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The Australian Maritime Safety Authority is a largely self-funded government agency with the charter of enhancing efficiency in the delivery of safety and other services to the Australian maritime industry. Mission statement : AMSA is committed to continuous improvement in provision of its safety and environment protection services and maintaining constructive relations with its stakeholders in government, industry and the community. Vision : To be a superior provider of maritime safety, marine environment protection, and maritime and aviation search and rescue.

Division 4Additional functions conferred on Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority and Ministerial directions Part 2Occupational Health and Safety Division 1General duties relating to occupational health and safety Division 2Specific duties relating to occupational health and safety Part 3Workplace Arrangements Division 1Designated work groups Division 2Health and safety representatives Division 3Provisional improvement notices Division 4Health and safety committees Division 5Emergency procedures Part 4Advice and Investigations Division 1The Inspectorate Division 2Advice Division 3Investigations Part 5Miscellaneous

WHAT IS THE LEGISLATION THAT IS IMPLEMENTED IN THE MARITIME INDUSTRY? The legislation that is implemented in the maritime industry is the OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (MARITIME INDUSTRY) ACT 1993. The Act is to promote the occupational health and safety of persons employed in the maritime industry, and for related purposes. The Act has 5 parts and each part, except Part 5, has its own divisions namely: Part 1Preliminary Division 1 - Short title and commencement Division 2 - Objects and definitions Division 3 - Miscellaneous preliminary

The objects of this Act are: (a) to secure the health, safety and welfare at work of maritime industry employees (b) to protect persons at or near workplaces from risks to health and safety arising out of the activities of maritime industry employees at work (c) to ensure that expert advice is available on occupational health and safety matters affecting maritime industry operators, maritime industry employees and maritime industry contractors

(d) to promote an occupational environment for maritime industry employees that is adapted to their health and safety needs (e) to foster a cooperative consultative relationship between maritime industry operators and maritime industry employees on the health, safety and welfare of maritime industry employees at work.

where there is an immediate threat of an accident or dangerous occurrence; or after giving the employer reasonable notice of the inspection; requesting an inspector or the Inspectorate to conduct an investigation at the workplace; Note Where a HSR asks an inspector or the Inspectorate to conduct an investigation at the workplace, the HSR must notify the person in command of the request. An inspector is a person appointed as an inspector or a person performing the duties and exercising the powers of an inspector.

WHAT IS NAVIGATIONAL ACT 1912? An act relating to navigation and shipping


accompanying an inspector during an investigation at the workplace; if there is no HSC on the prescribed ship or prescribed unit, representing the members of the DWG in health and safety consultations with the person in command; and examination of the records of the HSC. A HSR can also: investigate employee health and safety complaints; attend any interview about health and safety at work between an employee and

WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF HSR? A HSR plays a significant part in the promotion of, and cooperation on, OHS in the workplace through their representation of the health and safety interests of employees in their DWG.

WHAT ARE THE POWERS OF HSR? A HSRs powers include: the inspection of the DWGs workplace if: there has been a recent accident or dangerous occurrence; or

an inspector or the operator (or a person representing the operators, such as the person in command), with the consent of the employee; access any information relating to health and safety risks to any employee at any workplace under the operators control, except where:

legal professional privilege for that information is claimed; or the information is confidential medical information, unless the employee has given written authority or the information is in a form that does not identify a person; Note If the operator is reluctant to provide information relating to any health and safety risk to employee, a HSR can contact the Inspectorate for advice. be assisted by a consultant in the exercise of their powers, although the operator is not liable for expenses or remuneration incurred during a consultants activities;
Note A HSR has to obtain the operators agreement in writing to the provision Of assistance by a consultant at a workplace or the giving of information to a consultant.

of a PIN if the notice has not been complied with within the specified period and an investigation has not been requested by the operator; initiate emergency stop work procedures, where there is an immediate threat to the health and safety of employees and the supervisor is unavailable; Note When informed of a threat to health and safety, a supervisor must take appropriate action. This action may include directing an employee or employees to stop work. Where the HSR and the supervisor cannot agree on appropriate action, the HSR must inform the person in command; ask the Inspectorate or an inspector to investigate the matter, if the HSR and person in command cannot agree on appropriate action; Note Upon entering a workplace for the purpose of an investigation, an inspector must take all reasonable steps to notify the HSR for the DWG. appeal to the reviewing authority against an inspectors decision to confirm, vary or cancel a PIN; and ask the Inspectorate, or an inspector, in writing, to institute proceedings for offences against the Act where proceedings have not been commenced within six months of the alleged breach of the Act.

