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Study On The Perception of Social Media SM Project

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To study the perception about Social Media with special reference to Face book,

Twitter & Whatsapp among young generation.

Social media is most recent form of media and having many features and characteristics. It
have many facilities on same channel like as communicating ,texting, images sharing , audio
and video sharing , fast publishing, linking with all over world, direct connecting. It is also
cheapest fast access to the world so it is very important for all age of peoples. Its use is
increasing day by day with high rate in all over the world. Majority of youth is shifting
speedily from electronic media like as television viewers and radio listeners to the social
media among all age of group. Youth rate is very much to shifting into social media so its
influences are much on youth. This craze of social media has led to a host of question
regarding its impact on society, while it is agreed that the social media affects people’s living
styles and it is an ongoing process to identify the nature of these influence in every society
and country specially on youth .this study also focused the influences of social media on youth
and their life style, trends, educational and political awareness, physical activities,
social life, their learning and so on.
Andres Kaplan (2010) described in his study that social media is a set of internet based
application that constructs on the ideological and technological foundation of wed and that
permit the design and exchange of user generated content (Chukwuebuka, 2013).
Merriam Webster encyclopedia Britannica Company defines: youth is the time of life when
someone is young. Youth is the time when a young person has not yet become an adult.
Youth is very important for future of any nation and country’s progress and development.
Now a day Social media is essential for youth in the field of education to learn new trends in
education, to improve writing and communicating skills, cultural promoting, religious and
political information gathering and sharing links, better living style, growth and development
of society (Merriam Encyclopedia, 2001).

The internet and American life project: social media internet has different impact in various
aspects on American’s life. And this project covers the different areas of life in which some
areas are here demographics, government official and on line elections and policies,
education, family, friends and community, health, news and events, internet evaluation,
online activities and searches, Public policy, technology, media and use of media (Turow,2011).

Social Media plays a crucial role in the creation as well as the exchange of content. However,
apart from this, the Social Media platform aims to serve and fulfill its core objectives along with
the objectives of the business or the brand using social media as a tool to market their brand.

First and the Foremost aim of Social Media like any other media tool is to Educate Society. One
of the most important objectives of any media tool is to take on the initiative to educate our
society as a whole, to build our society up, and spread awareness. 

Another primary and important objective of Social Media is to Encourage and Increase Customer
Engagement and Loyalty. One of the most important objectives of marketing through social
media is to establish its brand and its product and encourage a long-lasting relationship between
the business or the brand and the target audience.

Another objective of Social Media is to Create Brand Awareness. Generating brand awareness is

a crucial role of Social Media to develop the business and create awareness among the clients,
the customers – both existing and potential prospects. Heightening and encouraging the
awareness process of the brand helps to shorten the chain of sales, and increase its share in the
market all the while keeping the marketing and brand promotion cost reduced. 

Objectives of whatsapp:

 Business leads exchange, developing business relationships, exploring business

opportunities, and generating business through networking. 
 Forming a platform for offline meet-ups as real relationships are in the Real World, the
virtual World may create virtual relationships only. 

 To solve the problems of Entrepreneurs by taking the help of the community. 

Objectives of Face book

 To create brand awareness amongst the users as well as companies.

 To maximize the app installs.
 Creating traffic as well as engagement.

Objectives of twitter
 Community engagement as measured by mentions.
 Traffic to your site or specific pages.
 Lead generation as measured by captured email addresses or content downloads.


In this study, descriptive type of research is used which describes the characteristics of
individuals and their perception about the social media apps.

Participants were recruited through whatsapp from a subject pool of 50 students. Approval from
the samples was granted prior to the collection of data. The individuals surveyed were asked 11
questions which are a mix of open ended as well as closed ended questions. A small number of
subject pool participants that fit the quota and represent the entire population were selected to
participate in the survey and the recruitment continued until the required number of participants
were met. Individuals were only allowed to participate after actively granting consent.

Participants were presented with 3 social media platforms which are whatsapp, facebook and
instagram , for which they could indicate active use. Active use was defined as being a registered
user and having used the platform at least once in the past month, and primarily served as a filter
question for further questions.

