Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Submitted to: Prof S K Jain Professor Department of Commer e De#hi S hoo# of $ onomi s
Submitted By:Piyush Bagga (Group Leader) Amit Sharma Shu!hranshu She"har %ohan &srani 'ohit Sharma
(ith our sin ere regards) *e *ish to a "no*#edge our gratitude to the ontri!utions of peop#e *ho he#ped us at e+ery stage of the pro,e t(e *ou#d #i"e to our gratitude and profoundest than"s to our pro,e t guide S K Jain(Professor) Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics for his sustained guidan e) in+a#ua!#e suggestions and onstant en ouragement *ithout *hi h it *ou#d not ha+e !een possi!#e for us to omp#ete this pro,e t-
CO !E !S
&ntrodu tion///////////////////////////-01
Sear h $ngine 2ptimi3ation////////////////////---04 So ia# 'edia 'ar"eting//////////////////////--50 $mai# mar"eting/////////////////////////--65 Content mar"eting////////////////////////--75 8indings and re ommendations///////////////////15 Appendi.////////////////////////////11 List of %eferen es:////////////////////////-14
9he gro*th of so ia# media is nothing !ut e.traordinary and in a #itt#e o+er : years 8a e!oo" has gone from a sma## *e!site set up !y 1 ;ar+ard students) to the most fre<uent#y used *e!site on the p#anet- &n para##e#) 9*itter has gro*n from a means of ommuni ation for emp#oyees *or"ing *ithin a pod- asting ompany !a " in 600=) to generating o+er 40 mi##ion t*eets e+ery sing#e day in 6056- Just re ent#y) so ia# media made !ig ne*s *hen it surpassed emai# in terms of the num!er one on#ine a ti+itySo ia# 'edia 'ar"eting is a!out re ogni3ing that your e.isting ustomers are your !est assets and te hno#ogy no* ena!#es us to inf#uen e onsumer !eha+ior !oth !efore and after the sa#e- (ith #o*- ost and easy-to-use too#s #i"e so ia# media and emai#) one no #onger has to hope that ustomers ome !a " and !ring their friends *ith them- >o* *e an rea h out to our e.isting ustomers to remind them to ome !a ") and ma"e *ord-of-mouth as easy as #i "ing the share) #i"e) or t*eet !uttons"ere let us set the focus on understandin# Social $edia, "o% it %or&s' (hat are its components, its fundamentals' "o% it is connected %ith traditional mar&etin# %ays' (hat future does the mar&etin# #uru)s see in this prospect of mar&etin#''
*et)s focus upon four components of Social $edia $ar&etin# and their fundamentals Search En#ine Optimi+ation Social $edia Platforms E,$ail $ar&etin# Content $ar&etin#
SEO Definition Sear h engine optimi3ation (S$2) is the pro ess of impro+ing the +o#ume and <ua#ity of traffi to a *e! site from sear h engines +ia Bnatura#B (Borgani B or Ba#gorithmi B) sear h resu#ts- Csua##y) the ear#ier a site is presented in the sear h resu#ts or the higher it Bran"sB) the more sear hers *i## +isit that site- S$2 an a#so target different "inds of sear h) in #uding image sear h) #o a# sear h) and industry-spe ifi +erti a# sear h enginesS$2 is not ne essari#y an appropriate strategy for e+ery *e!site) and other &nternet mar"eting strategies an !e mu h more effe ti+e) depending on the site operatorDs goa#s- A su essfu# &nternet mar"eting ampaign may dri+e organi sear h resu#ts to pages) !ut it a#so may in+o#+e the use of paid ad+ertising on sear h engines and other pages) !ui#ding high <ua#ity *e! pages to engage and persuade) addressing te hni a# issues that may "eep sear h engines from ra*#ing and those sites) setting up ana#yti s programs to ena!#e site o*ners to measure their su esses) and impro+ing a siteDs on+ersion rateSE$ Definition Sear h $ngine 'ar"eting) or S$') is a form of &nternet 'ar"eting that see"s to promote *e!sites !y in reasing their +isi!i#ity in the Sear h $ngine resu#ts pages (S$%Ps) and has a pro+en %2& (%eturn on &n+estment)- A ording to the Sear h $ngine 'ar"eting Professiona#s 2rgani3ation) S$' methods in #ude: Sear h $ngine 2ptimi3ation (or S$2)) paid p#a ement) and paid in #usion2ther sour es) in #uding the >e* Eor" 9imes define S$' as the pra ti e of !uying paid sear h #istings) different from S$2 *hi h see"s to o!tain !etter free sear h #istings5
-ndustry Standards 9he sear h industry is a#*ays hanging) updating and re-in+enting itse#f) and as industry standards and trends hange) e+a#uation riteria must !e updated to get !est o+era## information possi!#e- 9he goa# is to pro+ide reports that *i## a##o* to see 'eta and "ey*ord data) so that the information a!out your (e!site to !egin e+a#uating your S$2 needs is there -&tFs important to #earn as mu h a!out S$2 as possi!#e and app#y it) therefore) *e are pro+iding !asi information to a t as a #aun h point for those *ho *ant to pursue it further'u h S$2 data is open to de!ate and opinion) e+en among respe ted e.perts in the fie#dG therefore) *e *i## ta"e a safe) moderate and genera# approa h to gi+e our users the !est possi!#e o+er+ie* for use o+er the greatest num!er of app#i ations-
SEO .s/ SE$ Sear h engine mar"eting in+o#+es #i " osts- Sear h engine optimi3ation *or"s through free traffi - 9hose t*o fa ts are the !asis of a popu#ar myth: that itFs easier to get good %2& through S$2 than it is to get the same %2& through S$'- &n S$') you de ide the #anding page your +isitors see- &n S$2) a sear h engine spider de ides on the #anding page +isitors see- 9hatFs a differen e in ontro#) and that differen e ma"es a## the differen e-
0 !a#s >e.t *e ta#" a!out 7 different tags- 9he 9it#e tag) the Des ription tag and the Key*ord tag- 9hese HtagsF are housed in the sour e ode and if you right #i " on any *e!site and H+ie* sour eF you *i## see these tags to*ards the top of the do ument-
9it#e 9ags 9it#e tags are *hat the user *i## see at the top of the !ro*ser *indo* a!o+e the (8i#e $dit Iie*) et )- 8or e.amp#e) go to ***-rimro "auto- om and you *i## see %imro " Auto Group J >e* and Csed Cars in Bi##ings 'ontana- Sear h engines *i## gra! any or a## of those *ords and inde. them(hen a person types in H>e* Cars Bi##ingsF a sear h engine *i## "no* that rimro "auto- om has those *ords inde.ed and it *i## atapu#t your sear h engine ran"ings to*ards the top !ased on
re#e+an e- %e#e+an e meaning: a## of those *ords *ere in the tit#e tag- 9his is o+er#y genera#i3ed) !ut a ni e i##ustration9it#e tags are urrent#y onsidered the most important 'eta tag from a sear h engine perspe ti+e) the 9it#e tag is a 'CS9- Getting it right an ta"e a #itt#e time and resear h) !ut it is *orth the effort- And) as *ith a## 'eta tags) p#a e the most important "ey*ords at the start and the #esser ones at the end of the tag- %e ommended #ength +aries !y sear h engine and dire tory- 9he a+erage a epted #ength is a!out K0 hara ters (this in #udes #etters and spa es)- 2ne ma,or engine onsiders =0 the right #ength) *here se+era# of the other ma,or p#ayers prefer K0 hara ters- Some #arger and more moderate si3e engines and dire tories a##o* up to 570 hara ters- (hat if your tag is too #ong? 'ost engines *i## simp#y trun ate (or hop off) *hate+er hara ters go o+er their #imits) *hi h is *hy it is +ery important to p#a e the !est "ey*ords at the front of the tag- &f you su!mit your site to a #arge +ariety of sear h and engines) remem!er that anything o+er =0K0 hara ters ou#d !e remo+ed) and p#an a ording#y- Best *ay to start? 8igure out the !est "ey*ords for your (e! page- Go through and #ist sear h terms you *ou#d #i"e ne* +isitors to use to find your page) he " the sear h popu#arity of the *ordsAterms) and #oo" at your ompetitorDs sites and see *hat their tags say) and ho* they ran" in the sear h engines- 9his *i## a## he#p you !ui#d a short #ist of high#y re#e+ant "ey*ords and sear h phrases- 2n e you ha+e the #ist) prioriti3e them !y importan e) *hether it is your importan e or !y sear h popu#arity is up to you- Cse the +ery !est ones in your tit#e tag- Eou no #onger need to in #ude your (e!site name or domain in a tit#e tag) un#ess you ha+e a high#y re ogni3a!#e name or domain- Eou *ant to fo us on des ri!ing the page and its produ ts in your 9it#e tag- (rite it #i"e a tit#e) *ith ea h *ord apita#i3ed) !ut do not *rite the tit#e in a## aps- &t is a#so not re ommended to use pun tuation in the 9it#e tag-
Des ription 9ags >ot onsidered as important as it used to !e) the des ription tag sti## has a +a#id purpose- $+en though it has #ess +a#ue to a spider or B!ootB dri+en sear h engine these days) it is sti## high#y usefu# for sear h dire tories and +arious on#ine #istings- 9hin" of it as a short) "ey*ord-ri h B #assified adB &n ,ust a fe* *ords you *ant to on+ey your (e! pageDs message and do it *ith as many ri h "ey*ords as possi!#e- (rite it in a !asi senten e stru ture) !eginning *ith a apita# #etter and ending *ith a period- (A oup#e short senten es are fine) too) as #ong as the hara ter ount stays good-)
