Today 2
Today 2
Today 2
Today's world is a global village, and the internet is the most important
source of information. Since the introduction of social media sites in the 1990s,
some believe that students' academic performance has been neglected and
Social media use also helps people feel connected to the right people, which
may help people feel less isolated. Indeed, social media offers a variety of ways
strangers, and weak ties, such as family, friends, and relatives. It also plays a
crucial role among people of all ages as they leverage their sense of belonging in
essential part of their everyday lives. The majority of internet users view it as a
platform where they may acquire, distribute, and use data to their
nation with not so slow internet, it managed to lead the list of countries with
active social media users, with a 25% increase in internet and social media users
sites, online video sites, online gaming, and blogging inside social networking
sites are some of the inventive ways that individuals, particularly teenagers, may
Facebook is the most popular social media site among Filipinos, making it
the top priority of Davao businesses for social media promotion. We administer
your Facebook page, develop content for it, analyze Facebook data, and provide
published blogs, and used social media to assist them understand what digital
understand the value of social media exposure and how it can benefit Davao
while spending most of their time on the internet. Networking causes people to
pay less attention to other activities and parts of their life, which might have
serious impacts.
Social media’s impact on mental health complicates social service delivery on the
micro level due to the significant growth of mental health symptoms and
In the Doña Carmen National High school, the findings of this study will be
Students. The findings of this study will provide information on the offered
and available school services and activities. Students can share study materials
health and increase their knowledge through data and information gathering.
Teacher. This study can provide additional information which will help
performance and what acceptable teaching practices create better out comes.
Parents, Alumni, and Community. The results of this study can encourage
parents, alumni, and the community for further dialogue on policies, supports,
This study aims to determine the relationship between the of Senior High
1. What is the level of Social Media Exposure in terms of Senior High School
1.1. communication,
1.3. business?
2.1. health,
2.3. behaviors?
Null Hypothesis
This section will review the literature and studies that are significant to the
topic explored. They were reviewed to help clarify, describe, support and
evaluate the study. This section is presented based on the two variables under
study: social media exposure and psychological well-being of senior high school
and business. While the Psychological well-being has three indicators: health,
transforming the way students communicate, connect, and socialize, and has
become an integral part of their social and cultural fabric. As a result, kids are
media for not only social but also educational purposes, students use these
and YouTube. A total of 143 valid responses from students in business and
social welfare, and fair trade; conversely, it is associated with a lower perceived
source of information for learning and their use is still restricted. (Heliyon, 2021)
may be a role in psychological discomfort, with effects exerted through the main
now and has been identified as a protective factor against psychiatric symptoms
following stressful experiences. ( Yi Ding, Xinchen Fu, Rui Zhen, and Xiaotian
using a similar set of symbols, signals, or behaviours . Emails, phone chats, text
instead, cite the communicator's name, the term "personal communication," and
the date of the conversation in parentheses only in your main text (E. Robbins,
and social media platforms are essential for modern communication. Many
media. Many advantages result from using it to distribute content, including faster
around the world as a forum for professional self-promotion and graduate job
we have grown more reliant on social media. The high degree of use and
more imaginative in advertising our firm using social media, which will persuade
Social Media for Business is the definitive guide to navigating the social
media storm and efficiently promoting your business online. You'll learn how to
create a basic marketing plan, how to utilize social media efficiently, and how to
track the outcomes of your efforts as you convert contacts and followers into
consumers. This new third edition has been updated to reflect Instagram's
updated case studies that demonstrate the rapid evolution of social media as a
business tool. Learn about the most current changes to Facebook, LinkedIn,
YouTube, and Pinterest, as well as how to incorporate them into your plan and
whether to migrate toward or away from a given network. Social media may
assist you in expanding your networks, engaging with your consumers, and
Networking site has been gaining popularity and the medium of choice for
aspiring business owners.Using our cellphone and apps like Instagram, Twitter,
Facebook and etc. We can promote and use these as an advantage on making
more on technology or most of us are involve in media and are users of social
media apps. (Zulkifli Abd Latiff, Nur Ayuni Safira Safiee, 2015)
Psychological Well-Being
Well-being varies, and numerous names are used to define it, including
satisfaction, and so on. Some newer perspectives on well-being are more holistic
person and their social and physical surroundings (Knoop & Delle-Fave 2013).
