Lab2 9february CHAdvection&CHConvection
Lab2 9february CHAdvection&CHConvection
Lab2 9february CHAdvection&CHConvection
Three Days Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics 7th to 9th February 2014
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Lab # 2: Computational Heat Advection and Convection Date: 09/01/ 01! Time: P"# $ P"
Note: %oth pro&lem an' ans(er sheet are pro)i'e' &elo(. To sa)e figure* +o to ,+raphi- (in'o( num&er./ -li-k on ,0ile./ then -li-k on ,12port to./ sele-t ,Win'o(s %"P image. in the ,0iles of type.. "ake sure to sa)e the file in the same lo-ation (here you ha)e this file.
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a')e-tion s-hemes* 5a6 0=< an' 5&6 ><?4@; at 3e=10 an' 4r=1. Take the ma2imum num&er of gri' points in 2#an' y#'ire-tion as *max=1& an' +max=&&, respe-ti)ely; an' -on)ergen-e -riteria as 0.0001. Beport the results as a6 Plot an' 'is-uss the stea'y state temperature -ontours for the 'ifferent a')e-tion s-hemes 5 figures6. &6 Plot an' 'is-uss the temperature profile/ -.y// at 'ifferent a2ial lo-ations 52/LC0. / 0.!/ 0.D/ 0.E an' 16/ for the 'ifferent a')e-tion s-hemes 5 figures6.
B$%T &' (UC) @eep Playing (ith the =P1A#S=<B41 4o'es 5)e#e5ope) %y 4rof. (t"5 6harma, 77- 8om%ay6 in future also.
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Answer Sheet
Pro&lem F 1* D Computationa !eat Advection "C!A#*
a6 Plot an' 'is-uss the stea'y state temperature -ontours for the 'ifferent a')e-tion s-hemes 5$ figures6. &6 Plot an' 'is-uss the temperature profile at the )erti-al -enterline5 x=0.,6/ -.y// for the 'ifferent a')e-tion s-hemes 5$ figures6.
5a 6
5& 6
5- 6
0ig. .1* Stea'y state temperature -ontours using the 5a16 0=< s-heme 5&16 S=< s-heme 5-16 ><?4@ s-heme. Temperature )ariation along the )erti-al -enterline using the 5a 6 0=< s-heme 5& 6 S=< s-heme 5- 6 ><?4@ s-heme Dis-uss 0ig. .1 here/ limite' insi'e this te2t &o2 only
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5a 6
5& 6
0ig. . * Stea'y state temperature -ontours using the 5a16 0=< s-heme an' 5&16 ><?4@ s-heme. Temperature )ariation at 'ifferent a2ial lo-ations using the 5a 6 0=< s-heme an' 5& 6 ><?4@ s-heme.