%e ommended #ength +aries !y sear h engine and dire tory- 9he a+erage a epted #ength is a!out 600 hara ters (this in #udes #etters and spa es)- 2ne ma,or engine onsiders 5K0 the right #ength) *here se+era# of the other ma,or p#ayers prefer 600 hara ters- Some #arger and more moderate si3e engines and dire tories a##o* up to 640 hara ters) *ith one ha+ing no #imits- Keep in mind that there are a gro*ing num!er of sear h engines that do not use Des ription tags) and it is most#y +a#ued !y sear h and dire toriesKey*ord 9ags Current#y onsidered #ess important than the 9it#e and Des ription 'eta tags) it is de!ated *hether Key*ord tags are of mu h use at a## anymore- ;o*e+er) right no* it does not hurt to ha+e them) and there are sti## some engines and dire tories that do ta"e them into a ount to some degree%e ommended #ength +aries !y sear h engine and dire tory- 9he a+erage a epted #ength is appro.imate#y :00 - L00 hara ters (this in #udes #etters and spa es)- Some a##o* 5000 hara ters) *here others prefer under :00- &t is !est to use the right "ey*ords) not o+er use them) and stay re#e+ant for the page- &f on#y t*o or three *ords fit that guide#ine) then use them- Do not *orry a!out trying to fi## the Key*ords tag to ma"e it #onger- 9he "ey is re#e+an e) not #ength- Eou do not *ant to *aste any opportunity to use re#e+ant "ey*ords) !ut if you do not need the spa e) you *i## not !e pena#i3ed for it-
(hat is the !est *ay to format this tag? 9here are t*o a epted *ays to format the "ey*ords9hey !oth agree to separate ea h "ey*ord and "ey*ord phrase *ith a omma- (here they differ is) some ad+o ate to use a omma and spa e ("ey*ord) *ord) *ord6)) and others prefer ommas and no spa es ("ey*ord) *ord) *ord6)- $ither format is a epted !y the ma,ority of sear h engines that use Key*ord tags- (hy are Key*ord tags #osing their +a#ue? Sear h engines are a#*ays ad,usting and hanging their a#gorithms) methodo#ogy and riteria) a#*ays see"ing to impro+e sear h te hno#ogy and e#iminate unfair ran"ing and heating- 9he urrent trend is #eaning a*ay from a Key*ords 'eta tag and putting higher +a#ue on "ey*ords used in the opy*riting of a (e! pageDs te.tua# ontent- 9he desire of the sear h industry is to !ring a #oser mat h to *hat the site +isitor sees and *hat a sear h engine uses to ran" a site) a## in the goa# of ma"ing the sear h e.perien e more pre ise for the &nternet user-
(hite hat .ersus blac& hat S$2 te hni<ues are #assified !y some into t*o !road ategories: te hni<ues that sear h engines re ommend as part of good design) and those te hni<ues that sear h engines do not appro+e of an attempt to minimi3e the effe t of) referred to as Some industry ommentators #assify these methods) and the pra titioners *ho emp#oy them) as either *hite hat S$2) or !#a " hat S$2(hite hats tend to produ e resu#ts that #ast a #ong time) *hereas !#a " hats anti ipate that their sites *i## e+entua##y !e !anned on e the sear h engines dis o+er *hat they are doing- A S$2 ta ti ) te hni<ue or method is onsidered *hite hat if it onforms to the sear h enginesD guide#ines and in+o#+es no de eption- As the sear h engine guide#ines are not *ritten as a series of ru#es or ommandments) this is an important distin tion to note- (hite hat S$2 is not ,ust a!out fo##o*ing guide#ines) !ut is a!out ensuring that the ontent a sear h engine and su!se<uent#y ran"s is the same ontent a user *i## see(hite hat ad+i e is genera##y summed up as reating ontent for users) not for sear h engines) and then ma"ing that ontent easi#y a essi!#e to the spiders) rather than attempting to game the a#gorithm- (hite hat S$2 is in many *ays simi#ar to *e! de+e#opment that promotes a essi!i#ity) a#though the t*o are not identi a#B#a " hat S$2 attempts to impro+e ran"ings in *ays that are disappro+ed of !y the sear h engines) or in+o#+e de eption- 2ne !#a " hat te hni<ue uses te.t that is hidden) either as te.t o#ored simi#ar to the !a "ground) in region in+isi!#e to the user #i"e an in+isi!#e di+ or positioned off s reenAnother method gi+es a different page depending on *hether the page is !eing re<uested !y a human +isitor or a sear h engine) a te hni<ue "no*n as #oa"ingSear h engines may pena#i3e sites they dis o+er using !#a " hat methods) either !y redu ing their ran"ings or e#iminating their #istings from their data!ases a#together- Su h pena#ties an !e app#ied either automati a##y !y the sear h enginesD a#gorithms) or !y a manua# site re+ie*2ne infamous e.amp#e *as the 8e!ruary 600= Goog#e remo+a# of !oth B'( Germany and %i oh Germany for use of de epti+e pra ti es- Both ompanies) ho*e+er) <ui "#y apo#ogi3ed) fi.ed the offending pages) and *ere restored to Goog#eDs #ist-
Social media mar&etin# refers to the pro ess of gaining *e!site traffi or attention through so ia# media sites-
So ia# media mar"eting programs usua##y enter on efforts to reate ontent that attra ts attention and en ourages readers to share it *ith their so ia# net*or"s- 9he resu#ting e#e troni *ord of mouth (e(o') refers to any statement onsumers share +ia the &nternet (e-g-) *e! sites) so ia# net*or"s) instant messages) ne*s feeds) a!out an e+ent) produ t) ser+i e) !rand or ompany- (hen the under#ying message spreads from user to user and presuma!#y resonates !e ause it appears to ome from a trusted) third-party sour e) as opposed to the !rand or ompany itse#f ) this form of mar"eting resu#ts in Hearned mediaF rather than Hpaid mediaFSocial net%or&in# %ebsites and blo#s2 So ia# net*or"ing *e!sites a##o* indi+idua#s to intera t *ith one another and !ui#d re#ationships(hen ompanies ,oin the so ia# hanne#s) onsumers an intera t *ith them- 9hat intera tion fee#s persona# to users !e ause of their pre+ious e.perien es *ith so ia# net*or"ing site intera tionsSo ia# net*or"ing sites and !#ogs a##o* indi+idua# fo##o*ers to Mret*eetN or MrepostN omments made !y the produ t !eing promoted- By repeating the message) a## of the usersF onne tions are a!#e to see the message) therefore rea hing more peop#e- So ia# net*or"ing sites a t as *ord of
Trattner, C., Kappe, F. (2013). !"#$a% !trea& 'ar(et$n) "n Fa#e*""(+ , Ca-e !t./0 . Internat$"na% 1".rna% "2 !"#$a% an/ 3.&an$-t$# C"&p.t$n) (I1!3C) 2 (142
!#5$6$n-($, 7r.n"8 D9*r":-($, D. (2013). ,pr$% 2013 T5e I&pa#t "2 7ran/ C"&&.n$#at$"n "n 7ran/ ;<.$t0 D$&en-$"n- an/ 7ran/ =.r#5a-e Intent$"n T5r".)5 Fa#e*""( . >"r($n) =aper !er$e- ,, ?/an-( Un$6er-$t0 "2 Te#5n"%")0, Fa#.%t0 "2 'ana)e&ent an/ ;#"n"&$#- 4 (4)+ 2@23
mouth- Be ause the information a!out the produ t is !eing put out there and is getting repeated) more traffi is !rought to the produ tA ompany&n 600L) !#oggers had an enormous impa t on fashion) affe ting e+erything from print pu!#ishing to ho* !rands mar"et themse#+es on#ine- 9here are thousands of sty#e-re#ated !#ogs on the *e! these days) and those dedi ated to their raft ha+e earned industry re ognition- A num!er of un"no*ns earned re ognition from Do# e O Ga!!ana) Bur!erry) A#e.ander ' Pueen and #eading pu!#i ations su h as Iogue- 9hey parti ipated in fashion design o##e tion o##a!orations and re ei+ed front-ro*) internationa# 8ashion (ee" seats ne.t to some of the most nota!#e figures in the outure *or#d- A re ent 8inan ia# 9imes arti #e notes that !eing a sty#e !#ogger is a perfe t#y respe ta!#e areer for someone in the fashion industry- 9he so ia# *e! has remo+ed the gate"eepers of an industry that *as notorious#y hard to penetrate and !ui#d a name in- 9hese sites ha+e su eeded !e ause of the <ua#ity of their ontent- (hi#e ea h is uni<ue) theyF+e !ui#t a u#t fo##o*ing around their areas of e.pertise and passion-
9hrough so ia# net*or"ing sites) ompanies an intera t *ith indi+idua# fo##o*ers- 9his persona# intera tion an infuse a fee#ing of #oya#ty into fo##o*ers and potentia# ustomers- A#so) !y hoosing *hom to fo##o* on these sites) produ ts an rea h a +ery narro* target audien eSo ia# net*or"ing sites a#so in #ude a +ast amount of information a!out *hat produ ts and ser+i es prospe ti+e #ients might !e interested in- 9hrough the use of ne* Semanti Ana#ysis te hno#ogies) mar"eters an dete t !uying signa#s) su h as ontent shared !y peop#e and <uestions posted on#ine- Cnderstanding of !uying signa#s an he#p sa#es peop#e target re#e+ant prospe ts and mar"eters run mi ro-targeted ampaigns$obile phones0 'o!i#e phone usage has a#so !e ome !enefi ia# for so ia# media mar"eting- 9oday) many e## phones ha+e so ia# net*or"ing apa!i#ities: indi+idua#s are notified of any happenings on so ia#
