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Module 1

Understand The
K To 12 Curriculum
Before the accomplishment of
this Philippine education was
only one in Asia with a 10-star
rating fundamental schooling
period. As a consequently, the
Philippines must measure up to
other nations. This Improve the
Basic Education Law similar to
Republic Act 10533 (K-12)aims
to create Filipino graduates with
a comprehensive perspective with
21st century technology skills. I
thought that the K–12 system
would quickly improve the
position of Filipinos. Being a
teacher, will always do what the
way to teach with compassion.
This Regulation offers a thorough
account of K–12 Fundamental
Educational program and its
elements between all important
This Act is necessary, for each
youngster that they must after
finishing kindergarten, the initial
grade in elementary system of
education before leaving and
moving on to Grade 1. In
addition, that the Mother Tongue
Multilingual Education based
will be carried out as the method
used to teach students in
kindergarten, according in this
School-age program is not
applied for people who desires to
advance their careers abroad, but
instead, it implemented to supply
each Philippine school-going
child he or she must participate in
a global setting.

• Kindergarten to Grade 3
• Grade 4-6
• Grade 7- 10 (Junior High
• Grade 11-12 (Senior High
According to the Enhanced 2013 Basic
Education Act, the mandatory minimum
age for preparatory is five years old in
education One If he did, he couldn't
enroll in Grade 1. To drop out of
kindergarten. New kindergarten students
must strictly adhere to this dead lineage
restriction as per DO No.47, s. as
modified by the 2016 DepEd Order.

Students can select an aptitude-based

specialization, hobbies and academic
potential. The job path that you choose
will describe the information in the
subjects that a student will study11th and
12th grades. SHS Topics are classified as
either the standard curriculum or
particular Tracks.

The K–12 curriculum for education

is something that the instructors are
responsible for and involved with.

According to the Education Act, entering

kindergarten and commencing basic education is a
requirement for admittance into Grade 1.

Section 6 of The Republic Act

No. 10533

The K–12 programs and ASEAN integration will

give graduates more chances to be competitive on
a regional and global scale.
The absence of teachers and the dearth of The teachers, students, and the fact
resources in the program's implementation are two
problems that the legal system deals with on a that they are the center of the
variety of fronts. Discovering that they are capable educational process are the top three
of instructing students, they feel that they need criteria highlighted, in my opinion,
more training and more basic education in the two
years typically known as senior high school, that the various K–12 legislation and
which has a negative effect on the wealth of the directives emphasize.
lower parents. Particularly, the lack of resources
like computers has significantly hampered my
ability to teach. Even though we want to prepare
children for the 21st century, we can't teach them
the fundamental skills because our school doesn't
have internet connection.
Different students. Improved ways to provide opportunities
for learning-disabled students

Five years old is the minimum age Children's benefits from early learning
requirement for enrollment in Universal have considerably increased.

The abilities must be relevant to the Utilized the abilities for every students
topic. help them for every day situation.

The core of proficiency-based learning What significance does it have?

initiatives in districts and schools. Enhancing intellectual proficiency in the
There are numerous ways that the
instructor could support the student's
success in mathematics. The instructor
should instruct the learning to answer
arithmetic questions with confidence.
Another action the instructor should take
Anyone can feel frustrated by language limitations
encouraging students to ask questions, its
hence, it is the duty of the hesitant to reach out to
the student as a teacher. Don't hesitate for him or allow space for curiosity the more students
her to inquire about help. The teacher's approach will to convey their thoughts the more you
to overcoming these language obstacles for the can clarify the parts that they can’t
transferee learner could possibly be paired with understand and it also indicates that they
one of her more experienced students. This a are learning and paying attention to the
savvy friend can be useful mentor to fresh student
subject. Another strategy to help the
facing the expected difficulties. identifying
classrooms objects is an additional choice those student improve, try to give real-world
not only benefits the routines inside the classroom problems that increase students' desire to
that being learned by students, although it aid with engage with math. Teaching pupils on how
their conversational development as well the to use math in practical situations can at
teacher can communicate with the parents well ease the difficulties and fuels their desire
and counsel them on how to teach the new
to learn more about math.
material language at home to their kids.
Case 3: One of the features of the K to 12 Curriculum Case 4: You have a class which has a sizable number of over-
is spiral progression. Upon seeing your learners’ pretest results, aged learners who have taken the
you have realized that they are yet to master last year’s grade level multiple times. How will you decide on the learning
competencies. What will you do to have them meet the plan considering your other learners?
requirements of the new level?

