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Lion King Script

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Lion King Script

Scene 1 01:THE CIRCLE OF LIFE Male Singer: Nants ingonyama bagithi baba [There comes a lion] Background Singer: Sithi uhhmm ingonyama [Oh yes, it's a lion] MS: Nants ingonyama bagithi baba [There comes a lion] BS: Sithi uhhmm ingonyama [Oh yes, it's a lion] Ingonyama MS: Siyo Nqoba [We're going to conquer] BS: Ingonyama Ingonyama nengw' enamabaal [It's a lion and a tiger] Ingonyama nengw' enamabala (Se-to-kwa!) Ingonyama nengw' enamabala (Asana) {repeats 1} Female Singer: From the day we arrive on the Till we find our place planet On the path unwinding And, blinking, step into the sun In the Circle There's more to see than can ever be seen The Circle of Life More to do than can ever be done FS: It's The Circle of Life There's far too much to take in here And it moves us all More to find than can ever be found Through despair and hope But the sun rolling high Through faith and love Through the sapphire sky Till we find our place Keeps great and small on the endless round On the path unwinding It's the Circle of Life In the Circle And it moves us all The Circle of Life Through despair and hope Through faith and love Scene 2 - Mouse/challenge

Scar: Life's not fair, is it? You see I -- well, I... shall never be King. {exhale lightly} And you... shall never see the light of another day. {closed-mouth laughter. Starts to places mouse on his extended tongue} ... Adieu... {quiet laugh} Zazu: {Interrupting} Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food? Scar: {Light sigh. The mouse is under his paw.} What do you want? Zazu: I'm here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. {bows} ...So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning. Scar: Oh now look, Zazu; you've made me lose my lunch. Zazu: Hah! You'll lose more than that when the King gets through with you. He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia. Scar: Oooh... I quiver with FEAR. Zazu: {Very concerned} Now Scar, don't look at me that way... HELP!

2 Mufasa: {Almost immediately and off-camera} Scar! ... Scar: {Mouth full} Mm-hmm? Mufasa: Drop him. Zazu: {Speaking from Scar's mouth} Impeccable timing, your majesty. Zazu: {Slimed} Eyyccch. Scar: {Sarcastically overjoyed} Why! If it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners. Mufasa: Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba. Scar: {Faking astonishment} That was today? Oh, I feel simply awful. Scar: {Admiring his claws} ...Must have slipped my mind. Zazu: Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the king's brother, you should have been first in line! Scar: Well, I was first in line... until the little hairball was born. Mufasa: {Lowering his head and meeting Scar eye to eye} That "hairball" is my son... and your future king. Scar: Ohh, I shall practice my curtsy. Mufasa: {Warning} Don't turn your back on me, Scar. Scar: {Looking back} Oh, no, Mufasa. Perhaps YOU shouldn't turn YOUR back on me. Mufasa: {Roars and literally jumps in front of Scar, baring his teeth for the first time} Is that a challenge? Scar: Temper, temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you. Zazu: Pity! Why not? Scar: {Looking at Zazu} Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brute strength {looking at Mufasa} ...I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool. Zazu: {Deep sigh} There's one in every family, sire... Two in mine, actually. {perches on Mufasa's shoulder} And they always manage to ruin special occasions. Mufasa: What am I going to do with him? Zazu: He'd make a very handsome throw rug. Mufasa: {Chiding} Zazu! Zazu: And just think! Whenever he gets dirty, you could take him out and BEAT him. Scene 3 Painting the tree

Rafiki: (gibberish ) Ah did you understand? Hmmm... Ah heh heh heh heh heh... {completing the ceremonial crown in the painting} Simba. Scene 4 the Sunrise / Pouncing

02. GRASSLANDS CHANT Woza, oh woza [Come, oh come] Woza mfana [Come, boys] Oh woza [Oh, come] Busa le lizwe bo [Rule this land] Busa le lizwe bo [Rule this land] Busa le lizwe bo [Rule this land] Busa lomhlaba [Rule this land] Busa ngo thando bo [Rule with love] Busa ngo thando bo [Rule with love] Busa ngo thando bo [Rule with love] Busa lomhlaba [Rule this land] (Repeat)

Mufasa: Come on simba, take my hand. Look, Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom. Simba: Wow. Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king. Simba: And this will all be mine? Mufasa: Everything. Simba: Everything the light touches. {Simba looks all around. He views the rip-rap canyon to the north} What about that shadowy place? Mufasa: That's beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba. Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants. Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being king than... getting your way all the time. Simba: {Awed} There's more? Mufasa: {Chuckles} Simba... Mufasa: Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures-- from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. Simba: But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope? Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life. Zazu: {Lights on a nearby rock} Good morning, sire! Mufasa: Good morning, Zazu. Zazu: Checking in... with ..the morning report. Mufasa: Fire away. 03. THE MORNING REPORT Zazu: It's an honor and a privilege, a duty I perform With due sense of decorum and with pride With deference and great respect very much the norm Plus a hint of sycophancy on the side To lay before my ruler all the facts about his realm To fill him in on all the beastly news Mufasa: [spoken] Yes, yes, Zazu, get on with it! Zazu: In order that His Majesty stands sturdy at the helm Aware of all the fauna's latest views Mufasa: [spoken] Zazu! The morning report Zazu: [spoken] Er - yes, Sire - the morning report Chimps are going ape, firaffes remain above it all Elephants remember, though just what I can't recall Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks Showed interes in my nest egg but I quickly said, "No thanks!" We haven't paid the hornbills and the vultures have a hunch Not everyone invited (sung) will be coming back from lunch

4 This is the morning report Gives you the long and the short Every grunt, roar and snort Not a tale I distort On the morning report Mufasa: [spoken] What are you doing, son? Young Simba: [spoken] Pouncing Mufasa: [spoken] Let an old pro show you how it's done Zazu: [spoken] The buffalo have got a beef About this season's grass Warthogs have been thwarted In attempts to save their gas Flamingoes in the pink Chasing secretary birds Saffron is theis season's color Seen in all the herds Moving down the rank and file To near the bottom rung Far too many beetles are [sung] Quite frankly in the dung Aaaaaaaaak! Mufasa: Stay low to the ground Shh, not a sound Take it slow One more step Then pounce! Young Simba: Yeah, stay low! This is the morning report Gives you the long and the short Every grunt, roar and snort Not a tale I distort On the morning report [MUFASA AND ZAZU AND YOUNG SIMBA] This is the morning report Gives you the long and the short Every grunt, roar and snort Not a tale I distort On the morning report Gopher: Zazu! Zazu: {Exasperated} Yes? Gopher: {Saluting} Sir. News from the underground. Mufasa: {To Simba} Now, this time-Zazu: {Interrupting and with urgency} Sire! Hyenas! In the Pride Lands! Mufasa: {Serious now} Zazu, take Simba home.

5 Simba: Oh, Dad, can't I come? Mufasa: {Curtly} No, son. Simba: I never get to go anywhere. Zazu: Oh, young master, one day you will be king; then you can chase those slobbering mangy stupid poachers from dawn until dusk. Scene 5 Evil Scar Simba: Hey Uncle Scar! Guess what! Scar: I despise guessing games. Simba: I'm going to be king of Pride Rock. Scar: {Sarcastically} Oh goody. Simba: {Looking out over the edge of the rock} My dad just showed me the whole kingdom; {greedily} and I'm going to rule it all. Heh heh. Scar: Yes. Well... forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know. Simba: Hey, Uncle Scar? When I'm king, what will that make you? Scar: A monkey's uncle. Simba: Heh heh. You're so weird. Scar: You have NO idea. ...So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he? Simba: Everything. Scar: He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northern border...? Simba: {Disappointed} Well, no... he said I can't go there. Scar: And he's absolutely right. It's far too dangerous. Only the bravest lions go there. Simba: Well, I'm brave! What's out th-Scar: {Interrupting} No, I'm sorry, Simba, I just can't tell you. Simba: Why not? Scar: Simba, Simba, I'm only looking out for the well- being of my favorite nephew. Simba: {Snorts sarcastically} Yeah, right, I'm your only nephew. Scar: All the more reason for me to be protective... An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince... {faking surprise} Oops! Simba: {Enthusiastic} An elephant what? Whoa. Scar: {Faking dismay} Oh dear, I've said too much... Well, I suppose you'd have found sooner or later, you being SO clever and all... {pulling Simba near} Oh, just do me one favor-- promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place. Simba: {Thinks} No problem. Scar: There's a good lad. You run along now and have fun. And remember... it's our little secret.

