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Chapter 1



Social media refers to websites and applications that are designed to

allow people to share content quickly, efficiently, and in real-time. Many people

define social media as apps on their smartphone or tablet, but the truth is, this

communication tool started with computers. This misconception stems from the

fact that most social media users access their tools via apps. The ability to

share photos, opinions, events, etc in real-time has transformed the way we live

and, also, the way we do business. Retailers who use social media as an

integral part of their marketing strategy usually see measurable results. But the

key to successful social media is to not treat it as an extra appendage but to

treat it with the same care, respect, and attention you do all of your marketing


However, there are two types of social media users; digital natives

and digital immigrants. Digital natives are the ones who were born after

1980, they came to this world when the digital media existed. However,

digital immigrants are the ones who were born before 1980 and adapted

their lives to digital media (AntonSon and Christopher, 2014). 

It only means that social media has many variations and uses. It can be

use in maketing and educational purposes for it can be use in many

ways but could also change lives


Theoretical Framework

This theory is connected to the study for it is has proved that the

factors affecting students learning ICT could lead to a decreasing or

lowingof academics. There are two theories : Cultural evolution and

usesand Gratifications

Acording to Darwins theory of Cultural Evolution the idea that

human cultural change––that is, changes in socially transmitted beliefs,

knowledge, customs, skills, attitudes, languages, and so on––can be

described as a Darwinian evolutionary process that is similar in key

respects (but not identical) to biological/genetic evolution. More

specifically, just as Darwin described biological/genetic evolution as

comprising three key components––variation, competition (or selection),

and inheritance––cultural change also comprises these same

phenomena. Yet while cultural evolution can be described as Darwinian

in this sense, the details of the processes (e.g., how variation is

generated, or how information is transmitted) are likely to be different in

the cultural case compared to the details of biological/genetic evolution.

Bearing these differences in mind, cultural evolution researchers have

taken many of the same methods, tools, and concepts that biologists

have developed to explain biological diversity and complexity and used

them to explain similar diversity and complexity in cultural systems.


These include phylogenetic methods to reconstruct “macroevolutionary”

historical relations between cultural traits (e.g., languages or tools),

ethnographic field studies to document and explain contemporary cross-

cultural variation, laboratory experiments to determine the small-scale

details of cultural “microevolution”(Darwin,1895)

While in the other hand Uses and Gratifications Theory

(UGT) discusses how people actively seek out specific media content for

particular purposes and intentional goals (Katz, Blumler, & Gurevitch,


It only means that Social Media is consist of social inter

actions and can change every ones behavior.

Conceptual Framework

In order to show the interaction of independent and

the dependent variables, the researchers had made a conceptual model

which outlines the directions of the study, independent variables were

profile of respondents in terms of gender, age and parents’ income and

Usage of Social media.


Respondents profile Usage of Social


Figure 1. Research Paradigm of the study


Statement of the problem

The problem confronting this research is to determine the usage

of Social media

The study over all sought of this study to know the major usage

of Social media

1. What is the profile of the respondents according to the following?

A. Age

B. Gender

C. Socio-economic status

D. Grade level

2. What are the usage of social media ?

Scope and delimitations

This study ought to determine the usage of social media the

respondents of the study will be The students of Tomas Cabili National

High School (Senior high) SY 2019-2020. This study limited only for

determining the usage of social media

Significance of the Study

The result of the study would benefit the following students. The

findings of this study will contribute one way or another for the

betterment of the following:


Students. The findings of this study sought to make the learner Realize

the Usage of Social media

Teachers. The results of this study can help the teacher to educate their

students more about the Usage of social media

Parents. In this study parents would help inform and guidetheir Child

some of the Usage of social media

Definition of terms

Social Media- Social media are interactive computer-mediated

technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas,

career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities

and networks.(Wikipedia)

Social Media- is use to connect with people

Facebook- is a popular free social networking website that allows

registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send

messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues . 

Facebook- is quitly used as a network to connect with people


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the

through and in-depth search done by researchers.

Related Literature

The verdict is still out on whether social media is damaging

to the mental health of teens. This is in part due to the lack of research.

