ServerAdmin v10.6
ServerAdmin v10.6
ServerAdmin v10.6
KKApple Inc.
2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. The owner or authorized user of a valid copy of MacOSXServer software may reproduce this publication for the purpose of learning to use such software. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, such as selling copies of this publication or for providing paid-for support services. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Apple is not responsible for printing or clerical errors. Apple 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014-2084 The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Use of the keyboard Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. Apple, the Apple logo, AirPort, AirPort Express, AirPort Extreme, Apple Remote Desktop, AppleScript, Bonjour, the Bonjour logo, iCal, iPod, iPhone, Mac, Macintosh, Mac OS, QuickTime, Safari, Snow Leopard, Tiger, Time Capsule, Time Machine, Xcode, Xgrid, Xsan, and Xserve are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Finder, QuickTime Broadcaster are trademarks of Apple Inc. This product includes BSD (4.4 Lite) developed by the University of California, Berkeley, FreeBSD, Inc., The NetBSD Foundation, Inc., and their respective contributors. Intel, Intel Core, and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corp. in the U.S. and other countries. OpenSSL is software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit ( UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Other company and product names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective companies. Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products. 019-1410/2009-08-15
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Understanding Backup Types Understanding Backup Scheduling Understanding Restores Other Backup Policy Considerations Command-Line Backup and Restoration Tools Understanding Time Machine as a Server Backup Tool
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Single Sign-On About Certificates, SSL, and Public Key Infrastructure Public and Private Keys Certificates About Certificate Authorities (CAs) About Identities About Self-Signed Certificates About Intermediate Trust Certificate Manager in Server Admin Readying Certificates Creating a Self-Signed Certificate Requesting a Certificate from a Certificate Authority Creating a Certificate Authority Using a CA to Create a Certificate for Someone Else Importing a Certificate Identity Managing Certificates Editing a Certificate Distributing a CA Public Certificate to Clients Deleting a Certificate Renewing an Expiring Certificate Replacing an Existing Certificate Using Certificates SSH and SSH Keys Key-Based SSH Login Generating a Key Pair for SSH Administration Level Security Setting Administration Level Privileges Service Level Security Setting SACL Permissions Security Best Practices Password Guidelines Creating Complex Passwords
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About Starting Up for Installation Before Starting Up Starting Up from the Install DVD Starting Up from an Alternate Partition Remotely Accessing the Install DVD About Server Serial Numbers for Default Installation Passwords Identifying Remote Servers When Installing MacOSXServer Starting Up from a NetBoot Environment Preparing Disks for Installing MacOSXServer Choosing a File System Installing Server Software Interactively Installing Locally from the Installation Disc Installing Remotely with Server Assistant Installing Remotely with Screen Sharing and VNC Changing a Remote Computers Startup Disk Using the installer Command-Line Tool to Install Server Software Installing Multiple Servers Upgrading a Computer from MacOSX to MacOSXServer How to Keep Current
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159 160 161 161 162 162 163 164 164 166 167 168 169 169 169 171 171 171 172 172 173 173 173 174 175 175 176 178 179 180 180 181 181 183 183 183 185 185 186 186 187 187
Eliminating Single Points of Failure Using Xserve for High Availability Using Backup Power Setting Up Your Server for Automatic Restart Ensuring Proper Operational Conditions Providing Open Directory Replication Link Aggregation About the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) Link Aggregation Scenarios Setting Up Link Aggregation in MacOSXServer Monitoring Link Aggregation Status Load Balancing Daemon Overview Viewing Running Daemons Using launchd for Daemon Control
188 Chapter 9:Push Notification Server 188 About Push Notification Server 189 Starting and Stopping Push Notification 190 Changing a Services Push Notification Server 191
This guide provides a starting point for administering MacOSXServerv10.6 using its advanced administration tools. It contains information about planning, practices, tools, installation, deployment, and more by using Server Admin.
Advanced Server Administration is not the only guide you need when administering advanced mode server, but it gives you a basic overview of planning, installing, and maintaining MacOSXServer using Server Admin.
Chapter3,Administration Tools, is a reference guide for the tools used to
administer servers.
Chapter4,Enhancing Security, is a brief guide to security policies and practices. Chapter5,Installation and Deployment, is an installation guide for MacOSXServer. Chapter6,Initial Server Setup, provides a guide to setting up your server after
Chapter7,Ongoing System Management, explains how to work with
MacOSXServer. Note:Because Apple periodically releases new versions and updates to its software, images shown in this book may be different from what you see on your screen.
You can get task instructions onscreen in Help Viewer while youre managing MacOSXServerv10.6. You can view help on a server or an administrator computer. (An administrator computer is a MacOSX computer with MacOSXServerv10.6 administration software installed on it.) To get the most recent onscreen help for MacOSXServerv10.6: mm Open Server Admin or Workgroup Manager and then:
Use the Help menu to search for a task you want to perform. Choose Help > Server Admin Help or Help > Workgroup Manager Help to browse
and search the help topics. The onscreen help contains instructions taken from Advanced Server Administration and other advanced administration guides described later. To see the most recent server help topics: mm Make sure the server or administrator computer is connected to the Internet while youre getting help. Help Viewer automatically retrieves and caches the most recent server help topics from the Internet. When not connected to the Internet, Help Viewer displays cached help topics.
MacOSXv10.6 has a suite of guides which can cover management of individual services. Each service may be dependent on other services for maximum utility. The road map below shows some related documentation that you may need to fully configure your desired service to your specifications. You can get these guides in PDF format from the MacOSXServer documentation website:
Getting Started
Covers basic installation, setup, and management using Server Preferences instead of Server Admin. Recommended for novice administrators.
If you want to print a guide, you can take these steps to save paper and ink:
Save ink or toner by not printing the cover page. Save color ink on a color printer by looking in the panes of the Print dialog for an
one page per sheet of paper. In the Print dialog, change Scale to 115% (155% for Getting Started). Then choose Layout from the untitled pop-up menu. If your printer supports two-sided (duplex) printing, select one of the Two-Sided options. Otherwise, choose 2 from the Pages per Sheet pop-up menu, and optionally choose Single Hairline from the Border menu. (If youre using MacOSX v10.4 or earlier, the Scale setting is in the Page Setup dialog and the Layout settings are in the Print dialog.) You may want to enlarge the printed pages even if you dont print double sided, because the PDF page size is smaller than standard printer paper. In the Print dialog or Page Setup dialog, try changing Scale to 115% (155% for Getting Started, which has CD-size pages).
Periodically, Apple posts revised help pages and new editions of guides. Some revised help pages update the latest editions of the guides.
To view new onscreen help topics for a server application, make sure your server or
administrator computer is connected to the Internet and click Latest help topics or Staying current in the main help page for the application.
To download the latest guides in PDF format, go to the MacOSXServer
onscreen help is available. To view the feed use an RSS reader application, such as Safari or Mail: feed://
your server administration skills with instructor-led or self-paced training, and differentiate yourself with certification.
Mac OS X Server gives you everything you need to provide standards-based workgroup and Internet services delivering a world-class UNIX server solution thats easy to deploy and easy to manage.
This chapter contains information to make decisions about where and how you deploy Mac OS X Server. It contains general information about configuration options, standard protocols used, its UNIX roots, and network and firewall configurations necessary for Mac OS X Server administration.
The serial number used with any previous version of Mac OS X Server will not allow registration for v10.6. A built-in DVD drive is convenient but not required. A display and keyboard are optional. You can install server software on a computer that has no display and keyboard by using an administrator computer. For more information, see Setting Up an Administrator Computeron page124. If youre using an installation disc for MacOSXServerv10.6, you can control installation from another computer using VNC viewer software. Open-source VNC viewer software is available. Apple Remote Desktop, described on Apple Remote Desktop(page50), includes VNC viewer capability.
MacOSXServerv10.6 offers major enhancements in several key areas: MacOSXServerv10.6 introduces the first open standards-based Address Book Server Based on the emerging CardDAV specification, which uses WebDAV to exchange vCards, sharing contacts across multiple computers.
Remote Access
MacOSXServerv10.6 delivers push notifications to users outside your firewall, and a proxy service gives them secure remote access to email, address book contacts, calendars, and specified internal websites.
Collaboration services improvements
MacOSXServerv10.6 augments collaboration features with wiki and blog templates optimized for viewing on iPhone; provides content searching across multiple wikis; and enables attachment viewing in Quick Look. It also introduces My Page, which gives users one convenient place to access web applications, receive notifications, and view activity streams across wikis.
iCal Server 2
MacOSXServerv10.6 has a new iCal Server which includes shared calendars, push notifications, the ability to send email invitations to non-iCal Server users, and a browser-based application for using calendars with many supported browsers.
Podcast Producer 2
MacOSXServerv10.6 has a new Podcast Producer which features an intuitive new workflow editor, support for dual-video source capture, and Podcast Library, which lets you host locally stored podcasts and make them available for subscription by category via Atom web feeds.
Mail Server improvements
MacOSXServerv10.6 mail service increases its performance and scalability using a new engine designed to handle thousands of simultaneous connections. Mail services have been enhanced to include server-side email rules and vacation messages.
Multicore optimizations
MacOSXServerv10.6 supports Grand Central, a new set of built-in technologies that makes all of Mac OS X Server multicore aware and optimizes it for allocating tasks across multiple cores and processors.
64-bit support
OpenCL support
MacOSXServerv10.6 supports OpenCL and makes it possible for developers to use the GPU for general computational tasks.
Included with Mac OS X Server v10.6 is Server Admin, Apples powerful, flexible, fullfeatured server administration tool. Server Admin is reinforced with improvements in standards support and reliability. Server Admin also delivers a number of enhancements:
Newly refined, streamlined, and integrated Server Assistant Smoother interaction with Server Preferences settings Improved user interface
You can configure and manage Mac OS X Server using two configuration methods:Server Preferences, or the advanced configuration tool suite, which includes Server Admin and its command-line utilities. Servers administered using the advanced tool suite are the most flexible and require the most skill to administer. Servers administered by Server Preferences have fewer configuration options, but most configuration details are set by Server Preferences, without additional skill or labor. You can customize your server for a variety of purposes using either method. Using Server Admin and the rest of the advanced configuration tool suite, the experienced system administrator has complete control of each services configuration to accommodate a wide variety of needs. After performing initial setup with Setup Assistant, you use powerful administration applications such as Server Admin and Workgroup Manager, or command-line tools, to configure advanced settings for services the server must provide. Using Server Preferences, you can get standard configurations of Mac OS X Server features using automated setup and simplified administration. For more information about using Server Preferences to administer your server, see Getting Started. You can switch between Server Admin and Server Preferences. The setting changes in one application are reflected in the others settings. However, some advanced or custom configurations cant be inspected or changed in Server Preferences, due to Server Preferences simplified interface.
Use System Preferences Use System Preferences Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Service Open Directory master (user accounts and other data) Podcast Producer Policies and managed preferences Print Push notification QuickTime Streaming RADIUS Remote login (SSH) Software update Time Machine backup of client Macs Time Machine backup of server User and Group creation VPN (secure remote access) Web (wikis, blogs, webmail) Xgrid (computational clustering) Xserve diagnostics
Use System Preferences Use System Preferences Yes Yes Yes No Use Server Monitor Yes Yes Yes Yes, and also use Xgrid Admin Use Server Monitor
Supported Standards
Mac OS X Server provides standards-based workgroup and Internet services. Instead of developing proprietary server technologies, Apple has built on the best open source projects:Samba 3, OpenLDAP, Kerberos, Dovecot, Apache, Jabber, SpamAssassin, and more. Mac OS X Server integrates these robust technologies and enhances them with a unified, consistent management interface. Because it is built on open standards, Mac OS X Server is compatible with existing network and computing infrastructures. It uses native protocols to deliver directory services, file and printer sharing, and secure network access to Mac, Windows, and Linux clients.
A standards-based directory services architecture offers centralized management of network resources using any LDAP servereven proprietary servers such as Microsoft Active Directory. The open source UNIX foundation makes it easy to port and deploy existing tools to Mac OS X Server. The following standards-based technologies power Mac OS X Server:
Kerberos:Mac OS X Server integrates an authentication authority based on MITs
Kerberos technology (RFC 1964) to provide users with single sign-on access to secure network resources. Using strong Kerberos authentication, single sign-on maximizes the security of network resources while providing users with easier access to a broad range of Kerberos-enabled network services. For services that have not yet been Kerberized, the integrated SASL service negotiates the strongest possible authentication protocol.
OpenLDAP:Mac OS X Server includes a robust LDAP directory server and a secure
Kerberos password server to provide directory and authentication services to Mac, Windows, and Linux clients. Apple has built the Open Directory server around OpenLDAP, the most widely deployed open source LDAP server, so it can deliver directory services for both Mac-only and mixed-platform environments. LDAP provides a common language for directory access, enabling administrators to consolidate information from different platforms and define one namespace for all network resources. This means there is a single directory for all Mac, Windows, and Linux systems on the network.
