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Asatiza: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 5 No.

2 (2024)

Asatiza :Jurnal Pendidikan

P-ISSN: 2721-0723 | E-ISSN: 2716-3202

The Potential of Social Media in Increasing Young

Generation's Legal Education
*Reza Adriantika Suntara1, a, Ndaru Satrio2, b, Muhammad Syaiful Anwar3, c
Universitas Bangka Belitung, Bangka, Indonesia
rezaadriantika@ubb.ac.id , bsatrio.ndaru9@gmail.com, cm.syaifulanwar@gmail.com
This research examines the role of social media in increasing legal
Article History:
awareness among the younger generation in Indonesia. As of
Received : 04/12/2023
January 2023, Indonesia had approximately 167 million social
Revised : 31/05/2024
media users out of a total population of 276.4 million, highlighting
Accepted : 31/05/2024
a significant opportunity to enhance legal education. Despite this
Published : 31/05/2024
potential, the use of social media for raising legal awareness is
minimal, reflected in high crime rates and low legal compliance.
This study explores the urgency of legal education for the younger
Legal Education; Social generation and the role social media can play in this effort. Using
Media; Young Generation a literature review method, the research references relevant and
reliable sources such as laws, books, journal articles, and official
data. The meta-synthesis technique is applied to synthesize data
DOI: from previous studies and draw conclusions. The findings indicate
https://doi.org/10.46963/asatiz that legal education is crucial for improving legal awareness and
a.v5i2.1473 compliance among the younger generation. Social media can
*Correspondence Author: significantly contribute by making legal information more
rezaadriantika@ubb.ac.id engaging and accessible. The study recommends that the
government utilize social media's potential in legal education by
collaborating with private digital sectors and influencers to
© authors (2024) under disseminate positive legal messages and raise awareness
license CC BY SA effectively.
How to cite this article:
Suntara, R. A., Satrio, N., & Anwar, M. S. (2024). The potential of social media in increasing young
generation's legal education. Asatiza: Jurnal Pendidikan, 5(2), 221-232.

INTRODUCTION technology can have many impacts

Today's human life is very closely because one of them is supported by the
related to technology which also includes presence of social media.
information dissemination facilities and Through social media
ease of communication. The existence of communication patterns don't only take
technology, which initially existed as a place in real-time between two parties like
tool to facilitate human life, has now using a cell phone. Social media can be
developed with more massive use value interpreted as electronic services that can
for buying and selling transactions, be used by users to create content on the
educational facilities, entertainment, and internet and then share it with the general
can also be used as a means of self- public on these social media features
actualization. The development of this (Prakash Yadav & Rai, 2017).

Editorial Address: Kampus STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan

Jl. Gerilya No. 12 Tembilahan Barat, Riau Indonesia 29213
Mail: asatiza@stai-tbh.ac.id | 221
The Potential of Social Media in Increasing Young Generation's Legal Education
Reza Adriantika Suntara, Ndaru Satrio, & Muhammad Syaiful Anwar

Social media has developed Social media provides an

significantly since the beginning of the opportunity for internet users to interact en
21st century, this has also been supported masse through the places provided by
by the rapid development of computers social media makers, such as the
and the internet. However, previously the comments column on Instagram, Twitter,
development of social media began in the or Facebook. Social media is an internet-
1970s with long-distance communication based tool that allows users to self-
via telephone lines. Then continued with actualize and interact selectively, both
the development of websites, and then the asynchronously and synchronously
first social media was born, namely directly with other users in general and
sixdegree.com and classmate.com in 1997 specifically (Carr & Hayes, 2015).
to 1999. Finally, this was followed by the The social media makes the public
development of other social media which not only consumers of information, but
became popular such as Friendster, also every individual can become an
Facebook, Twitter (Rafiq, 2020). information producer (Hermawan & Budi
The development of social media in Abiyudo, 2022). Nowadays, the use of
people's lives has had various impacts, the social media is not only accessed by
most concrete of which is the impact of private individuals, but also started to be
erasing boundaries in the socialization widely used by organizations,
process. The impact of social media is now businesspeople, companies, communities,
starting to have a big impact on social as well as by the government.
change in society, especially providing the This is of course based on the
role of society at large to be able to magnitude of the benefits of using social
contribute as guardians of values for media to give a lot of influence by users to
deviant actions by violators of values and society at large. For example, social media
norms (Cahyono, 2016). is used by companies to increase sales
The sensitivity of some communities figures, social community organizations
in responding to violations of existing use social media to increase community
values and norms in social life can trigger participation in the social movements they
a growing awareness in other carry out, and the government uses social
communities. If it continues to develop, it media as a means of conveying
is possible that the influence of social information, policies, and dissemination of
media can become a means of developing actions taken by the government for the
knowledge for all citizens to understand community.
the latest issues that are occurring. The Social media for the government is
essence of this overall impact is that it can of course a tool that provides a lot of
trigger legal education through social benefits, especially in the delivery of
media which is supported by knowledge information regarding public policies
and concrete efforts from social media which can be directly received by the
users in responding to violations of values public who also use social media
and norms. synchronously or asynchronously, even

