lan' an' making it more useful is the one of the for&ar' ste)s to&ar's success. The la-out ma- ,e 'esigne' to re'uce increasing )ro'uction costs that gra'uall- evolve from )iecemeal e1)ansion or to intro'uce an entire ne& )rocess. "e(la-out strikes for the ma1imi.ing )ro'uction flo& an' la,our effectiveness.


,##ording to the %lant layout we know that there is a Se#urity room Re#e%tion room Ele#tri#al #ontrol room J((i#e Sam%ling room Storage room $orksho% 9enerator room Raw material room and other room like Aanteen also. +he small des#ri%tion is gi*en 'elowB

SECURITY GUARD ROOM:It is a small room whi#h is %resent on the main door where a man sits who is known as se#urity guard. ,s anyone #omes he makes #onta#t to o((i#e and asks to %ermit. I( he allow then o%en the gate and allow the guest to enter. +he guard #he#ks e*eryone 'e(ore entering the industry and 'e(ore lea*ing the industry.

ELECTRIC ROOM:In this room ele#tri# su%%ly is maintained and #ontrolled .there are many ele#tri#ians are so that they #an maintain the su%%ly to the industry. I( the su%%ly s not #om%lete the ma#hine #anMt work. E*ery ma#hine has to work (or (ull hours.


+his is a *ery im%ortant %la#e in the industry 'e#ause all the %eo%le entering in the industry dire#tly #onta#t on the re#e%tion #ounter. ,ll #ustomers #an #all to the re#e%tion to know a'out the timing and dealing.

O33ICE:It is a %la#e where al the o((i#ial work is done su#h as maintaining a##ounts et#. +here is a waiting room also and a se%arate room (or manager and Dire#tor. +he o((i#e is (ully ,.A. and the sta((s mem'ers are 'eha*e *ery well to me.

RAW MATERIAL ROOM:It is 'asi#ally a godown where di((erent ty%es o( raw materials are stored. ,ll the raw material is )ui#kly send to the re)uired ma#hine 'y small tra#tors. So there is no %ro'lem to la'our on a ma#hine regularly.

STORAGE ROOM:Storage room is that room where all #om%lete %rodu#ts are store (or send them to their working %la#es. Store room is dry (rom water and other di((erent ty%es o( #orrosion #onditions. "rodu#ts are *ery sa(e (rom any 'ad #onditions.

DISTRIBUTOR ROOM:+he !"S is a (amous #om%any in Haryana. It distri'utes the materials (or making the &o's in small worksho%s in the #ity. Di((erent $orksho%s do di((erent work su#h as drilling turning %a#king et#. So 'e(ore gi*ing the material (or making the &o's note and it is done in that room.

3ABRICATION YARD:It is a 'ig hall where many ma#hines are installed. +he latest te#hnology ma#hines are also %resent su#h as ANA ma#hine et#. there are di((erent worksho%s (or di((erent works like drilling turning threading sha%ing #old (orging et#. there 'e many workers who worked #ontinuously (or many hours. , su%er*isor is a%%ointed who #ontrols all the work done in the worksho%. In the worksho% there are many *entilators and (ans.

GENRATOR ROOM:It is a room where generators are installed these generator are hea*y %ower generator whi#h used when there is a %ower #ut (( o r any distur'an#es 'y the ele#tri#ity.

I( there is not su((i#ient ele#tri#ity to run ma#hine then it will not gi*e it #om%lete there is loss o( time and e#onomy.

CANTEEN:It is a room &here the staff mem,er:s or &orkers get refreshments such as tea# coffee an' lunch etc. Outsi'e of in'ustr- man- Dha,a are )resent &here also &orkers 'o lunch# tea etc.

!.".S. is manu(a#turing nuts and 'olts and other %rodu#ts using di((erent ty%es o( o%erations 'y di((erent ma#hines. +hatCs why it is im%ortant to know the introdu#tion o( ma#hines (%arts %ur%ose o( ma#hines) 'e(ore knowing manu(a#turing %ro#edure.