To fulfill the demands of The instructor ought to

the new level, the assign a variety of tasks that
are age- and maturity-
instructor should run a
appropriate knowledge of his
quick recap of the or her students. The
particular subject. He or Professor may assign group
she can offer engaging in assignments for them to
activities that support the complete in tandem with one
competency of the another.
The 21st century's main
concern on the learner by
the teacher higher order
thinking development
abilities, efficient
communication ,cooperat
ion, among other abilities
that they required to
achieved. Teachers have
to create fresh
approaches It poses a
threat to our 21st century
Have sufficient facility in English to understand
spoken discourse.

Oral communication

Lesson 25 Day 1 Literature: “Mateo’s

Favorite Clothes
CG p.44 of 170

Comprehension skills
Rereading of Paragraphs/

Unlocking Vocabulary and Concept



By conducting different group activities

and multiple quizzes
I'm enthused about The Learning Plan Guide
the activity because I was created by the
material to teach, the
am confident in my
instructional techniques
familiarity with the to use, the skills that
lesson plan. students should gain, and
other factors should all
be considered by the
I learned that learning
resources are documents
you distribute to learners
and learning facilitators
so they might be inspired
by their own module
Instead of conducting The teacher should
actual assessments, give offer alternative
the student a written
analysis students
evaluation. P.E. and
TLE activities to ensure who have physical
his health security. ailments

The instructor must Also, teachers

offer activities based on
the comprehension of should assist
the pupil. Give students with
thorough correction learning
advice on how to assist
the learner. impairment to
learning goals.
Even if the context may be same and
the same grade as the student level.
Adapting to students'(Their
background knowledge, inspiration,
interest, and mental level) is crucial in
creating lessons that are beneficial for
several topics

Every learning area has its own unique a

collection of materials that comparable but
not identical to each other.

In accordance with the K–12 learning

areas, frameworks the same delivery
procedures learning.

The principles should be followed

developed continue to exist throughout
all subject areas.

The same standards apply to all learning

giving the students' therapy. But
comprehending their context and taking
into Diversity among learners is crucial.
When creating excellent lesson plans.
They share the same characteristics, Yes. Every subject
namely contextual and experience
learning. The main distinction adheres to the spiral
between the two topics is Araling
Panlipunan seeks to advance the
Progressive Method
student is literate and productive
involvement as a nation's citizen
whereas mathematics seeks to
accomplish, the dual objectives of
student development talents for
analysis and problem solution.
Module 2

Navigating The
K To 12 Curriculum
Way the instructor accomplish all the I discovered GC is crucial for teachers, it
written in competencies the instruction instructs the instructor in the teaching the
manual? lesson.

How ought educators to use what Make the requirements fit into
you've learned standards? the pupil's enthusiasm

What significance does standards The subject or instructionthat we

for content? want to addressor debate.