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The Potential of Social Media in Increasing Young Generation's Legal Education
Reza Adriantika Suntara, Ndaru Satrio, & Muhammad Syaiful Anwar

further, the public can also provide input to this data, Indonesia has great potential
and criticism through the comment in terms of participation rates in the use of
column. social media in everyday life.
Social media has a significant On the other hand, this potential is
impact on the implementation of unfortunately still not widely utilized by
government performance, the government the government, even though there have
can reach the wider community through been many accounts created by the
the features found on social media so that government but there is still little public
its presence is felt by the community and interest in interacting or following
then gives this good feeling to the public government accounts. This is proven
(Khasawneh & Abu-Shanab, 2013). because there are still many social media
The massive use of social media by users who more often follow and interact
the public can also provide benefits in the with artists' accounts compared to
implementation of government, one of accounts belonging to the government or
which is by involving the community in state officials.
participating in carrying out public The internet and all the media in it
policies that have been made by the become a symbol of progress as well as the
government or also conveying aspirations development of civilization, but of course
directly through social media owned by this progress also contains positive and
the government. negative content according to its
Based on released data from utilization (Amarini, 2018). The urgency
datareportal.com, social media users in in exploiting Indonesia's soft power
Indonesia, as of January 2023, there were potential contained in the digital space is
around 167 million users out of 276.4 because most users of social media are the
million total Indonesian population younger generation, which will also
(Datareportal.com, 2023). These social become a potential for the Indonesian
media users can be broken down into nation in creating progress in the
119.9 million Facebook users, 139 million economic, social, cultural, legal, as well as
Youtube users, 89.15 million Instagram defense and security fields. Indonesia's
users, and 109.9 million Tiktok users. young generation plays a very important
According to wearesocial.com, the role as a flexible and technologically
majority of social media users in Indonesia literate resource. Therefore, social media
are users aged 18 to 44 years can be a means of developing the capacity
(Wearesocial.com, 2023a). Interestingly, of the younger generation, one of which is
in the figures reported by legal awareness. The young generation
wearesocial.com, around 42.6% of users referred to is young citizens aged sixteen
use social media for reasons of reading (16) to thirty (30) years, this is based on
news. But on the other hand, most social Law Number 40 of 2009 concerning
media users in Indonesia still use social Youth.
media to follow accounts they know and Legal awareness is important for
are recreational in nature. When referring every community to have, to create justice,

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The Potential of Social Media in Increasing Young Generation's Legal Education
Reza Adriantika Suntara, Ndaru Satrio, & Muhammad Syaiful Anwar