RADIUS:Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is an authentication,
authorization, and accounting protocol used by the 802.1x security standard for controlling network access by clients in mobile or fixed configurations. Mac OS X Server uses RADIUS to integrate with AirPort Base Stations serving as a central MAC address filter database. By configuring RADIUS and Open Directory, you can control who has access to your wireless network. Mac OS X Server uses the FreeRADIUS Server Project. FreeRADIUS supports the requirements of a RADIUS server, shipping with support for LDAP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle databases, EAP, EAP-MD5, EAP-SIM, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, EAP-PEAP, and Cisco LEAP subtypes. Mac OS X Server supports proxying, with failover and load balancing.
Mail Service:Mac OS X Server uses robust technologies from the open source
community to deliver comprehensive, easy-to-use mail server solutions. Full support for Internet mail protocolsInternet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), Post Office Protocol (POP), and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)ensures compatibility with standards-based mail clients on Mac, Windows, and Linux systems.
integrated Apache-MySQL-PHP/Perl/Python software). Mac OS X Server web technologies are based on the open source Apache web server, the most widely used HTTP server on the Internet. With performance optimized for Mac OS X Server, Apache provides fast, reliable web hosting and an extensible architecture for delivering dynamic content and sophisticated web services. Because web service in Mac OS X Server is based on Apache, you can add advanced features with plug-in modules. Mac OS X Server includes everything professional web masters need to deploy sophisticated web services:integrated tools for collaborative publishing, inline scripting, Apache modules, custom CGIs, and JavaServer Pages and Java Servlets. Database-driven sites can be linked to the included MySQL database. ODBC and JDBC connectivity to other database solutions is also supported. Web service also includes support for Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, known as WebDAV.
File Services:You can configure Mac OS X Server file services to allow clients to
access shared files, applications, and other resources over a network. Mac OS X Server supports most major service protocols for maximum compatibility, including:
Apple Filing Protocol (AFP), to share resources with clients who use Macintosh
Server Message Block (SMB), a protocol to share resources with clients who use
Windows computers. This protocol is provided by the Samba open source project.
Network File System (NFS), to share files and folders with UNIX clients. File Transfer Protocol (FTP), to share files with anyone using FTP client software. IPv6 (RFC 2460):IPv6 is the Internets next-generation protocol designed to replace
the current Internet Protocol, IPv4 (or IP). IPv6 improves routing and network autoconfiguration. It increases the number of network addresses to over 3 x1038, and eliminates the need for NAT-provided addressing. IPv6 is expected to gradually replace IPv4 over a number of years, with the two coexisting during the transition. Mac OS X Servers network services are fully IPv6 capable and ready to transition to the next generation addressing as well as being fully able to operate with IPv4.
SNMP:Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used to monitor network-
attached devices operational status. It is a set of IETF-designed standards for network management, including an Application Layer protocol, a database schema, and a set of data objects. Mac OS X Server uses the open source net-snmp suite to provide SNMPv3 (RFCs 3411-3418) service.
messaging protocol used for messaging and presence information. XMPP serves as the basis for Mac OS X Servers Push Notification service, as well as iChat Server, and all publish and subscribe functions for the server.
Mac OS X Server has a UNIX foundation built around the Mach microkernel and the latest advances from the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) open source community. This foundation provides Mac OS X Server with a stable, high-performance, 64-bit computing platform for deploying server-based applications and services. Mac OS X Server is built on an open source operating system called Darwin, which is part of the BSD family of UNIX-like systems. BSD is a family of UNIX variants descended from Berkeleys version of UNIX. Also, Mac OS X Server incorporates more than 100 open source projects in addition to proprietary enhancements and extended functionality created by Apple. The BSD portion of the Mac OS X kernel is derived primarily from FreeBSD, a version of 4.4BSD that offers advanced networking, performance, security, and compatibility features. In general, BSD variants are derived (sometimes indirectly) from 4.4BSD-Lite Release 2 from the Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG) at the University of California at Berkeley. Although the BSD portion of Mac OS X is primarily derived from FreeBSD, some changes have been made. To find out more about the low-level changes made, see Apples Developer documentation for Darwin.
Before installing and setting up MacOSXServer do a little planning and become familiar with your options.
The major goals of the planning phase are to make sure that:
Server user and administrator needs are addressed by the servers you deploy Server and service prerequisites that affect installation and initial setup are
identified Installation planning is especially important if youre integrating MacOSXServer into an existing network, migrating from earlier versions of MacOSXServer, or preparing to set up multiple servers. But even single-server environments can benefit from a brief assessment of the needs you want a server to address. Use this chapter to stimulate your thinking. It doesnt present a rigorous planning guide, nor does it provide the details you need to determine whether to implement a particular service and assess its resource requirements. Instead, view this chapter as an opportunity to think about how to maximize the benefits of MacOSXServer in your environment. Planning, like design, isnt necessarily a linear process. The sections in this chapter dont require you to follow a mandatory sequence. Different sections in this chapter present suggestions that could be implemented simultaneously or iteratively.
During the planning stage, determine how you want to use MacOSXServer and identify whether theres anything you need to accomplish before setting it up. For example, you might want to convert an existing server to v10.6 and continue hosting directory, file, and mail services for clients on your network. Before you install server software, you might need to prepare data to migrate to your new server, and perhaps consider whether its a good time to implement a different directory services solution.
During the planning stage, youll also decide which installation and server setup options best suit your needs. For example, Getting Started contains an example that illustrates server installation and initial setup in a small business scenario with the server in using Server Preferences.
If youre using a previous version of MacOSXServer and you want to reuse data and settings, you can upgrade or migrate to v10.6. You can upgrade to MacOSXServerv10.6 if youre using the latest update of MacOSXServer v10.5 Leopard or MacOSXServer v10.4.11 on MacOSXservers with Intel processors. Upgrading is simple because it preserves existing settings and data. You can perform an upgrade using any of the installation methods described in this chapter or the advanced methods described in this guide. If you cant perform an upgrade, for example when you need to reformat the startup disk or replace your server hardware, you can migrate data and settings to a computer that youve installed MacOSXServerv10.6 on. Migration is supported from the latest update of MacOSXServer v10.5 Leopard or MacOSXServer v10.4.11 Tiger. For complete information about migrating data and settings to a different Mac or Xserve, see the onscreen help or MacOSXServer Resources website at
Involve individuals in the installation planning process who represent various points of view, and who can help answer the following questions:
What day-to-day user requirements must a server meet? What activities do server
users and workgroups depend on the server for? If the server is used in a classroom, make sure the instructor who manages its services and administers it daily provides input.
What user management requirements must be met? Will user computers be diskless
and need to be started up using NetBoot? Will Macintosh client management and network home folders be required? Individuals with server administration experience should work with server users who might not have a technical background, so theyll understand how specific services might benefit them.
What existing non-Apple services, such as Active Directory, must the server integrate
If youve been planning to replace a Windows NT computer, consider using MacOSXServer with its extensive built-in support for Windows clients. Make sure that administrators familiar with these other systems are part of the planning process.
What are the characteristics of the network into which the server will be installed?
Do you need to upgrade power supplies, switches, or other network components? Is it time to streamline the layout of facilities that house your servers? An individual with systems and networking knowledge can help with these details as well as completing the Installation & Setup Worksheet on the MacOSXServer Install Disc or Administration Tools CD.
Identify which services you want to host on each MacOSXServer and non-Apple server you decide to use. Distributing services among servers requires an understanding of users and services. Here are a few examples of how service options and hardware and software requirements can influence what you put on servers:
Directory services implementations can range from using directories and Kerberos
authentication hosted by non-Apple servers to setting up Open Directory directories on servers distributed throughout the world. Directory services require thoughtful analysis and planning. The additional information at MacOSXServer Resources website at can help you understand the options and opportunities.
Home folders for network users can be consolidated onto one server or distributed
among various servers. Although you can move home folders, you might need to change a large number of user and share point records, so devise a strategy that will persist for a reasonable amount of time. For information about home folders, see MacOSXServer help or MacOSXServer Resources website at
Some services offer ways to control the amount of disk space used by individual
users. For example, you can set up home folder and mail quotas for users. Consider whether using quotas will offer a way to maximize the disk usage on a server that stores home folders and mail databases. The additional information at MacOSXServer Resources website at describes home folder and user mail quotas, and service-wide mail quotas.
Disk space requirements are also affected by the type of files a server hosts.
Creative environments need high-capacity storage to accommodate large media files, but elementary school classrooms have more modest file storage needs. The additional information at MacOSXServer Resources website at describe file sharing.
If youre setting up a streaming media server, allocate enough disk space to
accommodate a specific number of hours of streamed video or audio. For hardware and software requirements and for a setup example, see additional information in online help or at MacOSXServer Resources website at .
The number of NetBoot client computers you can connect to a server depends on
the servers Ethernet connections, the number of users, the amount of available RAM and disk space, and other factors. DHCP service needs to be available to the clients and can be provided by a different server than the NetBoot server. For NetBoot capacity planning guidelines, see additional information at MacOSXServer Resources website at .
MacOSXServer offers extensive support for Windows users. You can consolidate
Windows user support on servers that provide PDC services, or you can distribute services for Windows users among different servers.
If you want to use software RAID to stripe or mirror disks, youll need two or more
drives (but not FireWire drives) on a server. For more information, see online Disk Utility Help. Before finalizing decisions about which servers will host specific services, familiarize yourself with information in the administration guides for the services you want to deploy.
If youre using MacOSXServer v10.410.5 or a Windows-based server, examine the opportunities for moving data and settings to MacOSXServerv10.6.
If youre using computers with MacOSXServer v10.4 or v10.5, consider upgrading or migrating them to MacOSXServerv10.6. If youre using MacOSXServer v10.5 or v10.4 and you dont need to move to Intelprocessor based hardware, you can perform an upgrade installation. Upgrading is simple because it preserves your existing settings and data. When you cant use the upgrade approach, you can migrate data and settings. Youll need to migrate, not upgrade, when:
A version 10.4 or 10.5 servers hard disk needs reformatting or the server doesnt
meet the minimum MacOSXServerv10.6 system requirements. For more information, System Requirements for Installing Mac OS X Serverv10.6on page16.
You want to move data and settings youve been using on a v10.4 or 10.5 server to
different server hardware. Migration is supported from the latest versions of MacOSXServer v10.5 and v10.4. When you migrate, you install and set up MacOSXServerv10.6, then restore files onto it from the earlier server, and then make manual adjustments as required. For complete information, read the additional information at MacOSXServer Resources website at .
MacOSXServerv10.6 can provide a variety of services to users of Microsoft Windows computers. By providing these services, MacOSXServerv10.6 can replace Windows servers in small workgroups. For information about migrating users, groups, files, and more from a Windowsbased server to MacOSXServer, see the additional information at MacOSXServer Resources website at .
The first aspect primarily involves directory services integration. Identify which MacOSXServer computers will use existing directories (such as Active Directory, LDAPv3, and NIS directories) and existing authentication setups (such as Kerberos). For options and instructions, see the additional information at MacOSXServer Resources website at . Integration can be as easy as enabling a Directory Utility option, or it might involve adjusting existing services and MacOSXServer settings. The second aspect is largely a matter of determining the support you want MacOSXServer to provide to non-Apple computer users. The additional information at MacOSXServer Resources website at tell you whats available.
Determine whether you need to make site or network topology adjustments before installing and setting up servers.
Who will administer the server, and what kind of server access will administrators
need? Classroom servers might need to be conveniently accessible for instructors, while servers that host network-wide directory information should be secured with restricted physical access in a district office building or centralized computer facility. Because MacOSXServer administration tools offer complete remote server administration support, there are few times when an administrator should need physical access to a server.
Are there air conditioning or power requirements that must be met? For this kind of
The server setup infrastructure consists of the services and servers you set up in advance because other services or servers depend on them.
For example, if you use MacOSXServer to provide DHCP, network time, or BootP services to other servers, you should set up the servers that provide these services and initiate the services before you set up servers that depend on those services. The amount of setup infrastructure you require depends on the complexity of your site and what you want to accomplish. In general, DHCP, DNS, and directory services are recommended or required for medium and large server networks:
The most fundamental infrastructure layer comprises network services like DHCP
and DNS. All services run better if DNS is on the network, and many services require DNS to work properly. If youre not hosting DNS, work with the administrator responsible for the DNS server youll use when you set up your servers. DNS requirements for services are published in the service-specific administration guides. The DHCP setup reflects your physical network topology.
