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Avesta Fragments

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AVESTA: FRAGMENTS: ================== Contents: - Aogemadaeca - Afrin-i Zartosht - Bd !

V"#$ - %&B" " - Frahang-i 'im - Fragm( %armesteter - Fragm( Gra) - Fragm( *estergaard - +adho&ht Nas& - Nirangistan - ,-rsishniha - Vichar&art-i %eni& - Vaetha Nas& - Vishtas. /asht ----------------------------------------------------------------------A'GEMA%AECA ----------0Trans1ated 2) 3ames %armesteter4 Sacred Boo&s of the East4 American Edition4 "5654 Vo1( 7774 .g 89 ff( :The Aogemadaeca4: sa)s %ast-r 3amas.;i4: is a treatise that inc-1cates a sort of serene resignation to death(: 7t is a sermon on death4 origina11) <ritten in ,ah1a=i4 2-t .reser=ed to -s in a ,arsi transcri.tion> in <hich origina1 A=esta te?ts are de=e1o.ed or .ara.hrased( These A=esta @-otations amo-nt to t<ent)-nine4 of <hich t<ent)-fo-r are ne<( A good edition of the ,arsi te?t4 <ith a Sans&rit trans1ation4 2ased -.on a man-scri.t of A( %( "A684 has 2een .-21ished 2) ,rof( Geiger BEr1angen4 "586C( %ast-r 3amas.;i .ossesses t<o ,ah1a=i retranscri.tions of an inde.endent ,arsi man-scri.t4 <hich contain -sef-1 corrections and additions( *e ha=e tho-ght it necessar) to gi=e here a com.1ete trans1ation of the treatise4 as the A=esta @-otations 2) themse1=es do not .resent either a contin-o-s or a com.1ete te?t( Dn1i&e the A=esta in the Nirangistan4 the) are not the .rinci.a14 2-t on1) the secondar) te?t(E "( Aogemaideca -smahica =isamadaeca 0/A"(FE B:*e come4 re;oice4 and s-2mit:C( B,arsi trans1ation:C 7 come4 7 acce.t4 7 resign> 9( B,arsi g1oss:C 7 come into this <or1d4 7 acce.t e=i14 7 resign m)se1f to death> ( Shato-mana- =ahishto--r=ano B:*ith the mind in ;o) and the so-1 in 21iss:C: BG1oss:C 7n ;o) is he <ho rea1ises the <ish of his so-1( A( Ma) the acc-rsed Gana Main)o 2e smitten4 destro)ed4 and 2ro&en4 he <ho has no &no<1edge4 <ho has e=i1 &no<1edge4 <ho is f-11 of death4 F( *ho destro)s the 2od) of the immorta1 so-1G #( Ma) the immorta1 so-1 ha=e its share in ,aradiseG 8( And ma) the .1eas-re and comfort that <i11 dissi.ate the .ain of the immorta1 so-1 come to -sG 5( At the fo-rth da<n4 ma) the ho1)4 strong Sraosha4 and Rashn Rast4 and the good Vae4 and

Ashtad the =ictorio-s4 and Mihr of the ro11ing co-ntr)-side4 and the Fra=ashis of the righteo-s4 and the other =irt-o-s s.irits come to meet the so-1 of the 21essed one4 6( And ma&e the immorta1 so-1 .ass o=er the Chin=ad 2ridge easi1)4 ha..i1)4 and fear1ess1)G "!( And ma) Vahman4 the Amshas.and4 intercede for the so-1 of the 21essed one4 ""( And introd-ce it to 'hrma$d and the Amshas.andsG "9( Dsehihstad Voh--Mano> haca gat=o $aran)o-&ereto B:D. rises Voh--Mano from his go1den throne:C( " ( +e <i11 ta&e the 21essed one 2) the hand4 "A( And ma&e him re;oice as m-ch as does the man <ho re;oices most <hen on the .innac1e of no2i1it) and g1or)( "F( And the Fra=ashis of the righteo-s <i11 2ring to the so-1 of the 21essed those 21essed a1iments that are made at the time of Maid)o-$arm: "#( +=arethanam he 2eretam $arema)ehe raoghnahe B:Het them 2ring -nto him the 2-tter of Maidh)oi-$arema)aG:C( A1iments of <aters4 <ine4 s-gar4 and hone)G "8( /atha =a ere$ato .aiti4 )atha =a $aran)o .aiti4 )atha =a &acid gaonanam B:'f si1=er4 or go1d4 or an) other &ind:C( The Amshas.and Vahman <i11 gi=e to the so-1 of the 21essed one c1othes em2roidered <ith go1d and a go1den throne> "5( And the demon Ahriman <i11 2e .o<er1ess to inf1ict an) harm or damage on the so-1 of the 21essed one( "6( ,asca .arairistim dae=a dr=anto d-$hda-ngho 2aodhem a=atha frateresenti4 )atha maeshi =ehr&a=aiti =ehr&ad haca frateresaiti B:The <ic&ed e=i1- doing %ae=as trem21e at his .erf-me after death4 as doth a shee. on <hich a <o1f is .o-ncing:C( As the shee.4 on <hich the <o1f is .o-ncing4 trem21e at the odo-r of the <o1f4 so these %r-;es trem21e at the .erf-me of the 21essed one( 9!( For <hosoe=er has 2een 2orn and <hosoe=er sha11 2e 2orn m-st act in s-ch a <a) that4 <hen the moment comes to 1ea=e this <or1d4 he ma) ha=e ,aradise as his .ortion and Garothman as his re<ard( 9"( There is a .assage in <hich 'hrma$d said to Zarath-shtra: :7 created4 ' S.itama Zarath-shtraG good reno<n and sa1=ation of the so-1>: 99( BThat is to sa)4 good reno<n in this <or1d and sa1=ation of the so-1 in the ne?tC( And in case of do-2t <e m-st consider as 2eing sa=ed4 9 ( +im <ho4 for a11 <e ha=e seen and &no<n4 has 2een a 2e1ie=er in 2od) and so-14 and has re;oiced 'hrma$d and aff1icted Ahriman4 9A( And <hoe=er has had this for his main o2;ect4 or has 2een the so-rce of this 2enefit4 that from him sho-1d f1o< .ros.erit) and ;o)4 and from him sho-1d f1o< no harm and no .ain( And there is a .assage in <hich the so-1 sa)s to the 2od): 9F( Aad mam tan=o ith)e;ang-haiti man)a manangha h-matem( ' tho-4 m) .erisha21e 2od)4 thin& good tho-ghts <ith th) mindG 9#( Aad mam tan=o ith)e;ang-haiti hi$=a mr-idhi h-&htem( ' tho-4 m) .erisha21e 2od)4 s.ea& good <ords <ith th) tong-eG 98( Aad mam tan=o ith)e;ang-haiti $astaei2)a =are$a h=arestem sh)aothanem( ' tho-4 m) .erisha21e 2od)4 do good deeds <ith th) handsG 95( Ma mam tan=o ith)e;ang-haiti angrai =aire fras.a)ois )im &hr=antem aithi=antem4 )im dae=im afraderesa=antem fra&erentad angro main)-s .o-r--mahr&o 2-nem anghe-s temanghahe )ad ereghato dao$anghahe( ' tho-4 m) .erisha21e 2od)4 do not thro< me do<n into the Var of Angra Main)-4 terri21e4 dreadf-14 Bfrightf-1C4 dar&4 -ndiscerni21e Bfor the dar&ness there is so dense that it can 2e

