RESEARCH ARTICLE Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 53-59, March 2012 *Corresponding author: (E-mail) rkvashistha78<A.T.> 2012 Open Access Science Research Publisher Ethnomedicinal importance of the Plants of Amarkantak region, Madhya Pradesh, India Anupam SRIVASTAVA, Shambhu P. PATEL, Rajesh K. MISHRA, Rajiv K. VASHISTHA*, Ajay SINGH, Ashok K. PUSKAR Ayurveda Research and Development Department, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Maharishi Dayanand Gram, Near Bahadrabad, Haridwar- 249405, Uttarakhand, India Article History: Received 14 th December 2011, Revised 19 th January 2012, Accepted 19 th January 2012. Abstract: The present study was carried out in the Amarkantak, region of Madhya Pradesh, India, to document the ethno medicinal uses of plants. A total of 135 species belonging to 115 genera and 63 families have been reported. Plant spe- cies commonly used by local people for food, fodder, medicine and in other fields of their lives are enumerated. A list of plant species along with their local names, plant parts used and mode of application has been given. Ethnomedicinally most important families are Zingiberaceae and Fabaceae with 8 species followed by Rubiaceae, Vitaceae and Liliaceae with 7 species. These plant species are utilized by local peoples against various ailments such as cuts and wounds, fever, joints pain, constipation, diarrhoea, eye disorders, skin ailments, cough and cold, antidote for poisonous insects, stomach disorders, urinary troubles, liver complaints, digestive problems, jaundice, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Indigenous knowledge of rural or cultural groups has great significance in formulating applicable strategy for the development of any region. This scattered, secretive, fast eroding highly valuable knowledge needs proper documentation. The present study signi- fies ethnomedicinal values of the plants species occur in Amarkantak region. Keywords: Ethnomedicinal survey; Amarkantaka, indigenous knowledge; herbs and medicine. Introduction Amarkantak is known as an immense holy pilgrim centre for the Hindus and is the origin place of the rivers Narmada and Sone, situated in Anuppur district of Madhya Pradesh, India. It is located between 2244' North latitude and 8154' East longitude, at the meeting point of the Vindhya and the Satpura mountain ranges amongst sylvan surroundings, at an altitude of 1065 m asl. The Narmada River flows to the west from Amarkantak whereas the Sone flows towards the East. Amarkantak is glorified by nature having various holy ponds and elevated hills. The entire forest area, exquisite waterfalls and rich biodiversity make this place a great destination for both religious-minded people and the researchers. Floristic survey in this state has been under- taken by Jain (1962), Bhalla et al. (1986), Jain (1988), Jayson (1991), Jain and Patole (2001), Jain and Vairale (2007), Dubey et al. (2008 a and b), Wagh and Jain (2010), Kala (2010 and 2011) etc. Information published on the utiliza- tion of plant species by these workers did not cover all the species present in the area. The present exploration has resulted in gathering in- formation on plants used as medicine and in re- ligious practices. Materials and Methods Field study was conducted in the Amarkan- tak near Narmada Kund and temple, Sonemuda, Mai ki Bagiya, Kapil Dhara, Kabir Chabutra, Doodhdhara, Shambudhara, Bhagdnala and Shri Jwaleshwar Mahadev and their adjacent areas during the year 2010 - 2011. Ethnomedicinal information on the plant species was collected through interviewing local communities. The informants were Vaidhyas, Priests and village headmen. The main tribal groups in this region are Gond, Bhil, Baiga, Korku, Bhadia, Hal- ba, Kaul, Mariya who commonly communicate through Hindi, Bagheli, Bundeli and Chatisgadi. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on local plant names, uses, parts used, and mode of application. Recorded plant species 54 Int. J. Med. Arom. Plants Ethnomedicinal plants of Amarkantak region Srivastava et al. were identified with the help of Herbarium of the Botanical Survey of India, Northern Circle, Dehradun (BSD), local floras and previous works of Hooker (1875), Kirtikar and Basu (1999), Dubey et al. (2008 a and b). The vouch- er specimens have been deposited in the Patan- jali Yogpeeth, Haridwar. Result and Discussion The present communication documented 135 plant species belonging to 61 families under 115 genera that are being traditionally used in the area. The herbal remedies are effective against cuts and wounds, fever, joint pain, head- ache, constipation, diarrhoea, eye disorders, skin ailments, cough and cold, antidote for poisonous insects, stomach disorders, urinary troubles, liv- er complaints, digestive problems, jaundice, asthma, bronchitis, inflammations and anemia, piles, mental disorder, abdominal pain and bone fracture, paralysis, epilepsy, impotency, general weakness etc. In general, Adiantum philippense, Asparagus racemosus, Pueraria tuberosa, Cos- tus speciosus, Terminalia chebula are used in the treatment of leprosy. Eryngium foetidum and Antidesma zeylanicum are used in snake bite, Terminalia chebula, Elaeocarpus sphaericus and Caesalpinia bonduc are used for the treat- ment of jaundice. Clerodendron serratum, Cur- cuma angustifolia, Sida cordata, Celastrus pa- niculatus are used for the treatment of leuco- derma (Table 1). Among the selected species ethnomedicinally the maximum contribution was recorded for herbs with 70 species (52%) followed by trees with 26 species (19%), shrubs with 22 species (16%) and climbers with 16 species (12%, Figure 1). Among the selected species, parts used wise contribution was max- imum for whole plant with 42 species (31%) followed by roots with 31 species (23%), leaves with 30 species (22%), bark with 20 species (15%) and seeds with 5 species (4%, Figure 2). This survey revealed that the tribal and other inhabitants of the area have sound knowledge about the uses of medicinal plants available in the region. Unfortunately, the tribal communi- ties are not concerned to share their traditional knowledge with others and their knowledge is limited with their own community and ends with the end of their life. In the present study, a brief account on ethnomedicinal uses of docu- mented plant species has been verified by Vaid- hyas, knowledgeable persons and experienced informant of the area, even then further explora- tion on pharmaceuticals, therapeutic as well as safety features like toxicity studies are very much required for human benefit and sustaining the knowledge of tribal communities. Table 1: Ethnomedicinally important species in Amarkantaka region, MP. S.No. Botanical name Local name Family Habit Uses 1. Abelmoschus moschatus Medik. Kasturi bhindi Malvaceae H A paste of its leaves is applied on the cuts, wounds and sprains. Seeds are used in aromatherapy for the treatment of depression and anxiety, cramps, poor circulation and aching joint. 2. Abrus precatorius Linn. Ghumchi Fabaceae C Seeds are used in cellulites, gangrene, gastritis, nephritis, ulcers, typhoid and cholera. 3. Acanthospermum hispidum DC. Gokharu Asteraceae H Paste of whole plants is used to treat skin disease and leaf juice is used to relieve fever. 4. Adina cordifolia (Willd. ex Roxb.)Hook.f.ex Brandis Haldu Rubiaceae T Stem bark is used in malarial fever, abdominal disorder, inflammation, wounds and ulcers. 5. Adiantum philippense Linn. Hansraj Adiantaceae H Full teaspoon of its extract of whole plant is used in fever, asthma, bronchi- tis, dysentery, leprosy and ulcers. Powder of rhizome is given as an antidote against dog bite and snake bite. 6. Allium tuberosum Roxb. Ban lahsun Liliaceae H The leaves and bulbs are applied to insect bites, cuts, and wounds, while the seeds are used to treat kidney, liver, and upset digestive system. 7. Alternanthera sessilis (Linn.) R.Br. ex DC. Gudari shak Amaranthaceae H The whole plant is used for burning sensation, diarrhoea, skin disease, dys- pepsia, hemorrhoids, liver and spleen diseases and fever. 8. Alternenthera pungens Kunth. Katua shak Amaranthaceae H Decoction of its leaves is taken to treat gonorrhea. 