Scene 6- Intro to water hole scene 04. LIONESS HUNT [CHORUS] We baba zingela siyo zingela baba Zingela siyo, zingela baba(hunting, we are going hunting ) Hi ba la qhebekeni siyo zingela (Let us go and hunt) Ta ta mama wele la hay Ta ta mama wele tata

6 Zingela baba Ta ta Mama wele la hay Ta ta mama wele tata Zingela baba Oo yay ye nibo [repeat] Simba: Hey, Nala. Nala: Hi, Simba. Simba: Come on. I just heard about this great place. Nala: Wait Im hunting Simba: Come on, it's really cool. Lioness: So where is this "really cool" place? Simba: Oh. {thinks} Uh... around the water hole. Nala: The water hole? What's so great about the water hole? Simba: {Whisper} I'll SHOW you when we GET there. Nala: {Whisper} Oh. {Normal} Uh... Mom, can I go with Simba? Sarafina: Hmm... What do you think, Sarabi? Sarabi: Well... Nala and Simba: {through broad, forced grins} Pleeeease? Sarabi: It's all right with me... Nala: All right! Simba: Yeah! Sarabi: ...As long as Zazu goes with you. Simba: No. Not Zazu. Scene 7 (musica fondo)

Zazu: Step lively. The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave. Nala: {Whisper} So where we really going? Simba: {Whisper} An elephant graveyard. Nala: Wow! Simba: {Whisper} Shhh! Zazu. Nala: {Whisper} Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo? Simba: {Whispering} Oh, I know how we can-Zazu: {Flying down} Oh, just look at you two. Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah. Your parents will be thrilled... {He lands in front of them} ...what with your being betrothed and all. Simba: Be-what? Zazu: Betrothed. Intended. Affianced. Nala: Meaning...? Zazu: {As though holding on to his coat lapels} One day, you two are going to be married! Simba: Yuck! Nala: Ewww. Simba: I can't marry her. She's my friend. Nala: Yeah. It'd be too weird. Zazu: Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but you two turtle- doves have no choice. It's a tradition... Zazu: ...going back generations. Simba: Well, when I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go. Zazu: Not so long as I'm around. Simba: Well, in that case, you're fired.

7 Zazu: Hmmm... Nice try, but only the king can do that. {Pokes Simba's nose} Nala: Well, he's the future king. Simba: Yeah. {Thumping Zazu's chest} So you have to do what I tell you. Zazu: Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that, I'm afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king indeed. Simba: Hmph. Not the way I see it. 05. "I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO BE KING" Young Simba: I'm gonna be a mighty king, so enemies beware! Zazu: [spoken] Well I've never seen a king of beasts With quite so little hair Young Simba: I'm gonna be the main event Like no king was before I'm brushing up on looking down I'm working on my roar Zazu: [spoken] Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing Young Simba: Oh, I just can't wait to be king! Young Simba: No one saying do this Young nala: No one saying be there Young Simba: No one saying stop that Young Nala and young Simba: No one saying see here Free to run around all day Zazu: [spoken] Now when I said that --What I meant was -- What you don't realize -Now see here! That's definitely out! Young Simba: Free to do it all my way Zazu: [spoken] I think it's time that you and I arranged a heart-to-heart Young nala: Kings don't need advice From little hornbills for a start Zazu: [spoken] If this is where the monarchy is headed Count me out Out of service, out of Africa I wouldn't hang about This child is getting wildly out of [sung] wing Young Simba:

8 Oh, I just can't wait to be king Everybody look left Young nala: Everybody look right Young Simba: Everywhere you look I'm Young Nala and young Simba: Standing in the spotlight Zazu: [spoken] Not yet! [YOUNG NALA, YOUNG SIMBA AND CHORUS] Let every creature go for broke and sing Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling Young Simba: Oh, I just can't wait to be king! Young nala: Oh, he just can't wait to be king! Young Simba: Oh, I just can't wait... Young nala: Just can't wait... [YOUNG SIMBA AND YOUNG NALA] To be king! Zazu: {Muffled} I beg your pardon, madam, but... GET OFF! ... Simba? Nala? Scene 8 Graveyard - Hyena

Simba: All right, it worked! Nala: We lost him. Simba: {Arrogantly} I... am a genius. Nala: Hey, Genius, it was my idea. Simba: Yeah, but I pulled it off. Nala: With me! Simba: Oh yeah? ...Rrarr! Nala: Ha. Pinned ya. Nala: Pinned ya again. (movements that he will recognize later) Simba: This is it. We made it. Simba and Nala: Whoa! Nala: It's really creepy. Simba: Yeah... Isn't it great? Nala: {Relishing her naughtiness} We could get in big trouble. Simba: {Enjoying it also} I know, huh. Nala: {Looking at the skull} I wonder if its brains are still in there. Simba: {Walking towards the skull} There's only one way to know. Come on. Let's go check it out.

9 Zazu: The only checking out you will do will be to check out of here. Simba: Aw, man. Zazu: We're way beyond the boundary of the Pride Lands. Simba: Huh. Look. Banana Beak is scared. Heh. Zazu: {Poking Simba in the nose} That's Mr. Banana Beak to you, fuzzy. And right now we are all in very real danger. Simba: Danger? Hah! I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger. Ha ha ha ha! ( Three hyenas emerge from the skull's eyes and mouth.) Shenzi: Well, well, well, Banzai. What have we got here? Banzai: Hmm. I don't know, Shenzi. Uh... what do you think, Ed? Ed: {Crazy laughter} Banzai: Yeah, just what I was thinking. A trio of trespassers! Zazu: And quite by accident, let me assure you. A simple navigational error. Eh heh heh... Shenzi: Whoa, whoa, wait wait wait... I know you. {peering close into the camera} You're Mufasa's little stooge. Zazu: I, madam, am the king's majordomo. Banzai: {Looking at Simba} And that would make you...? Simba: The future king. Shenzi: Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom? Simba: Puh. You can't do anything to me. Zazu: Uhh... technically, they can. We are on their land. Simba: But Zazu, you told me they're nothing but slobbering mangy stupid poachers. Zazu: {Aside, surreptitiously, to Simba} Ix-nay on the oopid-stay... Banzai: Who you callin' "oopid-stay?!?" Zazu: {Harried} My, my, my. Look at the sun. {starts to try to hasten the cubs away} It's time to go! Shenzi: What's the hurry? We'd looove you to stick around for dinner. Banzai: Yeaaaah! We could have whatever's... "lion" around! {In the background} Get it? Lion around! {laughs} Shenzi: Oh wait, wait, wait. I got one, I got one. Make mine a "cub" sandwich. Whatcha think? Shenzi: What? Ed? What is it? Banzai: {Looking where Ed is pointing} Hey, did we order this dinner to go? Shenzi: No. Why? Banzai: 'Cause there it goes! 06. CHOW DOWN Banzai: He called us slobbering! Shenzi: Said we were mangy! Banzai: Did I hear stupid? Ed: [spoken] Huh? Banzai and Shenzi: Tell us again -- gee It's so incredible Shenzi: That you're so rude Banzai: When you're so edible Banzai and Shenzi: When you are food! Banzai: [spoken] It's time to chow down Banzai and Shenzi: [spoken] Chow down! [sung] Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down

