Final Etoyen
Final Etoyen
Final Etoyen
Social Media is a collective term for websites and applications that focus on communication,
interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual
communities and networks. Social media sites includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube
People use social media to connect to other people who are physically far from them. Because of the
evolution of social media, it’s much easier and more convenient to use than before. Social media can be also
used to express your feelings towards someone or something. People are fascinated by how they call then
share their opinions using social media, usually for politics, education, or even entertainment. Social media
then affects the students most, because they are usually the ones using it.
This research will focus on the Senior High Students of Banban Nationa. To get more specific and
accurate results that will justify this research bigger population of high school students will serve as the
respondents . The definition of social media is “the relationships that exist between networks of people”.
However, students spend most of their time using social media, then doing their own homework.
The driving factors for the adoption of social media are the progressively ubiquitous access,
convenience, functionality, and flexibility of social technologies (Brown, 2010; Schroeder, Minorca, &
Schneider, 2010 as cited by Kolan & Dzandza). These factors have made the adoption of social media very
easy and have tremendously improved mankind’s life by exposing him to different ways of creating and
sharing information. An additional benefit of social technologies provided on the internet is that they are
frequently free or require marginal investment, thereby eliminating a potential barrier to adoption (Brown,
comes with both positive and negative effects. There is a correlation between social media usage and
academic performance of students in universities. There have been various views and opinions which
recognize four major advantages of social media use in higher education. These include; enhancing
relationship, improving learning motivation ,offering personalized course material, and developing
collaborative abilities (Wheeler, Yeoman’s and Wheeler,2008; Rifkin, Long Necker, Leach & Ortia,2009).
Also, Riccardo et al (2007), argued that students are socially connected with one another and therefore share
their daily learning experiences and do conversation various topics through social media whereas
Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010), reviewed that social network websites grab students’ attention and then
According to Rachel Heike, many parents worry about how exposure to technology might affect
toddlers developmentally. We know our preschoolers are picking up new social and cognitive skills at a
stunning pace, and we don’t want hours spent glued to an iPad to impede that. But adolescence is an equally
important period of rapid development, and too few of us are paying attention to how our teenagers’ use of
technology— more intensely intimate than a 3-year-old playing with dad’s iPhone— is affecting them. In
fact, experts worry that the social media and text messages that have become so integral to teenage life
The Senior High Students of Banban National High School are addicted to social media like Playing
Computer Games, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Tumbler, Tiktok, watching online even the
class. Students must really know the importance of social media to be able to fulfill their own will.
Technology nowadays is becoming more and more high-tech. And it’s improving day by day for us to use at
our convenience.
The effect of social media on people has been an important issue which increases day by day. Many
people's lives have been transformed by social media, which has nearly eliminated the need for face-to-face
interaction. Adolescents adopt this mode of communication early on, and it effectively deprives them of
their real-life social skills; they are unable to hold a coherent conversation unless the respondent is engaged
via a monitor. As they grow, they are bombarded with images and stereotypes of the ideal person,
preventing them from truly appreciating their advantages and qualities that outweigh the negative ones. It
has now gotten to the point where some people are unable to maintain meaningful relationships with people
in real life because all of their friends exist in the small blue rectangle on their Facebook page. Social media
has established such a role in the real world that everyday interaction is accompanied by some form of it.
Even if someone does not have social media, they are surrounded by individuals who use this so much that
they are practically engulfed in the virtual world. Eventually, they will have the same effects as the people in
their environment. No matter the situation, social media has its presence in almost everything we do. What is
hot now will soon encourage face-to-face interaction to be just a trend in the past. In order to get back to a
full society social media must be contained to get rid of the negative impacts and only display the positive
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 shows the relationship of independent variable which contains social media while the dependent
variable contains the the academic performance of the students and the moderating variable contains the
Socio-demographic Profile
Research hypothesis
Research Question: Is there an effect of social media on the academic performance of students?