9. Amaranthus spinosus Linn. Chaulai Amaranthaceae H Traditionally, leaves are used to treat scorpion sting and snake bite. 10. Ammomum aromaticum Roxb. Kali elaichi Zingiberaceae H Decoction of whole plants is used as a gargle in dental or gum problems. Its seed oil is used in vomiting, indigestion, abdomen pain and rectal disease. 11. Ampelocissus tomentosa (Roth.)Planch. Ulat bel , Bamaru Vitaceae C It is used for the treatment of dysentery, fever, fistula and tuberculosis. 12. Antidesma zeylanicum Lam. Amti Euphorbiaceae S Leaves are used as a antidote for snake bite. 13. Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn. Polygonaceae Climbing shrub Paste of fresh leaves applied externally in skin disorders. 14. Aresaema tortuosum (Wall.) Schott Ban makka, Sigta kanda Araceae H Tubers are taken with black pepper in cold and cough. 15. Asparagus racemosus Willd. Satavar Liliaceae C Roots are used for the treatment of nervous disorders, diarrhoea, dysentery, tumor, inflammation, tuberculosis, leprosy, fatigue. 16. Basella rubra Linn. Poi Basellaceae C Leaf juice is useful in biliousness, dysentery and leprosy. A paste of root 55 Int. J. Med. Arom. Plants Ethnomedicinal plants of Amarkantak region Srivastava et al. applied in swelling. 17. Begonia sps. Begoniaceae H Its leaves used as a tea in cold and cough. 18. Begonia picta Linn. Patharchatta Begoniaceae H The juice of the whole plant is taken to relieve headaches. The crushed leaves are used as a poultice on sore nipples. The root juice is used as eye- wash to treat conjunctivitis. It is also consumed in the treatment of peptic ulcers. 19. Belamcanda chinensis (Linn.) DC. Tiger lily Iridaceae H It is used in the treatment of acute laryngitis, acute tonsillitis, oedema of the glottis and cough with profuse sputum. Root juice is used to treat liver com- plaints. 20. Bergenia sps. Patharchur Saxifragaceae H A juice or powder of the whole plant is used to treat urinary troubles. The root is used in the treatment of fever. 21. Boerhavia procumbens Banks ex Roxb. Bishkhapra, Patharchata Nyctaginaceae H Infusion of the herb is useful in dropsy, menstrual flow regulation & gonorr- hoea. 22. Bridelia montana Willd. Ekdaniya Euphorbiaceae T Bark and roots are used in the treatment of worm infection and bone fracture. 23. Bridelia retusa (Linn.) Spreng. Kasai, Ja- malvati Phyllanthaceae T The bark is useful in lumbago and hemiplegia and bark is also used for the treatment of rheumatism and diabetes. 24. Butea superba Roxb. Chi- ula,Palash bel Fabaceae C The seeds are used for the treatment of herpes, skin disease, ringworm, round worm, arthritis, flatulence and constipation. 25. Caesalpinia bonduc (Linn.) Roxb. emend. Dandy & Exell. Ga- tayan,Sagar gota Caesalpinia- ceae S The leaves, seeds and roots are used for the treatment of amenorrhea, dysme- norrhea, fever, cough, worms, dyspepsia, jaundice and arthritis. 26. Carissa opaca Stapf ex Haines Jangali karaunda Apocynaceae S Leaves are useful in cardiac disorders. Fruits are also used in digestive prob- lems. 27. Casuarina equesetifolia Linn. Banya suru Casuarinaceae T Its bark and woods are used in beri-beri, colic, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, headache, pimples, sore, stomachache, swelling and toothache. Seeds are also used in bloody diarrhoea. 28. Catunaregam nilotica (Stapf) Tir- veng. Kharhar, Gadpidar Rubiaceae S Decoction of seeds is used in headache. Its stem bark is used in treating joints and muscles affections. 29. Catunaregam spinosum (Thunb.) Tiryeng. Mainhar Rubiaceae S Bark is used internally for fever and insomnia and used externally for rheu- matism and bruises. Roots are used for the treatment of gonorrhea, diarrhoea, colic, fever and phlegmatic swelling. 30. Cayratia auriculata (Wall.)Gamble Jangali angoor Vitaceae C The plant is useful in cough, cold, hydrocele, wound, abscess, intestinal worm and rheumatism. 31. Cayratia trifolia (Linn.) Domin. Tripatti Vitaceae C The root grounded with black pepper is applied to boils. 32. Celastrus paniculatus Willd. Malkangani Celastraceae C Seeds are useful in abdominal disorders, leprosy, skin diseases, paralysis, asthma, leucoderma, cardiac debility, inflammation, amenorrhoea, dysme- norrhoea and fever and for stimulating the intellect and sharpening the mem- ory. 33. Celtis australis Linn. Khirk Ulmaceae T Decoction of both leaves and fruit is used in the treatment of amenorrhea, heavy menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding and colic. 