10 Shenzi: I'm chompin' at the bit, baby Banzai: My stomach's on a growl, son Banzai and Shenzi: Chow down! Chow down! You both been invited on a date Two courses handed to us on a plate We'll have you raw, won't be long to wait [BANZAI AND SHENZI AND ED] Seeing you're already toasty brown Chow down! Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down! Banzai: You're ribs are looking so tasty Shenzi: Such chewy little chops, chums Banzai and Shenzi: Eat up! Shenzi: Now wasn't it her mom who ate your dad? Banzai and Shenzi: And having parents eaten makes us mad Banzai: We're gonna settle up the score a tad Banzai and Shenzi: We've never had a snack of such renown Chow down! Chow down! Ed: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uhShenzi: [spoken] What, Ed? What is it? Banzai: [spoken] Hey, did we order this dinner to go? Shenzi: [spoken] No. Banzai: [spoken] Well, there it goes! Banzai and Shenzi: I think we should begin the meal from scratch So many juice segments to detatch Be good as gold for you're as good as carved Shenzi: [spoken] Here..kitty kitty Banzai and Shenzi: [spoken] We're starved! Shenzi: Look, boys! A king fit for a meal! Banzai: {Entering the cave, taunting} Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. Shenzi: Oo-hoo... that was it? Hah. Do it again... come on. Shenzi, Banzai, Ed: Huh?! Shenzi: Oh, please, please. Uncle. Uncle. Banzai: Ow. Ow. Ow. Mufasa: {Half roar} Silence! Banzai: Oh, we're gonna shut up right now. Shenzi: Calm down. We're really sorry. Mufasa: If you ever come near my son again... Shenzi: Oh this is... this is your son?!? Banzai: Oh, your son? Shenzi: Did you know that? Banzai: No... me? I-I-I didn't know it. No. Did you? Shenzi: No! Of course not. Banzai: No. Shenzi and Banzai: Ed? Ed: {Stupidly nods yes} {Mufasa roars} Banzai: Toodles!

11 Simba: {Approaching his father} Dad, I... Mufasa: You deliberately disobeyed me. Simba: Dad, I'm... I'm sorry. Mufasa: {Stern} Let's go home. Nala: {Whispering} I thought you were very brave. Scene 9 Disciplinary - Stars Mufasa: {Still stern} Zazu? Zazu: {Flying forward and lighting in front of Mufasa, his trepidation showing} Yes, sire? Mufasa: {Stern} Take Nala home. I've got to teach my son a lesson. Zazu: Come, Nala. Simba... {puts his wings on Simba's shoulders, gives a heavy sigh, and then a reassuring pat} Good luck. Mufasa: {Calling, still very stern, not looking at Simba} Simba! {The word reverberates in the night air.} Mufasa: Simba, I'm very disappointed in you. Simba: {Very quietly and sadly} I know. Mufasa: {Continuing} You could have been killed. You deliberately disobeyed me. And what's worse, you put Nala in danger! Simba: {Bordering on crying, voice cracks} I was just trying to be brave like you. Mufasa: I'm only brave when I have to be. Simba... being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. Simba: But you're not scared of anything. Mufasa: I was today. Simba: {Disbelieving} You were? Mufasa: Yes... {bends down close to Simba} I thought I might lose you. Simba: Oh. {Lightening slightly} I guess even kings get scared, huh? Mufasa: Mm-hmm. Simba: {Whispering conspiratorially} But you know what? Mufasa: {Whispering back} What? Simba: I think those hyenas were even scareder. Mufasa: {Gentle laugh} 'Cause nobody messes with your dad. Come here, you. Simba: Oh no, no... Aaagh! Errrggh! Simba: Oh, come here... {as Mufasa runs away} Hah! Gotcha! Dad? Mufasa: Hmm? Simba: We're pals, right? Mufasa: {Gentle laugh} Right. Simba: And we'll always be together, right? 07. THEY LIVE IN YOU [CHORUS] Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Mufasa: Night And the spirit of life calling Mamela And a voice With the fear of a child asking Mamela Wait There's no mountain too great Hear these words and have faith Have faith

12 They live in you They live in me They're watching over Everything we see In every creature In every star In your reflection They live in you They live in you They live in me They're watching over Everything we see In every creature In every star In your reflection They live in you [CHORUS] Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Mufasa: {Sitting up, Simba now on his shoulder} Simba... Let me tell you something that my father told me... Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars. Simba: {Awed} Really? Mufasa: Yes... So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you ...And so will I. Scene 10 - Be Prepared Banzai: Man, that lousy Mufasa! I won't be able to sit for a week! Ed: {Laughs} Banzai: It's not funny, Ed. Ed: {Tries to stop laughing, but bursts out worse} Banzai: Hey, shut up! Ed: {Can NOT stop laughing} Shenzi: Will you knock it off! Banzai: Well, he started it! Shenzi: Look at you guys. No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain. Banzai: {With drool dangling from his mouth} Man, I hate dangling. Shenzi: Shyeah? You know, if it weren't for those lions,we'd be runnin' the joint. Banzai: Yeah. Man, I hate lions. Shenzi: So pushy. Banzai: And hairy. Shenzi: And stinky. Banzai: And man, are they... Shenzi and Banzai: UuuugLY! {laughter} Scar: {From his perch we saw in the Hyena chase} Oh,surely we lions are not all THAT bad. Banzai: Ohh. {relieved from the surprise} Oh, Scar, it's just you. Shenzi: We were afraid it was somebody important. Banzai: Yeah, you know, like Mufasa. Shenzi: Yeah. Scar: I see. Banzai: Now that's power. Shenzi: Tell me about it. I just hear that name and I shudder. Banzai: Mufasa. Shenzi: {Shivering} Ooooh. ... Do it again. Banzai: Mufasa.

13 Shenzi: Ooooh! Banzai: Mufasa. Mufasa! Mufasa! Shenzi: {Builds up hysterical laughter} ...Oooh! It tingles me. Scar: I'm surrounded by idiots. Banzai: Not you, Scar; I mean, you're one of us. I mean, you're our pal. Scar: {Sarcastic} Charmed. Shenzi: Ohh, I like that. He's not king, but he's still so proper. Banzai: Yeah. Hey, hey. Did ya bring us anything to eat, Scar, old buddy, old pal? Huh? Did-ya-did-ya-didya? Scar: I don't think you really deserve this. {Holds out a zebra haunch.} I practically gift-wrapped those cubs for you. {Drops leg to Hyenas} And you couldn't even dispose of them. {Intro fade-in on Be Prepared} Shenzi: {Chewing with full mouth} Well, ya know. It wasn't exactly like they was alone, Scar. Banzai: Yeah. What are we supposed to do-- {swallow} kill Mufasa? Scar: Precisely. 08. BE PREPARED Scar: {Spoken over what is now faded intro} I never thought hyenas essential. They're crude and unspeakably plain. But maybe there's a glimmer of potential If allied to my vision and brain. Scar: {Full song} I know that your powers of retention Are as wet as a warthog's backside But thick as you are, pay attention My words are a matter of pride It's clear from your vacant expressions The lights are not all on upstairs But we're talking kings and successions Even you can't be caught unawares So prepare for a chance of a lifetime Be prepared for sensational news A shining new era Is tiptoeing nearer Shenzi: And where do we feature? Scar: {Grabbing Shenzi's cheek}Just listen to teacher I know it sounds sordid But you'll be rewarded When at last I am given my dues And injustice deliciously squared Be prepared! Banzai: Yeah, Be prepared. Yeah-heh... we'll be prepared, heh. ...For what? Scar: For the death of the king. Banzai: Why? Is he sick? Scar: No, fool-- we're going to kill him. And Simba too. Shenzi: Great idea! Who needs a king?