This study attempts to examine the Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Senior
High students of Banban National High School and this study will develop an understanding of how social
media affect student’s academic performances use as part of each individual student’s method to understand
3. What are the positive effect and advantages of social media to your academic performance?
4. What are the negative effect and disadvantages of social media to your academic performance?
This study focuses on explaining the Effect of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Senior High
School Students of Banban National High School. Moreover, the results of the study will be beneficial to
the following:
Students. This study will focus in the effects of social media on the students. This research will be give
Teacher. The result of the study may give insights to teacher about how social media could be a factor that
effects their student’s performances in classes. The knowledge that will be acquired could encourage and
Parents. The result of the study make them be aware of how social media affect their child/children on the
academic performance. Hence it may help parents know what is best for their children and act accordingly.
School. The school where the students are studying, Banban National High School, will also find this study
significant for the reason that they will understand that some of their student’s academic is affected by social
The focus of this research is to primarily study the effect of social media on the academic performance of
students. The study will comprise students of Banban National High School, this S.Y. 2022-2023. 120
sudents who are actively using social media are the respondents of the study.
Definition of terms
As words may mean differently in different contexts, the following definition are given us the words used
Social Media. They are forms of electronic communication which facilitate interactive base on certain
Social Networking. The use of internet to make information about yourself available to other especially
Students. Someone who is studying at a University or School. Someone who is very interested in a
particular subject.
The research is focused on analyzing the effects of Facebook on students’ performance. There are
numerous research studies that analyze this topic and they are indeed relevant since most of the innovative
features offered by the Facebook platform in collaboration with other social media forums have been.
Social media continuously keeps changing and as such it is difficult to assign a fixed definition to it
as Jacka and Scott (2011), argued that ‘’there is no single recognized definition for social media’’. However,
some scholars have defined it from different perspectives over the past years. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010),
defined social media as a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological
foundations of Web 2.0 and allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. The Oxford
dictionary (2011), also defined social media as “websites and applications used for social networking”.
Another definition of social media is that it is a ‘’communication channel which is very popular,
extremely fast and broad, has proven to be highly effective, as well as trusted by billions of people , to share
and discover content concerning individuals, brands, information, entertainment and know how’’ (Dearborn,
2014). One theme that all these definitions underpin is that social media involves some form of
communication between individuals over the internet. Social media began in the late 1990s with the first
recognized social media network called “SixDegrees “ in 1997 and this technology enabled people to upload
a profile and make friends. From 1997 to 2001 a number of community tools; Asian Avenue, blackplanet,
and MiGente began supporting various combinations of profile and publicly articulated friends (Boyd,
Danah, Ellison, and Nicole, 2007). There has been tremendous improvement since this era and today there
exist uncountable social networking sites either developed for local use, specific purpose, or international
use. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010), classified social media into six (6) different categories as follows;
This classification of social media into classes has been useful to scholars and individuals for easy
identification and study of a particular social media type but today a difficulty may arise due to the high
proliferation of social media and one may wonder which group a newly developed social media type fits
into. Social media is considered to be the fastest growing web application in the 21 century and this rapid
development is being backed by technological advancement (Heyam, 2014). Mankind has enormously
benefited and continues to benefit from it and as such cannot underestimate its importance as far as
communication is concerned. Today, social media has taken a new dimension and has encouraged more
participation through the introduction of mobile phones that support social network applications. The use of
mobile phones that are powered by Android applications to a social network is termed as Mobile social
networking. According to Humphreys (2007), in his study titled “Mobile Social Networks and Social
Practices”,social network applications have now been migrated from the computer to the 7 mobile phones
network information and communication can be integrated into the public space; and these new services that
are developed for mobile phones allow users to create, develop, and strengthen their social ties.