34. Ceiba pentendra (Linn.) Gaertn. Safed Sem- al, Semra Bombacaceae T Root decoction is used in diarrhoea and dysentery. Stem bark decoction is used in mouth wash for treating toothache and mouth problems, and is taken to treat stomach problems, diarrhoea, hernia, gonorrhea, heart trouble, oede- ma, fever, asthma and rickets. 35. Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban Mandukpar- ni Apiaceae H Whole plant is used as brain tonic and in nervine disorders. A poultice of leaves is used to treat open sores. 36. Chlorophytum arundinaceum Baker Safed musli Liliaceae H Roots are used in diabetes, spermaturia, leucorrhea and general weakness. 37. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens H. Wendl. Areca palm Arecaceae T Paste of stem bark and leaf is useful in wound healing and peptic ulcers. Root bark and fruit is used for arthritis and fractures. 38. Clematis smilacifolia Wall. Gajprasarni Ranunculaceae C Leaves are useful in cold. 39. Clerodendrum indicum (Linn.) Kuntze Bharangi Verbenaceae H The roots and bark of its plant is used to treat cough, cold bronchitis, hic- cough and asthma. 40. Clerodendrum philippinum Schauer Bhant Verbenaceae H The plant is used externally as a poultice, for rheumatism. Decoction of leaves used for scabies. 41. Clerodendrum serratum (Linn.) Moon Bhran- gi,Babhaneti Verbenaceae H It is used for the treatment of inflammation, anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence, cough, asthma, bronchitis, hiccough, leucoderma, leprosy and fever. 42. Coleus forskohlii Briq. Garmar Lamiaceae H The plant is used in fever, burning sensation, inflammation, muscular spasm, hypertension, diabetes, cardiac debility, allergy and bronchial asthma. 43. Colocasia esculenta (Linn.) Schott. Ghuia, Ruia Araceae H Tuber is used to treat constipation, stomatitis, hemorrhoids, cancer and gen- eral weakness. 44. Commelina diffusa Burm.f. Kanchat, Kankana Commelina- ceae H The plant in used by tribes in fever and inflammation. Leaf-sap used for abscesses and headache. 45. Cordia macleodii (Griff.) Hook. f. & Thoms. Dahiman Boraginaceae T The bark is used for the treatment of jaundice. 46. Costus speciosus (Koen. ex Retz.) Sm. Kev- kand,kebuk Zingiberaceae H Rhizomes are useful in burning sensation, constipation, leprosy, worm infec- tion, skin diseases, fever, asthma, bronchitis, inflammations and anemia. 47. Crossandra infundibuliformis (Linn.) Nees Lalmurga Acanthaceae H Flowers are grounded with pepper and the paste is applied for wounds. 48. Curculigo capitulata (Lour.) Kuntze. Jangali musasli Liliaceae H Paste of fresh rhizome is used to stop the bleeding of a cut area. Some time dried rhizome powder is directly used on boils for quick healing. 49. Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. Kali musali Liliaceae H Roots are useful in piles, fatigue, blood disorders and general weakness. 50. Curcuma amada Roxb. Amahaldi Zingiberaceae H Commonly used to treat pimples, acne and black heads and also used for the treatment of inflammatory conditions and leprosy. 51. Curcuma angustifolia Roxb. Tikhur Zingiberaceae H It is used traditionally in indigestion, skin diseases, cough, bronchitis, allergy, leucoderma, and as general tonic. It is extremely beneficial in diarrhoea, dysentery and colitis. 52. Curcuma aromatica Salisb. Jangali haldi Zingiberaceae H It is used to treat gastrointestinal and upper respiratory disorders, along with headache, and skin inflammation and infection. 53. Cymbopogon schoenanthus (Linn.) Spreng. Rousaghash Poaceae H Tea from leaves is used (1-4 cups per day) to relieve congestion, coughing, bladder disorders, headaches, fever, stomach aches, digestive problems, diarrhoea, gas, bowel spasms, vomiting, and flu symptoms. 56 Int. J. Med. Arom. Plants Ethnomedicinal plants of Amarkantak region Srivastava et al. 54. Cynoglossum lanceolatum Forsk. Kamraj Boraginaceae H Its root is used for the treatment of eye troubles and also used in fever. 