14 Shenzi (and then Banzai): {Sing-song voices, dancing around Banzai} No king! No king! la--la-la--la-laa-laa! Scar: Idiots! There will be a king! Banzai: Hey, but you said, uh... Scar: I will be king! ...Stick with me {triumphant, toothy grin}, and you'll never go hungry again! Shenzi and Banzai: Yaay! All right! Long live the king! All Hyenas: Long live the king! Long live the king! Hyenas: {In tight, crisp phrasing and diction} It's great that we'll soon be connected. With a king who'll be all-time adored. Scar: Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected To take certain duties on board The future is littered with prizes And though I'm the main addressee The point that I must emphasize is You won't get a sniff without me! So prepare for the coup of the century (Oooh!) Be prepared for the murkiest scam (Oooh... La! La! La!) {rear ends punctuating} Meticulous planning (We'll have food!) Tenacity spanning (Lots of food) Decades of denial (We repeat) Is simply why I'll (Endless meat) Be king undisputed (Aaaaaaah...) Respected, saluted (...aaaaaaah...) And seen for the wonder I am (...aaaaaaah!) Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared (Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo) Be prepared! Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared Be prepared! Scene 11 Stampede (paseo por la pradera scar y simba) Scar: Now you wait here. Your father has a marvelous surprise for you. Simba: Oooh. What is it? Scar: If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it? Simba: If you tell me, I'll still act surprised. Scar: Ho ho ho. You are such a naughty boy. Simba: Come on, Uncle Scar.

15 Scar: No-no-no-no-no-no-no. This is just for you and your daddy. You know, a sort of... father-son... thing. Scar: Well! I'd better go get him. Simba: I'll go with you. Scar: {Loud, snapping tone} No! {regaining composure} Heh heh heh. No. Just stay on this rock. You wouldn't want to end up in another mess like you did with the hyenas... Simba: {Shocked} You know about that? Scar: Simba, everybody knows about that. Simba: {Meek and embarrassed} Really? Scar: Oh, yes. Lucky Daddy was there to save you, eh? {clearly enjoying himself; he puts a paw on Simba's shoulder} Oh... and just between us, you might want to work on that little roar of yours. Hmm? Simba: Oh... Okay... Simba: Hey, Uncle Scar, will I like the surprise? Scar: {Turning back over his shoulder} Simba, it's to DIE for. (trying roars) (Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed), who are waiting off of the edge of the herd, hidden under a rock arch.} Banzai: {Stomach growls} Shenzi: Shut up. Banzai: I can't help it. I'm so hungry... {jumping up} I gotta have a wildebeest! Shenzi: Stay put. Banzai: Well... can't I just pick off one of the little sick ones? Shenzi: No! We wait for the signal from Scar. Shenzi: There he is... {making an evil, almost humorous face} let's go. Simba: Little roar. Puh! Simba: Rarrr! Simba: Rrrraowr-nh! Simba: RAOWR! 09. STAMPEDE Zazu: Oh look, sire; the herd is on the move. Mufasa: Odd... Scar: Mufasa. Quick. Stampede. In the gorge. Simba's down there! Mufasa: Simba? Simba: {Clinging precariously to a tree} Zazu! Help me!! Zazu: Your father is on the way! Hold on! Simba: {Losing grip} Hurry! Zazu: There! There! On that tree! Mufasa: Hold on, Simba! Simba: Ahhhh! Zazu: Oh Scar, this is awful. What will we do? What will we do? Hah ... I'll go back for help, that's what I'll do, I'll go back for he--oomph! Simba: DAD! Mufasa: Scar! Broth-- {slips, barely hangs on} Brother! Help me! Scar: {Slowly and evilly} Long live the king. Mufasa: Aaaaaaahh! Simba: Nooooooo! {Cough} Dad!! {Quietly} Dad? {Hopefully} Dad? ...Dad, come on. {He rubs up against Mufasa's cheek. The head merely rolls back in place after the rub} You gotta get up. Dad. We gotta go home. HEEEEELP! Somebody! {His voice reverberates hollowly off the sides of the gorge.} Anybody... help. Scar: Simba. ...What have you done? Simba: {Jumps back, crying} There were wildebeests and he tried to save me... it was an accident, I... I didn't

16 mean for it to happen. Scar: {Embracing Simba, yet still distant} Of course, of course you didn't. No one... ever means {pulls Simba closer; Simba hides his face on Scar's foreleg} for these things to happen. ...But the king IS dead. {looking with mock regret at Simba) And if it weren't for you, he'd still be alive. {Simba is crushed, believing his guilt. Another thought "occurs" to Scar.} Oh! What will your mother think? Simba: {Sniffing} What am I gonna do? Scar: Run away, Simba. Run... Run away and never return. (he runs to the audience) Scar: (to the hyenas) Kill him. Banzai: Whoa!! Banzai: Yeow! {Jumping back out of the bushes} Shenzi: {Seeing Simba emerge from the far side of the briars into the desert} Hey-- There he goes! There he goes! Banzai: {Removing thorns} So go get 'im. Shenzi: There ain't no way I'm going in there. What, you want me to come out there looking like you? Cactus Butt? Banzai: {Spitting out thorns into Ed's laughing face; Ed lets out a small yelp of pain} We gotta finish the job. Shenzi: Well, he's as good as dead out there anyway. And IF he comes back, we'll kill him. Banzai: {Shouting} Yeah! you hear that? If you ever come back, we'll kill ya!!!

scene 12 Rafiki mourns 10. RAFIKI MOURNS Rafiki: Madi ao (Spilled blood) Leka sebete chia ho oele sebatha (Try courage so the beasts may fall) Mo leka geme o tsaba hoa (Those who defy mountains are, in truth, cowards) Lebo haleng ha o bue ka le ha (Even in anger, you do not speak against wrong...) Lebo haleng ha o bue ka le ha Oh, oh Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee Halala humba hela hela hela [RAFIKI AND LIONESSES] Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee Halala humba hela hela hela

Mufasa's death was a terrible tragedy; but to lose Simba, who had barely begun to live...For me it is a deep personal loss. So it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne. Yet, out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era... {The hyenas start emerging, casting eerie green shadows and laughing hollowly} ...in which lion and hyena come together, in a great and glorious future! {Scar ascends Pride Rock as the hyenas appear in full force.} Scene13 - Buzzards - Intro to Hakuna Matata (simba lying as dead birds in circles)

17 Timon: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaahh! Get out! Get out! Get outta here! Whoo! Pumbaa: I love it! Bowling for buzzards! Timon: {Laughing, dusting himself off} Gets 'em every time. Pumbaa: {Looking at Simba} Uh-oh. Hey Timon. You better come look. I think it's still alive. Timon: Ewww... Timon: All righty, what have we got here? {he smells Simba} Timon: Jeez, it's a lion! {Jumping up on Pumbaa} Run, Pumbaa! Move it! Pumbaa: Hey, Timon. It's just a little lion. Look at him. He's so cute, and all alone! Can we keep him? Timon: {Yelling into Pumbaa's ear, which creates a reverberating effect} Pumbaa, are you nuts? We're talking about a lion. Lions eat guys like us. Pumbaa: But he's so little. Timon: He's gonna get bigger. Pumbaa: {Seen from Timon's point of view on the ground, with a huge nose) Maybe he'll be on our side. Timon: A--huh! That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Maybe he'll b-- ...Hey, I got it! What if he's on our side? You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea. Pumbaa: So we keeping 'im? Timon: Of course. Who's the brains in this outfit? Pumbaa: Uhhh... Timon: My point exactly. Jeez, I'm fried. Let's get out of here and find some shade. Timon: You okay, kid? Simba: I guess so. Pumbaa: You nearly died. Timon: I saved you. Pumbaa: {Snorts at Timon} Timon: Well, uh, Pumbaa helped. A little. Simba: {Dully} Thanks for your help. Timon: Hey, where you going? Simba: Nowhere. Timon: {Watching Simba, talking to Pumbaa} Gee. He looks blue. Pumbaa: I'd say brownish-gold. Timon: No, no, no, no. I mean he's depressed. Pumbaa: Oh. Hey kid, what's eatin' ya? Timon: Nothing; he's at the top of the food chain! Ahhhhhhha ha haaa! The food cha-haain! {Pumbaa and Simba stare at him silently} Ha ha hum... ahem. {Realizing his joke flopped} So, where you from...? Simba: Who cares? I can't go back. Timon: Ahh. You're an outcast! That's great, so are we. Pumbaa: What'cha do, kid? Simba: Something terrible. But I don't wanna talk about it. Timon: Good. We don't wanna hear about it. Pumbaa: {To Timon} Come on, Timon. {To Simba} Anything we can do? Simba: Not unless you can change the past. Pumbaa: You know, kid, in times like this my buddy Timon here says, "You got to put your behind in your past..." Timon: {Waving arms} No. No. No. Pumbaa: I mean... Timon: Amateur. Lie down before you hurt yourself. {to Simba} It's "You got to put your past behind you." Look, kid. Bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it, right?