peace, comfort, and security in social life. benefits for the creation of public legal
Dzhangir Kerimov said that legal awareness, so that in the future the
awareness is related to legal culture which community can implement these rules for
includes knowledge of the law, the sake of upholding justice (Suntara,
recognition of authority and respect for the 2022b).
law, as well as a critical assessment of the Social media currently plays a very
government and the legal order that important role in disseminating electronic
applies in society (Laptev & Fedin, 2020). information. Users as legal subjects
Indonesia as a rule of law country sometimes do not realize that words,
certainly makes law as one of the memes, or images which are electronic
regulatory tools that control people's lives information can have a detrimental impact
so that it is carried out peacefully, on someone's good name. Even though
therefore Indonesian citizens need to disseminating information is a human
understand the rules that have been right that every human being has,
determined in the law. Of course, every everyone is obliged to respect the rights of
citizen must have legal awareness, because other citizens so that forms of punishment
through this legal awareness they can fully can be avoided (Asmadi, 2021).
understand their rights and obligations In previous research, Yuni Fitriani
(Mirzayevich, 2022). wrote about the Analysis of the Utilization
Certainly, this does not mean that of Various Social Media as a Means of
people who do not have legal awareness Information Dissemination for the
cannot get guaranteed rights and Community (Fitriani, 2017). The article
obligations, but through legal awareness discusses the use of social media in the
citizens can be involved in creating a better fields of education, business, tourism,
atmosphere for the life of the nation. health, religion, and politics.
Social media as a means of Even though it explains the
information and as a means of public relationship between communication and
communication which is massively used information through social media and the
by Indonesian people can be a means that Electronic Information and Transaction
is easily accessible by means of light Law (UU ITE), the article does not explain
content presented, so through this facility the use of social media in the legal field.
it will make it easier for the public to learn Therefore, through this research,
and understand knowledge about law. researchers are trying to reveal the
Submission of information potential of social media as a tool that can
regarding policies issued by the be utilized in the field of law, especially in
government in the form of legal increasing legal awareness for the younger
regulations that are contained in generation. Referring to the high use of
interesting content that is easy for the social media by Indonesian citizens, it is
public to understand can be a source of alleged that this could become a positive
legal knowledge and education for the potential for increasing legal awareness
community. Legal education can provide among the public, especially the younger

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| 224 This is an open access article under CC by SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
The Potential of Social Media in Increasing Young Generation's Legal Education
Reza Adriantika Suntara, Ndaru Satrio, & Muhammad Syaiful Anwar

generation. So, researchers assess the need There are 11 journal articles related
for a more in-depth academic study on this to social media, 6 journal articles related to
matter to be able to find answers to legal education, 3 journals related to the
problems related to the potential of social younger generation, 2 references from
media and legal awareness of the younger books who related to legal awareness, and
generation. 4 factual data officially published on the
Based on the description of the internet. In this method, 89% of literature
previous problem, this article focuses on data used comes from the latest data within
efforts to answer the following problems: the last 10 years. The reference data that
(1) The urgency of raising legal education? has been selected is in accordance with the
and (2) What is the role of social media in problems discussed, namely the urgency
raising legal education for the younger of improving legal education and the role
generation? of social media in improving legal
education for the younger generation.
Data analysis in this research uses
This research is descriptive in nature
meta-synthesis techniques with the aim of
by discussing the potential of social media
in the current digital era in increasing legal producing in-depth new concepts from
previously collected data. This is also in
awareness of the younger generation. This
line with the aim of data analysis using
study uses the systematic literature review
meta-synthesis techniques, namely, to
(SLR) method using literature in the form
obtain conclusions from the large amount
of legal materials, books, and scientific
of information collected, to obtain good
journals. Literature is used as data sources
analysis results.
because they are factual and can be trusted.
The reason for using this method is RESULT AND DISCUSSION
because it helps research process for The Urgency of Legal Education for
formulate the problem, collect data, Raising Legal Awareness
evaluate the suitability of the data, Legal education is certainly
analyze, and interpret relevant data, something that is very necessary in the life
organize and present the results. of the nation, moreover Indonesia
Through this method, researchers explicitly explains itself as a legal state as
found several articles related to the stated in the 1945 Constitution of the
problem being discussed. From the large Republic of Indonesia Article 1 Paragraph
number of reference data that the (3) which reads, The State of Indonesia is
researcher previously collected, several state law. The implication of the contents
references were then separated that were of the paragraph is that all aspects of state
closely related to the problem being life carried out in Indonesia must always
discussed. Finally, there were 26 be based on law (Satrio & Toni, 2022).
references that researchers used in this Legal education will have an impact
research as a dissection of the problem on increasing legal awareness. Through
being studied. legal education, which has an impact on
understanding the law, people will also

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The Potential of Social Media in Increasing Young Generation's Legal Education
Reza Adriantika Suntara, Ndaru Satrio, & Muhammad Syaiful Anwar

tend to be obedient and aware of following in humans regarding existing laws or about
legal rules, because they understand every laws that are expected to exist, with an
prohibition and command in the law. emphasis on values regarding the function
Legal awareness can be understood of law and not legal judgments about
as self-awareness to comply with concrete events in society (Soekanto,
applicable laws. Legal awareness is 1982).
actually an awareness or values contained
Figure 1. Number of Crimes in Indonesia (2016-2022)