Students’ academic life has moved to a different dimension since the introduction of these social media
networks and several studies have affirmed that social media plays an important role on students in higher
education including the study conducted by Wheeler, Yeomans and Wheeler,(2008); Rifkin, Longnecker,
Leach and Ortia,(2009). In their study, they recognized four (4) major advantages of social media usage by
students in higher education which included; enhancing relationship, improving learning motivation,
offering personalized course material, and developing collaborative abilities. Indeed, social media has
contributed greatly to facilitating learning in the 21st century. It is shown that a greater percentage of
students including those at the PhD level commonly use social media to ameliorate their studies (Khan,
2010). The answers to the causes of flexible studies today across the globe might not be far-fetched from the
great contribution that social media platforms are providing when used judiciously. Even though, there have
been other school of thought that state that social media is a nuisance to students’ academic life such as
Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010), who argued in their study that social networks distracts the attention and
concentration of the students toward learning and converts it towards non educational activities such as
useless and unnecessary chatting, there have been several studies conducted afterwards whose findings are
contrary to this claim. For instance, the study conducted by Jain, Verma, Verma and Tiwari (2012), titled
“the impact of social networking in promoting education’’ revealed that students benefit from chatting with
other students, teachers and external sources to acquire knowledge. Also, Yunus and Salehi 8 (2012), argued
in the same direction that students gained more vocabulary, improved their writing skills and reduced their
spelling mistakes through social media usage. In fact as an educational tool, social media enriches learning
by giving both students and teachers the opportunity to connect in new and very exciting ways thereby
encouraging flexible mode of learning. It is stated that flexible learning expands the choice on what, when
and how people learn. It supports different styles of learning including E-learning which is highly patronized
across the globe (Pappas, 2013). Other scholars; O’keeffe and Clake-pearson (2011), in their study also
revealed that social media benefits students by connecting them to one another on assignments and class
projects. It is further buttressed in the study of Arquero and Esteban, (2013) and Selwyn, (2007) whose
conclusions were that social media undoubtedly generate new opportunities to engage students in higher
education as they are remarkably effective at connecting people and facilitating the exchange of information.
It is clear and indisputable from these studies that social media usage in the educational sector cannot be
Davies and Cranston (2008), enumerated some of the risks associated with social media which
included criminal activities such as identity theft and fake contacts which are prevalent today, sexual abuse
or harassment, and unsuitable advertising. On the same subject O’keeffe and Clakepearson (2011), also
mentioned cyberbullying, online harassment, sexting, facebook depression, and privacy concerns as some of
Cyberbullying: cyberbullying is a category of bullying that occurs in the digital realm or medium of
electronic text. ‘‘It is any behavior performed through electronic or digital media by 9 individuals or groups
that repeatedly communicates hostile or aggressive messages intended to inflict harm or discomfort on
others’’ (Tokunaga, 2010). Cyberbullying is one of the serious threat in the social media environment and
has called for a number of studies to determine its causes. The causes of cyberbullying according to Calvete,
Orue, Estevez, Villardon, and Padilla (2010), were significantly related to the use of proactive aggression,
justification of violence, exposure to violence, and less perceived social support of friends.
Privacy concerns: this is another concern that everyone involved in social networking is faced with. The
rate at which people post or share fake information calls for alarm and it is difficult to ascertain that, what
people say and post are truly who they are. Individuals’ private information are publicly displayed on some
of these social networks and malicious people take advantage and perpetrate all kinds of harassment. It is
also argued that the privacy options offered by most social networking sites (SNSs) do not provide users
with the flexibility needed to handle conflicts with individuals who have different conceptions of privacy
(Preibusch, Hoser, Gurses and Berendt, 2007). Aside these effects, other studies conducted by scholars have
also proved that social media can be detrimental to students’ academic life if caution is not taken in its
usage. For instance the study conducted by Obi, Bulus, Adamu and Sala’at (2012), titled “The need for
safety consciousness among Youths on social Networking Sites” concluded that social media affects
students use of English. They use short-handwriting when chatting with friends and unconsciously get used
to it thereby replicating same errors during examinations. Even though one may argue that these are minor
challenges, it is important to acknowledge the increasing rate at which these errors are replicated in the
education sector and if care is not taken future generation may see it as a norm. Indeed a number of studies
including but not limited to the 10 study of Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010), Osharive (2015), Maya
(2015), among others have revealed unequivocally that social media can be problematic to students’
Social networking has expanded to practically every corner of the world and has become a
widespread international trend of the globe. Social media usage has skyrocketed and transformed into an
online community platform. Produce stuff, distribute it, bookmark it, and network quickly. Among the most
well-known social media users are the students. This research asseses the Effect of Social Media on the
The effect of social media has grown to the point where billions of individuals are now active on
various social media platforms. Children and students actively use social media in their daily lives as well. A
person spends the majority of their waking hours reading through their social
media accounts.