18 Simba: Right. Timon: {Pokes Simba's nose} Wrong! When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. Simba: Well, that's not what I was taught. Timon: Then maybe you need a new lesson. Repeat after me. {Clears throat} 11. HAKUNA MATATA Simba: {Still lethargic} What? Pumbaa: Ha-ku-na Ma-ta-ta. It means "No worries." Timon: Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Pumbaa: Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze Timon: It means no worries For the rest of your days Both: It's our problem-free Philosophy Timon: {Filing down one of Simba's claws} Hakuna Matata! Simba: Hakuna matata? Pumbaa: Yeah, it's our motto. Simba: What's a motto? Timon: Nothing! What's a motto with you? Ahh ha ha ha... Pumbaa: {Laughing} You know what, kid? These two words will solve all your problems. Timon: That's right! Take Pumbaa for example. Timon: Why, when he was a young warthog... Pumbaa: {Italian counter-tenor range} When I was a young wart hoooog! Timon: {Speaking, cleaning ear} Very nice. Pumbaa: Thanks! Timon: {Singing} He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal He could clear the savannah after every meal Pumbaa: I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind And oh, the shame {Timon: He was ashamed!} Thoughta changin' my name {Oh, what's in a name?} And I got downhearted {How did you feel?} Ev'rytime that I... Timon: {Speaking} Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids! Pumbaa: {Speaking} Oh... sorry. Pumbaa and Timon: Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata!

19 Ain't no passing craze Simba: {After becoming more and more enthusiastic, he finally joins in singing, a spotlight falling on him.) It means no worries For the rest of your days Timon: {Not singing, doing a vaudeville knee-slide up to Simba} Yeah, sing it, kid! Simba and Timon: It's our problem-free ........... Pumbaa: {Landing next to them, with a flatulent sound} ..................... philosophy... All three: Hakuna Matata! Timon: Welcome... to our humble home. Simba: You live here? Timon: We live wherever we want. Pumbaa: Yep. Home is where your rump rests. Heh! Simba: It's beautiful. Pumbaa: {Loud raunchy belch} I'm starved. Simba: I'm so hungry I could eat a whole zebra. {Timon is rather disturbed by Simba's want for meat-- a little bit taken aback and a little bit I-knew-thiswould-happen.} Timon: Eeeahhah. We're fresh out of zebra. Simba: Any antelope? Timon: Na ah. Simba: {A bit desperate} Hippo? Timon: Nope. Listen, kid; if you live with us, you have to eat like us. Hey, this looks like a good spot to rustle up some grub.

Simba: Eeew. What's that? Timon: A grub. What's it look like? Simba: Eeew. Gross. Timon: {Eating, mouth full} Mmmm. Tastes like chicken. Pumbaa: {Slurping} Slimy, yet satisfying. Timon: {Grabbing a bug} These are rare delicacies. Mmmm. {Crunches} Piquant, with a very pleasant crunch. Pumbaa: You'll learn to love 'em. Timon: I'm telling you, kid, this is the great life. No rules. No responsibilities. {pokes his hand into a knothole--many bugs scramble out} Oooh! The little cream-filled kind.{munch} And best of all, no worries.{Timon has been collecting bugs on a leaf. He offers it to Simba. Simba picks out a grub.} Timon: Well, kid? Simba: Oh well-- Hakuna Matata. {He eats} Simba: {Looking more cheerful} Slimy, yet satisfying. Timon: That's it! Pumbaa and Timon: {Chanting to music} Hakuna matata, hakuna matata, hakuna matata.

20 Simba: {Adult voice now.} It means no worries For the rest of your days. All three: It's our problem-free Philosophy Simba: Hakuna Matata Hakuna Matata

Act two
scene 14 Drought- dead animals 12. ONE BY ONE Ibabeni njalo bakithi [Hold on tight, my people] Ninga dinwa [Don't get weary] Ninga phelelwa nga mandla [Don't lose your strength] Siya ba bona [We can see] Bebe fun' ukusi xeda [They wanted to hold us back] One by one Ngeke ba lunge [They will not succeed] One by one Sizo nqoba [We will win] One by one Ngeke ba lunge [They will not succeed] One by one (Repeat) Sizo nqoba [We will win] Ngoba thina [Because] Siya zazi [We know who we are] Ngoba thina [Because] Siya zazi [We know who we are] (Repeat) Zobona bayabaleka [Come and see] Zobon, zobona [The cowards are running away] Zobon, zobona Zobon, zobona Zobon Amagwala Ibala lami [The color of my skin] Elimnyama [That is dark] Ndiya zidla ngalo [I'm proud of it] Ibala lami [The color of my skin] Elimnyama [That is dark] Ndiza kufa nalo [I will die with it] Ibala lami [The color of my skin] Elimnyama [That is dark]

21 Ndiya zidla ngalo [I'm proud of it] Kumnandi [Oh yes] Kwelakakith Eafrica [It's beautiful in Africa] Scene 15 Zazu Sings- skeleton cage Zazu: Nobody knows - The trouble I've seen Nobody knows - My sorrow... Scar: Oh Zazu, do lighten up. {He tosses the bone at Zazu and it clatters against the cage} Sing something with a little... bounce in it. Zazu: {Thinks a moment} osito gominola, osito gominola, osito gomigomi Scar: {Interrupting, almost shouting} No! No. Anything but that! Zazu: {Thinks, then holds up a feather as a tune comes to him.} {While Scar continues} Oh... I would never have had to do this for Mufasa. Scar: {Quick and angry} What? What did you say? Zazu: Oh, nothing! Scar: You know the law: Never, ever mention THAT name in my presence. I... am... the KING! Zazu: Yes, sire. You ARE the king. I... I... Well, I only mentioned it to illustrate the differences in your royal managerial approaches. {Nervous laugh} 13. MADNESS OF SCAR Zazu, why am I not loved? I am that rare and awesome thing I'm every inch a king Yet I feel a twinge of doubt As I go walk about Hey, boss! When my name is whispered through the pride Is this talk of love or regicide? Reggie who? Tell me I'm adored Please tell me I'm adored Hey, boss! Oh, what is it? We got a bone to pick with you There's no food, no water-Yeah. It's dinnertime, and there ain't no stinkin' entrees!

