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Research Final

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Social Media is a network of applications and websites that make-up the global village

that we are currently utilizing in our generation today. Communicating, sharing, texting,

publishing, and multimedia sharing are just some of the things that we can do on social media. It

has a different platform that portrays different uses for different people. The rise of technology

with the continuous innovations that are happening up to date contribute to the expanding usage

of social media applications as well as social media websites. As a result, more and more people,

particularly, teenagers of today, are becoming regular users of these websites and applications.

With its increasing number of users day by day, it is with no doubt that social media is now

playing a great role in our society as of today. In social media, people are able to connect,

empathize, discover, learn and be informed with the current happenings all around the country as

well as the world. It helps us increase our connectivity with people all around the world and

thus, develops our social well-being. Also, with increased connectivity, it moulds us to become

better citizens that can express our opinions with the current happenings in and out of the

country. Information are easily gathered in a split second and can be pocketed at no cost. For

students, it promotes more learning opportunities and urges them to dive in more learning

resources that can aid in their academic development as well as mental well-being. It is also a

tool that they mostly use for communicating with their peers with academic-related matter as

well as socializing with friends. It also plays a great role for leisure time when academic works

are not present. With the above mentioned advantages that social media brings forth to us, it can

also be a hindrance for learning and an addicting device that can be abused when not handled

well. Just like a coin, there is always two sides, and in social media, it has its positives and
negatives as well. Majority of the impacts of social media lies on the youth since they are the

main users of social media and most of the time, these youth are also part of the student


Academic performance, on the other hand, pertains to the outcome of learning and

education. It is the result of multiple tests, quizzes, examinations and projects that a student has

been able to accomplish. It is how well a student performed in a school or in a university.

Academic performance plays a great role with career decisions in the future. It contributes to the

chance of being employed and placed in a career you really aim for. It is really an advantage for

those students who performed well in school when applying for jobs and even universities. With

so many social networking platforms present in our time today, temptations on students to

neglect school-related activities and home works are mostly possible. On the contrary, social

networking sites also aid students during research and data gathering for a faster learning

process. This study focuses mainly on the perception of students on the effects that social media

brings forth to their academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

The focus of this research is to gain knowledge about the effects of social media in terms of the

academic performance of the students such in their

What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

1. Gender
Factors that effects the academic performance of the students

1. Grades

2. Social Communication Skills


Scope and Delimitations

The primary objective in this study is to know the effects of social media to the academic

performance of Grade 12 - HUMSS Students. This study is limited to social media which

includes Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and online games, which is used by 70% of teens all over

the world. The researchers will gather information about the effects of social media to the

academic performances of Grade 12-HUMSS. The survey will be conducted by the students of

Grade 12-HUMSS Our Lady of Guadalupe from Binangonan Catholic College. The researchers

will give a survey about the evaluation of the respondents regarding in the study of the effects of

social media to the academic performances of the Grade 12-HUMSS students.

In random order, the researchers will give copies of the questionnaire to the Grade 12-

HUMSS students, in order for the researchers to determine the effects of social media to their

academic performances like problem- solving strategy, memorization and decision- making

capabilities, spatial visualization.

Null Hypothesis

The academic performance of the students has no effect on how they used social media

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the study is note-worthy and the following will benefit:

Students of BCC. They will be more informed with the impact of social media on their

academic performance and they will be more aware with the consequences of overusage thus,

resulting to a more responsible users of social media applications and platforms. Also, they will

be able to use social media in a more efficient way.

Teachers of BCC. They will possess a deeper understanding regarding student’s academic

performance in relation to their usage of social media. Furthermore, it will urge them to

encourage students to use social media as a medium to access more learning resources for a

better and more efficient learning experience.

BCC School Administrators. They will be able to reach a wider number of students and

encourage them as well as their parents to be informed regarding the impact of social media on

student’s academic performance. Also, this will urge them to create awareness and promote

responsible usage of social media.

Student’s Parents. They will be more cautious with their children’s usage of social media and

help them understand its effects on academic performance thus, leading to a more guided usage

of social media platforms and applications.

