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The Positive Influence of Social Media

Rochak Adhikari

Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk, IOE

SH 65: Communication English

Rena Thapa

February 9, 2023

Author Note

Data collection and Preliminary analysis were sponsored by Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk

Campus. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Adhikari.R, Institute of

Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.

Email: 076bce137.rochak@pcampus.edu.np



Social media is a collective term for websites and applications that focuses on

communication, community-based input, interaction, content sharing and collaboration. Also, it

can be referred as a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts and

information through virtual network and communities. This research paper examines the positive

influence of social media on individuals and society. The paper explains about the significant

impact of social media on the way people communicate with each other, leading to increased

feeling of social support and a sense of community. Further, the influence of social media is not

limited only within an individual, various sectors such as business analysis, marketing and

advertising etc. has improved significantly using this platform and this paper highlights these

improvements via statistical and survey data. The paper then relates the influence on development

of an individual of different age groups and different professional background with regular social

media usage. Finally, the paper then concludes by noting that while social media has its own

drawbacks, the overall positive impacts it has had on the society can’t be ignored at all.

Keywords: Social Media, Business, Entertainment, Education, Marketing


The Positive Influence of Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives and has revolutionized the way we

communicate, connect and share information. However, this broad topic can be viewed

contextually from different perspectives. Social media has transformed the way people

communicate, making it possible to share information, opinions, and experiences with a global

audience in real-time (Konnikova, 2014). Also, social media has created new opportunities for

people to access information and knowledge, and to share that information with others (Mansfield,

2011). Before studying the actual impacts of social media at individual level, we need to investigate

how any platform develops over time or what are the key functions any website or application

should possess for its multipurpose use.

The development of social media is pretty much similar to any other technological

advancement seen in our society. We humans are habituated or more attracted to methods that are

less time consuming and requires less manual effort. The developing era of communication system

foresaw the same ideology as the time advanced. On considering popular platform Facebook as an

example, it is said that it was initially limited to college students but later opened up to the general

public. Currently the number of Facebook users are estimated to be around 2.95 billion (Shepherd,

2023). This shows that the initial phase of most of the social media platforms was limited even

though it addressed very relevant function of its time, but later with the increasing demand, it

expanded giving platform for almost all the interested users. To sum up, the popularity and

development of any social media is a gradual process and the foremost quality it should possess is

about addressing particular need of the general people.


The influence social media is having on today’s generation is two-sided meaning it has

both positive and negative impacts. The major noteworthy impacts are in terms of connectivity,

self-expression, access to information, mental health, image and self-esteem and addiction. Some

impacts are life-changing, and some are severe with long term effects. However, this paper has

tried to bind the positive influences usage of social media has been developing with the passage

of time. From a child, to teenager, to adult and finally even a professional man/woman, the

beneficiary aspects of the usage can be interpreted for each age group. And most importantly, each

individual may not come from same professional and educational background. Meaning the

platform social media are providing are highly versatile. In the coming sub-topics, the paper

discusses about the impacts in more detailed manner and finally, the conclusion part highlights

what measures should be absolutely taken from individual as well as society level which can help

each individual utilize the means in an optimum level.

Literature Review

Usage of social media is a growing topic in today’s world. Studies have shown that social

media can provide individuals with a sense of connectedness and social support. Individuals can

use social media platforms to stay in touch with friends and family members who live far away.

Additionally, social media can be used to form new relationships and connections with individuals

who share similar interests and experiences (Freitas, 2017). Social media has also been found to

have a positive impact on mental health and well-being. Research has shown that using social

media can boost mood and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. In terms of education and

learning, social media can provide individuals with access to vast amounts of information and

resources. Students can use social media platforms to collaborate with classmates and access


educational content, such as videos and articles, on a variety of subjects (Schaefer, 2018). Another

benefit of social media is that it can be used to raise awareness and mobilize action on important

social and political issues. Individuals can use social media to share information, spread messages,

and mobilize others to take action on causes they care about. Overall, the studies suggests that

social media can bring people together, enhance relationships, promote mental health and well-

being, provide access to information and resources, and mobilize action on important social and

political issues.

Categories of Social Media

Each social media provides their own kind of platform and hence their usage remains

specific. Before discussing the impacts, brief knowledge about some popular platforms can give

more specific insights whenever they are included in giving examples. Here are some of the

common types of social media currently popular among users:

1. Social networking sites: These are websites that allow users to create profiles, connect

with friends, and share content such as status updates, photos, and videos. Examples:

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

2. Video sharing platforms: These are websites and apps that allow users to upload and

share videos. Examples: YouTube, TikTok, and Vimeo.

3. Microblogging platforms: These are platforms that allow users to share short messages

and updates, often with a limit on the number of characters. Examples: Twitter and


4. Photo sharing platforms: These are websites and apps that allow users to share and store

photos. Examples: Instagram, Flickr, and Pinterest.


5. Blogging platforms: These are websites and tools that allow users to create and share

their own blogs, which can include text, photos, and videos. Examples: WordPress and


6. Marketplaces: These are online platforms where people can buy and sell goods and

services. Examples: eBay, Amazon, and Etsy.

7. Discussion forums: These are online platforms where people can post messages and

participate in discussions on a variety of topics. Examples: Reddit and Quora.