22 Oh, you and your petty complaints. You don't know what real hunger is. Day after day it gnaws at the very core of my being I had that once. It was worms No, no, no... it's like an itch... deep, persistent, profound... That's it-- worms! When they get really bad all you gotta do is... hunker down and scoot Thanks for the tip. Ingrates! If it weren't for me you'd be beating off buzzards for your next bite! Yeah, you're our savior, thanks a bunch But how about some lunch? It doesn't matter if it's fresh I need a fix of flesh My bones have moved to where they've never been They are on the outside looking in Are you blaming me? Oh no, it's the lionesses You are so adored Oh, you are so adored That's more like it But what I'd give for one more hit Of wildebeest kielbasa Or maybe hornbill on the spit... Oh, how I miss Mufasa Mufasa?! Mufasa?! How dare you! I told you never to mention that name Note taken. I shall never mention "M-m-m" again Even in death, his shadow looms over me There he is! - No! There he is! - And there! Calm yourself, Sire, or you'll get another one of your splitting headaches! I am perfectly fine! I'm better than Mufasa was I'm revered I am reviled I'm idolized I am despised I'm keeping calm I'm going wild! I tell myself I'm fine Yes I am, no you're not Yes I am, no you're not I tell myself I'm fine No you're not, yes I am, no you're not Yes I am No you're not Yes, no, yes, no, who am I talking to...?


Oh, pull yourself together, Sire! Oh, very well. Zazu? Zazu, Zazu, Zazu...? Yes, Sire? Nobody loved me, there's the rub, not even as a cub What did my brother have that I don't have? Do you want the short or the long? Whatever! Well, he had adoring subjects... a loving family. a devoted queen... That's it! I need a queen! A what? A queen, man! A queen! Without a queen, what am I? A dead end, no line, no descendants, no future. With a queen, I'll have cubs... Immortality will be mine! Immortality will be mine! Scar Ah, Nala... Your timing couldn't have been more perfect. My how you've grown Scar, you have got to do something. We're being forced to overhunt She's got those assets feminine You're the king. Control the hyenas I have to make her mine You're destroying the Pridelands Nobility in every gene If we don't stop now.. Don't you see... She has to be my queen ...there's still a chance for things to be all right again... Come, sweet Nala It's written in the stars What are you doing? Are you listening to me? We'll create a host of little Scars What are you talking about? Tell me I'm adored Get away from me Tell me I'm adored Oh, Nala... you know how I loathe violence... One way or another, you will be mine Never, Scar. Never! You belong to me - You all belong to me! Scene 16 she leaves

24 14. SHADOWLAND Fatshe leso lea halalela [The land of our ancestors is holy] Shadowland The leaves have fallen This shadowed land This was our home The river's dry The ground has broken So I must go Now I must go And where the journey may lead me Let your prayers be my guide I cannot stay here, my family But I'll remember my pride Prideland I have no choice My land I will find my way Tear-stained Lea halalela Dry land Take this Take this prayer With you What lies out there Fatshe leso Lea halalela And where the journey may lead you Let this prayer be your guide Though it may take you so far away Always remember your pride Fatshe leso lea halalela Fatshe leso lea halalela Fatshe leso lea halalela And where the journey may lead you Let this prayer be your guide Though it may take you so far away Always remember your pride And where the journey may lead you Giza buyabo, giza buyabo Let this prayer be your guide I will return, I will return Beso bo Though it may take you so far away Giza buyabo, I will return Always remember your pride Giza buyabo, oh giza buyabo Beso bo, my people, beso bo Scene 17 Second Star human plants

15. THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT Timon: {Singing} Ohi'mbube Ohi'mbube {Singing} In the jungle The mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight.

25 In the jungle The mighty jungle The lion sleeps... {Speaking} I can't hear you, buddy, back me up!

A-WEEEE-ee-EE-ee ba-Pum-ba-bum-ba-way {Realizing Pumbaa is not there} A-Pumbaa? Pumbaa?

Timon: Whoah. Nice one, Simba. Simba: Thanks. Man, I'm stuffed. Pumbaa: Me too. I ate like a pig. Simba: Pumbaa-- you are a pig. Pumbaa: Oh. Right. Pumbaa: Timon? Timon: Yeah? Pumbaa: Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there? Timon: Pumbaa. I don't wonder; I know. Pumbaa: Oh. What are they? Timon: They're fireflies. Fireflies that uh... got stuck up on that big... bluish-black... thing. Pumbaa: Oh. Gee. I always thought that they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away. Timon: Pumbaa, wit' you, everything's gas. Pumbaa: Simba, what do you think? Simba: Well, I don't know... Pumbaa: Aw come on. Give, give, give .. Well, come on, Simba, we told you ours... pleeeease? Timon: Come on, come on... give, give.. Simba: {Reluctantly} Well, somebody once told me that the great kings of the past are up there, watching over us. Pumbaa: {Awed, either genuinely or mockingly} Really? Timon: You mean a bunch of royal dead guys are watching us? {tries to keep composure, then...} Pbbb. Timon: Who told you something like that? What mook made that up? Simba: Yeah. Pretty dumb, huh? Timon: Aw, you're killing me, Simba. Timon: Was it something I said? 16. ENDLESS NIGHT Where has the starlight gone? Dark is the day How can I find my way home? Home is an empty dream Lost to the night Father, I feel so alone You promised you'd be there Whenever I needed you Whenever I call your name You're not anywhere I'm trying to hold on Just waiting to hear your voice One word, just a word will do To end this nightmare When will the dawning break Oh endless night sleepless I dream of the day When you were by my side Guiding my path

26 Father, I can't find the way You promised you'd be there Whenever I needed you Whenever I call your name You're not anywhere I'm trying to hold on Just waiting to hear your voice One word, just a word will do To end this nightmare I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise And that the sun will rise I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine And that the sun will shine I know that the night must end Rafiki: Simba? He's- he's alive? He he- he's alive! {He laughs} Rafiki: It is time! Scene 18 "In the Jungle" (tambores musica de persecusion) Pumbaa: {Spooked} Timon? {Looks around, then shrugs} Pumbaa: YEEEEAAAHHH! Timon: {Hearing the noise of the chase} Pumbaa? Timon: Pumbaa! Pumbaa! Hey, what's goin' on? Pumbaa: SHE'S GONNA EAT ME! Timon: Huh? Timon: {Seeing the lioness} Woah! ... Jeez! Why do I always have to save your AAAAAA! Timon: {To Pumbaa} Don't worry, buddy. I'm here for ya. Everything's gonna be okay. {To Simba} Get her! Bite her head! Go for the jugular. The jugular! {to Pumbaa} See, I told you he'd come in handy. Simba: Nala? Simba: Is it really you? Nala: Who are you? Simba: It's me. Simba. Nala: Simba? {Pause for realization} Whoah! Nala: Well how did you.. where did you come from... it's great to see YOU... Simba: Aaah! How did you... who... wow... this is cool... it's great to see you... Timon: Hey, what's goin' on here? Simba: {Still to Nala} What are you doing here? Nala: What do you mean, "What am I doing here?" What are you doing here? And that the sun will rise And that the sun will rise I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine And that the sun will shine (Repeat to end) I know Yes, I know The sun will rise Yes, I know I know The clouds must clear I know that the night must end I know that the sun will rise And I'll hear your voice deep inside I know that the night must end And that the clouds must clear The sun The sun will rise The sun The sun will rise

