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August 2010 Master of Computer Application (MCA) Semester 2 MC0066 OOPS using C++ 4 Credits Assignment Set 1

1. Describe the steps in compiling and executing a C++ program with programmatic illustration. Ans. There are three steps in executing a c++ program: Compiling, Linking and Running the program. The c++ programs have to be typed in a compiler. All the programs discussed in the book will be compiled on turbo c++ compiler. The turbo c++ compiler comes with an editor to type and edit c++ program. After typing the program the file is saved with an extension .cpp. This is known as source code. The source code has to be converted to an object code which is understandable by the machine. This process is known as compiling the program. You can compile your program by selecting compile from compile menu or press Alt+f9. After compiling a file with the same name as source code file but with extension .obj. is created. Second step is linking the program which creates an executable file .exe (filename same as source code) after linking the object code and the library files (cs.lib) required for the program. In a simple program, linking process may involve one object file and one library file. However in a project, there may be several smaller programs. The object codes of these programs and the library files are linked to create a single executable file. Third and the last step is running the executable file where the statements in the program will be executed one by one. When you execute the program, the compiler displays the output of the program and comes back to the program editor. To view the output and wait for user to press any key to return to the editor, type getch() as the last statement in the program. Getch() is an inbuilt predefined library function which inputs a character from the user through standard input. However you should include another header file named conio.h to use this function. Conio.h contains the necessary declarations for using this function. The include statement will be similar to iostream.h. Compiling and Linking During compilation, if there are any errors that will be listing by the compiler. The errors may be any one of the following 1. Syntax error This error occurs due to mistake in writing the syntax of a c++ statement or wrong use of reserved words, improper variable names, using variables without declaration etc. Examples are : missing semi colon or paranthesis, type integer for int datatype etc. Appropriate error message and

the statement number will be displayed. You can see the statement and make correction to the program file, save and recompile it. 2. Logical error This error occurs due to the flaw in the logic. This will not be identified by the compiler. However it can be traced using the debug tool in the editor. First identify the variable which you suspect creating the error and add them to watch list by selecting Debug ->Watches->Add watch. Write the variable name in the watch expression. After adding all the variables required to the watch list, go to the statement from where you want to observe. If you are not sure, you can go to the first statement of the program. Then select Debug ->Toggle Breakpoint (or press ctrl + f8). A red line will appear on the statement. Then Run the program by selecting Ctrl + f9 or Run option from run menu. The execution will halt at the statement where you had added the breakpoint. The watch variables and their values at that point of time will be displayed in the bottom in the watch window. Press F8 to execute the next statement till you reach the end of the program. In this way you can watch closely the values in the watch variables after execution of each and every statement in the program. If you want to exit before execution of the last statement press Ctrl + Break. To remove the breakpoint in the program go to the statement where you have added breakpoint select Debug >Toggle Breakpoint (or press ctrl + f8). Select Debug -> watch ->remove watches to remove the variables in the watch list. This tool helps in knowing the values taken by the variable at each and every step. You can compare the expected value with the actual value to identify the error. 3. Linker error This error occur when the files during linking are missing or mispelt 4. Runtime error This error occurs if the programs encounters division by zero, accessing a null pointer etc during execution of the program 2. Describe the theory with programming examples the selection control statements in C++. Ans. If statement Syntax : if (expression or condition) { statement 1; statement 2; } else { statement 3; statement 4; } The expression or condition is any expression built using relational operators which either yields true or false condition. If no relational operators are used for comparison, then the expression

will be evaluated and zero is taken as false and non zero value is taken as true. If the condition is true, statement1 and statement2 is executed otherwise statement 3 and statement 4 is executed. Else part in the if statement is optional. If there is no else part, then the next statement after the if statement is exceuted, if the condition is false. If there is only one statement to be executed in the if part or in the else part, braces can be omitted. Following example program implements the if statement. // evenodd.cpp # include <iostream.h> # include <conio.h> void main() { int num; cout<<Please enter a number<<endl; cin>>num; if ((num%2) == 0) cout<<num << is a even number; else cout<<num << is a odd number; getch(); } The above program accepts a number from the user and divides it by 2 and if the remainder (remainder is obtained by modulus operator) is zero, it displays the number is even, otherwise as odd. We make use of the relational operator == to compare whether remainder is equal to zero or not. Nested If statement If statement can be nested in another if statement to check multiple conditions. If (condition1) { if (condition 2) { statement1; Statement2; } else if (condition3) {statement3; } } else statement4; The flowchart of the above example is shown below

Multiple conditions can be checked using logical && operator(AND) and || operator (OR). If ((condition1) && (condition2)) statement1; else statement2; In the above example statement1 will be executed if both the condition1 and condition2 are true and in all other cases statement2 will be executed. If ((condition1 || (condition2)) statement1; else statement2; In the above example statement1 will be executed if either condition1 or condition2 are true and even if both are true. Statement2 will be executed if both the conditions are false. The following program demonstrates the use of && operator and nested if statement. //Large.cpp # include <iostream.h> void main() { int a,b,c; cout<<Please enter three numbers; cin>>a>>b>>c; if ((a>b) && (b>c)) cout<<a<< is the largest number; else if ((b>a) && (b>c)) cout<<b<< is the largest number; else if ((c>a) && (c>b)) cout<<c<< is the largest number; }

The above program accepts three numbers from the user and displays which is the largest number among the three.( assumption is that all the numbers are unique, the program has to be modified if you would like to allow same number twice)

B) switch statements
Ans Switch statement Nested ifs can be confusing if the if statement is deeply nested. One alternative to nested if is the switch statement which can be used to increase clarity in case of checking the different values of the same variable and execute statements accordingly. Syntax : Switch (variablename) { case value1: statement1; break; case value2: statement2; break; case value3: statement3; break; default: statement4; } If the variable in the switch statement is equal to value1 then statement1 is executed, if it is equal to value2 then statement2 is executed, if it is value3 then statement3 is executed. If the variable value is not in any of the cases listed then the default case statement or statement4 is executed. The default case specification is optional, however keeping it is a good practice. It can also be used for displaying any error message. Each case can have any number of statements. However every case should have a break statement as the last statement. Break statement takes the control out of the switch statement. The absence of the break statement can cause execution of statements in the next case. No break is necessary for the last case. In the above example, default case does not contain a break statement. The flowchart for the switch statement is shown below

The following program implements the switch statement position.cpp # include<iostream.h> void main() { char pos; int x=15, y=15; cout << you are currently located at <<x<< <<y<<endl; cout>>please choose the letter to move l for left, r for right, u for up and d for down <<endl; cin>>pos; switch (pos) { case l: x; break; case r: x++; break; case u: y++; break; case d: y; break; default: cout<<You selected a wrong option; } cout<< you are now located at <<x<< <<y; } The above program asks the user to enter l,r,u,d for allowing him to move left,right,up and down respectively. The position is initialised to 15 and 15 which are x and y coordinates of his position. Depending upon the what user has selected the the x and y co-ordinates are incremented or decremented by one(x++ is same as x=x+1). If the user types a letter other than l,r,u,d, he gets an error message. Since the switch variable is a character, l,u,r,d and enclosed within single quote. ++ and operator can be used as postfix or as prefix operator which has no effect if used as an independent statement. However if it used as part of an expression, the prefix operator will be

operated and then the expression will be evaluated whereas the postfix operated will be evaluated later. For example in the statement x= a+ (b++), a will be added to b and then stored in x and then the value of b will be incremented. If the same expression is written as x=a+(++b), the the b will be incremented and then added to a and stored in x.

