Board of Investment Government of Pakistan Pakistan Agriculture Sector
Board of Investment Government of Pakistan Pakistan Agriculture Sector
Board of Investment Government of Pakistan Pakistan Agriculture Sector
Sector Overview...................................................................4
Agri - Exports.......................................................................6
Crop Situation..................................................................................................................9
Major Crops...............................................................................................................10
Minor Crops...............................................................................................................12
Other Minor Crops.....................................................................................................12
Farm Inputs....................................................................................................................13
a) Fertilizer:................................................................................................................13
b) Improved Seed.......................................................................................................13
c) Irrigation: ..............................................................................................................13
d) Agricultural Credit:................................................................................................14
Initiatives for Poultry Industry...................................................................................18
Investment Opportunities....................................................21
Annexure............................................................................ 26
Seed Farm Gidder..........................................................................................................34
Seed Farm Gidder..........................................................................................................34
Coconut farm.................................................................................................................34
Seed Farm......................................................................................................................34
Katvi Farm.....................................................................................................................34
Sariab Farm....................................................................................................................34
Model Farm....................................................................................................................34
Kalu Killa Farm.............................................................................................................34
Agriculture Research Sub Station..................................................................................34
Agriculture Research Fruit Experiment Station Wayaro Farm......................................34
District Lasbella..................................................................48
Tehsil Sonmiani..................................................................48
Tehsil Dureji.......................................................................48
District Khuzdar..................................................................48
Tehsil Khuzdar....................................................................48
Tehsil Karakh...................................................................... 48
District Chagai....................................................................48
Tehsil Dalbandin............................................................................................................48
District Pishin.....................................................................48
District kalat....................................................................... 48
Tehsil Surab.......................................................................48
Tehsil Mangchar.................................................................48
Tehsil Awaran................................................................................................................48
District Loralai....................................................................48
District Gwadar...................................................................48
Tehsil Gwadar................................................................................................................48
Area in Acres.............................................................................................................49
Katvi Farm.....................................................................................................................49
Sariab Farm....................................................................................................................49
Model Farm....................................................................................................................49
Kalu Killa Farm.............................................................................................................49
Agriculture Research Sub Station..................................................................................49
Agriculture Research Fruit Experiment Station Wayaro Farm......................................49
Sector Overview
Agriculture is the single largest sector of the economy. It contributes 24 percent of the GDP, employs 48.4
percent of country’s workforce and is a major source of foreign exchange earnings. About 68% of the
population lives in rural Pakistan and depends upon agriculture for sustenance.
The average annual growth rate of agriculture during 1990s was 4.5%. The highest growth rate of 11.7
percent was achieved in 1995-96 mainly due to increase in cotton, gram, milk and meat production. The
sector touched the lowest negative growth rate of 5.3 percent in 1992-93 mainly due to decrease in cotton
and sugarcane production. The major crops as wheat, cotton, rice, sugarcane and maize account for 41% of
value added and minor crops 10% in overall agriculture. Livestock has emerged as an important sub-sector
of agriculture. It accounts for 37.5% of agriculture value added and about 9.4% of the GDP. Similarly,
fisheries play an important role in national income through export earnings Government has identified
agriculture as a priority area for addressing problems of unemployment, poverty alleviation and for
fostering economic development. The agricultural policy focuses on sustainable food security, increasing
productivity, commercial agriculture, imports substitution, income diversification and export orientation.
In procurement of agricultural commodities, the role of private sector is being emphasized leading to
public-private sector partnership. The institutional services as agricultural research and extension are
geared to raise productivity and profitability of the farmers and address issues faced by the farming
community at field level. The services in agricultural marketing are being renovated. It is planned to
establish new markets in areas where marketing structure is weak. Attempt is being made to remove market
imperfections and provide an enabling environment for farmers to market their produce at reasonable
prices. A special focus is being made to establish a network of quality testing laboratories in public sector
for grains, livestock diseases and products, fertilizer and agro-chemicals, residue testing and strengthening
of plant and animal quarantine services.
The performance of agriculture remained weak this year as it grew by only 2.5 percent, as against 6.7
percent of last year and the 4.2 percent target for the year, with major crops and forestry registering a
negative growth of 3.6 percent and 5.7 percent, respectively. Agriculture, this year was subjected to adverse
weather conditions. Major crops, accounting for 32.5 percent of agricultural value added, depicted a
negative growth of 3.6 percent as against an impressive 17.8 percent growth of last year. Besides measuring
from a high base of last year, major crops registered a decline primarily on account of a 13.0 percent less
production of cotton (12.4 million bales as against 14.3 million bales last year) owing to adverse weather
conditions. Sugarcane is another major crop which registered a negative growth of 6.2 percent (from 47.2
million tons to 44.3 million tons). Rice and maize, the two other major crops, however performed well with
rice production increasing by 10.4 percent and maize production was up by 27.3 percent. Despite the
impressive performance of these two crops, they failed to compensate the decline in
production of cotton and sugarcane. Wheat production remained more or less at last year’s level with a
marginal increase of 0.4 percent (21.7 million tons as against 21.6 million tons). Livestock with almost 50
percent contribution in agriculture has been the only saving grace as this sector grew by 8.0 percent, as
against 2.3 percent of last year and hence took the overall agricultural growth to a positive side.
Furthermore, during the current fiscal year (2005-06), the availability of water for Kharif 2005 (for the
crops such as rice, sugarcane and cotton) has been 5.5 percent more than the normal supplies and 19.8
percent more than last year’s Kharif. Excessive winter rainfalls, (January – March 2005) along with melting
of snow on mountains top were responsible for higher than normal availability of water during Kharif 2005.
The water availability for Rabi season (for major crop such as wheat) was 17.3 percent less than the normal
availability but 29.8 percent more than last year’s Rabi.
Budget 2006-07 Highlights for Agriculture Sector
♦ A Program of Rs.7.8 billion is being introduced to increase the incomes of the farmers in 13,000
villages. The Program will start from 1000 villages in 2006-07. This will create jobs in rural areas.
♦ A Public-Private Partnership in dairy sector development with Rs.3.6 billion has been launched.
This Company will set up 1200 Model Dairy Farms and will establish 2950 farms for raising
livestock. This project will enhance rural incomes.
♦ The production of dairy products is now exempt from Sales Tax. The dairy and livestock
equipments are exempt from custom duty and sales tax. The custom duty on the packaging
material of dairy products has been reduced to 5 percent. This will help promote dairy sector in
rural area.