Source: National Police Criminal Investigation Center and 2022 End of Release
Based on these data, the number of Legal awareness has a close
crimes tends to increase from year to year. relationship with legal compliance. The
Throughout 2022 there is an increase of up difference between the two is that legal
to 7.3% (Dataindonesia.id, 2022). This compliance has consequences for
figure is certainly not a small number, so sanctions so that it can create fear, while
there needs to be efforts for alleviation and legal awareness does not have sanctions
prevention so that this number does not (Rosana, 2014). Referring to the data
increase in the following years. Increasing above, it can be concluded that the legal
legal awareness is an important part of obedience of the Indonesian people is still
implementing social life, because through very minimal, this of course also correlates
the maturity of legal awareness in the with legal awareness that is still immature
community, it is possible that the crime among social life.
rate will be minimized. The growth of legal awareness
within society which is based on self-

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| 226 This is an open access article under CC by SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
The Potential of Social Media in Increasing Young Generation's Legal Education
Reza Adriantika Suntara, Ndaru Satrio, & Muhammad Syaiful Anwar

motivation is very important to create whatever efforts can support it. achieving
order and justice without the need for more increased legal awareness for the
rules containing sanctions. But of course community. There are several efforts that
such conditions are quite difficult to can be made to increase public legal
create, there needs to be encouragement awareness, namely as follows (Hasibuan,
and stimulation to create legal awareness 2016).
which then has implications for law 1. Repressive measures
enforcement (Rahayu et al., 2022). Firmness in law enforcement can be a
Therefore, to form mature legal means of strengthening legal
awareness, a process such as the following awareness because there are lessons for
is needed (Fuady, 2007). the community not to violate the rules.
1. Stage of legal knowledge 2. Preventive measures
Relates to knowledge of certain Attempts are made to prevent
behaviors governed by written law violations of the law by increasing
regarding what may and may not be legal threats against certain legal
done. violations.
2. Legal understanding stage 3. Persuasive action
Individual understanding of the Encouragement through inculcation or
contents of the rule of law, regarding education for the community to
the content, purpose, and benefits of understand the rule of law so that they
the rule of law. can carry out every rule and avoid
3. Legal attitude stage every prohibition.
The tendency of individuals to accept Increasing public legal awareness is
or reject the law because of awareness certainly expected to take place in a
of the benefits of law or not for life. humane process, so that people can accept
4. Legal behavior pattern stage this form of legal awareness through
Whether or not the law applies things they are not afraid of. Therefore,
communally by the community is efforts such as counseling, formal
related to the understanding and education in schools, to massive delivery
compliance with the rule of law. through the media are ways that can be
carried out simultaneously.
At this stage of the process of
instilling legal awareness for the The Role of Social Media in Raising
community, of course, a large contribution Legal Education for Younger
from all elements of society is needed. The Generation
The young generation is a group of
government can be a facilitator or the main
citizens who are expected to become a
executor in efforts to instill legal
generation of reformers in developing the
awareness, the community of course acts
life of the nation. If the morals of the
as a subject in the process of instilling
younger generation are bad, then the
legal awareness, other parties, both private
national identity will also be bad. If the
and public who have expertise in the field
character and mindset of the younger
of law, can also support the process with

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The Potential of Social Media in Increasing Young Generation's Legal Education
Reza Adriantika Suntara, Ndaru Satrio, & Muhammad Syaiful Anwar