Another crucial infrastructure component is directory services, required for sharing
data among services, servers, and user computers. The most common shared data in a directory is for users and groups, but configuration information such as mount records and other directory data is also shared. A directory services infrastructure is necessary to host cross-platform authentication and when you want services to share the same names and passwords. Heres an example of the sequence in which you might set up a server infrastructure that includes DNS, DHCP, and directory services. You can set up the services on the same server or on different servers: Setting up basic server infrastructure: 1 Set up the DNS server, populating the DNS with the host names of the desired servers and services. 2 Set up DHCP, configuring it to specify the DNS server address so it can be served to DHCP clients. If desired, set up DHCP-managed static IP address for the servers. 3 Set up a directory server, including Windows PDC service if required, and populate the directory with data, such as users, groups, and home folder data. This process can involve importing users and groups, setting up share points, setting up managed preferences, and so forth. 4 Configure DHCP to specify the address of the directory server so it can be served to DHCP clients. Your specific needs can affect this sequence. For example, to use VPN, NAT, or IP Firewall services, include their setup with the DNS and DHCP setups.
Before setting up a server, try to place it in its final network location (IP subnet). If youre concerned about preventing unauthorized or premature access during setup, set up a firewall to protect the server while finalizing its configuration. If you cant avoid moving a server after initial setup, you must change settings that are sensitive to network location before you can use the server. For example, the servers IP address and DNS name, stored in directories and configuration files on the server, must be updated. When you move a server, follow these guidelines:
Minimize the time the server is in its temporary location so the amount of
its final location. Such services include Open Directory replication, Apache settings (such as virtual domains), DHCP, and other network infrastructure settings that other computers depend on.
Wait to import final user accounts. Limit accounts to test accounts so you minimize
the user-specific network information (such as home folder location) that you must change after the move.
After you move the server, you can change its IP address in the Network pane of
System Preferences (or use the networksetup tool). You probably will need to manually adjust service and system settings. For more information on how to do this, see Understanding Changes to the Server IP Address or Network Identityon page132.
Reconfigure the search policy of computers (such as user computers and DHCP
servers) that have been configured to use the server in its original location.
All storage systems can fail eventually. Either through equipment wear and tear, accident, or disaster, your data and configuration settings are vulnerable to loss. You should have a plan in place to prevent or minimize your data loss.
Each restoration need determines the type, frequency, and method you use to back up your data. You might want to keep daily backups of files. This allows for quick restoration of overwritten or deleted files. In such a case you have file-level granularity every day:any single file can be restored the following day. There are other levels of granularity as well. For example, you might need to restore a full days data. This is a daily snapshot-level granularity:you can restore your organizations data as it was on a given day. These daily snapshots might not be practical to maintain every day, so you might choose to keep a set of rolling snapshots that give you daily snapshot-level granularity for only the preceding month. Other levels of restoration you might want or need could be quarterly or semiannually. You might also need archival storage, which is data stored only to be accessed in uncommon circumstances. Archival storage can be permanent, meaning the data is kept for the foreseeable future.
The answers to these questions are an integral part of your backup and restore policy.
hard disk down to the most basic storage unit. These backups also keep copies of the disk filesystem and the unused or erased portion of the disk in question.They can be used for forensic study of the source disk medium. Such detail often makes file restoration unwieldy. Full Image backups are often compressed and are only decompressed to restore the entire file set.
Full File-level Copies:Full file-level copies are backups that are kept as duplicates.
They do not capture the finest detail of unused portions of the source disk, but they do provide a full record of the files as they existed at the time of backup. If a file changes, the next full file-level backup copies the entire data set in addition to the file that changed.
Incremental Backups:Incremental backups start with file-level copies, but they
only copy files changed since the last backup. This saves storage space and captures changes as they happen.
Snapshots:Snapshots are copies of data as it was in the past. You can make
snapshots from collections of files, or more often from links to other files in a backup file set. Snapshots are useful for making backups of volatile data (data that changes quickly), like databases in use or mail servers sending and receiving mail. These backup types are not mutually exclusive. They exemplify different approaches to copying data for backup purposes. For example, Time Machine uses a full file-level copy as a base backup; then it uses incremental backups to create snapshots of a computers data on a given day.
For example, how much network bandwidth is necessary to accommodate the load? How much space on backup drives, or how many backup tapes are required? What sort of drain on computing resources will occur during backup? What personnel are necessary for the backup? You will find that different kinds of backup require different answers to these questions. For example, an incremental file copy might take less time and copy less data than a full file copy (because only a fraction of any given data set will have changed since the last backup). Therefore an incremental backup might be scheduled during a normal use period because the impact to users and systems may be very low. However, a full image backup might have a very strong impact for users and systems, if done during the normal use period. Choosing a Backup Rotation Scheme A backup rotation scheme determines the most efficient way to back up data over a specific period of time. An example of a rotation scheme is the grandfather-father-son rotation scheme. In this scheme, you perform incremental daily backups (son), and full weekly (father) and monthly (grandfather) backups. In the grandfather-father-son rotation scheme, the number of media sets you use for backup determines how much backup history you have. For example, if you use eight backup sets for daily backups, you have eight days of daily backup history because youll recycle media sets every eight days.
Understanding Restores
No backup policy or solution is complete without having accompanying plans for data restoration. Depending on what is being restored, you may have different practices and procedures. For example, your organization may have specific tolerances for how long critical systems can be out of use while the data is restored.
For example, how long will a deleted file or email take to restore? How long will a full hard disk image take to restore? How long would it take to return the whole network to its state three days ago?
What process is most effective for each type of restore?
For example, why would you roll back the entire server for a single lost file?
How much administrator action is necessary for each type of restore? How much
and for what reasons? Restore practices and procedures must be tested regularly. A backup data set that does not restore correctly cannot be considered a trustworthy backup. Backup integrity is measured by restore fidelity. Defining a Backup Verification Mechanism You should have a strategy for regularly conducting test restorations. Some thirdparty software providers support this functionality. However, if youre using your own backup solution, you should develop the necessary test procedures.
for MacOSX files, can the backup utility preserve file metadata, resource forks, and Access Control List (ACL) privileges?
Is there sensitive data, such as passwords, social security numbers, phone numbers,
medical records, or other legally protected information, that requires special treatment, and that must not be backed up without understanding where the data will flow and be stored? Choosing Backup Media Type Several factors help you determine what type of media to choose:
Cost. Use cost per GB to determine what media to choose. For example, if your
storage needs are limited, you can justify higher cost per GB, but if you need a large amount of storage, cost becomes a big factor in your decision. One of the most cost-effective storage solutions is a hard drive RAID. It provides you with a low cost per GB, and it doesnt require the special handling needed by other cost-effective storage types, such as tape drives.
Chapter 2Planning Server Usage 35
Capacity. If you back up only a small amount of data, low-capacity storage media
can do the job. But if you need to back up large amounts of data, use high-capacity devices, such as a RAID.
Speed. When your goal is to keep your server available most of the time, restoration
speed becomes a big factor in deciding which type of media to choose. Tape backup systems can be very cost effective, but they are much slower than a RAID.
Reliability. Successful restoration is the goal of a good backup strategy. If you cant
restore lost data, all the effort and cost you spent in backing up data is wasted and the availability of your services is compromised. Therefore, its important that you choose highly reliable media to prevent data loss. For example, tapes are more reliable than hard disks because they dont contain moving parts.
Archive life. You never know when youll need your backed up data. Therefore,
choose media that is designed to last for a long time. Dust, humidity, and other factors can damage storage media and result in data loss.
only copies the files that have changed. By default rsync does not preserve extended attributes in files necessary for many MacOSXServer services.
ditto. Use to perform full backups. tar. Use to perform full backups. asr. Use to back up and restore a volume in block copy mode. If the tool is in file
copy mode, it does not preserve all necessary extended attributes in files.
For more information about these commands, see their respective man pages. Note:You can use the launchctl command to automate data backup using these commands. For more information about using launchctl and launchd, see their respective man pages.
For example, Time Machine doesnt back up user and group directory records, email, DNS records, Address Book shared groups, iCal Server calendars, and so forth. It only saves the settings made in Server Preferences and Server Admin, and whether a service is on or off. The following service settings and statuses are preserved:
Address Book Server DHCP DNS File Services (AFP, SMB, NFS, and FTP) Firewall iCal Server iChat Server Mail Mobile Access MySQL NAT Network Settings Podcast Producer Print Push Notification QTSS RADIUS Remote Access Settings Software Update VPN Web Wiki Xgrid
For more information about where the necessary data files are stored for backup via other means, see Critical Configuration and Data Fileson page155. Note:You can use the launchctl command to automate data backup using the aforementioned commands. For more information about using launchctl and launchd, see their respective man pages.
Administration Tools
Server Admin
You use Server Admin to administer services on Mac OS X Server computers. Server Admin also lets you specify settings that support multiple services, such as creating and managing SSL certificates, manage file sharing, and specifying which users and groups can access services. The version of Server Admin included with Mac OS X Server v10.6 can be used to administer the latest version of Mac OS X Server v10.5. However, the current version of Server Admin isnt compatible with administering DNS service or manage certificates in Mac OS X Server v10.5. Use the version of Server Admin that came with Mac OS X Server v10.5 on a computer running Mac OS X Server v10.5 or Mac OS X v10.5. Information about using Server Admin to manage services appears in the individual administration guides and in onscreen information accessible by using the Help menu in Server Admin.
Server List:Shows servers, groups, smart groups, and if desired, the administered services for each server You select a group to view a status summary for all grouped computers. You select a computer for its overview and server settings. You select a servers service to control and configure the service. Context Buttons:Shows available information and configuration panes. Tool Bar:Shows available context buttons. If a button is grayed out or cant be clicked, you do not have the administrative permissions to access it.
Main Work Area:Shows status and configuration options. This looks different for each service and for each context button selected. Available servers:Lists the local-network scanner, which you can use to discover servers to add to your server list. All Servers:Shows all computers added to Server Admin, regardless of status. Server:Shows the hostname of the managed server. Select to show a hardware, operating system, active service, and system status summary. Service:Shows an administered service for a server. Select to get service status, logs, and configuration options. Group:Shows an administrator created group of servers. Select to view a status summary for all grouped computers For more information, see Grouping Servers Manuallyon page129. Smart Group:Shows an automatic group, populated with servers that meet a predetermined criteria. For more information, see Grouping Servers Using Smart Groupson page129. Add button:Shows a pop-up menu of items to add to the Server list: servers, groups, and smart groups. Action button:Shows a pop-up menu of actions possible for a selected service, or server, including disconnect server, share the servers screen, and so forth. Refresh button:Allows you to send a status request to all computers visible in the Server list. Service Start/Stop button:When a service is selected, this button allows you to start or stop the service, as appropriate. Action bar:Shows buttons and pop-up menus with commands to act on selected servers or services in the Server list. Click this to save or revert setting changes youve made. This contains the Add button, Action button, service start and stop buttons, and save and revert buttons.
groups. See Grouping Servers Manuallyon page129 and Grouping Servers Using Smart Groupson page129.
Server Assistant
Server Assistant is opened from the Server menu of Server Admin. The following menu items open the assistant:
Install Remote Server Set Up Remote Server Create Auto Server Setup Profile
For information about using Server Assistant, use its Help buttons, or see Chapter6,Initial Server Setup.
Server Preferences
Server Preferences is the simplified administration application you need for managing MacOSXServerv10.6. You can use Server Preferences in addition to or instead of Server Admin and Workgroup Manager:
Manage basic user and group settings. Configure essential service settings such as: file sharing service, Address Book
service, iCal calendar service, iChat instant messaging service, mail service, network security, web services, VPN remote access service, and Time Machine backup for users computers.
Check the status of the server and services.
You can use Server Preferences on any server you want to manage, or you can use it remotely from an administrator computer or another server. For information about using Server Preferences, see Getting Started or Server Preferences Help.
Workgroup Manager
Mac OS X Server includes Workgroup Manager, a user management tool you can use to create and manage user, group, computer, and computer group accounts. You also use it to access the Inspector, an advanced feature that lets you do raw editing of Open Directory entries. Workgroup Manager is installed in /Applications/Server/, which you can open it in the Finder. Or you can open Workgroup Manager by clicking View > Workgroup Manager in the Server Admin menu bar. Workgroup Manager works closely with a directory domain. Directory domains are like databases, and are geared towards storing account information and handling authentication. Information about using Workgroup Manager appears in several documents at the Mac OS X Server Resources website at After opening Workgroup Manager, you can open a Workgroup Manager window by choosing Server > New Workgroup Manager Window. Important:When connecting to a server or authenticating in Workgroup Manager, make sure the capitalization of the name you enter matches the name of a server administrator or domain administrator account.
