Quali FM
Quali FM
Quali FM
Adolescent Users
By :
Morales, Glorylene V.
“Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine any brighter.”
In today’s world which has been made smaller by technology, new age
problems have been born. No doubt technology has a lot of benefits; however, it also
comes with a negative side. It has given birth to cyberbullying. One definition of
cyberbullying is the use of electronic means to harass, humiliate, threaten, or
otherwise intimidate another person. My observations and experiences have shown
me that this is most common among kids of all ages, while it can affect anyone.
Victims are reluctant to disclose the situation for fear of reprisal or other adverse
consequences. Because it can lead to psychological issues, low self-esteem, and
personality changes, cyberbullying should be taken as seriously as traditional
bullying. Given the gravity of the issue, it's concerning that cyberbullying has been
linked to psychological distress.
For instance, some people use social networking sites like Facebook to
pretend to be somebody else and to say rude and unkind things about other people
they would never say in person. They could think it's hilarious or great, but doing
something like this can lead the victim to sadness. We, as a society, need to be
more perceptive and inquisitive about this, as it is often missed.
The number of people using social media has skyrocketed over the past
decade, and Facebook has maintained its position as the industry leader throughout
this time. Facebook reports that around 2.2 billion people across the globe have an
active Facebook account, of which approximately 1.4 billion log on to the platform on
a daily basis (Facebook, 2017), spending an average of 50 minutes each day there
(Facebook, 2016). Facebook not only enables users to interact with friends and
establish social networks and capital, but it also exposes users to a large amount of
information and news. It is surprising how little is known about the direct and
comprehensive effects that Facebook has on news exposure and awareness,
subjective well-being, and day-to-day activities, despite the fact that Facebook has
the potential to influence the behavior of an individual through the provision of
information and content. It is possible to investigate Facebook's effects on an
individual's exposure to news information as well as its impact on well-being because
the Facebook platform possesses a number of qualities that lend itself nicely to such
an investigation. Because the platform compiles information from a wide variety of
sources, it has become an essential and fascinating location on the internet to visit in
order to stay current on the news. Individuals use Facebook as a source for news on
the regional, national, and worldwide levels. (Mosquera et al., 2019).
In recent years, social media usage has grown substantially (Leong et al.,
2019; Kemp, 2020). Social media refers to "the websites and online tools that
facilitate user interactions by providing opportunities to share information, opinions,
and interests" (Swar and Hameed, 2017, p. 141). People use social media for a
variety of purposes, including entertainment, communication, and information
gathering. Notably, adolescents and young adults spend more time on social
networking sites, e-games, texting, and other forms of social media (Twenge and
Campbell, 2019). Some authors (e.g., Dhir et al., 2018; Tateno et al., 2019) have
argued that social media has altered the forms of group interaction and the individual
and collective behavior of its users across the globe. The use of social media
platforms and the internet has become increasingly widespread in many different
regions of the world. Based on the statistical report that was compiled by We Are
Social (2018), the Philippines has the highest rate of social media usage in the world.
This is because the number of Internet users in the Philippines has reached 67
million on a national scale, and the average daily time spent using social media on
any device is nine hours and twenty-nine minutes. The findings of this research
indicate a 12% annual growth in the number of Internet users and social media users
in the Philippines compared to the previous year. Facebook is the social media
application with the highest number of users (67 million), followed by Youtube in
terms of user volume (We Are Social, 2018).The Internet has become a very
reinforcing stimulus, which may encourage Filipinos to use it more frequently. The
Internet gives users an immediate and easy access to attain satisfaction and
empowerment to manage the way they present themselves, regardless of their true
identity or physical characteristics. This may motivate Filipinos to use the Internet
more frequently (Wong, Yuen, & Li, 2015). Individuals have been using social media
as part of their daily routine, in school, at work or everywhere they go. Social media
has become a very essential part of one’s life many factor have been affected by the
use of social media and one of them is the behavioral impact of such. Locally, there
are many social media users we encounter in our environment.
