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Alcohol Screen (AUDIT)

Low Strength Beer Wine

425ml 100ml
2.7% Alcohol 12% Alcohol

This guide contains examples

of one standard drink.
A full strength can or stubbie
contains one and a half
standard drinks.

Because alcohol use can affect health and interfere with certain medications and treatments, it is important that we ask you some questions about your use
of alcohol. Your answers will remain confidential, so please be as accurate as possible. Try to answer the questions in terms of ‘standard drinks’. Please
ask for clarification if required.
AUDIT Questions Please tick the response that best fits your drinking.

Never Monthly or 2 - 4 times a 2 - 3 times a 4 or more

less month week times a week
Score Sub totals
1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
Go to Qs
9 & 10
1 or 2 3 or 4 5 or 6 7 to 9 10 or more
2. How many standard drinks do you have on a typical
day when you are drinking?
Never Less than Monthly Weekly Daily or
monthly almost daily
3. How often do you have six or more standard drinks
on one occasion ?
4. How often during the last year have you found that
you were not able to stop drinking once you had
5. How often during the last year have you failed to do
what was normally expected of you because of
6. How often during the last year have you needed a
first drink in the morning to get yourself going after
a heavy drinking session?
7. How often during the last year have you had a feeling
of guilt or remorse after drinking?
8. How often during the last year have you been unable
to remember what happened the night before because
you had been drinking?
No Yes, but not in the Yes, during the last
last year year
9. Have you or someone else been injured because of
your drinking?
10. Has a relative, friend, doctor, or other health care
worker been concerned about your drinking or
suggested you cut down?
Supplementary Questions Probably
No Not Unsure Possibly Definitely

Do you think you presently have a problem with drinking?

Very easy Fairly easy difficult nor Fairly difficult Very difficult
In the next 3 months, how difficult would you find it to
cut down or stop drinking?
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How to score and interpret the AUDIT
The World Health Organization’s Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is a very reliable and simple screening tool which is sensitive to early
detection of risky and high risk (or hazardous and harmful) drinking. It has three questions on alcohol consumption (1 to 3), three questions on drinking
behaviour and dependence (4 to 6) and four questions on the consequences or problems related to drinking (7 to 10).
The Supplementary Questions do not belong to the AUDIT and are not scored. They provide useful clinical information associated with the client’s
perception of whether they have an alcohol problem and their confidence that change is possible in the short-term. They act as an indication of the degree
of intervention required and provide a link to counselling or brief intervention following feedback of the AUDIT score to the client.
Scoring the AUDIT
• The columns in the AUDIT are scored from left to right.
• Questions 1 to 8 are scored on a five-point scale from 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
• Questions 9 & 10 are scored on a three -point scale from 0, 2 and 4.
• Record the score for each question in the “score” column on the right, including a zero for questions 2 to 8 if ‘skipped’.
• Record a total score in the “TOTAL” box at the bottom of the column. The maximum score is 40.
Consumption score
Add up questions 1 to 3 and place this sub-score in the adjacent single box in the far right column (maximum score possible = 12). A score of 6 or 7
may indicate a risk of alcohol-related harm, even if this is also the total score for the AUDIT (e.g. consumption could be over the recommended weekly intake
of 28 for men and 14 for females in the absence of scoring on any other questions). Drinking may also take place in dangerous situations (e.g. driving,
fishing/boating). Scores of 6 to 7 may also indicate potential harm for those groups more susceptible to the effects of alcohol, such as young people, women,
the elderly, people with mental health problems and people on medication. Further inquiry may reveal the necessity for harm reduction advice.
Dependence score
Add up questions 4 to 6 and place this sub-score in the adjacent single box in the far right column (maximum score possible = 12). In addition to the
total AUDIT score, a secondary ‘dependence’ score of 4 or more as a subtotal of questions 4 to 6, suggests the possibility of alcohol dependence (and
therefore the need for more intensive intervention if further assessment confirms dependence).
Alcohol-related problems score
Any scoring on questions 7 to 10 warrants further investigation to determine whether the problem is of current concern and requires intervention.

AUDIT Total score Dependence score Risk level Possible Interventions

0-7 below 4 Low-risk • Use ‘Right Mix’ materials to reinforce low-risk drinking,
particularly for those who previously had alcohol problems
or whose circumstances may change.
• Harm reduction advice may be appropriate for those in
susceptible groups (see ‘Consumption Score’ above).

• Brief Intervention
8 - 15 below 4 Risky or hazardous level.
- feedback of AUDIT and harm reduction advice may be
Moderate risk of harm. May include
some clients currently experiencing
Ideally also:
harm (especially those who have
- setting goals and limits
minimised their reported intake and
- a motivational interview
- self-monitoring of drinking
- use of “The Right Mix” self-help guide
4 or more Assess for dependency • Counselling may be required.

• Brief Intervention (all components) is a minimum requirement.

16 - 19 below 4 High-risk or harmful level.
• Assessment for more intensive intervention.
Drinking that will eventually result
• Counselling using CBT principles and motivational interviewing
in harm, if not already doing so.
in individual sessions and/or in groups.
May be dependent.
• Follow-up and referral where necessary.
4 or more Assess for dependence

• Further assessement preferably including family and significant

20 or more below 4 High-risk
Definite harm, also likely to be
• More intensive counselling and/or group program.
alcohol dependent. Assess for
• Consider referral to medical or specialist services for withdrawal
4 or more Almost certainly dependent. • Pharmacotherapy to manage cravings.
Assess for dependency. • Relapse prevention, longer-term follow-up and support.

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