Some studies show that online connections with small groups of people

can be beneficial to teens, while other research points to a rise in

symptoms of anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. The other reason

it’s difficult to get a good read on the issue is that social media is

constantly changing and evolving. Plus, no long-term studies have been

completed. So, we’re left making educated guesses based on current

research. There’s just not enough data to back up the potential long-term

pros and cons of living on “likes”. Hurley(2019)

There are some positive aspects to social media. It’s

important to remember that teens are hardwired for socialization, and

social media makes socializing easy and immediate. Teens who struggle

with social skills, social anxiety, or who don’t have easy access to face-to-

face socializing with other teens might benefit from connecting with other

teens through social media. (University of Pittsburgh,2019)


Social media are a collection of internet websites, services,

and practices that support collaboration, community building,

participation, and sharing”. The growing dimension of the use of social

media among the youth of today cannot be over emphasized. Over the

years, social networking among second cycle students has become more

and more popular. It is a way to make connection not only on campus,

but with friends outside of school. Social networking is a way that helps

many people feels as though they belong to a community. Due to the

increased popularity of it, economists and professors are questioning

whether grades of students are not being affected by how much time is

spend on these sites Junco(2010)

Related Studies

The usage of Social Networking Sites by different

university users. He studied three groups of users' (undergraduate,

graduate and faculty) at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea. The

analysis indicated that the three groups of users demonstrated distinct

patterns of use of social networking sites. The study stipulated that

undergraduates used the profile service more than the community

service while graduates used the community service more than the

profile service. Yet most of the faculty members were not active users

Park (2010)

Lack, Beck and Hoover (2009) investigated the usage of

Social Networking Sites by undergraduate psychology major. They found

that majority of students using Facebook and their account information

have publicly accessibility and some user profiles have content of a

questionable nature on their publicly viewable accounts. They suggest

that formal education must be presided to students regarding the usage

of these sites.

Hashem (2015) the impact of social media on the academic

performance of students. Technology is booming rapidly from year to

year, and the younger generations are the ones caught in this rapid

change. Questionnaires were distributed through Facebook and E-mails,

to find out whether students academic performance is impacted by social

media or not. The findings demonstrate that there is no relationship

between social media and academic performance; this is clearly projected

in their overall grade average

Karpinski and Duberstein (2009), of Ohio Dominican

university on college students who use social network have significantly

lower grade point averages (GPAs) than those who do not. They also

mentioned that among various unique distractions of every single

generation, Facebook remains a major distraction of current generation.

According to Khan (2009), facebook users often time experience poor


performance academically.

According to Simonson et al. (2000), described that online

learning tools as more effective than traditional classroom learning

(using textbook for learning) because the availability of the online

materials and 24 hours access to learning. Students are more likely to

use this social media such as YouTube for their informal leaning.

YouTube provides video for information and knowledge that extends

beyond the limit of the classroom and textbook. It also provide tutorial

and show the students clearly how some certain things are done through

the video uploaded. The ease of accessing out of textbook information

and the ease of sharing information and the availability of this online

materials at one own time is the other reasons why students preferred to

use this social media as the tools for their informal learning

Chapter 3

Research Method

This chapter have presented the research materials that will be

used in this study in Usage of Social media and on Respondents.

Research Design

The study have make used of the Qualitative and Quantitative

research design where it involves the characteristics of the Students that

are asked in the research and the Quantity of the numbers and analysis

on the answers of the students in the questionarre and interpretation of

exixting condition affects the other. The study aims to find out the Usage

of social media.

Locale of the study

The locale of the study have been conducted is in Sta. Elena,

Iligan City. A minute drive west of Iligan City will take you to Brgy. Sta.

Elena and Bayanihan sa Iligan Village. The place has a population of


more than a thousand households, with complete pre-school elementary

and high school.

It has a public market and some commercial stores privately

owned by families when typhoon sending struck Iligan city last December

2011 Sta. Elena because one of the evacuation sites that resettled

thousands of sending survivors. They made use of tents given by

international organization as temporary shelter.

Through the leadership of mayor Lawrence Cruz, Sta. Elena

was declared the relocation site for township development an area that

was once or rice field with coconut trees and banana shrubs it was a

grazing haven for cows. Carabaos, goats and horses a very rural setting

only a handful of dilapidated shacks hilly 15-hectares land (A Property

owned by the national steel corporation) was idle for many years. Today,

it accommodates homes for more than one thousand families, the biggest

relocation site in the history of local and affordable housing in the middle

of the homes stand the school where the study will be conducted an

annex of the nationalized public-school Tomas Cabili National High

School- Annex.