be assisted by a consultant when at an interview between an employee and an inspector or the operator (or a person representing the operator; Note A HSR has to obtain the employees agreement to the presence of a consultant. issue a provisional improvement notice (PIN), where there is a contravention or likely contravention of the Act or Regulations and agreement on appropriate action cannot be reached, first with the supervisor of the workplace and then the person in command; request an inspector or the Inspectorate to investigate a matter that is the subject

IS THERE ANY TRAINING COURSE FOR THE HSR TO UNDERTAKE? Yes, the HSR must undertake a course of training related to OHS that is accredited by the Seacare Authority. According to : Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993 Part 3 - Workplace Arrangements Division 2 - Health and safety representatives Section 47 47 Training of health and safety representatives (1) A health and safety representative for a designated work group must undertake a course of training relating to occupational health and safety that is accredited by the Authority for the purposes of this section. A course may be provided on a prescribed ship or prescribed unit. Note A list of current Seacare Authority accredited HSR training course providers can be accessed from the Seacare website at www.seacare.gov.au/OHS/HSR_training courses. WHAT ARE THE MARINE ORDERS THAT YOU KNOW?

The above Acts set out the broad objectives and, in some cases, the desired outcomes for particular subject matters. They also contain the major offences and impose major penalties. The Marine Orders, in turn, apply the detailed technical requirements. Marine Orders are made up of Parts that relate to a wide variety of particular subjects, including vessel construction and surveys, vessel operations and vessel equipment. Marine Orders provide for the implementation of a number of international conventions to which Australia is a signatory. The international conventions that are referred to in Marine Orders include: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs), International Convention on Load Lines, International Convention for Safe Containers, International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships, International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, International Convention on Salvage and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). 1 ADMINISTRATION 3 SEAGOING QUALIFICATIONS 6MARINE RADIO QUALIFICATIONS 9 HEALTH - MEDICAL FITNESS (Guidelines for the medical examination of seafarers and coastal pilots) 10 MEDICAL FIRST AID ON SHIPS (Guidance Notes on Medical Facilities Aboard Ships) 11 SUBSTANDARD SHIPS 12 CONSTRUCTION - SUBDIVISION AND STABILITY , MACHINERY AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS 14 ACCOMMODATION 15 CONSTRUCTION - FIRE PROTECTION, FIRE DETECTION AND FIRE EXTINCTION 16 LOAD LINES Exemption under S221 of the Navigation Act 1912 17 LIQUEFIED GAS CARRIERS AND CHEMICAL TANKERS 18 MEASURES TO ENHANCE MARITIME SAFETY 19 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT 21 SAFETY OF NAVIGATION AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 25 EQUIPMENT - LIFE SAVING 27 RADIO EQUIPMENT 28 OPERATIONS STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES (Watchkeeping Standards Booklet) 30 PREVENTION OF COLLISIONS 31 SHIP SURVEYS AND CERTIFICATION 32 CARGO HANDLING EQUIPMENT 33 CARGO AND CARGO HANDLING - GRAIN

Marine Orders are a form of government regulation. Marine Orders ensure the laws are kept up to date given the high frequency of technical amendments and the fast pace of technological change and improvements in safety standards. Marine Orders are an efficient means of implementing Australias international maritime obligations by giving effect to international conventions in Australian law

Marine Orders Background

The authority for making Marine Orders is provided in the Navigation Act 1912 (Cwth), the Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983 and the Protection of the Sea (Harmful Anti-fouling Systems) Act 2006 (Cwth). Unlike Acts of Parliament, the Marine Orders are made by the Chief Executive Officer of AMSA.


WHAT ARE THE MARPOL ANNEXES? Annex I Oil Annex II Noxious Substances Annex III Harmful Substances in Packaged Annex IV Garbage Annex V Sewage Annex VI Air Pollution Annex VII Anti-fouling Systems WHAT IS ISM? ISM means INTERNATIONAL SAFETY MANAGEMENT The ISM code sets an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and requires companies to document and implement clear procedures, standards and instructions for safety management ashore and afloat. The purpose of the code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for prevention of pollution The objectives of the code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment.

IS MARINE ORDER A LAW? Yes, marine orders are law.