MACHNES USED IN L.P.S. PLANT 7:Ma#hines are the main %arts o( a #om%any. +o #onstru#t a #om%any we need to %ro*ide all im%ortant need to the #om%any and ma#hines are the one o( main needs o( a #om%any. ,#tually ma#hines and other needs are relati*e to ea#h other they #annot work without ea#h other. +he (ollowing ma#hines are used in !.".S. %lant 1 rohtak to manu(a#ture nuts > 'olts and other %rodu#ts. Header Ma#hine +rimming Ma#hine /olt maker ?lat Rolling Round rolling ANA ma#hine +rau' ma#hine

Forging stages of a Hex Head Screw

$!nc% side & Ra# side '( o)ing*

+ie side & ,ed side 'Stationar-*

"ri# #ing




C! toff







879 8.9 8<9 8B9 8?9 Pr)/re $2e :)'( 0)r#er Pr)/re $2e :)'( 0)r#er Pr)/re $2e 0)r#er Pr)/re $2e &"( 0)r#er Pr)/re $2e &"( 0)r#er 8%!"& 4"9 8<=!1, >=,77=,7?=9 8.== #a@ 1% A #$&.9 Ta$;a& Na($)&a' Na($)&a'

8!1 %"((er C? D"$'' CB 1$er%$&/ ,$e 9 8%&0 7.=, .?= 1% A#$&9


+he su'&e#t o( threads and threading is o( the %rime im%ortan#e to an engineer 'e#ause nearly e*ery %ie#e o( e)ui%ment will ha*e some (rom o( s#rew thread or other in it. Most o( the ma#hine %arts are held together ad&usted or mo*ed 'y threads o( many si-es and kinds. +hreads are #ommonly used (or the (ollowing %ur%osesB (1) as (asteners (4) to transmit %ower or motion
(:) (or ad&ustment


(1) +hreading ma#hine hart (ort ho%%er (eeding F.S.,. (4) +hreading ma#hine #hun -u *i'ratory (eeding +aiwan (:) +hreading ma#hine national *i'ratory (eeding 0a%an ,nd other ma#hines (rom main #om%anies o( India e.g. H.M.+. Kirloskar %raga ltd. with automati# (eeding or manually #ontrolled

$hen threads are #ut 'y milling the thread is (ormed 'y a re*ol*ing milling #utter sha%ed to #on(orm to the shar% to thread desired. Either single or multi%le #utters may 'e used. In the #ase o( single #utter all the #utting edges lie in one %lane. +he multi%le #utters #onsist o( se*eral annular rows o( #utting teeth. , ho' may 'e used (or #utting threads in whi#h #ase the teeth lie along a heli;. +he disad*antage o( the ho' ty%e #utter is that is must re*ol*e with a (i;ed relation to the work= this is not true o( the #utter with annular teeth. Milled threads may 'e e;ternal or internal. +he only in station 'eing the si-e o( hole in whi#h a #utter may 'e inserted. +he threads #ut ' this method are more a##urate than those #ut 'y a die 'ut not as a##urate as those #ut with grinding wheel.

S)#e )0 (!e #$''$&/ #a%!$&e " e, $& #$''$&/ )1era($)& $& ())' r))# $ :(1) (4) (:) (H) (3) Milling mL# *erti#al Milling mL# *erti#al Milling mL# hori-ontal Milling mL# hori-ontal Milling mL# hori-ontal ( 18* m48* (18h m48h m4%h '(w hmt 'rw hmt hmt

Internal or e;ternal threads #an 'e (inish ground 'y means or a single or multi%le edge8grinding wheels. +he threads are #ut as grinding wheel (ha*ing annular thread groo*es (ormed around its %eri%hery) and work rotate. , *itri(ied 'ond is genrally used with a (ine grit o( a'out 5< the %ro#ess is #arried on a s%e#ial grinding ma#hine ha*ing a master led s#rew and gears and means o( holding the work. +he wheel rotates at :< mLse#. and work is rotated slowly. In the #ase o( hardened sto#k %ro'a'ly grinding is the only means o( (orming threads. +he a##ura#y o( grinding e;#eeds that o( any other method and (inish is e;#eeded only 'y good thread rolling %it#h diameter #an 'e ground to an a##ura#y o( N<.<<4 mm %er 4.3 #m and a##ura#y o( lead may 'e maintained within <.<<7mm in 3< #m o( thread length grinding eliminates tiny #ra#ks due to hardening and also tearing is always %resent to some e;tent in any material remo*al method.