net*or"ing sites through their e## phones) in rea#-time- 9his onstant onne tion to so ia# net*or"ing sites means produ ts and ompanies an onstant#y remind and update fo##o*ers a!out their apa!i#ities) uses) importan e) et - Be ause e## phones are onne ted to so ia# net*or"ing sites) ad+ertisements are a#*ays in sight- A#so many ompanies are no* putting P% odes a#ong *ith produ ts for indi+idua#s to a ess the ompany *e!site or on#ine ser+i es *ith their smartphones-
En#a#ement3 &n the onte.t of the so ia# *e!) en#a#ement means that ustomers and sta"eho#ders are parti ipants rather than +ie*ers- So ia# media in !usiness a##o*s anyone and e+eryone to and share an opinion or an idea some*here a#ong the !usinessFs path to mar"et- $a h parti ipating ustomer !e omes part of the mar"eting department) as other ustomers read their omments or re+ie*s- 9he engagement pro ess is then fundamenta# to su essfu# so ia# media mar"eting-
Campai#ns Betty (hite4 So ia# net*or"ing sites an ha+e a #arge impa t on the out ome of e+ents- &n 6050) a 8a e!oo" ampaign surfa ed in the form of a petition- Csers +irtua##y signed a petition as"ing >BC Cni+ersa# to ha+e a tress Betty (hite host Saturday >ight Li+e- 2n e signed) users for*arded the petition to a## of their fo##o*ers- 9he petition *ent +ira# and on 'ay :) 6050) Betty (hite hosted S>L4
;6an-, Da6e (16 !epte&*er 2010). !"#$a% 'e/$a 'ar(et$n)+ T5e NeCt ?enerat$"n "2 7.-$ne-;n)a)e&ent. 1"5n >$%e0 D !"n-. pp. 15@29
ItE("22, Da6e (2010B05B10). 7ett0 >5$te 3e%p- 7""-t Rat$n)- "2 F!NGH . T5e Ne: I"r( T$&e-
2556 7S presidential election 9he 600: CS presidentia# ampaign had a huge presen e on so ia# net*or"ing sites- Bara " 2!ama) a Demo rati andidate for CS President) used 9*itter and 8a e!oo" to differentiate his ampaign- ;is so ia# net*or"ing profi#e pages *ere onstant#y !eing updated and intera ting *ith fo##o*ers- 9he use of so ia# net*or"ing sites ga+e Bara " 2!amaFs ampaign a ess to emai# addresses) as posted on so ia# net*or" profi#e pages- 9his a##o*ed the Demo rati Party to #aun h e-mai# ampaigns as"ing for +otes and ampaign donations*ocal businesses Sma## !usinesses a#so use so ia# net*or"ing sites as a promotiona# te hni<ue- Businesses an fo##o* indi+idua#s so ia# net*or"ing site uses in the #o a# area and ad+ertise spe ia#s and dea#s9hese an !e e. #usi+e and in the form of Mget a free drin" *ith a opy of this t*eetN- 9his type of message en ourages other #o a#s to fo##o* the !usiness on the sites in order to o!tain the promotiona# dea#- &n the pro ess) the !usiness is getting seen and promoting itse#f (!rand +isi!i#ity)Kony 25128 A short fi#m re#eased on 'ar h 4) 6056) !y humanitarian group &n+isi!#e Chi#dren) &n - 9his 6L minute +ideo aimed at ma"ing Joseph Kony) an &nternationa# Crimina# Court fugiti+e) famous *or#d*ide in order to ha+e support for his arrest !y De em!er 6056G the time *hen the ampaign ends- 9he +ideo *ent +ira# *ithin the first si. days after its #aun h) rea hing 500 mi##ion +ie*s on !oth Eou9u!e and Iimeo- A ording to resear h done !y Iisi!#e 'easures) the Kony 6056 short fi#m !e ame the fastest gro*ing +ideo ampaign) and most +ira# +ideo) to rea h 500 mi##ion +ie*s in = days fo##o*ed !y Susan Boy#eperforman e on BritainFs Got 9a#ent that rea hed K0 mi##ion +ie*s in = days-
Platforms for Social $edia $ar&etin# !%itter 9*itter a##o*s ompanies to promote their produ ts on an indi+idua# #e+e#- 9he use of a produ t an !e e.p#ained in short messages that fo##o*ers are more #i"e#y to read- 9hese messages appear on fo##o*ersF home pages- 'essages an #in" to the produ tFs *e!site) 8a e!oo" profi#e) photos) +ideos) et - 9his #in" pro+ides fo##o*ers the opportunity to spend more time intera ting *ith the
1"ne-, 'e%an$e (12 'ar#5 2012). 1"-ep5 K"n0 2012 Ca&pa$)n N": '"-t !.##e--2.% J$ra% J$/e" In 3$-t"r0 . Internat$"na% 7.-$ne-- T$&e-. Retr$e6e/ 29 'ar#5 2012
produ t on#ine- 9his intera tion an reate a #oya# onne tion !et*een produ t and indi+idua# and an a#so #ead to #arger ad+ertising opportunities- 9*itter promotes a produ t in rea#-time and !rings ustomers in9aceboo& 8a e!oo" profi#es are far more detai#ed than 9*itter a ounts- 9hey a##o* a produ t to pro+ide +ideos) photos) and #onger des riptions- Iideos an sho* *hen a produ t an !e used as *e## as ho* to use it- 9hese a#so an in #ude testimonia#s as other fo##o*ers an omment on the produ t pages for others to see- 8a e!oo" an #in" !a " to the produ tFs 9*itter page as *e## as send out e+ent reminders- 8a e!oo" promotes a produ t in rea#-time and !rings ustomers in-
As mar"eters see more +a#ue in so ia# media mar"eting) ad+ertisers ontinue to in rease se<uentia# ad spend in so ia# !y 64Q- Strategies to e.tend the rea h *ith Sponsored Stories and a <uire ne* fans *ith 8a e!oo" ads ontri!ute to an upti " in spending a ross the site- 9he study attri!utes :1Q of BengagementB or #i "s to Li"es that #in" !a " to 8a e!oo" ad+ertising- 9oday) !rands in rease fan ounts on a+erage of LQ month#y) in reasing their fan !ase !y t*o-times the amount annua##y9ours:uare 8ours<uare is a #o ation !ased so ia# net*or"ing *e!site) *here users an he " into #o ations +ia their Smartphone- 8ours<uare a##o*s !usinesses to reate a page or reate a ne*A #aim an e.isting +enue- A good mar"eting strategy for !usinesses to in rease footfa## or retain #oya# ustomers in #udes offering in enti+es su h as dis ounts or free foodA!e+erages for peop#e he "ing into their #o ation or spe ia# pri+i#eges for the mayor of that #o ation;oo#le<
Goog#eR) in addition to pro+iding the profi#es and features of 8a e!oo") is a#so a!#e to integrate *ith the Goog#e sear h engine- 2ther Goog#e produ ts are a#so integrated) su h as Goog#e Ad *ords and Goog#e 'aps- (ith the de+e#opment of Goog#e Persona#i3ed Sear h and other #o ation!ased sear h ser+i es) Goog#eR a##o*s for targeted ad+ertising methods) na+igation ser+i es) and other forms of #o ation-!ased mar"eting and promotion-nsta#ram &nstagram is a free photo and +ideo-sharing program and so ia# net*or" that *as #aun hed in 2 to!er 6050- 9he ser+i e ena!#es users to ta"e a photo or +ideo) app#y a digita# fi#ter to it) and then share it *ith other &nstagram users they are onne ted to on the so ia# net*or" as *e## as on a +ariety of so ia# net*or"ing ser+i es- &nstagram de!uted as a photo sharing net*or" !ut imp#emented support for +ideo on June 6057- As of June 6057) &nstagram had 570 mi##ion month#y a ti+e usersBlo#s $+eryday there are more reasons for ompanies to use !#ogging p#atforms for their so ia# media repertoire- P#atforms #i"e Lin"ed&n reate an en+ironment for ompanies and #ients to onne t on#ine- Companies that re ogni3e the need for information) origina#ity) and a essi!i#ity emp#oy !#ogs to ma"e their produ ts popu#ar and uni<ue) and u#timate#y rea h out to onsumers *ho are pri+y to so ia# mediaB#ogs a##o* a produ t or ompany to pro+ide #onger des riptions of produ ts or ser+i es- 9he #onger des ription an in #ude reasoning and uses- &t an a#so in #ude testimonia#s and an #in" to and from 8a e!oo") 9*itter and many so ia# net*or" and !#og pages- B#ogs an !e updated fre<uent#y and are promotiona# te hni<ues for "eeping ustomers- 2ther promotiona# uses are a <uiring fo##o*ers and su!s ri!ers and dire t them to your so ia# net*or" pages&n a simi#ar fashion) on#ine ommunities !enefit !usinesses !e ause the on#ine ommunities ena!#e the !usinesses to rea h the #ients of other !usinesses using the p#atform- 9hese on#ine en+ironments an !e a essed !y +irtua##y anyoneG therefore onsumers are in+ited to !e a part of the reati+e pro ess- 9o a##o* firms to measure their standing in the orporate *or#d) G#assdoor is a site *here emp#oyees an p#a e e+a#uations of their ompaniesSome !usinesses opt out of integrating so ia# media p#atforms into their traditiona# mar"eting regimen !e ause their emp#oyees dis#i"e su h iso#ated on#ine en+ironments- 9here are a#so spe ifi orporate standards that app#y *hen intera ting on#ine- 2ther orporations fear that the genera# pu!#i has too mu h po*er o+er ho* their mar"eting is per ei+ed) due to the a essi!i#ity of &nternet-retrie+ed information- 9o ensure ha+ing the ad+antage in a !usiness- onsumer
