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Operations Research Case Study Using Global Supply Chain Management

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Journal of Business Case Studies July/August 2010

Volume 6, Number 4

Global Supply Chain Management At Printko Ink Company

Raida Abuizam, Purdue University Calumet, USA

ABSTRACT The Printko Ink Company case illustrates how network models can be used as an aid in spreadsheet model formulation. It also enriches students knowledge how to use integer linear programming with binary (0-1) variables in dealing with fixed cost plant and warehouse location problems. Students completing the Printko Ink case will be able to develop a spreadsheet model that will solve for many logistic decision variables. It will help students decide where or whether to manufacture Printko Ink single product and how to get it to its customers around the world in the most economical manner. Keywords: Linear programming, spreadsheet modeling, network models, logistics, and global supply chain


inear programming is a problem-solving approach developed to help managers make decisions. It is a powerful tool used by operations managers and other managers to obtain optimal solutions to problems that involve restrictions or limitations on their resources. These problems are referred to as constrained optimization problems. Numerous applications of linear programming can be found in todays competitive business environment. It is increasingly important to make sure that a companys limited resources are used in the most efficient way. Linear programming is heavily used to minimize transportation and transshipment costs. Many transportation, transshipment and logistics problems fall into the category of problems known as minimum cost network flow model. All network flow problems can be represented by a collection of nodes and arcs. The nodes represent the suppliers, warehouses, or customers while the arcs represent suitable paths or routes between nodes. The transportation problem involves finding the lowest cost plan for distributing goods from multiple origins to multiple destinations that demand those goods. In the transshipment model, warehouses can be used as intermediaries to receive goods from suppliers and send them to customers. In practice, opening a plant or a warehouse require fixed cost. Fixed cost is not a linear function; therefore, the use of binary variables (0, 1) will transform a non linear model into a linear one. This case study will help managers develop a spreadsheet model that will minimize total cost. Total cost involves production cost, shipping cost, and fixed cost. The model will also solve for which plant or warehouse to open in order to satisfy customer demand with the lowest cost possible. Printko Ink Company: Considering Global Supply Chain Decisions Using Integer and Binary Variables in Linear Programming: Overview: Printko Ink, a manufacturer of printing inks, is located in Texas, USA. Roy Smith, the CEO of Printko Ink has received some information about a potential demand to his product worldwide. He called Nancy Rogers (the operation manager) and Mark Davidson (the marketing manager) to his office and requested both of them to do marketing research and collect more data regarding his interest of expanding his company globally. 43

Journal of Business Case Studies July/August 2010

Volume 6, Number 4

After researching potential markets for Printko Ink product and studying several distributions locations, Nancy and Mark returned to Roy with some valuable information. They learned that their United States Plant Production capacity cannot meet the anticipated global demand. There is a potential market demand to their product in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Europe and Asia. Their suggested solution is to build one or more plant outside the United States. There are four potential locations in their research that deserve to be examined. Those locations are Germany, Japan, China, and Brazil. The fixed cost to operate these plants, the production capacity in tons per year, and the production cost per ton is listed in table 1.
Table 1: Plant Information Production Fixed cost /year Capacity(tons/year) 100,000 USD 350 60,000 Euro 250 2,000,000 Yen 500 45,000 RMB 600 50,000 Real 300

Country United States Germany Japan China Brazil

Production cost/ton 11,000 USD 7500 Euro 267,000 Yen 6800 RMB 8000 Real

Nancy and Mark also included in their study that there are four locations that can be used as warehouses or distribution channels. They looked into the fixed cost to build and run those warehouses along with their storage capacity and listed their findings in table 2. The four potential warehouses locations are United States, Turkey, China, and India.
Table 2: Warehouse Information Fixed cost /year 50,000 USD 10,000 Lira 15,000 RMB 200,000 Rupees

Country United States Turkey China India

Storage Capacity(tons/year) 400 700 600 500

Nancy and Mark reported the estimated yearly demand for their product and listed their findings in table 3.
Table 3: Customers Demand Country United States Canada Brazil Europe Asia Yearly Demand (tons) 300 250 150 300 500

Nancy and Mark also estimated the transportation cost from each plant to each warehouse and from each warehouse to customers in U.S dollars. Their findings are listed in tables 4, 5 respectively.
Table 4: Transportation Costs in US Dollars per Ton from Plants to Warehouses United States Turkey China 300 1300 1700 1200 300 800 2000 700 500 1700 400 200 700 1300 1500