S)#e )0 (!e /r$&,$&/ #a%!$&e " e $& /r$&,$&/ )1era($)& $& ())' r))# are:1. Fni*ersal +ool > Autter 9rinder <4<<O3<< 4. J((8hand %edestal dou'le wheel Net 14P grinder <:<< :. H. 3. Sur(a#e grinding mL# 4<<O5<< S?$ 4<< Internal 9rinder Aylindri#al 9rinder 91:811 $M$ ?JR+ @N, HM+ Net :,85, Stanlso Im%ort


This is newly developed process of threads cutting. It finds application in the automotive field. Paris such as internal threads on steering gear hall nuts. Ball-race nuts for various calculating built-up assemblies are the examples of this call. The work piece ate given one or two passes (through and finishing cuts ! heat treated and then finish ground one on an internal threads grinder. "ne-station machines are us the broaches used for the application have special from and are guided by lead screw. #rawing up the part and fixture against the revolving tool cuts threads. The broaches ate available in si$es up to %& mm dia. 'nd (%& mm length.

Heat treatment is an im%ortant o%eration in the manu(a#turing %ro#ess o( ma#hine %arts and tools. It may 'e de(ined as an o%eration o( heating and #ooling o( metals in the solid state to indu#e #ertain desired %ro%erties into them Heat treatment #an a(ter the me#hani#al %ro%erties o( steel 'y #hanging the si-e and sha%e o( the grains o( whi#h it is #om%osed or 'y #hanging its mi#ro #onstituents. It is generally em%loyed (or the (ollowing %ur%ose 1) +o im%ro*e ma#hina'ility 4) +o #hange or re(ine grain si-e. :) +o relie*e the stresses o( the metal indu#ed during #old or hot working. H) +o im%ro*e me#hani#al %ro%erties. E.g. tensile strength hardness du#tility sho#k resistan#e to #orrosion et#. 3) +o im%ro*e magneti# and ele#tri#al %ro%erties. 5) +o in#rease resistan#e to wear heat and #orrosions. 7) +o %rodu#e a hard sur(a#e o( du#tile interior. +he most #ommonly used o%erations o( heat treatment areB 1) 4) :) H) 3) 5) 7) 6) 2) annealing normali-ing hardening tem%ering #ar'uri-ing (#ase hardening #yaniding nitriding indu#tion hardening (lame hardening

It is one o( the widely used o%erations is heat treatment o( iron and steel and is de(ined as the so(tening %ro#ess in whi#h iron 'ase alloys are heated a'o*e the trans(ormation range in the (urna#e itsel( . ,lternati*ely the steel may 'y trans(erred into %earlite ((inal #ooling #an 'e done instill air). +he su##ess o( annealing de%ends u%on #ontrolling the (ormation o( austenite and the su'se)uent trans(ormation o( the austenite at high su' #riti#al tem%. @arious ty%es o( any ,nnealing treatments areB8 a) ') #) d) e) "ro#ess annealing "atenting ?ull annealing S%heroid sing Isothermal hardening

,##ording to ,meri#an so#iety o( material testing it is de(ined as the %ro#ess in whi#h iron 'ase alloys ate heated H< to 3< degree A a'o*e the u%%er trans(ormation range and held there (or a s%e#i(ied %eriod ( to ensure that a (ully austenite stru#ture is %rodu#ed) and (ollowed 'y #ooling in still air at room tem%erature. +he heating or hy%o8eute#toid steel is done a'o*e the u%%er #riti#al tem%L the normali-ed steel #onsists o( (errite and %earlite (or hy%o8eute#toid and %earlite and #ementite (or hy%o8eute#toid steel. Normali-ing o%eration o( steel is #arried out to im%ro*e the ma#hining #hara#teristi#s de(ine grain si-e and homogeni-e mi#rostru#ture modi(y and re(ine #ost dendriti# stru#ture and %ro*ide desired %ro%erties.