This section presents a review of the research studies related to social networking aspects in
order to determine which areas have already been explored and investigation in which area can
add value. This help formulate objectives and undertake this research work. These research
studies also provided an understanding into the existing efforts for understanding of the
complexities of the social network sites.
Isodje, A. presented an overview on the use of Social Media for business promotion, since social
media as an online collaborative platform has the power to impact cultures and business. This
further infiltrates communities, professional groups, peer bodies, which can be successfully used
for promoting ones business.
Mamta et al. tested for affiliation that exists between Higher Education and Social Network-
ing Site. Mining algorithms provided by NASA tools like Like-Analyser, Gephi, Wolfram Alpha
and NodeXL to assess presence and participation factor of students and education professionals
in social network graphs are utilized in this study and analysis finding related to social network
analysis predicted that social networking on Facebook and higher education work in parallel.
In times of traditional print media, there used to be one-way information dissemination which
was restricted to geographical limits and presence. The process of information diffusion with
arrival of Internet transformed significantly. Purva et al. presented that online social networking
like Facebook
and Twitter have the fastest means of communication and having gained wide popularity, have
revolutionized interpersonal communications by providing a platform to individuals for
expressing themselves at a global level, beyond their immediate geography. The authors present
the study on diffusion dynamics of specific real world events, discussed on Twitter, with respect
to location and time. The events were categorizes into broad categories based temporal (short or
long), geographical distribution (local or global), information diffusion (viral or gradual),
influence (popular or unpopular) and the cause (natural or planned). It was conclude that the
three-dimensional analysis of real-world events by exploring relationships among them.
The number of social networking site users is increasing immensely not only in India but also
across the globe. Davmane et al. analysed the factors for the online social networking sites as per
users behavior regarding user friends, the peer groups, access patterns, amount of time spend, the
effect on personal and professional life. User attitude and behavior is also surveyed for over
seven hundred users using a questionnaire consisting of 27 questions which focused on behavior
of Indian users in terms of usability, trends and access.
Singh et al. presented the research effort in ensuring awareness about the social networking
site concept, merits, demerits and meaning. The research methodology in this paper was based
on primary and secondary data regards to grouping of users having similar type of interests, jobs,
activities, backgrounds or some other type of real life similarities.
Purti at al. focused on Big Data Management for Social Networking Sites by review and analysis
of how Big Data is being managed for social networking sites by Facebook and Twitter. The data
size for social networking sites constitutes almost 105 terabytes of data for every thirty minute,
which in itself is a huge chunk of the data, unlike other data sources which has structured,
limited data to handle.
Facebook uses Hive for storing the data on HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) while
Twitter has implemented a set of solutions storage inside Hadoop to store the data in LZO
compressed format.
Kumar et al. propose a sentiment analysis method on the tweets in Cloud environment and
Hadoop for intelligent analysis and storage of big data on Facebook and Twitter. The reason is
that handling huge amount of unstructured data is a tedious task to take up. The current Analytics
tools and models used that are available in the market are not sufficient to manage big data.
Therefore, there is a need to use a Cloud storage for such type of applications. The big data due
to rise in social media has gathered huge interest among users and social networking site data is
being used for various purposes including prediction, marketing and sentiment analysis.
Mittal et al. analysed the effects of online shared sentiments of emoticons, interjections and
comments extracted from posts and status updates. The authors also conducted a survey on the
responses on the World Wide Web as an extensive large virtual space with users sharing and
expressingviews and opinions. Communication with the known and unknown residing anywhere
on the globe at any point of time with the consumers being influenced by the social media
whether intentionally or unintentionally.
Shang at al. investigated why and how people use location sharing services on social network-
ing platforms in China. To accomplish this the authors conducted research questions and forty
three in-depth face-to-face interviews. The results indicated maximum users are concerned about
privacy issues15 when using the location sharing services from social networking platforms,
even as some indicated that they were not aware of this feature and did not know how to use
location sharing services.
Muhammed et al. reviewed research papers from 2010 to 2016 on Sybil attacks regarding use
of fake and malicious identities on the online social network. The authors presented ideas for
research and also discussed a new taxonomy for Sybil attacks.
Zhou et al. proposed a unique system called ProGuard for detecting malicious identity accounts
in financial institutions dealing online with real and virtual currency. The authors suggested
using behaviors, recharging patterns and currency usage by such accounts and even
demonstrated experimental results proving their proposed system accomplished 0.3% false
positives only.
Livingstone and Bober (2003), pointed out that the main reason for generation gap is increased
use of social media and people forgot their rituals and traditions due to the overuse of social
Brady, Holcomb, and Smith (2010) stated that social media had provided good platform
ways for an education and students uses social media for e-learning.
Lusk (2010) said that, social media could be used for an academic purpose by students.
Students can learn and enhance their communication skills. Social media has new web tools
which can be used by the students to advance their learning skills.
Kalpidou, Costin, and Morris, (2011) stated that there is a relationship between social media and
grades and according to Jacobsen and Forest (2011), social media had negative effect on grades
and further told that two-thirds of the students were used social media while doing homework
had bad impact on their grades. Ohio State University described in its study that those students
who spent them most of time on social media had low grades and those who did not spent their
time on social media had high grades.