gras.ed <ith the handC4 <hich Gana Main)- fa2ricated at the 2ottom of the dar& <or1d of end1ess he11( 96( There is a .assage in <hich 'hrma$d sa)s to Zarath-shtra: !( 7 created4 ' S.itama Zarath-straG the stars4 the moon4 the s-n4 and the red 2-rning fire4 the dogs4 the 2irds4 and the fi=e &inds of anima1s> 2-t4 2etter and greater than a114 7 created the righteo-s man <ho has tr-1) recei=ed from me the ,raise of Asha in the good Re1igion( "( B-t <itho-t an) reason men adhere to that e=i1 g-ide4 ,assion4 created 2) the demons> so that the) do not thin& of Fate4 9( And 2) the 2ent of their nat-re the) forget death( ( The) do not &ee. in mind the <or&ing of Time and the transientness of the 2od)4 A( The) e=er go <andering a2o-t on the <a) of desire4 F( The) are tossed in do-2t 2) e=i1 ,assion4 #( The) c1othe themse1=es <ith s.ite4 in the co-rse of strife4 for the sa&e of =anishing goods> 8( The) are into?icated <ith .ride in their )o-th4 5( And sha11 2e f-11 of regrets at the end of their time( 6( For if one sa): :'n this earth of the se=en Iarsh=ares there is some2od) going to die4: e=er)2od) o-ght to thin&: :,erha.s it is 74: A!( +ad he sense eno-gh to &no< that e=er) creat-re that has 2een created and has had e?istence sha11 die4 and that the -nseen4 decei=ing Asti=ihad comes for e=er) one( A"( +amaschid .aro a=angho isente mash)a-&a-ngho B:A11 men <ish for s-..1ies:C( BNo<C <hen a man sets o-t on a ;o-rne)4 he ta&es .ro=isions <ith him> A9( 7f it 2e for one da):s march4 he ta&es .ro=isions for t<o da)s> A ( 7f it 2e for t<o da)s: march4 he ta&es .ro=isions for three> AA( 7f it 2e for ten da)s: march4 he ta&es .ro=isions for fifteen> AF( And he thin&s that he <i11 come 2ac& in hea1th to his <e11-2e1o=ed friends4 .arents4 and 2rethren( A#( +o< then is it that men ta&e no .ro=isions for that -na=oida21e ;o-rne)4 A8( 'n <hich one m-st go once for a114 for a11 eternit)J A5( Chim aoshangha- aoshang-haiti astem isaiti tan=a4 &im -r-na4 &im fra$ainti4 chim =a gaethah=o mahr&athemJ +o< is it that a morta1 can <ish for another morta1 the annihi1ation of his 2od) Bthat his 2od) sho-1d 2e no moreC4 or of his so-1 Bthat his so-1 sho-1d 2e damnedC4 or death for his chi1dren or for his catt1e Bthat his catt1e sho-1d .erishC4 if he has sense eno-gh to &no< that he himse1f is morta1J A6( Anamare$hdi&o $i asti ha=ai mare$hdi&ai( For he is .iti1ess to himse1f Bhe does not .it) himse1fC and none of the others sha11 .it) him( F!( B1ind are a11 those <ho4 on this earth4 do not fo11o< the re1igion4 do not 2enefit the 1i=ing4 and do not commemorate the dead( F"( 'i-im tad =a (((( a)are a;asaiti4 S.itama Zarath-shtraG ae=a =a &hsha.a B:For there comes a da)4 ' S.itama Zarath-straG or a night:C( There comes a da)4 ' S.itama Zarath-straG or a night4 <hen the master 1ea=es the catt1e4 or the catt1e 1ea=e the master4 or the so-1 1ea=es that 2od) f-11 of desires> F9( B-t his =irt-e4 <hich is of a11 e?istences the greatest4 the 2est4 the finest4 ne=er .arts from a man( F ( A)are amithnaiti ;-)e tan-sh fra)aere a)an 2a=aiti h-2adhro h-.aiti$nato4 adha a.are a)an d-$hathrem B:E=er) da) the 1i=ing man o-ght to thin& that in the forenoon he is ha..) and in credit> in the afternoon disgrace ma) come:C( E=er) da) e=er) 1i=ing 2od) o-ght to thin& Bfor that ma) ha..en an) da)C: in the forenoon 7 am ha..)4 rich4 in credit Bthat is to sa)4 <e11 treated 2) the &ingC>

FA( And e=er) da) other .eo.1e eager1) <ish him e=i1> that he sho-1d 2e torn a<a) from his .a1ace4 that he sho-1d ha=e his head c-t off and his <ea1th sei$ed -.on( E=er) da) the 1i=ing 2od) is thro<n for food to the 2irds that f1) in the em.t) s&)( FF( This is the <a) of things on this earth( F#( %e-sgdata)a- fraeshta dr=anto d-$da-ngho B:7t is ignorance that r-ins most .eo.1e4 those i11-informed:C( 7t is ignorance that r-ins most .eo.1e4 those i11-informed> 2oth amongst those <ho ha=e died4 and those <ho sha11 die( F8( Aad mraod Ah-ro Ma$da- fra&eresto Asto-=idhot-sh $iri;a- Bread $i=i;a-JC a.airia)o B:Ah-ra Ma$da said: Asto=idhot-sh has 2een created a destro)er of the 1i=ing and one <hom none esca.e C( 'hrma$d said: Asti=ihad has 2een created for the destr-ction of morta1s B<hen the morta1s see him4 the) trem21e so m-ch that the) are -na21e to str-gg1e <ith the %r-;C and no one esca.es him Bas said 2eforeC( F5( /ahmad hacha naechish 2-nga)ad aoshang-hatam mash)anam B:From <hom not one of morta1 men can esca.e:C( From <hom not one of morta1 men can esca.e> no one has esca.ed to this da)4 and no one <i11 esca.e hereafter( F6( Noid aethra.ata)o4 noid danh-.ata)o4 noid sase=ishta-4 noid ase=ishta- B:Neither aethra.aitis4 nor chiefs of co-ntries4 neither <e11-doers4 nor e=i1-doers:C( Neither the her2ed Bthe Mo2edan Mo2edC4 nor the chief of the co-ntr) Bthe Iing of &ingsC4 neither <e11-doers4 nor e=i1-doers( #!( Noid -s)astacho4 noid ni)a B:Neither those <ho r-n -.4 nor those <ho go do<n:C( Neither those <ho r-n -. Bthose <ho f1) in the em.t) s&)C4 1i&e Iahos> <ith a11 his strength and &ing1) g1or)4 he co-1d not esca.e from Asti=ihad( #"( Nor those <ho go do<n dee. B<ho hide themse1=es -nder the earthC4 1i&e Afras)a2 the T-r&4 <ho made himse1f an iron .a1ace -nder the earth4 a tho-sand times the height of a man4 <ith a h-ndred co1-mns> #9( 7n that .a1ace he made the stars4 the moon4 and the s-n go ro-nd4 ma&ing the 1ight of da)( # ( 7n that .a1ace he did e=er)thing at his .1eas-re4 #A( And he 1i=ed the ha..iest 1ife( #F( *ith a11 his strength and <itchcraft4 he co-1d not esca.e from Asti=ihad( ##( Naedha fra&anem anha- $emo )ad .athana)a- s&arena)a- d-rae.ara)a-( Nor he <ho d-g this <ide4 ro-nd earth4 <ith e?tremities that 1ie afar4 1i&e %aha&4 #8( *ho <ent from the East to the *est4 searching for immorta1it) and did not find it( #5( *ith a11 his strength and .o<er4 he co-1d not esca.e from Asti=ihad( #6( An)e anghe-sh frasho-charethra- B:E?ce.t the .rod-cers of the <or1d of res-rrection:C( Th-s -nti1 the a-thor of the res-rrection4 Saosh)os: -nti1 Saosh)os comes4 no one sha11 esca.e from Asti=ihad( 8!( To e=er) one comes the -nseen4 decei=ing Asti=ihad4 8"( *ho acce.ts neither com.1iments4 nor 2ri2e4 89( *ho is no res.ecter of .ersons4 8 ( And r-th1ess1) ma&es men .erish( 8A( And this g1orio-s 'ne m-st go the <a) he ne=er <ent4 8F( See <hat he ne=er sa<4 8#( And disc-ss <ith him <hom no one can decei=e or mis1ead( 88( ,airith<o 2a=aiti .anta- )im dan-sh .aiti fra 2-nad tachintish> ha- did ae=o a.airith<o4 )o =a)aosh anamare$hdi&ahe: -The <a) ma) 2e tra=ersed <hich is 2arred 2) a ri=er s.ringing from the dee.> 2-t one <a)