,##ording to ,.S.M.+. it is de(ined as the heat8treatment %ro#ess in whi#h steel is heated to 4<<A a'o*e the trans(ormation range soaking at this tem%erature (or a #onsidera'le %eriod to ensure through %enetration o( the tem%erature inside the #om%onents (ollowed 'y #ontinuous #ooling to room tem%erature 'y )uen#hing in water oil or 'rine solution the rate o( #ooling is #ontrolled 'y )uen#hing medium.

The me'iums areF(

Solution o( salt or #austi# soda. High (lash %ointL#lean water (rom grease o( soa%. /last 'y dry air.

Kuen#hing #an 'e desira'le as an o%eration that %ro*ides (or the ra%id #ooling as steel (rom as high tem%erature su#h as room tem%erature. +he )uen#hing. Me,$a %a& :e %'a $0$e, $&() 0$2e %a(e/)r$e :1) 4) :) H) 'rine water solution o( s%e#ial #om%ound oils (N,JH> HA! in water) air

+he 'rine ha*ing highest and the air ha*ing lowest #ooling %ower.

it is #ondu#ted similar to 'roken hardening = the only di((eren#e that in the (irst o%eration. +he %art treated is ke%t in (used salt until the ,R trans(ormation is #om%leted. !ine ta'le in (ig. re%resent isothermal hardening o%eration. +he steel su'&e#ted to isothermal hardening as a stru#ture #onsisting o( a#i#ular true stile. +he hardness o'tained 'y this %ro#ess is lo*er the in #ase o( 'roken hardening %ro#ess. +he (a#t that is some ease there is no need to #arry out tem%ering a(ter the isothermal hardening o%eration #onstitutes one im%ortant ad*antage isothermal hardening. , new method o( hardening the so8#alled 'right hardening is o( great %ra#ti#al interest. In this method the metal is heated in salt 'aths and su'se)uently #ooled in (used alkalis (N,JH

koh > their other mi;tures). +he sur(a#e 'e(ore treatment is well #leaned and no o;ide (ormation takes %la#e a(terwards. It is used (or 'olts and small %arts.

,##ording to ,.S.M.+. it is de(ined as the reheat %ro#ess reheating 'eing #arried out under su' #riti#al tem%erature. Su#h a reheating %ermitting the tra%%ed marten site to trans(orm into true stole or sor'et de%ending on the tem%ering tem%erature and relie*e the internal stresses. +oughness and strength. It is an o%eration used to modi(y the %ro%erties o( steel hardened 'y )uen#hing (or the %ur%ose o( in#reasing its use(ulness. +em%ering is di*ided into three #lasses a##ording to the use(ulness o( steel re)uired. a) ') #) low tem%erature tem%ering (heated nearly 4< degree A) medium tem%erature ( heated (rom 43<degree to 33<degree A) high tem%erature tem%ering ( steel is heated (rom :3<degree to 33< degree A)

,ustem%ering is a kind o( tem%ering %ro#ess whi#h holding the steel in a molten salt 'ath ha*ing tem%erature %( 43< to 3<< A a'o*e the #riti#al tem%erature when the stru#ture #onsists %urely o( austenite. +he %art is then )uen#hed at su((i#ient rate to a *oid trans(ormation to (errite and %artite and is held at )uen#hing tem%erature (or a time su((i#ient to gi*e #om%lete trans(ormation to intermediate stru#tures re(erred as 'inate. It is then #ooled to room tem%erature.