It is growing school that offers secondary schooling to its

nearby residents. It offers both junior high school education and senior

high school with the TVL Tracks, offering computer System Service.

Figure 2. Map of the Tcnhs-Annex, Sta. Elena

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study have been choosen respondents of

G-7 to Grade 10 school year (2019-2020). researchers will conduct the

study during their last class in the afternoon. The chosen repondents

were Grade 7-10 for they are Mostly using Social media.

Data gathering procedure

The researcher asked permission from the school principal and

class adviser of the Grade 7 to Grade 10 students of SY: 2019-2012 of

Tomas Cabili National High School- Annex to allow them to conduct the

study in the classroom to get the date needed on the study.

Statistical treatment of data

The researcher is going to use the following statistical tools in

analyzing the data frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

Solving formula:

N÷ population(P) *100 =%

The Formula have been used as the “n” is the frequency in which the

frequency is divided to the population(P) then is Multiplied to 100 to get

the percentage form of the Frequency.

Chapter 4


This Chapter presents the analysis and the interpretation of the

data collected.

Problem 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of

genders, age, and parents’ monthly income?

Table 1. Gender of Respondents in G7-G10

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 78 39%

Female 122 61%

TOTAL 200 100%

Table 1 shows the distribution of students as to gender. Out of

(200) respondents, (122) or sixty one percent (61%) belonged to female and

(78) or thirty nine (39%) were males.


The data implies that a s for gender, there were more males than

females. Males stands out more than females on surveys (Parker,2018) it

only means that males stand out in the human population or has a large


Table 1.2 Age of Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

13-17 178 89%

18-19 18 9%

20 and up 4 2%

TOTAL 200 100%

Table 1.2 shows the distribution of students as to age. Out of

(200) heterogenous respondents, One hundres seventy eight (178) or eighty nine

percent (89%) belonged to the group of 13-17 years old, four (4)or two(2%) or

this belonged to the group of 20 and years old and above, The respondents

were students of Tomas Cabili National High School-Annex with ages

ranging from 13 to 20 years old.


The data implies that mostly the student has the range of 13-17

years old .On a range of issues, from (Donald Trump’s) presidency to the

role of government to racial equality and climate change, the views of

Gen Z – those ages 13 to 21 in 2018 – mirror those of Millennials

(Igielnik,2019) it only justifies the teens or the generation Z has the most

population today.

Table 1.3. Parents; Monthly Income of Junior High

Parents’ Monthly Frequency Percentage


1000-3000 129 65 %

3001-5000 25 12%

5001-7000 12 6%

7001-9000 8 4%

9001-1100 15 8%

11001-15000 10 5%

TOTAL 200 100%

Table 3 shows the distribution of the Students as to their Parents

Monthly Income. Out of two hundred respondents (200), One hundred twenty

nine (129) or sixty five percent (65%) belonged to one thousand to three

thousand (1000-3000), eight (8) or 4% belong to both 7000 to 9000 .


The data implies that the majority of the respondents were in

low-income class families. According to Agbayani (2012) The Philippines’

average salary is just below the NCR minimum wage of P426 a day (or

P8,520 a month), but still twice the country’s lowest minimum wage—

Region IV-B’s P190 (or P3,800 a month). This also shows that there are

still families that spends more than they earn

Table 2. What are the social media Used

Questions Frequency Percent

FB 175 87.5%

Twitter 2 1%

Linked In 0 0%

Instagram 7 3.5%

Imo 0 0%

Snapchat 0 0%

Myspace 0 0%

Skype 0 0%

Goat 0 0%

Youtube 16 8%

Total 200 100%


Table 2 shows that Facebook has the most frequency of 163 and

the percentage of 81%, the least is Google with the frequency of 9 and

the percentage of 5%.

The data implies that Facebook is the most used Social media.

According to (Ospina,2019)  there are 7.7 billion people in the world,

with at least 3.5 billion of us online. This means social media platforms

are used by one-in-three people in the world, and more than two-thirds

of all internet users.

