Bio Lab Report Mongo
Bio Lab Report Mongo
Bio Lab Report Mongo
Name & CN Cubias, Jasper Gerald R. CN:8 !Librada, Ri"#ard CN:$% (a)ardo, *ndre+ *le S. CN:$, I. Objectives
T#is a"ti/it0 aims to stud0 some plant responses a''e"ted b0 plant #ormones, su"# as root gro+t#, stem elongation, seed germination, and 'ruit ripening
II. Methodology a.1 Root 2nitiation 3 $, mongo seedlings in t#e "ot0ledonar0 stage +ere used. T#e0 +ere put in separate beakers 45 seedlings ea"# beaker1 one o' t#em +it# 5, ml o' $,ppm 2** 4indole a"eti" a"id1 and one beaker +it# distilled +ater and +ere "o/ered +it# aluminum 'oils +#ere #oles +ere pla"ed. Gro+t# +as measured a'ter 675 da0s. b.1 Stem -longation 3 a t#in la0er o' +as#ed sand +as put into 'our 6,,7mL beakers. 8ne o' +#i"# +as saturated +it# se"ond +it# %,ml o' $pap gibberelli" a"id solution and t#e se"ond beaker +it# %,ml o' $,pap gibberelli" a"id, t#e t#ird +it# $, ml o' $,,ppm gibberelli" a"id solution and t#e 'ourt# +it# distilled +ater. $, germinated mongo seeds +ere put in ea"# beaker. Stem lengt#s +ere measured a'ter 'our to 'i/e da0s. ".1 Germination 2n#ibitor 3 t#e bottom o' 'our 6,,7ml or 9,,7ml beakers +ere lined +it# 'ilter paper. $,7ml $,,: papa0a e.tra"t +as put in t#e 'irst beaker, $,7ml 5,: in t#e se"ond, $,7ml %5: in t#e t#ird and $,7ml o' distilled +ater into t#e 'ourt#. %, mongo seeds +ere put in ea"# beaker +#i"# +as pre/iousl0 soaked 'or an #our. T#e number o' germinated seeds +as re"orded. d.1 (ruit Ripening 3 t#ree resealable plasti" bags +ere a";uired and t#ree unripe bananas +ere pla"ed in ea"#. 2n t#e 'irst plasti" bag, one o/erripe apple +as pla"ed< t+o +ere pla"ed in t#e se"ond and none in t#e t#ird. T#e plasti" bag +as resealed and t#e rate o' 'ruit ripening +as obser/ed a'ter =7> da0s. III. Data and Results Group $: Root 2nitiation and (ruit Ripening 8bser/ations: 4a1 Root 2nitiation 3 t#ere +as more root gro+t# in t#e mongo seedlings t#at +ere put in t#e beaker +it# t#e 2** solution t#an t#at o' t#ose in t#e beaker +it# distilled +ater.
4d1 (ruit Ripening 3 t#e ripest bananas +ere 'ound in t#e resealable bag +it# t+o apples and t#e least ripe +ere t#e ones in t#ose +it#out an0 apples inside. T#e slig#tl0 less ripe bananas t#an t#e ones +it# t+o apples are t#e ones in t#e $ apple plasti" bag. Group %: Root 2nitiation and (ruit Ripening 8bser/ations: 4a1 Root 2nitiation 3 more root gro+t# +as obser/ed in t#e mongo seedlings t#at +ere soaked in 2** solution t#at t#ose t#at +ere soaked in distilled +ater. 4d1 (ruit Ripening 3 t#e resealable bag +it# t+o o/erripe apples #ad t#e least bananas and t#e one +it#$ apple #ad less ripe bananas t#an t#at o' t#e bag +it#out an0 apples. Group =: Root 2nitiation 8bser/ations: 4a1 Root 2nitiation 3 t#e seeds in t#e 2** beaker e.#ibited more root gro+t# t#an t#e seeds in t#e Distilled ?ater beaker +#i"# #ad no roots a'ter 675 da0s. Group 6: Stem -longation 8bser/ations: 4b1 Stem -longation 3 t#e seeds t#at e.#ibited t#e most stem gro+t# +as t#at o' t#e beaker +it# $,,ppm gibberelli" a"id 'ollo+ed b0 t#e seeds in t#e $,ppm gibberelli" a"id and t#en t#e ones soaked in +ater. T#e seeds soaked in $ppm gibberelli" e.#ibited t#e least stem gro+t#. Group 5: Stem -longation 8bser/ations: 4b1 Stem -longation 3 t#e seeds in t#e $ppm G* s#o+ed t#e stem elongation< seeds in +ater s#o+ed slig#tl0 less stem elongation t#an t#at o' $ppm< $,ppm G* s#o+ed e/en more less elongation t#an t#at o' +ater, and t#e $,,ppm s#o+ed t#e least stem gro+t#. Group 9: Stem -longation 8bser/ations: 4b1 Stem -longation 3 t#e seeds t#at #ad t#e longest stems 4in a/erage1 +ere t#e ones in t#e $,ppm gibberelli" a"id 4a/erage@%6"m1 'ollo+ed b0 t#e seeds in t#e $ppm gibberelli" a"id 4a/erage@%=.95"m1 and t#en t#e ones in distilled +ater 4a/erage@%,.8"m1. T#e stems in t#e $,,ppm gibberelli" a"id solution +ere t#e ones +#o #ad t#e least gro+t# 4a/erage@$8.%5"m1. Group >: Gro+t# 2n#ibitor 8bser/ations: 4"1 Gro+t# 2n#ibitor 3 t#e $,,: papa0a e.tra"t in#ibited t#e gro+t# o' t#e mongo most as t#e seedlings in t#e $,,: papa0a e.tra"t +ere "olored bro+nAbla"k and #ad no lea/es. T#e %5: papa0a e.tra"t also in#ibited t#e gro+t# be"ause t#e seeds #ad s#orter roots and less lea/es t#an t#e seeds soaked in distilled +ater +#i"# #ad long roots and some lea/es. T#e 5,: papa0a e.tra"t seeds "on"luded no data as it +as eaten b0 birds.