re#ationship) !usinesses ha+e to !e a*are of four "ey assets that onsumers maintain: information) in+o#+ement) ommunity) and ontro#*in&ed-n= Lin"ed&n) a professiona# !usiness-re#ated net*or"ing site) a##o*s ompanies to reate professiona# profi#es for themse#+es as *e## as their !usiness to net*or" and meet others- 9hrough the use of *idgets) mem!ers an promote their +arious so ia# net*or"ing a ti+ities) su h as 9*itter stream or !#og entries of their produ t pages) onto their Lin"ed&n profi#e page- Lin"ed&n pro+ides its mem!ers the opportunity to generate sa#es #eads and !usiness partners- 'em!ers an use MCompany PagesN simi#ar to 8a e!oo" pages to reate an area that *i## a##o* !usiness o*ners to promote their produ ts or ser+i es and !e a!#e to intera t *ith their ustomers- Due to spread of spam mai# sent to ,o! see"er) #eading ompanies prefer to use Lin"ed&n for emp#oyeeDs re ruitment instead using different ,o! porta#s- Additiona##y) ompanies ha+e +oi ed a preferen e for the amount of information that an !e g#eaned from Lin"ed&n profi#e) +ersus a #imited emai#>elp Ee#p onsists of a omprehensi+e on#ine inde. of !usiness profi#es- Businesses are sear ha!#e !y #o ation) simi#ar to Ee##o* Pages- 9he *e!site is operationa# in se+en different ountries) in #uding the Cnited States and Canada- Business a ount ho#ders are a##o*ed to reate) share) and edit !usiness profi#es- 9hey may post information su h as the !usiness #o ation) onta t information) pi tures) and ser+i e information- 9he *e!site further a##o*s indi+idua#s to *rite post re+ie*s a!out !usinesses and rate them on a fi+e-point s a#e- 'essaging and ta#" features are further made a+ai#a!#e for genera# mem!ers of the *e!site) ser+ing to guide thoughts and opinions>ou!ube Eou9u!e is another popu#ar a+enueG ad+ertisements are done in a *ay to suit the target audien e9he type of #anguage used in the ommer ia#s and the ideas used to promote the produ t ref#e t the audien eDs sty#e and tasteA#so) the ads on this p#atform are usua##y in syn *ith the ontent of the +ideo re<uestedG this is another ad+antage Eou9u!e !rings for ad+ertisers- Certain ads are presented *ith ertain +ideos sin e the ontent is re#e+ant- Promotiona# opportunities su h as sponsoring a +ideo is a#so possi!#e on Eou9u!e) Mfor e.amp#e) a user *ho sear hes for a Eou9u!e +ideo on dog training may !e presented *ith a sponsored +ideo from a dog toy ompany in resu#ts a#ong *ith other +ideosNEou9u!e a#so ena!#e pu!#ishers to earn money through Eou9u!e Partner ProgramDelicious ? Di##
;6an-, 'er0%. 33 >a0- t" U-e G$n(e/In 2"r 7.-$ne-- . ?$)a"&. Retr$e6e/ 28 'ar#5 2012.
De#i ious and Digg are a#so popu#ar so ia# mar"eting sites used unso ia# media promotion- 9hey are hea+i#y used !y the so ia# media mar"eters to promote their *e!sites due to their a!i#ity to share #in"s-
$ar&etin# techni:ues6 !ar#etin#, COB@As, and e(O$ So ia# media mar"eting in+o#+es the use of so ia# net*or"s) C2B%As and e(2' to su essfu##y ad+ertise on#ine- So ia# net*or"s su h as 8a e!oo" and 9*itter pro+ide ad+ertisers *ith information a!out the #i"es and dis#i"es of their onsumers- 9his te hni<ue is ru ia#) as it pro+ides the !usinesses *ith a Mtarget audien eN- (ith so ia# net*or"s) information re#e+ant to the userFs #i"es is a+ai#a!#e to !usinessesG *ho then ad+ertise a ording#yConsumerFs on#ine !rand re#ated a ti+ities (C2B%As) is another method used !y ad+ertisers to promote their produ ts- A ti+ities su h as up#oading a pi ture of your Mne* Con+erse snea"ers to 8a e!oo"N is an e.amp#e of a C2B%A- Another te hni<ue for so ia# media mar"eting is e#e troni *ord of mouth (e(2')- $#e troni re ommendations and appraisa#s are a on+enient manner to ha+e a produ t promoted +ia M onsumer-to- onsumer intera tionsN- An e.amp#e of e(2' *ou#d !e an on#ine hote# re+ie*G the hote# ompany an ha+e t*o possi!#e out omes !ased on their ser+i e- A good ser+i e *ou#d resu#t in a positi+e re+ie* *hi h gets the hote# free ad+ertisement +ia so ia# mediaG ho*e+er a poor ser+i e *i## resu#t in a negati+e onsumer re+ie* *hi h an potentia##y ruin the ompanyDs reputation-
Social media mar&etin# toolsB Besides resear h too#s) +arious ompanies pro+ide spe ia#i3ed p#atforms and too#s for so ia# media mar"eting:
'.nt$n)a, Dan$e%8 '""r&an, '.8 !&$t, ;. (2011). Intr"/.#$n) CO7R,- eCp%"r$n) &"t$6at$"n- 2"r *ran/B re%ate/ -"#$a% &e/$a .-e . Internat$"na% 1".rna% "2 ,/6ert$-$n) 30 (1)+ 13@46.
Ca&*r$a, ;r$(8 ?ra--$, 'ar#"8 3.--a$n, ,&$r8 3a6a-$, Cat5er$ne (2011). !ent$# C"&p.t$n) 2"r !"#$a% 'e/$a 'ar(et$n) . '.%t$&e/$a T""%- an/ ,pp%$#at$"n- 59 (2)+pp 557B592
So ia# !oo"mar"ing So ia# ana#yti s Automation So ia# media B#og mar"eting Ia#idation Brand am!assador
&mp#i ations on traditiona# ad+ertising $inimi+in# use 9raditiona# ad+ertising te hni<ues in #ude print and te#e+ision ad+ertising- 9he &nternet had a#ready o+erta"en te#e+ision as the #argest ad+ertising mar"et- (e!sites often in #ude !anner or pop-up ads- So ia# net*or"ing sites donFt a#*ays ha+e ads- &n e. hange) produ ts ha+e entire pages and are a!#e to intera t *ith users- 9e#e+ision ommer ia#s often end *ith a spo"esperson as"ing +ie*ers to he " out the produ t *e!site for more information- Print ads are a#so starting to in #ude P% Codes on them- 9hese P% odes an !e s anned !y e## phones and omputers) sending +ie*ers to the produ t *e!site- Ad+ertising is !eginning to mo+e +ie*ers from the traditiona# out#ets to the e#e troni ones*ea&s15 &nternet and so ia# net*or"ing #ea"s are one of the issues fa ing traditiona# ad+ertising- Iideo and print ads are often #ea"ed to the *or#d +ia the &nternet ear#ier than they are s hedu#ed to premiereSo ia# net*or"ing sites a##o* those #ea"s to go +ira#) and !e seen !y many users more <ui "#y- 9ime differen e is a#so a pro!#em fa ing traditiona# ad+ertisers- (hen so ia# e+ents o ur and are !road ast on te#e+ision) there is often a time de#ay !et*een airings on the east oast and *est oast of the Cnited States- So ia# net*or"ing sites ha+e !e ome a hu! of omment and intera tion on erning the e+ent- 9his a##o*s indi+idua#s *at hing the e+ent on the *est oast (time-de#ayed) to "no* the out ome !efore it airs- 9he 6055 Grammy A*ards high#ighted this pro!#em-Iie*ers on the *est oast #earned *ho *on different a*ards !ased on omments made on so ia# net*or"ing sites !y indi+idua#s *at hing #i+e on the east oast- Sin e +ie*ers "ne* *ho
!"#$a% 'e/$a '$-5ap- C"-t F$r&- K4 '$%%$"n $n 2010 . In2"r&at$"n 'ana)e&ent 1".rna% 45 (6)+ 18. N"6e&*er 2011
*on a#ready) many tuned out and ratings *ere #o*er- A## the ad+ertisement and promotion put into the e+ent *as #ost !e ause +ie*ers didnFt ha+e a reason to *at h-
Disad.anta#es of Social media mar&etin# So ia# media mar"eting pro+ides organi3ations *ith a *ay to onne t *ith their ustomers;o*e+er) organi3ations must prote t their information as *e## as #ose#y *at h omments and on erns on the so ia# media they use- A f#ash po## done on 5664 &9 e.e uti+es from 77 ountries re+ea#ed that so ia# media mishaps aused organi3ations a om!ined S1-7 mi##ion in damages in 6050- 9he top three so ia# media in idents an organi3ation fa ed during the pre+ious year in #uded emp#oyees sharing too mu h information in pu!#i forums) #oss or e.posure of onfidentia# information) and in reased e.posure to #itigation- Due to the +ira# nature of the internet) a mista"e !y a sing#e emp#oyee has in some ases sho*n to resu#t in de+astating onse<uen es for organi3ationsAn e.amp#e of a so ia# media mishap in #udes designer Kenneth Co#eDs 9*itter mishap in 6055(hen Kenneth Co#e t*eeted) B'i##ions are in uproar in TCairo- %umor is they heard our ne* spring o##e tion is no* a+ai#a!#e on#ine at UKenneth Co#eDs *e!siteVB- 9his referen e to the 6055 $gyptian %e+o#ution dre* o!,e tion from the pu!#i G it *as *ide#y o!,e ted to on the &nternet- Kenneth Co#e rea#i3ed his mista"e short#y after and responded *ith a statement apo#ogi3ing for the t*eet>umerous additiona# on#ine mar"eting mishap e.amp#es $.amp#es in #ude a Eou9u!e +ideo of a DominoDs Pi33a emp#oyee doing unspea"a!#e things to pi33a ingredients) *hi h *ent +ira# on the internet- A 9*itter hash tag posted !y ' Dona#dDs in 6056 attra ting attention due to numerous omp#aints and negati+e e+ents ustomers e.perien ed at the hain storeG and a 6055 t*eet posted !y a Chrys#er Group emp#oyee that no one in Detroit "no*s ho* to dri+e 55- (hen the Lin" %$&9 opened a 8a e!oo" page to re ommend o#d-sty#e restaurants) the page *as f#ooded !y furious omments riti i3ing the %$&9 for ha+ing for ed a #ot of restaurants and stores to shut do*nG it had to terminate its ampaign ear#y amid further deterioration of its orporate image-