Suez Canal Tonnage Certificate Panama Canal Certificate Certificate of Financial Responsibility

International Tonnage Certificate (1969) International Load Line Certificate Intact stability booklet Minimum safe manning document Certificates for masters, officers or ratings International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate Oil Record Book Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate Garbage Management Plan Garbage Record Book Document of Compliance Safety Management Certificate International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Certificate Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (NLS Certificate) High-Speed Craft Safety Certificate Noise Survey Report
Certificate of Nationality International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP) International Air Pollution Certificate (IAPP) Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate Anti-Fouling System Certificate Document for Carrying Dangerous Goods International Ship Security Certificate Safety Management Certificate (SMC) Insurance Bunker Pollution Damage

Protection and indemnity insurance

Protection and indemnity insurance, commonly known as P&I, is a form of marine insurance provided by a P&I Club. A P&I Club is a mutual (i.e. co-operative) insurance association that provides cover for its members, who will typically be ship-owners, ship-operators or demise charterers. Unlike a marine insurance company, which is answerable to its shareholders, a P&I Club is the servant only of its members. Both P&I Clubs and conventional marine insurers are governed by the provisions of the Marine Insurance Act 1906. Marine insurers provide cover for known quantifiable risks, mainly Hull & Machinery insurance for shipowners, and Cargo Insurance for cargo owners. By contrast, P&I Clubs provide insurance cover for broader indeterminate risks, such as third party liabilities that marine insurers are loath to cover. Third party risks include a carriers liability to a cargo-owner for damage to cargo, a ships liability after a collision, environmental pollution and war risk insurance; (although some marine insurers are also prepared to cover war risks).

Ship Stresses
Shear force and bending moments

Bending Moment The beam, which we have been considering, would also have a tendency to bend and the bending moment measures this tendency. When a section such as a beam is carrying a load there is a tendency for some parts to be pushed upwards and for other parts to move downwards, this tendency is termed Shearing. The Shear force at a point or station is the vertical force at that point. The shear force at a station may also defined as being the total load on either the left hand side or the right hand side of the station; load being defined as the difference between the down and the upward forces, or for a ship the weight would be the downward force and the buoyancy would be the upward thrust or force. The longitudinal stresses imposed by the weight and buoyancy distribution may give rise to longitudinal shearing stresses. The maximum shearing stress occurs at the neutral axis and a minimum at the deck and keel. Vertical shearing stresses may also occur. Hogging When a beam is loaded or other wise is subjected to external forces such that the beam bends with the ends curving downwards it is termed as hogging stress. Hogging and sagging Its size depends upon the amount of the load as well as how the load is placed together with the method of support. Bending moments are calculated in the same way as ordinary moments that is multiplying force by distance, and so they are expressed in weight length units. As with the calculation of shear force the bending moment at a station is obtained by considering moments either to the left or to the right of the station.

For a ship improper loading as well as in a seaway when riding the crest of a wave the unsupported ends of the ship would have a tendency similar to the beam above. Sagging In this case the beam is loaded or other wise subjected to external forces making the beam bend in such a way that the ends curve upwards, this is termed as sagging. Similar with a ship if improper loaded or when riding the trough of a wave with crests at both ends then the ship is termed to be sagging.

buoyage systems putting an end to the 30 odd systems existing at that time. Region A - IALA A covers all of Europe and most of the rest of the world, whereas region B - IALA B covers only the Americas, Japan, the Philippines and Korea. Fortunately, the differences between these two systems are few. The most striking difference is thedirection of buoyage. All marks within the IALA system are distinguished by: Shape Colour Topmark Light

Light identification
During daytime, the identification of aids to navigation is accomplished by observing: location, shape, colour scheme, auxiliary features (sound signals, RACON, RC, etc) or markings (name, number, etc). During the night, we use the features of the aid to navigation's light to both identify it and ascertain its purpose. There are three features to describe the light:

For Hogging the ship ends to curve downwards would mean that the weight/ load amidships is much less than at the end holds/ tanks. For Sagging the ship would have been loaded in such a manner that a greater percentage of the load is around the midship area.

Aids to navigation
Aids to navigation are special structures like lighthouses, lightships, beacons, buoys, etc that are used to enhance safety by providing more opportunities to obtain LOPs. These lights and marks are prescribed across the world by the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA). In 1977 this IALA endorsed two maritime

Colour: Either white, red, green or yellow. If no colour is stated in the chart, default is white. Period: The time in seconds needed for one complete cycle of changes. The arrow indicates the 10 second period of this flashing light Fl(3) 10s. Phase characteristic: The particular pattern of changes within one complete cycle (hence, within one period). Below are the most common types:


This light shines with an

unblinking and steady intensity and is always on. In this example a yellow fixed light is shown. Flashing Fl: The duration of the light is always less than the duration of the darkness. The frequency does not exceed 30 times per minute. Quick Flashing Q: Again, the duration of quick flash is less than the darkness. The frequency is at least 60 times per minute. Very Quick Flashing VQ: Also here, the duration of very quick flash is less than the darkness. The frequency is at least 100 times per minute. Interrupted Quick Flashing IQ: Like Quick Flashing with one moment of darkness in one period. Isophase Iso: This Light has equal duration between light and darkness. A period consists of both a light and a dark interval. Also called Equal Interval (E Int). Group Flashing Gp Fl(x+x): This is actually a combination of two patterns in one period. In this example the first 2 flashes followed by the pattern of 3 flashes result in: Gp Fl(2+3). Occulting Occ: Occulting is the opposite of flashing, the light is more on then off. Alternating AL: An alternating light changes colour. This special purpose light is typically used for special applications requiring the exercise of great caution. In this example ALT.WG is shown, alternating between green and white. Morse U Mo (U): This light shows two flashes

and a longflash, which is equivalent to the letter U in Morse code. Long-Flashing LFl: This light has one long flash in a period. A long flash is at least 2 seconds long.

Let's look at some examples using colour, period and phase characteristics. The arrows mark the periods:

Fl (4) 8s Oc (2+3) 10s Iso G 4s All lighted aids to navigation are either major or minor lights, where major lights are used for key navigational points along sea-coasts, channels and harbour and river entrances. These lights are normally placed in lightships, lighthouses and other permanently installed structures, providing both high intensity and high reliability of the lights. Major lights are then subdivided inprimary lights (very strong, long range lights used for the purpose of making landfalls or coastal passages) and secondary lights (shorter range lights found for example at harbour and river entrances). Important details of (especially) primary lights can be found in a reference called the Light List where information (about pedestals etc.) can be found which is not included in the chart. Minor lights on the other hand are likely to be found within harbours, along channels and rivers. These have a low to moderate intensity and sometimes mark isolated dangers.

Six types of navigation buoys:

Lateral Cardinal Isolated danger Safe water New wreck


Lateral buoys and marks

The location of lateral buoys defines the borders of channels and indicates the direction. Under IALA A red buoys mark the port side of the channel when returning from sea, whereas under IALA B green buoys mark the port side of the channel when sailing towards land. Red buoys have even numbers and red lights; green buoys have odd numbers and green lights. Lateral lights can have any calm phase characteristic except FL (2+1). The buoy depicted on the left indicates the preferred channel to port under IALA A. These buoys are marked with the names and numbers of both channels. The light phase characteristic is G FL (2+1): For an example of lateral buoys used to mark a (preferred) channel, see direction of buoyage below.

Cardinal buoys
The four cardinal buoys indicate the safe side of a danger with an approximate bearing. For example, the West cardinal buoy has safe water on its West and the danger on its East side. Notice the clockwise resemblance of the light phase characteristics. The top marks consist of two black triangles placed in accordance with the black/yellow scheme of the buoy. When a new obstacle (not yet shown on charts) needs to be marked, two cardinal buoys - for instance a South buoy and an East buoy - will be used to indicate this uncharted danger. The cardinal system is identical in both the IALA A and IALA B buoyage systems.

Generally, when two channels meet, one will be designated the preferred channel (i.e. most important channel). The buoy depicted on the right indicates the preferred channel to starboard under IALA A. The light phase characteristic is R FL (2+1):

Marks indicating safe water

Notice that whereas most horizontal striping spells danger, this safe water buoy is vertically striped. These marks are for example seaward of all other buoys (lateral and cardinal) and can be used to make landfall. Body: red and white vertical stripes; Topmark (if any): single red sphere. Lights are typically calm and white: Morse A, Iso, Occ or LFl 10s.

Marks for new wrecks

After the sinking of the Tricolor in the Pas de Calais (Dover Straits) in 2002, several other vessels hit the wreck despite standard radio warnings, three guard ships and a lighted buoy. This incident spawned a new type of buoy, the emergency wreck marking buoy, which is placed as close as possible to a new dangerous wreck.

Marks indicating isolated dangers

The emergency wreck marking buoy will remain in position until: a) the wreck is well known and has been promulgated in nautical publications; b) the wreck has been fully surveyed and exact details such as position and least depth above the wreck are known; and c) a permanent form of marking of the wreck has been carried out. The buoy has the following characteristics:

This type of buoy indicates the position of an isolated danger, contrary to cardinal buoys which indicate a direction away from the danger. Body: black with red horizontal band(s); Topmark: 2 black spheres. The light (when present) consists of a white flash: Fl(2).

