Million Mind March
Million Mind March
Million Mind March
you thread yourself into these List Dragons funnel, their marketing SYSTEM backs up, takes a deep breath
and seamlessly adjusts to welcome you. Without trying to sell or convince you of a doggone thing.
What’s so unusual, if you really take the time to peel back their onions, is that these Brainiacs are using grace;
not force. In fact, they feed you with so much education that you never actually feel like you’re being played.
And yet each of their dollar dances are perfectly synchronized. With a back-step called C-O-N-T-E-N-T.
In Alphabetical Order It’s like an elevator. Does it care which floor you begin with? No. Because which ever floor
Jay Abraham you hop on, it adjusts to your momentum to accommodate your goal. Through non-resistance.
Big Al
Joe Schroeder Same with the big guns. They adjust. Because their “parts” equal their whole.
Robert Blackman
Gary Halbert The power here (not too big a word), is that with this biz-model, once you understand the
Randy Gage pattern of these list Gorillas and Web 2.0 Community Lords, is that it’s not always exactly
Diane Hochman what these Monopoly Artists are hawking—–which defines their magic —but rather in how
Dani Johnson
Brian Winfield
they are lacing entire pools of people ——thousands——into their list Palaces of Prosperity.
Marlon Sanders To them this really must be just a numbers
Jeff Paul
Josh Peak game. Why? Because with systems that expose, in- Permission Marketing
volve and upgrade prospects on the fly, seamlessly and
Rachael Ray
by adjusting it’s biorhythm to yours, through weeks
Drawing a large crowd
Tony Robbins
Mike Litman of endless courtship, the pay days of these mental Goli- is patty cake simple when
Yanik Silver aths is a predictable exercise is basic cause and effect.
Oprah Winfrey It’s timed, calculated and makes sales. Systematically.
the little fish are standing
in line after taking your
“Content is King”——Well, Duh! bait asking, “I liked what
There’s an old saying of mine, “If you bait your hook with chum the fish I read. You are brilliant.
will bite.” Which defines the very discipline that created the Big Fish in
the first place. I use the word discipline because patience is it’s scorecard.
What else do you have? I
like what I see. What ex-
Which is a carefully calibrated viral experience that is loaded with rele-
vant content (letters, articles, blogs, etc) that effortlessly courts future
actly do you promote?
buyers—even if that takes a month, like, so? —–and allows them sniffing You have my permission
room to convince and to sell themselves. That’s the magic. Because its
orchestrated. The ART comes into play when you know HOW people to sell me. My time is
“buy” and you set them up for purchase without them f eeling sold. your time.” Pg. #1
If You Didn’t Earn $20,000 Last Month Did It Occur
To You That Maybe What You Are Selling Wasn’t
Designed To Bring You $1,000 and $2,000 Pay Days?
Star-Link Nation We Sell and Offer What Everyone Wants and Uses
Articles / Blogs Subconscious Mind Course 24/7 Coaching Members Area
Coaching Tela -Class
List Building Tools / Webinars Two Level $2,041 Program
Cool Bulletins
Post-Cards To Use Live Seminars
Auto-Responder Letters
MLM Coaching No-Risk $97 Retail Front-End
Video Training
Free MP-3 Files 100% Generic Program Downline Building We Started in
My-Space Identity
Bring Your Downline Here Content For Your Own Website
Ebooks & Reports
Audio Post -Cards Rock-Enroll Jesus
Copyrights 2008 / Mega-Mind Studio & Joe Schroeder Media & Arts Group Page # 2
Content + Media + Subconscious Mind Course + Members Area
Where Permission To Perch Creates More Bank For Smart Fisherman
Permission marketing is built around the rational The hidden “Wow” about e-marketing is that
calculation that both parties are safe. Look at it
through the customers perspective. They have is doesn’t cost one penny to speak to the “no”
money to spend darn it. They do. crowd who has rejected your offer. Therefore
They simply don’t have THE TIME to dicker with
fast talking hurry and buy me salesmen. Why? Be- over time, unlike traditional business, you can
cause they aren’t sure if you are legit, nor do they convert many door slammers to blind dates.
even feel safe enough—yet—with your company.
In this model, to go FAST is to go slow and to go However, when they raise their hands you bet-
slow is to actually go fast. ter have a complete marketing curriculum.
The new model is simple. All you do is persuade Deep down, most businesses don’t have the
future buyers to volunteer their attention. streaming unrelenting content to make the case
Not to buy anything. Just to watch you and to sam-
of “we are worth your time, here is why.”
ple whatever it is you are offering.
