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A Fundamental Study On Research Challenges Associated With Social Network Analysis

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 4 Issue: 9 62- 65

A Fundamental Study on Research Challenges Associated with Social
Network Analysis
K. K. Uma Dr. K. Meenakshisundaram
Research Scholar, Departmentof Computer Science Associate professor, Department of Computer Science
Erode Arts and Science College [Autonomous] Erode Arts and Science College [Autonomous]
Erode, TamilNadu, India Erode, TamilNadu, India
Email: umakathir.victory@gmail.com Email:Lecturerkms@yahoo.com
(Corresponding Author)

Abstract-Obtaining large scale data is one of the key challenges in studying social interaction. Understanding social interaction has been a
great interest in various research field like sociology, economy, political science, marketing and so on. This paper studies the need to know
basics about social media, social network and Social Network Analysis[SNA]. In this paper along with introducing some of the studies in this
area, a categorization of research subareas was presented and a base has been provided for researchers to briefly get acquainted with some
new, attractive and useful research areas. This information has never been available with such a huge volume, detail, and ease and speed of
access before. A few number of social data analyst those who are interested in having this information or the results of analyzing it alongside
their motivations are: commercial companies for advertising and promoting their products, sociologists for analyzing the behavior and features
of different societies, intelligence organizations for preventing and detecting criminal activities, educational and cultural activists for promoting
their goals, and employers for acquiring information about job seekers. This paper will sought after for the purpose of having precise knowledge
for critically analyzing Social Networks, social media their analytics and their related challenges and opening areas.

Keywords-Social Media, Social Network, Social Network Analysis


I. INTRODUCTION reasonable information do individuals share more? How

people get connected to social media? Variety of fields
The world has fallen mad with the social media and shared in profiles? Then to include the problems the analyst
now automatically turns to online platforms to give the has got to understand what is social media and social
fantastic opportunities for the people to engage the network? To really perceive the interchangeable distinction
audiences and encourage content sharing, but also gives lot between the two, we tend to first ought to outline them.
of challenges for getting cut through and keeping up to date Knowing the variations will facilitate the individuals to
ourselves. Social data technology revolution has been higher understand on a way to leverage them for his or her
attracting trillions of people by generating enormous data research desires. Social media and social networking are
continually at ever increasing rate. Social networking sites found to be similar in many several major events across the
store huge enormous of data involving search engines, planet. It is honest to mention that social networking may be
media sharing sites, stock trading sites and news sites a subcategory of social media. It is a decent plan to seem at
through the day[2]. For example Facebook continued to the variations between the two here and go away with a
dominate as the most used site with the 93% of social transparent understanding of the variations.
networkers maintaining a Facebook profile since 2012.
Other social networking platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram II. SOCIAL MEDIA
and Google+ and Twitter, there has been a gradual raise in
number of users every day. The buzz word social media is that use of web
based and mobile technologies to show communication into
Social Networking is still used primarily in the an interactive statement.
consumer working space for a quick interpersonal
communication or information sharing. However, it is also News Friends Blog Like
increasingly taking hold in the business world with the
customers and partners in both for B2B and B2C corporate Chat Share Photo Tweet
communications[4]. Key business users include Marketing,
Customer Service and Support, sales or project, sharing Figure1. Social media
account information with co-workers, locating internal
Before the web existed, the media was dynamic
expertise, setting up meetings, staying in touch with
state it absolutely was concerning TV, newspapers,
colleagues and marks a continues strong growth with the
consumer and business users worldwide as well. The magazines, etc. Once media was not static, an area wherever
youll transmit data to others [3]. Tremendous interactivity
worldwide number of users will show a drastic top of
capabilities became accessible to everybody and it felt far
growth to 1.8 billion by 2015 and it is projected to grow
more sort of a personal, one-one-one relationship than the
over to be 2.5 billion by 2019. Different kind of social data
rest and extremely encompasses many differing types of
in internet can reveal how users connect and interact with
media, similar to videos, blogs, etc. Primarily, social media
each other. Currently the wide use of laptops, iPod, pc,
could be a platform for broadcasting, in simple manner its a
mobile devices and additional internet web applications has
wheel of (combination) communication (social networks)
been full-grown and there is a necessity to search out what
IJRITCC | September 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 9 62- 65
and publishing. To cut back inessential complication the extract hidden valuable insight to establish the process of
Medias are differentiated to urge a transparent knowledge discovering social network structure.
Teams of individuals with common interests, or
like-minds, associate along on social networking sites and
build relationships through community. With social
networking, communication is two-way. Looking on the
subject material or atmosphere, individuals congregate affix
others with similar experiences and backgrounds.
Conversations are at the core of social networking and
through them relationships are developed. As a result of
social networking is direct communication between you and Figure 3. Structure of Social Network
those who you decide on to connect with, your Typically the SNA uncovers interesting patterns,
conversations are richer with additional purposeful and relationship, and kinship, closely like people, predict future
personal [5]. The term social network refers to the threats and promises, customers behavior through online
articulation of the social relationship that play twin roles, the click stream, predicting new growth of profits and
acting each as a unit or the node of a social network likewise relationship hidden in a large volume of social data like web
as a social actor. Networks are sometimes painted by the content data in web data mining. Social network analysis
diagrams wherever the vertices are painted by points, arcs [SNA] is the mapping and measure of relationships and
and by lines with arrowheads, and edges by lines while not flows between folks, groups, organizations, computers,
the arrowheads. URLs, and different connected information/knowledge
entities[10]. The nodes within the network are the folks and
Facebook teams whereas the links show relationships or flows
between the nodes. SNA provides each a visible and a
mathematical analysis of human relationships. Management
consultants use this system with their business.