Server Admin:Click to open the Server Admin application. Settings Buttons:Click Accounts to view or edit account settings, or click Preferences to view or edit preference settings. Tool Bar:Click the icons to accomplish the various commands. The toolbar is customizable. Directory path:Use to view the directory you are editing. Click the globe icon to select a directory domain. Click the lock to authenticate. Record Type tabs:Use to view records for users, groups, and computer groups. If the Inspector is enabled, this also contains the Inspector tab. Text filters:Use to enter text to filter record names. Record list display:Use to view names for a selected record type. Selection bar:Use to view the number of records found and selected. Main Work Area:Use to work with account, preference, and configuration options. This looks different for each user, group, or preference type. Action zone:Use to save and revert changes, and to make and apply preset configurations to selected records.
Preferences. You can configure options such as if DNS names are resolved, if the Inspector is enabled, if you need to enter a search query to list records, and what the maximum number of displayed records is.
To customize the toolbar, choose View > Customize Toolbar. To include predefined users and groups in the user and group lists, choose View >
Server Monitor
You use Server Monitor to monitor local or remote Xserve hardware and trigger mail notifications when circumstances warrant attention. Server Monitor provides information about the installed operating system, drives, power supply, enclosure and processor temperature, cooling blowers, security, and network. The Server Monitor interface is shown below.
Server Monitor is installed in /Applications/Server/ when you install your server or set up an administrator computer. To open Server Monitor, click the Server Monitor icon in the Dock or double-click the Server Monitor icon in /Applications/Server/. From within Server Admin, choose View > Server Monitor.
To identify the Xserve computer to monitor, click Add Server, identify the server, and enter user name and password information for an administrator of the server. If adding the local server, use for the IP address. If adding a remote server, enter the servers LOM hostname or IP address. To specify how often you want to refresh data, use the Update every pop-up menu in the Info pane. To manage different lists of Xserve computers you want to monitor, choose File > Export or File > Import. To consolidate lists into one, choose File > Merge. The system identifier lights on the front and back of an Xserve computer light when service is required. Use Server Monitor to understand why the lights are on. You can also turn the lights on to identify a specific Xserve computer in a rack of servers by selecting the server and clicking System identifier light in the Info pane. To set up Server Monitor to notify you by mail when an Xserve computers status changes, click Edit Notifications. For each server, you set up the conditions that you want notification for. The mail message can come from Server Monitor or from the server. Server Monitor keeps logs of Server Monitor activity for each Xserve computer. To view a log, click Show Log. The log shows, for example, Server Monitor attempts to contact the server and whether a connection was successful. The log also shows server status changes. (The logs dont include system activity on the server.) For additional information, see Server Monitor Help.
iCal Service Utility gives users access to shared information about locations and resources. Users can use iCal Service Utility to set up information about shared resources and locations for use with iCal Service.
Search field:Use to search record types. Numbers appear at the left of the Record Type buttons to indicate the number of matching records. Record Type buttons:Click to show the type of directory records desired. Results list:Use to view the results of the record search. Record view:Use to view the record selected in the Results list. Add button:Use to location or resource record. Save button:Click to save changes to the selected record.
For information about how to use iCal Service Utility, see the onscreen help for iCal Service Utility.
You can use the following Mac OS X Server applications to set up and manage NetBoot and NetInstall images:
System Image Utility creates Mac OS X disk images. Its installed with Mac OS X Server
software in the /Applications/Server/ folder. The System Image Utility interface is shown below.
Server Admin enables and configures NetBoot service and supporting services.
Access PackageMaker from Xcode Tools. An installer for Xcode Tools is on the server Install DVD in the Other Installs folder.
Property List Editor edits property lists such as NBImageInfo.plist. Access Property List
Editor from Xcode Tools. The online help and Mac OS X Server Resources website at provide instructions for using all these applications.
The online help and Mac OS X Server Resources website at provide instructions for administering QuickTime Streaming Server (QTSS) using Server Admin and QuickTime Broadcaster.
Command-Line Tools
If youre an administrator who prefers to work in a command-line environment, you can do so with Mac OS X Server. From the Terminal application in Mac OS X, you can use the built-in UNIX shells (sh, csh, tsh, zsh, bash) to use tools for installing and setting up server software and for configuring and monitoring services. You can also submit commands from a nonMac OS X computer. Mac OS X Server has a command-line version of Server Admin called serveradmin that you use to administer the services that Server Admin manages. It is run on the server to be administered over a remote connection. When managing remote servers, you conduct secure administration by working in a Secure Shell (SSH) session.
The Server Status widget lets you monitor MacOSXServerv10.6 activity from any computer with MacOSXv10.6 or MacOSXServerv10.6. Server Status shows you graphs of processor activity, network load, and disk usage. For information about using the Server Status widget, see Getting Started or Server Preferences Help.
RAID Admin
RAID Admin is a tool to administer and monitor Xserve RAID devices. You use RAID Admin to set up Xserve RAID hardware, including:
Creating, deleting, and expanding RAID arrays Monitoring the status of Xserve RAID systems Adjusting settings, including system name and password, network address for each
RAID controller, fibre channel communication speed, drive cache, and controller cache
Setting up email notification for system alerts Implementing advanced features, such as dividing arrays into slices and updating
Podcast Capture takes audio and video from a local or remote camera, captures screen activity, or uploads QuickTime files into Podcast Producer for encoding and distribution. Podcast Composer creates the workflow instructions for Podcast Producer.
Xgrid Admin
You can use Xgrid Admin to monitor local or remote Xgrid controllers, grids, and jobs. You can add controllers and agents to monitor and specify agents that have not yet joined a grid. You also use Xgrid Admin to pause, stop, or restart jobs. The Xgrid Admin interface is shown here.
Xgrid Admin is installed in /Applications/Server/ when you install your server or set up an administrator computer. To open Xgrid Admin, double-click the Xgrid Admin icon in /Applications/Server/. For additional information, see Xgrid Admin help.
Apple Remote Desktop (ARD), which you can optionally purchase, is an easy-to-use network-computer management application. It simplifies the setup, monitoring, and maintenance of remote computers and lets you interact with users. The ARD interface is shown here.
software. You can also use ARD to control installation on a computer that you start up from an installation disc for Mac OS X Server v10.5 or later, because ARD includes VNC viewer capability. For more information about Apple Remote Desktop, see
Enhancing Security
By vigilantly adhering to security policies and practices, you can minimize the threat to system integrity and data privacy.
Mac OS X Server is built on a robust UNIX foundation that contains many security features in its core architecture. State-of-the-art, standards-based technologies protect your server, network, and data. These technologies include a built-in firewall with stateful packet analysis, strong encryption and authentication services, data security architectures, and support for access control lists (ACLs). Use this chapter to stimulate your thinking. It doesnt present a rigorous planning outline, nor does it provide the details you need to determine whether to implement a particular security policy and assess its resource requirements. Instead, view this chapter as an opportunity to plan and institute the security policies necessary for your environment.
The physical security of a server is an often overlooked aspect of computer security. Anyone with physical access to a computer (for example, to open the case, or plug in a keyboard, and so forth) has almost full control over the computer and the data on it. For example, someone with physical access to a computer can:
Restart the computer from another external disc, bypassing any existing login
Remove hard disks and use forensic data recovery techniques to retrieve data. Install hardware-based key-loggers on the local administration keyboard.
In your own organization and environment, you must decide which precautions are necessary, effective, and cost-effective to protect the value of your data and network. For example, in an organization where floor-to-ceiling barriers might be needed to protect a server room, securing the air ducts leading to the room might also need to be considered. Other organizations might only need a locked server rack or an firmware password.
Network security is as important to data integrity as physical security. Although someone might immediately see the need to lock down an expensive server, he or she might not immediately see the need to restrict access to the data on that same server. The following sections provide considerations, techniques, and technologies to assist you in securing your network.
Network DMZ
In computer network security, a demilitarized zone (DMZ) is a network area (a subnetwork) that is between an organizations internal network and an external network like the Internet. You can make connections from the internal and external network to the DMZ, and you can make connections from the DMZ to the external network, but you cannot make connections from the DMZ to the internal network.
52 Chapter 4Enhancing Security
This allows an organization to provide services to the external network while protecting the internal network from being compromised by a host in the DMZ. If someone compromises a DMZ host, he or she cannot connect to the internal network. The DMZ is often used to connect servers that need to be accessible from the external network or Internet, such as mail, web, and DNS servers. Connections from the external network to the DMZ are often controlled using firewalls and address translation. You can create a DMZ by configuring your firewall. Each network is connected to a different port on the firewall, called a three-legged firewall setup. This is simple to implement but creates a single point of failure. Another approach is to use two firewalls with the DMZ in the middle, connected to both firewalls, and with one firewall connected to the internal network and the other to the external network. This is called a screened-subnet firewall. This setup provides protection in case of firewall misconfiguration, allowing access from the external network to the internal network.
Mac OS X Server provides 802.1q Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) support on the Ethernet ports and secondary PCI gigabit Ethernet cards available or included with Xserves. VLAN allows multiple computers on different physical LANs to communicate with each other as if they were on the same LAN. Benefits include more efficient network bandwidth utilization and greater security, because broadcast or multicast traffic is only sent to computers on the common network segment. Xserve VLAN support conforms to the IEEE 802.1q standard.
MAC Filtering
MAC filtering (or layer 2 address filtering) refers to a security access control where a network interfaces MAC address, or Ethernet address (the 42-bit address assigned to each network interface), is used to determine access to the network. MAC addresses are unique to each card, so using MAC filtering on a network permits and denies network access to specific devices, rather than to specific users or network traffic types. Individual users are not identified by a MAC address, only a device, so an authorized person must have an allowed list of devices that he or she would use to access the network.
In theory, MAC filtering allows a network administrator to permit or deny network access to hosts and devices associated with the MAC address, although in practice there are methods to avoid this form of access control through address modification (spoofing) or the physical exchange of network cards between hosts.
Transport Encryption
Transferring data securely across a network involves encrypting the packet contents sent between computers. Mac OS X Server can provide Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) as the cryptographic protocols that provide secure communications on the Internet for such things as web browsing, mail, and other data transfers. These encryption protocols allow client and server applications to communicate in a way that helps prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. TLS provides endpoint authentication and communications privacy over the Internet using cryptography. These encrypted connections authenticate the server (so its identity is ensured) but the client remains unauthenticated. To have mutual authentication (where each side of the connection is assured of the identity of the other), use a public key infrastructure (PKI) for the connecting clients. Mac OS X Server makes use of OpenSSL and has integrated transport encryption into the following tools and services:
Server administration using Server Admin and Server Preferences User and group management using Workgroup Manager. Address Book Server iCal Server iChat Server Mail Service Open Directory Podcast Producer RADIUS SSH VPN (L2TP) Web service
Payload Encryption
Rather than encrypting the transfer of a file across the network, you can encrypt the contents of the file instead. Files with strong encryption might be captured in transit, but would still be unreadable.
Most transport encryption requires the participation of both parties in the transaction. Some services (such as SMTP mail service) cant reliably use such techniques, so encrypting the file itself is the only method of reliably securing the file content. To learn more about file encryption, see About File Encryptionon page55.
By default, files and folders are owned by the user who creates them. After theyre created, items keep their privileges (a combination of ownership and permissions) even when moved, unless the privileges are explicitly changed by their owners or an administrator. Therefore, files and folders you create are not accessible if they are created in a folder that the users dont have privileges for. When setting up share points, make sure that items allow appropriate access privileges for the users you want to share them with.
POSIX permissions let you control access to files and folders based on three categories of users: Owner, Group, and Everyone Else. Although these permissions control who can access a file or a folder, they lack the flexibility and granularity that many organizations require to deal with elaborate user environments. ACL permissions provide an extended set of permissions for files or folders and allow you to set multiple users and groups as owners. In addition, ACLs are compatible with Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, giving you added flexibility in a multiplatform environment. For more information about file permissions, see the online help and Mac OS X Server Resources website at
This encrypts the entire directory in one virtual volume, which is mounted, and the data is unencrypted as needed.
written to the hard disk), not user files. It improves system security by keeping virtual memory files from being read and exploited.
Disk Utility:Disk Utility can create disk images whose contents are encrypted and
password protected. Disk images act like removable media such as external hard disks or USB memory sticks, but they exist only as files on the computer. After you create an encrypted disk image, double-click it to mount it. Files you drag onto the mounted image are encrypted and stored on the disk image. You can send this disk image to other Mac OS X users. With the unlocking password, they can retrieve the files you locked in the disk image.