3$)5 pr$#e t" *e pa$/ 2"r #"ntr"6er-$a% -"#$a%B&e/$a &$-5ap- !an Fran#$-#" C5r"n$#%e 'ar#5 17, 2011, retr$e6e/ ,pr$% 4, 2012
E"ail "arketing
-ntroduction $mai# mar"eting is a perfe t medium to pi " up *here other mar"eting #ea+es off- $mai# mar"eting is sti## one of the most ost effe ti+e *ays to onta t prospe ts and ustomers- &tFs far heaper than traditiona# !u#" postage mai# and in many ases an ha+e a mu h #arger impa t on immediate sa#es and #ong -term re#ationship strength than traditiona# ad+ertising(hen done orre t#y) emai# mar"eting an !e an e.treme#y po*erfu# and effe ti+e mar"eting te hni<ue- &tFs a medium that a##o*s a !uyer and se##er to free#y ommuni ate *ith one another and !ui#d a re#ationship !ased on +a#ue and trust- (hen done in orre t#y) ho*e+er) emai# mar"eting an !e destru ti+e) erode !rand e<uity) and turn happy #ients into #itigious f#amers20
$mai# mar"eting and so ia# media mar"eting shou#d omp#ement ea h other in gro*ing !usiness presen e and generating #eads and ustomers!he $ost -mportant !ips for Email $ar&eters #etFs !egin *ith the most important information first- ;ere is *hat *e fee# are the most important tips for anyone managing the emai# mar"eting pro ess5- 2n#y send emai#s to persons *ho ha+e re<uested to re ei+e them6- 2n#y in #ude ontent re#e+ant to the type of ontent the person has re<uested7- !e onsistent *ith sending fre<uen y- Pi " a s hedu#e) *hether it is *ee"#y) !i *ee"#y) or month#y and as often as you an sti " to that s hedu#e1- &n most ases it is !est to send !usiness to !usiness emai#s 9uesday through 9hursday- (eF+e found that the !est times of the day to send are ,ust after the start of the day around L:70am or ,ust after #un h around 5:70pm- &t is !est to a+oid sending !usiness to !usiness emai#s after 1pm or on *ee"ends4- &n most ases it is !est to send !usiness to onsumer emai#s either !et*een 4pm and :pm 9uesday through 9hursday or !et*een 8riday e+ening and Sunday afternoon=- 'a"e the 8rom >ame for messages either the ompany name or the name of a person at the ompany- After hoosing a 8rom >ame) "eep it onsistent- During the sp#it se ond de ision su!s ri!ers ma"e *hether to open emai#) the most important fa tor in their de ision is *hether the 8rom >ame is fami#iar to themK- DonFt use a## aps or mu#tip#e e. #amation mar"s *ithin your su!,e t #ine or !ody- Doing this *i## trigger spam fi#terPermission ,Based Email $ar&etin# &t is important to note that there are t*o types of emai# mar"eting- 2ne an either send unso#i ited emai# promotions or send out emai#s on#y to persons *ho ha+e re<uested to re ei+e themCnso#i ited emai# is) of ourse) a##ed spam- Sending spam *i## ruin any #egitimate organi3ationFs reputation and !rand +a#ue faster than mo#d gro*s on !read that is #eft outside in the midd#e of summer- %u#e num!er one of !e oming an inte##igent emai# mar"eter is to not send unso#i ited emai#-
Permission-!ased emai# mar"eting) on the other hand) is used effe ti+e#y e+eryday !y hundreds of thousands of organi3ations to !ui#d the +a#ue of their !rands) in rease sa#es) and strengthen the re#ationships they ha+e *ith their #ients and su!s ri!ers- 9he "ey differen e) of ourse) is that these senders are on#y sending messages to persons *ho ha+e re<uested to re ei+e themEmail $ar&etin# Best Practices LetFs ta"e a #oser #oo" at some of the te hni<ues and pra ti es that the most e.perien ed emai# mar"eters use- 9hese !est pra ti es an ma"e the differen e !et*een rapid#y gro*ing your #ist through *ord of mouth) in reasing sa#es) and !ui#ding strong re#ationships and #osing su!s ri!ers to #ist attrition) aggra+ating ustomers) and getting messages !#o "ed !efore they e+en rea h your re ipientsFrom Names & Subject Lines 8or most peop#e) a ma,ority of emai#s re ei+ed are ,un" emai#- As a resu#t) ea h of us has de+e#oped a #itt#e ritua# *e fo##o* *hen he "ing our emai#- &nitia##y) most peop#e #oo"ed first at the su!,e t #ines to determine *hether to read a message- 9oday) ho*e+er) re ipients a#so g#an e at the M8romN fie#d to see if they re ogni3e the senderFs name or emai# address- 9hen) on#y if they re ogni3e the 8rom >ame do they #oo" at the MSu!,e tN fie#d to see if itFs of interest to them- 9his is *hy *e re ommend using a 8rom >ame that is either your organi3ationFs name or a *e##"no*n person *ithin the organi3ationWand to "eep that name onsistent *ith e+ery mai#ing%egarding su!,e t #ines) *e ha+e found a good strategy to !e ha+ing one part of the su!,e t #ine !e onsistent) and the other is +aria!#e- 9his *ay re ipients an re ogni3e your ne*s#etter *hen it omes in as *e## as get a sma## taste as to *hat type of information might !e featured for that issue Personalization 'essage persona#i3ation an !e done !y inserting *hat is "no*n as mai# -merge fie#ds into the message- 8or e.amp#e) if *e *anted to insert the first name of a su!s ri!er into a message su!,e t or !ody *e *ou#d ,ust type in UfameV- 9his gi+es a persona# tou h to e+ery target ustomer and it gets more attention of the target ustomerList Segmentation 9here are no dou!t that spe ifi a##y targeted emai#s *ith +a#ua!#e and re#e+ant ontent *or" the !est- By di+iding the data!ase either !y interest or demographi ) *e *i## !e a!#e to appea# to the needs and *ants of our onsumer and impro+e our sa#es resu#ts- An effe ti+e segmentation
strategy) ho*e+er) !egins *ith the sign up form- 'a"e sure *e need to o##e t the information during the initia# signup that *e an !e segmented #ater-
Email $ar&etin# $etrics 9o assess the emai# mar"eting performan e) *e must ondu t on-going trend ana#ysis of se+era# "ey metri s- 9hat *ay) *e an ompare ea h ampaignFs performan e against our o*n a+erages to "no* *hether a spe ifi ampaign outperformed or underperformed your interna# emai# !en hmar"s2ur emai# ser+i e pro+ider ($sp-) shou#d pro+ide a *ea#th of reporting on ea h ampaign and on our on-going emai# performan e- (e *i## o+er the most important emai# metri s to measure and ho* you an use them to impro+e the performan e of your emai# mar"eting program o+era##Boun e %ate 9he per entage of tota# emai#s sent that ou#d not !e de#i+ered to the re ipientFs in!o.) "no*n as a M!oun e-N 9his metri an !e used to un o+er potentia# pro!#ems *ith your emai# #ist- 9here are t*o "inds of !oun es to tra ": MhardN !oun es and MsoftN !oun es- Soft !oun es are the resu#t of a temporary pro!#em *ith a +a#id emai# address) su h as a fu## in!o. or a pro!#em *ith the re ipientFs ser+e9he re ipientFs ser+er may ho#d these emai#s for de#i+ery on e the pro!#em #ears up) or *e may try re-sending the emai# message to soft !oun es- ;ard !oun es are the resu#t of an in+a#id) #osed2r non-e.istent emai# address and these emai#s *i## ne+er !e su essfu##y de#i+eredDe#i+ery %ate 9he per entage of emai#s that *ere a tua##y de#i+ered to re ipientsF in! a# u#ated !y su!tra ting hard and soft !oun es from the gross num!er of emai#s sent) then di+iding that num!er !y gross emai#s sent9he de#i+ery rate sets the stage for emai# su ess or fai#ure- 9o ha+e any han e of engaging a ustomer or prospe t *ith an emai# ampaign) that message has to get de#i+ered to their in!o.List Gro*th %ate
A measurement of ho* fast the emai# #ist is gro*ing- Ca# u#ate the gro*th rate !y su!tra ting optouts and hard !oun es from the num!er of ne* emai# su!s ri!ers gained in a gi+en month- 9hen) di+ide that num!er !y the origina# #ist si3e$mai# #ist gro*th rate is important !e ause a hea#thy emai# mar"eting program needs to !e ontinua##y refreshed *ith ne* names- 'any of the addresses on your emai# #ist *i## natura##y Mgo !adN o+er time) as peop#e hange ,o!s) s*it h &sps or emai# programs) or ,ust forget their pass*ords and reate ne* a ountsC9% 9he proportion of the audien e *ho #i "ed on one more #in"s ontained in an emai# message2rgani3ations an a# u#ate C9% either !y di+iding uni<ue #i "s !y the num!er of emai#s de#i+ered) or !y di+iding tota# #i "s) in #uding mu#tip#e #i "s !y the same re ipient) !y the num!er of emai#s de#i+ered'onitoring emai# tr is a ornerstone of emai# mar"eting ana#yti s) !e ause the tr indi ates *hether the message *as re#e+ant and the offer ompe##ing enough to en ourage re ipients to a tion) !ut tr an +ary *ide#y !y the type of message sent- 8or e.amp#e) emai# ne*s#etters often ha+e higher trs than promotiona# messages) and transa tiona# messages X su h as emai#ed pur hase re eipts X often ha+e the highest tr of a## the messages your !usiness sends- 8or that reason) itFs !est to !en hmar" the trs a ording to the different types of emai#s *e send-