♦ Drip irrigation and sprinklers technology are being introduced in agriculture with Rs.15.0 billion.
♦ Rs.7.0 billion is being spent in 2005-06 for lining of 15,000 canals. Rs.6.0 billion will be spent in
2006-07 for the same. As a result, the loss of canal water will be reduced by 25 percent.
♦ Rs.5.5 billion will be spent on katchi Canal in 2006-07. The government is constructing Katchi
Canal with Rs.22 billion in Balochistan. This will bring revolution in agriculture in Balochistan.
♦ Rs.10 billion is allocated for the initial work on big dams in 2006-07. The government has
provided Rs.5.0 billion subsidy on fertilizer in 2005-06. In 2006-07, Rs.12.3 billion subsidy will
be provided to keep the price of fertilizer at affordable level for the farmers.
♦ Machinery for promoting fisheries will be exempt from custom duty. Custom duty is reduced from
60 percent to 30 percent on refrigerated vans. Exemption from custom duty on new and used agriculture
tractors in CBU conditions.
♦ Special incentive package in the shape of reduced tariff rates for poultry industry has been
All these measures will help enhance agricultural activities in the country. This will increase the incomes of
the farmers.
Agri - Exports
Exports were targeted at $ 17 billion or 18.1 percent higher than last year. The exports of primary
commodities were up by 22 percent; prominent among those are exports of rice (33.6%), fish and fish
preparation (30.2%) and fruits (20.6%). Exports of textile manufactures grew by 19.2 percent; prominent
among those are exports of bedwear (58.4%), readymade garments (31.0%), cotton yarn (29.4%), cotton
cloth (16.5%) and towels (12.0%). It is encouraging to note that exports this year have been largely
quantity driven and with firming up of the price of exportable, Pakistan’s exports may rise substantially in
the medium terms. During the first nine months (July-March) of the current fiscal year, over 88 percent
increases in exports are driven by quantity (quantity effect) and the remaining 12 percent are due to the
increase in unit values of exports (price effect).
Pakistan's exports are highly concentrated in few items namely, cotton, leather, rice, synthetic textiles and
sports goods. These five categories of exports account for 74.5 percent of total exports during the first nine
months of the year with Cotton manufacturers alone contributing 58.4 percent, followed by leather (6.1%),
rice (6.9%) and synthetic textiles (1.2%). Pakistan’s exports are also highly concentrated in few countries.
The seven countries, namely USA, Germany, Japan, UK, Hong Kong, Dubai and Saudi Arabia account for
50 percent of its exports. The United States is the single largest export market for Pakistan, accounting for
27 percent of its exports followed by the United Kingdom, Dubai, Germany and Hong Kong.
Investment Policy for Corporate Agriculture Farming
i. Only such local and foreign companies will be entitled to Corporate Agriculture Farming that
are incorporated in Pakistan under the Companies Ordinance, 1984.
ii. There is no upper ceiling limit on land holding for CAF by amending relevant laws. The size
of the proposed corporate farm may be left to be determined by the prospective investor.
iii. Agriculture Income Tax, regime applicable in provinces, on income from agriculture, would
be applicable to Corporate Agriculture Farming.
iv. Tax relief in shape of Initial Depreciation Allowance @ 50 % of machinery cost is allowed to
set –off provincial AIT.
v. Labor laws may not be presently applicable to Corporate Agriculture Companies. Due to
special circumstances of the agriculture sector however appropriate labor laws be developed
for this sector within five year.
vi. Import of agriculture machinery and equipment is exempted from Custom duty and Sales Tax.
vii. Machinery items for wheat/ grain storage and cool chain are importable at Import duty @ 0
viii. Wherever possible, state land may either be sold or leased to the investors for 50 years,
extendable for another 49 years. Preference in this respect will be given to cultivatable
wastelands, which is otherwise fit for cultivation.
ix. Transfer of land for CAF will be exempted from duty.
x. 100% foreign equity is allowed. ( in the CAF )
xi. No Government sanction required undertaking CAF except registration with BOI.
xii. Exemption of the dividends (of CAF companies) from tax.
i. Land development / reclamation of barren land, desert and hilly areas for agriculture purpose
and crop farming.
ii. Reclamation of water Front Areas/ Creeks.
iii. Crops, Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers Farming / Integrated Agriculture (Cultivation and
processing of crops).
iv. Processing of agriculture products.
v. Modernization and development of irrigation facilities and water management.
vi. Plantation/ Forestry.
vii. Dairy, small ruminants (sheep, goat) and other livestock farming.
Sector over the Last Five Years
Factors Units 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
Seed Distribution 000 Tonnes 146.76 193.8 191.57 170.02 178.77 218.12
Water Availability Million Acre 133.28 134.77 134.63 134.48 134.78 135.68
Fertilizer off-take 000 Nutrient 2,823 2,964 2,928 3,020 3,222 3,693
Supply of Agi. Credit Rs. in Million 37,667 44,489.4 52,446.3 58,918.7 73,560.0 108,733
Total Forest Production 000Tonnes 670 736 726 823 918 912
Crop Situation
There are two principal crop seasons in Pakistan, namely the "Kharif", the sowing season of which begins
in April-June and harvesting during October-December; and the "Rabi", which begins in October-
December and ends in April-May. Rice, sugarcane, cotton, maize, mong, mash, bajra and jowar are
“Kharif" crops while wheat, gram, lentil (masoor), tobacco, rapeseed, barley and mustard are "Rabi" crops.