3. Given a RxC Matrix, A, i.e. R rows and C columns we define a Saddle-Point as Saddle_Pt (A(i,j)) = A(i,j) is the minimum of Row i and the maximum of Col j. e.g. 123 456 789 -- 7 is Saddle_Pt. at position (3,1) Write a program in C++ to check and print for saddle points in a matrix. Ans. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int a[3][3],i,j,k,sp,minr,pos,flag=1; cout<<"Enter the contents of the array "; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) cin>>a[i][j]; } cout<<" The matrix representation of array is: "; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { cout<<" "; for(j=0;j<3;j++) cout<<a[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<endl; for(i=0;i<3;i++)

{ flag=1; sp=a[i][0],pos=0; for(j=1;j<3;j++) { if(a[i][j]<sp) { sp=a[i][j]; pos=j; } } for(k=0;k<3;k++) { if(a[k][pos]<sp) { flag=0; break; } } if(flag==1) cout<<"The saddle point of row "<<i+1<<" is "<<sp<<endl; } getch(); } 4. Describe and Demonstrate the concept of Pass by Value and Pass By Reference using appropriate programming examples of your own. Ans. Pass by Value Consider a pair of C++ functions defined in Program. The function One calls the function Two. In general, every function call includes a (possibly empty) list of arguments. The arguments specified in a function call are called actual parameters . In this case, there is only one actual parameter y. void Two(int x) { x=2; cout << r << endl; } void One()

{ int y=1; Two(y); cout << y << endl; } Program: Example of Pass-By-Value Parameter Passing The method by which the parameter is passed to a function is determined by the function definition. In this case, the function Two is defined as accepting a single argument of type int called x. The arguments which appear in a function definition are called formal parameters . If the type of a formal parameter is not a reference , then the parameter passing method is pass-by-value. The semantics of pass-by-value work like this: The effect of the formal parameter definition is to create a local variable of the specified type in the given function. E.g., the function Two has a local variable of type int called x. When the function is called, the values (r-values) of the actual parameters are used to initialize the formal parameters before the body of the function is executed. Since the formal parameters give rise to local variables, if a new value is assigned to a formal parameter, that value has no effect on the actual parameters. Therefore, the output obtained produced by the function One defined in Program is: 2 1 Pass by Reference Consider the pair of C++ functions defined in Program . The only difference between this code and the code given in Program is the definition of the formal parameter of the function Two: In this case, the parameter x is declared to be a reference to an int. In general, if the type of a formal parameter is a reference, then the parameter passing method is pass-by-reference . void Two(int& x) { x=2; cout << r << endl; } void One() { int y=1; Two(y); cout << y << endl; } Program: Example of Pass-By-Reference Parameter Passing A reference formal parameter is not a variable. When a function is called that has a reference formal parameter, the effect of the call is to associate the reference with the corresponding actual parameter. I.e., the reference becomes an alternative name for the corresponding actual parameter. Consequently, this means that the actual parameter passed by reference must be variable.

A reference formal parameter can be used in the called function everywhere that a variable can be used. In particular, if the reference formal parameter is used where a r-value is required, it is the rvalue of actual parameter that is obtained. Similarly, if the reference parameter is used where an lvalue is required, it is the l-value of actual parameter that is obtained. Therefore, the output obtained produced by the function one defined in Program is: 2 2

5. Describe the theory of Derivation and Inheritance. Ans. Derivation Inheritance is implemented in C++ through the mechanism of derivation. Derivation allows you to derive a class, called a derived class, from another class, called a base class. Derived class syntax Derived class syntax >>-derived_class--:---------------------------------------------> .-,---------------------------------------------------------.-------V | >----+----------------------------+--qualified_class_specifier-+->< +-virtual--+-----------+-----+ | +-public----+ | | +-private---+ | | '-protected-' | '-+-public----+--+---------+-' +-private---+ '-virtual-' '-protected-' In the declaration of a derived class, you list the base classes of the derived class. The derived class inherits its members from these base classes. The qualified_class_specifier must be a class that has been previously declared in a class declaration. An access specifier is one of public, private, or protected. The virtual keyword can be used to declare virtual base classes. The following example shows the declaration of the derived class D and the base classes V, B1, and B2. The class B1 is both a base class and a derived class because it is derived from class V and is a base class for D:

class V { /* ... */ }; class B1 : virtual public V { /* ... */ }; class B2 { /* ... */ }; class D : public B1, private B2 { /* ... */ }; Classes that are declared but not defined are not allowed in base lists. For example: class X; // error class Y: public X { }; The compiler will not allow the declaration of class Y because X has not been defined. When you derive a class, the derived class inherits class members of the base class. You can refer to inherited members (base class members) as if they were members of the derived class. For example: class Base { public: int a,b; }; class Derived : public Base { public: int c; }; int main() { Derived d; d.a = 1; // Base::a d.b = 2; // Base::b d.c = 3; // Derived::c } The derived class can also add new class members and redefine existing base class members. In the above example, the two inherited members, a and b, of the derived class d, in addition to the derived class member c, are assigned values. If you redefine base class members in the derived class, you can still refer to the base class members by using the :: (scope resolution) operator. For example: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: char* name; void display() { cout << name << endl;

} }; class Derived: public Base { public: char* name; void display() { cout << name << ", " << Base::name << endl; } }; int main() { Derived d; d.name = "Derived Class"; d.Base::name = "Base Class"; // call Derived::display() d.display(); // call Base::display() d.Base::display(); } The following is the output of the above example: Derived Class, Base Class Base Class You can manipulate a derived class object as if it were a base class object. You can use a pointer or a reference to a derived class object in place of a pointer or reference to its base class. For example, you can pass a pointer or reference to a derived class object D to a function expecting a pointer or reference to the base class of D. You do not need to use an explicit cast to achieve this; a standard conversion is performed. You can implicitly convert a pointer to a derived class to point to an accessible unambiguous base class. You can also implicitly convert a reference to a derived class to a reference to a base class. The following example demonstrates a standard conversion from a pointer to a derived class to a pointer to a base class: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: char* name; void display() { cout << name << endl;

} }; class Derived: public Base { public: char* name; void display() { cout << name << ", " << Base::name << endl; } }; int main() { Derived d; d.name = "Derived Class"; d.Base::name = "Base Class"; Derived* dptr = &d; // standard conversion from Derived* to Base* Base* bptr = dptr; // call Base::display() bptr->display(); } The following is the output of the above example: Base Class The statement Base* bptr = dptr converts a pointer of type Derived to a pointer of type Base. The reverse case is not allowed. You cannot implicitly convert a pointer or a reference to a base class object to a pointer or reference to a derived class. For example, the compiler will not allow the following code if the classes Base and Class are defined as in the above example: int main() { Base b; b.name = "Base class"; Derived* dptr = &b; } The compiler will not allow the statement Derived* dptr = &b because the statement is trying to implicitly convert a pointer of type Base to a pointer of type Derived.

If a member of a derived class and a member of a base class have the same name, the base class member is hidden in the derived class. If a member of a derived class has the same name as a base class, the base class name is hidden in the derived class. Inheritance Inheritance is a mechanism of reusing and extending existing classes without modifying them, thus producing hierarchical relationships between them. Inheritance is almost like embedding an object into a class. Suppose that you declare an object x of class A in the class definition of B. As a result, class B will have access to all the public data members and member functions of class A. However, in class B, you have to access the data members and member functions of class A through object x. The following example demonstrates this: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { int data; public: void f(int arg) { data = arg; } int g() { return data; } }; class B { public: A x; }; int main() { B obj; obj.x.f(20); cout << obj.x.g() << endl; // cout << obj.g() << endl; } In the main function, object obj accesses function A::f() through its data member B::x with the statement obj.x.f(20). Object obj accesses A::g() in a similar manner with the statement obj.x.g(). The compiler would not allow the statement obj.g() because g() is a member function of class A, not class B. The inheritance mechanism lets you use a statement like obj.g() in the above example. In order for that statement to be legal, g() must be a member function of class B. Inheritance lets you include the names and definitions of another class's members as part of a new class. The class whose members you want to include in your new class is called a base class. Your

new class is derived from the base class. The new class contains a sub object of the type of the base class. The following example is the same as the previous example except it uses the inheritance mechanism to give class B access to the members of class A: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { int data; public: void f(int arg) { data = arg; } int g() { return data; } }; class B : public A { }; int main() { B obj; obj.f(20); cout << obj.g() << endl; } Class A is a base class of class B. The names and definitions of the members of class A are included in the definition of class B; class B inherits the members of class A. Class B is derived from class A. Class B contains a subobject of type A. You can also add new data members and member functions to the derived class. You can modify the implementation of existing member functions or data by overriding base class member functions or data in the newly derived class. You may derive classes from other derived classes, thereby creating another level of inheritance. The following example demonstrates this: struct A { }; struct B : A { }; struct C : B { }; Class B is a derived class of A, but is also a base class of C. The number of levels of inheritance is only limited by resources. Multiple inheritance allows you to create a derived class that inherits properties from more than one base class. Because a derived class inherits members from all its base classes, ambiguities can result. For example, if two base classes have a member with the same name, the derived class cannot implicitly differentiate between the two members. Note that, when you are using multiple inheritance, the access to names of base classes may be ambiguous. A direct base class is a base class that appears directly as a base specifier in the declaration of its derived class.

