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Social media tools used for agriculture graduate student for Academic

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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Online ISSN: 2349-4182, Print ISSN: 2349-5979; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.72
Received: 23-11-2019; Accepted: 25-01-2020
Volume 7; Issue 2; 2020; Page No. 114-117

Social media tools used for agriculture graduate student for Academic performance
Thatchinamoorthy C1*, Dr. J Meenambigai2
1, 2
Ph. D. Research Scholar and Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai
University, New Delhi, India

New media tools are web-based information communication tools for disseminating information to a broad audience, often
with shared interests. It has become a huge and integral component of how people spend their time online. It has great
potential for sharing information and gaining knowledge. However, several questions have emerged about these new media
tools with respect to agricultural education, research, and services. Given the expanding scope and enormity of the use of new
media tools, the researchers sought to identify the activities and the level of their use related to agriculture education that is
being shared in this platform. The objective of research was to determine the accessibility and extent of new media tools used
in relation to students’ subject discipline. Information from students on communication techniques and activities related to
agricultural education was collected through new media tools such as Whatsapp, Facebook and survey monkey and data were
analyzed using mean and frequency. It was revealed that 80 % of the students were engaged in socially integrated on new
media platforms. In addition, more than 70% of students performed in social networking like Facebook and Google+. Online
has entered into all departments throughout the world.

Keywords: agriculture graduates, new media tools and utilization

1. Introduction anyone in the virtual world[4]. Merriam-Webster (2015)

Information and Communication Technologies are emerging defines, “social media as forms of electronic communication
as an important tool for the development of societies and through which users can create online communities to share
have driving forces in economies worldwide. Social media information, ideas, personal messages, and other content”.
are web-based tools of electronic communication that allow Accessibility of social media through mobile phones and the
users to personally interact with others individually or in scope of mass-personal and mass-self communication
groups for the purposes of exchanging information, sharing makes it a popular platform among the masses to share ideas
thoughts and opinions, influencing and facilitating decision- and increase link ability and content sharing across multiple
making by creating, storing, retrieving and exchanging platforms. Different types of social media platforms are
information in any form (text, pictures, video, etc.,) by described in Table 1 below [4].

Table 1: Types of social media platforms

SI. No Type of platform Examples
1 Social networking sites Facebook, Google+
2 Blogs and Micro-blogs Blogger, Wordpress, Twitter, Instagram
Video (YouTube, Vimeo, Vine), Photo (Instagram, Flickr, Tumbler),
3 Content communities
Audio (Sound cloud Podcasts) MS Office docs, PDF, PPT (Slideshare)
4 Socially integrated messaging platforms Whatsapp, Facebook messenger, Snapchat
5 Professional networking Research Gate, Academia.edu, LinkedIn
Source: Extension Next, Bulletin No.1, March, 2017 [3].

This paper aims to provide pilot study research about new Online has entered into all departments throughout the
media platforms activity and use by agriculture graduate world. Nowadays online communication is becoming
educators and students. popular. Like other fields, the agricultural field also equally
uses online communication in an effective manner. For
2. Materials and Methods agriculture research, the internet’s bi-directional,
This study was used online research methods (ORMs) are multimedia characteristics make agriculture research more
ways in which researchers can collect data via the internet. easily and efficiently. In this paper, data collection in
Internet research can be done in different ways. In agriculture research is discussed. Nature of respondent’s
Comparing more than a few forms of online surveying, agriculture graduate students, 60 students selected using a
MacElroy state that, “describes some of the common forms convenience sampling method. Information from students
of online research being used for commercial applications, on communication techniques and activities related to
ranging from the most basic through highly sophisticated agricultural education was collected through new media
forms. With fast growth, the internet has been used almost tools such as Whatsapp, Facebook and survey monkey and
everywhere” [2]. data were analyzed using mean and frequency.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

3. Results and Discussions and replying to the new media platforms. An attempt was
Here there are some activities that are normally performed made to know whether the students of agriculture education
by new media users on social networking sites. Activities perform such activity, their responses were collected in
may be of different types related to different fields. In terms of ‘do’ or ‘don’t’. The score for measurement was
agriculture, the Activities were related to asking questions assigned as 0 and 1 assigned respectively [1].