Statistics regarding social media users:

S.N. Popular Social Media Number of active users(billion)

1. Facebook 2.958
2. YouTube 2.514
3. WhatsApp 2.1
4. Instagram 2.0
5. WeChat 1.3
6. TikTok 1.05
7. Messenger 0.931
Table1: The World’s most used social platforms (Datareportal, 2023)

The above table shows that networking and surfing sites are used more. Similarly, chatting

and entertainment are two other purposes with maximum engagement. The % of users active in

these sites as per different age group was found as tabulated below:

S.N. Age group % Of active users

1. 13-19 13.1
2. 20-29 32.2
3. 30-39 22.2
4. 40-49 14.4
5. 50-59 9.8
6. 60+ 8.4
Table2: Social media users as per different age group (Oberlo, 2023)

This shows that adults of age 20-29 are more active in different social sites and purposes of this

engagement is found to be mainly education, business marketing and entertainment. Recently,


children of age group 13-19 are seen to be more attracted towards the media sites. Reasons for

their engagements was found to be directed mainly towards entertainment, which includes playing

online games and visual engagement. (Smartinsights, 2022).

Hence, with the vast number of users, the positive influences social media is imparting

upon its users can be discussed at many levels as done below.

Positive influences of social media

1. Education:

Social media platforms provide a space for teachers and students to communicate in real-

time, making it easier to ask questions, share resources, and keep up-to-date with class activities.

It can be a valuable resource for students to access a wealth of information and educational

resources, including articles, videos, and presentations. Also, it provides opportunities for students

to collaborate on projects, share ideas, and work together to complete assignments. A study

published in the Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange (2019) has stated

that “social media can enhance collaboration and teamwork among students by facilitating

asynchronous communication and allowing for real-time feedback and collaboration, with higher

level of motivation and engagement.” (P.32)

2. Business and Marketing:

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram give businesses the ability

to reach a large and diverse audience, thereby increasing brand awareness and exposure. It provides

the businesses an opportunity to engage with their customers, address their concerns and questions,

and build customer loyalty. Compared to traditional marketing methods, social media marketing

is relatively low cost and allows businesses to reach a large audience without significant financial


investment (DePolo, 2016). Activities such as sharing links to your website on social media

platforms, can improve your website's search engine rankings and visibility. Media facilitated with

different analytics tool provide businesses with valuable insights into their customers’ behavior,

preferences, and opinions, which can inform future marketing and business decisions.

S.N. Elements % of converted customers

1. Email 23
2. Webinars 12
3. Landing Pages 30
4. SMS 12
5. Chatbots 11
6. Remarketing 7
7. Others 5
Table3: Converting Social Media visitors into customers (Patel, 2022)

Positive influences of social media for different age groups:

1. Teenagers:

Social media can help young people stay connected with their friends, increasing their

personal friend circle and family, especially if they live far apart. Regular use of social media can

help young people improve their written and verbal communication skills. Similarly, it can provide

young people with access to a wealth of information on various topics developing their critical

thinking skills. Content creation, blog writing as well as other skills can be enhanced using social

media as it provides platform on sharing and learning.

2. Adults:

Primary influences for adults were found quite similar to that of teenagers. In addition to

that, social media can provide them with opportunities to network professionally, connect with

colleagues, and advance their careers (Potts, 2013). Also, those who are actively working in

research fields can disseminate their research findings to a wider audience, allowing for faster


dissemination of important information. And increased viewership means, more opportunities for

funding, collaboration and recognition.

3. Old aged people:

Social media can provide older adults with a sense of community and support, reducing

feelings of loneliness and isolation. Also, regular use of social media has been linked to

improved cognitive function in older adults, as it requires them to engage in tasks such as

reading, writing, and problem-solving (Muir, 2012).


With its growing usage, social media has become one of the integral parts of today’s people.

And more or less its positive influences at different fields are quite welcoming. Statistical data and

general public consensus are pointing out how several sites and media are benefitting users at

different sectors and fields. However, the usage of social media carries severe negative influences

too and this part shouldn’t be overlooked. It is also important to recognize that social media can

also have negative consequences and it is up to each individual to use it in a responsible and

balanced manner. By being mindful of our usage and prioritizing real-world interactions and

relationships, we can harness the positive power of social media to improve our lives and the world

around us. In conclusion, the positive influence of social media cannot be denied, but it is up to

each individual to use it in a responsible and balanced way to reap its benefits while avoiding its

drawbacks. Further research is necessary to fully understand the complex impact of social media

and to determine best practices for its use.



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DePolo, S. (2016). The Social Media Survival Guide: How to Thrive in the World of Social

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Freitas, D. (2017). The Happiness Effect. Oxford University Press.

Konnikova, M. (2014). The Limits of Friendships. New York: The New Yorker.

Mansfield, H. (2011). Social Media for Social Good: A How-to Guide for Nonprofits. Chicago:

Mcgraw Hill.

Muir, N. (2012). Technology for Seniors for Dummies. McGraw Hill.

Patel, N. (2022). neilpatel. Retrieved from neilpatel.com: https://neilpatel.com/blog/social-


Potts, J. (2013). Digital Culture: Understanding New Media. New York: The New York Times.

Shepherd, J. (2023, January 3). 30 Essential Facebook Statistics You Need To Know In 2023.

Retrieved from https://thesocialshepherd.com/blog/facebook-



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