cannot 2e tra=ersed4 name1)4 the <a) of the .iti1ess Va)-( 85( ,airith<o 2a=aiti .anta- )im a$hish .aiti ga-sta=a-4 as.anghadho4 =iranghadho4 =ira;a4 anamare$hdi&a> ha- did ae=o a.airith<o4 )o =a)aosh anamare$hdi&ahe: The <a) ma) 2e tra=ersed <hich is 2arred 2) a ser.ent as 2ig as an o?4 horse-de=o-ring4 mande=o-ring4 man-&i11ing4 and .iti1ess> 2-t one <a) cannot 2e tra=ersed4 name1)4 the <a) of the .iti1ess Va)-( 86( ,airith<o 2a=aiti .anta- )im aresho .aiti a&hshaeno anamare$hdi&o> ha- did ae=o a.airith<o4 )o =a)aosh anamare$hdi&ahe: The <a) ma) 2e tra=ersed <hich is 2arred 2) a 2ro<n 2ear4 0<ith a <hite forehead4 man&i11ing4 andE .iti1ess> 2-t one <a) cannot 2e tra=ersed4 name1)4 the <a) of the .iti1ess Va)-( 5!( ,airith<o 2a=aiti .anta- )im mash)o gadho .aiti ae=o;ano anamare$hdi&o> ha- did ae=o a.airith<o4 )o =a)aosh anamare$hdi&ahe: -- The <a) ma) 2e tra=ersed <hich is defended 2) a high<a)man <ho &i11s at one stro&e4 B<ho sto.s the <a) and 1ets no one .ass a1i=eC> 2-t one <a) cannot 2e tra=ersed4 name1)4 the <a) of the .iti1ess Va)-( 5"( ,airith<o 2a=aiti .anta- )o haena)a- cha&hra-=ait)a- =)a$da)a-> ha- did ae=o a.airith<o4 )o =a)aosh anamare$hdi&ahe: The <a) ma) 2e tra=ersed <hich is he1d 2) a horde armed <ith discs4 and -.1ifted s.ears Bthat is4 carr)ing s.ears to .ierce menC> 2-t one <a) cannot 2e tra=ersed4 name1)4 the <a) of the .iti1ess Va)-( 5" 2is( Aad mraod Ah-ro Ma$da-: d-sh&hrat-m a.airi gaetham athra=a)ad gatham( 0This incom.1ete @-otation is fo-nd on1) in the ,ah1a=i transcri.tion4 <ith a corr-.t .ara.hrase as fo11o<s: :'hrma$d said4 KThe man <itho-t inte11igence Bthat is4 <ith a 2ad inte11igenceC ((( <ho has not s-ng the Gathas Bthat is4 <ho has not .erformed the sacrifice> cf Nirang( A"C has no good reno-n on this earth nor 21iss in hea=en Bcf( 9"4 99C(((K:E 59( /atha dr=a- gaom isti4 -ta dr=a- as.em isti4 -ta dr=a- maeshinem )a=anghem isti: The <ic&ed ac@-ire catt1e4 the <ic&ed ac@-ire horses4 the <ic&ed ac@-ire shee. and corn> 2-t the <ic&ed t)rant does not ac@-ire a store of good deeds( 5 ( See& )e for a store of good deeds4 ' Zarath-shtra4 men and <omenG for a store of good deeds is f-11 of sa1=ation4 ' Zarath-straG 5A( ,asn-sh ga=o4 .asn-sh as.a4 .asn-sh ere$hatem $aranim4 .asn-sh naro chir)o ta&hmo: BForC the o? t-rns to d-st4 the horse t-rns to d-st4 si1=er and go1d t-rn to d-st4 the =a1iant strong man t-rns to d-st> 0the 2odies of a11 men ming1e <ith the d-st( *hat do not ming1e <ith the d-st are the Ashem-=oh- <hich a man recites in this <or1d and his a1msgi=ing to the ho1) and righteo-sE( 5F( For if there <ere or co-1d 2e an) esca.e from death4 the first of the <or1d4 Ga)omard4 &ing of the Mo-ntain4 0<o-1d ha=e esca.edE4 5#( *ho for three tho-sand )ears &e.t the <or1d free from death and o1d age4 from h-nger4 thirst4 and e=i1> 58( /et4 <hen death came o=er him4 he de1i=ered -. his 2od) and co-1d not str-gg1e <ith death( 55( 'r there <as +oshang4 the ,eshdadian4 56( *ho destro)ed t<o-thirds of a11 the e=i1 creat-res of Ahriman> 6!( /et4 <hen death came o=er him4 he de1i=ered -. his 2od) and co-1d not str-gg1e <ith death( 6"( 'r there <as Tahm-raf4 the <e11-armed4 the son of Vi=anghat4 69( *ho made the %emon of demons4 Gana Main)o4 his steed4 and e?torted from him the se=en &inds of <riting> 6 ( /et4 <hen death came o=er him4 he de1i=ered -. his 2od) and co-1d not str-gg1e <ith death( 6A( 'r there <as 3im4 the Shed4 the good she.herd4 the son of Vi=anghat> Bhe <as Shed4 that is to sa)4 shining> he <as a good she.herd4 that is to sa)4 he &e.t in good condition troo.s of men and herds of anima1sC>

6F( *ho4 for #"# )ears4 # months and " da)s4 &e.t this <or1d free from death and o1d age4 and &e.t a<a) greed and need from the creation of 'hrma$d> 6#( /et4 <hen death came o=er him4 he de1i=ered -. his 2od) and co-1d not str-gg1e <ith death( 68( 'r there <as %aha&4 he of the e=i1 re1igion4 <ho &e.t the <or1d -nder his t)rann) d-ring a tho-sand )ears4 1ess one da)4 65( And introd-ced into the <or1d man) <a)s of <itchcraft and e=i1-doing> 66( /et4 <hen death came o=er him4 he de1i=ered -. his 2od) and co-1d not str-gg1e <ith death( "!!( 'r there <as Fred-n4 the Ath<)an4 "!"( *ho smote and 2o-nd A$i %aha&4 that great e=i1-doer> he .-t in chains the %e=s of Ma$andaran4 and introd-ced into the <or1d a n-m2er of ta1ismans> "!9( /et4 <hen death came o=er him4 he de1i=ered -. his 2od) and co-1d not str-gg1e <ith death( "! ( 7 am gratef-1 to the Hord 'hrma$d( "!A( 7 thin& th-s in a gratef-1 s.irit: the 2east of 2-rden does not thro< off its 2-rden: fate has come4 it cannot 2e thro<n a<a)( "!F( Ma) the 21essed one ha=e ,aradise as his .ortionG "!#( As to the righteo-s man <ho has come to this 2an@-et4 <ho has shared this 2an@-et4 ma) he for each ste. get nearer to the 2right ,aradise4 the a11-ha..) Garothman4 2) t<e1=e h-ndred ste.sG "!8( *hen he is a..roaching it4 ma) his merits increaseG "!5( *hen he is 1ea=ing it4 ma) his sin 2e -.rootedG "!6( Ma) righteo-sness and goodness .re=ai1G ""!( Ma) his so-1 enter the GarothmanG """( 7 am one of the righteo-s( Atha ;am)ad: Ma) it ha..en according to this <ish of mineG +-matanam( A11 the good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 done or to 2e done4 here or e1se<here4 <e sei$e -.on and <e transmit them4 that <e ma) 2e in the n-m2er of the righteo-s( Afrin ,aigham2ar Zart-sht ------------------------0Trans1ated 2) 3ames %armesteter BFrom Sacred Boo&s of the East4 American Edition4 "565(CE "( :7 am a .io-s man4 <ho s.ea&s <ords of 21essing(: :Tho- a..earest -nto me f-11 of G1or)(: And Zarath-shtra s.a&e -nto &ing Vishtas.a4 sa)ing: :7 21ess thee4 ' manG ' 1ord of the co-ntr)G <ith the 1i=ing of a good 1ife4 of an e?a1ted 1ife4 of 1ong 1ife( Ma) th) men 1i=e 1ongG Ma) th) <omen 1i=e 1ongG Ma) sons 2e 2orn -nto thee of th) o<n 2od)G 9( :Ma)est tho- ha=e a son 1i&e 3amas.a4 and ma) he 21ess thee as B3amas.a 21essedE Vishtas.a Bthe 1ordC of the co-ntr)G :Ma)est tho- 2e most 2eneficent4 1i&e ((( :Ma)est tho- 2e fiend-smiting4 1i&e ThraetaonaG :Ma)est tho- 2e strong4 1i&e 3amas.aG :Ma)est tho- 2e <e11-armed4 1i&e Ta&hma-Dr-.aG ( :Ma)est tho- 2e g1orio-s4 1i&e /ima Ihshaeta4 the good she.herdG :Ma)est tho- 2e instr-cted <ith a tho-sand senses4 1i&e A$hi %aha&a4 of the e=i1 1a<G :Ma)est tho- 2e a<f-1 and most strong4 1i&e Ieresas.aG :Ma)est tho- 2e a <ise chief of assem21ies4 1i&e Dr=a&hsha)aG :Ma)est tho- 2e 2ea-tif-1 of 2od) and <itho-t fa-1t4 1i&e S)a=arshanaG