generation always move in a positive 1. Reach, it has a broad reach, can even
direction then it will be easier for reach on a global scale.
Indonesia to advance the nation in the 2. Accessibility, easily accessible to
world arena (Suntara, 2023). anyone anywhere.
The younger generation is the most 3. Use, relatively easy to use because
social media user, so there is no doubt that there is no need for special skills or
they are also referred to as digital natives training before using it,
whose life activities are in direct contact 4. Actuality, attract a general audience
with digital facilities. This thing has response quickly,
positive and negative impacts on its users. 5. Constant, it has a long period of time
Based on data from wearesocial.com, in some of the features of its use.
Indonesian people in the age range of 16- The use of social media certainly
64 years use the internet for 7 hours 42 does not belong to a group of people, nor
minutes a day and spend 3 hours 18 does it belong to the government, nor does
minutes to access social media it belong to big companies. Social media
(Wearesocial.com, 2023b). can be accessed and used by everyone,
The data shows that one third of through easy access and use, along with
people's daily activities are used to surf the the wide reach of the network in exchange
internet. Certainly, this is a dynamic that of information and communication can
should not lead to unproductive activities bring out various influences on everyone,
or in other words paying more attention to one of which is used in increasing legal
cyberspace for fear of being left behind by awareness. In the digital era 5.0 increasing
the latest information and trends so that legal awareness will certainly achieve
you forget about activities in the real world success with community participation
which are just as important. efforts (Sembiring et al., 2022).
The bad characteristics of excessive Citizen participation is of course
internet use can be detected when the always an important thing in the
younger generation uses devices more in development process of a country. The
their daily activities, which even interferes progress of a nation is also influenced by
with their main activities such as school, encouraging the self-maturity of its
college, work, or when interacting with citizens mentally, morally and
their friends. It doesn't really matter in intellectually (Suntara, 2022a). Using
accessing the internet or social media if it social media with easy account ownership
doesn't interfere with main activities and for everyone and for every group or
the use is also intended for positive things organization that has a concern for making
and is of value knowledge. an impact on the wider community,
Social media actually offers a lot of increasing legal awareness can be done
facilities that can be utilized by its users, through continuous uploads. Submission
social media has several characteristics, of information regarding the rule of law, or
including (Purnama, 2011): matters relating to the law will be enough

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The Potential of Social Media in Increasing Young Generation's Legal Education
Reza Adriantika Suntara, Ndaru Satrio, & Muhammad Syaiful Anwar

to help increase knowledge for every the Indonesian people, although this figure
individual who sees the content. is still far away when compared to
These uploads can be made via entertainment accounts and accounts
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, belonging to artists.
Tiktok, or other social media that are loved The Ministry of Law and Human
by the public, especially the younger Rights of the Republic of Indonesia has
generation. As is the case at the individual around 487 thousand followers. Apart
level, the positive and negative from the government, non-government
consequences of social media can also be accounts are no less popular, such as the
felt communally at the community level. @hukum_online account which is
The rise of social media platforms also followed by 393 thousand people. Based
broadcasts vital issues regarding health, on this, the use of social media in
education, the economy, and other critical disseminating information and
issues that are currently happening, this of disseminating knowledge about law is
course can trigger awareness and quite a lot of enthusiasts, even though the
sensitivity of the wider community, percentage is still minimal when compared
especially youth as users with the most to the total number of social media users
numbers of social media (Prakash Yadav themselves. But at least through this social
& Rai, 2017). media has the potential to continue to
The massive discussion of critical grow, especially with its permanent and
problems and issues raised through social long-term advantages so that all forms of
media can certainly lead to changes in information delivery can be accessed
people's behavior, from not knowing to continuously for a long period of time.
knowing, from not really caring to being There are also other ways that can be
interested in listening, and in the end, it done in disseminating law to increase legal
can potentially become intense to study education for develop younger
and understand the issues that are being generation’s legal awareness through
discussed. happen. government initiatives, namely by holding
Utilization of social media is also a collaborations with artists who can have a
good tool for the government to use, big influence on their followers. The
through existing features by disseminating benefit of the large number of followers
information through promotional media that artists have can be a good means of
and displaying advertisements that are cooperation in making a good impact on
tailored to the wishes of content creators to the younger generation, moreover today's
be addressed to everyone who is the target younger generation finds it easier to get
of promotion, of course it can facilitate exposure to trends through things
socialization activities and information conveyed by figures they like.
dissemination. Until now, the CONCLUSION
dissemination of information related to Increasing people's understanding of
law through social media, especially on the law through legal education is an
Instagram, has been quite a lot followed by important part of efforts to create a good,

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The Potential of Social Media in Increasing Young Generation's Legal Education
Reza Adriantika Suntara, Ndaru Satrio, & Muhammad Syaiful Anwar

safe, and orderly social life. This is based to increase public legal education.
on the impact of legal education which can Collaboration between policy makers such
increase compliance with the law, increase as ministries and influencers on social
a sense of responsibility, and ultimately media is a realistic thing that researchers
advance justice. At this stage of the also recommend supporting legal
process of instilling legal understanding in education for citizens. This is based on the
society, of course, a big contribution from potential influence of influencers in
all elements of society is needed. conveying positive messages on their
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Reza Adriantika Suntara, Ndaru Satrio, & Muhammad Syaiful Anwar

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