Hey? Didn’t you listen to the hot music CD you So they fritter away money and they
last bought 3-4-5 times BEFORE you sold your- point, cock, shoot, miss and walk away.
self? THAT is what permission marketing is which
is why “he who controls the content also controls
the central nervous system of a niche market.” Because most companies don’t have a rational
Which is also why those Net-Giants who have the case to involve their potential customers
means and content to nest, cajole and entertain a imagination which could convince the mark
list of not-ready-to buy-yet-but-maybe-soon people
make all the ATM and PAY-PAL cash like Kings. that what they are selling is of high value.
It’s predictable, mathematical and quantifiable
marketing. But it begins with trust. On both sides. So there you go. Just another $1,000 in future
One where time becomes your buddy and patience back-end sales lost to guys like us who were
becomes your most loyal new best friend.
smart enough to cater to a prospect rather
Imagine if you had this ARTICLE with your name than trying to (yawn) close them.
on it. Do you E-V-E-N have a clue as to the bounty —Don’t salesman know that buyers close themselves?—
that such an article like this can harvest you?
Without content provided to HBO they wouldn’t Those that have Mojo and tireless content to
have a cable to stand on. No content = no biz. back up their Cavier dreams and champagne
What is Google? One big fat filing cabinet. wishes win and win large. Hummer style.
What would newspapers do or how would CBS
survive without new and relevant content?
There goes yet another Internet Millionaire!
We Priced The “Mega-Mind ”
What would Paramount Pictures do without their at Just $2,041 So Everyone Could Make
pals over at DREAMWORKS (see S. Speilberg)
who supply them with a feed of new content?
$1,000 Per Sale and Then $500 Second
Level. This Way You Can Earn $10,000 by
Radio? A bridge for new content. Ipod and iPhones Selling 10 and $25,000 When Each of Those
are content driven. Content makes the world hum. 10 Each Sell Five. That Totals $35,000!
Now you know what all Big Fish knew ages ago. Page # 3
The “Secret” of The Rich is They Earn Over and Over
on The Predictable Buying Habits of a Niche Market. ..
That’s Called, “Supply Side” Marketing
Example #1: Oprah Content Delivery & Supply Supply Side Marketing
** Oprah Winfrey creates the content and supplies networks with her TV show.
** Plus she supplies magazine publishers with her “O” magazine.
** She also produces and cerates TV movies to supply the Oxygen network with content.
** Oprah is in the same business as iPod and Apple = content delivery & entertainment.
Selling the “Supply Side” is Being Next To Consumers Earning on Their Buying Habits
Example #2: Emeril Lugasse Recipe Supply Supply Side Marketing
** Lugasse has multiple recipe delivery shows on the Food network. Income #1.
** His multiple line of restaurants are in NYC, Vegas and Louisiana. Income #2.
** His books are “best sellers” and he even sells pasta sauce in stores. Income #3 and #4
** Plus he supplies you with his secret (Bam!) herbs and spices in stores = Income # 5
The Super-Rich Sit Within a Buyers Market and They Earn Multiple X’s off The Same People
** If you eat potato chips Pepsi Cola earns money. Because they own Frito-Lay!
** If you drink orange juice or water, they “own you” there too. Think Tropicana.
** If you hate soda, no problem. They also own Gatorade! Go Pepsi, go!
** Plus they earn $$ when you eat breakfast. Why? They own Quaker Oats as well.
The Motto of Pepsi Cola, “We’ll earn money off you one way or another. We own
most of the products you eat anyway because we are on the supply side.”
Example #4: Star-Link Nation Smart Money Supply Side Marketing
** We have been a content delivery system available to the entire industry since 1996.
** If you blog, use social media sites and Network we provide the content and tools to use.
** If you use an auto-responder we supply the content that no one has time to write.
** We also supply splash pages in order to allow users to host and brand themselves easily.
The Game is to be in every possible location that your market spends money in.
Be there and earn equity multiple ways, over and over on the same people.
That’s what Time-Warner, the Donald and Disney does. It’s the way of the rich.
Example #4: DISNEY Supply Side Marketing
** Disney is everywhere your child is. On TV, on the internet and they even sell time-share.
** If you go to movies, they earn money. They even charge your kid to use their website.
** They charge you to go to Disney, they lease you land and plus they sell T-Shirts!
It’s Bigger Than Making Money. It’s More Like Holding a Niche Market Hostage! Page. # 4
Part-Timers Sell an MLM Program. The Heavy-Hitters Are On The
Supply Side Providing Leads, Training, Content Delivery and Social
Networking Tools. The Intelligent Side is The Supply Side. More Money!