Major crops, such as, wheat, rice, cotton and sugarcane account for 90.1 percent of the value added in the
major crops. The value added in major crops accounts for 35.2 percent of the value added in overall
agriculture. Thus, the four major crops (wheat, rice, cotton, and sugarcane), on average, contribute 31.7
percent to the value added in overall agriculture. The minor crops account for 12.3 percent of the value
added in overall agriculture. Livestock contribute almost 50 percent to agriculture – much more than the
combined contribution of major and minor crops (47.5%).
b) Rice:
Rice is an important food cash crop. It is also one of the main export items of the country. It accounts for
6.1 percent of the total value added in agriculture and 1.3 percent to GDP. Area and production target of
rice for the year 2005-06 were set at 2533 thousand hectares and 5000 thousand tons, respectively. Area
sown for rice is estimated at 2620 thousand hectares – 3.4 percent higher than the target and 4 percent
higher than last year.
d) Wheat:
Wheat is the main staple diet of the people of Pakistan. It contributes 13.7 percent to the value added in
agriculture and 3.0 percent to GDP. Area and production target of wheat for the year 2005-06 were set at
8415 thousand hectares and 22.0 million tons, respectively.
b) Improved Seed
Certified seed plays a pivotal role in boosting agricultural production both in market oriented and
subsistence farming. Certified seed in Pakistan is limited to wheat, cotton, paddy as major crops besides
maize, gram, pulses fodder and oilseeds as well as minor crops. The Federal Seed Certification &
Registration Department regulates quality during the flow of seed from the breeder to the growers. The
Department performs its functions through seventeen Seed Testing Laboratories and Field Offices,
established in various ecological zones of the country.
c) Irrigation:
It is well-known that an efficient irrigation system is a pre-requisite for increasing agricultural production
since water is a basic input for agriculture. It provides food security against the vagaries of nature and
enables the cropping intensity to be increased. Despite the existence of good irrigation canal network in the
world, Pakistan still suffers from wastage of a large amount of water in the irrigation process.
Canal Head Withdrawals (Below Rim Station) Million Acre Feet (MAF)
Provinces Kharif Kharif % Rabi Rabi % Change
(Apr-Sep) (Apr-Sep) Change (Oct-Mar) (Oct-Mar)
2004 2005 2004-05 2005-06
Punjab 30.33 36.43 20.1 11.54 16.40 42.1
Upon completion, the above-mentioned projects will provide a quantum jump in agricultural growth,
necessary to sustain an overall real GDP growth of 7-8 percent in the next few years. Higher agricultural
growth would also help in alleviating poverty.
Pakistan being a forest deficient country is facing timber and fire wood shortage to the tune of about 29
million cubic meters. There is need to increase the area under tree cover not only to meet the material needs
of the growing population but also to enhance the environmental and ecological services being provider by
the forests. During the year 2005-06, forests have contributed 139 thousand cubic meters of timber and 305
thousand cubic meters of firewood as compared to 183 thousand cubic meters of timber and 336 thousand
cubic meters of firewood in 2004-05. In order to motivate people to plant more trees and to highlight the
importance of forest, tree planting campaigns are organized twice a year in spring and monsoon seasons.
During spring and monsoon season year 2005, 97.657 million saplings (spring 67.003 million and monsoon
30.654 million were planted
Punjab 0.48
NWFP 1.33
Sindh 0.84
Balochistan 1.36
Total 4.01
Source: Economic Survey 2005-06
Livestock and Poultry
Livestock sector contributes almost 50 percent to the value addition in the agriculture sector, and almost 11
percent to Pakistan’s GDP, which is higher than the contribution made by the crop sector (47.4% in
agriculture and 10.3% in GDP). The role of livestock sector in the rural economy of Pakistan is very critical
as 30-35 million rural population of the country are engaged for their livelihood. Within the livestock
sector, milk is the largest and the single most important commodity. Despite decades of neglect, Pakistan is
the fifth largest milk producer in the world. The total value of milk produced is higher than the value of two
major crops, that is, wheat and cotton.
Products Units 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 (E)
Milk (000 Tons) 27031.0 28.624.0 29438.0 31294.6
Beef (000 Tons) 1034.0 1060.0 1087.0 115.0 1174.4
♦ Two private sector led companies namely “Livestock and Dairy Development Board” and
“Pakistan Dairy Development Company” have been established to increase the pace of
development in livestock sector. Board of Directors of these companies includes all stakeholders.
♦ Import of dairy and livestock machinery/equipment, not manufactured locally, is allowed duty free
subject to certification by Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock.
♦ To provide access to credit to small holders, micro credit schemes have been initiated through
commercial banks i.e. Zarai Taraqiati Bank . Punjab Cooperative Bank and Punjab Small
Industries Corporation for distribution of loan. Government of Punjab has disbursed approx. Rs
2.0 billion under the budget 2004-05 for small and medium term projects. Federal Government is
further working with stakeholders and other scheduled banks to facilitate credit to livestock
♦ In order to organize dairy sector, cooperative milk production/collection system is encouraged and
milk processors have reported 35 percent increase in milk collection than the previous year.
♦ In the wake of Avian Influenza, 12 laboratories in different poultry concentrated areas have been
established/equipped for surveillance’ diagnosis. A central laboratory at National Agricultural
Research Centre, Islamabad has been especially developed to address Avian Influenza
surveillance and monitoring. So far during the last one year, it has analyzed more than 28000
samples from poultry and more than 700 samples from migratory birds. The Ministry of Food,
Agriculture and Livestock is constantly monitoring the situation on daily basis.
Fishery as a sub-sector of agriculture plays a significant role in the national economy and towards the food
security of the country, as it reduces the pressure on demand for mutton, beef and poultry. It is also
considered to be the principal source of livelihood for the communities inhabitating at the long coasts of
Sindh and Balochistan as well as along the major rivers, lakes and dams. It contributes, on an average,
about 0.3 percent to the total GDP and 1.3 percent to agricultural. It has been estimated that about 400
thousand fishermen and their families are dependant upon the fisheries for their livelihood.
Marine Fisheries Department (MFD) is responsible for management, development and sustainable
exploitation of the fisheries resources in exclusive economic zones. MFD provides intelligentsia to fisheries
sector and as a result, the primitive small-scale fishery has developed to a modern fishery industry through
use of sustainable methods. By implementing effective quality control measures, Pakistan is now exporting
fish and fishery products to 61 countries including US, Japan and other important countries. The emphasis
is to enhance production of fish and shellfish to reduce pest harvest losses to increase seafood export
earnings, to improve quality control service and to upgrade the socio-economic conditions of the fishermen.
Government of Pakistan is taking a number of steps to improve fisheries sector. Number of initiatives are
being taken by Federal and Provincial Fisheries Department which inter alia include construction of coastal
highways, strengthening of infrastructure, introduction of aquaculture in coastal area, improvement in
freshwater fish culture facilities, strengthening of extension services, introduction of new fishing
methodologies, development of value added products, enhancement of per capita consumption of fish,
upgradation of socio-economic conditions of the fishermen’s community etc.
Investment Opportunities
Summer Vegetables
Vegetables are generally grown in two seasons i.e. summer and winter. Selection of summer vegetables is
carried out depending upon their concentration in different areas of the Punjab. The feasibility is confined
to the Punjab province only for three summer vegetables (bitter gourd, muskmelon and tinda gourd) which
are found in Faisalabad, Rahim Yar Khan, Leiah, Khanawal, and Bahawalpur.