Unites States Germany Japan China Brazil

India 1500 700 600 300 1900


Journal of Business Case Studies July/August 2010

Volume 6, Number 4
Asia 2000 500 300 400

United States Turkey China India

Table 5: Transportation Costs in US Dollars per Ton from Warehouses to Customers United States Canada Brazil Europe 200 400 600 1300 1300 1400 1500 400 1700 1800 1750 400 1500 1600 1650 500

Finally Nancy and Mark provided the anticipated exchange rate in 2009. The information is listed in table 6.
Table 6: Anticipated Exchange Rate in 2009 Europe Japan China Brazil Euro Yen RMB Real 0.6727 88.98 6.8287 1.7315


Turkey Lira 1.4983

India Rupee 46.511

Printko Ink must decide which plants and warehouses to open, and which routes from plants to warehouses and from warehouses to customers to use. All customer demands must be met. A given customers demand c an be met from more than one warehouse. Roy Smith is asking for your input to help his team to come up with the best production plan that meets all his customers demand. Nancy and Mark are requesting your help to do the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Draw a network diagram for Printko Ink that will help Roy graphically visualize all his options. If exchange rates are expected as in table 6, develop a spreadsheet model using mixed integer linear programming to determine the minimum-cost method for meeting customers demand. Which of the plants and which of the warehouses should they open? Can adding 200 tons of production capacity to the plant in China reduce total cost? Explain your findings. Refer to the original input, can adding 100 tons to Chinas warehouse storage cap acity help reducing total cost? Explain your findings. Given requirement 5 input, if China can produce all your demand (i.e.1500 tons), how does this change affect your decisions?

Teaching Notes (Solution to requirements): Requirement 1: Draw a network diagram for Printko Ink that will help Roy graphically visualize all his options. Requirement 1 solution: Figure 1 presents the network diagram for Printko Ink. Requirement 2: If exchange rates are expected as in table 6, develop a spreadsheet model using mixed integer linear programming to determine the minimum-cost method for meeting customers demand. Requirement 2 solution: Figure 2 illustrates the spreadsheet model input for Printko Ink, figure 3 represents requirement 2 solution, and figure 4 depicts Excel Solver parameters.


Journal of Business Case Studies July/August 2010

Volume 6, Number 4

Figure1: Network diagram for Printko Ink.

Figure 2: Spreadsheet Model Input

Spreadsheet model development: The model should keep track of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. The quantity in tons that should be shipped from opened plants to opened warehouses. The quantity in tons that should be shipped from opened warehouses to customers. Fixed costs in US dollars of operating plants and warehouses if they kept open. The production costs at the opened plants. 46

Journal of Business Case Studies July/August 2010 5. 6. 7.

Volume 6, Number 4

The shipping costs from opened plants to opened warehouses and from opened warehouses to customers. Quantity in tons received by each opened warehouse should be equal to the quantity in tons shipped out of each opened warehouse. No storage should be kept at any warehouse. Total amount shipped to final customers from opened warehouses should meet customer demands.

Figure 3: Requirement 2 Solution

Figure 4: Excel Solver Parameters

According to figure 3 solution, the minimum cost for this plan is $6,315,711. Figure 4 illustrates solver input for the spreadsheet model. The minimum cost plan suggested the following: United States plants should produce 100 tons of ink and ship it to United States warehouse. Japan plant should produce 500 tons and ship it to Turkey warehouse. China plant should produce 600 tons and ship it to China warehouse. 47

Journal of Business Case Studies July/August 2010

Volume 6, Number 4

Brazil Plant should produce 300 tons and ship it to United States warehouse. Out of the 400 tons received at the United States warehouse, 300 tons should be shipped to United States customers and 100 tons to Canada customers. Out of the 500 tons received at Turkey warehouse, 150 tons should be shipped to Canada customers, 150 tons to Brazil customers, and 200 tons to Europe customers. Out of the 600 tons received at China warehouse, 100 tons should be shipped to Europe customers and 500 tons to Asia customers.

Requirement 3: Which of the plants and which of the warehouses should they open? Requirement 3 solution: According to the spreadsheet solution for requrement 2, the plant in Germany and the warehouse in India should not be open. Requirement4: Can adding 200 tons of production capacity to the plant in China reduce the total cost? Explain your findings. Requirement 4 solution: Figure 5 represents the spreadsheet solution for requirement 4.