An indirect base class is a base class that does not appear directly in the declaration of the derived class but is available to the derived class through one of its base classes. For a given class, all base classes that are not direct base classes are indirect base classes. The following example demonstrates direct and indirect base classes: class A { public: int x; }; class B : public A { public: int y; }; class C : public B { }; Class B is a direct base class of C. Class A is a direct base class of B. Class A is an indirect base class of C. (Class C has x and y as its data members.) Polymorphic functions are functions that can be applied to objects of more than one type. In C++, polymorphic functions are implemented in two ways: Overloaded functions are statically bound at compile time. C++ provides virtual functions. A virtual function is a function that can be called for a number of different user-defined types that are related through derivation. Virtual functions are bound dynamically at run time 6. Describe the Friend functions and friend classes with programming examples. Ans Friend function When a data is declared as private inside a class, then it is not accessible from outside the class. A function that is not a member or an external class will not be able to access the private data. A programmer may have a situation where he or she would need to access private data from nonmember functions and external classes. For handling such cases, the concept of Friend functions is a useful tool. A friend function is used for accessing the non-public members of a class. A class can allow nonmember functions and other classes to access its own private data, by making them friends. Thus, a friend function is an ordinary function or a member of another class. The friend function is written as any other normal function, except the function declaration of these functions is preceded with the keyword friend. The friend function must have the class to which it is declared as friend passed to it in argument. Some important points to note while using friend functions in C++:

The keyword friend is placed only in the function declaration of the friend function and not in the function definition. It is possible to declare a function as friend in any number of classes. When a class is declared as a friend, the friend class has access to the private data of the class that made this a friend. A friend function, even though it is not a member function, would have the rights to access the private members of the class. It is possible to declare the friend function as either private or public. The function can be invoked without the use of an object. The friend function has its argument as objects, seen in example below. #include class exforsys { private: int a,b; public: void test() { a=100; b=200; } friend int compute(exforsys e1) //Friend Function Declaration with keyword friend and with the object of class exforsys to which it is friend passed to it }; int compute(exforsys e1) { //Friend Function Definition which has access to private data return int(e1.a+e2.b)-5; } main() { exforsys e; e.test(); cout<<"The result is:"< //Calling of Friend Function with object as argument. }

The output of the above program is The result is:295 The function compute() is a non-member function of the class exforsys. In order to make this function have access to the private data a and b of class exforsys , it is created as a friend function for the class exforsys. As a first step, the function compute() is declared as friend in the class exforsys as: friend int compute (exforsys e1) Friend Class C++ provides the friend keyword to do just this. Inside a class, you can indicate that other classes (or simply functions) will have direct access to protected and private members of the class. When granting access to a class, you must specify that the access is granted for a class using the class keyword: friend class aClass; Note that friend declarations can go in either the public, private, or protected section of a class--it doesn't matter where they appear. In particular, specifying a friend in the section marked protected doesn't prevent the friend from also accessing private fields. Here is a more concrete example of declaring a friend: class Node { private: int data; int key; // ... }; friend class BinaryTree; // class BinaryTree can now access data directly

Now, Node does not need to provide any means of accessing the data stored in the tree. The BinaryTree class that will use the data is the only class that will ever need access to the data or key. (The BinaryTree class needs to use the key to order the tree, and it will be the gateway through which other classes can access data stored in any particular node.) Now in the BinaryTree class, you can treat the key and data fields as though they were public: class BinaryTree { private: Node *root; int find(int key); }; int BinaryTree::find(int key)

{ // check root for NULL... if(root->key == key) { // no need to go through an accessor function return root->data; } // perform rest of find

7. Illustrate with suitable examples various file handling methods in C++. Ans. Opening a File Different Methods So far we have seen just one way to open a file, either for reading, either for writing. But it can be opened another way too. So far, you should be aware of this method: ifstream OpenFile(cpp-home.txt); Well, this is not the only way. As mentioned before, the above code creates an object from class ifstream, and passes the name of the file to be opened to its constructor. But in fact, there are several overloaded constructors, which can take more than one parameter. Also, there is function open() that can do the same job. Here is an example of the above code, but using the open() function: ifstream OpenFile; OpenFile.open(cpp-home.txt); Other use of open() is for example if you open a file, then close it, and using the same file handle open another file. This way, you will need the open() function. Consider the following code example: #include <fstream.h> void read(ifstream &T) { //pass the file stream to the function //the method to read a file char ch; while(!T.eof()) { T.get(ch); cout << ch; } cout << endl << "" << endl; }

void main() { ifstream T("file1.txt"); read(T); T.close(); T.open("file2.txt"); read(T); T.close(); } So, as long as file1.txt and file2.txt exists and has some text into, you will see it. ifstream OpenFile(char *filename, int open_mode); You should know that filename is the name of the file (a string). What is new here is the open_mode. The value of open_mode defines how to a file can be opened. Here is a table of the open modes: ios::in ios::out ios::app ios::ate ios::trunc ios::nocreate ios::noreplace ios::binary Open file to read Open file to write All the date you write, is put at the end of the file. It calls ios::out All the date you write, is put at the end of the file. It does not call ios::out Deletes all previous content in the file. (empties the file) If the file does not exists, opening it with the open() function gets impossible. If the file exists, trying to open it with the open() function, returns an error. Opens the file in binary mode.

All these values are int constants from an enumerated type. But for making your life easier, you can use them as you see them in the table. Here is an example on how to use the open modes: #include <fstream.h> void main() { ofstream SaveFile("file1.txt", ios::ate); SaveFile << "Thats new!n"; SaveFile.close(); } As you see in the table, using ios::ate will write at the end of the file. If it wasnt used, the file would have been overwritten. So, if file1.txt has this text: Hi! This is test from www.cpp-home.com! Running the above code, will add Thats new! to it, so it will look this way: Hi! This is test from www.cpp-home.com!Thats new! If you want to set more than one open mode, just use the OR operator (|). This way:

ios::ate | ios::binary Using different open modes helps make file handling an easy job. Having the liberty to choose a combination of these, in a sane way, comes in very handy in using streams effectively, and to the requirements of the project. Moving on to something more intriguing and important; we can create a file stream handle, which you can use to read/write file, in the same time. Here is how it works: fstream File(cpp-home.txt, ios::in | ios::out); In fact, that is only the declaration. The code line above creates a file stream handle, named File. As you know, this is an object from class fstream. When using fstream, you should specify ios::in and ios::out as open modes. This way, you can read from the file, and write in it, in the same time, without creating new file handles. Well, of course, you can only read or write. Here is the code example: #include <fstream.h> void main() { fstream File("test.txt", ios::in | ios::out); File << "Hi!"; //put Hi! in the file static char str[10]; //when using static, the array is automatically //initialized, and very cell NULLed File.seekg(ios::beg); //get back to the beginning of the file //this function is explained a bit later File >> str; cout << str << endl; File.close(); } Let us now understand the above program:

fstream File(test.txt, ios::in | ios::out);

This line, creates an object from class fstream. At the time of execution, the program opens the file test.txt in read/write mode. This means, that you can read from the file, and put data into it, at the same time.

File << Hi!;

I am sure the reader is aware of this and hence the explanation for this statement is redundant.

static char str[10];

This makes a char array with 10 cells. The word static initializes the array when at the time of creation.

To understand this statement, let us go back and recollect some basics. We have seen this before: while(!OpenFile.eof()) { OpenFile.get(ch); cout << ch; } This is a while loop, that will loop until you reach the end of the file. But how does the loop know if the end of the file is reached? The answer is; when you read the file, there is something like an inside-pointer (current reading/writing position) that shows where you are up to, with the reading (and writing, too). Every time you call OpenFile.get(ch) it returns the current character to the ch variable, and moves the inside-pointer one character after that, so that the next time this function is called, it will return the next character. And this repeats, until you reach the end of the file. Going back to the code line; the function seekg() will put the inside-pointer to a specific place (specified by you). One can use: ios::beg to put it in the beginning of the file ios::end to put it at the end of the file Or you can also set the number of characters to go back or after. For example, if you want to go 5 characters back, you should write: File.seekg(-5); If you want to go 40 characters after, just write: File.seekg(40); It is imperative to mention that the seekg() function is overloaded, and it can take two parameters, too. The other version is this one: File.seekg(-5, ios::end); In this example, you will be able to read the last 4 characters of the text, because: You go to the end (ios::end) You go 5 characters before the end (-5) Why you will read 4 but not 5 characters? One character is lost, because the last thing in the file is neither a character nor white space. It is just position (i.e., end of file). Why this function was used the program above. After putting Hi! in the file, the inside -pointer was set after it, i.e., at the end of the file. And as we want to read the file, there is nothing that can be

read at the end. Hence, we have to put the inside-pointer at the beginning. And that is exactly what this function does.

