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Impact of Social Media on Society in a Large and

Specific to Teenagers
Duaa Ali Al-Sabti1, Ajay Vikram Singh2, S.K. Jha3
Department of Computing , Middle East College, Muscat, Oman
A.I.I.T, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India
duaa@mec.edu.om, 2asingh@mec.edu.om, 3skjha2@amity.edu

Abstract – Social media is a technology that can be developed in a 2015 that brings together leading researchers, thinkers and
fast and flexible manner, where internet connections are social media from around the world. The conference focuses
transformed into interactive platforms. Social networking on the impact of social media programs on society by using
programs are increasingly spreading around the world. Facebook best practices with latest and ongoing studies from around the
users reached 1.44 billion per month in 2015, which means that
world. [3]
most of the people of the world have a stamp on social networking
platforms.Social media platforms have become integral part of
teens’daily life. 22% of teenagers are enrolled in social These programs have affected the health aspects of
networking programs about 10 times a day. The remaining communities. The results show that communication programs
category, which makes up more than half of teenagers register allow and provide opportunities for cancer patients and other
more than once a day through the use of mobile phone, where the rare diseases to engage in chats and partnerships among their
proportion of teenagers who have their own cell phones reach peers around the world to increase the chances of success. By
75%.The results show by RSA that the rate of cybercrime encouraging a large number of doctors to participate with them
reached 173% by mobile phones during the period 2013-2015. and has helped to flow health information from health care
And, the RSA announce a large number of real examples of professionals to patients easily to be aware of how to deal with
cybercrime that have occurred recently and continue to pose a
their diseases.[4]
major threat to society and specific to teenagers. Consequently,
this paper review social media, society and business. Moreover,
how he social media impact teenagers.
Also, one of the expert during conference detect about large
number of Fake accounts within social programs through study
Keywords — social media;impact; business; privacy experiments. There are activities which work to provide a
system to detect methods or tools to identify the message from
I. INTRODUCTION Fake accounts in order to maintain social networking programs
as platforms of high a valuable way to exchange experiences
Social media network is known as content that is posted on and fill them with real users. [5]
web platforms and the contents of these platforms differ from
one region to another. Before the advent of these platforms, There are a positive return from developments and challenges
communication was either private messages or public media. between marketing management and social media. Where the
But now, it is reflect what we are today socially and how it has role of social networking programs has emerged very quickly
topped the world social groups in the public and private sectors in marketing management and is becoming more prevalent in
and it is not just communication. In addition, the recent traditional management strategies. It has proven to be a smart
changes in the uses of the internet and websites have become a strategy in terms of information systems, human resources,
detection identity as missuse, afraid of the loss of social management processes and effective strategies. Studies have
privacy.[1] Social networking sites are Web-based platforms proven the role of social networking programs has become all-
that allow people to create their own profile, which allow user encompassing in the field of organizational practices.[6]
to determine their account characteristics according to their
And, about the seventh annual International Conference on
personal preferences to be public or private. The user also has
Social Media and Society, London, UK, July 11-13, 2016 done
a list of people who share and follow up with him. It is called
last year compare to the results of the 6th Annual International
"social networks" where the word network means relationship
Social Media and Society Conference, Toronto, Canada July
even new relationships or closer relationships. While the
27-29, 2015 that brings together leading researchers, thinkers
"social" refers to continuity in communication, the main
and social media from around the world. The conference
objective of social networks programs is to allow relationships
focuses on making predictions about the potential of social
built even at the social level or with new strangers.[2]
networking programs to be effectively utilized through
II. SOCIAL MEDIA AND SOCIETY practices with academic studies of various specializations and
diverse manner.
The review results of the 6th Annual International Social
Media and Society Conference, Toronto, Canada July 27-29,

978-1-5090-3012-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

2017 6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), Sep. 20-22, 2017,
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India