Cost of Seed In case of near to market the cost of seed was Rs984.85, Rs167.13 and Rs335.64 for
bitter gourd, tinda gourd and muskmelon, respectively. While in case of far from market, the cost of seed
involved was Rs890.30, Rs171.44 and Rs361.08 for the respective vegetables.
Costs involved in the purchase application of farmyard manure were Rs369.54, Rs111.98 and Rs182.71 for
bitter gourd, tinda gourd and muskmelon, respectively on the basis of near to market, while in case of far
from market the costs involved in applying the farmyard manure were Rs389.54, 249.28 and 98.68 for the
respective vegetables
Fertilizer Cost The cost involved in applying fertilizer by near to market was Rs1830.88, Rs524.92
and Rs2569.82 for tinda gourd bitter gourd and muskmelon respectively. While in case of far from market
the above cost was Rs2190.26, Rs594.24 and Rs2110.26 for these three vegetables. Sufficient and timely
irrigating a crop improves the yield per acre of any crop.
Gross income from the cultivation of summer vegetables was higher on farms near to market as compared
to those far from the market. The net income per kg was Rs2.75, 1.27 and 0.73 for respective vegetables in
case of farmers near to market, while in case of farmers far from the market the net income per kg was
Rs2.33, 0.59 and 0.32
Following recommendations are made for increasing the yield of summer vegetables:
♦ Summer vegetable cultivation needs proper amount of irrigation water at different stages
♦ Vgetable growers use the inorganic nutrients below the recommended level
♦ Vegetables are sensitive to diseases and insects attacks. Diagnosis of disease and insect attack at
the right time is the foremost element in crop management practices
Target Market
The target market for the project would be Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industry.
Capital Investment 43,305,500
Working Capital Requirement 1,889,986
Financial Summary
Seeds are the foundation of human and animal life on earth-the foods we eat, the fiber we wear, and most
of the products we use in our daily life, are created from a seed. There is no substitute for a quality seed as
quality seed is essential for growing quality crops, which ultimately results in a better quality of life.
Capacity of the Project 5 ton Seed per hour
Avg. 2000 tons per season (6 month)
Project Return
IRR 24.89 %
There are a number of factors which contribute towards the success of a project. In case of the project of
Seed Processing Unit, some of the Key Success Factors are as follows:
♦ The seed must be free from inert material, weed seed and seed of other varieties and crops; have
safe moisture content; have high germination and vigor; and be relatively free of damage and
disease. The seed must also be treated, bagged and labeled properly.
♦ The harvested seed must be dried to the level of safe moisture content. This is to reduce
physiological activity and damage from storage fungi and insects.
♦ Generally, seed has contaminants of various kinds when it comes into the processing plant,
especially if it has been harvested with an improperly adjusted combine or thresher or threshed
directly on the ground. Cleaning can be done because seeds differ in length, width, thickness,
density, shape, surface texture, color, affinity for liquids, and electrical conductivity, but the most
commonly used characteristics are seed size and density. Cleaning increases the seed quality by
improving physical purity and germination. That means that inert matter must be removed.
♦ After the seeds are treated, they are bagged, labeled and stored. Bagging and labeling should be
done so that the content of the bag can be guaranteed to farmers purchasing the seed.
♦ Seeds should be stored under conditions, which maintain seed quality. The ambient conditions and
the storage period will determine the type of storage that is required.
♦ Relative humidity and temperature are very important. High relative humidity and high
temperature reduce the viability of seed.
♦ All seed plants should have an internal seed-quality control system. Laboratories to assess quality
before and after processing and to monitor the efficiency of the different processing machines are
Other Investment Opportunities in Agriculture Sector
♦ Dairy Farming
Investment Areas: Farms to be developed near major cities for local consumption and
exports as well
Target Investors: Local, China, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, OIC Countries, E.U.
♦ Fisheries
♦ Horticulture
Investment Areas: Fruit Processing & Packaging & Exports of Fruits, Dates
Target Investors: Local, China, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, OIC Countries
♦ Seed Production
♦ Cold Chains
25-Animal Dairy
4 1.5 0.1 0.18 370,262 5 250 liters/day 22.00%
50-Animal Dairy
5 2.94 0.19 0.28 32 acres 7 552 liters/day 30.00% 5.5
Broiler Farm (7500- 7500 birds /
6 0.41 0.06 0.34 7830 2 43.03% 3.94
Birds) clock
Layer Farm (5000-
7 0.35 0.06 0.29 10718 2 8463 eggs 34.69% 6.84
Calve Fattening
8 0.89 0.63 0.26 6510 5 390 calves p.a 35.66% 4.26
9 Shrimp Farming 21.35 4.55 13.24 871200 19 251.06 kg
11 Flower Shop 2.01 0.1 0.59 217801 11 3028 flowers 68.00% 2.15
20 Mango Processing 21.4 16.12 4.12 44000 44 3 Tons / day 18.00% 2.55
Land in compact blocks of 500 acres and more has been reserved for corporate farming in districts
Muzaffargarh, Rajanpur, Bahawalpur and D.G. Khan as under: -
In addition to this, 6.6 million acres of land is available in Cholistan of which 2 million acres is relatively
plain but it can be developed only if canal water is made available. Sub-soil water is either saline or too
inadequate for irrigation. There are also problems of infrastructure and other logistics.
The Board of Revenue, Punjab has identified a compact block of 25,000 acres for corporate farming in
Cholistan. The Irrigation Department has intimated that there is acute shortage of canal water suggesting
the mode of overcoming the problem through development projects.
Area Location Kind of Availability of water Lease period Annual lease rate
land proposed proposed
2,000-00 Deh Pharyaro Taluka Nara Under ground water is 30 years renewable Rs. 1,000/- per
acres kalarish at 100 ft. depth by 20 years more acres plus 20%
(Sukkur annual increase
1,584 Acres B Nos. 1158 to 1256 Deh Under ground water is 30 years renewable Rs.1,000/- per
(Kotri Ahmed Rajo No.3 Taluka kalarish by 20 years more acres plus 20%
Barrage) Shaheed Fazil Rahu, annual increase.
1,472 Acres B.Nos. 2173 to 2218 & 2287 Barrage water can be 30 years renewable Rs.1,000/- per
(Kotri to 2332. Deh Ahmed Rajo No. made from Girhari by 20 years more acres plus 20%
Barrage) 6 Taluka Shaheed Fazil Rahu Distry which is at the annual increase.