27 Timon: HEY! WHAT'S GOIN' ON HERE!?!?! Simba: Timon, this is Nala. She's my best friend. Timon: {Thoroughly confused} Friend?!? Simba: Yeah. Hey, Pumbaa, come over here. Simba: Nala, this is Pumbaa. Pumbaa, Nala. Pumbaa: Pleased to make your acquaintance. Nala: The pleasure's all mine. Timon: How do you do.. Whoa! Whoa. Time out.. Lemme get this straight. You know her. She knows you. But she wants to eat him. And everybody's... okay with this? DID I MISS SOMETHING?!? Simba: Relax, Timon. Nala: Wait till everybody finds out you've been here all this time! And your mother... what will she think? Simba: {Misunderstanding} She doesn't have to know. Nobody has to know. Nala: Well, of course they do. Everyone thinks you're dead. Simba: They do? Nala: Yeah. Scar told us about the stampede. Simba: He did? Well... {beginning to see something} what else did he tell you? Nala: What else matters? You're alive. and that means...you're the king. Timon: King? Pbbb. Lady, have you got your lions crossed. Pumbaa: King? Your Majesty! I gravel at your feet. {Noisily kisses Simba's paw} Simba: Stop it. Timon: {To Pumbaa} It's not "gravel." It's "grovel." And DON'T-- he's not the king. {to Simba} Are ya? Simba: No. Nala: Simba? Simba: No, I'm not the king. Maybe I was gonna be, but...that was a long time ago. Timon: Let me get this straight. You're the king? And you never told us? Simba: Look, I'm still the same guy. Timon: {Enthusiastic} But with power! Nala: {Apologetic} Could you guys... excuse us for a few minutes? Timon: Hey, {taps Pumbaa} whatever she has to say, she can say in front of us. Right, Simba? Simba: Hmm. Maybe you'd better go. Timon: {Aghast, then resigned} It starts. You think you know a guy... Simba: Timon and Pumbaa. You learn to love 'em. Simba: What? ...What is it? Nala: {Quietly} It's like you're back from the dead. You don't know how much this will mean to everyone. {Pained expression} ...What it means to me. Simba: Hey, it's okay. Nala: {Rubbing under Simba's chin, purring} I've really missed you. Simba: {Startled by Nala's boldness for an instant, then reciprocating} I've missed you too. Scene 19 They fall in love 17. CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT? Timon: {Heavy sigh} I tell you, Pumbaa, this stinks. Pumbaa: Oh. Sorry. Timon: Not you. Them! Him. Her. Alone. Pumbaa: What's wrong with that? Timon: I can see what's happening

28 (What?) And they don't have a clue (Who?) They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line Our trio's down to two. (Oh.) Ze sweet caress of twilight There's magic everywhere And with all this romantic atmosphere Disaster's in the air FS: Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things Simba: So many things to tell her But how to make her see The truth about my past? Impossible! She'd turn away from me Nala: He's holding back, he's hiding But what, I can't decide Why won't he be the king I know he is The king I see inside? Chorus: Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things Can you feel the love tonight? You needn't look too far Stealing through the night's uncertainties Love is where they are Timon: And if he falls in love tonight {Pumbaa sniffs} It can be assumed Pumbaa: His carefree days with us are history Timon and Pumbaa: In short, our pal is doomed

Simba: Isn't this a great place? Nala: It is beautiful. But I don't understand something. You've been alive all this time. Why didn't you come back to Pride Rock? Simba: {Climbing into a "hammock" of hanging vines} Well, I just needed to... get out on my own. Live my own life. And I did. And it's great. {He sounds alomst as if trying to convince himself as well as Nala.} Nala: {Voice catching, as though barely under control} We've really needed you at home. Simba: {Quieter} No one needs me.

29 Nala: Yes, we do! You're the king. Simba: Nala, we've been through this. I'm not the king. Scar is. Nala: Simba, he let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands. Simba: What? Nala: Everything's destroyed. There's no food. No water. Simba, if you don't do something soon, everyone will starve. Simba: I can't go back. Nala: {Louder} Why? Simba: You wouldn't understand. Nala: What wouldn't I understand? Simba: {Hastily} No, no, no. It doesn't matter. Hakuna Matata. Nala: {Confused} What? Simba: Hakuna Matata. It's something I learned out here. Look, sometimes bad things happen... Nala: Simba! Simba: (Continuing, irritated) ...And there's nothing you can do about it. So why worry? Nala: Because it's your responsibility! Simba: Well, what about you? YOU left. Nala: I left to find help! And I found YOU. Don't you understand? You're our only hope. Simba: Sorry. Nala: What's happened to you? You're not the Simba I Remember. Simba: You're right. I'm not. Now are you satisfied? Nala: No, just disappointed. Simba: You know, you're starting to sound like my father. Nala: Good. At least one of us does. Simba: {Angry} Listen, you think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life? You don't even know what I've been through! Nala: I would if you would just tell me! Simba: Forget it! Nala: Fine! Simba: She's wrong. I can't go back. What would it prove, anyway? It won't change anything. You can't change the past. You said you'd always be there for me! But you're not. And it's because of me. It's my fault. It's my fault.

Scene 20 Rafiki's Chant: Asante sana! [Thank you very much!] Squash banana! [Squash banana!] We we nugu! [You're a BABOON,] Mi mi apana! [And I'm not!] Simba: Come on, will you cut it out? Rafiki: Can't cut it out. It'll grow right back! {laughs} Simba: Creepy little monkey. Will you stop following me? Who are you? Rafiki: {In front of Simba, then right in his face.} The question is: Whooo... are you?

30 Simba: {Startled, then sighing} I thought I knew. Now I'm not so sure. Rafiki: Well, I know who you are. Shh. Come here. It's a secret. Asante sana! Squash banana! We we nugu! Mi mi apana! Simba: Enough already. what's that supposed to mean, anyway? Rafiki: It means you are a baboon-- and I'm not. {laughs} Simba: {Moving away} I think... you're a little confused. Rafiki: {Magically in front of Simba again} Wrong. I'm not the one who's confused; you don't even know who you are. Simba: {Irritated, sarcastic} Oh, and I suppose you know? Rafiki: Sure do; you're Mufasa's boy. Bye! BS: We sangoma ngi velelwe [Oh, spiritual healer, I'm troubled] We baba ngivelelwe [Oh, my father, I'm in pain] We baba ngivelelwe [Oh, my father, I'm in pain] Simba: Hey, wait! You knew my father? Rafiki: {Monotone} Correction-- I know your father. Simba: I hate to tell you this, but... he died. A long time ago. Rafiki: Nope. Wrong again! Ha ha hah! He's alive! And I'll show him to you. You follow old Rafiki, he knows the way. Come on! Rafiki: Don't dawdle. Hurry up! Simba: Hey, whoa. Wait, wait. Rafiki: Come on, come on. Simba: Would you slow down? Rafiki: STOP! Shhh.Look down there. Simba: {Disappointed sigh} That's not my father. That's just my reflection. Rafiki: Noo. Look harder. You see, he lives in you. 18. HE LIVES IN YOU (reprise) Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Night and the spirit of life calling mamela And a voice just the fear of a child answers mamela Ubu khosi bo khokho [This is the throne of our ancestors] We ndodana ye sizwe sonke [Oh, son of the nation)] Wait, there's no mountain too great Hear the words and have faith Have faith

31 He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you

Mufasa: {Quietly at first} Simba . . . Simba: Father? Mufasa: Simba, you have forgotten me. Simba: No. How could I? Mufasa: You have forgotten who you are, and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the Circle of Life. Simba: How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be. Mufasa: Remember who you are. You are my son, and the one true king. Remember who you are. Simba: No. Please! Don't leave me. Mufasa: Remember... Simba: Father! Mufasa: Remember... Simba: Don't leave me. Mufasa: Remember . . . Rafiki: What was THAT? {laughs} The weather-- Pbbbah! Very peculiar. Don't you think? Simba: Yeah. Looks like the winds are changing. Rafiki: Ahhh. Change is good. Simba: Yeah, but it's not easy. I know what I have to do. But, going back means I'll have to face my past. I've been running from it for so long. Oww! Jeez-- What was that for? Rafiki: It doesn't matter; it's in the past! {laughs} Simba: {Rubbing head} Yeah, but it still hurts. Rafiki: Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it. Hah, you see! So what are you going to do? Simba: First, I'm gonna take your stick. Rafiki: No, no, no, no! Not the stick! Hey, where are you going? Simba: {Shouting back} I'm going back! Rafiki: Good! Go on! Get out of here! {laughs, hoots, n' hollers. As he holds his staff above his head, a few shooting stars zing across the sky. Music rises into celebratory "Busa" theme:} He lives in you He lives in you He lives in you He lives in you He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you Scene 21 Timon and Nala