Secure Delete
When a file is put in the Trash and the Trash is emptied, or when a file is removed using the rm UNIX tool, the files are not removed from disk. Instead, they are removed from the list of files the operating system (OS) tracks and does not write over. Any space on your hard disk that is free space (places the OS can put a file) most likely contains previously deleted files. Such files can be retrieved using undelete utilities and forensic analysis. To truly remove the data from disk, you must use a more secure delete method. Security experts advise writing over deleted files and free space multiple times with random data. Mac OS X Server provides the following tools to allow you to securely delete files:
Secure Empty Trash (a command in the Finder menu to use instead of Empty Trash srm (a UNIX utility that securely deletes files, used in place of rm)
Authentication is verifying a persons identity, but authorization is verifying that an authenticated person is allowed to perform a certain action. Authentication is necessary for authorization. In a computing context, when you provide a login name and password, you are authenticated to the computer because it assumes only one person (you) knows the login name and the password. After you are authenticated, the operating system checks lists of people who are permitted to access certain files, and if you are authorized to access them, you are permitted to. Because authorization cant occur without authentication, authorization is sometimes used to mean the combination of authentication and authorization.
In Mac OS X Server, users trying to access services (like logging in to a directory-aware workstation, or trying to mount a remote volume) must authenticate by providing a login name and password before privileges for the users can be determined. You have several options for authenticating users:
Open Directory authentication. Based on the standard Simple Authentication
and Security Layer (SASL) protocol, Open Directory authentication supports many authentication methods, including CRAM-MD5, APOP, WebDAV, SHA-1, LAN Manager, NTLMv2, and Kerberos. Open Directory authentication lets you set up password policies for individual users or for all users whose records are stored in a directory, with exceptions if required. Open Directory authentication also lets you specify password policies for individual directory replicas. For example, you can specify a minimum password length or require a user to change the password the next time he or she logs in. You can also disable login for inactive accounts or after a specified number of failed login attempts.
Kerberos v5 authentication. Using Kerberos authentication allows integration
into existing Kerberos environments. The Key Distribution Center (KDC) on MacOSXServer offers full support for password policies you set up on the server. Using Kerberos also provides a feature known as single sign-on, described in the next section. The following services on Mac OS X Server support Kerberos authentication:
Address Book Server Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) iCal Server iChat Server Login window Mail Services Network Filing Protocol (NFS) Open Directory (LDAPv3) Printing (IPP) Screen saver Secure Shell (SSH) Server Message Block file service (SMB) Virtual Private Network (VPN) Virtual Network Computing (VNC, known as Screen Sharing in Mac OS X Server)
Web Service (Apache via the SPNEGO Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation
Mechanism protocol)
Xgrid Storing passwords in user accounts. This approach might be useful when migrating
user accounts from earlier server versions. However, this approach may not support clients that require network-secure authentication protocols, such as APOP.
Non-Apple LDAPv3 authentication. This approach is available for environments
in mobile or fixed configurations). For more information about RADIUS in Mac OS X Server, see the online help and Mac OS X Server Resources website at
Single Sign-On
Mac OS X Server uses Kerberos for single sign-on authentication, which relieves users from entering a user name and password separately for every service. With single signon, a user always enters a user name and password in the login window. Thereafter, the user does not need to enter a name and password for Apple file service, mail service, or other services that use Kerberos authentication. To use single sign-on, users and services must be Kerberizedconfigured for Kerberos authenticationand must use the same Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) server. User accounts that reside in an LDAP directory of Mac OS X Server and have a password type of Open Directory use the servers built-in KDC. These user accounts are configured for Kerberos and single sign-on. This servers Kerberized services also use the servers built-in KDC and are configured for single sign-on. This Mac OS X Server KDC can also authenticate users for services provided by other servers. Having additional servers with Mac OS X Server use the Mac OS X Server KDC requires minimal configuration. Kerberos was developed at MIT to provide secure authentication and communication over open networks like the Internet. Kerberos provides proof of identity for two parties. It enables you to prove who you are to network services you want to use. It also proves to your applications that network services are genuine, not spoofed. Like other authentication systems, Kerberos does not provide authorization. Each network service determines for itself what it will allow you to do based on your proven identity. Kerberos allows a client and a server to unambiguously identify each other much more securely than the typical challenge-response password authentication methods traditionally deployed.
Kerberos also provides a single sign-on environment where users must authenticate only once a day, week, or other period of time, easing authentication loads for users. Mac OS X Server and Mac OS X versions 10.3 through 10.6 support Kerberos version 5.
Mac OS X Server supports services that use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure encrypted data transfer. It uses a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) system to generate and maintain certificates for use with SSL-enabled services. PKI systems allow the two parties in a data transaction to be authenticated to each other and to use encryption keys and other information in identity certificates to encrypt and decrypt messages traveling between them. PKI enables multiple communicating parties to establish confidentiality, message integrity, and message source authentication without exchanging secret information in advance. SSL technology relies on a PKI system for secure data transmission and user authentication. It creates an initial secure communication channel to negotiate a faster, secret key transmission. Mac OS X Server uses SSL to provide encrypted data transmission for mail, web, and directory services. The following sections contain more background information about key aspects of PKI.
Can digitally sign a message or certificate, claiming authenticity. Can decrypt messages that were encrypted with the Public key. Can encrypt messages that can only be decrypted by the private key.
Web, mail, and directory services use the public key with SSL to negotiate a shared key for the duration of the connection. For example, a mail server will send its public key to a connecting client and initiate negotiation for a secure connection. The connecting client uses the public key to encrypt a response to the negotiation. The mail server, because it has the private key, can decrypt the response. The negotiation continues until the mail server and the client have a shared secret to encrypt traffic between computers.
A certificate is an electronic document that contains a public key with identification information (name, organzation, email address, and so on). In a public key environment, a certificate is digitally signed by a Certificate Authority, or its own private key (the latter being a self-signed certificate). A public key certificate is a file in a specified format (Mac OS X Server uses the x.509 format) that contains:
The public key half of a public-private key pair The key users identity information, such as a persons name and contact information A validity period (how long the certificate can be trusted to be accurate) The URL of someone with the power to revoke the certificate (its revocation center) The digital signature of a CA, or the key user
About Identities
Identities are a certificate and a private key, together. The certificate identifies the user, and the private key corresponds to the certificate. A single user can have several identities; for any given user each certificate could have a different name, email address, or issuer. These identities are used for different security contexts. For example, one could be used to sign others certificates, and one could be used to identify the user by email, and these do not need to be the same identity. In the context of the Mac OS X Server Certificate Manager, identities include a signed certificate and both keys of a PKI key pair. The identities are used by the system keychain and are available for use by various services that support SSL.
users on a given client can read from this keychain. The trust settings of a certificate in this keychain can override those of a certificate in SystemRootCertificates.
Any other keychain: This holds certificates for a given user and is only accessible to
that user. The trust settings of a certificate in this keychain can override those of a certificate in SystemRootCertificates or System. Trusted certificates can be in any of these locations, but to trust a certificate, trust settings must be given explicitly to a certificate. To configure clients to trust a certificate: 1 Copy the self-signed CA certificate (the file named ca.crt) onto each client computer. This is preferably distributed using nonrewritable media, such as a CD-R. Using nonrewritable media prevents the certificate from being corrupted. 2 Open the Keychain Access tool by double-clicking the ca.crt icon where the certificate was copied onto the client computer. 3 Drag the certificate to the System keychain using Keychain Access. Authenticate as an administrator, if requested. 4 Double-click the certificate to get the certificate details. 5 In the details window, click the Trust disclosure triangle. 6 From the pop-up menu next to When using this certificate, select Always Trust You have now added trust to this certificate, regardless of who it is signed by. From the command line After copying the certificate to the target client computer, perform the following, replacing <certificate> with the file path to the certificate:
sudo /usr/bin/security add-trusted-cert -d -k /Library/Keychains/System. keychain <certificate>
You can use the security tool to save and restore trust settings as well. For more information on using the security command-line tool, see the security man page.
Mac OS X Servers Certificate Manager is integrated into Server Admin to help you create, use, and maintain identities for SSL-enabled services.
Certificate Manager provides integrated management of SSL certificates in Mac OS X Server for services that allow the use of SSL certificates. On installation, the server creates a self-signed certificate for immediate use from information you put in during server setup. Certificate Manager uses Mac OS Xs Certificate Assistant to create self-signed certificates and certificate-signing requests (CSRs) to obtain certificates signed by a CA. The certificates, self-signed or signed by a CA, are then accessible by services that support SSL. Certificate Manager in Server Admin doesnt allow you to sign and issue certificates as a CA, nor does it allow you to sign and issue certificates as a root authority. If you need these functions, you can use Certificate Assistant in Keychain Access (located in /Applications/Utilities/). It provides these capabilities and others for working with x.509 certificates. Identities that were created and stored in OpenSSL files can also be imported into Certificate Manager. They are accessible to services that support SSL. Self-signed and CA-issued certificates you created in CA Assistant can be used in Certificate Manager by importing the certificate. Certificate Manager displays the following for each certificate:
The domain name the certificate was issued for The expiration date of the certificate When selected, the detailed contents of the certificate
When certificates and keys are imported via Certificate Manager, they are put in the /etc/certificates/ directory. The directory contains four PEM formatted files for every identity:
The certificate The public key The trust chain The concatenated version of the certificate plus the trust chain (for use with some
services) The certificate and trust chain are owned by the root user and the wheel group, with permissions set to 644. The public key and concatenation file are owned by the root user and the certusers group, with permissions set to 640. Each file has the following naming convention: <common name>.<SHA1 hash of the certificate>.<cert | chain | concat | key>.pem For example, the certificate for a web server at might look like this:
Readying Certificates
Before you can use SSL in Mac OS X Servers services, you must create or import certificates. You can create self-signed certificates, create certificates and then generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to send to a CA, or import certificates previously created with OpenSSL. If you have previously generated certificates for SSL, you can import them for use by MacOSXServer services. The OpenSSL keys and certificates must be in PEM format. Select a CA to sign your certificate request. If you dont have a CA to sign your request, consider becoming your own CA and then import your CA certificates into the root trust database of your managed machines. When you set up Mac OS X Server, the Server Assistant creates a self-signed certificate based on information you provided when its first installed. It can be used for any service that supports SSL. When your clients choose to trust the certificate, SSL connections can be used without user interaction from that point on. This initial self-signed certificate is used by Server Admin and Server Preferences to encrypt administrative functions.
4 Click the Action button below the certificates list and choose Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Certificate manager creates the signing request and shows the ASCII text version in the sheet.
5 Click Save to save the CSR to the disk. Your CA will have instructions on how to transfer the CSR to the signer. Some CAs require you to use a web interface; others require sending the CSR in the body of a mail message. Follow the instructions given by the CA. The CA will return a newly signed certificate, which replaces the one you generated. For instructions on what to do now with your newly signed certificate, see Replacing an Existing Certificateon page71.
You also decide if you want to override the defaults and whether to make this CA the organizations default CA. If you do not have a default CA for the organization, allow the Certificate Assistant to make this CA the default. In most circumstances, do not override the defaults. If you do not override the defaults, skip to step 16.
5 If you override the defaults, provide the following information in the next few screens:
A unique serial number for the root certificate The number of days the CA functions before expiring The type of user certificate this CA is signing Whether to create a CA website for users to access for CA certificate distribution
6 Click Continue. 7 Provide the Certificate Assistant with the requested information and click Continue. You need the following information to create a CA:
An email address of the responsible party for certificates The name of the issuing authority (you or your organization) The organization name The organization unit name The location of the issuing authority
8 Select a key size and an encryption algorithm for the CA certificate and then click Continue. A larger key size is more computationally intensive to use, but much more secure. The algorithm you choose depends more on your organizational needs than a technical consideration. DSA and RSA are strong encryption algorithms. DSA is a United States Federal Government standard for digital signatures.
9 Select a key size and an encryption algorithm for the certificates to be signed, and then click Continue. 10 Select the Key Usage Extensions you need for the CA certificate and then click Continue. At a minimum, you must select Signature and Certificate Signing. 11 Select the Key Usage Extensions you need for the certificates to be signed and then click Continue. Default key use selections are based on the type of key selected earlier in the Assistant. 12 Specify other extensions to add the CA certificate and click Continue. 13 Select the keychain System to store the CA certificate. 14 Choose to trust certificates on this computer signed by the created CA. 15 Click Continue and authenticate as an administrator to create the certificate and key pair. 16 Read and follow the instructions on the last page of the Certificate Assistant. You can now issue certificates to trusted parties.
7 Click the Import button. If prompted, enter the private key passphrase.
Managing Certificates
After you create and sign a certificate, you wont do much more with it. Since certificates cannot be edited, you can either delete, replace, or revoke certificates after they are created. You cannot change certificates after a CA signs them. If the information a certificate possesses (such as contact information) is no longer accurate, or if you believe the private key is compromised, delete the certificate. If you have previously generated certificates for SSL, you can import them for use by services. The OpenSSL keys and certificates must be in PEM format. If you chose custom locations for your SSL certificates with Leopard Server, you must import them into Certificate Manager if you want them to be available for services. Custom filesystem locations for certificates cannot be managed for services using Server Admin for MacOSXServerv10.6. To use custom file locations, you must edit the configuration files directly. When certificates and keys are imported via Certificate Manager, they are put in the /etc/certificates/ directory. The directory contains four PEM formatted files for every identity:
The certificate The public key The trust chain The concatenated version of the certificate plus the trust chain (for use with some
services) Each file has the following naming convention: <common name>.<SHA1 hash of the certificate>.<cert | chain | concat | key>.pem For example, the certificate for a web server at might look like this: After they are imported, Certificate Manager encrypts the files with a random passphrase. It puts the passphrase in the System keychain, and puts the resulting PEM files in /etc/certificates/.