Google+ The emergence and recognition of on-line social

networks in recent years has modified the web scheme
resulting in an additional cooperative atmosphere.
Nowadays, many several web users participate in social
networks, create communities, produce and consume social
Figure 2. Social Networks media content in revolutionary ways. The section discusses
the present hot topics of social networks and presents a
Leading social networks swash a high range of user collection of open analysis challenges involving on-line
accounts or sturdy user engagement metrics. Lets say, social networks.
Facebook is that solely powerful social network that
surpassed the one billion monthly active user mark and has, A. Spam Filtering
as of 2015, almost 1.5 billion MAU worldwide. Shortly The perception that attracted millions of internet
when its launch, relative newcomer pinterest was the users in recent years on online social networks is
quickest freelance web site in history to succeed in over ten remarkable. Unfortunately, recent evidence shows that, in
million monthly distinctive guests, but as of 2015, its still the wrong hands they can also be effective mechanisms for
behind different sturdy players, like photo-sharing social spreading attacks. In social network sites, spammers often
network Instagram or microblogging platform Tumblr disguise themselves by creating fake accounts and hijacking
Perhaps the most important distinction between social media normal user accounts for personal motives. Spammers in
and social networking is that the goal that youre making an social media behave like a normal user and they continue to
attempt to attain with social networking your final goal is to change their spamming strategies to fool anti-spamming
create your network of fans/followers and foster those systems. Users heavily fed up with spam messages, even
relationships. Facebook pages are approached by fake accounts[1]. Major
research topics in spam detection includes spamming in e-
IV. SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS mail detection, spamming Web page detection and
spamming instant message detection. Recently, the success
From the data mining perspective mining social of social media such as Facebook and Twitter have also
data opened many new challenges and opportunities. The attracted a new way of Social Networking Spamming.
simultaneously emerging and fast maturing social network Today the spammers get smarter and they create new high
analysis (SNA) delivers the most promising knowledge and precision methods, to avoid being detected unfortunately,
the bulk of the existing solutions are not directly applicable
IJRITCC | September 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 9 62- 65
because the series of distinct characteristics pertaining to the represent people, and an edge between nodes indicates that
OSN spam. an immediate relationship between the people[7][6] .Some
typical issues in SNA include discovering terms of people
B. Micro-Blogging sharing an equivalent properties and evaluating the
Microblogging is the form of blogging that has importance of people during a typical social network, there
become popular over the last few years. A microblog differs continuously exist varied relationships between people, that
from a traditional blog in that , content is usually made up of involves friendships, business relationships, and community
short sentences, fragments or links to videos, images and structure during a social network is analyzed to spot the
websites. Microblogging is a broadcast medium in which its patterns of closeness between users during a social network.
content is usually in the form of short updates, and can be
sent from either a computer or mobile device (mobile phone, E. Sentiment Analysis
I-pad etc.) People can use it as a form of crowd-sourcing Sentiment Analysis is that the method of
to ask questions or ask for help. Microblogs are evolving determinant whether or not a bit of writing is positive,
into a richly refined medium for maintaining awareness, negative or neutral it is also referred to as opinion. Mining,
building relationships and finding and sharing valuable account, the opinion or perspective of a speaker. A standard
information. Microblogging is used to communicate with use case for this technology is to find how individuals feel
the large audience of followers[9][8]. There are some about a particular topic .The underlying technology platform