How was the performance I'll present it to I acquired the ability to deliver straight
my pupils? Also, how can I evaluate it? forward yet significant to the student

what level specifically I'm going to Numerous stages have differing

get ready for exercise sheet? potential for accumulation of

I'm doing what kind of activities Several stages have varying

will provide based on what grade capacity for acquisition knowledge.
are they in?
1. What are the objectives of the Araling Panlipunan curriculum? a. “Makahubog ng
The purpose of teaching
a. “functionally literate and developed Filipino.” mapanuri,
b. “Naipamamalas ang panimulang pag-unawa sa pagkilala sa sarili mapanagutan, ARALINGPANLIPUNAN
at pakikipag-ugnayan sa kapwa bilang pundasyon sa paglinang ng produktibo,
kamalayan sa kapaligirang sosyal.” makakalikasan, is to increase students'
c. “Makahubog ng mamamayang mapanuri, mapagnilay, mapanagutan, produktibo,
makabansa, at
makatao na may
grasp of fundamental
makakalikasan, makabansa, at makatao na may pambansa at pandaigdigang pananaw
at pagpapahalaga sa mga usapin sa lipunan, sa nakaraan, kasalukuyan, at hinaharap.”
pambansa at concepts.
pananaw at
d. “Pagsunod sa teorya sa pagkatuto na kontruktibismo, magkatuwang pagpapahalaga sa
na pagkatuto (collaborative learning), at pagkatutong pangkaranasan at mga usapin sa
pangkonteksto at ang paggamit ng mga pamaraang tematiko kronolohikal at paksain/ lipunan, sa
konseptuwal, pagsisiyasat, intregratibo, interdesiplinaryo at multisiplinaryo.” nakaraan,
kasalukuyan, at

2. Are there differences between Grade 4, 5, and 6 Araling Panlipunan curriculum? a. There are no They share similar core changes such
differences reorganized learning domains, improved
a. There are no differences between these grade levels because they have the same between these cross-learning integration of
key stage standards. grade levels competences and values, greater
because they
b. There are no differences between these grade levels because they follow the same emphasis on the learning process, and
have the same
format as any other subjects and grade level. key stage integrated teaching methods.
c. There are differences between the grade level’s content because the curriculum
works in a developmentally progressive framework.

d. There are differences between the grade level’s content because unlike the previous
curriculum, Grade 5 already covers the Philippine nationhood.
The strategies Via methods in Araling
where Araling Panlipunan the students develop
their comprehension. They will
ought to be
constructivist ,co discover their values at various
llaborative, and times and condition. They also
relevant. grow the viewpoint of their the
process and the environment its

Content standard Broad content standards a

addresses the
question: “Do the declaration describing what
students require students should understand and
learning?” the while
performance standard care and be competent in each
addresses the learning level. Performance
question: ”Do the
students necessary
Norms are applied to review the
action demonstrate specific, Measurable proof is
their knowledge?” suitable for deciding whether
content guidelines are satisfied.

To educate the
students to learn to
According to Area Standard for you
understand the will prepare your AP 4 essays
distinctive variety of students to improve as teachers
Filipino cultures. citizen in their neighborhood and
instructing students on how to
respect for diversity culture.
Yes, I'm unfamiliar with the idea. The  Pagkamalikhain
philosophy or guiding concepts that  Mapanuri
 Pinag kaka -ugnayang yaman
are being a constructivist is reflected
 Pang heograpiya
in my teaching techniques.
The use of content standards and The performance criterion is anticipated to
be accomplished over a longer period of
"What do What do students want to
time than the content standard, which
understand, know, and be able to do? should be met quickly.
How are we wanting them to use their
knowledge or expertise, "while the
performance standards"? This aids me
in lesson planning since it enables me
to accomplish the lesson's goals.
Describe different objects based on
their characteristics ( ea.. shape,
weight, volume, ease of flow)

2 weeks

Because this is a wide subject

MELC and BOW will be used by me to delve
into the learning competency.

If the BOW's proficiency the same as MELC,

you will blend it.

Summative Assessment
This acts as a manual for the Knowing how to code aids the teacher
instructor onhow many days they will inplanning for the learning abilities and
impart the aforementioned arranging a subject's lesson through
knowledgelearning objective or numbers and letters that match the subject
learning competency and grade level, short for title of the
quarter, the quarter's number, and the
weeksas well as its competency and order





I have the skills necessary to use ICT in my My instructional techniques need to be

class and the exercises I assign to my strengthened in order to meet the
students enables one to critically think lesson's competence requirements
Module 3

Lesson Planning
The lesson plan is crucial
thus it acts as your when
talking about the even teach
the students a lesson even if
Gina, the teacher, master
the topic at hand.