$mai# Sharing 9he per entage of re ipients *ho #i "ed on a Mshare thisN !utton to post emai# ontent to a so ia# net*or" andAor *ho #i "ed on the Mfor*ard to a friendN !uttonSharing rates are another indi ator of the +a#ue and re#e+an e of the emai# messages- $mai# offers that get shared or for*arded outside of our o*n house #ist an end up !eing your !est performing ampaigns) !e ause *eF+e drasti a##y in reased the rea h of that message !y tapping into the +ira# nature of our su!s ri!ersF so ia# net*or"s- (at h our sharing rates arefu##y to dis o+er *hi h types of arti #es and offers tend to get shared the most) and use that "no*#edge *hen p#anning future ampaignsCon+ersion %ate 9he per entage of re ipients *ho #i "ed on a #in" *ithin an emai# and omp#eted a desired a tion) su h as fi##ing out a #ead generation form or pur hasing a produ tCon+ersion rate is the u#timate measure of an emai# ampaignFs effe ti+eness- 9he higher your
on+ersion rate) the more re#e+ant and ompe##ing the offer *as for the audien e- ;o*e+er) on+ersion rates are dependent on fa tors !eyond the origina# emai# message) su h as the <ua#ity of the #anding page- 'easuring on+ersion rate re<uires integration !et*een the emai# p#atform and the *e! ana#yti s- (e an perform this integration !y reating uni<ue tra "ing ur#s for your emai# #in"s that identify the sour e of the #i " as oming from a spe ifi emai# ampaign%e+enue Per $mai# Sent A measure of the %2& of a parti u#ar emai# ampaign) a# u#ated !y di+iding the tota# re+enue generated from the ampaign !y the num!er of emai#s sent9his metri is idea# for e ommer e mar"eters *ho generate a #ot of dire t sa#es from emai# ampaigns- Again) it re<uires integration !et*een the $sp- and the e ommer e or *e! ana#yti s p#atform- &f *e are a#ready tra "ing on+ersion rates) *e an a#so o##e t the order +a#ue for ea h on+ersion to perform this a# u#ation$mai# 'ar"eting and So ia# 'edia 9here are se+era# *ays to integrate these t*o omp#ementary mar"eting hanne#s to he#p gro* our audien e- ;ere are a fe* ideas: Share >our Email on >our Social et%or& 2n e you ha+e sent the emai#) *e shou#d use our so ia# net*or"s to share the ne*s a!out our emai# messages- (e an a#so use 8a e!oo" to share our message ,ust !y posting a #in" to it to our 8a e!oo" *a##2n e one of our so ia# media fo##o*ers #i "s on the #in" to +ie* one of our messages) they an share our message *ith their so ia# net*or"s !y #i "ing the so ia# share !ar at the top of the message-
Sour e: http:AA***-amu#- omAprodu tsAmi#"-php Com!ining our emai# and so ia# media mar"eting e.tends our !rand !eyond our net*or" to 9;$ net*or"9he i##ustration !e#o* aptures the +ira# nature of so ia# media:
Sour e: i onta t- om 9ypi a##y) *hen emai# mar"eters thin" a!out in reasing the re#e+an y of their emai#s) they immediate#y ,ump to segmentation ideas- 9he rea#ity is that !y e.tending the #ife of the emai# and ma"ing it a+ai#a!#e to a !roader so ia# media audien e) *e are ma"ing the emai# more re#e+antAdding So ia# Sharing to the $mai# Csing simp#e Mshare *ith your net*or"N #in"s) your su!s ri!ers an share *ith their friendFs spe ifi #in"s or pie es of ontent from your emai#- Ameri an $ag#e 2utfitters a##o*s its emai# su!s ri!ers to #i"e its emai# and to spread the *ord a!out its ontent;ere is ho* it #oo"s *hen someone #i"es the emai#:
(hen someone #i "s this 8a e!oo" post #in") they are ta"en to a *e! +ersion of the emai#- 8rom there) they an !egin the pur hase pro ess or share the emai# *ith their net*or"-
Sour e: i onta t- om Another *ay to dri+e so ia# sharing is to ma"e sure your *e!site has #i"e !uttons on pages that are #in"ed from the emai#- Doing so gi+es those emai# su!s ri!ers or *e!page +isitors an opportunity to share the *e!site ontent- 9he emai# is a great opportunity to e.pand our so ia# net*or"ing presen e- Adding Li"e and 9*eet !uttons to our emai# gi+es our emai# su!s ri!ers the a!i#ity to share our emai# *ith their so ia# net*or"s- %emem!er) no* that your emai# has e.tended its #ife !eyond the in!o.) it !e omes your Mam!assadorN in the so ia# media *or#dCsing the $mai# to Gro* and $ngage the 8a e!oo" 8ans and 9*itter 8o##o*ers
Csing our emai# as a *ay to en ourage our su!s ri!ers to fo##o* us on so ia# net*or"s is +ery easy to do) and it gi+es your emai# su!s ri!ers additiona# tou h points *ith your !rand- 9his is espe ia##y important if *e differentiate our so ia# media promotions and ontent from our emai# ontent- 'any peop#e fo##o* !rands on so ia# net*or"s to get spe ia# offers- Cse the emai# to en ourage that !eha+ior;ereFs an e.amp#e Sa"s 8ifth A+enue
Sour e: http:AA***-sa"sfiftha+enue- om >ote that Sa"s 8ifth A+enue p#a es its so ia# media Lin"s at the top of its emai#s- Gap p#a es its so ia# media #in"s at the !ottom of its emai#sAs *e an see from these e.amp#es) there are mu#tip#e *ays to design our emai# to attra t fo##o*ers on so ia# media sites- (hi h so ia# media sites *e *ant to in #ude and *here in our emai# to in #ude those #in"s is entire#y up to us- 'any emai# temp#ates a#ready ha+e 8a e!oo" and 9*itter i ons that *e an insert and point to your 8a e!oo" and 9*itter pages- 2n e *e emai# su!s ri!er (or anyone) rea##y) #i "s those #in"s) they *i## !e ta"en to your 8a e!oo" and 9*itter pages- 8rom there) they an !egin fo##o*ing our !randCsing Eour So ia# 'edia to $n ourage $mai# Sign-Cps
(ith so mu h time on#ine !eing spent on so ia# media sites) itFs important to #et the so ia# media audien e "no* that *e ha+e an emai# #ist and to enti e them to engage *ith our !rand through emai# mar"eting- 2ne te hni<ue is to put a sign-up form on your !randFs 8a e!oo" Page- 8or e.amp#e:
Sour e: i onta t- om
Content "arketing
Content mar&etin# is any mar"eting format that in+o#+es the reation and sharing of media and pu!#ishing ontent in order to a <uire ustomers- 9his information an !e presented in a +ariety of formats) in #uding ne*s) +ideo) *hite papers) e-!oo"s) info graphi s) ase studies) ho*-to guides) <uestion and ans*er arti #es) photos) et Content mar"eting is fo used not on se##ing) !ut on simp#y ommuni ating *ith ustomers and prospe ts- 9he idea is to inspire !usiness and #oya#ty from !uyers !y de#i+ering B onsistent) ongoing +a#ua!#e informationB-
"istory C1DE 9he fo##o*ing e.amp#es demonstrate ear#y use of ontent to disseminate information a!out a !rand) and !ui#d a !randDs reputation:
5:L4: John Deere #aun hed the maga3ine The Furrow) pro+iding information to farmers on ho* to !e ome more profita!#e- 9he maga3ine) onsidered the first ustom pu!#i ation) is sti## in ir u#ation) rea hing 5-4 mi##ion readers in 10 ountries in 56 different #anguages5L00: 'i he#in de+e#oped the 'i he#in Guide) offering dri+ers information on auto maintenan e) a ommodations) and other tra+e# tips- 74)000 opies *ere distri!uted for free in this first edition- A#though 'i he#in e+entua##y !egan se##ing these !oo"s) the pu!#i ation sti## set a pre edent for !oth informati+e guides and ontent mar"eting distri!ution-5L01: Je##-2 sa#esmen *ent door-to-door) distri!uting their oo"!oo" for free- 9outing the dessert as a +ersati#e food) the ompany sa* its sa#es rise to o+er S5 mi##ion !y 5L0=-
9he phrase B ontent mar"etingB *as used as ear#y as 5LL=) *hen %i " Doy#e #ed a roundta!#e for ,ourna#ists at the Ameri an So iety for >e*spaper $ditors- &n 5LL:) Jerre## Jimerson he#d the tit#e
of Bdire tor of on#ine and ontent mar"etingB at >ets ape- &n56 5LLL) author Jeff Cannon *rote) M&n ontent mar"eting) ontent is reated to pro+ide onsumers *ith the information they see"-N
(ho is usin# content mar&etin#' Content mar"eting is !eing used !y some of the greatest mar"eting organi3ations in the *or#d) in #uding POG) 'i rosoft) Cis o Systems and John Deere- &tFs a#so de+e#oped and e.e uted !y sma## !usinesses and one-person shops around the g#o!eA ording to the 6057 B6B Content 'ar"eting Ben hmar"s) Budgets and 9rends resear h) L out of 50 B6B mar"eters are using ontent mar"eting X regard#ess of ompany si3e or industry- And they are doing *hat it ta"es to !ring a!out desired resu#ts: 2n a+erage) B6B mar"eters emp#oy eight different ontent mar"eting ta ti s to a hie+e their mar"eting goa#s =0 per ent report that they p#an to in rease their spending on ontent mar"eting o+er the ne.t 56 months