55. Cyperus platyphylluss Roem. & Schult. Jalmotha, Jalmustak Cyperaceae H It is used for the treatment of fever and abdomen disease. 56. Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. (corcat) Korkat, Shalyakrni Dilleniaceae T The plant is used to treat wounds, fistula, diabetic carbuncle, pneumonia and burning sensation. 57. Dioscorea bulbifera Linn. Khanima kand, Gethi kand Dioscoreaceae C Tubers are used in jaundice, dysentery, madness, abdominal pain and bone fracture. 58. Dioscorea hispida Dennst. Baichadi, Kirchi kand Dioscoreaceae C Tubers are used in ulcer to kill worms in wounds and also used in whitlow, sores, boils and bites of rabbit, jackal or dog. 59. Duranta repens Linn. Neelkanta Verbenaceae S Fruits are used in fever and intestinal worms. Leaves used for treatment of abscesses. 60. Elephantopus scaber Linn. Gojihva, Ranchi Asteraceae H Roots and leaves are used for dysuria, diarrhoea, dysentery, swelling and stomach pain. Leaves are also used in applications for eczema and ulcers. 61. Elaeocarpus sphaericus (Gaertn.) K.Schum. Rudraksha Elaeocarpaceae T It is used in mental disorders, nervine disease, headache, hypertension, liver problems, jaundice, fever and blood disease. 62. Emilia sonchifolia (Linn.) DC. Hirankhuri Asteraceae H Fresh whole plant juice is given in the dose of 5 10 ml daily for three days to cure intestinal worms. The decoction of the whole plant is very effective for fever. 63. Embelia ribes Burm. f. Vaibidang, Bevrang Myrsinaceae S Fruits are useful in piles, sore throat and dyspepsia. 64. Eryngium foetidum Linn. Jangali dhania Apiaceae H The plant is used for treatment of burns, earache, fever, hypertension, con- stipation, fits, asthma, stomach ache, worms, infertility complications, snake bites, diarrhoea and malaria. 65. Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch Ponsetia Euphorbiaceae S Used in skin diseases and warts. 66. Evolvulus alsinoides (Linn.) Linn. Neeli sankhpushpi Convolvula- ceae H The leaves are used in chronic bronchitis and asthma. The root is used for childhood fever, and the oil stimulates the growth of hair. Using the whole plant in the form of a decoction with cumin and milk is used to treat fever. 67. Evolvulus nummularius (Linn.) Linn. Musakani, Bhuichipki Convolvula- ceae H Whole plant is used to treat paralysis, epilepsy, convulsions, and spasm. 68. Ficus racemosa Linn. Gular, Ubar Moraceae T The decoction prepared form the bark of the tree is used in the treatment of syphilis. 69. Ficus semicordata Ham. ex J.E. Sm. Ghei, Khi- unau Moraceae T A bath made from the fruit and bark is a cure for leprosy. The root juice is given in bladder complaints; fresh stem applied on tiger-bite to avoid septic. 70. Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Prain ex Merrill Bara, Bara salpan Fabaceae S Root juice of this plant along with tuber of Staphania japonica is used to treat asthma. Powder of the root is used in the treatment of menstrual irregu- larities. 71. Galactia tenuiflora (Willd.) Wight & Arn. Mashpatri Fabaceae H Its leaf and seeds are very useful in worm infection. 72. Gardenia latifolia Ait. Papda, Paniha Rubiaceae T This plant is used to treat skin disease, diarrhoea and dysentery. 73. Flemingia nana Roxb. Mankand Fabaceae S Its roots are used for the treatment of ulcers and swellings. 74. Glochidion lanceolarium (Roxb.) Dalz. Kaluchua Euphorbiaceae T The bark is given in stomach ailments. Extract of aerial parts is used to cure, hypertension and hypoglycaemia. 75. Grewia hirsuta Vahl Gurshakri, Kukurand Tiliaceae S Its root powder (3 gm) is useful along with milk in weakness. Its juice is also helpful in healing. In cardiac disorders, its root powder is useful with Arjuna powder. In diarrhoea, decoction of its leaves is useful. 76. Grewia tiliaefolia Vahl Dhankat, Dharman Tiliaceae T The herb is used in cough and bronchitis. Gum is also used for infections of upper respiratory tract. 77. Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser. Saxifragaceae S Leaves, roots and flowers of its plant is used to treat fever, inflammation and urinary problems. 78. Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam. Khulkhuri Apiaceae H The juice of the plant is used in the treatment of fevers. A paste made from the plant is applied externally to wounds and boils. Decoction of whole plant used in the treatment of abscesses, boils, cirrhosis, cold, cough, hepatitis, itching, jaundice, sinusitis and sore throat. 79. Hygrophila auriculata (K. Schum.) Heine Talmakha- na, Kulia kanta Acanthaceae H Leaves are useful in the cough and urethral discharges, diarrhoea, dysentery, thirst, urinary calculi, urinary discharges, inflammations, anemia and consti- pation. Seeds are useful in the venereal diseases. Decoction of the root is used as a diuretic in dropsy. 80. Hyptis suaveolens (Linn.) Poit. Bilayti tulsi, Dona Lamiaceae H Extracts of its plant used to treat skin disease. 81. Impatiens balsamina Linn. Gulmehndi Balsaminaceae H It is used for the treatment of inflammation, burns, ulcers, constipation, arth- ritis and urinary retention. 82. Ixora coccinea Linn. Rukmani Rubiaceae S The plant is used to treat skin diseases, colic, flatulence, diarrhoea, indiges- tion, ulcers and wounds. 83. Jatropha curcas Linn. Vyaghra erand Euphorbiaceae S The stems of young leaves useful in urinary infections. Tea made from the bark of Jatropha is useful in rheumatism leprosy, fevers and will also help with jaundice and gonorrhea. 84. Jatropha podagrica Hook. Jangali arandi Euphorbiaceae S The seed oil of the plant used for the treatment of rheumatism, itching, skin disease, fever, jaundice and gonorrhea. 85. Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr. Gurja, Sa- bayakarni, Jhingan Anacardiaceae T Decoction of bark used in toothache, wounds, bruises, sores, ulcers and sore eyes. 86. Leea crispa Linn. Vanchalita Vitaceae S The leaves paste useful in wounds. 87. Leea macrophyla Roxb. ex Hornem. Hathphan, Hathikan Vitaceae S It is applied externally to treat pain and to stop the effusion of blood. 88. Leea robusta Roxb. Haramacha Vitaceae S Root paste useful in body ache. 89. Leonotis nepetaiefolia R. Br. Ukmad, Bara guma Lamiaceae H The leaves used for the treatment of fever and cough. It is also used in case of a snake bite. 90. Leucas aspera Spreng. Guma Lamiaceae H Leaf juice applied in scabies, psoriasis and skin ailments. 91. Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B.Robins. Maida, Jor, Lauraceae T Poultice of roots and leaves used for sprains and bruises. Leaves are used for 57 Int. J. Med. Arom. Plants Ethnomedicinal plants of Amarkantak region Srivastava et al. Menda diarrhoea and dysentery. Decoction of bark applied on sores and scabies. 92. Ludwigia prostrata Roxb. Bhulabang Onagraceae S Leaves of its plant used in toothache. 93. Lygodium flexuosum (Linn.)Sw. Badi bhulan, Kali bhulan Lygodiaceae H Infusion of the plant is used in menorrhagia. Fresh plant juice used in insect bite. The fresh root boiled with mustard oil is applied externally in rheumat- ism, sprains, scabies, ulcers, eczema, cut and wounds. It is particularly useful as a local application to carbuncles. 94. Mariscus sumatrensis (Retz.) J. Raynal. Jungli mo- tha Cyperaceae H Stem bark of its plant is used in gonorrhea and wound. 95. Michelia champaca Linn. Champa Magnoliaceae T Flowers are used to reduce burning sensation, cure skin disease and ulcer. Decoction of its bark used in amenorrhea. 96. Mimosa pudica Linn. Chuimui, Lajbanti Mimosaceae H It is very useful in diarrhoea, amoebic dysentery and bleeding piles and also used in bronchitis, gynecological disorders, and general weakness and impo- tence. 97. Mirabilis jalapa Linn. Gulabbas Nyctaginaceae H A decoction of leaves is used to treat abscesses. Leaf juice used to treat wounds. Roots are used in inflammation and dropsy. 98. Opuntia dilleni Haw. Kanthari, Nagphani Cactaceae S The plant is used to treat asthma, whooping cough, fever, constipation, con- junctivitis, boils, ulcers, edema, leucorrhoea and menorrhagia. 99. Ougeinia oojeinensis (Roxb.) Hochr. Tinlsa, Raktal, Shadan Fabaceae T Bark of its plant is used to treat diarrhoea and dysentery. 100. Oxalis corniculata Linn. Tinpatiya Oxalidaceae H Whole plant used in dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, dysentery, diarrhoea, dysme- norrhoea, amenorrhoea, hepatitis and burning sensation. 