Figure 5: Requirement 4 Solution

According to the spreadsheet solution, the minimum cost plan is $5,042,843. Therefore, adding 200 tons to production capacity to the plant in china will reduce the cost by $1,272,868. The solution suggested closing the plant in United States and the plant in Germany along with closing the warehouse in India. The minimum cost plan for requirement 4 suggested the following:


Journal of Business Case Studies July/August 2010

Volume 6, Number 4

Japan plant should produce 500 tons and ship it to Turkey warehouse. Out of the 800 tons produced in Chinas plant, 200 tons should be shipped to Turkey warehouse and 600 tons to China warehouse. Brazil Plant should produce 200 tons and ship it to United States warehouse. United States warehouse should ship 200 tons to United States customers. Out of the 700 tons received by Turkey warehouse, 100 tons should be shipped to United States customers, 250 tons to Canada customers, 150 tons to Brazil customers, and 200 tons to Europe customer. Out of the 600 tons received by China warehouse, 100 tons should be shipped to Europe customers and 500 tons to Asia customers.

Requirement 5: Refer to the original input; can an increase of 100 tons to Chinas warehouse storage capacity help reducing total cost? Explain your findings. Requirement 5 solution: Figure 6 represents the solution to requirement 5.

Figure 6: Requirement 5 Solution

According to the spreadsheet solution to requirement 5, the minimum cost plan is $6,295,711. Therefore, increasing Chinas warehouse storage capacity by 100 tons will reduce the cost by $20,000. The solution suggested closing the plant in Germany along with closing the warehouse in India. The minimum cost plan for requirement 5 suggested the following: United States plants should produce 100 tons of ink and ship it to United States warehouse. Out of the 500 tons produced at Japans plant, 400 tons should be shipped to Turkey warehouse and 100 tons to China warehouse. 49

Journal of Business Case Studies July/August 2010

Volume 6, Number 4

China plant should produce 600 tons and ship it to China warehouse. Brazil Plant should produce 300 tons and ship it to United States warehouse. Out of the 400 tons received at the United States warehouse, 300 tons should be shipped to Unites States customers and 100 tons to Canada customers. Out of the 400 tons received at Turkey warehouse, 150 tons should be shipped to Canada customers, 150 tons to Brazil customers, and 100 tons to Europe customers. Out of the 700 tons received at China warehouse, 200 tons should be shipped to Europe customers and 500 tons to Asia customers.

Requirement 6: Given requirement 5 input, if China can produce all your demand (i.e.1500 tons), how does this change affect your decisions? Requirement 6 solution: Figure 7 represents the solution to requirement 6.

Figure 7: Requirement 6 Solution

According to the spreadsheet solution to requirement 6, the minimum cost plan is $3,208,456. If China can produce all the required demand, there is a reduction in the total cost by $3,107,255. The solution suggested closing all the plants except the plant in China along with closing the warehouse in Unites States. The minimum cost plan for requirement 6 suggested the following: Out of the 1500 tons produced in Chinas plant, 700 tons should be shipped to Turkey warehouse, 700 tons to China warehouse, and 100 tons to India warehouse. Out of the 700 tons received by Turkey warehouse, 300 tons should be shipped to the United States customers, 250 tons to Canada customers, and 150 tons to Brazil customers. Out of the 700 tons received by China warehouse, 300 tons should be shipped to Europe customers and 400 tons to Asia customers. India warehouse should ship 100 tons to Asia customers. 50

Journal of Business Case Studies July/August 2010 Learning Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Volume 6, Number 4

To use network diagrams to represent the problem graphically. This graphic presentation will be used to develop the spreadsheet model. To use binary variable (0&1) in order to take care of fixed costs. Fixed cost is not a linear function; therefore the use of binary variables will transform a non linear model into a linear one. To develop a spreadsheet model to minimize total cost without the need to formulate the problem algebraically. To be able to transfer all the cost into U.S dollars using the exchange rates.

AUTHOR INFORMATION Raida Abuizam is an Assistant professor of Operations Management in the Department of Finance, Economics and quantitative Methods at Purdue University Calumet, Hammond Indiana, USA. She can be reached at abuizam@calumet.purdue.edu REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Albright, S. Christian and Wayne L. Winston, Spreadsheet modeling and Applications, Thompson/Brooks Cole, Belmont California, 2005. Albright, S. Christian and Wayne L. Winston, Practical Management Science, Revised third edition, South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, Ohio, 2009. Ragsdale, T. Cliff, Spreadsheet Modeling &Decision Analysis: A practical Introduction to Management Science, Fourth edition, Thomson South-Western, Mason, Ohio, 2004. Stevenson, J. William, Operations Management, Tenth Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York, New York, 2009.


Journal of Business Case Studies July/August 2010 NOTES

Volume 6, Number 4


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