Content $ar&etin# .s/ Social $edia $ar&etin#E (hat)s the Difference C10D' &n so ia# media mar"eting) the enter of gra+ity W the fo us of the mar"eting a ti+ity W is #o ated *ithin the so ia# net*or"s themse#+es- (hen mar"eters operate so ia# media ampaigns) they are operating inside of 8a e!oo") inside of 9*itter) inside of Goog#eR) et - As they produ e ontent) they p#a e it inside of these net*or"s12
&n ontrast) the enter of gra+ity for ontent mar"eting is a !rand *e!site W *hether it is a !randed C%L #i"e Ameri an$.press- om or a mi ro site for a !randFs spe ifi produ t) #i"e Ame.Fs 2pen 8orum- So ia# net*or"s are +ita# to the su ess of ontent mar"eting efforts) !ut here) 8a e!oo") 9*itter) and Goog#eR are used primari#y as a distri!utor of #in"s !a " to the ontent on the !randFs *e!site W not as ontainers of the ontent itse#f!ypes of content &n so ia# media mar"eting) ontent is !ui#t to fit the onte.t of the hosen so ia# p#atform: short messages in the 510 hara ters range for 9*itterG ontests) <ui33es) and games for 8a e!oo") et - "ere, brands model their beha.ior after that of the indi.iduals usin# the social net%or&s-
2n the other hand) in ontent mar"eting) the onte.t of *e!sites permits mu h #onger forms of ontent- Brands an pu!#ish !#og posts) +ideos) info graphi s) and eBoo"s) ,ust to name a fe* formats- "ere, brands model their beha.ior after that of media publishers- (hi#e !oth so ia# media mar"eting and ontent mar"eting an !e used for a mu#titude of purposes) so ia# media mar"eting genera##y tends to fo us on t*o main o!,e ti+es- 8irst) it is used for !rand a*areness W generating a ti+ity and dis ussion around the !rand- Se ond#y) it is used for ustomer retentionA satisfa tion W !rands an use so ia# hanne#s as an open forum for dire t dia#ogues *ith ustomers) often around issues or <uestions that onsumers ha+e&n ontrast) ontent mar"etingFs *e!site-!ased enter of gra+ity ena!#es it to fo us more on demand generation- As <ua#ity ontent !rings prospe ts to a !randFs site) !rands an de+e#op a re#ationship *ith the prospe ts and nurture them to*ards a #ead on+ersion or pur hase-
So ia# media mar"eting is top-of-mind for most e+ery mar"eting department) *hi#e ontent mar"eting is a (re#ati+e#y) ne* term) and a ne* pra ti e for many9he internet has un#eashed a re+o#utionary a!i#ity for e+ery !rand to ommuni ate dire t#y *ith its ustomers W *ithout the need for a media industry intermediarySo ia# media mar"eting is the natura# first step in this pro ess: A ess to users is dire t (users spend tons of time on so ia# net*or"s)) and ontent is genera##y formatted into shorter hun"s) *hi h ma"es the pu!#ishing pro ess re#ati+e#y easyBut as !rands !e ome more fami#iar *ith their ne* ro#e as pu!#isher) the natura# progression *i## !e to mo+e to*ard ontent mar"eting- Ees) the !ar here is higher: &n ontent mar"eting) !rands must produ e #onger-form) higher-<ua#ity ontent and !ui#d audien es on their o*n site W they must !e ome true media pu!#ishers- But the re*ards and resu#ts are) argua!#y) more po*erfu#Brands an engage more deep#y *ith their ustomers through ontent mar"eting efforts- And !y dri+ing onsumers to its o*n *e!site) the !rand has a greater opportunity to gain #eads and mo+e them do*n the on+ersion funne#-
!he = Business ;oals of Content $ar&etin#E -nbound $ar&etin# -sn)t Enou#h C13D (hat is inbound mar&etin#' Inbound Marketing is about getting ound online! through search engines and on sites like Facebook and "ouTube and Twitter#$ &n!ound mar"eting is a riti a# omponent of the ne* ru#es of mar"eting- Creating ompe##ing and +a#ua!#e ontent and distri!uting that ontent through a +ariety of on#ine hanne#s) as *e## as getting a ti+e in on#ine ommunities) are essentia# for a## ompanies today!hat said, if you only focus on inbound mar&etin#, you %ill fail as a mar&etin# professional/
(hy you need a content mar&etin# mindset Content mar"eting is the pra ti e of reating re#e+ant and ompe##ing ontent in a onsistent fashion to a targeted !uyer) fo using on a## stages of the !uying pro ess) from !rand a*areness through to !rand e+ange#ism- Content mar"eting) un#i"e in!ound mar"eting) has been around for hundreds of years) most nota!#y starting in 5:L4 !y John Deere *ith The Furrow maga3ine (a#though & argue that the a+e peop#e *ere dra*ing stories on *a##s to se## produ t)-
(hi#e in!ound mar"eting (as opposed to out!ound mar"eting) and getting found on#ine !y prospe ts are riti a#) %hat do you do %ith your story once they find you' &f ontent mar"eting *ere a foot!a## fie#d) in!ound mar"eting *ou#d get you to the 74-yard #ine- Definitely critical, but hard to score from that distance/ After in!ound mar"eting) you need #ead nurturing- 2n e the #ead is nurtured and !e omes a ustomer at some point) you need ustomer ser+i e ontent- (hat if you *ant to up se## or ross se## to the ustomer? (e##) thatFs a *ho#e set of different ontent- (hat if your goa# is ustomer retention and #oya#ty? (e## thatFs another ontent strategy as *e##- Lots of +a#ua!#e ontent spread out around the *e! *i## he#p you rea h a fe* of your ontent mar"eting goa#s) !ut not a## of them- N%T&' Some will argue that lead nurturing is (art o inbound marketing) &*en i that is true! it still means +ou ha*e to throw a ,ail Mar+ to score a touchdown) Content mar"eting must in #ude strategi p#anning) ontent reation) distri!ution) and metri s for mu#tip#e stages of the !uying y #e to mu#tip#e ustomer personas- &n my +ie*) that means a omp#ete ontent mar"eting strategy *ou#d in orporate in!ound mar"eting prin ip#es) !ut it *ou#d a#so ta"e a more ho#isti approa h to meeting a !usinessFs o+era## mar"eting goa#s7h, print' $+en more important#y) ontent mar"eting is hanne#-agnosti - 9hat means that ontent mar"eters shou#d !e #oo"ing at ALL a+ai#a!#e hanne#s to engage *ith ustomers/ print) in-person) and on#ine (in #uding mo!i#e)- 9he outstanding %it3 Car#ton maga3ine) p#a ed in hote# rooms) does not ha+e anything to do *ith !eing foundG neither does the ama3ing L$G2 C#u! maga3ine) *hi h has !een produ ed in print for o+er 70 years- L&-% .lub magazine is not inbound marketing)
!he business #oals of content mar&etin#E (ith ontent mar"eting) there are a num!er of o+era## !usiness goa#s you ou#d ha+e: Brand a%areness or reinforcement this is a#most a#*ays the first thing that is thought of *hen you #oo" at ontent mar"eting- 9he goa# may !e that you are ,ust trying to find a more effe ti+e *ay than ad+ertising to reate a*areness for your produ t or ser+i e- 9his is the #ong-tai# strategy- Content mar"eting is a great +ehi #e for that) as itFs organi ) authenti ) and a great *ay for you to start dri+ing engagement *ith your !rand- Content mar"eting and in!ound mar"eting o+er#ap in this area36
*ead con.ersion and nurturin# 9he most !asi part of in!ound mar"eting is the on+ersion metri - ;o* you define a #ead *i## +ary W !ut from a ontent mar"eting perspe ti+e) this is *here you ha+e (through the e. hange of engaging ontent) en ouraged someone to gi+e up enough information a!out themse#+es that you no* ha+e permission to Mmar"etN to them- 9his an in #ude signing up for a MdemoN) registering for an e+ent) su!s ri!ing to your e-ne*s#etter) or gaining a ess to your %esour e Center- 2n e you ha+e the prospe tFs permission) you an use ontent to he#p mo+e them through the !uying y #eCustomer con.ersion &n many ases) you a#ready ha+e a ton of ontent in this area- 9his is *here) as mar"eters) *e ha+e traditiona##y fo used W the Mproof pointsN to the sa#e- $.amp#es in #ude ase studies you send to your prospe ts that i##ustrate ho* youF+e so#+ed the pro!#em !efore W or the Mtestimonia#sN se tion on your #ient page- C#timate#y) this is the ontent youF+e reated as a mar"eter to i##ustrate to the hot prospe t *hy your so#ution is !etter or *i## uni<ue#y meet his or her needsCustomer this is *here ontent mar"eting an rea##y earn itFs Msu!s ri!eN stripes- ;o* *e## are you using ontent to reate +a#ue or reinfor e the ustomerFs de ision A89$% the sa#e? 9his goes *e## !eyond the user manua#) the do umented pro ess for su ess) and the 8AP on your *e!site- 9hese are the !est pra ti es for ho* to use your produ t or ser+i e- ;o* an ustomers get the '2S9 out of your produ t or ser+i e? (hat are the su essfu#) inno+ati+e *ays that youF+e seen your produ t or ser+i e get e.tended into other so#utions? Customer loyaltyGretention Just #i"e you ha+e a p#anned #ead nurturing pro ess to turn prospe ts into ustomers) you a#so need a p#anned ustomer retention strategy- &f youFre u#timate goa# is to turn ustomers into passionate su!s ri!ers *ho share your stories) this area needs ma,or attention- 2ptions may !e a ustomer ene*s#etter or printed ne*s#etter) a print or ta!#et maga3ine) or possi!#y a user e+ent or *e!inar seriesCustomer up sell 'ar"eting doesnFt stop at the M he "outN !utton any #onger- &f youFre parti u#ar#y good at using ontent to ser+i e the ustomer in a su!s ri!e mode#) you a#so ha+e the opportunity to !e effe ti+e at reating ongoing engagement for the other produ ts and ser+i es you offer- (hy stop ommuni ating *ith prospe ts on e they !e ome ustomers? &nstead) ommuni ate *ith them