File >> str;

I believe this line reminds us of cin >>. In fact, it has much to do with it. This line reads one word from the file, and puts it into the specified array. For example, if the file has this text: Hi! Do you know me? Using File >> str, will put just Hi! to the str array. And, as what we put in the file was Hi! we dont need to do a while loop, that takes more time to code. Thats why this technique was used. By the way, in the while loop for reading, that was used so far, the program reads the file, char by char. But you can read it word by word, this way: char str[30]; //the word cant be more than 30 characters long while(!OpenFile.eof()){ OpenFile >> str; cout << str; } You can also read it line by line, this way: char line[100]; //a whole line will be stored here while(!OpenFile.eof()) { OpenFile.getline(line,100); //where 100 is the size of the array cout << line << endl; } 8. Explain the concept of class templates in C++ with some real time programming examples. Ans. A class template definition looks like a regular class definition, except it is prefixed by the keyword template. For example, here is the definition of a class template for a Stack. template <class T> class Stack { public: Stack(int = 10); ~Stack() { delete [] stackPtr ; } int push(const T&); int pop(T&); int isEmpty()const { return top == -1; } int isFull() const { return top == size 1; } private: int size; // number of elements on Stack. int top; T* stackPtr;

}; T is a type parameter and it can be any type. For example, Stack<Token>, where Token is a user defined class. T does not have to be a class type as implied by the keyword class. For example, Stack<int> and Stack<Message*> are valid instantiations, even though int and Message* are not "classes". Implementing Class Template Member Functions Implementing template member functions is somewhat different compared to the regular class member functions. The declarations and definitions of the class template member functions should all be in the same header file. The declarations and definitions need to be in the same header file. Consider the following: //B.H template <class t> class b { public: b(); ~b(); }; //B.CPP #include "B.H" template <class t> b<t>::b() { } template <class t> b<t>::~b() { } //MAIN.CPP #include "B.H" void main() { b<int> bi; b <float> bf; }

When compiling B.cpp, the compiler has both the declarations and the definitions available. At this point the compiler does not need to generate any definitions for template classes, since there are no instantiations. When the compiler compiles main.cpp, there are two instantiations: template class B<int> and B<float>. At this point the compiler has the declarations but no definitions. While implementing class template member functions, the definitions are prefixed by the keyword template. Here is the complete implementation of class template Stack: //stack.h #pragma once template <class T> class Stack { public: Stack(int = 10); ~Stack() { delete [] stackPtr; } int push(const T&); int pop(T&); // pop an element off the stack int isEmpty()const { return top == -1; } int isFull() const { return top == size 1; } private: int size; // Number of elements on Stack int top;

T* stackPtr; }; //constructor with the default size 10 template <class T> Stack<T>::Stack(int s) { size = s > 0 && s < 1000 ? s : 10; top = -1; // initialize stack stackPtr = new T[size]; } // push an element onto the Stack template <class T> int Stack<T>::push(const T& item) { if (!isFull()) { stackPtr[++top] = item; return 1; // push successful } return 0; // push unsuccessful } // pop an element off the Stack template <class T> int Stack<T>::pop(T& popValue) { if (!isEmpty()) { popValue = stackPtr[top--]; return 1; // pop successful } return 0; // pop unsuccessful } Using a class template Using a class template is easy. Create the required classes by plugging in the actual type for the type parameters. This process is commonly known as "Instantiating a class". Here is a sample driver class that uses the Stack class template. #include <iostream> #include "stack.h" using namespace std; void main() { typedef Stack<float> FloatStack; typedef Stack<int> IntStack; FloatStack fs(5); float f = 1.1; cout << "Pushing elements onto fs" << endl; while (fs.push(f)) {

} cout << endl << "Stack Full." << endl << endl << "Popping elements from fs" << endl; while (fs.pop(f)) cout << f << ; cout << endl << "Stack Empty" << endl; cout << endl; IntStack is; int i = 1.1; cout << "Pushing elements onto is" << endl; while (is.push(i)) { cout << i << ; i += 1; } cout << endl << "Stack Full" << endl << endl << "Popping elements from is" << endl; while (is.pop(i)) cout << i << ; cout << endl << "Stack Empty" << endl;

cout << f << ; f += 1.1;

Output: Pushing elements onto fs 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 Stack Full. Popping elements from fs 5.5 4.4 3.3 2.2 1.1 Stack Empty Pushing elements onto is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Stack Full Popping elements from is 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Stack Empty In the above example we defined a class template Stack. In the driver program we instantiated a Stack of float (FloatStack) and a Stack of int(IntStack). Once the template classes are instantiated you can instantiate objects of that type (for example, fs and is.) There are two advantages:

typedefs are very useful when "templates of templates" come into usage. For example, when instantiating an STL vector of ints, you could use: typedef vector<int, allocator<int> > INTVECTOR; If the template definition changes, simply change the typedef definition. For example, currently the definition of template class vector requires a second parameter. typedef vector<int, allocator<int> > INTVECTOR; INTVECTOR vi1; In a future version, the second parameter may not be required, for example, typedef vector<int> INTVECTOR; INTVECTOR vi1;

August 2010 Master of Computer Application (MCA) Semester 2 MC0066 OOPS using C++ 4 Credits Assignment Set 2
1. Explain the concept of constructors and destructors with suitable examples. Ans. Constructor The main use of constructors is to initialize objects. The function of initialization is automatically carried out by the use of a special member function called a constructor. Constructor is a special member function that takes the same name as the class name. The syntax generally is as given below: <class name> { arguments}; The default constructor for a class X has the form X::X() In the above example the arguments is optional. The constructor is automatically named when an object is created. A constructor is named whenever an object is defined or dynamically allocated using the "new" operator. There are several forms in which a constructor can take its shape namely: Default Constructor: This constructor has no arguments in it. Default Constructor is also called as no argument constructor. For example: class Exforsys { private: int a,b; public: Exforsys(); ... };

Exforsys :: Exforsys() { a=0; b=0; } Copy constructor: This constructor takes one argument. Also called one argument constructor. The main use of copy constructor is to initialize the objects while in creation, also used to copy an object. The copy constructor allows the programmer to create a new object from an existing one by initialization. For example to invoke a copy constructor the programmer writes: Exforsys e3(e2); or Exforsys e3=e2; Both the above formats can be sued to invoke a copy constructor. For Example: #include <iostream.h> class Exforsys() { private: int a; public: Exforsys() {} Exforsys(int w) { a=w; } Exforsys(Exforsys& e) { a=e.a; cout<< Example of Copy Constructor; } void result() { cout<< a; } };

void main() { Exforsys e1(50); Exforsys e3(e1); cout<< \ne3=;e3.result(); } In the above the copy constructor takes one argument an object of type Exforsys which is passed by reference. The output of the above program is Example of Copy Constructor e3=50 Some important points about constructors: A constructor takes the same name as the class name. The programmer cannot declare a constructor as virtual or static, nor can the programmer declare a constructor as const, volatile, or const volatile. No return type is specified for a constructor. The constructor must be defined in the public. The constructor must be a public member. Overloading of constructors is possible. This will be explained in later sections of this tutorial. Destructors Destructors are also special member functions used in C++ programming language. Destructors have the opposite function of a constructor. The main use of destructors is to release dynamic allocated memory. Destructors are used to free memory, release resources and to perform other clean up. Destructors are automatically named when an object is destroyed. Like constructors, destructors also take the same name as that of the class name. Syntax ~ classname(); The above is the general syntax of a destructor. In the above, the symbol tilda ~ represents a destructor which precedes the name of the class. Some important points about destructors: Destructors take the same name as the class name. Like the constructor, the destructor must also be defined in the public. The destructor must be a public member.