A( :Ma)est tho- 2e rich in catt1e4 1i&e an Ath<)anideG :Ma)est tho- 2e rich in horses4 1i&e ,o-r-shas.aG :Ma)est tho- 2e ho1)4 1i&e Zarath-shtra S.itamaG :Ma)est tho- 2e a21e to reach the Rangha4 <hose shores 1ie afar4 as Vafra Na=a$a <asG :Ma)est tho- 2e 2e1o=ed 2) the gods and re=erenced 2) men( F( Ma) ten sons 2e 2orn of )o-G 7n three of them ma)est tho- 2e an Athra=anG 7n three of them ma)est tho- 2e a <arriorG 7n three of them ma)est tho- 2e a ti11er of the gro-ndG And ma) one 2e 1i&e th)se1f4 ' Vishtas.aG #( :Ma)est tho- 2e s<ift-horsed4 1i&e the S-nG :Ma)est tho- 2e res.1endent4 1i&e the moonG :Ma)est tho- 2e hot-2-rning4 1i&e fireG :Ma)est tho- ha=e .iercing ra)s4 1i&e MithraG :Ma)est tho- 2e ta11-formed and =ictorio-s4 1i&e the de=o-t SraoshaG 8( :Ma)est tho- fo11o< a 1a< of tr-th4 1i&e Rashn-G :Ma)est tho- 2e a con@-eror of th) foes4 1i&e Verethraghna4 made 2) Ah-raG Ma)est tho- ha=e f-1ness of <e1fare4 1i&e Rama +=astraG :Ma)est tho- 2e freed from sic&ness and death4 1i&e &ing +-sra=ahG 5( :Then the 21essing goes for the 2right4 a11-ha..)4 21issf-1 a2ode of the ho1) 'nes( :Ma) it ha..en -nto thee according to m) 21essingG KHet -s em2race and .ro.agate the good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds that ha=e 2een done and that <i11 2e done here and e1se<here4 that <e ma) 2e in the n-m2er of the good( /atha ah- =air)o: The <i11 of the Hord is the 1a< of ho1iness (((( :Ashem Voh-: +o1iness is the 2est of a11 good (((( :0Gi=eE -nto that man 2rightness and g1or)4 (((( gi=e him the 2right4 a11-ha..)4 21issf-1 a2ode of the ho1) 'nes(: Bd !V"#$: --------BNot a=ai1a21eC A=esta Fragment from %en&ard4 2oo& 4 cha.ter ""5 B%&B" "C ---------------------------------------------------------nLit $M dM NO .as- =Mra ?shathrO ahmOt ashO-nL ma$isht)a dM shOtLish mPna)Ot dasishtem -$)Othrama)O( Trans1ation BSan;ana4 =o1 4 .g "FA:C S-re1)4 a r-1er of 2easts and men ass-res to himse1f e?treme1) 1itt1e greatness 2) his <isdom -nti1 he sec-res great ha..iness for them 2) means of his r-1e( Frahang-i 'im: -------------BNot a=ai1a21eC Fragm( %armesteter: -------------------

BNot a=ai1a21eC Fragm( Gra): -----------BNot a=ai1a21eC Fragm( *estergaard: ------------------BNot a=ai1a21eC +adho&ht Nas& ------------0Trans1ated 2) 3ames %armesteter BFrom Sacred Boo&s of the East4 American Edition4 "565(CE "( Zarath-shtra as&ed Ah-ra Ma$da: :' Ah-ra Ma$da4 most 2eneficent S.irit4 Ma&er of the materia1 <or1d4 tho- +o1) 'neG :*hat is the on1) <ord in <hich is contained the g1orification of a11 good things4 of a11 the things that are the offs.ring of the good .rinci.1eJ: 9( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t is the .raise of +o1iness BAsha: the Ashem Voh-C4 ' S.itama Zarath-shtraG ( :+e <ho recites the .raise of +o1iness4 in the f-11ness of faith and <ith a de=oted heart4 .raises me4 Ah-ra Ma$da> he .raises the <aters4 he .raises the earth4 he .raises the catt1e4 he .raises the .1ants4 he .raises a11 good things made 2) Ma$da4 a11 the things that are the offs.ring of the good .rinci.1e( A( :For the reciting of that <ord of tr-th4 ' Zarath-shtraG the .rono-ncing of that form-1a4 the Ah-na Vair)a4 increases strength and =ictor) in one:s so-1 and .iet)( F( :For that on1) recita1 of the .raise of +o1iness is <orth a h-ndred &hshnaothras of the 2eings of +o1iness4 <hen de1i=ered <hi1e going to s1ee.4 a tho-sand <hen de1i=ered after eating4 ten tho-sand <hen de1i=ered d-ring coha2itation4 or an) n-m2er <hen de1i=ered in de.arting this 1ife(: #( :*hat is the one recita1 of the .raise of +o1iness that is <orth ten others in greatness4 goodness4 and fairnessJ: 8( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t is that one4 ' ho1) Zarath-shtraG that a man de1i=ers <hen eating the gifts of +a-r=atat and Ameretat4 at the same time .rofessing good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 and re;ecting e=i1 tho-ghts4 e=i1 <ords4 and e=i1 deeds(: 5( :*hat is the one recita1 of the .raise of +o1iness that is <orth a h-ndred others in greatness4 goodness4 and fairnessJ: 6( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t is that one4 ' ho1) Zarath-shtraG that a man de1i=ers <hi1e drin&ing of the +aoma strained for the sacrifice4 at the same time .rofessing good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 and re;ecting e=i1 tho-ghts4 e=i1 <ords4 and e=i1 deeds(: "!( :*hat is the one recita1 of the .raise of +o1iness that is <orth a tho-sand others in greatness4 goodness4 and fairnessJ: ""( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t is that one4 ' ho1) Zarath-shtraG that a man de1i=ers <hen starting -. from his 2ed or going to s1ee. again4 at the same time .rofessing good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 and re;ecting e=i1 tho-ghts4 e=i1 <ords4 and e=i1 deeds(: "9( :*hat is the one recita1 of the .raise of +o1iness that is <orth ten tho-sand others in greatness4 goodness4 and fairnessJ:

" ( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t is that one4 ' ho1) Zarath-shtraG that a man de1i=ers <hen <a&ing -. and rising from s1ee.4 at the same time .rofessing good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 and re;ecting e=i1 tho-ghts4 e=i1 <ords4 and e=i1 deeds(: "A( :*hat is the one recita1 of the .raise of +o1iness that is <orth this Iarsh=are of o-rs4 +=aniratha4 <ith its catt1e and its chariots4 <itho-t its men4 in greatness4 goodness4 and fairnessJ: "F( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t is that one4 ' ho1) Zarath-shtraG that a man de1i=ers in the 1ast moments of his 1ife4 at the same time .rofessing good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 and re;ecting e=i1 tho-ghts4 e=i1 <ords4 and e=i1 deeds(: "#( :*hat is the one recita1 of the .raise of +o1iness that is <orth a11 that is 2et<een the earth and the hea=ens4 and this earth4 and that 1-mino-s s.ace4 and a11 the good things made 2) Ma$da at are the offs.ring of the good .rinci.1e in greatness4 goodness4 and fairnessJ: "8( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t is that one4 ' ho1) Zarath-shtraG that a man de1i=ers to reno-nce e=i1 tho-ghts4 e=i1 <ords4 and e=i1 deeds(: 009EE "( Zarath-shtra as&ed Ah-ra Ma$da: :' Ah-ra Ma$da4 most 2eneficent S.irit4 Ma&er of the materia1 <or1d4 tho- +o1) 'neG :*hen one of the faithf-1 de.arts this 1ife4 <here does his so-1 a2ide on that nightJ: Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: 9( :7t ta&es its seat near the head4 singing the Dshta=aiti Gatha and .roc1aiming ha..iness: K+a..) is he4 ha..) the man4 <hoe=er he 2e4 to <hom Ah-ra Ma$da gi=es the f-11 accom.1ishment of his <ishesGK 'n that night his so-1 tastes as m-ch of .1eas-re as the <ho1e of the 1i=ing <or1d can taste(: ( -:'n the second night <here does his so-1 a2ideJ: A( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t ta&es its seat near the head4 singing the Dshta=aiti Gatha and .roc1aiming ha..iness: K+a..) is he4 ha..) the man4 <hoe=er he 2e4 to <hom Ah-ra Ma$da gi=es the f-11 accom.1ishment of his <ishesGK 'n that night his so-1 tastes as m-ch of .1eas-re as the <ho1e of the 1i=ing <or1d can taste(: F( -:'n the third night <here does his so-1 a2ideJ: #( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t ta&es its seat near the head4 singing the Dshta=aiti Gatha and .roc1aiming ha..iness: K+a..) is he4 ha..) the man4 <hoe=er he 2e4 to <hom Ah-ra Ma$da gi=es the f-11 accom.1ishment of his <ishesGK 'n that night his so-1 tastes as m-ch of .1eas-re as the <ho1e of the 1i=ing <or1d can taste(: 8( At the end of the third night4 <hen the da<n a..ears4 it seems to the so-1 of the faithf-14 one as if it <ere 2ro-ght amidst .1ants and scents> it seems as if a <ind <ere 21o<ing from the region of the so-th4 from the regions of the so-th4 a s<eet-scented <ind4 s<eeter-scented than an) other <ind in the <or1d( 5( And it seems to the so-1 of the faithf-1 one as if he <ere inha1ing that <ind <ith the nostri1s4 and he thin&s: :*hence does that <ind 21o<4 the s<eetest-scented <ind 7 e=er inha1ed <ith m) nostri1sJ: 6( And it seems to him as if his o<n conscience <ere ad=ancing to him in that <ind4 in the sha.e of a maiden fair4 2right4 <hite-armed4 strong4 ta11-formed4 high-standing4 thic&2reasted4 2ea-tif-1 of 2od)4 no21e4 of a g1orio-s seed4 of the si$e of a maid in her fifteenth )ear4 as fair as the fairest things in the <or1d( "!( And the so-1 of the faithf-1 one addressed her4 as&ing: :*hat maid art tho-4 <ho art the fairest maid 7 ha=e e=er seenJ: ""( And she4 2eing his o<n conscience4 ans<ers him: :' tho- )o-th of good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 of good re1igion4 7 am th) o<n conscienceG

