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Introduction To The Aro Lineage

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Introduction to the Aro Lineage The Aro gTr is a stream of Vajrayana Buddhism in which ordination is congruous with romance,

marriage, and family life. It focuses on the teaching and practice of the Inner Tantras from the point of view D ogchen an essential non!dual teaching. The Aro gTr tradition is possi"ly uni#ue in its applica"ility to $estern people. Due to the predominance of the D ogchen perspective, the Aro gTr emphasi es% assimilation with everyday wor&ing life' appreciative se(ual e#uality' the spiritual dimension of romantic relationship' artistic creativity' and the pursuit of life enhancing engagement with the Arts and challenging physical s&ill ) such as e#uestrianism. *tudents practice within the conte(t of their ordinary lives% marrying, raising families, and engaging in the activities of life which are common to the general population. +ractitioners in the Aro tradition reside in ,reat Britain, -orth America, Austria, ,ermany, *wit erland, *weden, and .inland. Lineage The Aro gTr is a cycle of teachings revealed "y the female visionary, Aro /ingma 01223 ) 14567 and is "ased entirely in the three Inner Tantras of -yingma Vajrayana. The -yingma Tradition traces its origins to the first spread of Buddhism in Ti"et, to the time of the Tantric Buddhas% +admasam"hava and 8esh Tsogyel. Lamas -ga&9chang :inpoche and ;handro Dchen are the current /ineage <olders of the Aro gTr and teach as a couple. They ma&e it a priority in their teaching activities to facilitate their students in viewing their relationships and family lives as &ey spiritual practice. As representatives of a lineage founded "y a woman, they are &een to help women "ecome spiritual practitioners and teachers ) and therefore children are always welcome on retreats. They have encouraged the founding of three other sanghas through their disciples -gala :ig9d in Dorje and Tsalgy=r $angmo, -gala -or9d in +amo and -gala 9>!D in Tridral, and -ga&ma *hardr>l Du!nyam $angmo. -gala :ig9d in Dorje and Tsalgy=r $angmo teach and guide their sangha in ?ontinental @urope and *candinavia' -gala -or9d in and -gala 9>!D in teach and guide their sangha in Britain' and -ga&ma *hardr>l teaches and guides her sangha in the A*A. -ga&9chang :inpoche and ;handro

Dchen9s sangha are found in Britain and the A*A. They teach twice a year in the A*A, in -ew 8or& and ?alifornia. Buddha The Aro gTr /ineage has "een passed down through a line of enlightened women originating with 8esh Tsogyel and continuing to the great gTrt>n ;hyungchen Aro /ingma 01223 ) 14567. -ga&9chang :inpoche is the incarnation of Aro 8esh the son of ;hyungchen Aro /ingma. Dharma Aro gTr practice is entirely Inner Tantra ) from the perspective of D ogchen. This means that yogic song, silent sitting, mantra recitation, and s;u!m-y 0physical yogic e(ercises7 play a central part in practitioners lives. This is a colorful, energetic lineage where craft, thang&a painting, nam&ha 0s&y!weaving7, cham 0Tantric dance7, Tantric orchestra, and appreciation of sensory e(perience are cele"rated. In comparison to other Traditions, the Aro gTr is non!monastic and therefore far less emphasis is placed on practices such as liturgical recitation, sadhana 0rituals and detailed visuali ation7 and cho!pa 0ritual offering practices7. /amas of this tradition teach according to the ethos of D ogchen "oth formally and through the simple spontaneity of informal situations. The Ti"etan word /ama means not only the e(ternal teacher, "ut also the internal teacher ) which is our "eginninglessly enlightened nature. The role of the /ama is to mirror the student. This mirroring is a means of reflecting the students innate reali ation ) and his or her own pattern of confusion. The /amas therefore encourage apprentices to regard their whole lives as practice ) "oth practically and inspirationally. Sangha apprenticeship and ordination The Apprenticeship +rogramme developed "y -ga&9chang :inpoche and ;handro Dchen is an effective method of wor&ing with students who are seriously interested in the practices of the Aro gTr. Apprenticeship offers a personal relationship with the /amas, direct access to teachings, apprentice retreats, and participation in a warm friendly sangha environment. Apprentices practise under the direction of their /amas. ,uidance and transmission are given through% dynamic personal instruction' group #uestion and answer sessions' shared meditation' yogic

song' and, "y "eing amongst their apprentices. Apprentices who have studied and practiced with the Aro /amas for five years have the opportunity to ta&e nga&paBnga&ma or naljorpaBnaljorma ordination. Both ordinations are for those who have realistically come to regard the /amas as their root teachers 0Tsa!wa9i /amas7. Crdination is for those who regard the tradition, lineage, and practice as the most important part of their lives. The Aro gTr lineage follows the Vajrayana g>!&ar chang!lo style of practice which emphasi es transformation. Its practitioners are &nown "y their white s&irts and uncut hair. The Vajrayana path of transformation is well suited to people who are inspired to practice using their everyday life circumstances as the path to reali ation. At the encouragement of ;ya"j D=djom :inpoche, -ga&9chang :inpoche and ;handro Dchen have esta"lished an ordained g>! &ar chang!lo sangha in the $est. *i(ty students have ta&en this step 0as of 5DD37, and others are wor&ing toward it. There are now three strong g>!&ar chang!lo sanghas in the $est and it is esta"lished that this lineage of ordination will continue to grow under the guidance of their /amas. A comprehensive introduction to the Aro /ineage can also "e found on our sister site% www.aro"uddhism.org

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