The lesson strategy you'll

employ is prepared. When
you actually deliver the
Favorable comments from the
learning indicates that they
comprehend the lesson and fulfill
the requirements
The lesson planforisthecrucial
thus it acts as your when
talking about the even teach
the students a lesson even if
Gina, the teacher, master
the topic at hand.
When Teacher Rowel recognizes the review's Understanding the lesson is crucial
outcome is quite poor, he shouldn't have kept prior to beginning the new lesson.
going like that impart the fresh lesson. He
ought to concentrate on the skill that the
students didn't.

The students are participating, taking Technology use encourages learning among
students. It offers a different opportunities
part in the class conversation as they for learning for them to demonstrate their
can access the internet games learning and abilities.

Teacher Rowel ought to mention Understanding the lesson is crucial

what skills his students demonstrated prior to beginning the new lesson.
not convene and offer more engaging
exercises for students.
A. Yes. The order in which actions The instructor leads an examine
demonstrates the gradually before moving on upcoming
moving from the earlier lesson lesson.
affixing it to the fresh lesson
and completion all that took

Presentation and
explanation of the Introducing the new the
new concept of the
day’s lesson lesson is seen as the
bulk of the instruction.

An outline is used to expand upon

All of the above
the lesson that has been talked
Even though Professor Roger has 21 years He still
lacks years of teaching experience, so not required
to upload a DLL. basing on DepEd order number 42
FALSE sec. 2016, preparation lessons is essential to making
sure the provision of instruction and learning in
schools, which is why all educators DLL is
necessary to submit.




Class point Utilizes additional interactive
Kahoot operations like computation other
Canva games. etc,.

Google Meet Utilizes real-time meetings. Teacher

Microsoft Teams Earl can use a browser to share
Google Classroom presentations and movies with his

It's a compelling slide show program for

PowerPoint presentations. It employs using slides to

You can use it to make 2D and3D

AutoCAD 360 models and drawings are also as
blueprints for a building.

Google meet It is the app for teamwork hybrids that

Microsoft Teams aid in information retention and are
The guidance provided by the teacher Inform the students of their learning
Gemma, who allowed the Students decide development
what to study.as well as where they are now

The teacher's involvement is Lessons should constantly be observed by a

extremely effective in that she learner's advancement.
succeeds her objectives of locating
the learning needs to be improved.

Other strategies for advancing the performance The evaluation we provide for It is
of the student is provided providing learners
with regular feedback utilize the feedback-loop
crucial to recognize students the
idea, and Coordinate instruction with students‘ development and performance.

Other than formative assessment, Alternative evaluation is efficient

Gemma the teacher can make use of construction technique students'
the portfolio evaluation, test of rational thinking and talents in
performance, and cooperative communicating.
conversations. The teachers ought to
always take into the learning outcomes
come first providing alternate
Module 4

Implementing Learning
Plans And Enriching
Teaching Practice


FALSE DepEd is encouraging flexible


When PAGASA activates SIGNAL NO.

FALSE 2,Preschool, primary, and secondary level
classes are all automatically canceled.

The instructor had to think about the
RESOURCES students' available resources mainly
because some of them no access to a
computer regardless of the instructor
technology-savvy if the students
unable to access it and lacking any

Educators should always consider keep in

Fit with the

mind that the modules must align the
requirements so that students can may
succeed as anticipated abilities at the
curriculum conclusion of lesson.