A pillar or spar buoy, with size dependant on location. Coloured in equal number and dimensions of blue and yellow vertical stripes (minimum of 4 stripes and maximum of 8 stripes). Fitted with an alternating blue and yellow flashing light with a nominal range of 4 nautical miles where the blue and yellow 1 second flashes are alternated with an interval of 0.5 seconds. B1.0s + 0.5s + Y1.0s + 0.5s = 3.0s If multiple buoys are deployed then the lights will be synchronized. A racon Morse Code D and/or AIS transponder can be used. The top mark, if fitted, is a standing/upright yellow cross . It is important to realize - especially for the colour-blind that this new buoy breaches the useful and crucial convention: vertical stripes equal safety, horizontal stripes equal danger.

Types of Navigational Equipment and Resources Used Onboard Modern Ships

1. Gyro Compass: It is used for finding the right direction. Unlike magnetic compass, gyro compass is not hampered by external magnetic field. It is used to find correct North Position, which is also the earths rotational axis. Its repeater system must be present in the steering platform for emergency steering. 2. Radar: It is used to determine the distance of the ship from land, other ships, or any floating object out at sea. 3. Magnetic Compass: The magnetic compass work in conjunction with the magnetic field of the earth. It is used to get planned direction for the voyage. 4. Auto Pilot: It is a combination of hydraulic, mechanical, and electrical system and is used to control the ships steering system from a remote location (Navigation bridge). 5. ARPA: Automatic Radar Plotting Aid displays the position of a ship and other vessels nearby. The radar displays the position of the ships in the vicinity and selects the course for the vessel by avoiding any kind of collision. 6. Automatic Tracking Aid: Just like ARPA, automatic tracking aid displays the information on tracked targets in graphic and numeric to generate a planned layout for a safer and collision free course. 7. Speed & Distance Log Device: The device is used to measure the speed and the distance traveled by a ship from a set point. By calculating the same, ETA of the ship is adjusted or given to the port authority and agent. 8. Echo Sounder: This instrument is used to measure the depth of the water below the ships bottom using sound waves.

Special buoys and marks

I have saved these buoys for last since they lack an actual navigational goal. Most of the time these yellow buoys indicate pipelines or areas used for special purposes. I have drawn the five official IALA shapes, from left to right: conical, spar, cylindrical, pillar and spherical.

9. Electronic Chart Display Information System: 10. Automatic Identification system: 11. LRIT: 12. Rudder Angle Indicator: Rudder angle indicator, as the name indicates, provide the angle of the rudder. The display is provided on bridge to control the rate of turn and rudder angle of the ship. 13. Voyage Data Recorder: 14. Rate of turn indicator: It indicates how fast the ship is turning at steady rate, normally shown as number of degree turned. 15. GPS Receiver: A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver is a display system used to show the ships location with the help of Global positioning satellite in the earths orbit. 16. Sound Reception System: This system is required for a ship with fully enclosed type bridge. It enables the navigating officer inside the cabin to listen to the sound signals and fog horn from other ships. 17. Navigational Lights:. 18. Ship Whistle: A ships horn is known as whistle and it is generally provided in duplicate. One is driven by air and the other is electrically operated. 19. Daylight Signaling Lamp: They are light signaling devices used for emergency signaling in the day time. 20. Pilot Card: It is an informative booklet provided to the ships pilot. It consists of the dimension, draught, turning circle, maneuvering, propulsion equipment etc. of the vessel for safe maneuvering.

21. Voyage Plan: A voyage Plan must be present onboard for referring past voyage plans or planning a future voyage. 22. Forecastle Bell: It is used to mark the presence of the ship in fog or bad weather and sound the alarm in case of any emergency. 23. Maneuvering Booklet: In this booklet the performance of the propulsion plant and the ship during maneuvering in different weathers and situations is recorded for quick reference. 24. Black Ball Shape: It is a day time signaling shape used to determine the characteristics of vessel with different arrangement of ball shapes. For e.g. a vessel at anchor will show a blackball at foremost end of the forecastle. 25. Record of Navigation Activities: All the navigational activities must be recorded and kept on board for ready reference. This is a mandatory and the most important log book. 26. Record of Maintenance of Navigational Equipment: Hard copy of the record must be present onboard ships for ready reference of port and regulatory authorities and must be signed by master and duty officers of the ship. 27. Wheelhouse Posters: Present in the Navigation bridge, it displays a detailed information of maneuvering characteristics of the ship. 28. Transmitting Heading Devise: They are used to display the information of the vessels true heading. 29. GMDSS 30. Ship Flags: Various types of ship flags with different colors and signs are used to indicate a ships position. Signal flags are they are commonly known, have been used since the ancient times and are still used on all vessels.