:E=er)2od) did 1o=e thee for that greatness4 goodness4 fairness4 s<eet-scentedness4 =ictorio-s strength and freedom from sorro<4 in <hich tho- dost a..ear to me> "9( :And so tho-4 ' )o-th of good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 of good re1igionG didst 1o=e me for that greatness4 goodness4 fairness4 s<eet-scentedness4 =ictorio-s strength4 and freedom from sorro<4 in <hich 7 a..ear to thee( " ( :*hen tho- <o-1dst see a man ma&ing derision and deeds of ido1atr)4 or re;ecting Bthe .oorC and sh-tting his door4 then tho- <o-1dst sit singing the Gathas and <orshi..ing the good <aters and Atar4 the son of Ah-ra Ma$da4 and re;oicing the faithf-1 that <o-1d come from near or from afar( "A( :7 <as 1o=e1) and tho- madest me sti11 1o=e1ier> 7 <as fair and tho- madest me sti11 fairer> 7 <as desira21e and tho- madest me sti11 more desira21e> 7 <as sitting in a for<ard .1ace and thomadest me sit in the foremost .1ace4 thro-gh this good tho-ght4 thro-gh this good s.eech4 thro-gh this good deed of thine> and so henceforth men <orshi. me for m) ha=ing 1ong sacrificed -nto and con=ersed <ith Ah-ra Ma$da( "F( :The first ste. that the so-1 of the faithf-1 man made4 .1aced him in the Good-Tho-ght ,aradise> :The second ste. that the so-1 of the faithf-1 man made4 .1aced him in the Good-*ord ,aradise> :The third ste. that the so-1 of the faithf-1 man made4 .1aced him in the Good-%eed ,aradise> :The fo-rth ste. that the so-1 of the faithf-1 man made4 .1aced him in the End1ess Hights(: "#( Then one of the faithf-14 <ho had de.arted 2efore him4 as&ed him4 sa)ing: :+o< didst thode.art this 1ife4 tho- ho1) manJ +o< didst tho- come4 tho- ho1) manG from the a2odes f-11 of catt1e and f-11 of the <ishes and en;o)ments of 1o=eJ From the materia1 <or1d into the <or1d of the s.iritJ From the deca)ing <or1d into the -ndeca)ing oneJ +o< 1ong did th) fe1icit) 1astJ: "8( And Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :As& him not <hat tho- as&est him4 <ho has ;-st gone the drear) <a)4 f-11 of fear and distress4 <here the 2od) and the so-1 .art from one another( "5( :0Het him eatE of the food 2ro-ght to him4 of the oi1 of Zarema)a: this is the food for the )o-th of good tho-ghts4 of good <ords4 of good deeds4 of good re1igion4 after he has de.arted this 1ife> this is the food for the ho1) <oman4 rich in good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 <e11-.rinci.1ed and o2edient to her h-s2and4 after she has de.arted this 1ife(: 00 EE "6( Zarath-shtra as&ed Ah-ra Ma$da: : ' Ah-ra Ma$da4 most 2eneficent S.irit4 Ma&er of the materia1 <or1d4 tho- +o1) 'neG :*hen one of the <ic&ed .erishes4 <here does his so-1 a2ide on that nightJ: 9!( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t r-shes and sits near the s&-114 singing the Iima Gatha B/A#C4 ' ho1) Zarath-shtraG :KTo <hat 1and sha11 7 t-rn4 ' Ah-ra Ma$daJ To <hom sha11 7 go <ith .ra)ingJK :'n that night his so-1 tastes as m-ch of s-ffering as the <ho1e of the 1i=ing <or1d can taste(: 9"( -:'n the second night4 <here does his so-1 a2ideJ: 99( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t r-shes and sits near the s&-114 singing the Iima Gatha4 ' ho1) Zarath-shtraG KTo <hat 1and sha11 7 t-rn4 ' Ah-ra Ma$daJ To <hom sha11 7 go <ith .ra)ingJK :'n that night his so-1 tastes as m-ch of s-ffering as the <ho1e of the 1i=ing <or1d can taste(: 9 ( -:'n the third night4 <here does his so-1 a2ideJ: 9A( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :7t r-shes and sits near the s&-114 singing the Iima Gatha4 ' ho1) Zarath-shtraG KTo <hat 1and sha11 7 t-rn4 ' Ah-ra Ma$daJ To <hom sha11 7 go <ith .ra)ingJK :'n that night his so-1 tastes as m-ch of s-ffering as the <ho1e of the 1i=ing <or1d can taste(: 9F( At the end of the third night4 ' ho1) Zarath-shtraG <hen the da<n a..ears4 it seems to the so-1 of the faithf-1 one as if it <ere 2ro-ght amidst sno< and stench4 and as if a <ind <ere

21o<ing from the region of the north4 from the regions of the north4 a fo-1-scented <ind4 the fo-1est-scented of a1E the <inds in the <or1d( 9#- 9( And it seems to the so-1 of the <ic&ed man as if he <ere inha1ing that <ind <ith the nostri1s4 and he thin&s: :*hence does that <ind 21o<4 the fo-1est-scented <ind that 7 e=er inha1ed <ith m) nostri1sJ: ( The first ste. that the so-1 of the <ic&ed man made 1aid him in the E=i1-Tho-ght +e11> The second ste. that the so-1 of the <ic&ed man made 1aid him in the E=i1-*ord +e11> The third ste. that the so-1 of the <ic&ed man made 1aid him in the E=i1-%eed +e11> The fo-rth ste. that the so-1 of the <ic&ed man made 1aid him in the End1ess %ar&ness( A( Then one of the <ic&ed <ho de.arted 2efore him addressed him4 sa)ing: :+o< didst tho.erish4 ' <ic&ed manJ +o< didst tho- come4 ' fiendG from the a2odes f-11 of catt1e and f-11 of the <ishes and en;o)ments of 1o=eJ From the materia1 <or1d into the <or1d of the S.iritJ From the deca)ing <or1d into the -ndeca)ing oneJ +o< 1ong did th) s-ffering 1astJ: F( Angra Main)-4 the 1)ing one4 said :As& him not <hat tho- as&est him4 <ho has ;-st gone the drear) <a)4 f-11 of fear and distress4 <here the 2od) and the so-1 .art from one another( #( :Het him eat of the food 2ro-ght -nto him4 of .oison and .oisono-s stench: this is the food4 after he has .erished4 for the )o-th of e=i1 tho-ghts4 e=i1 <ords4 e=i1 deeds4 e=i1 re1igion after he has .erished> this is the food for the fiendish <oman4 rich in e=i1 tho-ghts4 e=i1 <ords4 and e=i1 deeds4 e=i1 re1igion4 i11-.rinci.1ed4 and diso2edient to her h-s2and( 8( :*e <orshi. the Fra=ashi of the ho1) man4 <hose name is Asmo-h=an=ant> then 7 <i11 <orshi. the Fra=ashis of the other ho1) 'nes <ho <ere strong of faith( 5( :*e <orshi. the memor) of Ah-ra Ma$da4 to &ee. the +o1) *ord( :*e <orshi. the -nderstanding of Ah-ra Ma$da4 to st-d) the +o1) *ord( :*e <orshi. the tong-e of Ah-ra Ma$da4 to s.ea& forth the +o1) *ord( :*e <orshi. the mo-ntain that gi=es -nderstanding4 that .reser=es -nderstanding> 0<e <orshi. itE 2) da) and 2) night4 <ith offerings of 1i2ations <e11-acce.ted( 6( :' Ma&erG ho< do the so-1s of the dead4 the Fra=ashis of the ho1) 'nes4 manifest themse1=esJ: A!( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :The) manifest themse1=es from goodness of s.irit and e?ce11ence of mind(: A"( Then to<ards the da<ning of the da<n4 that 2ird ,arodarsh4 that 2ird Iareto-das- hears the =oice of the Fire( A9( +ere the fiendish B-sh)asta4 the 1ong-handed4 r-shes from the region of the north4 from the regions of the north4 s.ea&ing th-s4 1)ing th-s: :S1ee. on4 ' menG S1ee. on4 ' sinnersG S1ee. on and 1i=e in sin(: Nirangistan: -----------BNot a=ai1a21eC ,-rsishniha: -----------BNot a=ai1a21eC Vichar&art-i %eni&: -------------------

