Appenjix A. Study Measures and Self-Report Questionnaires
Appenjix A. Study Measures and Self-Report Questionnaires
Appenjix A. Study Measures and Self-Report Questionnaires
PATIENT: Because alcohol use can affect your health and can interfere with certain medications and
treatments, itis important that we ask some questions about your use of alcohol. Your answers will
remain confident ial so please be honest. Place an X in one box that best describes your answer to
each question.
Questions 0 1 2 3 4
1. How often do you have a drink 2-4times 4 or more
Monthly 2-3 flmes
containing alcohol? Never or less pr week times per
month week
2. How many drinks containing alcohol
do you have on a typical day when 1 or 2 3 or 4 5e 6 7to 9 10 or more
you are drinking?
3. How often do you have six or more Daily or
Less than
Neyer Monthly WeeMy almœt
drinks on one occasion7 Monthly
4. How often during the last year have Daily or
Less than
you found that you were unable to Never Monthly Weeldy almœt
Monthly daily
stop drinking once you started?
5. How often during the last year have Daily or
Less than
you failed to do what was expected Never MoMhly Weeldy almœt
Monthly daily
of you because of drinking7
6. How often during the last year have
you needed a drink first thing in the Dally or
Less than
Never Monthly Weekly almœt
morning to getyourselfgoing after a Monthly daily
heavy drinking session*
7. How often during the last year have Daily or
Less than
you had a feeling ofguilt or remorse Never Monthly Monthly Weeldy alrnost
after drinking7 daily
8. How often during the last year have
Daily or
you been unable to remember what Never
Less than
Monthly Weekly almœt
happened the night before because Monthly
you were drinking?
9. Have you or someone else been Yes,but Yes, during
injured because of your drinking? NO not in the the last
last year year
10. Has a relative, friend, doctor or other
Yes, but Yes, durfng
healthcare worker been concerned NO not in the the last
about your drinking or suggested vou last year year
cut down?
Brief Addiction Monitor-Revised (BAM-R)
Name: Date:
This is a standard set of questions about several areas of your life such as your health, alcohol and drug use,
etc. The questions generally ash about fhe past 30 d'ays. Please consider each question and answer as
accurately as possible.
Method of Administration:
Clinician Interview Self Report Phone
1. In the past 30 days, how would you say your physical health has been?
0 Excellent (0)
0 Very Good (8)
0 Good (15)
0 Fair (22)
D Poor (30)
2. In the past 30 days, how many nights did you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?
3. In the past 30 days, how many days have you felt depressed, anxious, angry or very upset throughout most of the
4. In the past 30 days, how many days did you drink ANY alcohol?
5. In the past 30 days, how many days did you have at least 5 drinks (if you are a man) or at least 4 drinks (if you are a
woman)? [One drink is considered one shot of hard liquor (1.5 oz.) or 12-ounce can/bottle of beer or 5-ounce glass
of wine.}
6. In the past 30 days, how many days did you use any illegal or street drugs or abuse any prescription medications?
7. In the past 30 days, how many days did you use any of the following drugs:
7A. Marijuana (cannabis, pot, weed)?
7B. Sedatives and/or Tranquilizers (benzos, Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Ambien, barbs, Phenobarbital, downers, etc.)?
7D. Other Stimulants (amphetamine, methamphetamine, Dexedrine, Ritalin, Adderall, speed, crystal meth, ice, etc.)?
7E. Opiates (Heroin, Morphine, Dilaudid, Demerol, Oxycontin, oxy, codeine (Tylenol 2,3,4), Percocet, Vicodin,
Fentanyl, etc.)?
7F. Inhalants (glues, adhesives, nail polish remover, paint thinner, etc.)?
7G. Other drugs (steroids, non-prescription sleep and diet pills, Benadryl, Ephedra, other over-the-counter or
unknown medications)?
8. In the past 30 days, how much were you bothered by cravings or urges to drink alcohol or use drugs?
0 Not at all (0)
Slightly (8)
0 Moderately (15)
0 Considerably (22)
0 Extremely (30)
9. How confident are you that you will NOT use alcohol and drugs in the next 30 days?
D Not at all (0)
0 Slightly (8)
Moderately (15)
0 Considerably (22)
0 Extremely (30)
10. In the past 30 days, how many days did you attend self-help meetings like AA or NA to support your recovery?
11. In the past 30 days, how many days were you in any situations or with any people that might put you at an increased
risk for using alcohol or drugs (i.e., around risky“people, places or things")?
13. In the past 30 days, how many days did you spend much of the time at work, school, or doing volunteer work?
14. Do you have enough income (from legal sources) to pay for necessities such as housing, transportation, food and
clothing for yourself and your dependents?
O No (0)
O Yes {30)
15. In the past 30 days, how much have you been bothered by arguments or problems getting along with any family
members or friends?
D Not at all (0)
D Slightly (8)
D Moderately (15)
D Considerably (22)
D Extremely (30)
16. In the past 30 days, how many days did you contact or spend time with any family members or friends who are
supportive of your recovery?
17. How satisfied are you with your progress toward achieving your recovery goals?
Q Not at all (0)
D Slightly (8)
D Moderately (15)
0 Considerably (22)
D Extremely (30)
DIRECTIONS: People difTer in the ways they act and think in different situations. This is a test
to measure some of the ways in which you act and think. Read each statement and put an X on
the appropriate circle on the right side of this page. Do not spend too much time on any
statement. Answer quickly and honestly.
Robert M. Roth, PhD, Peter K. Isquith, PhD, and Gerard A. Gioia, PhD
On the followmg pagea is a list of statements. We would rike to know if you have had pmHgina
with they behaviors over the cast month. Please answer all the items the best that you can.
Please DO NOT SKIP ANY ITEMS. Indicate your response bx circling
N if the behavior is Never a problem
S if the behavior is Sometimes a Problem
O if the behavior is Often a problem
For example, if you never have trouble making decisions, you would circle N for this item:
I have trouble making decisions S O
Ifyou make a mistnke,or want to change your answer, DO NOT ERASE. Draw an “M through the
answer you want to change, and then circle the correct anawer:
I have trouble mnking decisions O
Before you begin answering the items, please fi11 in the name, gender, age, date of birth, today's
date, and years and level of education in the spaces provided at the top of the next page.
“Drug abuse” refers to ( ) the use of prescribed or over-the-counter drugs in excess of the directions,
and (z) any nonmedical use of drugs.
The various classes of drugs may include cannabis (marijuana, hashish), solvents (e.g., paint thinner),
tranquilizers (e.g„ Valium), barbiturates, cocaine, stimulants (e.g., speed), hallucinogens (e.g., LSD) or narcotics
(e.g., heroin). Remember that the questions do not include alcoholic beverages.
Please answer every question. If you have difficulty with a statement, then choose the response that is
mostly right.
Interpretation of Score
Score Degree of Problems Related to Drug Abuse Suggested Action
0 No problems reported None at this time
1-2 Low level Monitor, re-assess at a later date
3-5 Moderate level Further investigation
6-8 Substantial level Intensive assessment
9-10 Severe level Intensive assessment
Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10). (Copyright 1982 by the Addiction Research Foundation.J