A safe and executable Voyage Plan is the aim of every deck officers, to safely navigate the ship from one port to another. I have discussed from my previous post How to make a Voyage Plan, the basic things that you need on making your Voyage Plan. I will be discussing today at Pinoy Maritime, a more specific aim of making a Voyage Plan. A Voyage Plan or Passage Plan is intended to make the Bridge Management Team to be well informed about the intended voyage of the vessel, including its contingency plans in the event of an emergency. The Voyage Plan is from berth to berth and must be updated in case there are any changes made from the original plan. The Captain is the overall responsible for the proper, safe approval of the plan and may delegate a responsible officer who will create it. As we all know, Voyage Planning is normally delegated to the Navigating Officer of the ship. A Voyage Plan contains the following: Appraisal - is confirming that youre intended Voyage Plan is safe. This can be achieved through consultation of relevant publication that will be used in your Voyage Plan. It includes: Information Gathering Maneuvering characteristics of your ship and its limitations (e.g. draft, air draft) The voyage charts and publications that will be used must be the latest and updated Voyage charts to be used must be the largest scale available The use of tide tables, tide atlases, and current tables Traffic routing schemes and reporting system must be included and be followed diligently Weather information must be considered Port guides and procedures is also included Planning - In the planning stage, the actual voyage plan is executed. The charts must be neatly and well prepared giving due regard to safety and contingencies in the event of an emergency. It includes: Plotting the courses in the chart (True Course) Safe passing distance off land, dangerous areas, giving due regard to safe speed Alteration point or wheel over position Methods of fixing position and the position frequency Parallel index line must be marked in the chart Contingency plans, contingency anchorage, etc., as necessary

Execution - is the actual implementation of the planned voyage of the ship as per voyage plan. It involves: The accurate prediction of high and low tides, their flows, including the time Weather or Meteorological information must be obtained Calculation of ETA The traffic density at certain locations of the Voyage Plan should be considered. Monitoring - in this stage the vessels progress is constantly checked and if there are any necessary changes to the planned route, it must be changed prior to arrival at port and be documented regarding the reason for the change of route. The Bridge Management Team must be well informed about it. It also includes: Latest weather or meteorological information Cross checking of fixing positions and methods Regular checking of navigational equipments during your four hour watch. ETA update Mandatory reporting procedures must be followed diligently Information given by AIS must be confirmed to be correct and updated. All of this are to be included in your Voyage plan form and to be signed by the Bridge Management Team.

Bridge Resource Management

Bridge Team (or resource) Management (called BRM in the industry) is a process to use all of your available resources during critical operations. It came from the airline industry which found an alarming number of accidents happened despite prior warning from the equipment or crew. mostly by captains with military backgrounds and a I can do this attitude who did not fully use critical information from either the equipment or junior personnel.Boiled down its a class all officers must take in both teamwork and processing the large amounts of data (lookout reports, radar, radio comms, gps charting, weather information.) that pours into the bridge.

Heres a more official answer:The Bridge Team Management course introduces the concept of a navigation team to ship masters and watch officers and frames their decision making process toward establishing watch conditions during the course of the voyage. Bridge Team Management techniques will emphasize decision making based upon conditions related to workload and potential threat to the vessel. The intent of the program is to define the individual task and responsibilities of the various team members while developing a situational awareness to prevent individual errors. Bridge Teamwork Procedures

Bridge Team work brings about proper bridge procedures, and promotes the use of checklists appropriate to each ship taking into account national and international guidance. As the name suggests it is teamwork and barring open sea passage with negligible traffic, the sole responsibility of watch keeping from the Bridge is avoided. The resources available by way of equipment should be capable of being used by the human resources available. Be it lookout, fixing positions, conning or communication. Masters and officers in charge of the navigational watch on each ship should be guided concerning the need for continuously reassessing how bridge-watch resources are being allocated and used, based on bridge resource management principles such as the following: .1 a sufficient number of qualified individuals should be on watch to ensure all duties can be performed effectively; .2 all members of the navigational watch should be appropriately qualified and fit to perform their duties efficiently and effectively or the officer in charge of the navigational watch should take into account any limitation in qualifications or fitness of the individuals available when making navigational and operational decisions; .3 duties should be clearly and unambiguously assigned to specific individuals, who should confirm that they understand their responsibilities;

.4 tasks should be performed according to a clear order of priority; .5 no member of the navigational watch should be assigned more duties or more difficult tasks than can be performed effectively; .6 individuals should be assigned at all times to locations at which they can most efficiently and effectively perform their duties, and individuals should be reassigned to other locations as circumstances may require; .7 members of the navigational watch should not be assigned to different duties, tasks or locations until the officer in charge of the navigational watch is certain that the adjustment can be accomplished efficiently and effectively; .8 instruments and equipment considered necessary for effective performance of duties should be readily available to appropriate members of the navigational watch; .9 communications among members of the navigational watch should be clear, immediate, reliable, and relevant to the business at hand; .10 non-essential activity and distractions should be avoided, suppressed or removed; .11 all bridge equipment should be operating properly and if not, the officer in charge of the navigational watch should take into account any malfunction which may exist in making operational decisions; .12 all essential information should be collected, processed and interpreted, and made conveniently available to those who require it for the performance of their duties; .13 non-essential materials should not be placed on the bridge or any work surface; and .14 members of the navigational watch should at all times be prepared to respond efficiently and effectively to changes in circumstances.