The Destructor does not take any argument which means that destructors cannot be overloaded. No return type is specified for destructors. class Exforsys { private: public: Exforsys() {} ~ Exforsys() {} }

2. Describe the following: Ans. A. Types of Inheritance Single Inheritance In "single inheritance," a common form of inheritance, classes have only one base class. class CFather { public: void Gender () {cout<<"Male" ;} void Blood () {cout<<"Red";} void Initial (){cout<<"Angajala";} void Address (){cout <<"******" ;} }; Class CDerived:public CBase { };

Multilevel Inheritance It is the enhancement of the concept of inheritance. When a subclass is derived from a derived class then this mechanism is known as the multilevel inheritance. The derived class is called the subclass

or child class for its parent class and this parent class works as the child class for it's just above (parent) class. Multilevel inheritance can go up to any number of levels. The best example is Say we have 3 classes ClassA, ClassB and ClassC. ClassB is derived from ClassA and ClassC is derived ClassB This is multi level inheritance.. ClassA ^ | ClassB ^ | ClassC . class CFather { public: void Gender () {cout<<"Male" ;} void Blood () {cout<<"Red";} void Initial (){cout<<"Angajala";} void Address (){cout <<"******" ;} }; Class CDerived:public CBase { }; Class C2Derived:public CDerived { }; Multiple Inheritances You can derive a class from any number of base classes. Deriving a class from more than one direct base class is called multiple inheritances. In the following example, classes A, B, and C are direct base classes for the derived class X: class A { /* ... */ }; class B { /* ... */ }; class C { /* ... */ }; class X : public A, private B, public C { /* ... */ };

Hierarchical Inheritance It is a type of inheritance where one or more derived classes is derived from common( or one ) base class E.g. class A { // definition of class A }; class B : public A //derived from A { // definition of class B }; class C : public A //derived from A { // definition of class c }; Hybrid Inheritance In this type of inheritance, we can have mixture of number of inheritances but this can generate an error of using same name function from no of classes, which will bother the compiler to how to use the functions. Therefore, it will generate errors in the program. This has known as ambiguity or duplicity. B. Object and Pointers. An object is a component of a program that knows how to perform certain actions and to interact with other pieces of the program. Functions have previously been described as "black boxes" that take an input and spit out an output. Objects can be thought of as "smart" black boxes. That is, objects can know how to do more than one specific task, and they can store their own set of data. Designing a program with objects allows a programmer to model the program after the real world. A program can be broken down into specific parts, and each of these parts can perform fairly simple tasks. When all of these simple pieces are meshed together into a program, it can produce a very complicated and useful application. Let's say that we are writing a text-based medieval video game. Our video game will have two types of characters: the players and the monsters. A player has to know the values of certain attributes: health, strength, and agility. A player must also know what type of weapon and what type of armor they possess. A player must be able to move through a maze, attack a monster, and pick up treasure. So, to design this "player object", we must first separate data that the player object must know from actions that the player must know how to execute. The definition for a player object could be: Player Object: data: health strength

agility type of weapon type of armor actions: move attack monster get treasure END; Data that an object keeps track of is called member data and actions that an object knows how to do are called member functions. Member data is very similar to variables in a regular function in the sense that no other object can get access to that data (unless given permission by the object). Member data keeps its values over the life of an object There is a very important distinction between an object and an instance of an object. An object is actually a definition, or a template for instances of that object. An instance of an object is an actual thing that can be manipulated. For instance, we could define a Person object, which may include such member data as hair color, eye color, height, weight, etc. An instance of this object could be "Dave" and Dave has values for hair color, eye color, etc. This allows for multiple instances of an object to be created. Let's go back to the medieval video game example and define the monster object. A pointer is a way to get at another object. Essentially it is a way to grab an instance of an object and then either pass that instance a message or retreive some data from that object. A pointer is actually just an address of where an instance is held in memory. Some piece of your program can either possess an instance of an object, or know where an instance of an object is. An instance of an object is a chunk of memory that is big enough to store all the member data of that object. A pointer is an address that explains how to get to where the instance is actually held in memory. Here's a quick example: Our Player object has three pieces of data that it owns: strength, agility, and health. These are a part of the player object. That makes sense in real world terms. The player knows about two other pieces of data: the weapon and the armor that the player possesses. Here's a diagram for an instance of the player object.

So that is how to conceptually think of pointers. Now what's really going on? Memory in a computer is a complicated thing, but let's reduce it to it's simplest form: one large string of slots with addresses that data can be put in. As in the following picture:

If we were to access the spot in memory with address 3, we would get the value 45. If we were to access the spot in memory with address 2 we would get the value "Dave". The previous diagram over simplifies two important concepts, however 3. Describe the theory behind Virtual Functions and Polymorphism along with suitable programming examples for each. Virtual, as the name implies, is something that exists in effect but not in reality. The concept of virtual function is the same as a function, but it does not really exist although it appears in needed places in a program. The object-oriented programming language C++ implements the concept of virtual function as a simple member function, like all member functions of the class. The functionality of virtual functions can be over-ridden in its derived classes. The programmer must pay attention not to confuse this concept with function overloading. Function overloading is a different concept and will be explained in later sections of this tutorial. Virtual function is a mechanism to implement the concept of polymorphism (the ability to give different meanings to one function). The vital reason for having a virtual function is to implement a different functionality in the derived class. Properties of Virtual Functions: Dynamic Binding Property: Virtual Functions are resolved during run-time or dynamic binding. Virtual functions are also simple member functions. The main difference between a non-virtual C++ member function and a virtual member function is in the way they are both resolved. A non-virtual C++ member function is resolved during compile time or static binding. Virtual Functions are resolved during run-time or dynamic binding Virtual functions are member functions of a class. Virtual functions are declared with the keyword virtual, detailed in an example below. Virtual function takes a different functionality in the derived class.

Virtual functions are member functions declared with the keyword virtual. For example, the general syntax to declare a Virtual Function uses: class classname //This denotes the base class of C++ virtual function { public: virtual void memberfunctionname() //This denotes the C++ virtual function { ............. ............ } }; Eg. class BaseClass{ public: virtual void who(void) { cout << "Base\n"; } }; class Derived1 : public BaseClass { public: void who (void) { cout << "Derived Class 1 \n"; } }; class Derived2 : public BaseClass { public: void who (void) { cout << "Derived Class 2\n"; } };

int main(void) {

BaseClass b; BaseClass *bp;

Derived1 d1; Derived2 d2; bp = &b; bp ->who(); bp = &d1; bp ->who(); bp = &d2; bp ->who(); } //Executes the base class who function //Executes the Derived1 class who function //Executes the Derived2 class who function

//Out put //Base //Derived Class 1 //Derived Class 2

Polymorphism is the ability to use an operator or function in different ways. Polymorphism gives different meanings or functions to the operators or functions. Poly, referring to many, signifies the many uses of these operators and functions. A single function usage or an operator functioning in many ways can be called polymorphism. Polymorphism refers to codes, operations or objects that behave differently in different contexts. Below is a simple example of the above concept of polymorphism: 6 + 10 The above refers to integer addition. The same + operator can be used with different meanings with strings: "Exforsys" + "Training" The same + operator can also be used for floating point addition: 7.15 + 3.78 Polymorphism is a powerful feature of the object oriented programming language C++. A single operator + behaves differently in different contexts such as integer, float or strings referring the concept of polymorphism. The above concept leads to operator overloading. The concept of overloading is also a branch of polymorphism. When the exiting operator or function operates on new data type it is overloaded. This feature of polymorphism leads to the concept of virtual methods. Polymorphism refers to the ability to call different functions by using only one type of function call. Suppose a programmer wants to code vehicles of different shapes such as circles, squares, rectangles, etc. One way to define each of these classes is to have a member function for each that makes vehicles of each shape. Another convenient approach the programmer can take is to define a

base class named Shape and then create an instance of that class. The programmer can have array that hold pointers to all different objects of the vehicle followed by a simple loop structure to make the vehicle, as per the shape desired, by inserting pointers into the defined array. This approach leads to different functions executed by the same function call. Polymorphism is used to give different meanings to the same concept. This is the basis for Virtual function implementation. In polymorphism, a single function or an operator functioning in many ways depends upon the usage to function properly. In order for this to occur, the following conditions must apply: All different classes must be derived from a single base class. In the above example, the shapes of vehicles (circle, triangle, rectangle) are from the single base class called Shape. The member function must be declared virtual in the base class. In the above example, the member function for making the vehicle should be made as virtual to the base class. Types of Polymorphism: C++ provides three different types of polymorphism. Virtual functions Function name overloading Operator overloading In addition to the above three types of polymorphism, there exist other kinds of polymorphism: run-time compile-time ad-hoc polymorphism parametric polymorphism 4. Write a program in C++ for copying and printing the contents of files. Ans. #include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> #include<string.h> struct student { int rollno; char name[20]; int marks; }s; void main()