Due to the fact that Facebook's platform is offered to users at no cost and is
supported by advertising revenue, the platform's potential monetary value to users,
as reflected in a market price, remains unknown. The platform makes it easier to
develop social networks and provides seamless access to information that is
relevant. It appears from usage rates, both in terms of frequency and intensity, that
this offers consumers some benefits. It has been determined how much of an
economic influence Facebook has had on advertising, but research into the benefits
Facebook provides to its users and how it affects their behavior has been much
more limited. 1 If one were to have a grasp of the welfare effects of Facebook as well
as a monetary measurement of the significance of Facebook to its users, then one
would need to know the worth of Facebook. (Mosquera et al., 2019)
The literature talks about the existing definitions vary in complexity, with some
focusing on the nature of message construction in social media while others are
more straightforward. For instance, Russo, Watkins, Kelly, and Chan (2008) defined
social media as "those that facilitate online communication, networking, and/or
collaboration." Other researchers have come up with similar definitions, a similarly
brief definition of social media was provided by Kaplan and Haenlein (2010), who
described it as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological
and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange
of User Generated Content". Even more, Lewis (2010) pointed out that the term
"social media" is nothing more than a "label for digital technologies that allow people
to connect, interact, produce, and share content". Within the field of public relations,
Kent (2010) provided a comprehensive definition of social media as "any interactive
communication channel that allows for two-way interaction and feedback." He went
on to specify that modern social media are distinguished by their "potential for real-
time interaction, reduced anonymity, a sense of propinquity, short response times,
and the ability to 'time shift,' or engage the social network whenever it suits each
particular member". The behavioral factor of using social media was supported by
the literature that implies researchers from a number of different institutions have
conducted extensive searches for potential factors that may predispose an individual
to use social media and/or the internet. Przybylski, Murayama, DeHaan, and
Gladwell (2013) conducted a study in which they recognized the mediating role of a
phenomenon known as Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) in people's use of social media
and the Internet. This study is one example that stands out in particular. They
conceptualized it as a "persistent apprehension that others might be having
rewarding experiences from which one is absent," which is an interesting way to put
it (Przybylski et al., 2013). It is distinguished by the requirement to maintain a
continuous connection with the activities of other people. Some people consider it to
be a form of social anxiety, which can be described as an obsessive fear that a
person will fail to take advantage of a chance for social interactions, enjoyable
activities, or valuable experiences (Vaidya, Jaiganesh, & Krishnan, 2015). In the
study conducted by Herman (n.d.), there are two factors that contribute to the
phenomenon of fear of missing out (FoMO). These factors are the rise of mobile
technology and the expansion of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram. These provide individuals with access to a diverse range of opportunities,
which gives one the impression that every act is important and that no opportunity
should be passed up at any time (Hernan, n.d.). (Browne, Aruguete, McCutcheon, &
Medina, 2018; Burke, Marlow, & Lento, 2010; Wortham, 2011) Research has shown
that fear of missing out (FoMO) is associated with negative emotional states such as
feelings of loneliness, boredom, and negative mood or depressed feelings.
Theoretical Lens
Research Questions
Adolescents are the beneficiaries of this research. The findings of this study
are helpful to people who spend a lot of time on facebook as their social media.
People will gain knowledge about what information to share on social media and
what information to keep to themselves.
The target participant in this study will be intended only individuals who are
qualified for the following criteria: (a) must have social media (b) a facebook user (c)
adolescent from UM Digos College. The target number of participants in this study is
minimum of 6 until the data is saturated. Participants in the study are students from
UM Digos College who are in their adolescence and are avid users of various
forms of social media.
Research Instruments
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations
Each potential participant receives and fully understands all the information
required to decide for themselves whether to participate and to sign the informed
consent. There were no survey questions designed to set up a conflict, or stress.
The adolescents that took part in the study were anonymous to preserve their
privacy. Any additional information that might be regarded as private or confidential
was protected. Thus, confidentiality refers to an understanding reached through the
informed consent procedure between the researcher and the participant that
guarantees the participant's name, contact information, responses, and other details
will not be shared with anyone outside the research team unless specifically stated
In this study, the researcher will make sure that its conduct will be guided by
ethical principles according to the following:
Carr, C. T., & Hayes, R. A. (2015). Social media: Defining, developing, and
divining. Atlantic journal of communication, 23(1), 46-65.
Qi, J., Monod, E., Fang, B., & Deng, S. (2018). Theories of social media:
Philosophical foundations. Engineering, 4(1), 94-102.
Mosquera, Roberto and Ige, Mofioluwasademi and McNamara, Trent and Guo,
Xiongfei and Petrie, Ragan, The Economic Effects of Facebook (February 2019)
Do you have Facebook?
(Naa ba kay Facebook?)
Are you a student of UMDC?
(Estudyante ba ka sa UMDC?)
2. What are the 2.1 What do you think are the negative
challenges an effects of Facebook to your well-
adolescent being?
encounter while (Unsa sa imong hunahuna ang negatibo nga
using Facebook? epekto sa Facebook sa imong kaayohan?)
(Unsa ang mga hagit
nga nasugatan sa mga 2.2 What are the effects of the negative
tin-edyer samtang posts that you read from Facebook to
naggamit sa yourself?
Facebook?) (Unsa ang mga epekto sa negatibo nga mga
post nga imong gibasa gikan sa Facebook sa
imong kaugalingon?)
3. What are the 3.1 What are some of the things that you
coping do when you think that Facebook is
mechanisms of an not beneficial for you anymore?
adolescent? (Unsa ang pipila sa mga butang nga imong
(Unsa ang mga buhaton kung imong gihunahuna nga ang
mekanismo sa Facebook dili na mapuslanon alang kanimo?)
pagsagubang sa usa ka
tin-edyer?) 3.2 How do you deal with the toxicity of
(Giunsa nimo pag-atubang ang toxicity sa