101. Pandanus odoratissimus Roxb. Kevda, Keora Pandanaceae T The plant is used to treat skin disease, headache, earache, wounds, flatulence, colic, arthritis, cervical spondylitis, fever, diabetes, infertility, habitual abor- tion and general debility. 102. Passiflora edulis Sims. Rakhiphul Passifloraceae H Flower of its plant is used in insomnia, anxiety and nervous disorders. 103. Piper longum Linn. Pippali Piperaceae H The fruits and roots used for the treatment of cough, bronchitis and asthma. Applied locally for muscular pains and inflammation, in dysentery and lepro- sy. 104. Polygonum hydropiper Linn. Gondali Polygonaceae H Decoction of the whole plant used in the treatment of diarrhoea, dyspepsia, itching, excessive menstrual bleeding and hemorrhoids, poultice of the plant is used in treating swollen and inflamed areas. 105. Psoralea corylifolia Linn. Babchi, Bakuchi Fabaceae H It is used in the treatment of febrile diseases, premature ejaculation, impo- tence, lower back pains, frequent urination, incontinence, bed wetting. 106. Pueraria tuberosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) DC. Bidarikand, Patal kohda Fabaceae C Tubers are used in the treatment of constipation, dysuria, cough, rheumatism, erysipelas, malarial fever, sexual problems and general weakness. The root is used for treating dental caries. It is also used externally to treat various skin ailments including leprosy, leucoderma and hair loss. 107. Radermachera xylocarpa (Roxb.) K. Schum. Garun brik- sha, Jay- mangal Bignoniaceae T It is used to treat skin disease and abdominal disorders. Its fruit is also used in snake bite. 108. Remusatia vivipara (Roxb.) Schott Laxman kand Araceae H Tuber is used for the treatment of cancer and arthritic pain. 109. Rubia cordifolia Linn. Manjistha Rubiaceae C The roots are used to treat rheumatism, ulcers, inflammation, skin disease, leucoderma, diarrhoea, dysentery, chronic fever and urinary problems. 110. Ruta graveolens Linn. Sitab Rutaceae H This plant is used for worm infections, spasmodic pain, epilepsy and ame- norrhoea. 111. Sauromatum venosum (W. Ait.) Kunth Bhasm kand Araceae H The paste of tuber is applied on the affected part in case of snake bite 112. Scoparia dulcis Linn. Mithibuti Scrophularia- ceae H Leaves are used in treatment of fever, cough, bronchitis and dental trouble. Leaves and stems are also used for diabetes. 113. Semecarpus anacardium Linn.f. Bhilava, Bhelma Anacardiaceae T The oil of its fruit mixed with coconut oil, is applied on wounds and sore to prevent the pus formation. Internally the plant is used to treat piles, colitis, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, sciatica, paralysis, epilepsy, rheumatic condition and worms. 114. Sida cordata (Burm. f.) Borssum Rajbala, Vishkhapri Malvaceae H Leaves are used for the treatment of bleeding piles, rheumatism, and gonorr- hea. Infusion of its root is very useful in cystitis, strangury, haematuria, chronic dysentery, leucorrhoea, and gonorrhoea. 115. Smilax zeylanica Linn. Chop chini Liliaceae C The plant is used to treat insanity, colic, diarrhoea, syphilis, gonorrhoea, leucorrhea, arthritis, fever, impotency, skin disease and general weakness. 116. Solanum indicum Linn. Badi kateri Solanaceae S The root is used for bronchitis, itching, body aches and toothache. A decoc- tion of its root juice and leaves used in ring worms, gout and earache. 117. Solanum violaceum Ortega. Ban bhanta, Anjad Solanaceae S It is useful in asthma, dry cough and chronic febrile infections. 118. Spathiphyllum wallisii Regal Safed antu- rum Araceae H It is used for the treatment of constipation, bronchitis, eczema, psoriasis and diabetes. 119. Spermacoce hispida Linn. Madanghan- ti Rubiaceae H Decoction of the plant used for arthritis, colic, dyspepsia and general debility. 120. Stachytarpheta indica (Linn.) Vahl Kariyartha- rani Verbenaceace H Decoction of leaves used for intestinal worms. Bruised leaves rubbed in sprain and bruises. Infusion of roots used for gonorrhoea. 