Night order book

The master of every ship is bound to ensure that watch keeping arrangements are adequate for maintaining a safe navigational watch. Under the master's general direction; the officers of the navigational watch are responsible for navigating the ship safely during their periods of duty, when they will be particularly concerned with avoiding collision and stranding. There are reasons for having proper standing orders. Onboard all inspected vessels and per ISM polices and government-issued CFRs, the master is required to have standing orders made up, signed off by officers and crew, and posted. These standing orders are to be followed in conjunction with companies QMS manual and incorporating the principles outlined in bridge procedure guide. There will be circumstances when Master will be required on the bridge, either because of passage planning requirements, Master's instructions as per night or standing orders under developing circumstances or the OOW thinks that Master's presence is essential. The roles of the team members in such circumstances need to be clearly defined. In most cases, these will be as per company policy. These may also vary with the individual Master, practice on the vessel and the circumstances.

Weather Routeing
Principle of Weather Routeing Introduction Ship weather routing helps to develop the most efficient track for ocean voyages based on forecasts of: Weather, Sea conditions, and The ships individual characteristics for a particular transit. Within specified limits of weather and sea conditions, the most efficient is used to mean: Maximum safety and Crew comfort, Minimum fuel consumption, Minimum time underway, or Any of one of the above or a mixture of the above factors. The mariners first resources for route planning in relation to weather are the routeing charts and the sailing directions. These publications give climatic data, such as wave height frequencies and ice limits, for the

major ocean seas of the world. They recommend specific routes based on probabilities, but not on specific conditions. A ship routing agency, acting in an advisory service, attempts to avoid or reduce the effects of specific adverse weather and sea conditions by issuing: Initial route recommendations prior to sailing Recommendations for track changes while underway (diversions), and Weather advisories to alert the master about approaching unfavorable weather and sea conditions which cannot be effectively avoided by a diversion. The initial route recommendation is based on a survey of weather and sea forecasts between the point of departure and the destination. It takes into account the hull type, speed capability, cargo, and loading conditions. The ships progress is continually monitored, and, if adverse weather and sea conditions are forecast along the ships current track, a recommendation for a diversion or weather advisory is transmitted to the ship. By this process of initial route selection and continued monitoring of the ships progress for possible changes in the forecast weather and sea conditions along a route, it is possible to maximize the ships speed and safety. The greatest potential advantage for this ship weather routing exists when: (1)The passage is relatively long, about 1,500 miles or more; (2)The waters are navigationally unrestricted, so that there is a choice of routes; and (3)Weather is a factor in determining the route to be followed. Use of this advisory service in no way relieves the master of responsibility for prudent seamanship and safe navigation. There is no intent by the routing agency to inhibit the exercise of professional judgment and prerogatives of masters.

What are the main differences between a flag State and a port State inspection? The MLC, 2006, requires States to carry out effective inspections on all ships flying their flag to ensure compliance with its requirements. They must also issue a certificate to those ships confirming compliance if they are 500 gross tonnage or above and are engaged in

international voyages, or if they request certification. A declaration of maritime labour compliance, which must be attached to the certificate, will indicate how the shipowner plans to ensure compliance in-between inspections. The guidelines are expected to address such matters as the precise requirements to be checked for compliance, what kind of evidence will be needed by the inspector to certify compliance in the different areas to be inspected, and what kind of action should be considered in the case of non-compliance. What about port State inspections? Port-State inspections are carried out on foreign ships visiting a port of the country concerned. These inspections are designed not only to reinforce or complement the flag-State inspections but also to protect shipowners that are committed to providing their seafarers with decent working and living conditions conforming to the standards of the MLC, 2006. They help to provide those shipowners with protection against unfair competition from substandard ships that may use the flags of countries that either have not ratified the MLC, 2006, or at least appear to have lower standards of implementation and enforcement of MLC requirements. The MLC, 2006 allows such inspections to be carried out on all foreign ships visiting its ports, even ships from countries that have not ratified the MLC, 2006. However, if a ship flies the flag of a country that has ratified the Convention and produces proper certification issued by the flag State, the port State must accept these documents as evidence of compliance, except in specified circumstances such as where an inspector has clear grounds for believing that a ship is noncompliant or receives a complaint by a seafarer. So, is it fair to say that a flag State and a port State inspection will look at the same issues but from a different angle? Yes. For this reason, the guidelines to be developed concerning portState inspection are expected to cover some of the same matters as the flag-State guidelines, but from a port-State point of view. They should also deal with such matters as the port-State inspectors treatment of the flag-State certifications of compliance (including when there might