feeling well and doing well. Individuals do not need to feel good all of the time to
is a natural part of life, and being able to handle these negative or painful
We wanted to see how successful the newly designed HOPE intervention will be
lowering personal stigma and stress levels among young adults at a Singapore
controlled study and recruited 174 volunteers aged 18-24 years old using social
media channels. The HOPE intervention group had four online sessions spread
out over two weeks, whereas the control group received inspirational quotations
the control group, the intervention group had higher levels of depression and
stage, personal stigma for depression was decreased. However, there were no
sample numbers are needed to replicate and expand on the existing findings.
(Jing Ling Tay, Yong Shian Shawn Goh, Kang Sim, Piyanee Klainin-Yobas,
comprehensive literature review to set the framework for understanding the link
major academic databases that were published between 2003 and 2016. The
psychological wellbeing in both good and negative ways. The elements that
theoretical basis for their findings, and the majority of them featured young and
healthy students, ignoring other groups of SNS users. The report finishes by
deal of research and media attention. While assumptions about the emotional
indirect. Furthermore, while researchers have made various efforts to utilize the
individual level, nothing is known about the validity of these inferences, and
recurrent diversions from alerts, and fragmented workflows have all been blamed
fundamental human capacities. SMTs may achieve this because they have a
social media technology influences our emotional lives and how these feelings
connect to our digital well-being. It is critical to address this since ethical insights
into and design for social media technologies offer the door to actively reinforcing
social media platforms help people express themselves online. This has
media platforms, as well as how future ones are designed. (Dennis, 2017)
Behavior. In recent years, there has been an increase in research into the
effects of social media use on psychological well-being among senior high school
students. According to research, social media use may have both beneficial and
esteem and social connections. Excessive social media use, on the other hand,
may result in increased stress and anxiety, as well as lower self-esteem and
the type of social media content that senior high school students are exposed to.
For example, research has found that teens who view more images of body
perfection and thinness are more likely to have body dissatisfaction. Teens who
watch posts about cyberbullying and conflict are also more likely to suffer from
benefits of using social media. Teens who connect with peers on social media,
for example, are more likely to feel supported and connected, according to
an outlet for self-expression, which can have a positive impact on mental health.
among senior high school students is complex. While excessive time spent on
social media may be harmful, there may also be potential benefits depending on
• Communication • Health
• Career • Emotions
• Business • Behaviors
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
This study is supported by theories that are related with the social media
exposure and psychological well-being of senior high school students. Firstly, the
information and ideas in virtual communities, and they can network with other
members who share similar or shared interests, desires, and objectives. Social
way of public health surveillance. These social media feature assisted people in
learning more about the condition, answering their questions, and providing them
In context to this study, Social media allows users to stay in touch with
others. When students express themselves through status updates, links, videos,
keep track of regular updates regarding their family, friends, classmates, and
well-being theory is also used in this study. The theory relies that Psychosocial
both positive and negative aspects of human experience. Certain factors are
common predictors of both aspects, while other factors are specific to each
aspect. According to one study, being in a positive mental state can help you
stay healthy and prevent significant health problems. Positive psychological well-
being has been demonstrated to lessen the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
definitely one of the most important for us humans, especially for students who
may face various life conditions not only in their studies but also outside of school
Research Locale
Motorsave, Toril Davao City. This institution, which was founded in 1967, seeks
Doña Carmen Denia National High School offers junior and senior high
school as part of its K–12 basic education program. It is in accordance with the
GAS, STEM, ABM, and HUMSS tracks, and the Vocational Vocational Livelihood
(TVL) track gives students the technical skills they need for their senior high
school education.