It is ty%e o( tem%ering %ro#ess in whi#h iron and itMs 'ade alloy are a'o*e the trans(ormation range and then suddenly )uen#hed in molten salt 'ath at tem%erature o( 16< to :<< degree A. +he %ie#e is held at that tem%erature until the #ore and outside tem%erature are e)uali-ed the %art is then remo*ed and #ooled at moderate.

$hen harden steel is tem%ered at a tem%erature &ust 'elow lower #riti#al o*er al line) the #ementite #on*erts to small s%heroids surrounded 'y (errite when heated a his tem%erature (or a'out 15 to 7< hours. +he %ro#ess #an 'e a##elerated 'y the alternati*e heating and #ooling slightly a'o*e and 'elow a1 line.

+his %ro#ess is used to %rodu#e a high sur(a#e hardness (or wear resistan#e su%%orted 'y a tough sho#k8resisting #ore it is the %ro#ess o( #ar'oni-ation su#h that saturating the sur(a#e layer o( steel with #ar'on to a'out <.2I or some other %ro#ess 'y whi#h #ase is hardened and #ore remains so(t. +he #ar'oni-ed steel is then heated and )uen#hed so that only the sur(a#e layers will res%ond and the #ore remaining so(t and though sin#e its #ar'on #ontent is low.

Var$)" 1r)%e e )0 %a e !ar,e&$&/ are:a) Aar'uri-ation ') Nitriding #) Ayaniding d) Indu#tion hardening e) ?lame hardening



(51.3IAF :3.3IQN :I!E,D) :) ISB 15728125< mild steel wire suita'le (or manu(a#ture o( ma#hine s#rews 'y #old heading %ro#ess. H) $rought iron ?JR DIES "FNAHES ,ND +,"S 1) 1.1 to 1.4 #ar'on #ontent8ta%s thread metal dies. 4) <.5< to <.7< #ar'on #ontent8 'olt heading dies. :) <.5< to 1.4< #ar'on #ontent8 dies %un#hes and ta%s.


In the modern world most o( the goods are a*aila'le in %a#kages. +he %a#kaging %rote#ts and %reser*es the goods and o((er #on*enien#e in trans%ort handling and sales also. +he goods in %a#kaging should retain then original (orm sha%e and %ro%erties the %a#kages should 'e #on*enient and attra#ti*e. , %rimary %a#kage is the one whi#h #omes in #onta#t with the %rodu#t. +here(ore the sele#tion o( material %lays a *ital role and it should 'e #om%ati'le with the %rodu#t to 'e %a#ked. +he main (un#tion o( a trans%ort %a#kage is to gi*e the re)uired %rote#tion to the %a#kaged #ommodity against in#idental ha-ards during trans%ortation handling and storage. +he (undamental (a#tors a((e#ting the design o( a %a#kage areB8 1) "rodu#t #hara#teristi#s 4) Modes o( distri'ution :) Marketing #onsideration +he te#hni#al #onsiderations whi#h in(luen#e the %a#kages design ate during trans%ortation su#h as sho#ks and *i'rations transmitted to the %rodu#t during trans%ortation 'y rail road sea and air. Ha-ards during handling su#h as im%a#t due to dro% #om%ression and %un#ture. Ha-ards during storage ((or e.g. the greater the ta#king height in a warehouse the more the need (or strong and rigid %a#kage to with stand #om%ression) and= ha-ards due to #limate #hange. +he %a#kaging should 'e o( 'est )uality #an 'e %rodu#ed at #om%etiti*e %ri#e. @arious materials used (or %a#kaging are %lasti#s metal glass wood and %a%er (in#luding #orrugated %a#kaging). Now me#hani#al %a#king times ate em%loyed and (olly automated high s%eed %rodu#tions systems ate 'eing introdu#ed. +raditional %a#kaging materials like tin and glass ate 'eing (or#ed to gi*e way to %lasti#s and %a%er the whole #on#e%t is to gi*e the #onsumer the most e#onomi#al %a#kaging material.