Table 3. Percentage of the hours/days used in Social media

Questions Frequency Percent

1-3 hours 106 53%

4-7 hours 31 16%

daily 22 11%

3-4 times a week 12 5%

Once a week 3 %

2-3 times a week 11 5

Once a month 10 5

Never 5 3

TOTAL 200 100%


Table 3 justifies that 1-3 hour of usage on social media has the

frequency of 106 and the percentage of 53%. While in the other hand the

once a week usage has the frequency of 10 and percentage of 5%

The data implies that most users have used social media 1-3

hours. According to (Salim,2019) Internet users are now spending an

average of 2 hours and 22 minutes per day on social networking and

messaging platforms. Trended data is also suggesting that there may be

saturation in social media consumption.

Table 4 Percentage of students using Social media sites on phone.

Questions Frequency Percent

Yes 171 85%

No 29 15%

TOTAL 200 100%

Table 4 shows Most people had used social media site on phone

has the highest frequency of 171 and the percentage of 85 % and while

in the other hand Not using social media sites on phones has the lowest

frequency of 29 and the percentage of 15%

The data implies that most of the users have used social media

on their phones. According to (Clement,2019)  As internet access and

smartphone use expand worldwide, social media use shows no signs of

slowing. In 2018, the average daily social media usage of internet users


worldwide reached 136 minutes per day, with Philippines taking the top

rank as the country with the most time spent on social media per day..

Many Social media users have used their phone on smartphone for it is

the most compact and lightweight type of device.

Table 5 Main reason of using social media

Questions Frequency Percent

Downloading 69 34%

Uploading 24 12%

Posting Photos 32 16%

Blogging 2 1%

Creating Polls 0 0%

Chatting 70 35%

Submitting Articles 3 2

Total 200 100%

Table 5 shows that Downloading has the highest frequency of

69 and the percentage of 34 % and while in the other hand Blogging has

the lowest frequency of 2 and the percentage of 1%


The data implies that downloading is the most reason why social

media is used. According to (Statista,2018) 52.66% of the Users has used

the internet for downloading. Many of us now adays have used social

media in a wide aspect of usage nowadays. It has help us to be more

faster in the things we usually do in our daily such as making money


Table 6 Having friends on social media than real life

Questions Frequency Percent

Yes 151 76%

No 49 24%

TOTAL 200 100%

Table 6 shows having more fiends on social media with the

highest frequency of 151 and the percentage of 76 % and while in the

other hand friends on real life has the lowest frequency of 49 and the

percentage of 24%

The data implies that having friend on social media compared to

the real life is way too far on the frequency for most people have more

fiends on social media. According to (Knight,2019)Addiction to social

media is getting in the way of making friends in “real life” a new study

has claimed 55 per cent of those polled believe social media has made

relationships with their friends “more superficial” Having friends on


social has make the other people shy or having less interaction on more

human like gesture that has been in quite some time it has change the

old way of companionship and making friends and most importantly


Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and



Usage of Social media is very important in the people now

adays most especially to the students it has serve them as their new

bridge of communication and technology. But making friends on real life

have become a new game changer on the people using social media for it

makes a barrier for them to make friends on real life


► Majority of female junior students has answered the questionnaire

and also mostly mid age students answered the questionnaire

► it had showed that the socio-economic status had stand out the

low earning of the said choices.

► It is clear that the Facebook and Twitter is the school is the most

use social media network with the highest frequency.

► justifies that mostly students have more friends on social media

that thier real life.


Guided by theoretical concets on to Darwins theory of Cultural

Evolution and instructional theory this paper addresses the Usage of Social

media. Mostly Grade 7 to Grade 10 students of Tomas Cabili National

High School – Annex has been using social media above the normal

usage and has almost consume thier time.

Pertaining to the respondents usage in social media

‘Sometimes’ affect waste thier time on using social media that making

other things.


1. The Students are encourage to take immediate steps to lessen

the student's usage of social media for the students to use to boost their


2. The researchers recommend that the school staff should be

more productive so they will be diverted on using social media. And shall not be

a hindrance on students learning.

3.The researcher recommend that the Government should provide

enough knowledge on school so that the students and teachers may be

able to know the good and bad on the usage of social media and in order

for them to soar high in their future.


Higher Education Students’ Perceptions Of Positive and

Social Media Is Getting in the Way Of Real-life Friendships, New Study
The Rise Of Social Mediahttps://ourworldindata.org/rise-of-social-media
How Much Time Do You Spend on Social Media? Research Says 142
Topic: Mobile Social MediaKyle Gordon
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