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Screening Tool Domain - DUDIT: 0 1 2 3 4 Score

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Screening Tool Domain DUDIT

Client Because drug use can affect your health and can interfere with certain medications
and treatments, it is important that we ask some questions about your use of drugs. Your
answers will remain confidential within the Substance Misuse Service, so please be honest. In
event that these results need to be shared as part of your care plan, we will discuss with you
why sharing is necessary, seek your consent to share and ask you to sign a Release of
Information Form. You may refuse at any time to have these results shared.

For each question in the chart below, please X in one box that best describes your answers

Male ( ) Female ( ) 0 1 2 3 4 Score

Age ( )
1. How often do you Never Once a month 2-4 times 2-3 times 4 times a
use drugs other than or less often a month A week week or more
alcohol? Objective:
Frequency per
2. Do you use more Never Once a month 2-4 times 2-3 times 4 times a
than one type of drug or less often a month A week week or more
on the same occasion? often Objective:
Poly-drug use
3. How many times do 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 or more
you take drugs on a
typical day when you Objective:
use drugs? Frequency per
4. How often are you Never Less often than Every month Every week Daily or
heavily influenced by once a month almost daily
drugs Objective:
Heavy use
5. Over the past year, Never Less often than Every month Every week Daily or
have you felt that your once a month almost daily
longing for drugs was Objective:
so strong that you Craving
could not resist it?
6. Has it happened, Never Less often than Every month Every week Daily or
over the past year that once a month almost daily
you have not been able Objective:
to stop taking drugs Loss of control
once you started?
7. How often over the Never Less often than Every month Every week Daily or
past year have you once a month almost daily
taken drugs and then Objective:
not done something Priorisation of
you should have done? drug use
8. How often over the Never Less often than Every month Every week Daily or
past year have you once a month almost daily
needed to take a drug Objective:
the morning after Eye opener or
heavy drug use the day Hair of the dog
9. How often over the Never Less often than Every month Every week Daily or
past year have you had once a month almost daily
guilt feelings or a bad
conscience because Objective:
you used drugs? Guilt feelings
10. Have you or No Yes, but not over Yes, over the
anyone else been the last year last year
hurt because you used Objective:
drugs? Harmful use
11. Has a relative or a No Yes, but not over Yes, over the
friend, a doctor or a the last year last year
nurse, or anyone else,
been worried about Objective:
your drug use or said Concern from
to you that you should others
stop using drugs?

Total DUDIT Score -

DUDIT Scoring Guidance

Feel free to show the form to the person you are interviewing and fill it out together.

Questions 1 to 9 are scored 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Questions 10 and 11 are scored 0, 2 or 4.

The maximum score is 44.

A client with 25 points or more is probably heavily dependent on drugs.

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