BNot a=ai1a21eC Vaetha Nas&: -----------BNot a=ai1a21eC Vishtas. /asht -------------0Trans1ated 2) 3ames %armesteter BFrom Sacred Boo&s of the East4 American Edition4 "565(CE 00"EE "( :7 am a .io-s man4 <ho s.ea&s <ords of 21essing4: th-s said Zarath-shtra to the )o-ng &ing Vishtas.a( - :She a..ears to me f-11 of G1or)4 ' Zarath-shtraG: - :' )o-ng &ing Vishtas.aG 07 21ess theeE <ith the 1i=ing of a good 1ife4 of an e?a1ted 1ife4 of a 1ong 1ife( Ma) th) men 1i=e 1ongG Ma) th) <omen 1i=e 1ongG Ma) sons 2e 2orn -nto thee of th) o<n 2od)G 9( :Ma)est tho- th)se1f 2e ho1)4 1i&e Zarath-shtra( :Ma)est tho- 2e rich in catt1e4 1i&e an Ath<)anideG :Ma)est tho- 2e rich in horses4 1i&e ,o-r-shas.aG :Ma)est tho- ha=e a good share of 21iss4 1i&e &ing +-sra=ahG :Ma)est tho- ha=e strength to reach the Rangha4 <hose <a) 1ies afar4 as Vafra Na=a$a did( ( :Ma) ten sons 2e 2orn of th) o<n 2od)G three as Athra=ans4 three as <arriors4 three as ti11ers of the gro-ndG Ma) one of them 2e 1i&e 3amas.a4 that he ma) 21ess thee <ith great and e=er greater ha..inessG A( :Ma)est tho- 2e freed from sic&ness and death4 1i&e ,esho-tan-( :Ma)est tho- ha=e .iercing ra)s4 1i&e MithraG :Ma)est tho- 2e <arm4 1i&e the moonG :Ma)est tho- 2e res.1endent4 1i&e fireG :Ma)est tho- 2e 1ong-1i=ed4 as 1ong-1i=ed as an o1d man can 2eG F( :And <hen tho- hast f-1fi11ed a d-ration of a tho-sand )ears4 0ma)est tho- o2tainE the 2right4 a11-ha..)4 21issf-1 a2ode of the ho1) 'nesG Ashem Voh-: +o1iness is the 2est of a11 good (((( 009EE #( :Gi=e him strength and =ictor)G Gi=e him <e1fare in catt1e and 2readG: th-s said Zarath-shtra to the )o-ng &ing Vishtas.aG :Gi=e him a great n-m2er of ma1e chi1dren4 .raisers 0of GodE and chiefs in assem21ies4 <ho smite and are not smitten4 <ho smite at one stro&e their enemies4 <ho smite at one stro&e their foes4 e=er in ;o) and read) to he1.( 8( :/e gods of f-11 G1or)4 )e gods of f-11 hea1ing4 1et )o-r greatness 2ecome manifestG: 5( Zarath-shtra addressed him4 sa)ing: :' )o-ng &ing Vishtas.aG Ma) their greatness 2ecome manifest as it is ca11ed forG :/e *aters4 im.art and gi=e )o-r G1or) to the man <ho offers )o- a sacrificeG :This is the 2oon <e 2eg Bfor theeC of Ashi Vang-hi4 of Rata4 <ith e)es of 1o=e(: 6( ,arendi4 of the 1ight chariot4 fo11o<s: :Ma)est tho- 2ecome manifest -nto him4 the )o-ng &ing Vishtas.aG :Ma) .1ent) d<e11 in this ho-se4 standing -.on high co1-mns and rich in foodG Tho- <i1t ne=er offer and gi=e 2ad food to a .riest: for a .riest m-st 2e to thee 1i&e the 2rightest offs.ring of th) o<n 21ood(:

"!( Zarath-shtra s.a&e -nto him: :' )o-ng &ing Vishtas.aG :+e <ho s-..orts the Ha< of the <orshi..ers of Ma$da4 as a 2rother or as a friend4 he <ho treats her friend1) in an) <a)4 1oo&s to &ee. off <ant of food from her(: ""( The ho1) Zarath-shtra .reached that 1a< to Frashaostra and 3amas.a: :Ma) )e .ractise ho1iness and thri=e4 ' )o-ng Frashaostra Band 3amas.aCG: "9( Th-s said Ah-ra Ma$da -nto the ho1) Zarath-shtra4 and th-s again did Zarath-shtra sa) -nto the )o-ng &ing Vishtas.a: :+a=e no 2ad .riests or -nfriend1) .riests> for 2ad .riests or -nfriend1) .riests <i11 2ring a2o-t m-ch harm4 and4 tho-gh tho- <ish to sacrifice4 it <i11 2e to the Amesha-S.entas as if no sacrifice had 2een offered( :Ashem Voh-: +o1iness is the 2est of a11 good (((( 00 EE " ( :*hen 7 teach thee4 that tho- ma)est do the same to th) son4 ' Vishtas.aG recei=e tho- <e11 that teaching> that <i11 ma&e thee rich in chi1dren and rich in mi1&> rich in seed4 in fat4 in mi1&:( "A( :Th-s do <e anno-nce -nto thee4 Ah-ra Ma$da4 and Sraosha4 and Ashi4 and the Ha< of the <orshi..ers of Ma$da4 <ith the <ho1e of a11 her h)mns4 <ith the <ho1e of a11 her deeds4 <ith the <ho1e of her .erformances> the Ha< of Ma$da4 <ho o2tains her <ishes4 <ho ma&es the <or1d gro<4 <ho 1istens to the songs and re;oices the faithf-1 man at his <ish> <ho .rotects the faithf-1 man4 <ho maintains the faithf-1 man> "F( From <hom come the &no<1edge of ho1iness and the increase in ho1iness of the <or1d of the ho1) ,rinci.1e4 and <itho-t <hom no faithf-1 man can &no< ho1iness( :To thee come e=er) +a=anan4 e=er) Atare=a&hsha4 e=er) Fra2aretar4 e=er) A2eret4 e=er) Asnatar4 e=er) Rath<ish&ar4 e=er) Sraosha-=are$ B.riest1) officesC> "#( :E=er) .riest4 e=er) <arrior4 e=er) h-s2andman> e=er) master of a ho-se4 e=er) 1ord of a 2oro-gh4 e=er) 1ord of a to<n4 e=er) 1ord of a .ro=ince> "8( :E=er) )o-th of good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 good deeds4 and good re1igion> e=er) )o-th <ho s.ea&s the right <ords> e=er) one <ho .erforms the ne?t-of-&in marriage> e=er) itinerant .riest> e=er) mistress of a ho-se> e=er) <andering .riest4 o2edient to the Ha<( "5( :To thee come a11 the .erformers Bof ho1inessC4 a11 the masters of ho1iness4 <ho4 to the n-m2er of three and thirt)4 stand ne?t to +a=ani4 2eing masters of ho1iness( "6( :Ma) the) 2e f-11) .rotected in thee4 ' )o-ng &ing Vishtas.aG *hi1e tho- smitest th) ad=ersaries4 th) foes4 those <ho hate thee4 a h-ndred times a h-ndred for a h-ndred4 a tho-sand-times a tho-sand for a tho-sand4 ten tho-sand times ten tho-sand for ten tho-sand4 m)riads of m)riads for a m)riad( 9!( :,roc1aim tho- that <ord4 as <e did .roc1aim it -nto theeG :' Ma&er of the good <or1dG Ah-ra Ma$da4 7 <orshi. thee <ith a sacrifice4 7 <orshi. and for<ard thee <ith a sacrifice4 7 <orshi. this creation of Ah-ra Ma$da(: 9"( The )o-ng &ing Vishtas.a as&ed Zarath-shtra: :*ith <hat manner of sacrifice sha11 7 <orshi.4 <ith <hat manner of sacrifice sha11 7 <orshi. and for<ard this creation of Ah-ra Ma$daJ: 99( Zarath-shtra ans<ered: :*e <i11 ma&e it &no<n -nto thee4 ' )o-ng &ing Vishtas.aG :Go to<ards that tree that is 2ea-tif-14 high-gro<ing4 and might) amongst the high-gro<ing trees4 and sa) tho- these <ords: K+ai1 to theeG ' good4 ho1) tree4 made 2) Ma$daG Ashem Voh-GK 9 ( :Het the faithf-1 man c-t off t<igs of 2aresma4 either one4 or t<o4 or three: 1et him 2ind them and tie them -. according to the rites4 2eing 2o-nd and -n2o-nd according to the rites( :The sma11est t<ig of +aoma4 .o-nded according to the r-1es4 the sma11est t<ig .re.ared for sacrifice4 gi=es ro)a1t) to the man B<ho does itC(: Ashem Voh-: +o1iness is the 2est of a11 good ((((