more fre<uent#y ( ertain#y not in a reepy *ay) and engage them *ith additiona# +a#ue- Customer up se## and ustomer retention goa#s an *or" hand-in-handPassionate subscribers if you an su essfu##y mo+e ustomers to this stage) you ha+e rea##y a omp#ished somethingContent W and espe ia##y ontent generated !y satisfied ustomers W an !e one of the most po*erfu# *ays for us to rea h any !usiness goa#- 9his is *hen ontent mar"eting starts to *or" for you e.ponentia##y- App#e Computer is the <uintessentia# e.amp#e of this- As" yourse#f *hat their ontent mar"eting strategy is- 9hey ha+e no so ia# media presen e- 9hey ha+e no !#og- But they ha+e su essfu##y !ui#t their passionate su!s ri!er !ase W and these peop#e reate fan sites) *rite) share) and e+ange#i3e the App#e !rand- Eour u#timate goa# shou#d !e to reate a ommunity of e+ange#ists *ho are prepared to fight for your !randSo *hi h of these goa#s ma"es sense for your ontent mar"eting? 'ay!e itFs on#y an in!ound mar"eting initiati+e and youFre ,ust trying to he#p dri+e more #eads into the sa#es and mar"eting pro ess- 'ay!e youFre trying to reate a program that in reases a*areness) dri+es do*n the ost of organi traffi to your *e!site) and in reases your position *ith sear h engines- 'ay!e you are *or"ing to impro+e your ustomer retention rate-
Content mar&etin# H Do you ha.e a content mar&etin# plan' C14D $+er sin e the in eption of the (or#d (ide (e! thereFs one thing thatFs !een at the ore of many a su essfu# di#ital mar&etin# effort and thatFs #ood, rele.ant, fresh content$+ery time a prospe ti+e #ient see"s information on#ine) they are #oo"ing for speedy ans*ers to <uestions or so#utions to a pro!#em- (hatFs more they are #oo"ing for ans*ers or so#utions that are #ear and on ise9his is *here great ontent mar"eting omes in(ith the meteori gro*th in so ia# media) so#id content marketing !e omes e+en more important and as a resu#t) needs to !e at the forefront of a## your on#ine mar"eting p#ans-
So %hy is this' &n essen e shoppers ha+e !e ome e.treme#y sa++y@ >o*) prior to ma"ing a pur hasing de ision) more and more peop#e are sear hing for information) re+ie*s and produ t detai#s on#ine !efore parting *ith their hard earned ash9his means that more than e+er !efore there are no*//
&n reased hanne#s *here you need to esta!#ish a presen e and pro+ide <ua#ity information &n reased ompetition that are on#y too *i##ing to get your prospe tsF attention &n reased a ess to speedy and up to date information
So %hat)s the future for online mar&etin# and %hat should you do' 9he insatia!#e need for great ontent isnFt going to go a*ay and as su h informati+e and engaging ontent is) and a#*ays *i## !e) "ing- A## !usinesses need a #ear and on ise content mar&etin# strate#y and therefore you need to #oo" at/
Eour content marketing goa#s and *hat you hope to a hie+e 9he type of information you *ant or need to pu!#ish ;o* often youFre going to pu!#ish your ontent? (here are you going to pu!#ish and *hi h hanne#s are you going to use to promote it? ;o* are you going to measure your su ess?
9he pro!#em is that Content marketing isnFt as simp#e as *riting a !#og post or arti #e and sitting !a " and *aiting for the traffi to start ro##ing in- &nstead you need to ha+e a #ear idea a!out *hat you are #oo"ing to ommuni ate and *here or *ho you are going to ommuni ate it to- &t a#so needs to !e stru tured so that you get the ma.imum effe t from e+ery pie e of ontent you generate- 9herefore ha+ing the right mi. of so ia# media) S$2) emai# mar"eting or arti #eA!#og mar"eting is the "ey39
Can %e &no% ho% much time you spend on -nternet DailyJJJ I Do you use search en#ines to search for products and ser.ices I
o o
Ees >o Do you find ad.ertisements on %ebsites rele.ant to you I %ate !et*een 5 to 4 5 !eing not re#e+ant and 4 !eing +ery re#e+ant 5 not rele*ant Select a *alue rom a range o 1! not rele*ant! to 2! *er+ rele*ant! Do you ha.e .arious products feed in your Social $edia feeds I Do you #i"e pages of produ ts on fa e!oo") fo##o* +arious produ ts on t*itter 6 7 1 4
*er+ rele*ant
o o
Ees >o
"o% many spam mails related to offers do you recei.e e.ery day I 5 Not Much Select a *alue rom a range o 1! Not Much! to 2! 3lot! Do you find rele.ant offers on emails'''''' I
o o
3 lot
Ees >o >ou find rele.ant offers for you at %hich places I 8a e!oo" 9e#e+ision Eou9u!e $mai# Ad+ertisements on (e!sites Goog#e sear h 500Q: Eou made it-
o o o o o o
Po*ered !y
8o##o*ing %esu#ts *ere re ei+ed 45645 said the+ use search engines to search or (roducts and ser*ices) 74645 said the+ ind ad*ertisements on websites rele*ant to them) 8Score o 4 or more on scale o 29 1: 645 Peo(le are connected with ;rands on Social Media Plat orms
77645 Peo(le recei*e S(am &mails and onl+ <645 ind rele*ant in ormation rom such Mails =ele*ant ads are ound in ollowing ratio at ollowing Places Place Facebook -oogle Search 3d*ertisements on ?ebsites Tele*ision %thers Key 8indings and re ommendations Search En#ine $ar&etin# is a .ery crucial function in Di#ital $ar&etin# as almost 155K people use search en#ines to find products and ser.ices/ -t is an imperati.e tool for e.ery product and Social $edia Platforms offer more connecti.ity to the consumers as almost 45 K consumers are connected %ith the brands they appreciate/ -t should be used %hen communication has to be done %ith consumers E mail mar&etin# ineffecti.e as compared to other tools of Di#ital $edia mar&etin# as it is considered as sellin# rather than mar&etin# as most of emails are mar&ed spam and is irrele.ant to consumers/ -t should be used Fudiciously/ 9aceboo& and ;oo#le search ha.e become as important place as a tele.ision for promotion as they enFoy a similar ratio %ith tele.ision/ !hey should be utili+ed to tar#et specific audience/ =atio 1>645 1>645 <645 1:645 :645
Definitions or ;lossary of !ermsE Paid placement: or Pay per #i " (PPC) is an ad+ertising mode# used on sear h engines) ad+ertising net*or"s) and ontent *e!sites) *here ad+ertisers on#y pay *hen a user a tua##y #i "s on an ad to +isit the ad+ertiserDs *e!site-
Paid inclusion is a sear h engine mar"eting produ t *here the sear h engine ompany harges fees re#ated to in #usion of *e!sites in their sear h inde.- Paid in #usion produ ts are pro+ided !y most sear h engine ompanies) the most nota!#e e. eption !eing Goog#eAn or#anic search is a pro ess !y *hi h (or#d (ide (e! users find *e! sites ha+ing unpaid sear h engine #istings) as opposed to using the pay per #i " ad+ertisement #istings disp#ayed among the sear h resu#ts @eturn on in.estment- 9his is often used to des ri!e in S$' ho* many peop#e ha+e +isited your site from the amount of time and money in+estedA search en#ine results pa#e) or SE@P) is the #isting of *e! pages returned !y a sear h engine in response to a "ey*ord <uery- 9he resu#ts norma##y in #ude a #ist of *e! pages *ith tit#es) a #in" to the page) and a short des ription sho*ing *here the "ey*ords ha+e mat hed ontent *ithin the page- A S$%P may refer to a sing#e page of #in"s returned) or to the set of a## #in"s returned for a sear h <uerySpamdeLin# is any of +arious methods to manipu#ate the re#e+an y or prominen e of resour es inde.ed !y a sear h engine) usua##y in a manner in onsistent *ith the purpose of the system- 'ethods in #ude #in" farms and "ey*ord stuffingSpiderin# is a *e! ra*#er (a#so "no*n as a (e! spider or (e! ro!ot) is a program or automated s ript *hi h !ro*ses the (or#d (ide (e! in a methodi a#) automated manner to pro+ide up-todate data-
;ers he## Gordon Le*is 6- %o!ert %ose) Joe Pu#i33i) Managing .ontent Marketing
7- %e!e a Lie!) .ontent Marketing' Think like a (ublisher (e!sites: http:AAen-*i"ipedia-orgA*i"iASear hZengineZoptimi3ation http:AAen-*i"ipedia-orgA*i"iASear hZ$ngineZ'ar"eting http:AAen-*i"ipedia-orgA*i"iAContentZmar"eting http:AA***-epresen e-ieAser+i esA ontent-mar"etingA ***- ontentmar"etinginstitute- om