+here are three ma&or in any %a#kaging o%eration. 1) 4) :) the %a#kage the %a#kaging ma#hinery the o%erating and maintenan#e %ersonnel

/asi#ally the reason (or o%erating a maintenan#e8engineering grou% is to attend the day to day %ro'lems o( kee%ing the %hysi#al %lant ma#hinery 'uilding ser*i#es in goods o%erating #ondition.

,lthough in %ra#ti#e the s#o%e o( the a#ti*ities o( maintenan#e Engg. De%t is di((erent in ea#h %lant or in institution and is enhan#ed 'y %lant si-e and ty%e #om%any %oli#y and industry8 wide and se#tional %re#edent its %ossi'le to grou% these a#ti*ities into the two general #lassi(i#ation8%rimary (un#tion se#ondary (un#tion that are assigned to the de%t. (or the reasons o( e;%edien#y know how as %re#edent.

1) 4) :) H) 3) 5) Maintenan#e o( e;isting %lant e)ui%ment. Maintenan#e o( e;isting %lant 'uilding and grou%s. E)ui%ments ins%e#tions and distri'ution. Ftili-ation generation and distri'ution. ,lternation to e;isting e)ui%ment and 'uilding. New installations o( e)ui%ment and the 'uildings.

1) store kee%ing 4) %lant %rote#tion :) waste dis%osal H) sal*age 3) Jther ser*i#es &ust like %ro%erty a##ounting %ollution and noise #ontrol the maintenan#e engg. De%t. seems to 'e #ure (or many other odd a#ti*ities that no other single de%t. #an handle. ,lthough its human in#rease the s#o%e o( oneMs de%t. #are must 'e taken not to dilute the %rimary res%onsi'ilities o( the maintenan#e area to handle there se#ondary ser*i#es.


"re*enti*e maintenan#e has a long 'een re#ogni-ed as e;tremely im%ortant the redu#tion o( maintenan#e #ost and im%ro*ement o( the e)ui%ment relia'ility. In %ra#ti#e it takes many (orms two ma&or that should #ontrol the e;tend o( a %re*enti*e %rogram ate (irst the #ost o( %rogram #om%ared with #are(ully measured redu#tion in total re%air #osts and im%ro*es e)ui%ments %er(orman#e se#ond the %er#ent utili-ation o( the e)ui%ment maintained. I( the #ost o( %re%aration (or a %re*enti*e ins%e#tion the &usti(i#ation is small. I( on the other hand 'reak down #ould result the se*ere damaged to the e)ui%%ed and (or more #ostly re%air the s#heduled ins%e#tion time should 'e tailored to (it the (un#tion o( di((erent item o( e)ui%ment. Aon*ersely %eriodi# ins%e#tion o( small ele#tri# motors and %ower transmission #an easily e;#eed the #ost o( unit re%la#ement at the time o( (ailure.

Jne o( the most im%ortant tool in minimi-ing down time whether as not a #on*entional %re*enti*e maintenan#e %rogram im%ossi'le is #alled R%re*enti*e engg.M ,lthough this would a%%ear to 'e the a%%li#ation o( #ommon sense o( e)ui%ment design maintenan#e engineers itMs the (ield whi#h is o(ten negle#ted o(ten maintenan#e engineers are so 'usy handling emergen#y re%air as in other day to day a#ti*ities that they (ound no o%%ortunity to analy-e the #ause (or 'reakdown whi#h kee%s them so (ully o##u%ied while most engineers kee% their eye o%en in details su#h as 'etter %a#king longer wearing and im%ro*ised lu'ri#ation system true %re*enti*e engineering goes (urther then this and #onsists o( a#tually setting as idea s%e#i(i# amount o( te#hni#al man %ower o( analy-e a##idents o( 'reakdown and determine where the real e((ort is needed then though redesign su'stitution #hanges and s%e#i(i#ation or other similar redu#ing the (re)uen#y o( 'reakdown and #ost re%airs. +hese #an 'e handled 'y s%e#ial grou% a#ting as a #ost o( redu#tion unit or it #an 'e in#luded as one o( the (un#tion o( the maintenan#e engineers. It should 'e em%hasi-ed howe*er that this ty%e o( the %rogram re)uired intelligent dire#tion to ensure that time and money are e;%anded in the areas where the most returns likely a %arti#ularly %um% o%erating under unusual #onditions show a high in#iden#e o( (ailure 'ut 'e#ause o( sim%li#ity o( design and re%airs has a low total maintenan#e #ost and i( it were the one o( its ty%e in %lant as intensi*e in*estigation (or maintenan#e #ost redu#tion would 'e di((i#ult to &usti(y on the other hand a sim%le #om%onent su#h as #a%stan 'earing on s%inning ma#hine although ha*ing a low unit re%la#ement #ost #an (ail so o(ten and on so many ma#hines that the total #ost %er year would urn to many thousand #ollars. Here an in*estigation #an #ontrolled on the reasons (or (ailure o( one unit #ould 'e e;tremely 'e %ro(ita'le. E((e#ti*e %re*enti*e engineering #an result only when it is re#ogni-ed as an inde%endent a#ti*ity o( are sear#h nature.

PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 1) 4) :) H) 3) Re#ruitment +rainingL%la#ement $el(are a#ti*ities $el(are a#tion Industrial relation

It is 'ased u%on the workload (or a %redetermined target and is done with the #onsent o( the managing dire#tor. +he )uali(i#ation standard (or ea#h %ost is laid down as a%%ro*ed 'y the M.D.

,##ording to the #om%any all the %romotion *a#an#ies are (ul(illed through internal re#ruitment. Fsually re#ruitment (rom outside is (or the workmen grade #ategory administration de%t. and trainees in the te#hni#al de%t.

?or %ersons o( %ro&e#t area and the state in whi#h the %ro&e#t is situated are gi*en some %re(eren#es (or re#ruitment (or %osts o( lower grade. ,ll the unskilled #orkers #an 'e re#ruited (rom the %ro&e#t area and (irst "re(eren#e is gi*en to the %ersons dis%la#ed (rom the %ro&e#t ate %ro*ided they satis(y all the other #onditions. In the #ase o( skilled workers #lerks and other sta(( mem'er whose s#ale o( %ay are #om%arati*ely low and whose 'asi# )uali(i#ation and e;%erien#e are e)ual %re(eren#e #an 'e gi*en in order o( %riority as mentioned a'o*e. +he *a#an#ies are also noti(ied to the lo#al em%loyment e;#hange and they s%onsor #andidates 'elonging to the state. In the #ase o( medium le*el te#hni#al and non8te#hni#al %osts ha*ing high salaries. Re#ruitment is done in all Indian 'asi#.

+he #om%any has di((erent ty%es training %rograms. +rainees are trained to im%ro*e the 'asi# skill and work knowledge on the 'asi# ma#hine. ,(ter #om%letion o( the two years training the s%e#ialist trainees engineer trainees te#hni#ian trainees and trade trainees ate %osted as (oreman and two in#rements.

In almost all #ases the *a#ant %osts are (ul(illed 'y %romotion (rom the #on#erned (or %la#ement to higher %ost 'y %romotion %rin#i%le. +he %romotion shall only 'e to the ne;t higher %ost in the wage se#tion. "romotion shall 'e #onsidered only when they ha*e se#ured minimum %eriod o( eligi'ility in the lower %ost. Ahange o( trade on %romotion will 'e %ermitted in e;#e%tional #ases on the 'asis tests and inter*iews. "romotion o( em%loyee should 'e #onsidered one month a(ter the date o( in#rement in the lower s#ale. "romotion will 'e made on the merit and seniority 'asi#.

,s %er (a#tories a#t (ollowing are the wel(are a#ti*ities (or worker and sta((.