00AEE 9A( Zarath-shtra said: :' )o-ng &ing Vishtas.aG 7n=o&e Ah-ra Ma$da4 <ho is f-11 of G1or)4 Ah-ra Ma$da4 and the so=ereign +ea=en4 the 2o-nd1ess Time4 and Va)- <ho <or&s high1)( 9F( :7n=o&e the .o<erf-1 *ind4 made 2) Ma$da4 and Fate( :Re.eat tho- those <ords4 that the god in=o&ed ma) gi=e thee the 2oon <ished for> that tho-4 strong4 and 2e1onging to the creation of the good S.irit4 ma)est smite and ta&e a<a) the %r-; and <atch <ith f-11 s-ccess those <ho hate thee> smite do<n th) foes4 and destro) at one stro&e th) ad=ersaries4 th) enemies4 and those <ho hate thee( 9#( :,roc1aim tho- those .ra)ers: the) <i11 c1eanse th) 2od) from deeds of 1-st4 ' )o-ng &ing Vishtas.aG :7 <i11 <orshi. thee4 ' Fire4 son of Ah-ra Ma$da4 <ho art a =a1iant <arrior( +e fa11s -.on the fiend I-nda4 <ho is dr-n&en <itho-t drin&ing4 -.on the men of the %r-;4 the s1othf-1 ones4 the <ic&ed %ae=a-<orshi..ers4 <ho 1i=e in sin( 98( :+e trem21es at the <a) made 2) Time and o.en 2oth to the <ic&ed and to the righteo-s( :The) trem21e at the .erf-me of his so-14 as a shee. does on <hich a <o1f is fa11ing( 95( :Reciting the <ho1e co11ection of the Staota /esn)a .ra)ers 2rings one -. a11 the <a) to the 21essed Garo-nmana4 the .a1ace 2ea-tif-11) made( That indeed is the <a)( 96( :That man does not fo11o< the <a) of the Ha<4 ' Zarath-shtraG <ho commits the BaodhoB=arshtaC crime <ith a damse1 and an o1d <oman4: said Zarath-shtra to the )o-ng &ing Vishtas.a( :Het him .raise the Ha<4 ' S.itama Zarath-shtraG and 1ong for it and em2race the <ho1e of the Ha<4 as an e?ce11ent horse t-rns 2ac& from the <rong <a) and goes a1ong the right one4 smiting the man) %r-;es( !( :Go for<ard <ith .raises4 go for<ard the <a) of the good Ma$dean 1a< and of a11 those <ho <a1& in her <a)s4 men and <omen( +e <ho <ishes to sei$e the hea=en1) re<ard4 <i11 sei$e it 2) gi=ing gifts to him <ho ho1ds -. Bthe Ha<C to -s in this <or1d here 2e1o< (((( "( :Het him gi=e Bthe Ha<C to him <ho is -nfriend1) to her4 that he ma) 2ecome friend1)( :*ash th) hands <ith <ater4 not <ith gome$4 and 1et th) son4 <ho <i11 2e 2orn of th) <ife4 do the same( :Th-s th) tho-ght <i11 2e .o<erf-1 to smite him4 <ho is not so> th) s.eech <i11 2e .o<erf-1 to smite him4 <ho is not so> th) deed <i11 2e .o<erf-1 to smite him( 9( :K+ear meG Forgi=e meGK - *e4 the Amesha-S.entas4 <i11 come and sho< thee4 ' Zarath-shtraG the <a) to that <or1d to 1ong g1or) in the s.irit-a1 <or1d4 to 1ong ha..iness of the so-1 in ,aradise> ( :To 21iss and ,aradise4 to the Garo-nmana of Ah-ra Ma$da4 2ea-tif-11) made and f-11) adorned4 <hen his so-1 goes o-t of his 2od) thro-gh the <i11 of fate4 <hen 74 Ah-ra Ma$da4 <hen 74 Ah-ra Ma$da4 gent1) sho< him his <a) as he as&s for it :Ashem Voh-: +o1iness is the 2est of a11 good (((( 00FEE A( :The) <i11 im.art to thee f-11 2rightness and G1or)( :The) <i11 gi=e him @-ic& and s<ift horses4 and good sons( :+e <ishes to go to the Ha<4 the )o-ng &ing Vishtas.a4: Zarath-shtra said4 :Het him <ho is -nfriend1) to her 2ecome a fo11o<er of the Ha< of Ma$da4 s-ch as <e .roc1aim it( F( :,roc1aim tho- e=er B-nto the .oorC(: E=er ma)est tho- <ait here for the ref-se that is 2ro-ght -nto thee4 2ro-ght 2) those <ho ha=e .rof-sion of <ea1thGK Th-s the %r-; <i11 not fa11 -.on thee and thro< thee a<a)> tho- <i1t <ie1d &ing1) .o<er there( #( :The Ha< of Ma$da <i11 not de1i=er thee -nto .ain( Tho- art entreated Bfor charit)C 2) the

<ho1e of the 1i=ing <or1d4 and she is e=er standing at th) door in the .erson of th) 2rethren in the faith 2eggars are e=er standing at the door of the stranger4 amongst those <ho 2eg for 2read( :E=er <i11 that 2read 2e 2-rning coa1 -.on th) head( :The good4 ho1) Rata4 made 2) Ma$da4 goes and n-rses th) 2right offs.ring(: 8( Zarath-shtra addressed Vishtas.a4 sa)ing: :' )o-ng &ing Vishtas.aG The Ha< of Ma$da4 ' m) sonG <i11 gi=e th) offs.ring the =ictorio-s strength that destro)s the fiends( :Het no tho-ght of Angra Main)- e=er infect thee4 so that tho- sho-1dst ind-1ge in e=i1 1-sts4 ma&e derision and ido1atr)4 and sh-t Bto the .oorC the door of th) ho-se( 5( :Atar th-s 21esses the man <ho 2rings incense to him4 2eing .1eased <ith him and not angr)4 and fed as he re@-ired: KMa) herds of o?en gro< for thee4 and increase of sonsG Ma) fate and its decrees 2ring thee the 2oons tho- <ishest forG Therefore do tho- in=o&e and .raise BmeC e?ce11ent1) in this g1orio-s <or1dG That 7 ma) ha=e -nceasing food4 f-11 of the g1or) of Ma$da and <ith <hich 7 am <e11 .1eased(K 6( :' Ma$daG ta&e for th)se1f the <ords of o-r .raise: of these <ords 7 s.ea& and s.ea& again4 the strength and =ictorio-s =igo-r4 the .o<er of hea1th and hea1ing4 the f-1ness4 increase4 and gro<th( :Bring it together <ith the <ords of h)mns -. to the Garo-nmana of Ah-ra Ma$da( +e <i11 first enter there( Therefore do tho- .rono-nce these .ra)ers( :Ashem Voh-: +o1iness is the 2est of a11 good (((( 00#EE A!( :Con=erse )e <ith the Amesha-S.entas4: said Zarath-shtra -nto the )o-ng &ing Vishtas.a4 :and <ith the de=o-t Sraosha4 and Nair)o-sangha4 the ta11-formed4 and Atar4 the son of Ah-ra Ma$da4 and the <e11-desired &ing1) G1or)( A"( :Men <ith 1-stf-1 deeds address the 2od)> 2-t tho-4 a11 the night 1ong4 address the hea=en1) *isdom> 2-t tho-4 a11 night 1ong4 ca11 for the *isdom that <i11 &ee. thee a<a&e( :Three times a da) raise th)se1f -. and go to ta&e care of the 2eneficent catt1e( A9( :'f these men ma) the 1ordshi. 2e1ong to the <isest of a11 2eings4 ' Zarath-shtraG Ma) their 1ord 2e1ong to the <isest4 ' Zarath-shtraG Het him sho< them the <a) of ho1iness4 1et him sho< them at once the <a) thereto4 <hich the Ha< of the <orshi..ers of Ma$da enters =ictorio-s1)( Th-s the so-1 of man4 in the ;o) of .erfect ho1iness4 <a1&s o=er the 2ridge4 &no<n afar4 the .o<erf-1 Chin=at-2ridge4 the <e11-&e.t4 and &e.t 2) =irt-e( A ( :+o< the <or1ds <ere arranged <as said to thee first4 ' Zarath-shtraG Zarath-shtra said it again to the )o-ng &ing Vishtas.a> therefore do tho- .raise him <ho &ee.s and maintains the moon and the s-n( +e <ho has 1itt1e friendshi. for the Ha<4 7 ha=e .1aced him do<n 2e1o< to s-ffer(: AA( Th-s said Angra Main)-4 he <ho has no G1or) in him4 <ho is f-11 of death: :This is an -n2e1ie=er4 1et -s thro< him do<n 2e1o<> this is a 1iar4 or a traitor to his re1ati=es4 and 1i&e a mad dog <ho <o-nds catt1e and men> 2-t the dog <ho inf1icts <o-nds .a)s for it as for <i1f-1 m-rder( The first time he sha11 smite a faithf-1 man4 the first time he sha11 <o-nd a faithf-1 man4 he sha11 .a) for it as for <i1f-1 m-rder( Ashem Voh-: +o1iness is the 2est of a11 good (((( 008EE AF( :Ma)est tho- recei=e4 ' ho1) )o-ng &ing Vishtas.aG Ba ho-seC <ith a h-ndred ((((4 ten tho-sand 1arge <indo<s4 ten tho-sand sma11 <indo<s4 a11 the )ear 1ong4 ' ho1) Vishtas.aG ne=er gro<ing o1d4 ne=er d)ing4 ne=er deca)ing4 ne=er rotting4 gi=ing .1ent) of meat4 .1ent) of food4 .1ent) of c1othes to the other <orshi..ers of Ma$da( A#( :Ma) a11 2oons 2e 2esto<ed -.on thee4 as 7 .roc1aim it -nto theeG Ma) the Amesha-S.entas