Theoretical Framework

This research proposes a framework for theimpact of social media use on collaborativelearning in

learning the Quran and Hadith amongstudents in Malaysian higher education, basedon the

constructivism theory (Vygotsky 1978) andTAM theories (Davis et al. 1989).Social Constructivism Theor y

was used by Vygotsky’s in thefield of education. It has many benefits and in-sights. Vygotsky’s work

opened the door forinstructors and educationalists to reconsider the learning process which they first

implied as an individual activity (Vygtosky 1978). His claim was that other people and participants

facilitate the connection between thoughts and objects (Veer and Valsiner 1993). It was argued that

thereare two sides of human history of dominationand control. Although human dominance overnature

appears through the invention of toolsand the utilization of technology, humans arecontrolled to

some extent by signs, such as cultural techniques (Veer and Valsiner 1993). Ap-plying this theory in the

field of collaborativelearning accentuates the different students’ ex-periences of interacting with others.

It was suggested that human activities are merely socialexperiences in explaining the significance of oth-

ers in the learning environment.

Conceptual Framework
Use of Social
Networking Sites Performance
Definition of Terms

Academic Performance - the outcome of learning and education in school.

Global Village - the world considered as a single community linked by telecommunications.

Media – media technologies that are intended to reach a wide number of audience through mass


Social Media – forms of electronic communication that facilitates interactions bases on specific

interests. This includes mobile and web technologies.

Social Networking Sites – websites that people use to communicate, put up information, learn,

be informed and interact with people all around the world.



According to Ellison and Boyd (2007), social networking sites are web-based

services that allow individuals to construct profiles, display user connections and traverse within

that list of connections. These social networking sites are accessible to almost all ages and can

easily be accessed just by having internet connection. In social media, users are able to connect

and interact with each other.

Humans are social animals (Karadkar, 2015). These days, the most convenient

and common way for student’s interaction is through social media. Actually, many reasons exist

as to why students love to spend time socializing. Social networking sites provide them the

freedom to do whatever they want, to upload whatever they want and to talk to whomever they

want. They like to make new friends and comment on the lives of different people. In addition,

students can also create other online identities that the real world does not allow.

In a study conducted by Isaac (2009), he stated that, “social communication using the

internet became the frontier of daily communication, collaboration and networking.” having this

in mind, most students communicate with each other using social networking sites about school-

related matter and they often pass around handouts and reviewers for their quizzes and
examinations. It is a convenient tool for them to use in order to spread out information and

discover more learning materials in a fast way.

On the other hand, the way students gain information also contribute to the learning

efficiency and learning process. Gbollie and Keamu (2017) believes that the learning strategy is

vital to the student’s learning outcomes. Since social media provides better accessibility to

knowledge and information, it is becoming an essential tool nowadays for our generation. The

students can also be able to connect with other people that therefore provides more insights about

a certain topic to be discovered.

In an article by Austin (2006), she has stated that the people who are at the forefront of

molding the future of social networking sites are teens and children. This is because vast

majorities of the people who use the internet are children and teens. Reportedly, many teens

spend an average of 8 hours online every day.

Social media is now all around and fast spreading day by day. As responsible citizens, we

should be mindful of its negative and positive impacts. In an article by Stonecipher (2017), it was

stated that social media is extremely beneficial but also portrays negative effects specifically on

mental health. In the article, some of the positive sides include making and maintaining

relationships with people, self-expression, self-identity, emotional support, and community

building. In comparison, negativities include body shaming, cyber bullying, poor sleep quality

due to excessive use or addiction, these then, results to mental health issues, depression and time

management problems.

Time management and academic performance of students has a relatively evident

relationship with each other. According to a research by Mendoza et al (2009), student not only
have to manage time not only as students but also as a child, as a partner, or as a friend. Being a

student alone is stressful because of the expectation of parents and relatives to perform well in

school. With these factors in mind, time management definitely plays a vital role with the

student’s overall academic performance. As stated by Kyoshaba (2009), the role of academic

achievement as one of the predictors of one’s life success and also in the aspect of academic

placement in school and in other higher institutions as well as the level of employability in one’s

career is inevitable. That is why doing good in school will be much more beneficial when time

comes that these students will be entering their chosen field of work.