Table 1: Age group of the respondents

Age group No. of respondents Percentage

Below 18 2 4%
18-25 34 68%
26-30 14 28%
Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is inferred that 68% of the respondents belongs to the age group of 18-
25, 28% and 4% of respondents belongs to the age group of 26-30 and below 18 respectively.

Table 2: Tools of social media used

Tools of social media used No. of respondents Percentage

Whatsapp 14 28%

Facebook 18 36%

Twitter 8 16%

Others 10 20%

Total 50 100%

Interpretation: From the above table, it is clear that 28% of the respondents uses WhatsApp, 36%
of the respondents each uses Facebook , 16% of the respondents uses twitter and 20% of the

respondents uses other type of social media.

Table 3: Number of hours spent in a day on social media

Parameters No. of respondents Percentage

1-2 hrs 12 24%
3-4 hrs 20 40%
More than 4hrs 18 36%
Total 50 100%

Interpretation: From the above table, it is inferred that 24% of the respondents spend 1-2 hours in

a day on social media, 40% of the respondents spends 3-4 hours a day and 36% of the

respondents spends more than 4 hours a day on social media.

Table 5: Purpose of using social media

Purpose of using social media No. of respondents Percentage

To keep updated with news/trends 11 22%
To feel the sense of belongingness 2 4%
Communication & Connect with friends & 13 26%
Sharing posts/ images 9 38%
Social awareness 10 20%
Others (Online Shopping) 5 10%
Total 50 100%
Interpretation: From the above table, it is inferred that 22% of the respondents said that their
purpose of using
social media is to keep updated with news/trends, 4% of the respondents feel sense of
belongingness, 26% of the respondents mainly used social media to have a communication and
connect with friends and family, 38% of the respondents said that their purpose of using social
media is for sharing posts and images, 20% of the respondents said that their purpose of using
social media is to have social awareness.
Table 6: Personal benefits/ positive impact of using social media

Personal benefits/ positive impact No. of respondents Percentage

Learning 10 20%
Staying connected with friends 10 20%
Entertainment and fun 14 28%
Digital reputation 5 10%
In quest of job opportunities 9 18%
Others 2 4%
total 50 100%

Interpretation: The above table indicates that 20% of the respondents said that they have benefits/
positive impact of learning from social media and another 20% of the respondents got benefits of
staying connected with friends through social media, 28% of the respondents get benefits like
entertainment and fun, and 10% of the respondents benefited by digital reputation, 18% of the
respondents got benefits like in quest of job opportunities.

