2.sanjivani Beth Paper
2.sanjivani Beth Paper
2.sanjivani Beth Paper
The Sanjivani Bet also called as Wadwal Nagnath Bet is very famous among tourists and scientists because of its biodiversity
and producing a very rare species of medicinal plants. The rare plants grow in the month July to September (Uttara Nakshatra).
In this period Ayurvedic practitioners, and researchers from various places visit this place in search of rare plants. Hence, it
is also beneficial to the local tribes as there is sharing of rich traditional knowledge. But still the ethno-medicinal wisdom
of the tribes of Latur is unexplored. So this study was undertaken to discover traditional knowledge of tribes. In this paper
information of 52 plant species that are used by the Kunbhi, Gawali, Gond, and other tribes is given with their botanical
names, local names and family, and the parts of the plants used.
1. Introduction Latur city. The height of this hill is of 600-700 feet height
from the ground and it is 3 km away from Wadwal-
Latur district is in the south-eastern part of the Nagnath village. The rare plants grow in the month
Maharashtra state, and is situated on the Maharashtra- July to September (Uttara Nakshatra). In this period
Karnataka boundary. Latur is situated on the 18.7° Ayurvedic practitioner, researchers from various places
latitude and 73.25° longitude. The total area of Latur visit this place in search of rare plants. The Government
district is 7,372 sq.km. There are 943 villages and 10 of Maharashtra organises Vaidya Sammelan (conference)
Talukas in Latur district and the population is 2,080,285. for various Ayurvedic doctors and, local practitioners
This is the land of 11 sugar factories, and 2,283 small- who use traditional remedies for primary healthcare. As
scale industries. The percentage land under agriculture there is a tremendous response from the practitioners
is 91%. The major crops include sugarcane, edible oils, and local people of this region, this conference provides
soyabeans, wheat, jowar, bajara, grapes and mangoes. a platform for sharing of rich traditional knowledge
Latur is now famous for some best-known brands like which is also beneficial to the local tribes.
Tinna Oils, Kirti Gold, Videocon, and Kalantry Group’s The government has established a research centre for
Agro Processing Industries. the study of medicinal plants, but till now, no documents
The Sanjivani Bet (Wadwal Nagnath Bet) is known are available on any ethno-medicinal study among the
for rare species of Ayurvedic bushes and plants. This tribes of Latur district. The aim of this study was to
place is 16.5 km away from Chakur and 39 Km from evaluate the use of plants for medicinal purpose by the
*Corresponding author:
E-mail: krantikshirsagar@rediffmail.com
26 Ethnomedicinal Wisdom of Tribes of Latur District (Sanjivani Bet) Maharashtra
Journal of Natural Remedies | ISSN: 2320-3358 www.jnronline.com | Vol 13 (1) | January 2013
Kranti Satpute et al. 27
Fig. 2. The photo of plant Centella asiatica Fig. 4. The photo of plant Vitex negundo
Fig. 3. The photo of plant Adhatoda vasika Fig. 5. The photo of plant Gynmema sylvestre.
Journal of Natural Remedies | ISSN: 2320-3358 www.jnronline.com | Vol 13 (1) | January 2013
28 Ethnomedicinal Wisdom of Tribes of Latur District (Sanjivani Bet) Maharashtra
Authors are thankful to the tribes for sharing the valuable
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Journal of Natural Remedies | ISSN: 2320-3358 www.jnronline.com | Vol 13 (1) | January 2013