Now the journalist has relied on social media to collect news After the aftermath of mass disasters, the community needs a
from accounts created by users in social networking programs. sense of responsiveness and tangible help. Social media work
However, with increasing data and programs, it is difficult for to provide the bridge to link the community, the community
a journalist to see news and events in a clear and integrated affected by the disaster and the volunteer group that is helping.
manner. However, these programs are still a source of news. The researcher targeted the Twitter platform in this study to
This problem has been studied in this paper for the evolution explore and capture support operations and assistance after the
of the system on social networking programs to help aftermath of disasters. To explain how social media programs
journalists capture events, collect data and news easily. A can be the bridge or platform that initiates the formation of
system containing three main components was proposed for charitable networks and offer new life opportunities after the
the browsing room, the material room and the history room aftermath of disasters. The impact of tweets on Facebook has
after being monitor the journalist about how they gathering shown how positive changes can affect tangible relief feelings
news.[7] and charitable initiatives to reach resources. Also,may there are
revealed the difficulty of identifying the categories of people
North America is affected by the rapid growth of social media, who need assistance to provide support and resources in light
where people are increasingly buying goods and services over of the proliferation of many non-matching networks to provide
the internet. For example, growth rates have been 22% in a relief.
social networking program (Facebook) in the years 2012-2014.
In addition, the process of merging advertising with e- In addition, there are accurate steps to ensure that content is
commerce has allowed consumers to participate in advertising removed from Twitter to prevent individuals from accessing
campaigns, marketing, purchasing, services, reading and the source of hacking through the Google search engine to
expression about their experiences through writing comments ensure privacy of feedback. The researcher has focused
and other business activities. As well as, the development and provide realistic example of the expansion of the study.[10]
popularity of these programs helped to increase investment and
forecasting electronic purchases. [8] III. SOCIAL MEDIA AND BUSINESS

Social networking programs are increasingly spreading around The common understand,find that the social media consider as
the world. Facebook users reached 1.44 billion per month in tool for multi different collaboration and tool for community -
America in 2015, which means that most of the people of the based. It shouldhave considered much on further study about
Americans have a stamp on social networking platforms. Also, technology roles which create base value of social media on
in less-used countries like Indonesia and India, too many users business. Such as roles combine and investigate creation
engage in social networking programs of up to tens of millions. between social media, technology, mobile and cloud
The number of users on each of the platforms of computing. In addition, should take more action to improve
communication programs around the world LinkedIn is mechanisms of value creation (such as services improvement,
engaged 364 million users and Twitter up to 236 million users. product and customer satisfaction) to build strong relationship
The most developed is Instagram, where the number of users and value between social media and business organization
more than 300 million in less than a year and less developed .Which will create new evaluation based on value and
platform is the Pinterest where the number of users About 73 creativity.[11]
million only. Because of the high dependence on social
networking programs, a large number of researchers around The impactof social media and business is prove that the social
the world have been active in studying these changes brought media network play big roles on impacting marketing with
about by the programs of communication (Facebook and business. Social media change traditional marketing method
Twitter) after 2006. And the Facebook has taken most of these through providing unique combination of asynchronous
studies. communication tools with more chance of sharing on customer
loyalty away from traditional marketing method between
The user's profile on the social networking platforms based on organization and consumers. The study is about Blog as case
demographic characteristics (such as age, gender, income, study and example how the social media impact business.
education) that affect the involvement of users to this platform. "Blog" is one of the social networking programs. It is a
The Six platforms such as selecting (Facebook, LinkedIn, magazine or online personal diary that is frequently updated by
Twitter, Bntirist, Google + Instagram) to study on this research its owner, the website of individuals. A place to express
.The results of the analysis are as follows: the use of Facebook yourself to the world, a place to share your thoughts and
affected by age and gender. LinkedIn is affected only by feelings, it's anything you want to be. (Byrd n.d.) It is become
income, not age, gender and education. Twitter is affected by important and hasvalue forbusinesses throughenable quick
the use of age and income but age and income huh what communication and support share of ideas, knowledge and
affected by the use of the Bntirist. Finally, both Google + and referrals. Also, companies can pass information (brand
Instagram are not affected by any of the demographic features. messages, services and products) easily to buyers which create
Other non-demographic factors such as skills and efficiency big network growing that connect marketing information. It
may affect the individual's engagement to the platforms.[9] has become critical to evaluate products and demand.
Information is rapidly spreading among individuals in
2017 6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), Sep. 20-22, 2017,
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India

