Running Head: Consumer'S Perception On Online Food Ordering 1
Running Head: Consumer'S Perception On Online Food Ordering 1
Running Head: Consumer'S Perception On Online Food Ordering 1
Suruchi Poon
BN 190198
Westcliff University
This paper is a research proposal to understand the consumer’s perception on online food
ordering. This paper explains about the research topic, its objective and how the research data
will be collected. It also consists of different literature review done to understand more on this
research topic and a conceptual framework has also been shown. Furthermore, the paper explains
about the method that will be used to analyze the data once it is collected.
In a world where technology is advancing every other day, mobile phone and laptops
have become human’s best friend. With the growing use of gadgets, the number of internet user
is also growing and along with that e-commerce business have created a different position for
them in the market. “As e-commerce industry is drastically rising, online food delivery business
has become one of the fastest growing segments in e-commerce as it has made consumer’s life
more easy and convenient” (Rathore & Chaudhary, 2018). Online food delivery is a business
platform where mostly the service provider becomes a middle man for the restaurant and
customers. The service provider ties up with different restaurants and sets up their food menu
online from which the customers can easily place their order according to their preferences and
the food will be delivered to the customer at their door-step (Singh, R, Kanade, & Pathan, 2018).
Similarly, another module of online food delivery service is where the service provider
The growing trend of online food delivery service around the world has also entered in
Nepal and is popular in one of the most crowded city of the country, Kathmandu. Nepal’s online
food delivery business is booming with mostly young entrepreneurs looking to capture a slice of
the profitable market (Prasain, 2018). “Due to the busy routine that Nepalese people have these
days, they are eating out more often than not” (Tiwari, 2018). Viewing such scenario, online
food delivery service like Foodmandu, Bhoj Deal, Foodmario, Bhok Lagyo, Meals on Wheels,
and many more has been providing their online delivery service so that customers can save more
Problem Statement
As the popularity of online food delivery services is increasing and new ventures are
mushrooming continuously, the expectations of the customers from these service companies are
also increasing. With this growing competition in this industry and the young entrepreneurs
getting involved with hope of getting success, it is very important to know about the customer’s
view and opinions which can help them to improve their business and stay in the competition.
As mentioned by Rathore and Chaudhary (2018) , “customer’s preference is the primary source
for company owners to engage in online delivery services to further satisfy clients’ requirements
and needs.” Furthermore, despite the ongoing scenario of burgeoning internet boom, some of
the customers are still not involved in the online transactions with the concern of safety issues
Research Objective
The main purpose of this research paper is to study how the customers perceive these
online food delivery companies. Similarly, this paper also seeks to find out the various factors
that influence customers to use this service and which is the most preferred online food delivery
service in Kathmandu. Moreover, through this research, the factors that hold back a customer to
Literature Review
In context of Nepal, there has been very limited research on this topic as the online food
delivery industry has recently flourished. Hence, the literatures reviewed are mainly the research
Based on a research “Consumer perception towards 'Online food ordering and delivery
services': an empirical study” conducted by (Das, 2018) in Pune, he analyzed 153 respondents
and found out that 76% of them used food delivery services. One of the most important
parameter that encouraged people to order food through online delivery was its door-step
delivery policy followed by ease and convenience. It was also found out that if rewards and cash
backs are provided to the customers they get influenced to use a particular company’s service, in
this case Zomato. The research also concluded that past bad experience and people’s word of
mouth prevents them from using the online food delivery service.
A research “Customer Perception and Satisfaction on Ordering Food via Internet, a Case
on Foodzoned.Com, in Manipal” concluded that online food ordering services are highly
penetrated and most of the respondents were a frequent user of the service. The level of
satisfaction with the service was in higher side and they also found out that the buying decisions
were affected “by the opinions and experience of friends, family and discussions on online
forums” (Sethu & Saini, 2016). The research was conducted in Manipal which is an educational
hub for busy students. Similarly, Kedah conducted a research on (Key Success Factors of Online
Food Ordering Services: An Empirical Study, 2015), he discovered that main success factors that
can achieve customer’s loyalty for the online food delivery service was quality information,
website design, safety, easy payment method, efficient delivery, reliable customer service and
Likewise, a research on “Customer buying decision process using online platform for
online food delivery in Thailand” led by (Kitthanadeachaorn, 2016) found out that scenario of
food delivery industry has been altered by the internet platform. Consumers were conscious
about the various online internet food suppliers and would assess the value of the service based
on factors such as cost and quality referring to quick and safe service. It was also discovered that
perceived hazards could be reduced through sales promotion and word of mouth. Another
Comments” done by (Lan, Ya'nan, & Shuhua, 2016) concluded that online food delivery
industry is still underdeveloped; some apparent issues can be seen from the adverse remarks of
customers. By taking legislation as the standard and together with the effort of government,
online food delivery industry, restaurants, and consumers, the issues can be fixed and a healthy
Research Methodology
Conceptual Framework
A basic framework has been prepared which serves as a foundation on which the research
paper will be based. With reference to the different journal article reviewed on “consumer’s
perception on online food ordering service”, below framework has been developed.