The use of social media in our world has dramatically increased over the last few years. Services like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, and , Snapchat are some of the most popular among people around
the world. reading a free essay on social media is crucial to develop a better understanding of the good and
bad of such websites and services which is a precursor to writing a great essay yourself. According to some
researches this new information sharing environment way also be allowing how student perceive
themselves. Use of social media had a negative impact of ourselves. Gained more academic attention
Foreign Studies
conducted a study to examine the impact of students’ use of social media on their academic performance.
The study revealed that the majority of students possessed mobile phones with internet access and were
aware of the existence of social media. Students who have spent between 5 to 6 hours a day on social media
sites score better academically than their peers. In addition, the study found that students who have utilized
Spare Moment on social media sites have superior academic achievement. It demonstrates that the students
who have use WhatsApp rather than Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter perform better academically than
their peers. Therefore, students who utilized if for academic purposes are superior to those have not, and
This chapter presented the method and procedure of this study. It was organized under the following
contents: research design, locale of the study, population and sampling, research instrument, and data
gathering procedure
Research Design
The research design to be used in the study will be descriptive research. The study is called quantitative
because it deals with numbers and it analyzes problems by the means of numerical variables. The Effect of
Social Media on the Academic Performance of Senior High School students of Banban National High
Banban National High School is one of the public schools here in Bangui. The study will be
conducted at Banban National High School. The researchers will distribute the questionnaires after class
The researchers decided to used a stratified random sampling method. The researcher did decide to
Stratified random sampling is a method of sampling that involves the division of a a population into
Research Instrument
questions. They were formulated by the researchers, and it is composed of 5 questions that were required
answer about the Effect of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Senior High Students of Banban
The researchers were gathered information by distributing questionnaires to their respondents about
the Effect of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Senior High Students of Banban National High
School, in order to get an answer and have a deeper understanding in Effect of Social Media on the
Academic Performance of Senior High Students of Banban National High School. Researchers summarized
Responses to the questionnaires by students of Banban National High School were statistically
analyzed with the data requirements of the study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, count, mean and
Frequency count and percentage. This will be used to determine the number of respondents in
every section and the calculation of how many answered the questions. Then, the score will be converted to
This section presents the answer, analysis, and interpretation of the gathered data.
Table 1.1
12 17 14.2%
13 13 10.8%
14 21 17.5%
15 27 22.5%
16 11 9.2%
17 22 18.3%
18 9 7.5%
TOTAL 120 100%
As shown in the table above. The highest percentage is 22.5% which belong to the age of 15 years old while
the age 18 years old has the lowest respondent and percentage which is 9 (7.5%). Moreover, fourteen and
two percent, or 17 respondents are age of 12, the youngest of the group. Seven and 5 percent or 9
Table 1.2
FEMALE 65 54.2%
MALE 55 45.8%
TOTAL 120 100%
The table above presents the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of Sex. As gathered,
Fifty four and two percent (65) of the respondents were females and the rest 55 (45.8%) were males. This
1-2 26 21.7%
3-4 45 37.5%
5-6 28 23.3%
7-8 17 14,2%
9-10 4 3.3%
TOTAL: 120 100%
According to the gathered data, table 1.3 shows that the frequency and percentage distribution of the
respondents' profile in terms of hours engage in using social media. Rank 1 , indicator2, 3-4 hours have the
frequency of 45 and 37.5 % while the lowest rank is indicator 5, 9-10 hours with a frequency of 0 and 0%.