be clear grounds for believing that a ship is non-compliant despite the flag-State certification). Similar considerations will apply when an inspector (whether from the flag State or a port State) is deciding upon the kind of action to be taken in the case of non-compliance. However, while a flag State inspection will cover all the requirements of the Convention relating to working and living conditions of seafarers, a port State inspection will, in principle, be limited to 14 areas of those conditions which are specified in the Convention, unless a complaint is received alleging non-compliance by the ship in other areas.
Classification Societies today The purpose of a Classification Society is to provide classification and statutory services and assistance to the maritime industry and regulatory bodies as regards maritime safety and pollution prevention, based on the accumulation of maritime knowledge and technology. The objective of ship classification is to verify the structural strength and integrity of essential parts of the ships hull and its appendages, and the reliability and function of the propulsion and steering systems, power generation and those other features and auxiliary systems which have been built into the ship in order to maintain essential services on board. Classification Societies aim to achieve this objective through the development and application of their own Rules and by verifying compliance with international and/or national statutory regulations on behalf of flag Administrations.

International Ship and Port Facility Security

Introduction The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code sets new standards for security for ships at sea as well as port facilities around the world. It aims to make shipping activities more secure against threats of terrorism, piracy and smuggling. Security at sea has been a concern to governments, shipping lines, port authorities and importers and exporters for years. The terrorist attacks

of September 11, 2001, however, provided the catalyst for formalizing tough new security measures. ISPS Code Overview The Code aims, among other things, to establish an international framework for co-operation between Contracting Governments, government agencies, local administrations and the shipping and port industries to detect security threats and take preventive measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade and to establish relevant roles and responsibilities at the national and international level. ISPS provisions relating to port facilities relate solely to the ship/port interface. Also, ISPS provisions do not extend to the actual response to attacks or to any necessary clear-up activities after such an attack. In addition, for each ship and port authority affected, the ISPS Code requires:

Stability and Subdivision

Intact stability
Intact Stability Code IMO has long developed intact stability criteria for various types of ships, culminating in the completion of the Code on Intact Stability for All Types of Ships Covered by IMO Instruments (IS Code) in 1993 (resolution A.749(18)) and later amendments thereto (resolution MSC.75(69)). The IS Code included fundamental principles such as general precautions against capsizing (criteria regarding metacentric height (GM) and righting lever (GZ)); weather criterion (severe wind and rolling criterion); effect of free surfaces and icing; and watertight integrity. The IS Code also addressed related operational aspects like information for the master, including stability and operating booklets and operational procedures in heavy weather. In 2008, the Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-fifth session, adopted the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code), following extensive considerations by the SLF Sub-Committee and taking into account technical developments, to update the 1993 Intact Stability Code. MSC 85 also adopted amendments to the SOLAS Convention and to the 1988 Load Lines Protocol to make the 2008 IS Code mandatory, which entered into force on 1 July 2010. The 2008 IS Code provides, in a single document, both mandatory requirements and recommended provisions relating to intact stability that will significantly influence the design and the overall safety of ships.

The implementation of a Ship Security Plan (SSP), The implementation of a Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP), The appointment of a Ship Security Officer (SSO), The appointment of a Company Security Officer (CSO), The appointment of a Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO), The installation of ship alarms, and The installation of shipboard Automatic Identification Systems (AIS).

Fresh Water Allowance (FWA) vs Dock Water Allowance (DWA)

Fresh Water Allowance (FWA) is the amount by which a ship's mean draft changes when she moves from the sea standard salt water (SW @ 1.025 t/m3) to fresh water (FW @ 1.000 t/m3). FWA (in mm) = Displacement / (4 x TPC) FWA (in cm) = Displacement / (40 x TPC)

For box-shaped vessel FWA remains same at all drafts (as TPC remains constant), otherwise FWA increases with the draft (as TPC increases with the draft).

Dock Water Allowance (DWA) is the amount by which a ship's mean draft changes when she moves from the sea standard salt water (SW @ 1.025 t/m3) to dock water (DW @ various t/m3). The formula that may be used is: DWA = FWA * (1.025 density of DW) / 0.025

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