Table 2: Social media Activity of Agriculture Graduate Students related to agriculture N=60
Performance category
SI. No Category of New media platforms DO Don’t
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
1 Social networking 44 73.33 16 26.67
2 Blogs and Micro blogs 22 36.67 38 63.33
3 Content communities 34 56.67 26 43.33
4 Socially integrated 48 80.00 12 20.00
5 Professional networking 42 70.00 18 30.00
Average 38 53.33 22 36.67
Source: Computed by the researchers

The above table 2 shows that more than i.e.50 % of the in Social networking and 70 % of the respondents involved
students engaged new media platform while remaining i.e. in Professional networking activity while remaining
36 % of the respondents do not perform such activity. This respondents do not perform such activity. The power of
activity basically depends on the interest of the respondents. social media for those who have access-is truly significant.
So it may be the reason that the majority of the respondents Worldwide, nearly one in four people connect to social
involve themselves in such types of activities. The above networks on a monthly basis. More than one billion
results show that most of the respondents’ i.e. 80 % are accounts are registered on the single most popular social
involved in socially integrated activity, 73.33 are involved network, Face book.

Table 3: Social Networking Activity of Agriculture Graduate Students

Performance category
Duration (hours ) / per day Purpose
SI. No Social networking sites
0-3 4-6 >6 Academic Non Academic
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
1 Facebook 16.67 35.00 48.33 66.67 33.33
2 Google + 29.00 44.00 27.00 80.00 20.00
Average 58.33 17.50 24.17 73.33 26.67
Source: Computed by the researchers

Facebook is the most used social media platform in the per cent of them spent between 0-3 hours. Facebook and
world with more than 1.87 billion monthly active users on Gmail can help students develop connections between
the site (we are social, 2017). Mostly used for creating individuals and the community; enhance educational efforts
personal profiles and networks with friends, colleagues and and also useful to find out job vacancy. It is used to share
peers. agricultural information and messages. Create professional
The above table 3 shows that majority of the students spent groups on a specific theme and share knowledge; connect
time on Facebook and Google+ daily more than 4 hours, 16 with other groups, organizations.

Table 4: Blogs and Micro blogs Activity of Agriculture Graduate Students

Performance category
Duration (hours )/per day Purpose
SI. No Social networking sites
0-3 4-6 >6 Academic Non Academic
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
1 Blogger 100.00 0.00 0.00 68.33 31.67
2 Word press 100.00 0.00 0.00 61.67 38.33
3 Twitter 80.00 20.00 0.00 11.67 88.33
4 Instagram 100.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 95.00
Average 95.00 5.00 0.00 36.67 63.33
Source: Computed by the researchers

A blog is an easy to publish web page where contributors Out of 60 total students, 95 per cent of the students spending
can posts news, thoughts, comments, etc. A Blog is also between 0-3 hours on twitter and blog daily, Blogs and
called an online dairy. Microblogging (i.e. twitter) is a form twitter are an effective way for students to share class notes,
of blogging that allows users to write brief text updates and new ideas, personal opinions and own experience.
publish them.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Table 5: Content communities Activity of Agriculture Graduate Students

Duration (hours ) / per day Purpose
SI. No Social networking sites
0-3 4-6 >6 Academic Non Academic
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
1 MS office (docs /PDF /PPT) 35.00 46.67 18.33 100.00 0.00
2 Photo (Flickr, Tumbler) 83.33 13.33 3.33 35.00 65.00
3 Audio (Sound cloud, Podcasts) 78.33 16.67 5.00 13.33 86.67
4 Video (You Tube, Vimeo) 35.00 51.67 13.33 78.33 21.67
Average 57.92 32.08 10.00 56.67 43.33
Source: Computed by the researcher

About 57 per cent students used MS office and YouTube amongst many users. Media richness is high for specific
between 0-3 hours daily. Content communities like content. They are an easy means to reach a global user base
YouTube, Instagram, Soundcloud, MS Office docs, PDF, is an interesting way.
PPT. Mostly formed to share specific types of content easily

