Three Days Workshop On Computational Fluid Dynamics 7 To9 February 2014
Three Days Workshop On Computational Fluid Dynamics 7 To9 February 2014
Three Days Workshop On Computational Fluid Dynamics 7 To9 February 2014
Three Days Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics 7th to 9th February 2014
Course Coordinator:
Course Instructor:
Lab # 1: Computational Heat Conduction Date: 08/02/20 ! Time: 2 P"# $%$0 P"
Note: &oth pro'lem an( ans)er sheet are pro*i(e( 'elo). To sa*e figure% +o to ,+raphi- )in(o) num'er./ -li-k on ,0ile./ then -li-k on ,12port to./ sele-t ,Win(o)s &"P image. in the ,0iles of type.. "ake sure to sa*e the file in the same lo-ation )here you ha*e this file. "ore (etails are gi*en in the ne2t page3 after the pro'lems.
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Take the ma2imum num'er of gri( points in 2#an( y#(ire-tion as max='max=12 an( -on*ergen-e -riteria as 0.00000 . Aeport the results as a8 Plot the stea(y state temperature -ontours for the (ifferent -ases 7! figures8. '8 Dis-uss the effe-t of *olumetri- heat generation on the results for 'oth the types of &4s.
CDT1% 4DD1 1E14?TBDC BC S4BLA& To open a Scilab console% Linu2% Appli-ationsFProgrammingFS-ila' or Appli-ationsFS-ien-eFS-ila' Win(o)s% StartFAll programsFS-ila'FS-ila'.e2e To oad a source code 7or a (c note file8% Bn the S-ila' -onsole/ go to top menu 'ar 0ileFDpen a fileGF7&ro)se for the H.s-i file path8 The sour-e -o(e opens in a ne) (c note )in(o). N%T&: Dn-e this )in(o) is open/ su'seIuent loa(ing of a ne) H.s-i file )ill open a ne) ta' in the same (c note )in(o).
To e'ecute a pro(ram )ritten in Scinote% Bn the S-inote )in(o) 7)ith the (esire( program ta' open8/ go to top menu 'ar 12e-uteFGfile )ith no e-ho 7please (o not sele-t Gfile )ith e-ho8 4lear 4onsole Sele-t ,JesK The e2e-ution 'egins in the (c )a* con+o)e )in(o).
N%T&: %n y one Scilab code can be e'ecuted at a time. Dn-e an e2e-ute -omman( is gi*en an( the -o(e is to 'e stoppe( at an interme(iate stage/ use the metho( gi*en 'elo). Bf another e2e-ute -omman( is gi*en )ithout -ompleting/a'orting the pre*ious run/ erroneous results may 'e pro(u-e(. To abort a runnin( pro(ram% +o to the (c )a* con+o)e )in(o) an( press CTR*+C. This interrupts the -o(e e2e-ution. A prompt appears asking for user input. 1nter ,a'ort. here to stop the -o(e e2e-ution. <eep Playing )ith the DP1C#SD?A41 4o(es 7,e-e)ope, *! .rof. /t0) (harma, 11T 2om*a!8 in 0uture also.
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Answer Sheet
Pro'lem L % #D Computationa !eat Conduction "C!C# %
a8 Plot the stea(y#state temperature profile 7 T3x48 for the (ifferent -ases 7! figures8.
0ig. . % Stea(y state temperature profile T3x4 in the D (omain for 7a8 4ase A/ 7'8 4ase &/ 7-8 4ase 4 an( 7(8 4ase D '8 Dis-uss the effe-t of *olumetri- heat generation on the results for 'oth the types of &4s.
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a8 Plot the stea(y state temperature -ontours for the (ifferent -ases 7! figures8.
0ig. .2% Stea(y state temperature -ontours in the 2D (omain for 7a8 4ase A/ 7'8 4ase &/ 7-8 4ase 4 an( 7(8 4ase D
'8 Dis-uss the effe-t of *olumetri- heat generation on the results for 'oth the types of &4s. Write your ans)er/ limite( insi(e this te2t 'o2 only