{ ifstream fin; ofstream fout; int ch,no; do { clrscr(); cout<<"\nMenu\n"; cout<<"\n1. Add"; cout<<"\n2. Search"; cout<<"\n3. Display"; cout<<"\n4. Exit"; cout<<"\n\nEnter your choice: ";cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: { cout<<"\nEnter rollno. :";cin>>s.rollno; cout<<"\nName: ";gets(s.name); cout<<"\nMarks: ";cin>>s.marks; fout.open("student.dat",ios::binary|ios::app); fout.write((char*)&s,sizeof(student)); fout.close(); break; } case 2: { cout<<"\nEnter rollno. to be searched: ";cin>>no; fin.open("student.dat",ios::binary|ios::in); while(!fin.eof()) { fin.read((char*)&s,sizeof(student)); if (s.rollno==no) { cout<<"\nRollno: "<<s.rollno; cout<<"\nName: "<<s.name; cout<<"\nMarks: "<<s.marks; getch(); break; } } fin.close(); break; } case 3: { fin.open("student.dat",ios::binary|ios::in);

while(!fin.eof()) { clrscr(); fin.read((char*)&s,sizeof(student)); cout<<"\nRoll No. :"<<s.rollno; cout<<"\nName: "<<s.name; cout<<"\nMarks: "<<s.marks; getch(); } fin.close(); break; } case 4:exit(0); } while (ch<=4); } 5. Explain Class templates and function templates. Ans. Many C++ programs use common data structures like stacks, queues and lists. A program may require a queue of customers and a queue of messages. One could easily implement a queue of customers, then take the existing code and implement a queue of messages. The program grows, and now there is a need for a queue of orders. So just take the queue of messages and convert that to a queue of orders (Copy, paste, find, replace????). Need to make some changes to the queue implementation? Not a very easy task, since the code has been duplicated in many places. Reinventing source code is not an intelligent approach in an object oriented environment which encourages re-usability. It seems to make more sense to implement a queue that can contain any arbitrary type rather than duplicating code. How does one do that? The answer is to use type parameterization, more commonly referred to as templates. C++ templates allow one to implement a generic Queue<T> template that has a type parameter T. T can be replaced with actual types, for example, Queue<Customers>, and C++ will generate the class Queue<Customers>. Changing the implementation of the Queue becomes relatively simple. Once the changes are implemented in the template Queue<T>, they are immediately reflected in the classes Queue<Customers>, Queue<Messages>, and Queue<Orders>. Templates are very useful when implementing generic constructs like vectors, stacks, lists, queues which can be used with any arbitrary type. C++ templates provide a way to re-use source code as opposed to inheritance and composition which provide a way to re-use object code. C++ provides two kinds of templates: class templates and function templates. Use function templates to write generic functions that can be used with arbitrary types. For example, one can write searching and sorting routines which can be used with any arbitrary type. The Standard

Template Library generic algorithms have been implemented as function templates, and the containers have been implemented as class templates. Class Templates Implementing a class template A class template definition looks like a regular class definition, except it is prefixed by the keyword template. For example, here is the definition of a class template for a Stack. template <class T> class Stack { public: Stack(int = 10) ; ~Stack() { delete [] stackPtr ; } int push(const T&); int pop(T&) ; int isEmpty()const { return top == -1 ; } int isFull() const { return top == size - 1 ; } private: int size ; // number of elements on Stack. int top ; T* stackPtr ; }; T is a type parameter and it can be any type. For example, Stack<Token>, where Token is a user defined class. T does not have to be a class type as implied by the keyword class. For example, Stack<int> and Stack<Message*> are valid instantiations, even though int and Message* are not "classes". Implementing template member functions is somewhat different compared to the regular class member functions. The declarations and definitions of the class template member functions should all be in the same header file. The declarations and definitions need to be in the same header file. Consider the following. //B.H template <class t> class b { public: b() ; ~b() ; };

// B.CPP #include "B.H" template <class t> b<t>::b() { } template <class t> b<t>::~b() { }

//MAIN.CPP #include "B.H" void main() { b<int> bi ; b <float> bf ; } When compiling B.cpp, the compiler has both the declarations and the definitions available. At this point the compiler does not need to generate any definitions for template classes, since there are no instantiations. When the compiler compiles main.cpp, there are two instantiations: template class B<int> and B<float>. At this point the compiler has the declarations but no definitions! While implementing class template member functions, the definitions are prefixed by the keyword template. Here is the complete implementation of class template Stack: //stack.h #pragma once template <class T> class Stack { public: Stack(int = 10) ; ~Stack() { delete [] stackPtr ; } int push(const T&); int pop(T&) ; // pop an element off the stack int isEmpty()const { return top == -1 ; } int isFull() const { return top == size - 1 ; } private: int size ; // Number of elements on Stack int top ; T* stackPtr ; };

//constructor with the default size 10 template <class T> Stack<T>::Stack(int s) { size = s > 0 && s < 1000 ? s : 10 ; top = -1 ; // initialize stack stackPtr = new T[size] ; } // push an element onto the Stack template <class T> int Stack<T>::push(const T& item) { if (!isFull()) { stackPtr[++top] = item ; return 1 ; // push successful } return 0 ; // push unsuccessful } // pop an element off the Stack template <class T> int Stack<T>::pop(T& popValue) { if (!isEmpty()) { popValue = stackPtr[top--] ; return 1 ; // pop successful } return 0 ; // pop unsuccessful } Using a class template is easy. Create the required classes by plugging in the actual type for the type parameters. This process is commonly known as "Instantiating a class". Here is a sample driver class that uses the Stack class template. #include <iostream> #include "stack.h" using namespace std ; void main() { typedef Stack<float> FloatStack ; typedef Stack<int> IntStack ; FloatStack fs(5) ; float f = 1.1 ; cout << "Pushing elements onto fs" << endl ; while (fs.push(f))

{ cout << f << ' ' ; f += 1.1 ; } cout << endl << "Stack Full." << endl << endl << "Popping elements from fs" << endl ; while (fs.pop(f)) cout << f << ' ' ; cout << endl << "Stack Empty" << endl ; cout << endl ; IntStack is ; int i = 1.1 ; cout << "Pushing elements onto is" << endl ; while (is.push(i)) { cout << i << ' ' ; i += 1 ; } cout << endl << "Stack Full" << endl << endl << "Popping elements from is" << endl ; while (is.pop(i)) cout << i << ' ' ; cout << endl << "Stack Empty" << endl ;

Function Templates To perform identical operations for each type of data compactly and conveniently, use function templates. You can write a single function template definition. Based on the argument types provided in calls to the function, the compiler automatically instantiates separate object code functions to handle each type of call appropriately. The STL algorithms are implemented as function templates. Function templates are implemented like regular functions, except they are prefixed with the keyword template. Here is a sample with a function template. #include <iostream> using namespace std ; //max returns the maximum of the two elements template <class T> T max(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b ; }

Using function templates is very easy: just use them like regular functions. When the compiler sees an instantiation of the function template, for example: the call max(10, 15) in function main, the compiler generates a function max(int, int). Similarly the compiler generates definitions for max(char, char) and max(float, float) in this case. #include <iostream> using namespace std ; //max returns the maximum of the two elements template <class T> T max(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b ; } void main() { cout << "max(10, 15) = " << max(10, 15) << endl ; cout << "max('k', 's') = " << max('k', 's') << endl ; cout << "max(10.1, 15.2) = " << max(10.1, 15.2) << endl ;

6. Discuss the theory of Exception specifications with suitable code snippets for each. Ans. C++ provides a mechanism to ensure that a given function is limited to throwing only a specified list of exceptions. An exception specification at the beginning of any function acts as a guarantee to the function's caller that the function will throw only the exceptions contained in the exception specification. For example, a function: void translate() throw(unknown_word,bad_grammar) { /* ... */ }explicitly states that it will only throw exception objects whose types are unknown_word or bad_grammar, or any type derived from unknown_word or bad_grammar. Exception specification syntax >>-throw--(--+--------------+--)------------------------------->< '-type_id_list-' The type_id_list is a comma-separated list of types. In this list you cannot specify an incomplete type, a pointer or a reference to an incomplete type, other than a pointer to void, optionally qualified with const and/or volatile. You cannot define a type in an exception specification.

A function with no exception specification allows all exceptions. A function with an exception specification that has an empty type_id_list, throw(), does not allow any exceptions to be thrown. An exception specification is not part of a function's type. An exception specification may only appear at the end of a function declarator of a function, pointer to function, reference to function, pointer to member function declaration, or pointer to member function definition. An exception specification cannot appear in a typedef declaration. The following declarations demonstrate this: void f() throw(int); void (*g)() throw(int); void h(void i() throw(int)); // typedef int (*j)() throw(int); This is an error.The compiler would not allow the last declaration, typedef int (*j)() throw(int). Suppose that class A is one of the types in the type_id_list of an exception specification of a function. That function may throw exception objects of class A, or any class publicly derived from class A. The following example demonstrates this: class A { }; class B : public A { }; class C { }; void f(int i) throw (A) { switch (i) { case 0: throw A(); case 1: throw B(); default: throw C(); } } void g(int i) throw (A*) { A* a = new A(); B* b = new B(); C* c = new C(); switch (i) { case 0: throw a; case 1: throw b; default: throw c; } }Function f() can throw objects of types A or B. If the function tries to throw an object of type C, the compiler will call unexpected() because type C has not been specified in the function's exception specification, nor does it derive publicly from A. Similarly, function g() cannot throw pointers to objects of type C; the function may throw pointers of type A or pointers of objects that derive publicly from A.