The conclusive evaluation provided

must line up with the capacities for
Curriculum learning. The instructor should
position her evaluating synonyms for
synchronization alternatives to the topic at hand

When PAGASA activates

primary, and secondary level
ASSESSMENT classes are all automatically
If the instructor's issue is the
leaking and exam cheating next
She should make a new one
instead actions and assessments
The instructor had two options: that are still ongoing in line with
allow the students view instructional her lessons, which will continue
videos regarding successful to meet the lesson's proficiency.
businesspeople. The students will
listen to this person's life and
contributions entrepreneurs on their
starting processes and to become a
prosperous businessman,
The instructor, with her assistance
students may either organize a
fundraiser or motivation to aid the
Riza family in recovering from the
hurricane. Any donation is
acceptable how much stuff they have
at home. With this straightforward
move, Riza will no longer need to
quit attending school.
Summative evaluation is the method used to at the
FALSE conclusion of a unit, assess students' learning instructional.



RECOVERY ACTIVITIES offered to students who have

FALSE learning challenges in order to be able to deal with the

Which of the following substances has the ability to absorb Sort materials according to how well they can absorb float,
water? sink, and decompose in water;

How do these substances impact the environment? Determine whether material changes are beneficial or
damaging to the environment.

How the brain and other key bodily organs, liver, stomach, Explain the primary purposes of the body's major organs.
intestines, heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys, the body's bones and
muscles maintain its health?

Which fish organs help the fish thrive in the water? Imply that an animal's physical structure aids in adaptation
and survive in their specific environment.

Explain the distinction between aquatic and terrestrial Determine the unique features of terrestrial and water
creatures. plants.
Give the student difficult activities
related to a lesson he would learn
busy and refrain from upsetting him
Set up a difficult task Set up a
difficult task regarding the lesson.

Run a quick analysis of the ability

where the students weren't on time.

Apply the findings to your work

examine the lessons learned so that a
simpler task for the 60% to learn
fresh lessons in Earth Science.
Provide corrective instruction to help
students develop their general the
ability to satisfy the set of being

Conduct a review or remedial lesson

intervention determined by least-
developed abilities.

Provide a distinct guide to Philippine Provide motivated students a way to

studies history and the arts.
achieve their goals topical aptitude.
6 I'd like to learn more. Using
Google Play maintain
Application since this is one
method making your point
more engaging.

This merely implies that I The most successful

seldom ever utilized it Learning Materials for that
resources for education.in I can improve My
my instruction instructions. instructional approach is
utilizing PowerPoint also a
Students are very Active

Active learning

Students Participate Actively in the process

of learning due of students may present their
work what is learned from the mini-
Active learning intramurals they have taken the lesson to

Students Participate Actively in the education

procedure. The one they are they are in
charge of their own education they are the
ones who will, so going to illustrate their
Active learning have taken the lesson to mind.

Passive Learning This uses practical experience

observation. The instructor assumes
accountability of a student's

Students are quite active. They build

their own products according to what
they have learning from writing
Active learning
Aaron the teacher focuses his goal audience. His
students are in Grade 4, therefore the cartoon is the
choice that works best variation of the predation
theory because they can grasp it easily It is simple
to remember.

The approach used by in employing comic strips

Pauline the teacher adheres to the since the
students comply with the aims of education

Christian the teacher employs interactive using an

interactive whiteboard to learn, this the students'
enjoyment of the activity and gains knowledge
concurrently. The Materials for instruction assist learning
and control the students' behavior.

The teacher's teaching resources John

emphasizes diversity as may be observed on
his graphic aids emphasizing the variety of
Filipino ethnic groups.

The Localization theory that Instructor Ram

bases his lessons on reality because the
process of developing mango-based the
merchandise is accessible to them.
Yes! I've learned a lot from this course on the value of curriculum in
school 1st session.

Yes! This instructional material is appropriate for the students' needs, age,
and level of expertise for knowledge.
Yes. This course teaches how to manage student behavior and adjust

Yes. It was covered during Session 2.

True, even if classrooms come in a variety of configurations, the demands

remain the same.

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