networks, because of the large grouping of the Relationship between company and customers become more
community influence of friendships and contacts.[12] than purchase transactions that need more strategy , to provide
affective performance among consumer .And social media
From different statistics that was done ,have found positive networks offer big choices to create action among companies
impact over using social media as tool with a lot of companies and consumers. The customer participate with designing
.And many company which interviewed were confirm a lots of different channel perfectly of social media networks to
positive indicators over increase inquiries and reservation .in increase participate value to create business context of
addition to , success to attract targeting group of customers ecosystems which will lead to high level of services, skills and
around the world. Social media is help companies to attract innovation. which detect that the social media work as
customers free or even with less cost in comparison with interacting platform allow technology communication .It is
traditional method as well as it is increase repeat sales. prove how companies communicate together collaborate with
Moreover ,many companies note that the social media increase their stakeholders and share it with customers through social
best awareness and increase research of online business media channels.It was a clear challenge for all managers and
because before of the only local customer has awareness about social networking programs to recognition that the commercial
business .Finally ,this paper find that using social media will programs of the commercial media is an example in publishing
offers a lot of benefits through increasing awareness ,building any commercial advertisement on social networking sites, the
relationship with consumers ,finding new customer , ability to organization can control everything until it is launched and
reaching global customers ,enhance company message and thus control all the information process from the
ability to grow and share with local market .[13] implementation and production. In addition, media campaigns
on social programs never stop with the possibility of retaining
Social media give value of business SME and there are many them on the channels of the organization at a cost less than the
companies cannot achieve this value without until define and traditional media charge which stops after its expiration.[17]
drag social media within company strategy to support business
goals. Also, author is present table to describe social media IV. HOW SOCIAL MEDIA IMPACT TEENS
goals and strategy. And recognize three main goals of social
media. First, building awareness that can measure through The involvement of children and teenagers for social
internet network traffic research size or tracking and referrals. networking programs has become daily routine activity. There
Second, increasing sale through time spend on website, visited are studies have shown that this routine activity has helped
time and repeat. Last, builtloyalty through time spends on teenagers to improve their communication skills for common
website, recommendations and content acceptation level.[14] interests, providing opportunities for communication with
school colleagues, social networking and technical skills. 22%
The social networking programs are highly effective in of teenagers are enrolled in social networking programs about
marketing activities.Moreover, it create impact on the 10 times a day. The remaining category, which makes up more
consumer as well as behavior in the world of the internet. than half of teenagers register more than once a day through
Besides, the increased use of mobile devices has led to a the use of mobile phone, where the proportion of teenagers
growth of social media networking, communication and who have their own cell phones reach 75%. The following
altercation of information into business as opportunities. In chart describe social media use by age, that show the highest
MSM director of strategic one of the company has admitted percentage is with teens and young 93%.It is big indicators that
about social media “is creative tool with flexibility and the large number of teens addiction social media.
measurable means" allowed companies to evaluate the return
on investments in marketing promotions. Furthermore, the
Director support with a real example of a project organized by
Cirinata Festival, where 60 % of ticket sales were made for the
event through social networking sites. Its, social media going
up to help validation and measurement ofcampaigns, to specify
organization position through provide enhancement and what
important progress for future work. [15]

Knowledge management can benefit from social media big

data to support interest companies participate to big data
technology, to store social media and knowledge management
system as well as to share and benefit social media data.
Through studying five big companies(Home Depot ,K Mart
Walmart ,Castco and kohl's) from private sector an as case to
analysis their social media program " twitter". Tofind
outnewknowledge, filtering business decision from big data
Fig. 1. Social media use by age [25]
and social media. [16]

2017 6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), Sep. 20-22, 2017,
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India