A function that overrides a virtual function can only throw exceptions specified by the virtual function. The following example demonstrates this: class A { public: virtual void f() throw (int, char); }; class B : public A{ public: void f() throw (int) { } }; /* The following is not allowed. */ /* class C : public A { public: void f() { } }; class D : public A { public: void f() throw (int, char, double) { } }; */The compiler allows B::f() because the member function may throw only exceptions of type int. The compiler would not allow C::f() because the member function may throw any kind of exception. The compiler would not allow D::f() because the member function can throw more types of exceptions (int, char, and double) than A::f(). Suppose that you assign or initialize a pointer to function named x with a function or pointer to function named y. The pointer to function x can only throw exceptions specified by the exception specifications of y. The following example demonstrates this: void (*f)(); void (*g)(); void (*h)() throw (int); void i() { f = h; // h = g; This is an error. }The compiler allows the assignment f = h because f can throw any kind of exception. The compiler would not allow the assignment h = g because h can only throw objects of type int, while g can throw any kind of exception. Implicitly declared special member functions (default constructors, copy constructors, destructors, and copy assignment operators) have exception specifications. An implicitly declared special member function will have in its exception specification the types declared in the functions' exception specifications that the special function invokes. If any function that a special function invokes allows all exceptions, then that special function allows all exceptions. If all the functions that a special function invokes allow no exceptions, then that special function will allow no exceptions. The following example demonstrates this:

class A { public: A() throw (int); A(const A&) throw (float); ~A() throw(); }; class B { public: B() throw (char); B(const A&); ~B() throw(); }; class C : public B, public A { };The following special functions in the above example have been implicitly declared: C::C() throw (int, char); C::C(const C&); // Can throw any type of exception, including float C::~C() throw();The default constructor of C can throw exceptions of type int or char. The copy constructor of C can throw any kind of exception. The destructor of C cannot throw any exceptions. 7. Explain the theory and applications of Sequence containers. Ans There are three types of sequence containers in the STL. These, as their name suggests, store data in linear sequence. They are the vector, deque and list: vector<Type> deque<Type> list<Type> To choose a container, decide what sort of operations you will most frequently perform on your data, then use the following table to help you. Operation Access 1st Element Access last Element Vector Deque List

Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Linear

Access "random" element Constant Constant

Add/Delete at Beginning Add/Delete at End Add/Delete at "random"


Constant Constant

Constant Constant Constant Linear Linear Constant

Time overhead of operations on sequence containers Each container has attributes suited to particular applications. The subsections and code samples below should further clarify when and how to use each type of sequence container Vector #include <vector> We introduced the vector in Example 1.2, where we used it instead of an array. The vector class is similar to an array, and allows array-type syntax, e.g. my_vector[2] . A vector is able to access elements at any position (referred to as "random" access in the preceding table) with a constant time overhead, O(1). Insertion or deletion at the end of a vector is "cheap". As with the string, no bounds checking is performed when you use operator []. Insertions and deletions anywhere other than at the end of the vector incur overhead O(N), N being the number of elements in the vector, because all the following entries have to be shuffled along to make room for the new entries, the storage being contiguous. Memory overhead of a vector is very low and comparable to a normal array. The table below shows some of the main vector functions. Some Vector Access Functions Purpose ---------------------------- ------begin() Returns iterator pointing to first element end() Returns iterator pointing _after_ last element push_back(...) Add element to end of vector pop_back(...) Destroy element at end of vector swap( , ) Swap two elements insert( , ) Insert new element size() Number of elements in vector capacity() Element capacity before more memory needed empty() True if vector is empty [] Random access operator The next example shows a vector in use. // ANSI C Headers #include &lt;stdlib.h&gt; // C++ STL Headers #include &lt;algorithm&gt;

#include &lt;iostream&gt; #include &lt;vector&gt; #ifdef _WIN32 using namespace std; #endif

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int nitems = 0; int ival; vector&lt;int&gt; v;

cout &lt;&lt; "Enter integers, &lt;Return&gt; after each, &lt;Ctrl&gt;Z to finish:" &lt;&lt; endl;

while( cin &gt;&gt; ival, cin.good() ) { v.push_back( ival ); cout.width(6); cout &lt;&lt; nitems &lt;&lt; ": " &lt;&lt; v[nitems++] &lt;&lt; endl; }

if ( nitems ) { sort( v.begin(), v.end() ); for (vector&lt;int&gt;::const_iterator viter=v.begin(); viter!=v.end(); ++viter) cout &lt;&lt; *viter &lt;&lt; " ";

cout &lt;&lt; endl; } return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } Note how the element sort takes v.begin() and v.end() as range arguments. This is very common in the STL, and you will meet it again. The STL provides specialized variants of vectors: the bitset and valarray. The former allows a degree of array-like addressing for individual bits, and the latter is intended for numeric use with real or integer quantities. To use them, include the <bitset> or <valarray> header files (these are not always supported in current STL implementations). Be careful if you erase() or insert() elements in the middle of a vector. This can invalidate all existing iterators. To erase all elements in a vector use the clear() member function. Deque #include <deque> The double-ended queue, deque (pronounced "deck") has similar properties to a vector, but as the name suggests you can efficiently insert or delete elements at either end. The table shows some of the main deque functions. Some Deque Access Functions Purpose --------------------------- ------begin() Returns iterator pointing to first element end() Returns iterator pointing _after_ last element push_front(...) Add element to front of deque pop_front(...) Destroy element at front of deque push_back(...) Add element to end of deque pop_back(...) Destroy element at end of deque swap( , ) Swap two elements insert( , ) Insert new element size() Number of elements in deque capacity() Element capacity before more memory needed empty() True if deque is empty [] Random access operator A deque, like a vector, is not very good at inserting or deleting elements at random positions, but it does allow random access to elements using the array-like [] syntax, though not as efficiently as a vector or array. Like the vector an erase() or insert() in the middle can invalidate all existing iterators. The following program shows a deque representing a deck of cards. // ANSI C Headers

#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt; // C++ STL Headers #include &lt;algorithm&gt; #include &lt;deque&gt; #include &lt;iostream&gt;

#ifdef _WIN32 using namespace std; #endif

class Card { public: Card() { Card(1,1); } Card( int s, int c ) { suit = s; card = c; } friend ostream &amp; operator&lt;&lt;( ostream &amp;os, const Card &amp;card ); int value() { return( card ); } private: int suit, card; };

ostream &amp; operator&lt;&lt;( ostream &amp;os, const Card &amp;card ) { static const char *suitname[] = { "Hearts", "Clubs", "Diamonds", "Spades" };

static const char *cardname[] = { "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King" }; return( os &lt;&lt; cardname[card.card-1] &lt;&lt; " of " &lt;&lt; suitname[card.suit] ); }

class Deck { public: Deck() { newpack(); }; void newpack() { for ( int i = 0; i &lt; 4; ++i ) { for ( int j = 1; j &lt;= 13; ++j ) cards.push_back( Card( i, j ) ); } } // shuffle() uses the STL sequence modifying algorithm, random_shuffle() void shuffle() { random_shuffle( cards.begin(), cards.end() ); } bool empty() const { return( cards.empty() ); } Card twist() { Card next = cards.front(); cards.pop_front(); return(next); } private: deque&lt; Card &gt; cards; };

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

Deck deck; Card card; int total, bank_total; char ch; // End of declarations ...