1) 4) :) H) 3) 5) 7) 6) "ro*ision o( toilets "ro*ision o( drinking water Se%arate washing (a#ilities. Sitting (a#ilities in side the (a#tory ?irst8aid and medi#al (a#ilities Su'sidi-ed #anteen (a#ilities Rest room and lun#h rooms ,%artments o( wel(are o((i#ers

?or e*ery 4<<< em%loyees there will 'e one wel(are o((i#er. ?or e*ery additional 3<< em%loyees one additional o((i#er is %osted.


1) 4) :) H) 3) 5) +rans%ortation (a#ilities KuartersLhousing House 'uilding allowan#e s#heme Fni(orms Re#reation a#ti*ities Death relie(


T!e ;)r*er a(e e&%)"ra/e, () a%!$e2e #)re 1r),"%($)& (!r)"/! a %a ! $&%e&($2e %!e#e. T!e a#)"&( )0 %a ! $&%e&($2e $ ,$re%('+ 1r)1)r($)&a' () $&%rea e 1r),"%($)& a&, ,$00ere&( a#)"&( are 1re %r$:e, 0)r ea%! %a(e/)r+ )0 ;)r*er a%%)r,$&/ () %er(a$& 'a: 0)@e, 0)r (!e $&%rea e $& &"#:er (!a& (!e #$&$#"# 0$@e, 0)r a ,a+. T!e ra(e )0 #)&e(ar+ $&%e&($2e , !);e2er, %!a&/e 0r)# ($#e () ($#e.


+he (ollowing la'our wel(are s#hemes are in o%eration in the Aom%any

as %er %oli#y o( the #om%any wel(are items like shoes so#ks rain#oat leathers &a#kets winter uni(orm towels goggles #a%s glass tum'lers and #o((ee mugs are %ro#ured #entrally 'y the #om%any and are distri'uted to the workers as %er norms (i;ed (or ea#h items (i;ed (or ea#h items.

+he #om%any has made ade)uate arrangement (or %ro*iding re#reation to the workers 'y en#ouraging s%orts a#ti*ities among them. S%orts kits and other material is %ressured 'y the #om%any (or distri'ution among the interested workers. +here is arrangement (or indoor as well as outdoor games. Aom%etitions e*en at the state le*el ate organi-ed and workers %arti#i%ation is en#ouraged and ensured 'y e;tending all hel% (inan#ial and otherwise. +here is regular system o( issuing #ir#ular (or %arti#i%ation in *arious games s%orts among the workers.


+he #om%any arrangement #ommunity #ele'ration o( ma&or (airs and (esti*als like guru%ura' &anmshtmi ekadshi diwali and New Dear day et#. in a 'ene(iting manner.

+ri%s to di((erent %la#es o( edu#ational and re#reational interest to the workers are also arranged 'y the #om%any (rom time to time.

, wel(are trust known as the !.".SMs em%loyee wel(are limited is also running (or the *arious wel(are a#ti*ities o( the em%loyees.


+o %ro*ide (a#ilities to the worker and their (amilies in the (ield o( edu#ation #om%any runs s#hools near'y and also %ro*ides trans%ort at su'sidi-ed rates to the #hildren %ursuing higher studies away (rom the #om%anyMs #om%le;. Jther wel(are a#ti*ities in#lude arranging (or 'lood donation and (amily %lanning #am%s (or the 'ene(its o( workers and %ro*iding (a#ilities (or %ostal li(e insuran#e. Death relie( (und is also 'eing maintained.

Kothari A.R. Resear#h Methodology 8 Methods and te#hni)ues New Delhi $iley International !td. 4<<3. ,swatha%%a K Jrgani-ational /eha*ior New Delhi Himalaya "u'lishing House 4<<4. Rao @.S.". Human Resour#e Management 8 +e;t > Aases New Delhi E;#el /ooks 4<<:. Desh%ande Milind @. +KM > ISJ "une Sym'iosis Aentre (or Distan#e !earning ,%ril 4<<4 Ahha'ra +.N. (4<<:) Human Resour#e ManagementP Dhan%at Rai > Ao. Delhi.

We: $(e
www.l%sindia.#om www.google.#om www.re#ruitmentindia.#om

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