Editing a Certificate
After you add a certificate signature, you cant edit the certificate. You must replace it with one generated from the same private key.
Chapter 4Enhancing Security 69
You can use the security tool to save and restore trust settings as well. For more information on using the security tool, see the security man page.
Deleting a Certificate
When a certificate has expired or been compromised, you must delete it. To delete a certificate: 1 In Server Admin, select the server that has services that support SSL. 2 Click Certificates. 3 Select the Certificate Identity to delete. 4 Click the Remove (-) button and select Delete.
5 Click Save.
Using Certificates
In Server Admin, services like Web, Mail, VPN, and so on display a pop-up list of certificates that the administrator can choose from. The services vary in appearance and therefore the pop-up list location varies. Consult the administration guide for the service youre trying to use with a certificate.
SSH is a network protocol that establishes a secure channel between your computer and a remote computer. It uses public-key cryptography to authenticate the remote computer. It also provides traffic encryption and data integrity exchanged between computers. SSH is frequently used to log in to a remote machine to execute commands, but you can also use it to create a secure data tunnel, forwarding through an arbitrary TCP port. You can also use SSH to transfer files using SFTP and SCP. By default, an SSH server uses the standard TCP port 22. Mac OS X Server uses OpenSSH as the basis for its SSH tools. Notably, portable home directory synchronization is provided via SSH.
If .ssh is listed in the output, move to step 2. If .ssh is not listed in the output, run mkdir ~/.ssh and continue to step 2. 2 Change directories in the shell to the hidden .ssh directory by entering the following command:
cd ~/.ssh
3 Generate the public and private keys by entering the following command:
ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t rsa -f id_rsa -P ''
The -b flag sets the length of the keys to 1,024-bits, -t indicates to use the RSA hashing algorithm, -f sets the file name as id_rsa, and -P followed by two single-quote marks sets the private key password to be null. The null private key password allows for automated SSH connections. Keys are equivilant to passwords so you should keep them private and protected. 4 Copy the public key into the authorized key file by entering the following command:
cat >> authorized_keys2
5 Change the permissions of the private key by entering the following command:
chmod go-rwx ~/.ssh/.id_rsa
Set the permissions on the private key so the file can only be changed by the owner. 6 Copy the public key and the authorized key lists to the specified users home folder on the remote computer by entering the following command:
scp authorized_keys2 username@remotemachine:~/.ssh/
To establish two-way communication between servers, repeat this process on the second computer. The process must be repeated for each user that needs to open key-based SSH sessions. The root user is not excluded from this requirement. The home folder for the root user on Mac OS X Server is located at /var/root/. Key-Based SSH with Scripting Sample A cluster of servers is an ideal environment for using key-based SSH. The following Perl script is a trivial scripting example that should not be implemented, but it demonstrates connecting over an SSH tunnel to all servers defined in the variable serverList, running softwareupdate, installing available updates, and restarting the computer if necessary. The script assumes that key-based SSH was set up for the root user on all servers to be updated.
#!/usr/bin/perl # \@ is the escape sequence for the "@" symbol. my @serverList = ('root\', 'root\'); foreach $server (@serverList) { open SBUFF, "ssh $server -x -o batchmode=yes 'softwareupdate -i -a' |"; while(<SBUFF>) { my $flag = 0; chop($_); #check for restart text in $_ my $match = "Please restart immediately";
$count = @{[$_ =~ /$match/g]}; if($count > 0) { $flag = 1; } } close SBUFF; if($flag == 1) { "ssh $server -x -o batchmode=yes shutdown -r now" } }
Mac OS X Server can use another level of access control for added security. Administrators can be assigned to services they can configure. These limitations are enacted on a server-by-server basis. This method can be used by an administrator with no restrictions to assign administrative duties to other admin group users. This results in a tiered administration model, where some administrators have more privileges than others for assigned services. This results in a method of access control for individual server features and services. For example, Alice (the lead administrator) has control over all services on a given server and can limit the ability of other admin group users (like Bob and Cathy) to change settings on the server. She can assign DNS and Firewall service administration to Bob, while leaving Mail service administration to Cathy. In this scenario, Cathy cant change the firewall or any service other than mail. Likewise, Bob cant change any services outside of his assigned services. Tiered administration controls are effective in Server Admin and the serveradmin command-line tool. They are not effective against modifying UNIX configuration files throughout the system. Protect UNIX configuration files with POSIX-type permissions or ACLs.
Mac OS X Server can use another level of access control for added security. Administrators can be limited to specific services they can configure. These limitations are enacted on a server-by-server basis. This method can be used by an administrator with no restrictions to assign administrative duties to other admin group users. This results in a tiered administration model, where some administrators have more privileges than others for their assigned services. This results in a kind of access control for individual server features and services.
74 Chapter 4Enhancing Security
You can determine which services other admin group users can modify. To do this, the administrator making the determination must have full, unmodified access. The process for setting administration level privileges is found in Tiered Administration Permissionson page149.
You use a Service Access Control List (SACL) to enforce who can use a service. It is not a means of authentication. It is a list of those who have access rights to use a service. SACLs allow you to add a layer of access control on top of standard and ACL permissions. Only users and groups in an SACL can access its corresponding service. For example, to prevent users from accessing AFP share points on a server, including home folders, remove the users from the AFP services SACL. Server Admin in Mac OS X Server allows you to configure SACLs. Open Directory authenticates user accounts and SACLs authorize use of services. If Open Directory authenticates you, the SACL for login window determines whether you can log in, the SACL for AFP service determines whether you can connect for Apple file service, and so on.
8 Click Save.
Chapter 4Enhancing Security 75
Server administrators must make sure that adequate security measures are implemented to protect a server from attacks. A compromised server risks the resources and data on the server and risks the resources and data on other connected systems. The compromised system can then be used as a base to launch attacks on other systems within or outside your network. Securing servers requires an assessment of the cost of implementing security with the likelihood of a successful attack and the impact of that attack. It is not possible to eliminate all security risks but it is possible to minimize risks to efficiently deal with them. Best practices for server system administration include the following:
Update your systems with critical security patches and updates. Check for updates regularly. Install antivirus tools, use them regularly, and update virus definition files and
software regularly. Although viruses are less prevalent on the Mac platform than on Windows, viruses still pose a risk.
Restrict physical access to the server.
Because local access generally allows an intruder to bypass most system security, secure the server room, server racks, and network junctures. Use security locks. Locking your systems is a prudent thing to do.
Make sure there is adequate protection against physical damage to servers and
For example, enable firmware passwords, encrypt passwords where possible, and secure backup media.
Secure logical access to the server.
For example, remove or disable unnecessary accounts. Accounts for outside parties should be disabled when not in use.
Configure SACLs as needed.
Use ACLs to control who can access share points and their contents.
Protect any account with root or system administrator privileges by following
recommended password practices using strong passwords. For more information about passwords, see Password Guidelineson page77 .
Do not use administrator (UNIX admin group) accounts for daily use.
Restrict the use of administration privileges by keeping the admin login and password separate from daily use.
Back up critical data on the system regularly, with a copy stored at a secure off-site
location. Backup media is of little use in recovery if it is destroyed with the computer during a fire. Test your backup and recovery contingency plans to ensure that recovery actually works.
Review system audit logs regularly and investigate unusual traffic. Disable services that are not required on your system.
A vulnerability that occurs in any service on your system can compromise the entire system. In some cases, the default configuration (out of the box) of a system leads to exploitable vulnerabilities in services that were enabled implicitly. Turning on a service opens up a port that users can access your system from. Although enabling Firewall service helps avoid unauthorized access, an inactive service port remains a vulnerability that an attacker might exploit.
Enable Firewall service on servers, especially at the network frontier and DMZ.
Your servers firewall is the first line of defense against unauthorized access. For more information, see the onscreen help or Mac OS X Server Resources website at Consider also a third-party hardware firewall as an additional line of defense if your server is highly prone to attack.
If needed, install a local firewall on critical or sensitive servers.
Implementing a local firewall protects the system from an attack that might originate within the organizations network or from the Internet.
For additional protection, implement a local Virtual Private Network (VPN) that
provides a secure encrypted tunnel for communication between a client computer and your server application. Some network devices provide a combination of functions: firewall, intrusion detection, and VPN.
Administer servers remotely.
Manage your servers remotely using applications like Server Admin, Server Monitor, RAID Admin, and Apple Remote Desktop. Minimizing physical access to the systems reduces the possibility of mischief.
Password Guidelines
Many applications and services require that you create passwords to authenticate. Mac OS X includes applications that help create complex passwords (using Password Assistant), and securely store your passwords (using Keychain Access).
instead of GREEN).
Dont use proper names. Dont use dates. Create a password of at least 12 characters. Longer passwords are generally more
interests well.
Create as random a password as possible.
You can use Password Assistant (located in /System/Library/CoreServices) to verify the complexity of your password.
Whether you install MacOSXServer on a single server or a cluster of servers, there are tools and processes to help the installation and deployment succeed.
Some computers come with MacOSXServer software already installed. Other computers need the server software installed. For example, installing MacOSXServerv10.6 on a computer with MacOSX makes the computer a server with MacOSXServer. Installing MacOSXServerv10.6 on MacOSXServer v10.2v10.5 upgrades the server software to v10.6. This chapter includes instructions for a fresh installation of MacOSXServerv10.6 using a variety of methods.
Installation Overview
Youve already planned and decided how many and what kind of servers you are going to install. Step 1: Confirm you meet the requirements Make sure your target server meets the minimum system requirements. For more information see:
System Requirements for Installing MacOSXServeron page81 Hardware-Specific Instructions for Installing MacOSXServer on page81
Step 2: Gather your information Gather all the information you need before you begin. This helps to make sure the installation goes smoothly, and helps you make planning decisions. For planning your installation, see:
Chapter2,Planning Server Usage,on page24
Step 3: Set up the environment If you are not in complete control of the network environment (DNS servers, DHCP server, firewall, and so forth) coordinate with your network administrator before installing. A functioning DNS system with full reverse lookups and a firewall to allow configuration constitute a minimum for the setup environment. If you plan on connecting the server to an existing directory system, you must also coordinate efforts with the directory administrator. See the following:
Setting Up Network Serviceson page82 Connecting to the Directory During Installationon page82 SSH During Installationon page82 Preparing an Administrator Computeron page83
If you are administering the server from another computer, you must create an administration computer. Step 4: Start up the computer from an installation disk You cant install onto the disk the computer is started from, but you can upgrade. For clean installations and upgrades, you must start up the server from an installation disk, not from the target disk. See the following:
About Starting Up for Installationon page84 Remotely Accessing the Install DVDon page88 Starting Up from the Install DVDon page85 Starting Up from an Alternate Partitionon page85 Starting Up from a NetBoot Environmenton page91
Step 5: Prepare the target disk If you are doing a clean installation, you must prepare the target disk by making sure it has the right format and partition scheme. See the following:
Preparing Disks for Installing MacOSXServeron page92 Choosing a File Systemon page93 About Hard Disk Partitioningon page94 About Creating a RAID Seton page96 Erasing a Disk or Partitionon page99
Step 6: Start the installer The installer application takes software from the startup disk and server software packages and installs them on the target disk. See the following:
Identifying Remote Servers When Installing MacOSXServeron page90 Installing Server Software Interactivelyon page99 Installing Locally from the Installation Discon page100
Installing Remotely with Server Assistanton page101 Installing Remotely with Screen Sharing and VNCon page102 Using the installer Command-Line Tool to Install Server Softwareon page104
Step 7: Set Up Services Restart from the target disk to proceed to setup. For more information about server setup, see Chapter6,Initial Server Setup.
The Mac desktop computer or server where you install MacOSXServerv10.6 must have the following:
The serial number used with any previous version of MacOSXServer will not allow registration in v10.6. A built-in DVD drive is convenient but not required. A display and keyboard are optional. You can install server software on a computer that has no display and keyboard by using an administrator computer. For more information, see Setting Up an Administrator Computeron page124. If youre using an installation disc for MacOSXServerv10.6, you can control installation from another computer using VNC viewer software. Open-source VNC viewer software is available. Apple Remote Desktop, described on Apple Remote Desktop(page50), includes VNC viewer capability.
Use the Installation & Setup Worksheet to record information for each server you want to install. The information below provides supplemental explanations for items on the worksheet.