Table 6: Messaging platforms Activity of Agriculture Graduate Students

Performance category
Duration (hours )/per day Purpose
SI. No Social networking sites
0-3 4-6 >6 Academic Non Academic
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
1 Whatsapp 10.00 30.00 60.00 100.00 0.00
2 Facebook messenger 25.00 63.33 11.67 53.33 46.67
3 Snapchat 100.00 0.00 0.00 86.67 13.33
Average 45.00 31.11 23.89 80.00 20.00
Source: Computed by the researchers

A Messaging platform allows exchange of messages for Whatsapp messenger is a cross platform messaging app
communication. There are a number of platforms like which allows users to exchange messages, audio, video,
Whatsapp, Telegram, Facebook messenger etc. photographs. Students and teachers create whatsapp groups
More than 50 per cent the students spending time on daily to disseminate information.
above 4 hours especially whatsapp users very high.

Table 7: Professional networking Activity of Agriculture Graduate Students

Performance category
Duration (hours ) / per day Purpose
SI. No Social networking sites
0-3 4-6 >6 Academic Non Academic
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
1 Research Gate 90.00 10.00 0.00 100.00 0.00
2 Academia.edu 100.00 0.00 0.00 71.67 28.33
3 Linkedln 90.00 10.00 0.00 38.33 61.67
Average 93.33 6.67 0.00 70.00 30.00
Source: Computed by the researchers

Academic Networks like Researchgate and academia edu New media tools can aid in every part of the farming value
help in improve visibility of research. Students can create chain such as planning, inputs, on-farm production, post-
profiles on this service and list their publications share harvest process, access to markets. Now a day’s new media
research article, reports and uploads manuscripts and build tools have enormous potential to improve students’
connections with researchers. Linkedin helps students knowledge and future development. Facebook has 195.16
connect with other professionals, look for jobs. Above table million active users in India, YouTube gets more than 50
indicate that, majority of the students’ i.e 93 per cent million unique users each month, Twitter has 23.2 million
respondents spending time on daily 0-3 hours for social users, Whatsapp has 70 million users in India and the
networking sites. As shown in tables 3-7 more than 60 per highest monthly active users in the world [5]. All the
cent students used social media tools for academic statistics prove the huge potential that social media can be
performance, Above 50 per cent of the students spending for agriculture graduates to reach out to the people.
time on 0-3 hours daily, Most of the students spending time Supportive use of new media will bring a knowledge
daily more than 6 hours for facebook and whatsapp. revolution in agriculture. Agricultural scientists and research
scholars need to conduct research on new media tools for
4. Conclusion the benefit of students and the farming communities.
New media tools such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Nowadays online communication is becoming popular. Like
blogs, wikis, blogs, professional networking, and many other fields, the agricultural field also equally uses online
others, people are spending enormous amounts of time on communication in an effective manner. The evidence shows
websites used to share information and connect with people. that in the future new media will increase its role in

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Educating students, as well as training farmers and other

agriculture stakeholders in Tamil Nadu. We hope that new
media tools will mark the turning point in the student’s

6. References
1. Kalyan Ghadeiv, Kumari Jyoti. Social Media Activity
of Agriculture Extension Graduate Students in India,
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and
Biotech, IJAEB. 2017; 10(3):377-385.
2. MacElroy B. Comparing Seven Forms of On-Line
Surveying. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, 1999.
3. Saravanan R, Suchiradipta B. Social media for
agricultural extension, Extension NEXT, Bulletin No.1,
March, 2017, pp.2-3.
4. Suchiradipta B, Saravanan R. Social media: Shaping
the future of agricultural extension and advisory
services, GFRAS interest group on the ICT4RAS
discussion paper, GFRAS: Lindau, Switzerland, 2016.
5. We Are Social. Digital in 2017: Global overview.
https:// www.slideshare.net / wearesocialsg / digital-in-
2017-global-overview (Accessed on 22 March, 2017),
6. Www. Statista.com. Number of social network users in
India from 2015-2021 (in millions). https://www.
Www. Statista.com. Statistics/ 278407/ number-of-
network-users-in-india/ (Accessed on 15 July, 2019),


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