while ( 1 ) { cout &lt;&lt; "\n\n ---- New deck ----" &lt;&lt; endl; total = bank_total = 0; deck.shuffle(); ch = 'T';

while ( 1 ) { if ( total &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; total != 21 ) { cout &lt;&lt; "Twist or Stick ? "; cin &gt;&gt; ch; if ( !cin.good() ) cin.clear(); // Catch Ctrl-Z ch = toupper( ch ); } else { if ( total == 21 ) ch = 'S'; // Stick at 21 }

if ( ch == 'Y' || ch == 'T' ) { card = deck.twist();

total += card.value(); cout &lt;&lt; card &lt;&lt; " makes a total of " &lt;&lt; total &lt;&lt; endl; if ( total &gt; 21 ) { cout &lt;&lt; "Bust !" &lt;&lt; endl; break; } } else { cout &lt;&lt; "You stuck at " &lt;&lt; total &lt;&lt; "\n" &lt;&lt; "Bank tries to beat you" &lt;&lt; endl;

while ( bank_total &lt; total ) { if ( !deck.empty() ) { card = deck.twist(); bank_total += card.value(); cout &lt;&lt; card &lt;&lt; " makes bank's total " &lt;&lt; bank_total &lt;&lt; endl; if ( bank_total &gt; 21 ) { cout &lt;&lt; "Bank has bust - You win !" &lt;&lt; endl; break; } else if ( bank_total &gt;= total ) { cout &lt;&lt; "Bank has won !" &lt;&lt; endl; break; } } }

break; } }

cout &lt;&lt; "New game [Y/N] ? "; cin &gt;&gt; ch; if ( !cin.good() ) cin.clear(); // Catch Ctrl-Z ch = toupper( ch );

if ( ch != 'Y' &amp;&amp; ch != 'T' ) break; deck.newpack(); }

return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } The card game is a version of pontoon, the idea being to get as close to 21 as possible. Aces are counted as one, picture cards as 10. Try to modify the program to do smart addition and count aces as 10 or 1; use a vector to store your "hand" and give alternative totals. Notice the check on the state of the input stream after reading in the character response. This is needed because if you hit, say, <Ctrl>Z, the input stream will be in an error state and the next read will return immediately, causing a loop if you don't clear cin to a good state. List #include <list> Lists don't provide [] random access like an array or vector, but are suited to applications where you want to add or remove elements to or from the middle. They are implemented as double linked list structures in order to support bidirectional iterators, and are the most memory-hungry standard container, vector being the least so. In compensation, lists allow low-cost growth at either end or in the middle.

Here are some of the main list functions. Some List Access Functions Purpose -------------------------- -----begin() Returns iterator pointing to first element end() Returns iterator pointing _after_ last element push_front(...) Add element to front of list pop_front(...) Destroy element at front of list push_back(...) Add element to end of list pop_back(...) Destroy element at end of list swap( , ) Swap two elements erase(...) Delete elements insert( , ) Insert new element size() Number of elements in list capacity() Element capacity before more memory needed empty() True if list is empty sort() Specific function because <algorithm> sort routines expect random access iterators // ANSI C Headers #include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;

// C++ STL Headers #include &lt;algorithm&gt; #include &lt;iostream&gt; #include &lt;list&gt; #include &lt;string&gt;

#ifdef _WIN32 using namespace std; # pragma warning(disable:4786) // We know basic_string generates long names :-) #endif

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { string things[] = { "JAF", "ROB", "PHIL", "ELLIOTT", "ANDRZEJ" }; const int N = sizeof(things)/sizeof(things[0]); list&lt; string &gt; yrl; list&lt; string &gt;::iterator iter;

for ( int i = 0; i &lt; N; ++i) yrl.push_back( things[i] ); for ( iter = yrl.begin(); iter != yrl.end(); ++iter ) cout &lt;&lt; *iter &lt;&lt; endl;

// Find "ELLIOTT" cout &lt;&lt; "\nNow look for ELLIOTT" &lt;&lt; endl; iter = find( yrl.begin(), yrl.end(), "ELLIOTT" );

// Mary should be ahead of Elliott if ( iter != yrl.end() ) { cout &lt;&lt; "\nInsert MARY before ELLIOTT" &lt;&lt; endl; yrl.insert( iter, "MARY" ); } else { cout &lt;&lt; "\nCouldn't find ELLIOTT" &lt;&lt; endl; } for ( iter = yrl.begin(); iter != yrl.end(); ++iter ) cout &lt;&lt; *iter &lt;&lt; endl;

return( EXIT_SUCCESS );

The loop over elements starts at yrl.begin() and ends just before yrl.end(). The STL .end() functions return iterators pointing just past the last element, so loops should do a != test and not try to dereference this, most likely invalid, position. Take care not to reuse (e.g. ++) iterators after they have been used with erase() - they will be invalid. Other iterators, however, are still valid after erase() or insert(). Container Caveats Be aware that copy constructors and copy assignment are used when elements are added to and (in the case of the vector and deque) deleted from containers, respectively. To refresh your memories, copy constructor and copy assignment member functions look like this example: class MyClass { public: . // Copy constructor MyClass( const MyClass &mc ) { // Initialize new object by copying mc. // If you have *this = mc , you'll call the copy assignment function }

// Copy assignment MyClass & operator =( const MyClass &mcRHS ) { // Avoid self-assignment if ( this != &mcRHS ) {

// Be careful not to do *this = mcRHS or you'll loop . } return( *this ); } }; When you put an object in a container, the copy constructor will be called. If you erase elements, then destructors and copy assignments (if other elements need to be shuffled down) will be called. see supplementary example, RefCount.cxx for a demonstration of this. Another point to bear in mind is that, if you know in advance how many elements you are going to add to a container, you can reserve() space, avoiding the need for the STL to reallocate or move the container. vector<MyClass> things; things.reserve( 30000 ); for ( ... ) { things.push_back( nextThing ); } The above code fragment reserves enough space for 30000 objects up front, and produced a significant speed up in the program. Allocators Allocators do exactly what it says on the can. They allocate raw memory, and return it. They do not create or destroy objects. Allocators are very "low level" features in the STL, and are designed to encapsulate memory allocation and deallocation. This allows for efficient storage by use of different schemes for particular container classes. The default allocator, alloc, is thread-safe and has good performance characteristics. On the whole, it is best to regard allocators as a "black box", partly because their implementation is still in a state of change, and also because the defaults work well for most applications.

8. Write about the following with respect to:

A. Instance Diagrams Interaction diagrams are composed mainly of instances and messages. An instance is said to be the realization of a class that is if we have a class Doctor, than the instances are Dr. Jones, Dr. Smith, etc. In an object oriented application, instances are what exist when you instantiate a class (create a new variable with the class as its datatype). In the UML, instances are represented as rectangles with a single label formatted as: instanceName: datatype You can choose to name the instance or not, but the datatype should always be specified. Below the name, you can also list the attributes and their values. In Visual Case, you can map attributes from your class and enter new values specific to that instance. Attributes need only be shown when they are important and you dont have to specify and show all of the attributes of a class. Messages represent operation calls. That is, if an instance calls an operation in itself or another class, a message is passed. Also, upon the completion of the operation a return message is sent back to the instance that initiated the call. The format for message labels is: Sequence Iteration [Guard] : name (parameters) Sequence represents the order in which the message is called. The sequence is redundant on sequence diagrams, but required on collaboration diagrams Iteration an asterix (*) is shown to represent iteration if the message is called repeatedly. Guard an optional boolean expression (the result is either true or false) that determines if the message is called. Name represents the operation being called. Parameters represent the parameters on the operation being called. B) Sequence Diagrams Sequence diagrams emphasize the order in which things happen, while collaboration diagrams give more flexibility in their layout. You can use whichever you prefer when drawing interactions, as both show the same information.

An example sequence diagram for our logon collaboration is shown:

Things to Note: The flow of time is shown from top to bottom, that is messages higher on the diagram happen before those lower down The blue boxes are instances of the represented classes, and the vertical bars below are timelines The arrows (links) are messages operation calls and returns from operations The hide and show messages use guards to determine which to call. Guards are always shown in square braces [ ] and represent constraints on the message (the message is sent only if the constraint is satisfied) The messages are labeled with the operation being called and parameters are shown. You can choose to enter the parameters or not this is dependent upon their importance to the collaboration being shown The sequence numbers are not shown on the messages as the sequence is intrinsic to the diagram Asynchronous Messages You can specify a message as asynchronous if processing can continue while the message is being executed. In the example below, the asynchronous call does not block processing for the regular call right below. This is useful if the operation being called is run remotely, or in another thread.

C) Collaboration Diagrams Collaborations are more complex to follow than sequence diagrams, but they do provide the added benefit of more flexibility in terms of spatial layout.

Above is our logon interaction shown as a collaboration diagram. Notice that each message is numbered in sequence, because it is not obvious from the diagram, the order of the messages. Lollipop Interfaces Another advantage over the sequence diagram is that collaboration diagrams allow you to show lollipop interfaces.

Suppose that our DatabaseAccess class implemented an interface called Queryable. If the logon manager only has access to the interface, we can show that the message is called through the interface by including a lollipop interface on the diagram. The stick of the lollipop indicates that the class DatabaseAccess realizes Queryable.

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