Nala: Hey. Hey, wake up. Nala: It's OK. Whoa, whoa. It's OK. It's ME. Timon: Don't ever do that again! Carnivores, oy! Nala: Have you guys seen Simba? Timon: {Holding a hand to his head} I thought he was with you. Nala: He was, but now I can't find him. Where is he? Rafiki: (hanging from the liana) Ho, ho, ho, ho. You won't find him here. Ha ha. The king... has returned. Nala: {Quietly} I can't believe it. {louder, amazed} He's gone back. Timon: Gone back? What do you mean? {Looks where Rafiki was; Rafiki is now gone} Hey! What's goin' on here? Who's the monkey? Nala: Simba's gone to challenge Scar. Timon: Who? Nala: Scar. Pumbaa: Who's got a scar? Nala: {Shaking head} No, no, no. It's his uncle. Timon: The monkey's his uncle? Nala: No! Simba's gone back to challenge his uncle to take his place as king. Timon and Pumbaa: Ohhh. Scene 22 - Running Nala: Simba, wait up! {She trots up next to him on the ledge} ...It's awful, isn't it? Simba: I didn't want to believe you. Nala: What made you come back? Simba: I finally got some sense knocked into me. And I've got the bump to prove it. Besides, this is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will? Nala: I will. Simba: It's gonna be dangerous. Nala: {Quoting young Simba} Danger? Ha! I laugh in the face of danger. Ha ha ha ha. Timon: I see nothing funny about this. Simba: Timon? Pumbaa? What are you doing here? Pumbaa: {Bowing on one foreleg} At your service, my liege. Timon: Uh. We're going to fight your uncle... for this? Simba: Yes, Timon; this is my home. Timon: Ffh. Talk about your fixer-upper. Well, Simba, if it's important to you, {bows} we're with you to the end. Scene 23 hula

Timon: Hyenas. I hate hyenas. {To Simba, whispering} So what's your plan for gettin' past those guys? Simba: Live bait. Timon: Good idea. {Realizing} Heeey. Simba: Come on, Timon-- you guys have to create a diversion. Timon: {Incredulous} What do you want me to do? Dress in drag And do the hula? Luau! If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat Eat my buddy Pumbaa here because he is a treat

33 Come on down and dine On this tasty swine All you have to do is get in line Aaaare you achin' (Yup, yup, yup) Foooor some bacon? (Yup, yup, yup) Heeee's a big pig (Yup, yup) You could be a big pig too. Oy! Simba: Nala, you find my mother and rally the lionesses. {determinedly} I'll look for Scar. Scene 24 Confrontation

Scar: SARABI! Sarabi: Yes, Scar? Scar: Where is your hunting party? They're not doing their job. Sarabi: {Calmly} Scar, there is no food. The herds have moved on. Scar: No. You're just not looking hard enough. Sarabi: It's over. There is nothing left. We have only one choice. We must leave Pride Rock. Scar: We're not going anywhere. Sarabi: Then you have sentenced us to death. Scar: Then so be it. Sarabi: {Disgusted, amazed} You can't do that. Scar: I'm the king. I can do whatever I want. Sarabi: If you were half the king Mufasa was you would nev-Scar: I'm ten times the king Mufasa was! Mufasa? No. You're dead. Sarabi: Mufasa? Simba: No. It's me. Sarabi: {Delighted} Simba? You're alive? {Confused} How can that be? Simba: It doesn't matter; I'm home. Scar: {Confused} Simba...? {back in form} Simba! I'm a little surprised to see you, {giving the hyenas above him an angry look} alive... Simba: {As Sarabi looks on with some pride} Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart. Scar: {Backing into a wall, apologetic} Oh, Simba, you must understand. The pressures of ruling a kingdom... Simba: ...Are no longer yours. Step down, Scar. Scar: Oh, oh, ye-- Well, I would, heh, naturally, heh-- however, there is one little problem. You see them? {pointing to the horde of hyenas on the rocks above} They think I'M king. Nala: Well, we don't. Simba is the rightful king. Simba: The choice is yours, Scar. Either step down or fight. Scar: Oh, must it all end in violence? I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn't you agree, Simba? Simba: That's not gonna work, Scar. I've put it behind me. Scar: Eh, but what about your faithful subjects? Have they put it behind them? Nala: Simba, what is he talking about? Scar: {Delighted} Ahh, so you haven't told them your little secret. Well, Simba, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death! Simba: {Steeling himself, then taking a step forward} I am. Sarabi: {With much grief} It's not true. Tell me it's not true.

34 Simba: {Regretfully} It's true. Scar: You see! He admits it! Murderer! Simba: No. It was an accident. Scar: If it weren't for you, Mufasa would still be alive. It's your fault he's dead; do you deny it? Simba: No. Scar: {Severely} Then... you're... guilty. Simba: No. I'm not a murderer. Scar: Oh, Simba, you're in trouble again. But this time, Daddy isn't here to save you. And now EVERYONE.. KNOWS... WHY! Nala: Simba! Scar: Now this looks familiar. Hmm. Where have I seen this before? Let me think. Hmmm... hmmm. Oh yes, I remember. This is just the way your father looked before he died. And here's MY little secret: I killed Mufasa. Simba: NoooooOOOO! ...Murderer! Scar: No, Simba, please. Simba: Tell them the truth. Scar: Truth? But truth is in the eye of the beholdllgkkk! All right. All right. {quietly, venomously} I did it. Simba: So they can hear you. Scar: {Grudgingly, but clear} I killed Mufasa! Pumbaa: Heeeyyyy-yaaaaah! Timon: 'Scuse me. Pardon me. Comin' through. Hot stuff. Whoo! Rafiki: {As he hits various hyenas} WwwA! Hozah! Hazoww! Yaa! Yah! hhyEEOOWww! 19. SIMBA CONFRONTS SCAR Simba: {Quietly, severely} Murderer. Scar: Simba, Simba. Please. Please have mercy. I beg you. Simba: You don't deserve to live. Scar: But, Simba, I am... ah... {unsure of his tactic} family.It's the hyenas {regaining composure} who are the real enemy. It was their fault-- it was their idea! Simba: Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. Scar: What are you going to do? You wouldn't kill your old Uncle...? {ingratiating grin} Simba: No, Scar. I'm not like you. Scar: {Greatly relieved} Oh, Simba, thank you. You are truly noble. I'll make it up to you, I promise. How can I, ah, prove myself to you? Tell me; I mean, anything. Simba: {Gravely, with deep anger} Run. Run away, Scar. And never return. Scar: Yes. Of course. As you wish... {looking down and seeing a pile of hot coals} ...your Majesty (finally simba pushes scar) (down with the hyenas) Scar: Ahh, my friends. Shenzi: Frie-he-hends? I thought he said we were the enemy! Banzai: Yeah, that's what I heard. Banzai and Shenzi: Ed? Ed: {Laughs evilly} Scar: {Very nervous} No. L-L-L-Le-Le-Le-Le-Let me explain. No. You don't understand. No! I didn't mean for... No, No! Look, I m sorry I called you... No! NOO!

Scene 25 king

35 20. KING OF THE PRIDE ROCK Rafiki: It is time. Mufasa: Remember . . . BS: Busa le lizwe [Rule this land] Busa le lizwe [Rule this land] Busa le lizwe [Rule this land] Bus-busa ngo xolo [Rule, rule with peace] MS: Se-fi-le Baba ti-tabo Maye babo Busa lomhlaba [Rule this land] BS: {Obscured verse} MS: He! Se-fi-le Busa Simba! Busa Simba! [Rule Simba! Rule Simba!] Ubuse ngo xolo [You must rule with peace] Ubuse ngo thando [You must rule with love] Ubuse ngo xolo [You must rule with peace] Ubuse ngo thando [You must rule with love] Ubuse ngo xolo [Rule with peace] BS: Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala MS: (ngw' enamabala-wa) Full Chorus: Till we find our place On the path unwinding In the Circle The Circle of Life Circle of... Liiife

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