A study by Ahn (2011) have shown that students are the top users of social media. It

shows that teenagers nowadays are much more involved with social networking sites than adults

and they spend more of their time in social media. Misra and Mckean (2000) said that academic

stress is mostly caused by poor time management. Since social media affects time management

when not handled well, it is possible that social media can provide academic stress among


To add, in a study by Fleming (2011), they stated that academic performance is enhanced

by effective time management. Differences in academic performances are often caused by

differences in students’ time management. Good study habits are often associated with effective

time management. Downs (2008) argued that the techniques of time management are the best

ways to manage course materials successfully. These includes group discussion, exchanging

ideas and sharing views on key points, which ultimately help students to perform better in the

examination leads to superior academic performance.

On the contrary, in an article published by USNews (2018), they stated that the negative
experiences in social media are more impactful than the positive ones. As human beings, we are

more impacted by the negative experiences than the positive ones, negativities in social media

tend to have more evident effects to the users, particulary, to the youth. Thus, making them more

prone to mental health problems, addiction, and depression.

In a study by Petersen (2018), many people have developed the habit of checking their

accounts multiple times during the day, even when they are at work or at school. Time spent on

personal accounts is time that is not spent on work and school tasks. It is also time not spent

interacting with colleagues and developing quality work relationships. Mental health

professionals are deeply concerned about the impact that social media has on mental health.

Some believe that the constant distraction of social media contributes to shortened attention

spans. In addition, many people who regularly use platforms like Facebook or Twitter report

high levels of stress.

In an article by Armstrong (2012), he stated that students today have begun to rely on the

accessibility of information that is available on the social media platforms specifically as well as

the web in general in order to get answers. In his article, he emphasized that students are

beginning to be more dependent on the easily accessed information, therefore resulting to lesser

chance of retaining information in the long run.

As stated by McGillivray (2011), students have easy, free access to resources online to

help them learn. Grades improve and absenteeism is reduced. 59% of student users report that

they use social networking to discuss educational topics and 50% use the sites to talk and ask

about school assignments. While grades did improve for light users, the grades of students who

are heavy users of social media tend to suffer. Another study showed that students who went
online while studying scored 20% lower on tests.






Boyd, D. M, Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and

scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 11.


This chapter discusses about the process, by which the study was conducted. It deals

with the methods of research, respondents of the study, locale of the study, data gathering

instrument, data gathering procedure, sampling technique, and statistical statement.

Research Design

A quantitative research design was used in the study. The researchers aligned

themselves with a qualitative study namely, Descriptive Research. This type of research method

suits this study in order to know the positive and negative effects of social media to the students

on their academic performance.

For this research, method of survey was employed. This method is used to collect data

from the respondents to gain information about the effects of social media on the academic

performance of students.

The researchers will be gathering information and data from Grade 12 – HUMSS

Students of Binangonan Catholic College.

Sampling Techniques

Purposive non probabilty will be used in this research which means that selected members

of the population based on our objective subjects as a respondent

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in Binangonan Catholic College since the respondents are the

students of the Campus.

Research Instrument

The research instrument of our study is a questionnaire. Questionnaire is a printed or written

questions with a choices of answers. The questionnaire consists of the respondent’s profile and

questions related to the study. It is a research instrument because it consists with a questions for

the purpose of gathering information from the respondents in order to get results. The

questionnaire was made subjectively to know the perceptions of Grade 12 HUMSS Students of

Binangonan Catholic College on the effects of social media on their academic performance

STATEMENT Agree Disagree

1.Social media molds us to become a better

student by communicating with each other
using social media networking sites about
school-related matter.
2.Students gain information that contribute to
the learning efficiency and learning process
because of social media.
3.Implementing social networking within
students can strengthen knowledge sharing.

4.Social media develops social interaction and

help create highly skilled and knowledgeable
group of people.

5.Students who use social media to

communicate to their peers about social-related
topics tend to have higher grades.

6.Grades are improving and absenteeism is

reducing because of social media

7.Social media improves learning motivation,

offering personalized course material, and
developing collaborative abilities.

8.Social media results to improvement in time

management act and enabling to spread of

9.The effects of watching educational videos

from youtube has helped the students to gain
wider knowledge.

10.Social media enhances students academic

performance and increase their knowledge
through data and information gathering.

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