Overall the majority of the respondents' choose the indicator 2, 3-4 hours engaging theirselves in social
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Profile in terms of Social media
Social media platform FREQUENCY %
FACEBOOK 58 48.3%
MESSENGER 22 18.3%
TIKTOK 29 24.2%
TWITTER 3 2.5%
OTHER: 1 0.8%
TOTAL: 120 100%
Based on the data gathered table 1.4 states that most of the respondents pick the indicator 1 with a
total frequency of 58 and a percentage of 48.3% while the lowest is indicator 6 with a frequency of 1 and
0.8%. Further more indicator 4 with a frequency of 29 and a percentage of 24.2%. Indicator 5 with the 2nd
lowest have a fequency of 3 and a percentage of 3.5%. Lastly indicator 3 with a frequency of 22 and a
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Profile in terms of Positive effects
Table 1.5 shows the positive effects of social media on the respondents. According to them social
media is their source of happiness with a frequency and percentage of 55 (48.5%). Moreover, indicator 1
with a frequency of 21 and a percentage of 17.5% while indicator 3 only have a frequency of 13 and a
percentage of 10.8%. Indicator 4 with a frequency and percentage of 15 (12.5&), indicator 5 with a
frequency of 4 and a percentage of 3.3% and indicator 6 with a frequency of 12 and a percentage of 10%.
Lastly indicator 7 with a frequency of 0 and the percentage is also 0. So the majority of the respondents
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Profile in terms of Negative effects
Laziness 38 31.7%
Isolation then turn to anti-social 10 2.3%
Table 1.6 presents the negative effects and disadvantages of social media. 31% of the respondents answered
laziness; 23% said addiction; 20% said distraction; 11% said leads to poor academic performance; 2.3%
said isolation then turn into anti-social. It shows that majority of the respondents answered laziness.
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents’ Profile in terms of Significance of social media
Table 1.7 presents the significance of social media on the academic performance of students. 40.8%
of the respondents answered increasing knowledge through data and information gathering; 36.7% said that
it improves literacy, communication and reading skills; 12.5% said it helps gain wider knowledge; 10% said
it promotes independent learning. It shows that majority of the respondents answered that the significance of
social media on the performance of students is it increase knowledge through data and information
The earlier chapter presented the results from the analysis followed by the discussions. This chapter
Summary of Findings
3. According to the gathered data it shows that the majority of the respondents 3-4 hours engaging their
4. The gathered data shows that the respondents pick the Facebook with the total of frequency of 58 and a
percentage of 48.3%.
5. This presents the positive effects and advantages 45.8% respondents answered that the social media is
6. This presents the negative effects and disadvantages of social media 31% of the respondents answered
7. The significance of social media on the academic performance of the students 40.8% of the respondents
The results of this study's findings demonstrated that, despite social media's negative impacts on
teenagers—such as a lack of privacy, the way it diverts attention from academic work, how much of their
productive time it consumes—it nevertheless has advantages and may be used effectively. Students can
create online communities, for example, to plan projects, discuss course material in small groups, and stay in
touch when a student wants to be updated on recent academic developments while they are away from class.
The results of this investigation and previous ones revealed several notable conclusions. Social
media use was the first independent variable that had an impact on students' academic performance, and it
had a negative correlation with students' outcomes, whereas the other independent factors had a positive
correlation with students' outcomes. The findings of this study recommend that lecturers develop a template
for how their students can make the most of social media, that school administration implement rules and
regulations regarding the use of social media in the classroom, and that the government implement sufficient
control measures to control social media use among students and lecturers.
In the light of the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made:
2. Students should be monitored by teachers and parents on how they use these sites.
3. Teachers should ensure they use the social media as a tool to improve the academic
4. Students should better manage their study time in and prevent distractions that can
be provided by the social media. There should be a decrease in the number of time spent by students when
5. Social Networking Sites should be expanded and new pages should be created to
6. The students should create a balance between chit-chatting and academic activities.
7. The use of Social media network by students should focus on the academic
School Principal
Banban National High School
Good Day!