Before you can install, you must set up the following for your network service:
DNS:You must have a fully qualified domain name for each servers IP addess in the
DNS system. The DNS zone must have the reverse-lookup record for the name and address pair. Not having a stable, functioning DNS system with reverse lookup leads to service failures and unexpected behaviors.
Static IP Address:Make sure you have a static IP address already planned and
address through DHCP, set up a static mapping in the DHCP server, so your server gets (via its Ethernet address) the same IP address every time.
Firewall or routing:In addition to any firewall running on your server, the subnet
router might have specific network traffic restrictions in place. Make sure the servers IP address is available for the traffic it will handle and the services you will run.
You can install server software using the MacOSXServer Install Disc. This installation disc contains everything to install MacOSXServer.
MacOSXServerInstall Disc The Install Disc has a Documentation folder with Getting Started, Installation & Setup Worksheet, and a Read Me file. It also contains an Other Installs folder, which has the following installer packages:
Use this package to install the administration tools on a computer running MacOSXv10.6 to make it an administrator computer.
Use this package to install software that makes and distributes iPhone configuration files.
Use this package to install software to allow the server to function as an X Windowing System display server.
Use this package to install the free development tools for MacOSX. This includes system administration utilities like PackageMaker and Property List Editor. Administration Tools CD In addition to the installation disc, MacOSXServer includes the Administration Tools CD. You use this disc to set up an administrator computer. This disc has a Documentation folder with Getting Started, Installation & Setup Worksheet, and an acknowledgments page. It also contains:
Use this package to install the administration tools on a computer running MacOSXSnowLeopard to make it an administrator computer.
Use this package to install software that makes and distributes iPhone configuration files.
Two developer tools: PackageMaker and Property List Editor
You can use an administrator computer to install, set up, and administer MacOSXServer on another computer. An administrator computer is a computer with MacOSXServerv10.6 or MacOSXv10.6 that you use to manage remote servers. You cannot run the server administration tools from a Leopard or Leopard Server computer.
When you install and set up MacOSXServer on a computer that has a display and keyboard, its already an administrator computer. To make a computer with MacOSX into an administrator computer, you must install additional software. Important:If you have administrative applications and tools from MacOSXServer v10.4 or earlier, do not use them on a computer with MacOSXv10.6 or MacOSXServerv10.6. To install MacOSXServerv10.6 administration tools: 1 Make sure the MacOSX computer has MacOSXServerv10.6 installed. 2 Insert the Administration Tools CD. 3 Open the Installers folder. 4 Open ServerAdministrationSoftware.mpkg to start the Installer, and then follow the onscreen instructions.
The computer cant install to its own startup volume, so you must start up in some other way, such as:
Alternate volumes (second partitions on the hard disk, or external FireWire disks) NetBoot
The computer must install from the same disk or image that started up the computer. Mounting another share point with an installer wont work. The installer uses some of the files currently active in the booted system partition for the new installation.
Before Starting Up
If youre performing a clean installation rather than upgrading an existing server, back up any user data thats on the disk or partition where youll install the server software. If youre upgrading an existing server, make sure that saved setup data wont be detected and used to set up the server. Server Assistant looks for saved setup data on all mounted disks and in all directories the server is configured to access. The saved setup data will overwrite the servers existing settings. For more information about automatic server setup, see Using Automatic Server Setupon page115.
This is the simplest method of starting the computer, if you have physical access the server and it has DVD drive.
Installer application or installer tool in Terminal application
If the target server is an Xserve with a built-in DVD drive, start the server using the Install DVD by following the instructions in Xserve Users Guide for starting from a system disc. If the target server has no built-in DVD drive, you can use an external FireWire DVD drive. You can also install server software on an Xserve system that lacks a DVD drive by moving its drive module to another Xserve system that has a DVD drive. To start up the computer with the installation disc. 1 Turn on the computer and insert the MacOSXServer Install Disc into the DVD drive. If youre using a built-in DVD drive, you can restart the computer directly to the DVD by holding down the C key. You can release the C key when you see the Apple logo. Alternatively, you can restart the computer by holding down the Option key, selecting the icon representing the installation disc, and then clicking the right arrow. You must use this method if you are starting up from an external DVD drive. If youre installing on an Xserve, the procedure for starting up from a DVD may be different. For more information, see Xserve Users Guide or the Quick Start guide that came with your Xserve. 2 Open the Install Mac OS X Server application and click the Restart button. The application is in the MacOSXServer Install Disc window. 3 If you see an Install button instead of a Restart button in the lower-right corner of the application window, click Install and proceed through the Installer panes by following the onscreen instructions.
For a single server installation, preparing to start up from an alternate partition can be more time-consuming than using the Install DVD. The time required to image, scan, and restore the image to a startup partition might exceed the time taken to install once from the DVD.
However, if you are reinstalling regularly, or if you are creating an external Firewire drive-based installation to take to various computers, or if you need some other kind mass distribution (such as clustered Xserves without DVD drives installed), this method can be very efficient. This method is suited to installing on computers that you do not have easy physical access to. With sufficient preparation, this method can be modified for easy mass deployment of licensed copies of MacOSXServer. To use this method, you must have an existing installation of some kind on the computer. It is intended for environments where a level of existing infrastructure of MacOSXServer is present, and might be unsuitable for a first server installation. To start from an alternate partition, there are four basic steps. Step 1: Prepare the disks and partitions on the target computer. Before you proceed, you must have at least two partitions on the target computer. The first is the initial and final startup partition; the second is the temporary installer partition. You can use a single disk with multiple partitions or you can use multiple disks. You use Disk Utility to prepare the disks. For more information about preparing and partitioning a hard disk, see the Disk Utility help. Step 2: Create a restorable image of the Install DVD. This step doesnt need to be done on the target computer. It can be done on an administrator computer, but there must be enough free space to image the entire Install DVD. See To create an image of the Install DVDon page86. Step 3: Restore the image to the alternate partition. You can restore the disk image to a partition within the computer or to an external hard disk. When complete, the restored partition functions like the Install DVD. Make sure the alternate partition is at least the size of the disk image. See To restore the image to a free volumeon page87. Step 4: Select the alternate partition as the startup disk. After the partition is restored, its a startup and installer disk for your server. Now start up the computer from that partition. After the computer is running, it is a MacOSXServer installer, exactly as if you had started the computer from the DVD. To create an image of the Install DVD 1 Insert the Install DVD. 2 Launch Disk Utility. 3 Select the first session icon under the optical drive icon. This is in the list of devices on the left side of the window.
4 Select File > New > Disk Image from <device>. 5 Give the image a name; select Read-only, Read/Write, or Compressed as the image type; and then click Save. 6 After the image is complete, select the image from list on the left. 7 In the menu, select Images > Scan Images for Restore. 8 Provide an administrator login and password as needed. The installer disk image can now be restored to your extra partition. From the command line If you prefer to use the command line, you can use hdiutil to create the disk image, and asr to scan the image for restore. All commands must be done with superuser or root privileges. For example, the first command creates the disk image Installer.dmg from the device at disk1s1. The second command scans the image Installer.dmg and readies it for restore.
hdiutil create -srcdevice disk1s1 Installer.dmg asr imagescan --source Installer.dmg
To restore the image to a free volume 1 Start up the target computer. 2 Make sure the image does not reside on the partition that is to be erased. 3 Launch Disk Utility. 4 In the list of devices on the left side of the window, select the installer DVD image. 5 Click the Restore tab. 6 Drag the installer image from the left side of the window to the Source field. 7 Drag the alternate partition from the list of devices on the left side of the window to the Destination field. 8 Select Erase Destination. 9 Click Restore. From the command line To use the command line, use the asr tool to restore the image to the partition. Restoring the disk image to the partition will erase all existing data on the partition. The basic syntax is: sudo asr restore -s <compressedimage> -t <targetvol>
The asr tool can also fetch the target image from an HTTP server using http or https URLs as its source, so the image doesnt need to reside on the target computer. For more information about asr and its capabilities, see the asr man page.
Tip:You can use asr to restore a disk over a network, multicasting the blocks to client
computers. Using the multicast server feature of asr, you could put a copy of the installer image on a partition of all computers that can receive the multicast packets. For example, restoring an image called Installer.dmg to the partition ExtraHD would be:
sudo asr restore -s Installer.dmg -t ExtraHD --erase
When used as the startup disc, the Install DVD provides some services for remote access. After you start up from DVD, access using Server Assistant, SSH, and VNC are available. Server Assistant allows you to view and configure the server installation with the same user interface you would see if you were installing locally. Server Assistant runs on MacOSX v10.6 and MacOSX Server v10.6. VNC enables you to use a VNC viewer (like Screen Sharing or Apple Remote Desktop) to view the user interface as if you were using the remote computers keyboard, mouse, and monitor. All the things you could do at the computer using the keyboard and mouse are available remotely, as well as locally. This excludes hardware restarts (using the power button to shut down and restart the computer), other hardware manipulation, or holding down keys during startup. VNC viewers are available for all popular computing platforms. SSH enables you to have command-line access to the computer with administrator privileges. To access the computer with Server Assistant 1 Start the target computer from the Install DVD for MacOSXServerv10.6 or later. The procedure you use depends on the target server hardware. To learn more about startup disk options, see About Starting Up for Installationon page84. 2 On an administrator computer, open Server Admin. 3 In the Server menu, select Install Remote Server. The Server Assistant launches. 4 Enter the IP address or DNS name of the target server. If you do not know the IP address or DNS name of the target server, you must identify it first. For more information about this process, see Identifying Remote Servers When Installing MacOSXServeron page90. 5 For the password, enter the default password for installation.
This is usually the first eight characters of the servers built-in hardware serial number. For more information about this password, see About Server Serial Numbers for Default Installation Passwordson page90. To access the computer with VNC: 1 Start the target computer from the Install DVD for MacOSXServerv10.6 or later. The procedure you use depends on the target server hardware. To learn more about startup disk options, see About Starting Up for Installationon page84. 2 Use your VNC viewer software to open a connection to the target server. If you do not know the IP address or DNS name of the target server, you must identify it first. For more information about this process, see Identifying Remote Servers When Installing MacOSXServeron page90. 3 For the password, enter the default password for installation. This is usually the first eight characters of the servers built-in hardware serial number. For more information about this password, see About Server Serial Numbers for Default Installation Passwordson page90. If youre using Apple Remote Desktop as a VNC viewer, enter the password but dont specify a user name. To access the computer using Screen Sharing: 1 Locate and select the server in the Shared section of a Finder window sidebar. If the remote server isnt listed in the Shared section of a Finder window sidebar, you can connect by choosing Go > Connect to Server and then entering vnc://serveraddress, where serveraddress is the DNS name or IP address of the server whose screen you want to share. 2 Select the remote server and click Share Screen in the Finder window. 3 For the password, enter the default password for installation. This is usually the first eight characters of the servers built-in hardware serial number. For more information about this password, see About Server Serial Numbers for Default Installation Passwordson page90. Dont specify a user name. To access the computer with SSH: 1 Start the target computer from the Install DVD for MacOSXServerv10.6 or later. The procedure you use depends on the target server hardware. To learn more about startup disk options, see About Starting Up for Installationon page84.
Chapter 5Installation and Deployment 89
2 Identify the target server. If you dont know the IP address and the remote server is on the local subnet, you can find servers using the comannd line. For more information about this process, see Identifying Remote Servers When Installing MacOSXServeron page90.
3 Use the Terminal to open a secure shell connection to the target server. The user name is root. 4 For the password, enter the default password for installation. This is usually the first eight characters of the servers built-in hardware serial number. For more information about this password, see About Server Serial Numbers for Default Installation Passwordson page90.
You can use the dns-sd tool to identify computers on the local subnetwhere you can install server software. Enter the following from a computer on the same local network as the server:
dns-sd -B _sa-rspndr._tcp.
This command returns the IP address and the EthernetID (in addition to other information) of servers on the local subnet that have started up from the installation disk. Similarly, servers awaiting setup use the service name _svr-unconfig._tcp. and can be found by entering:
dns-sd -B _svr-unconfig._tcp.
If you have an existing NetBoot infrastructure, this is the easiest way to perform mass installation and deployment. You can use this method for clusters that have no optical drive or existing system software.
Mac OS X Server
Administrator computer
Target servers
This method can also be used in environments where large numbers of servers must be installed in an efficient manner. This section wont tell you how to create the necessary NetBoot infrastructure. If you want to set up NetBoot and NetInstall options for your network, servers, and client computers, see the manuals at This section has instructions to create a NetInstall image from the MacOSXServer Install Disk and start a server from it. There is no need to make preparations to the hard disk.