im.art to thee their 2rightness and g1or) and .1ent)G Ma) the) gi=e him @-ic& and s<ift horses and good sons4 strong4 great in a11 things4 .o<erf-1 to sing the h)mns( A8( :+e <ie1ds his .o<er according to the <ish of Ah-ra Ma$da4 the Good S.irit4 and for the destr-ction of the E=i1 S.irit4 <hiche=er of t<o men goes @-ic&er to .erform a sacrifice Bto Ah-raC> 2-t if he chooses to .erform the sacrifice and .ra)er to -s not in the right <a)4 he does not <ie1d the right .o<er4 he <i11 not reign( A5( :+e <i11 recei=e 2ad treatment in the ne?t <or1d4 tho-gh he has 2een the so=ereign of a co-ntr)4 <ith good horses to ride and good chariots to dri=e( Gi=e ro)a1t) to that man4 ' Zarath-shtraG <ho gi=es ro)a1t) -nto thee <ith good <i11( A6( :Tho- sha1t &ee. a<a) the e=i1 2) this ho1) s.e11: K'f thee 0' chi1dGE 7 <i11 c1eanse the 2irth and gro<th> of thee 0' <omanGE 7 <i11 ma&e the 2od) and the strength .-re> 7 ma&e thee a <oman rich in chi1dren and rich in mi1&> a <oman rich in seed4 in mi1&4 and in offs.ring( For thee 7 sha11 ma&e s.rings r-n and f1o< to<ards the .ast-res that <i11 gi=e food to the chi1d(K F!( :%o not de1i=er me into the hands of the fiend> if the fiend ta&e ho1d of me4 then fe=er <ith 1oss of a11 ;o) <i11 dr) -. the mi1& of the good S.enta-Armaiti( The fiend is .o<erf-1 to distress4 and to dr) -. the mi1& of the <oman <ho ind-1ges in 1-st and of a11 fema1es( F"( :The .erf-me of fire4 .1easant to the Ma&er4 Ah-ra Ma$da4 ta&es them a<a) from afar> (((> and a11 those that harm the creation of the Good S.irit are destro)ed> F9( :*hom Mithra4 and Rashn- Ra$ishta4 and the Ha< of the <orshi..ers of Ma$da <ish to 2e ta&en far a<a)4 1onging for a man <ho is eager to .erform and does .erform the ceremonies he has 2een ta-ght> ((( :Ashem Voh-: +o1iness is the 2est of a11 good (((( B5C F ( :The <ords of the Vahishtoishti Gatha are to 2e s-ng: K+a..) is he4 ' ho1) Vishtas.a4 ha..) the man4 <hoe=er he 2e4 to <hom Ah-ra Ma$da gi=es the f-11 accom.1ishment of his <ishes(K :*here does his so-1 a2ide on that nightJ: FA( Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: : ' m) son4 FrashaostraG 7t ta&es its seat near the head4 singing the Dshta=aiti Gatha and .roc1aiming ha..iness: K+a..) is he4 ha..) the man <hoe=er he 2eGK :'n the first night4 his so-1 sits in Good *ords> on the second night4 it sits in Good %eeds> on the third night4 it goes a1ong the <a)s Bto Garo-nmanaC( FF( :At the end of the third night4 ' m) son4 FrashaostraG <hen the da<n a..ears4 it seems to the so-1 of the faithf-1 one as if it <ere 2ro-ght amidst .1ants 0and scents: it seems as if a <ind <ere 21o<ing from the region of the so-th4 from the regions of the so-thE4 a s<eet-scented <ind4 s<eeter-scented than an) other <ind in the <or1d4 and it seems to his so-1 as if he <ere inha1ing that <ind <ith the nose4 and it as&s4 sa)ing: K*hence does that <ind 21o<4 the s<eetest-scented <ind 7 e=er inha1ed <ith m) noseJK F#( :And it seems to him as if his o<n conscience <ere ad=ancing to him in that <ind4 in the sha.e of a maiden fair4 2right4 <hite-armed4 strong4 ta11-formed4 high-standing4 thic&2reasted4 2ea-tif-1 of 2od)4 no21e4 of a g1orio-s seed4 of the si$e of a maid in her fifteenth )ear4 as fair as the fairest things in the <or1d( F8( :And the so-1 of the faithf-1 one addressed her4 as&ing: K*hat maid art tho-4 <ho art the fairest maid 7 ha=e e=er seenJK F5( :And she4 2eing his o<n conscience4 ans<ers him: K' tho- )o-th4 of good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 of good re1igionG 7 am th) o<n conscience( KE=er)2od) did 1o=e thee for that greatness4 goodness4 fairness4 s<eet-scentedness4 =ictorio-s strength4 and freedom from sorro<4 in <hich tho- dost a..ear to me> 0and so tho-4 ' )o-th of good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 of good re1igionG didst 1o=e me for that greatness4 goodness4 fairness4 s<eet-scentedness4 =ictorio-s strength4 and freedom from sorro<4 in <hich 7 a..ear to thee( F6( :K*hen tho- <o-1dst see a manE ma&ing derision and deeds of ido1atr)4 or re;ecting Bthe .oorC

and sh-tting Bhis doorC4 then4 tho- <o-1dst sit4 singing the Gathas4 and <orshi..ing the good <aters4 and Atar4 the son of Ah-ra Ma$da4 and re;oicing the faithf-1 that <o-1d come from near or from afar( #!( :K7 <as 1o=e1)4 and tho- madest me sti11 1o=e1ier> 7 <as fair4 and tho- madest me sti11 fairer> 7 <as desira21e4 and tho- madest me sti11 more desira21e> 7 <as sitting in a for<ard .1ace4 and tho- madest me sit in the foremost .1ace4 thro-gh this good tho-ght4 thro-gh this good s.eech4 thro-gh this good deed of thine> and so henceforth men <orshi. me for m) ha=ing 1ong sacrificed -nto and con=ersed <ith Ah-ra Ma$da(K #"( :The first ste. that the so-1 of the faithf-1 man made4 .1aced him in the Good-Tho-ght ,aradise> the second ste. that the so-1 of the faithf-1 man made4 .1aced him in the Good*ord ,aradise> the third ste. that the so-1 of the faithf-1 man made4 .1aced him in the Good%eed ,aradise> the fo-rth ste. that the so-1 of the faithf-1 man made4 .1aced him in the End1ess Hight( #9( :Then one of the faithf-14 <ho had de.arted 2efore him4 as&ed4 sa)ing: K+o< didst tho- de.art this 1ife4 tho- ho1) manJ +o< didst tho- come4 tho- ho1) manG from the a2odes f-11 of catt1e and f-11 of the <ishes and en;o)ments of 1o=eJ from the materia1 <or1d into the <or1d of the s.iritJ from the deca)ing <or1d into the -ndeca)ing oneJ +o< 1ong did th) fe1icit) 1astJK: # ( And Ah-ra Ma$da ans<ered: :As& him not <hat tho- as&est him4 <ho has ;-st gone the drear) <a)4 f-11 of fear and distress4 <hen the 2od) and the so-1 .art from one another( #A( :0Het him eatE of the food 2ro-ght to him4 of the oi1 of Zarema)a: this is the food for the )o-th of good tho-ghts4 of good <ords4 of good deeds4 of good re1igion4 after he has de.arted this 1ife> this is the food for the ho1) <oman4 rich in good tho-ghts4 good <ords4 and good deeds4 <e11-.rinci.1ed4 and o2edient to her h-s2and4 after she has de.arted this 1ife(: #F( S.itama Zarath-shtra said to the )o-ng &ing Vishtas.a: KTo <hat 1and sha11 7 t-rn4 ' Ah-ra Ma$daJ To <hom sha11 7 go <ith .ra)ingJ: Ashem Voh-: +o1iness is the 2est of a11 good ((((

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