Distt. Badin. distance of 5 miles.
Total: 3,056-00
11,975 Matiari Riverine Forest Water lifting from Can be leased out On agreed rate of
Acres (Distance 25 K.M. from River or through for longer period joint venture.
Hyderabad along National Tubewells (To be negotiated)
Highway near Matiari Town.
9,792 Acres. Riverine forest situated in Lifting from Indus Can be leased out On agreed rate of
distt. Thatta (50 K.M. from River or from Sapa for longer period joint venture.
Hyderabad and Thatta both). Irrigation minor pass (To be negotiated)
Total: 21,767-00
3,018 Acres Farm at Lodhhra in Distt. Water is available Permanent joint 1,00,000 per acres
Shikarpur venture (Cost)
District Khuzdar
Agriculture Farming, IT Park
2. Tehsil Khuzdar 22,471
District Chagai
Agriculture Farming, Industrial Estate, IT parks,
Tehsil Dalbandin 209,322
3. Tehsil Nokundi 192,521 Marble Factory, Mines & Mines & Development
Tehsil Taftan 26,350 (Granite, Copper, Ironore, Chromite)
Tehsil Chagai 83,201
4. District Pishin Agriculture Farming, Dairy Farming, IT Parks,
Tehsil Pishin 7,874 Industrial Estate
District kalat
District Awaran
7. Agriculture Farming, Dairy Farming
Tehsil Awaran 20,577
8. District Loralai
Ostrich Farming, Agriculture Farming
Tehsil Dukki 16,000
District Gwadar
Construction of Shopping Malls, Offices/ Residential
Tehsil Gwadar Plazas, 4-5 stars Hotels. Conventional Centers,
9. Tehsil pasni Recreation Centers, Establishment of IT Parks,
Tehsil Ormara Industrial Estates, Fisheries Development.
Agriculture farms in Balochistan for Public Private Partnership
Pakistan has a total geographical area of 79.6 million hectares. Of this 9.1 million hectares land
is cultivable waste. Cultivable waste is that cultivated farm area which is fit for cultivation but
was not cropped. The reasons may be lack of water availability, lack of interest, financial
resource constraints to buy proper equipment and inputs for cultivation of crops, remote areas
from the villages/cities, etc. Cultivable waste area is almost half of the cultivated area. Hence
development of this area is not only better for investment but also have potential to contribute to
increase in agricultural production.
About half of the cultivable waste area is in the province of Balochistan Province. Break up is
as follows:
Pakistan 9.14
Punjab 1.74
Sindh 1.45
NWFP 1.08
Balochistan 4.87
Cultivable waste land in Balochistan is mainly in the Kalat Division followed by Quetta,
Nasirabad and Makran Divisions. In Punjab, cultivable waste area is mainly in the Divisions of
D.G. Khan, Bahawalpur, Rawalpindi and Lahore. In Sindh, cultivable waste area is located in
Hyderabad, Mirpur Khas, Sukkur and Larkana Divisions. In NWFP, cultivable waste area is
located in D.I. Khan, Hazara and Kohat Divisions.
Pakistan's climate is conducive to grow a variety of crops, vegetables and fruits. Major crops
produced are wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane, maize, gram, onion, potato, rape and mustard seed,
and sunflower. Major fruits produced include apple, dates, citrus, mango, grapes and guava.
Once the cultivable waste lands are developed, there are bright prospects that production of all
the above crops could be started. The requisite technology, manpower and inputs to produce the
crops is already available in the country.
Pakistan is deficit in food production and approximately Rs. 84 billion (US$ 1.9 billion) is spent
annually on import of wheat, edible oils, pulses, tea and other food products. Thus there is
already available market for these products in Pakistan. There is also potential for exports
particularly of cereals, vegetables and fruits.
Demand for off-season vegetables is tremendous and it has vast market in side the country and
out side in-Middle East and Europe.
Vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet pepper can be produced. This work can be
started on a small piece of land near cities where it has market and can also be exported
Temporary greenhouses can be built using polyethylene sheets and bamboo or iron bars, or
pipes. Water supply is assured through tubewells.
Production technology is not so complicated. All fertilizers and inputs are available locally.
Labor is cheap and readily available. Supervisory technical staff is also available. Training of
staff can be provided and other technical assistance can be sought from National Agricultural
Research Centre, Islamabad.
Land is available on reasonable rates which can be taken on lease or can be bought as per
requirements. Off seasons vegetable production project can be started at small level in the
beginning and expanded further as a when required. Initially it is suggested to start the project
on 5 acres given the provision for expansion up to 25 acres.
Perishable vegetables will be marketed or exported immediately after harvest. However, short
term transit storage will be required quite often which will be done at the farm in cold rooms.
Pakistan is deficit in edible oil production. About 67 percent of total requirement is imported.
Sunflower is an important oilseed grown in Pakistan. During 1997-98, sunflower was grown on
98 thousand hectares in 1997-98 and target for 1999-2000 is to grow sunflower at 162 thousand
hectares. Sunflower hybrid seed had advantage upto 30 percent of yield production over open
pollinated seed. This is why the farmers prefer to use hybrid seed and pay a high rice.
Pakistan has production technology and inbred lines to produce this seed. Oilseed Programme of
National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad will assist the investor to set up the
production system also provide seed of inbred lines as per the requirements of seed company.
The seed can be produced in Sargodha, Bhalwal, D.G. Khan and Hyderabad districts on
irrigated lands during autumn season. The crop is planted in the last week of July and first week
of August and is harvested in the first and second week of November. After breaking of
dormancy by storing it for 50 days, the seed is ready for sale in first week of January.
A seed company can start its business by producing 50 or 100 tonnes of seed and gradually raise
the level of production upto 200 tonnes and 500 tonnes. The seed company would require to
establish a small infrastructure in Pakistan for seed processing, seed storage and seed marketing.
Some core technical manpower would be needed for the supervision of seed production, storage
and marketing. All seed could be produced on farmers field through contract farming or by
acquiring land on lease and contracting out all the field operations.
A good seed crop can product 300 to 350 kg processed and treated seed per acre. The cost of
production of one kg seed comes to about Rs. 150 to 170. It includes cost of seed production,
transportation, processing, treating, packing, storage, overheads and marketing costs. The seed
is sold to farmers for Rs. 250 to Rs. 300 per kg. In this way, the profit margin is Rs. 100 to Rs.
