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ITI 1121. Introduction To Computing II

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ITI 1121.

Introduction to Computing II
Marcel Turcotte School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Version of March 2, 2013 Abstract Queues LinkedQueue

These lecture notes are meant to be looked at on a computer screen. Do not print them unless it is necessary.

A queue is a linear abstract data type such that insertions are made at one end, called the rear, and removals are made at the other end, called the front. Queues are sometimes called FIFOs: rst-in rst-out. enqueue() Queue dequeue() The two basic operations are: enqueue: adds an element to the rear of the queue; dequeue: removes and returns the element at the front of the queue.

Software queues are similar to physical ones: queuing at the supermarket, at the bank, at cinemas, etc.

Shared resources management (system programming): Access to the processor; Access to the peripherals such as disks and printers. Application programs: Simulations; Generating sequences of increasing length over a nite size alphabet; Navigating through a maze.

public class Test { public static void main( String[] args ) { Queue<Integer> queue = new QueueImplementation<Integer>(); for ( int i=0; i<10; i++ ) queue.enqueue( new Integer( i ) ); while ( ! queue.isEmpty() ) System.out.println( queue.dequeue() ); } }

What does it print? 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9

q = new Q(); q.enqueue( a ); q.enqueue( b ); q.enqueue( c ); q.dequeue( ); -> a q.dequeue( ); -> b q.enqueue( d ); q.dequeue( ); -> c q.dequeue( ); -> d

Elements of a queue are processed in the same order as the they are inserted into the queue, here a was the rst element to join the queue and it was the rst to leave the queue: rst-come rst-serve .

Just like stacks, there are two families of implementations: Linked elements; Array-based.

public interface Queue { public abstract boolean isEmpty(); public abstract void enqueue( Object o ); public abstract Object dequeue(); }

public interface Queue<E> { public abstract boolean isEmpty(); public abstract void enqueue( E o ); public abstract E dequeue(); }

Using linked elements

public class LinkedQueue<T> implements Queue<T> { public boolean isEmpty() { ... } public void enqueue( T o ) { ... } public T dequeue() { ... } }

Using linked elements

public class LinkedQueue<T> implements Queue<T> { private static class Elem<E> { private E value; private Elem<E> next; private Elem( E value, Elem<E> next ) { this.value = value; this.next = next; } } public boolean isEmpty() { ... } public void enqueue( T o ) { ... } public T dequeue() { ... } }

Using linked elements

public class LinkedQueue<T> implements Queue<T> { private static class Elem<E> { private E value; private Elem<E> next; private Elem( E value, Elem<E> next ) { this.value = value; this.next = next; } } private Elem<T> front; // or rear? public boolean isEmpty() { ... } public void enqueue( T o ) { ... } public T dequeue() { ... } }

Using linked elements

Which implementation is preferable and why?
q A front B C D

q D rear C B A

Using linked elements

With the rst implementation, removing an element is easy (and fast) but adding an element to the rear of the queue will be more involved (and slow). The other implementation simply reverses the situations, removal is costly while adding is fast. Is this a dead-end? What makes removing fast? Having a reference to the front element. What makes adding an element fast? A reference to the rear element.

Using linked elements

Solution: the class LinkedQueue will be having two instance variables, front and rear, pointing at the front and rear elements, making both operations fast. (is it really that easy?)

Using linked elements

Will these two implementations be equally fast?
q D rear front C B A

q A front rear B C D

What are the consequences of these changes? Impact on memory usage is not signicant. Implementing the methods will be slightly more complex.

Adding an element (enqueue)

Identify the general case as well as the special case(s). General case, consider a number of elements suciently large to represent the majority of the cases (3 or 4 elements generally suce). Special cases are the cases where the general strategy is not applicable. For stacks, queues and lists, having no elements or one element is often a special case.

Adding an element (enqueue) (general case)

q A front rear B C

Adding an element (enqueue) (general case)

q A front rear newElem B C

Using a local variable will make our work simpler.

Adding an element (enqueue) (general case)

q A front rear newElem B C D

Adding an element (enqueue) (general case)

q A front rear newElem B C D

Adding an element (enqueue) (general case)

q A front rear newElem B C D

Adding an element (enqueue) (general case)

q A front rear newElem B C D

Adding an element (enqueue) (general case)

q A front rear B C D

Adding an element (enqueue) (special case)

Draw the memory diagram representing the empty queue.

front rear

Which expression allows to identify the empty queue?

Adding an element (enqueue) (special case)


front rear


Adding an element (enqueue) (special case)

q A front rear


Adding an element (enqueue) (special case)

q A front rear


Adding an element (enqueue) (special case)

q A front rear


Adding an element (enqueue) (special case)

q A front rear


Adding an element (enqueue) (special case)

q A front rear

Removing an element
Identify the general case as well as the special case(s). Is the empty queue a special case? No, it is an illegal case, it should be handled by the pre-conditions and an exception should be thrown. The queue containing a single element will be the special case.

Removing an element (general case)

q A front rear B C D




Removing an element (general case)

q A front rear B C D




Removing an element (general case)

q B front rear C D

A saved



Removing an element (general case)

q B front rear C D

A saved



Removing an element (general case)

q B front rear C D

A saved



Removing an element (general case)

q B front rear C D

A saved



Removing an element (general case)

q B front rear C D

A saved



Removing an element (general case)

q B front rear C D

Removing an element (special case)

q D front rear



Which expression can be used to identify a queue containing a single element?

Removing an element (special case)

q D front rear



Pitfall. Which expression can be used to identify a queue containing a single element? font != null && front.next == null What about this? front == rear

Removing an element (special case)

front == rear is also true for the empty queue!
q D front rear



front rear


front != null && front == rear

Removing an element (special case)

q D front rear



Removing an element (special case)

q D front rear



Removing an element (special case)

q D front rear



Removing an element (special case)

q D front rear



Removing an element (special case)

q D front rear



Removing an element (special case)

q D front rear



q D front rear

This memory diagram illustrates the kinds of errors that occur frequently with linked elements. What are the consequences? Consider using the following test to detect the empty queue: front == null && rear == null.

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