Table 7: Disadvantages of using social media

Disadvantages No. of respondents percentage
Cyber theft 20 40%
Health issues 11 22%
Waste of time 11 22%
Wrong text abuse 5 10%
Others 3 6%
total 50 100%

Interpretation: From the above table, it is clear that 40% of the respondents said that dis-
advantages of using social media are cyber theft, 22% of the respondents said it causes health
issues and another 20% of respondents had waste of time, 10% of the respondents faced issues
like wrong text abuse and other related issues.
Table 8: Level of impact of social media on well-being
Level of impact No. of respondents percentage
High level 24 48%
Medium level 23 46%
Low level 4 6%
Total 50 100%

Interpretation: From the above table, it is inferred that 48% of the respondents had high level
impact on well- being, 46% of the respondents had medium level impact on well-being and 6%
of the respondents had lower level impact on well-being.

Table 9: State of mind during the use of social media

parameters No.of respondents percentage

Motivation 11 22%
Happiness 10 20%
Boost of self esteem 7 14%
No fear of being left alone 5 10%
Inspiration 8 16%
Others 9 18%
Total 50 100%

Interpretation: From the above table, it is observed that 20% of the respondents feel happy while
using social media, 14% of the respondents said that it boosts self-esteem, 22% of the
respondents felt motivated, 10% of the respondents felt no fear of being left alone, 16% of the
respondents got inspired while using social media.
Table 10: Social media promotes unethical pictures, video clips and images among youth

Parametrers No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 35 70%
No 3 6%
May be 12 24%
Total 50 100%

Interpretation: From the above table it is observed that 70% of the respondents said that they
think social media promotes unethical pictures, 6% of the respondents said social media does not
promote unethical pictures and 24% said social media may or may not promote unethical
Table 11: Social media influences political opinions

Parameters No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 17 34%
No 12 24%
Maybe 21 42%
Total 50 100%

Interpretation: From the above table it is observed that 34% of the respondents agree that social
media affects their political opinion, 24% of the respondents say that social media does not affect
their political opinion and 42% say that social media may or may not influence their political

The research deals with a survey on the usage of the social media amongst the respondents. The
social media referencing which is used in the research tool are Face book,
Watsapp,and Twitter. The questionnaire consists of 11 questions in which 3 questions are closed
ended and 8 questions are open ended. 50 samples are used to conduct this research. All the
participants actively responded to this questionnaire.

This research finds that the excessive users use the social media forms for comments, chatting,
image and video sharing and texting etc. The most preferred use of social media is connecting
with friends and family which is chosen by 26% of the respondents and additional 38% of the

respondents are interested in sharing posts. This shows that they ignore their primary focus on

their study and research related activities while utilizing the facility of internet in connecting
with their friends on the social media networking forums. Around 40% of the respondents stay
on social media forums for 3-4 hours.

From this study it can be concluded that Social media has taken its position into the real world
and has interfered with the lives of many. As users log on to their social media profiles, they are
being removed away from the real world and placed into the virtual dimension. As the virtual
world and the real world coexist, there is a competition for the dominant form of communication.
No one pictured that messages would open a sub-society that will find its way into the real
world. Though few may believe that it has no negative effect on them as users, its regulatory
impact can be traced through its influence on development, self-image, interpersonal
relationships, and business all reflecting social media’s significance.

Social media has come into the lives of many and nearly depleted the use of face to face
interaction. Adolescents adopt this form of communicating early and it basically deprives them
of their real life social skills; not being able to hold a cohesive conversation unless the
respondent is engaging through a monitor. As they grow they are bombarded with images and
stereotypes of the perfect person, not truly being able to enjoy their advantages and qualities that
overpower the bad ones. Now it has gotten to the point where some cannot even hold quality
relationships with people in real life because all of their friends exist in the small blue rectangle
on their Facebook page. Even businesses use this form of media to promote themselves however
they can get themselves demoted even quicker. Social media established such a role in the real
world that everyday interaction is accompanied by some form of it. Even if someone does not
have social media, they are surrounded by individuals who use this so much that they are
practically engulfed in the virtual world. Eventually, they will render the same effects as the
people in their environment. The world has created a society through satellite signals which
interrupt the signals of face to face communication. No matter the situation, social media
develops its presence in almost everything we do. What is hot now will soon encourage face to
face interaction to be just a trend in the past. In order to get back to a full society, social media
must be contained to get rid of the negative impacts and only display the positive ones.


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