Group 8: Gro+t# 2n#ibitor 8bser/ations: 4"1 Gro+t# 2n#ibitor 3 t#e seedlings in distilled +ater e.#ibited t#e most gro+t# as t#ose in t#e "rude papa0a +ere eaten b0 birds. T#e %5: e.tra"t s#o+ed slig#tl0 more gro+t# t#an t#ose o' t#e seeds in t#e 5,: e.tra"t Group B: Gro+t# 2n#ibitor 8bser/ations: 4"1 Gro+t# 2n#ibitor 3 t#e "rude papa0a e.tra"t s#o+ed less or no gro+t# 'rom t#e seedlings and t#e distilled +ater seedlings +ere t#e ones +#o e.#ibited t#e most gro+t#. T#e seedlings in t#e 5,: papa0a e.tra"t s#o+ed slig#t gro+t# in#ibition and t#e seedlings in t#e %5: papa0a e.tra"t +ere in"on"lusi/e as t#e0 +ere eaten b0 birds. Group $,: (ruit Ripening 8bser/ations: 4d1 (ruit Ripening 3 t#e most ripe bananas +ere 'ound in t#e plasti" bag +it# no apples, t#e less ripe bananas +ere in t#e t+o apple plasti" bag, and t#e least ripe +ere t#e ones in t#e plasti" bag +it# one apple. IV. Analysis and Discussion 4a1 Root 2nitiation Sin"e 2ndolea"eti" *"id 42**1 is used, t#ere s#ould be more root gro+t# in t#e plant sin"e 2** is t#e most "ommon 'orm o' t#e plant #ormone, +#i"# a''e"ts "ells enlargement< it "an stimulate bud 'ormation and root initiation. *u.ins are kno+n to +ork better in t#e dark t#an +#en it is e.posed to lig#t. *u.ins stimulate "ambium and "auses "ells to di/ide t#ere'ore "ausing it to gro+ roots 'aster. T#is agrees +it# t#e result o' t#e e.periment t#at more roots +ere 'ound in t#e seeds soaked in 2**. 4b1 Stem -longation T#e plant #ormone in Gibberili" *"id is gibberellin< t#e0 also promote "ellular di/ision and in"rease in internodal lengt#s. T#e0 are also kno+n to "ause seedless 'ruit7 bearings. 2t 'un"tions b0 breaking do+n t#e stored 'ood in t#e endosperm "ausing "ells to di/ide. T#e0 are most "ommonl0 naturall0 produ"ed b0 plants or 'ungi. T#is "oin"ides +it# t#e e.periment sin"e man0 o' t#eir stems got longer +#en t#e0 +ere e.posed to t#e G* t#an )ust t#e distilled +ater. Cut t#ere is a "ontradi"tion in t#e results o' t#e e.periments sin"e one s#o+ed t#at t#e most gro+t# +as 'ound in t#e $,ppm G* and t#e ot#er s#o+ed most gro+t# in t#e $,,ppm. 4d1 (ruit Ripening T#e plant #ormone t#at +as utiliDed in 'ruit ripening +as et#0lene. 2t speeds up t#e ripening o' t#e 'ruit. *s s#o+n in t#e results, t#e bag +it# t#e t+o o/erripe apples #ad t#e ripest bananas< t#is is be"ause o' t#e et#0lene produ"ed b0 t#e o/erripe apples. *s su"#, t#e bag +it# no apples #ad t#e least ripe bananas.
8t#er e.amples o' plant #ormones are absi"i" a"ids and "0tokinins. Eormones 'un"tion b0 a''e"ting t#e di/ision o' plant "ells< and t#ere'ore eit#er speed up or slo+ do+n plant gro+t# and de/elopment. Eormones "an be naturall0 'ound and are naturall0 produ"ed in plants. Eormones "an also be produ"ed arti'i"iall0 and "an be used as gro+t# regulators in 'arms or 'lo+ering s#ops. Some #ormones #a/e t#e same e''e"ts< su"# as au.ins and gibbereli" a"ids. V. Conclusion and Recommendation &lants respond to di''erent #ormones in di''erent +a0s< and t#e /arious #ormones in plants a''e"t its gro+t# and its p#0si"al stru"tures. T#e di''erent #ormones #a/e been s#o+n to a''e"t root initiation, 'ruit ripening, stem elongation, and gro+t# in#ibition in plants. VI. Bibliography 2nternet Sour"e:'oAabs"isi"a"id.#tm Cook Sour"es: Glen"oeA "Gra+7Eill 4$BB51. Ciolog0: T#e D0nami"s o' Li'e. B=9 -ast+ind Dri/e ?ester/ille, 8E 6=,8$ &renti"e Eall 4$BB=1. Ciolog0, T#e Stud0 o' Li'e. &renti"e #all, 2n". FS*