121. Sterculia urens Roxb. Kullu, Kate- ra Gond Sterculiaceae T Bark used for constipation, liver disease and skin disorders. 122. Swertia angustifolia Buch.- Ham ex D. Don. Pahari chirayata Gentianaceae H Its leaves are used to treat fever, abdominal disorders, nausea, indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, skin disease, cancer and liver. 123. Tacca leontopetaloides (Linn.) O. Kuntze Mitha teliya kand Taccaceae H Tuber of its plant used for stomach problems, diarrhoea and dysentery. 124. Terminalia alata Heyne ex Roth Saaja , Sadad Combretaceae T The bark of its plant is used in diarrhoea. 125. Terminalia chebula (Gaertn.) Retz. Harre, Harra Combretaceae T Harra is used for the treatment of anorexia, cough, hiccough, flatulence, hemorrhoids, jaundice, renal calculi, epilepsy, intermittent fever, leprosy, cardiac disorders, somatitis, wound ulcers, inflammation and general debility. 126. Thalictrum folilosum DC. Mameera, Ranunculaceae H Roots are used for dyspepsia, fever, indigestion, ulcers and hemorrhoids. 58 Int. J. Med. Arom. Plants Ethnomedicinal plants of Amarkantak region Srivastava et al. Pili Jadi Leaf juice is applied on boils and pimples. 127. Trema orientalis (Linn.) Blume Jivaniti bhed Ulmaceae T Leaves and bark of its plant is very useful in cough, sore throats, asthma, bronchitis, gonorrhoea, toothache and dysentery. 128. Tylophora rotundifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Wight Dambuti Asclepiadaceae C Root extract is used for chest pain, indigestion and insect bite. 129. Urginea indica (Roxb.) Kunth Van piyaj, Banpalandu Liliaceae H Bulb is used in cardiac problems, inflammation, and ulcers and oil extract of the tuber is useful in sinus. 130. Vetiveria zizanioides (Linn.) Nash Khas Poaceae H Its root is useful in burning sensation, ulcer, skin disease, vomiting, nausea, flatulence, dyspepsia, colic, cough, fever, back pain, headache and general debility. 131. Vitis vinifera Linn. Angoor Vitaceae C Angoor is used in burning sensation, constipation, hemorrhoids, anemia, skin disease, colic, jaundice, vomiting, arthritis and general weakness. 132. Zea mays Linn. Makai, Makka Poaceae H Decoction of the leaves and roots is used for the treatment of strangury, and dysuria. Corn is used in diabetes, constipation, gout and gonorrhoea. A de- coction of the corn is used in the treatment of nose bleeding. The seed is good for ulcers, swellings and rheumatic pains. 133. Zingiber capitatum Roxb. Vach Kanda Zingiberaceae H It is very useful in stomachache, nausea, diarrhoea, cholera, bleeding piles, asthma, heart problems and respiratory disorders. 134. Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. Jangali Adrak, Zingiberaceae H Rhizome is used to treat indigestion and inflammation. 135. Zingiber zerumbet (Linn.) Roscoe ex Sm. Narkachur Zingiberaceae H Rosted Rhizome used to treat indigestion, toothache, stomachache and Cough. Rhizome juice used for diarrhoea and dysentery. *Abbreviations used: H- Herb; S- Shrub T- Tree; C- Climber Climber, 16, 12% Climbing shrub, 1, 1% Herb, 70, 52% Shrub, 22, 16% Tree, 26, 19% Climber Climbing shrub Herb Shrub Tree Figure 1: Habit pattern of different plant species. Leaves, 35, 26% Seeds, 7, 5% Whole plant, 38, 29% Bark, 20, 15% Root, 29, 21% Flowers, 2, 1% Fruits, 4, 3% Leaves Seeds Whole plant Bark Root Flowers Fruits Figure 2: Plant parts used pattern of different plant species. Conclusion The present study provides information on ethnomedicinal uses of plant species in Amar- kantak region. It is clear from the investigation that the local people have great expertise with the plants of their own environment. The occurrence of a number of economically important species has enhanced the conservation as well as socio- economic values of the area particularly in view of religious aspect of the area. Furthermore, the over-exploitation of species for fuel, fodder, medicine, wild edibles and house building may lead to decline of these species from the area. Conservation and cultivation of these plants spe- cies will help to maintain the ecological balance, tradional knowledge as well as livelihood securi- ty of local inhabitants. 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