Step #1
Order $97 Super-Mind & Join Lead Program What $41,000 in 92 Days Looks Like
* You sell our $2,041 program to sixteen (16) people. Maybe 50% bought Super-Mind first.
Step #2 * SIX of those sixteen sales did NOTHING. You still made 16 X’s $1,000 = $16,000.
* Ten of the sixteen each sold five. That’s 10 x’s 5 = 50 sales x’s $500 paid to you.
Join The Star-Link Organization
* That would be $500 (second level pay) x’s 50 = $25,000!!!
Step #3 * $25,000 and then the original $16,000 = $41,000 dollars. You can do this fast or slow.
Order The $2,041 Mega-Mind Course
Because You Earn $500 On Other People’s Sales You Supply Side
Could Earn $1,000 to $5,000 W-E-E-K-L-Y on Their Sales! Paramount
Just Five Sales is $5,000 and Disney
If Those (5) Each Sell Five Steven Speilberg
The Goal is To Change Lives and iPod / Apple PC
That’s $500 X’s 5 = $12,500 Time-Warner
That’s a Total of $17,500 Earn a Residual Income of $20,000 Verizon
Oprah Winfrey
(with just 5 sales) Per Month While You Change Lives and Wal-Mart
God Is Love
Page # 5
The Mega-Mind Course: $2,041 Madonna
* Earn $1,000 per sale and $500 second level. Tom Hanks
* No sales to give away as “training sales.”
Here’s How To Do Just That:
* Immediately earn $1,000 per sale. Via-Com
* Home delivered package with a lifetime of value.
* Receive $25 coupon to “WISDOM SCHOOL” seminar.
The Goal is To Be Fully Optimized Supply Side
* Receive six (*6) Subconscious Mind audio CD’s. “Less Work, Less Time and More Money.”
* Receive “Alpha Code” 121 Pg. 8X11 manual.
Controls The
* Receive MASTER of our post -card & sales letters. ** Earn $500 per sale on the efforts of other people. Content &
* Receive one $97 SUPER-MIND program. (Free Bonus)
* Receive streaming FEED of content and BLOG items.
** Earn $1,000 per sale off the ads you placed last month. Delivery of
* Streaming media feed of auto-responder letters. ** Earn monthly residual income in our “Lead” downline. Leads,
* WEBINARS and VIDEO training (My-Space)
* Webinars ONLY for our downline in “lead” program. ** Goal: BEGIN each month with $10,000 of guaranteed income.
Tools &
* Monthly usage tuition is forty-eight dollars. Retail Items
Each Item You Retail Must Bridge into Future Upgrades and Then Combust into Monthly Repeat Sales
Product Continuity is When Each of The Parts Equal The Whole. (see Oprah)
Without a Predictable Funnel Your Failure Persists
This Precise and Predictable System Creates Residual Income
Chaos To Cash
Only $14.95
FREE $97
The closer you Super-Mind
move to free on Earn $60
TOP of the The System
funnel the
more paying 1) Give
customers 2) Sow
3) Harvest
circle around $2,041 4) Play
whatever Pays 5) Pray Harder
you sell. $1,500
Where’s Products
That Help People
The Genius? Monthly Program The Subconscious
Residual Give People Web 2.0 Tools
Easy Video Training
Income Message Boards
OFF Line Sales Tools
Earn $20,000 to $40,000 with a hot pay Live Seminars
plan and deliver MORE life to people and Auto-Responder (117) Letters
help them RE-PROGRAM their minds. Web 2.0 Tutorials
Then throw in web 2.0 tools to such an BLOG Content
extent their sweet little heads FALL off! Live Subconscious Training
You Collect and Harvest 1,000’s of Monthly Repeat “Auto-Ship” Repeat Buyers
Retail Buyers Convert to REPEAT MONTHLY Customers
Direct Sales Without a Repeat Monthly Residual Income is Just a Job!
Please fax in page # 8 PRIOR and BEFORE You Pay Anyone So We Can MONITOR Your Purchase Page #6
When You Can Out Run The Wolf You Become Free .. .
The Wolf is The Side of You Who That Doesn’t Believe The Thinker Behind Your Own Thoughts
The Wolf is The Negative Programming Instilled Into You by Others
Experience The Language of Forever
Your Address__________________________________________________________________________
FAX this page to 1-973-927-7065 (Schroeder Publishing) to VERIFY your payment. Out of USA $2,097