130 per kg of seed.
The market for hybrid seed already exists in the country. The farmers growing sunflower prefer
to use hybrid seed in order to get better productivity per unit and hence they are willing to pay
more price for hybrid seed as compared to other seeds. Thus, there will be no marketing
At present dehydrated vegetables have demand from army, Pakistan International Airlines,
Railways and hotels. Some units with limited capacity for dehydration of onion, potatoes and
cauliflower are operating in Pakistan. Some dehydrated vegetables like garlic powder has utility
in certain pharmaceuticals. Apparent household demand for dehydrated vegetables is also
limited. The general consumers have not yet been exposed to the product. Hence there exists a
considerable suppressed demand for selected dehydrated vegetables like onion, garlic, potato,
bitter gourd, cauliflower, etc. It is only matter of introducing the products to the consumers
During 1997-98, the production of onion was at 1.1 million tonnes, potato at 1.4 million tonnes,
garlic at 0.08 million tonnes and cauliflower at 0.2 million tonnes. These are mostly consumed
in fresh form. The plant for dehydration of these vegetables could be established at vegetable
growing areas like Peshawar, Lahore, Faisalabad, Sahiwal, Sargodha, Multan and Hyderabad.
The main products would be hydrated vegetables and by-products processing wastes. The
conversion ratio of the vegetables into dehydrated form is as follows: CONVERSION RATIO
Onion Potato Garlic Cauliflower
Raw material 6 5 15
Finished products 1 1 1 1
a) Domestic: Demand already exists with the defence forces, Pakistan International Airlines and
hotels. Consumer demand will have to be created through marketing techniques.
b) Export: There is a great demand for the export of dehydrated vegetables to the Middle
Eastern and some Europe markets.
Pakistan produces about 0.3 million tones of tomato annually. During the peak season tomato
sells at low prices due to larger supplies resulting in less return to growers. About 10 to 20
percent of production is wasted due to defective marketing system and inadequate processing
facilities. Sale price of tomato paste in local market indicated that this activity is financially
viable if proper marketing arrangements are made.
Presently a quite few companies including M/s Mitchell's Farms are producing tomato paste.
The annual production capacity of all the companies together is also limited.
Tomato paste plant can be established in the main tomato growing areas of Hyderabad (Sindh
province), Quetta (Balochistan province), Parachanar (NWF province), Faisalabad and Multan
(Punjab province). The main raw material, viz.; tomato and other utilities required would easily
become available in these areas. The main product would be tomato paste and by-product would
be peels and seeds convertible into animal feed. The conversion ratio of tomato to tomato paste
is 8:1.
Tomato is very popular vegetable. It is used in fresh form in almost all the recipes. Its price
fluctuates very much. At the harvest season price is at the lowest while at the off-season prices
rise to a very high level. The consumer generally look for a substitute. Tomato paste could serve
as substitute. Apart from this, tomato paste needs to be introduced to consumers and market will
have to be created through marketing techniques.
The inedible oil extracted from rice bran is an important raw material in the manufacture of
soap, washing powder, etc. Pakistan is importing tallow and during 1977-98, 62 thousand tonnes
of tallow was imported at Rs. 1.4 billion for the manufacture of soap. This is an import
substitution project and establishment of such unit will help save foreign exchange on the
import of tallow.
Punjab and Sindh provinces are producing a large part of total rice produced in Pakistan. Rice
bran, which is the main raw material, is easily available in these provinces. Other raw material
will be Hexane (solvent). Main product would be crude oil while by-product will be rice bran
It is good and cheap substitute of tallow for manufacture of soap and washing powder. Animal
tallow is imported to meet the domestic demand for the same. Hence market for the crude oil
produced is readily available in Pakistan and can easily be sold to soap factories. Apart from
this, the product can also be exported to foreign countries.
Pakistan has large livestock inventory i.e. cattle 21.1 million, buffaloes 21.4 million, sheep 23.8
million and goats 44.2 million and has great potential for enhanced production provided feed
shortages are overcome; improved health coverage is made available; and price controls are
removed. In order to save feed for better feeding the animals, a policy of enhancement of
productivity per unit animal is being pursued. Therefore, apparently the number of animals are
surplus to the requirement of the country. The marketing system is also obsolete. Steps are in
hand to improve the marketing structure.
Large areas of land in the districts of Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, Rahim Yar Khan, Larkana,
Jacobabad, Shikarpur and Khairpur are under developed and not being utilized effectively. It is
estimated that more than 10,000 acres of land is available for sheep and goat raising in these
Large area of land in the districts of Bahawalpur, Bhawalnagar, Rahim Yar Khan, Larkana,
Jacobabad, Shikarpur and Khairpur is still under developed and not being utilized effectively. It
is estimated that more than 10,000 acres of land is available for sheep and goats raising in these
districts. These areas have good potential for dairy products.
Large area of land in the districts identified above is still under developed and is not being
utilized effectively. It is estimated that more than 10,000 acres of land is available for sheep and
goats raising in these districts. These areas have good potential powder and other dairy products.
In order to exploit livestock resources it is proposed to set up dairy units. The estimated cost for
setting up dairy farms of 10,000 heads of sheep/goat is about Rs. 120 million capital cost (cost
of land, shed, sheep/goat, etc.) and Rs. 5 million recurring cost (cost of grazing, concentrates,
Mutton is expensive than beef in Pakistan because consumers have a preference of mutton over
beef. Hence a large market for mutton already exist in the country. However, there is also a need
for proper and hygienic marketing of mutton. If this is done, the product will be readily salable.
There are also bright prospects of export of mutton to Middle East where most of the meat
comes from Australia. Pakistan, being an Islamic country, will be preferred by the Middle
Eastern Islamic countries for import of mutton because of the way of slaughtering of animals.
Pakistan is blessed with rich fishery resources available in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
of Pakistan spread over an area of about 250,000 sq km. Pakistan has a coast line of about 1,100
km along the coast of Sindh and Balochistan provinces. Pakistan's total marine production is
estimated at 0.4 million tonnes which can be further enhanced to a considerable extent.