Research Respondents
The sampling method that will be used is the purposive sampling method to
determine the relationship between the social media exposure and psychological
well-being of senior high school students. In the purposive sampling method, the
questionnaires. The respondents will be selected from all senior high school
Research Instrument
respondents. The results will be undergo reliability and validity testing. With the
help of expert validators, the tool passed both the validation and reliability testing
reliability. A ―high‖ value for alpha does not imply that the measure is
as a function of the number of test items and the average inter-correlation among
the items (Taber, 2018). The Cronbach‘s alpha reliability test treatment to the test
questionnaire has a result of 0.973, interpreted as excellent (a > 0.9). This means
that the reliability test result based on the self-made test questionnaire is highly
high school students will be interpreted using the Likert scale below:
Descriptive Interpretation
1.50-2.49 Low
The researchers will give a lot of vigorous time, effort and cooperation in
The survey will be created using suitable questions modified from related
copies were distributed to the senior high school students respondents of Dona
Carmen Denia National High School. Participants were given time to repond and
then the researchers will collect the survey questionnaires after a one hour.
The data gathered from this research instrument were talked and
participants. Along with primary data, the researchers also made use of
secondary resources in the form of published articles and literature to support the
survey results.
Data Analysis
This study will use the following statistical treatments with the help of a
between those of the extreme members of some set. Several of means exist, and
terms of mean numbers. You can set how much difference you’ll allow between
the mean number of your sample and the mean number of your population
(Thomas, 2022)
once two variables are found to be related, the correlation coefficient is used to
determine the strength of the relationship. This lesson will explain how to
calculate and interpret this statistic (Hartin,2021). This will be used to determine
the significant relationship between senior high school students' social media
Abedin, (2018). Impacts of the use of social network sites on users' psychological
well-being: A systematic review. Retrieved from
Akakandelwa & Walubita. (2018). Students’ Social Media Use and its Perceived
Impact on their Social Life: A Case Study of the University of Zambia. Retrieved
Dennis, (2017). How Social Are Social Media? A Review of Online Social
Behaviour and Connectedness. Retrieved from
Heliyon. (2021). The negative effects of social media on the social identity of
adolescents from the perspective of social work. Retrieved from
Jing Ling Tay, Yong Shian Shawn Goh, Kang Sim, Piyanee Klainin-Yobas,
(2022) mpact of the HOPE Intervention on Mental Health Literacy, Psychological
Well- Being and Stress Levels amongst University Undergraduates: A
Randomised Controlled Trial. Retrieved from
Junkova (2021) How Your Social Media Presence Can Influence (Positively and
Negatively) Your Job Search. Retrieved from
Kabigting,(2021) Social Media Exposure and its Perceived Impact on Students'
Home-Based Tasks Productivity. Retrieved from
Wiley and Sons. (2017) Social Media – The New Paradigm of Collaboration and
Communication for Business Environment. Retrieved from
Zulkifli Abd Latiff, Nur Ayuni Safira Safiee, (2015). NEW BUSINESS SET UP
Survey Questionnaire
This researcher-made survey questionnaire is conducted to study the
significant relationship between social media exposure and psychological well-
being of senior high school students. Kindly be honestly to respond on the
statements by putting a check (/) on the box and spaces provided. Your
responses will help to determine the relationship between social media exposure
and psychological well-being of senior high school students. Thank you and good
4- Agree
3- Neutral
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree
Business 5 4 3 2 1
I am ... to sure social media as an
advantage to sell my product.
2.aware to those risk that social
media can cause. to develop my technique in
negotiating through the help of
social media apps.
4.knowlegable in social media
Health 5 4 3 2 1
It can. . .
1.relieve social isolation and
loneliness by opening up new
communication pathways.
2.inspire healthy lifestyle changes.
Emotion 5 4 3 2 1
It can. . . a moral support to fight.
Behavior 5 4 3 2 1
I can easily. . .
1. make decisions that are good
and better in my health.
2. helps develop coping skills,
handle adversity, and put the
negative into perspective. a respect in your
relationships builds feelings of trust,
safety, and wellbeing.
4.improve my myself to be a role