A. Social media networks has affect teenagers life negatively depression and fears among cancer patients and rare diseases,
and positively. First, will provide some of the positive effects bringing them together with specialists on electronic platforms
that benefit the teens once start using of social networks: to exchange information, present their inquiries, and discuss
1) Communication skills and social networking/socialization their concerns among their patients. In addition to, support
high level of health care through electronic methods, easy to
Routine activity on social networks has allowed teenagers to reach patients in their comfortable environment and encourage
stay in constant contact with their peers and family. Also, them to keep up with medication schedules.
increase the chances of creating new friendships outside the
boundaries of their communities to share information, ideas B. Second , will provide some of the risk effects teens once
and images. Also, it helped them to improve the performance start using of social networks .The effects and risks of social
of the individual to work together and participate in charity. In media networks teens are more susceptible to them while
addition to, it is improving the performance of the individual adults are less prone to these risks for their awareness and
through the support of creativity and intellectual awareness of them that commonly result from
development.[18] misunderstandings, disdain and disregard by lack of
awareness of the subject matter.[20]
The follwing table discribe result done over 9 country around
the world and how social media increase people 1) Cybercrime and cybercrime
communication.And how social media, increase the chances of There are large group works to dominate internet that use
creating new friendships. technology to harass others and exploit teenagers which
becoming more dangerous. Social networking are one of the
TABLE 1: Communication due to Social Media [1] biggest internet windows that are used to dominate either by
hack personal privacy, using bad words, threatening, insults
Do you thinks, you know more people due to social and other kinds of extortion. The results show by RSA that the
media? rate of cybercrime reached 173% by mobile phones during the
Country YES NO period 2013-2015. And, the agency of RSA announces a large
Brazil 73% 27% number of real examples of cybercrime that have occurred
recently and continue to pose a major threat to society and
Chile 55% 45 % teenagers. The agency is working to provide awareness and
China 89% 11% ways to reduce it or how to deal with them to mitigate the
India 71% 29% effects. May The RSA face the challenge and difficulty to stop
the crimes and cyber-attacks permanently because the
Italy 46% 54% criminals have worked carefully for a long time and
Trinidad 76% 24% cooperated with their expert criminals, owners of experience to
Turkey 60% 40% build strong group and dispersed around the world. For that,
theworld has face challenge to control them in a short
England 46% 54%

2) Provide opportunities for teaching and learning 2. Privacy

With the increase of a large number of social networking Privacy is issues of social media networks and internet through
programs and community websites such as Classmate, Live misuse. To Improper use of technology, lack of privacy,
Journal and Google +, teenagers have become prefer to learn sharing of personal information, and leaving evidence on user
from and use it for their education activities. It’s allowed them sites, exposure teenagers for threats and a significant risk. The
to communicate daily with their school colleagues to discuss hacker can access users from the digital fingerprint that the
daily duties and share knowledge in addition to the use of user leaves on the sites browses continuously this allow the
blogs.In addition, it is rise the education abroad hacker to be able to get the registry data from one site to
throughincrease volunteer scientists to provide their spare time enforce threats. Because teenagers lack sufficient awareness
on the pages and platforms of the internet to provide about privacy and their inability to distinguish what must be
knowledge, support, and creations, sharing knowledge and published and what should not, they often post photos, videos
social practices and created a surplus knowledge among and messages as privacy issues.[22]
3. Mixed messages that do not suit teens
3) Easy access to health information There are a large number of parents who believe that the age of
Teenagers have become dependent on the internet and social 13 is the minimum to allow their children to browse the social
networking programs to get their inquiries and health networking sites Why?, It may be because of the Congress law
information in an easy and fast way. Social networks have also which forces sites to block all information to children under
helped to spread health awareness about epidemic and rare the age of 13 to protect the privacy of children. But in fact
diseases in a high level through the ease and speed of spread of teenagers as a whole may can access or receive messages that
medical publications. It has also helped to reduce the rate of do not suitable with their age on social networking platforms.
2017 6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), Sep. 20-22, 2017,
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India

In social networking programs can mix messages, images and [11] Sanna Ketonen-Oksi,, & Jari J. Jussila, Hannu Kärkkäi. (2016).
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3) Phenomenon Facebook depression [12] Angela Dobele, M. S. (2015). Sailing the seven C ' s of blog
marketing: understanding social media and business impact.
This phenomenon is called by the researchers (Facebook Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 33(7), 1087-1102.
Depression) which produces by addiction through using social
[13] Jones, N., Borgman, R., & Ulusoy, E. (2015). Impact of social
networking programs like Facebook. Where teenagers become media on small businesses. Journal of Small Business and
suffer from depression because of the use of social networking Enterprise Development, 22(4), 611-632.
platforms for many hours in a day that may lead teenagers to [14] Bergeron, F., & Dutot, V. (2016). From strategic orientation to
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proper care for them. social media. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise
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Different IT related issues and security aspects are also needed [15] Wright,, L., Kooli, K., & Bolat, E. (2016). Businesses and
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V. CONCLUSION [16] He, W., Wang, F.-K., & Akula, V. (2017). Managing extracted
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