The total export from fishery sector during 1997 was US$ 172 million which needs to be further
enhanced. Pakistan fishery being of diversified in nature has considerable opportunities for
attractive foreign investment. The following specific areas are identified:
It has been observed that the salinity in seawater and in sub-soil areas is increasing. In order to
dilute the seawater during period of high evaporation, there is a need to have ample supply of
fresh water. There is need to establish a hatchery for shrimp. It is economically not viable to
base the industry on imported seeds due to high mortality in transportation and also high costs
involved. Bangladesh, which also had no shrimp culture before 1970's, is now one of the
important country where shrimp aquaculture has got real boast in the past ten years. Their
example can be followed.
The expansion in the processing of fish is probably the most important area which needs private
sector's involvement. At present, a major part of the food fish is either consumed locally or
salted dried for export. With the exception of local consumption and small quantity of frozen
and chilled fish exported to European countries and Middle East, a bulk of the fish is salted,
dried and exported to Sri Lanka at very low prices. Majority of the fish catch instead of being
exported, is converted into fish meal. Important food fish species like tuna, sailfish, marlins,
groupers, dolphinfish, catfish, sharks and various carangoids are not considered as good
foodfishes, therefore, therefore, these are exported to Sri Lanka in dried form.
There is ready market for these fish especially for fillets, steaks and in form of consumer packs
in may be parts of the world. Private sector may invest in this processing sector. Processing for
value added fish products such as breaded, fermented, ready to cook, semi cooked and smoked
products are probably the most important. It may be added that value added products from Asia
(especially South East Asian Countries) are readily accepted in Japanese, European and
American markets. Pakistan can also penetrate in these markets with its value added products.
Use of balanced feed after genetic capability of a breed is considered second most important
factor to exploit potential yield of milk and meat. In view of the long felt need, the University of
Agriculture Faisalabad set up a small feed mixing unit to supply feed to dairy farmers. The
commercial feed gave very good results as compared to traditional feed, i.e. cotton seed cake.
Encouraging results of this attempts by the University prompted private sector entrepreneurs to
set up new cattle feed mills. Some of them could not compete with the traditional feed bacause
of quality. However, the pilot unit set up by the University continue working.
The feed mill units are to be established near areas where dairy and livestock farming are
already developed like Karachi, Lahore Sahiwal, Faisalabad and Gujranwala. The utilities
required are already available in these locations. Raw material will be cotton seed cake, rape
seed cake, rice bran, rice polish, wheat bran, maize oil cake, molasses, etc. Other raw material
required include salt, bonemeal, urea, mineral supplements packing materials etc. These items
are locally available in abundance. The main product will be cattle feed. Conversion ratio will
be 1:1. Machinery for feed mills is locally available from Gujranwala. Machinery can also be
What is mostly needed is to produce quality feed and put in efforts to introduce the same to the
dairy farmers and common farmers who also happen to be small dairy farmers. The cost of milk
production is going to be reduced if balanced feed is practiced by the dairy farmers.
Replacement of traditional feed, however, is going to take place gradually. For this purpose, the
farmers will have to be made aware of importance of highly nutritive and balanced animal feed.
The market for feed thus will have to be created within the country and prospects are bright for
its export.
In recent years there is growing consciousness of the necessity of fruit juices in the country as
they are a source of vitamins and mineral which are essential for the health. Nutritive value of
fresh fruits is better than the processed but due to their perishable nature regular supply of fresh
fruits throughout the year is not posible. Supply of fruits particularly in off-seasons can only be
regulated by processing them into various products.
Pakistan is producing a variety of fruits which include apples, citrus, mangoes, banana, dates,
apricot, guava, pears, fig, almond and peaches. Due to inadequate processing and storage
facilities, large quantity of fresh fruits (10 to 15 percent) is spoiled in harvesting and marketing
operations. These losses can be minimized by creating adequate processing facilities. The
popular fruit juice could be of apple, mango/guava and citrus. The pulp and paste projects could
be for mango, dates and bananas, etc.
Pakistan is producing large quantity of apples, citrus, mangoes. During 1997-98, citrus
production was at 2.0 million tonnes, mango at 0.9 million tonnes, apples at 0.6 million tonnes
and guava at 0.5 million tonnes.
Citrus, mango and guava are mostly produced in Punjab province. Mango is also a major fruit in
Sindh province. Apples are mostly (85 percent of total production) produced in Balochistan
province. As such Citrus Juice Extraction plants could be established in Punjab. Mango/Guava
Nectar Processing plants could also be set in Punjab and Sindh provinces where raw material
will easily be available. The apple juice extraction plants could be established in Balochistan
province where apple is produced and easily available.
The main products could be straight fruit juices and fruit concentrates. By-products will be peel
oil and procesing wastes convertible into animal feed and compost. Conversion ratio is expected
to be 1.6 to 2.5:1.
Products and the by-products can find place in the domestic as well as foreign markets. It
depends on the investors how marketing compaign is launched and products introduced in the
local as well as foreign markets. It is, however, estimated that the main products could find a big
market in the Middle East countries.
Sugarcane is one of the Pakistan's major cash crop. It is produced on about 1 million hectares
and production volume is 53 million tonnes. Total cane crushed in sugar mills was 41 million
tonnes in 1997-98. Bagasse is the fibrous residue of the juice extraction process. It amounts to
25-30 percent of the cane weight and appears to be the most economic source of furfural
presently available.
Furfural is used primarily as a solvent and as a source of furfural alcohol for making foundry
core binder resins. Key intermediates made from petroleum and natural gas liquids used in
nylon and urethane fibre production have taken furfural's previously most important market.
Furfural is also one of the important solvents used in petroleum refining and need special
attention and consideration.
The entire demand of furfural is met through imports. The major user for the furfural is Oil
refining industry. With its expansion, the demand for furfural will be going up. The demand for
acetic acid is also largely met through imports.
The project has the following main features:
The plant will have to be imported and can conveniently be located near sugar mills, e.g.
Mardan, Hyderabad, Faisalabad, Sargodha, Sahiwal and Bahwalpur. The main raw material will
be sugarcane bagasse; its availability is ensured as most of the bagasse production is being
consumed by the sugar mills for internal energy generation. Other raw materials required will be
sulfuric acid. The main product will be furfural and by-products will be acetic acid, lightenls
(methyl acetate). Conversion ration will be 12:1.
The production of furfural and acetic acid will provide substitution for import of these
chemicals. Market for main as well as by-products is already available in Pakistan. The
domestic demand is expected to increase with the expansion in the capacity of oil refineries as
Pakistan is trying to discover more oil reserves. Since the main users will be industries and not
the consumers, heavy advertisements will not be required in this case.