Time and
Perception on Online
accessibility Food Delivery
Ease of
Specification of variables
Consumer’s perception mainly refers to the opinion that they have about the different online food
Independent Variable: In this research independent variables are time and delivery,
convenience, easy accessibility, ease of payment, and promotions. Time and delivery refers to
the working hour for delivering the food to its customers. It also refers to on-time delivery.
Convenience refers to the fact that the customers can order food wherever and whenever they
want without visiting the restaurant. Easy accessibility means the application is easily accessible
from their smartphones and laptops and can order in few taps which helps them to reduce the
hassle of calling the restaurants and enquiring them. Ease of payment means the payment
options provided by the company to pay for the service. Finally promotion refers to the offers,
discover consumer’s perception about online food delivery service. Since many researches have
not been conducted in this topic in Nepal and as the research is only trying to understand the
people’s perception and not trying to provide any conclusive evidence, exploratory research will
be helpful (Dudovskiy, n.d.). Furthermore, an online questionnaire with close ended and open
ended questions will be prepared to collect primary data. The questionnaire will be designed
with the aim of collecting both qualitative as well as quantitative data. It will be circulated
among people through various social media since most of the people are active in social media
these days, and gathering respondents will be easier. For the secondary data, previous case
Once the data is collected, SPSS will be used to analyze the data. Similarly regression
analysis will be used to analyze the relationship between the independent variables and
dependent variable. Moreover, chart, graph and descriptive analysis will also be used to present
Due to the fact that online food delivery service is new to the Nepalese market, very few
researches has been done on this industry. But with the speedy rise of this industry, hopefully
more researches will be done in the future so that the businesses can furthermore improve their
service and meet its customer’s demand and expectations from them. With this research,
hopefully customer’s perception about this industry will be identified and along with it the
This paper provides a concept about the methodology of business research e.g. the
significance of studies, objectives, motivations and studies kinds. It explains about all the
fundamental concepts that a proper researcher should know about while conducting a research.
The main purpose of this paper is to explain its reader about the criteria of a good research and
identify the drawbacks of Iranian researchers and problems and issues experienced by them (Nia
Support my argument
In the past 4 weeks, we have learned about the various concepts about research
methodology and how a research must be conducted and presented. This article basically sums
up the different topics that we have discussed and has clearly explained about it. From objective
of research design, and etc., it covers up all the core essence of a research paper.
Research is important for everyone including business person to scientist to engineers. “It plays
an important role in offering the intellectual fulfillment of knowing a few things just for the sake
of understanding and also has practical use to know for the sake being able to do something good
For a research to be effective, purpose of the research should be clear. The procedure
carefully planned to achieve maximum objective of the research. Data analyzes should be
adequately sufficient to disclose their importance and suitable analysis methods should be used.
Data validity and reliability should be closely verified. And conclusions should be limited to
The researchers concluded that the lack of logical preparation in the research strategy
was an incredible impediment to the Iran’s researchers. Many of them carried out unreliable
research without understanding the techniques because unreliable information was generated
which was not useful for other researchers. There was lack of interaction between the research
departments of universities with the government and business/industry people. Unmanaged and
scattered data in the library was another problem faced by Iranian researchers where most of
their time and energy was spent on finding out the authentic and reliable data.
Hence, in order to improve the research quality in Iran above mentioned problem must be
mitigated. A researcher should always understand that good research is always systematic,
logical, empirical and reliable which is lacked in many of the research conducted by researchers
in Iran.
Industrial Example
advantage and lead their way towards success, Apple is one of the examples of a company who
has been able to outrun big companies like Nokia and BlackBerry, with its research ability.
Innovation is one of their strength but that is not the only reason why Apple is successful, the
company uses market research to find out precisely what their clients wants from their devices;
then they figure out how to turn those want into reality. The various researches that they have
done have led to different modifications on their products which has turned out to be successful
(Ong, 2011).
Al-Shatanawi, H. A., Osman, A., & Ab Halim, M. S. (2014). The Importance of Market
Das, J. (2018). Consumer perception towards 'Online food ordering and delivery services': an
Kedah, Z. (2015). Key Success Factors of Online Food Ordering Services: An Empirical Study.
Kitthanadeachaorn, T. (2016). Customer buying decision process using online platform for
Lan, H., Ya'nan, L., & Shuhua, W. (2016). Improvement of Online Food Delivery Service Based
Nia, F. H., & Niavand, H. (2017). A glance of business research methodogloy for researchers.
Ong, J. (2011). Apple Initiating Customer Pulse Market Research Focus Group. Retrieved from
Apple Insider:
Prasain, K. (2018). Voracious appetite for online food delivery in Ktm. Retrieved from The
Rathore, S. S., & Chaudhary, M. (2018). Consumer's Perception on Online Food Ordering.
Sethu, H. S., & Saini, B. (2016). Customer Perception and Satisfaction on Ordering Food via
Singh, A., R, A., Kanade, V., & Pathan, S. (2018). Online food ordering system. International
Tiwari, R. (2018). Top 7 Food Tech Startups in Nepal That You Should Check Out Today!