In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Inquiry, Investigation, and Immersion, we the undersigned
researchers of Banban National High School would like to ask permission to conduct a research study entitled
“The Effect of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Senior High Students of Banban National
High School.
We would like to ask your good office to allow us to conduct our research study in the said school. Rest
assured that the data we will gather will remain absolutely confidential and to be used for academic purpose only.
We believe that you are with us in this enthusiasm to finish the requirement as for compliance to our
subject and to develop our well-being. We hope of your positive response on this matter. Your approval to
conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Respectfully yours,
Acio, Diana Rose A.
Baniaga, Lester Rae
Dagampat, Xyrell Jess V.
Gaces, Calvine Mellan D.
Ruam, Richard Francis R.
Pasion, Yasmien Therese Ann M.
Saguilla, Elysa Meryn V.
Recommending Approval:
Research Teacher
We, the undersigned researchers are Grade 12 HUMSS Students of Banban National High School
currently conducting a research entitled “The Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance Senior
High School Students of Banban National High School” and this regard for asking your participation to
answer the survey questionnaires. Rest the information that you will be providing us will be treated
Name (Optional):
Grade and Section:
1–2 7–8
3–4 9 – 10
Others: (Please-specify )
3. What are the positive effects and advantages of social media to your academic
Flexible learning
Source of happiness
4. What are the negative effects and disadvantages of social media to your academic
__Improper hygiene
Personal Information
Civil Status : SINGLE
Educational Background
Elementary : Lanao Elementary School
Lanao Bangui, Ilocos Norte
2011 - 2017
Special Skills
Public Speaking
Personal Information
Sex : MALE
Civil Status : SINGLE
Permanent Address : BRGY. MANAYON,
Date of Birth : JULY 04, 2003
Place of Birth : LAOAG CITY
Father :
Contact Number:
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary : Banban Elementary School
Brgy. Banban, Bangui, Ilocos Norte
2011 - 2017
Special Skills
Personal Information
Sex : MALE
Civil Status : SINGLE
Permanent Address : PUROK MERCURY,
Educational Background
Elementary : Banban Elementary School
Brgy. Banban, Bangui, Ilocos Norte
2011 - 2017
Special Skills
Personal Information
Sex : MALE
Civil Status : SINGLE
Date of Birth : DECEMBER 02, 2004
Place of Birth : BATAC CITY
Contact Number:
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary : Baruyen Elementary School
Brgy. Baruyen, Bangui, Ilocos Norte
2011 - 2017
Special Skills
Time management
Personal Information
Civil Status : SINGLE
Permanent Address : BRGY. SAN LORENZO,
Date of Birth : SEPTEMBER 27, 2004
Place of Birth : LAOAG CITY
Contact Number:
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary : Bangui Central Elementary School
Brgy. San Lorenzo Bangui, Ilocos Norte
2011 - 2017
Personal Information
Sex : MALE
Civil Status : SINGLE
Permanent Address : PUROK MARS, BRGY. BANBAN,
Date of Birth : MAY 24, 2005
Place of Birth : BATAC CITY
Contact Number:
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary : Banban Elementary School
Brgy. Banban, Bangui, Ilocos Norte
2011 - 2017
Special Skills
Playing mobile legend
Personal Information
Civil Status : SINGLE
Permanent Address : PUROK MARS, BRGY. BANBAN,
Date of Birth : APRIL 09, 2005
Place of Birth : BATAC CITY
Contact Number:
E-mail Address:
Educational Background
Elementary : Banban Elementary School
Brgy. Banban, Bangui, Ilocos Norte
2011 - 2017
Special Skills
Ajay Aluri To Investigate the usage of Social Networking Sites as a
Career Enhancement Tool among Generation Y: an Empirical Research.
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_acade mic_performance_of_pupils_in_primary_school.
Sharon Strover (2012). A Retrospective on Convergence, Moral Panic,
and the Internet retrieve from
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