advantages to access the knowledge from large number of for sentiment analysis is Natural language
users to obtain technical assistance and links to interesting processing(NLP)[5].Sentiment analysis is wide applied to
information. Some microblogging services offer features reviews and social media for a range of applications ,starting
such as privacy, settings etc. This may include text from promoting marketing to client services a special
messaging, instant messaging, e-mail or digital audio. technique for determining sentiment is that the use of a
scaling system whereby words unremarkably related to
C. Sybil Detection having a negative, neutral or positive sentiment. The
Social networking is a double-edge sword. On the sentiment classification appearance parenthetically at
one hand, it is a powerful tool for enhancing socialism and emotional states similar to angry, sad, happy..
on the other hand, it could harm the entire society if not used
appropriately. Fake identifies and Sybil accounts are VII. Conclusion
spreading throughout in to-days online communities .They One factor that social media and social networking
are amenable for a growing number of threats ,including have in common is that they each depend on viral agent
fake product, malware and spam on social networks like promoting to become really roaring. If the content goes viral
Facebook, Tumblr,Linked-In by creating fake users. Sybil agent more and more individuals are taking note and
detection begin to grow in the fundamental behavioral therefore the additional on-line traffic. The fundamental
patterns that separate real and Sybil users. It is easier than distinction between social media and social networking is
ever to create fake identities and user accounts in todays that social media helps individuals to create the affiliation
online communities. Most proposals concentrate on (connection) and social networking enhances that affiliation
detective work Sybils in social networks by leverage the individuals get along as a result of they need common
belief that Sybils can realize it tough to be friend real users. interests, passions and as they get to understand one another
Studies have shown that Sybils area unit to blame for through interaction over time. Every challenges of SNA
massive amounts of spam on Facebook, Twitter[8]. have their own specific set of expectations, limitations,
Numerous systems are planned by the analysis community protocols, potentials, pros and cons a number of that have
to observe and mitigate these Sybils, but they still continue evolved over time .The results tapped out from Social
to be the threatening to the world. Network Analysis [SNA] could facilitate to create valuable
prediction or observation in future world. Social information
D. Community Structure can become a useless word if it dont have a right tool,
Community formation is vital to know inside applying SNA techniques, methods, models and algorithms
Social Network Analysis, so as to know patterns of cause additional helpful services in each walks of life there
collaboration. Social networks embody community groups are nuances which will be known whereas describing SNA,
supported common location, interests, likes, dislikes, etc. A and its a subtle-but-significant amendment, from person-
social network is sculptural by a graph ,wherever the nodes centric to event-centric.
enhancement areas, like it only discuss few
FUTURE ENHANCEMENT challenging areas. It would therefore also be focused on
Visualizing complex relationships, Identifying identifying powerful and influential participants, Influence
powerful and influential participants, Influence monitoring monitoring and outlook, Spotting influencers, Clustering of
and outlook, Spotting influencers, Clustering of complex complex networks. Recommendations of interesting persons
networks, Recommendations of interesting persons and and resources, Terrorist identification, Privacy preservation
resources, Terrorist identification, Privacy preservation user user behavior analytics, stream mining ultimately these
behavior analytics, stream mining are the other areas that could be the focusing areas practically and possibly an
can also be focused in this area. This study has several analyst can cover.

IJRITCC | September 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 9 62- 65
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