In case there is slow demand in the country due to any reason, the furfural could be exported. In
this connection, potential foreign markets for the products can be explored.
There are various types of paper boards like duplex board, flueting board, box board, card
board, etc. Which are used for a wide range of purposes. Paper boards are mainly used as
stationary items and for moulding boxes for packing cigarettes, garments, cosmetics,
pharmaceuticals etc. Unlike straw board, production of paper board requires addition of long
fibre wood pulp, ratio of which may vary depending upon quality of different types of paper
board. Higher the ratio of coniferous wood pulp better the quality. Generally recommended ratio
of pulp ranges from 5 to 20 percent. This can though be manufactured from other raw materials
such as wheat straw, paddy straw, kahi grass but the proposed unit is based on sugarcane
The activity envisages processing of sugar mill product (bagasse) and crop residues like wheat
straw and paddy straw into value added products. The units can be located where the main raw
material is abundantly available such as provinces of Punjab, Sindh and NWFP.
Based on 25 percent recovery of bagasse from a quantity of 40 million tones of sugarcane which
is being crushed by the mills, about 10 million tonnes of sugarcane bagasse is annually
available. Of this quantity, about 55 percent is being burnt for internal generation of energy. In
addition to this, millions of tonnes of wheat straw and paddy straw are being produced in the
country. Therefore, supply of raw material will be ensured.
Main raw material will be bagasse, wood pulp and waste paper. Other raw materials will be
caustic soda, chlorine, china clay/soap stone, alum and rosin. Bagasse, wheat straw and kahi
grass can be substituted with each other as major raw material with corresponding changes in
longfibre wood pulp. All the raw materials are available in the country. Main product will be
paper board. Conversion ratio is 2.2:1.
The production of paper board is being predominantly consumed for packing of cigarette case,
match boxes, educational material, file covers, toiletries, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals etc.
There is, therefore, a large market for the product in the country. Distribution channels will have
to be employed to transport domestically produced paper board to the final consumers.
Generally the distribution channels consist of producer, distributor, wholesaler, retailer and
Agriculture Companies
Food and Allied
Company Name Foreign Local Quoted on Stock
1. Mitchells Fruit Farms ü ü
2. Yummy Milk Products (Pvt) Ltd. ü
3. CDL Foods Ltd. ( Candia & Haleeb) ü
4. Nestle Milkpak Ltd. ü ü
5. Idara-e- Kissan (Halla) ü
6. Millac Foods Pvt. Ltd. ü
7. Fauji Corn flakes ü
8. Monnoo Dairies Pvt Ltd. ü ü
9. Noon Pakistan Ltd. ü
10. Pakistan Milk Food Manufacturers ü
11. Prime Dairies ü
12. Royal Dairies ü
13. Unilever Pakistan ü ü
14. Cadbury Pakistan Ltd. ü
15. Walls ü
16. Ismail Industries ü ü
17. National Foods ü ü
18. Rafhan Best Food ü ü
19. Shezan International ü ü
20. Quershi ü
21. Ahmed Foods ü
22. Pepsi cola ü
23. Coca-cola ü
24. Macca cola ü
25. Qibla cola ü
26. LU Biscuits ü
27. BP candies ü
28. McDonald ü
29. KFC ü
30. Subway ü
1. Lakson Tobacco Company ü ü
2. Pakistan Tobacco Company Ltd. ü ü
3. Premier Tobacco Co. ü x
4. Khyber Tobacco Co. ü x
5. Souvenir Tobacco Co. ü x
6. Sarhad Cigarette Ind. ü x
7. Saleem Cigarette Ind. ü x
8. United Tobacco Ind. ü x
9. Bara Cigarette Ind. ü x
10. Paramount Tobacco Co. ü x
11. F.S. Tobacco Company ü x
12. Frontier Tobacco Ind. ü x
13. Imperial Cigarette Ind. ü x
14. Universal Tobacco Co. ü x
15. National Tobacco Co. ü x
16. Delta Tobacco Co. ü x
17. Eastend Tobacco Co. ü x
18. International Cig. Ind. ü x
19. Ambar Tobacco Co. ü x
20. Abaseen Tobacco Co. ü x
1. Al-Abbas Sugar ü ü
2. Baba Farid Sugar ü ü
3. Chashma Sugar ü ü
4. Cresent Sugar ü ü
5. Faran Sugar ü ü
6. Frontier Sugar ü ü
7. Habib Arkady ü ü
8. Habib sugar ü ü
9. Hamza Sugar ü ü
10. Haseeb Waqas ü ü
11. Husein Sugar ü ü
12. JDW Sugar ü ü
13. Kohinoor Sugar ü ü
14. Mehran Sugar ü ü
15. Mirza Sugar ü ü
16. Noon sugar ü ü
17. Premier Sugar ü ü
18. Sanghar Sugar ü ü
19. Shakarganj Sugar ü ü
20. ShahTaj Sugar ü ü
21. Tandlianwala ü ü
22. Bawany sugar ü ü
N.B. The list given here indicative and not exhaustive. Any company not mentioned here may only
due to non-availability/ accessibility of data.
List of Agriculture Companies Registered with
Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan
1. Gurmani Agro Farm and Live Stock (Pvt) Ltd. Distt: Muzaffargarh
2. Iffat Agricultural Farms (Pvt) Ltd., Lahore
3. Mitchels Fruit Farms Ltd., Lahore
4. Be Be Jan Agro Farms Ltd., Faisalabad.
5. Greenacres Farms (Pvt.) Ltd., Islamabad
6. Prime Agriculture Farms (Pvt) Ltd., Islamabad
7. Millenium Farming (Pvt) Ltd., Islamabad
8. Corporate Agriculture Farms and Services (Pvt.) Ltd., Lahore
9. Pir Jhando Farms (Pvt) Limited, Karachi.
10. Red Rose Corporate Farming Company (Pvt.) Limited,
Available State Land in Balochistan for CAF
S.No Location of Land Size of Plot/ Area in Acres Intended Use of Land
Tehsil Awaran
District Loralai 16,000 Ostrich Farming, Agriculture Farming
Tehsil Dukki
District Gwadar 40,000 Construction of Shopping Malls,
9. Offices/ Residential Plazas, 4-5 stars
Tehsil Gwadar Hotels. Conventional Centers,
Tehsil pasni Recreation Centers, Establishment of IT
Tehsil Ormara Parks, Industrial Estates, Fisheries
Agriculture farms in Balochistan for Public Private Partnership