What is mythology?
Mythology is the study and interpretation of sacred tales or fable cultures known as myths. Stories based on human condition, spiritualism, human origins, afterlife, gods, life and death. Also it expresses their believes and values of these subject on certain cultures. Myths can tell stories about ancestors or human origin and the world. When the subject is about Gods is mostly beings with unknown power. Including the origins of the environment or nature such as natural events like thunder, lightning storms, earthquakes, eclipse, sunrise, sunset, full moon, many more. Therere different types of mythology such as Ancient Greece, Norse, Egypt, Phoenicia, China and even Japan have one of their own. The most popular among them is Greek Mythology, one of the classics as well. Including Biblical Stories describing the creation of earth, human existence, the Great Flood story and the figure of the Dying and Reviving God. Inside the mythology we have famous figures like Sumeria in the Epic of Gilgamesh, to Egyptian myth of Osiris, Greek stories of Dioysus, the
Mythology always tries to answer the most difficult and most basic questions of human existence, for example; Who made the world? How will it end? Who was the first man? Where does souls go after death?. Having the ancients stories as an importance, not always truthful about its details, mentioning the impossible. For example; having power and being able to
return from the dead is one of them, most people believe powers does exist only if the human can use the hundred percent capacity of their brain because regularly human can only use ten percent of it, coming from the ten percent of brain myth and twenty percent of the bodys energy. Meanwhile, being able to return from the dead is a strong believe many have, thanks to the story about a famous mythological figure, also a dangerous topic to discuss because some may actually feel offended, if you mention its just a myth, others may take drastic measures to defend that ideology. The same goes for other mythology but mostly dont take it seriously as the most known one. You may ask, why is it different? With Greek mythology, there is no single original text like the Christian Bible or the Hindu Vedas that introduces all of the myths characters and stories.
Phoenician Baal, Hindu Krishna, Norse Odin and Loki, down to the most famous, Jesus Christ.
Because those who study it, finds it important to unscramble mysteries and pieces about life, some to confirm the truth behind myths to put it at ease or to find answers to explain the impossible, if found it turns to learning how it was possible, but thats a whole other story. The most popular mythology studied until date is Ancient Greece.
Mythological Studies
Mythological studies are as the name mentions it, studies about myths or old text and ancient books? Why it is studied? You may ask;
God is a male, without seeing him, while others believe of the possibility to be a female, and others believe are both in other mythology such as Greek, Norse and more. Click Here To Learn More About the Gods Mentioned Above.
Sources of Information: greek-mythology http://www.noforbiddenquestions. com/2011/02/what-is-a-god-anyway/ words-language/difference-between-mythand-mythology/