Step 1: Create a NetInstall image from the Install DVD This step doesnt need to be done on the target computer. It can be done on an administrator computer that has enough free space to image the entire Install DVD. Step 2: Start up the computer from the NetBoot server There are four ways of doing this, depending on your environment. To create a NetInstall image from the Install DVD: 1 Launch System Image Utility from /Applications/Server/. 2 Select the Install DVD on the left, and choose NetInstall image on the right. 3 Click Continue. 4 Enter a name for the image and a description. This information is seen by clients selecting it a startup disk. 5 Click Create and then choose a save location for the disk image. Upon completion, you can use this image with an existing NetBoot server to start up a server for installation. For more information about NetInstall images and System Image Utility, including customization options, see the documentation at To start up the computer from the NetBoot server: mm In the target computer GUI, select the NetInstall disk from the Startup Disk pane of the System Preferences. mm Restart the computer, holding down the n key. The first NetBoot server to respond to the computer will start up the computer with its default image. mm Restart the computer, holding down the Option key. The computer will show you the available startup disks, locally on the computer and remotely from NetBoot and NetInstall servers. Select a disk and continue the startup. mm Use the command-line locally or remotely to specify the NetBoot server that the computer will start up from:
sudo bless --netboot --server bsdp://<netbook server host name, server.>
Before performing a clean installation of MacOSXServer, you can partition the server computers hard disk into multiple volumes, create a RAID set, or erase the target disk or partition.
If youre using an installation disc for MacOSXServerv10.6, you can perform these tasks from another networked computer using VNC viewer software, such as Apple Remote Desktop, before beginning a clean installation. WARNING:Before partitioning a disk, creating a RAID set, or erasing a disk or partition on a server, preserve user data you want to save by copying it to another disk or partition.
About Mac OS Extended (Journaled) aka HFS+J An HFS+J volume is the default file system for MacOSXServer. An HFS+J volume has an optional journal to speed recovery when mounting a volume that was not unmounted safely (for example, as the result of a power outage or crash). The journal makes it easy to restore the volume structures to a consistent state, without scanning all structures. The journal is used only for volume structures and metadata. It does not protect the contents of a fork. In other words, this journal protects the integrity of the underlying disk structures, but not data that is corrupted due to a write failure or catastrophic power loss. More information about HFS+J can be found in Apples Developer Documentation at: Comparisons.html About Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Case-Sensitive) aka HFSX HFSX is an extension to HFS Plus and allows volumes to have case-sensitive file and directory names. Case-sensitive names means that you can have two objects whose names differ only by the case of the letters in the same directory at the same time. For example, you could have Bob, BOB, and bob in the same directory as uniquely named files.
A case-sensitive volume is supported as a start volume format. An HFSX file system for MacOSXServer must be specifically selected when erasing a volume and preparing a disk before initial installation. If you are planning to use NFS, you should use case-sensitive HFSX. An HFSX volume can be case sensitive or case insensitive. Case sensitivity (or lack thereof ) is global to the volume. The setting applies to all file and directory names on the volume. To determine whether an HFSX volume is case-sensitive, use Disk Utility to examine the format of the disk. Note:Do not assume that an HFSX volume is case sensitive. Always use Disk Utility to determine case sensitivity or case insensitivity. Additionally, dont assume your thirdparty software solutions work correctly with case sensitivity. Important:Case-sensitive names do not ignore Unicode ignorable characters. This means that a single directory can have several names that are considered equivalent using Unicode comparison rules, but they are considered distinct on a case-sensitive HFSX volume. About Hard Disk Partitioning The minimum recommended size for an installation partition is 10 GB. A much larger volume is recommended for a configuration that keeps shared folders and group websites on the startup volume together with the server software. Partitioning the hard disk creates a volume for server system software and additional volumes for data and other software. Partitioning erases previous contents of the disk. Erasing a disk is another way of saying that you have given a disk a single volume partition and erased that volume. Consider dedicating a hard disk or a volume of a partitioned hard disk to server software. Put additional software, share points, websites, and so forth on other disks or volumes. With this approach, you can upgrade or reinstall the server software without affecting your other software or user data. If you must store additional software or data on the system volume, consider mirroring it to another drive.
Tip:Having an extra, empty partition or two on the target installation disk can give
you additional flexibility in installation and deployment. For example, additional space can give you a place to temporarily mirror your current installation before performing an in-place update, or it can give you a fast installer disk.
Partitioning a Disk You can use the Installer to open Disk Utility and then use Disk Utility to partition the installation target disk into desired volumes. You can erase the target volume using the Mac OS Extended format, Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format, Mac OS Extended format (Case-Sensitive) format, and Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Case-Sensitive) format. You cannot partition the active startup disk or erase the active startup volume. You can select an existing partition and choose resize, Add (+), or Delete (). However, you cant delete or resize the startup partition. You also cant select the startup volume and then choose an entirely new partition scheme from the pop-up menu. To partition a disk using Disk Utility 1 Launch Disk Utility. If you are in the Installer, Disk Utility is available from the Utilities menu. Otherwise, launch the application from /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility. 2 Select the disk to be partitioned. Selecting a volume on the disk allows you to erase the volume but does not create a different partition scheme. 3 Click Partition. 4 Choose your partition scheme and follow the instructions in the window to set all necessary parameters. 5 Click Apply. You can find instructions for partitioning the hard disk into multiple volumes, creating a RAID set, and erasing the target disk or partition by viewing Disk Utility Help. To view Disk Utility Help, open Disk Utility on another Mac computer with MacOSX v10.6 and choose Help > Disk Utility Help. From the command line You can use the diskutil command-line tool to partition and erase a hard disk. Normally, you would use a remote shell (SSH) to log in to the newly started computer to use this method. The tool to partition disks is diskutil. Just like using Disk Utility, you can erase the target volume using the Mac OS Extended format, Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format, Mac OS Extended format (Case-Sensitive) format, and Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Case-Sensitive) format. You cannot delete or resize the active startup disk or erase the active startup volume. All potentially destructive diskutil operations must be performed with superuser or root privileges.
Additional information about diskutil and other uses can be found in Introduction to Command-Line Administration. For complete command syntax for diskutil, consult the tools man page. The specific command issued depends on your disk format needs and the hardware in use. Take care to use command-line arguments that apply to your specific needs. The following command is a sample, which partitions a computers only 120 GB hard disk into two equal 60 GB journaled HFS+ volumes (BootDisk and DataStore), which can start up an Intel-based Mac computer. The basic syntax is:
diskutil partitionDisk device numberOfPartitions GPTFormat <part1Format part1Name part1Size> <part2Format part2Name part2Size>
About Creating a RAID Set If youre installing MacOSXServer on a computer with multiple internal hard disks, you can create a RAID set to optimize storage capacity, improve performance, and increase reliability in case of a disk failure. For example, a mirrored RAID set increases reliability by writing your data to two or more disks at once. If one disk fails, your server uses another disk in the RAID set. You can use Disk Utility to set up a RAID set. There are two types of RAID sets and one additional disk option available in Disk Utility:
A striped RAID set (RAID 0) splits files across the disks in the set. A striped RAID
set improves the performance of your software because it can read and write on all disks in the set at the same time. You might use a striped RAID set if you are working with large files, such as digital video.
A mirrored RAID set (RAID 1) duplicates files across the disks in the set. Because
this scheme maintains copies of the files, it provides a continuous backup of them. In addition, it can help keep data available if a disk in the set fails. Mirroring is recommended if shared files or applications must be accessed frequently. You can set up RAID mirroring after installing MacOSXServer if you install on a disk that isnt partitioned. To prevent data loss, set up RAID mirroring as soon as possible.
A concatenated disk set lets you use several disks as a single volume. This is not a
You can combine RAID sets to combine their benefits. For example, you can create a RAID set that combines the fast disk access of a striped RAID set and the data protection of a mirrored RAID set. To do this, create two RAID sets of one type and then create a RAID set of another type, using the first two RAID sets as the disks. The RAID sets you combine must be created with Disk Utility or diskutil in MacOSX v10.4 or later. You cannot mix the method of partitioning used on the disks in a RAID set. (The PPC platform is APMFormat and the Intel platform is GPTFormat.) Mac Pro desktop computers and Intel-based Xserves can start from a software RAID volume. Some Intel-based Macs do not support starting up from software RAID volumes. If you start Intel-based Macs from a software RAID volume, the computer might start up with a flashing question mark. The following computers do not support starting up from software RAID volumes:
iMac (Early 2006) Mac mini (Early 2006)
If you need more sophisticated RAID support, consider a hardware RAID. Creating a RAID Set Using Disk Utility You can use the Installer to open Disk Utility and then use Disk Utility to create the RAID set from available disks. Creating a RAID set erases the contents of the disks involved, so it isnt necessary to erase the disks before creating the RAID set. RAID set volumes can be Mac OS Extended format, Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format, Mac OS Extended format (Case-Sensitive) format, Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Case-Sensitive) format, and MS-DOS FAT format. For more information about volume formats, see Preparing Disks for Installing MacOSXServeron page92. You cannot create a RAID set from the startup disk. To create a RAID set using Disk Utility: 1 Launch Disk Utility. If you are in the Installer, Disk Utility is available from the Utilities menu; otherwise, launch the application from /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility. 2 Select the disk to be part of the RAID set. You cant select your startup disk. When creating RAID sets or adding disks, specify the disk instead of a partition. 3 Click RAID. 4 Choose your RAID set type.
5 Drag the disks to the window. 6 Follow the instructions in the window to set parameters. 7 Click Create. You can find instructions for partitioning the hard disk into multiple volumes, creating a RAID set, and erasing the target disk or partition by viewing Disk Utility Help. To view Disk Utility Help, open Disk Utility on another Mac computer with MacOSX v10.6 and choose Help > Disk Utility Help. From the command line You can use the diskutil command-line tool to create a RAID set. Normally, you would use a remote shell (SSH) to log in to the newly started computer to use this method. You can use diskutil to can create a RAID volume that is Mac OS Extended format, Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format, Mac OS Extended format (Case-Sensitive) format, Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Case-Sensitive) format, or MS-DOS FAT format. However keep in mind the following:
You cannot create a RAID from the startup disk. When creating RAID sets or adding disks, specify the entire disk instead of a
privileges. For complete command syntax for diskutil, consult the tools man page. Use command-line arguments that apply to your specific needs. The following command is a sample, which creates a single mirrored RAID set (RAID 1) from the first two disks installed in the computer (disk0 and disk1), with the resulting RAID volume called MirrorData. The basic syntax is:
diskutil createRAID mirror setName format device device ...
Erasing a Disk or Partition You have several options for erasing a disk, depending on your preferred tools and your computing environment:
Erasing a disk using Disk Utility: You can use the Installer to open Disk Utility and
then use it to erase the target volume or another volume. You can erase the target and all other volumes using the Mac OS Extended format or Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format. You can erase other volumes using those formats, as well as Mac OS Extended format (Case-Sensitive) format, or Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Case-Sensitive) format. You can find instructions for partitioning the hard disk into multiple volumes, creating a RAID set, and erasing the target disk or partition by viewing Disk Utility Help. To view Disk Utility Help, open Disk Utility on another Mac computer with MacOSX v10.6 and choose Help > Disk Utility Help.
Erasing a disk using the command line: You can use the command line to
erase disks using the tool diskutil. Erasing a disk using diskutil deletes all volume partitions. The command to erase a complete disk is:
diskutil eraseDisk format name [OS9Drivers | APMFormat | MBRFormat | GPTFormat] device
For example:
diskutil eraseDisk JournaledHFS+ MacProHD GPTFormat disk0
There is also an option to securely delete data by overwriting the disk with random data multiple times. For more details, see diskutils man page. To erase a single volume on a disk, a slightly different command is used:
diskutil eraseVolume format name device
For example:
diskutil eraseVolume JournaledHFS+ UntitledPartition /Volumes/ OriginalPartition
For complete command syntax for diskutil, consult the tools man page.
You can use the installation disc to install server software interactively on a local server, on a remote server, or on a computer with MacOSX installed.
You can install MacOSXServer directly onto a computer with a display, a keyboard, and a DVD drive attached, as shown in the following illustration:
Installer application or installer tool in Terminal application
If you have an Install DVD, the optical drive must be able to read DVD discs. You can also install directly onto a computer that lacks a display, keyboard, and optical drive capable of reading your installation disc. In this case, you start the target computer in target disk mode and connect it to an Intel-based administrator computer using a FireWire cable. You use the administrator computer to install the server software on the target computers disk or partition, which appears as a disk icon on the administrator computer. To install server software locally: 1 Start up the target computer using the Install DVD, installer partition, or NetInstall disk. For startup options, see About Starting Up for Installationon page84. 2 When the Installer opens, if you want to perform a clean installation, use the Utilities menu to open Disk Utility to prepare the target disk or partition before proceeding. If you have not prepared your disk for installation, do so now with Disk Utility. For more instructions on preparing your disk for installation, see Preparing Disks for Installing MacOSXServeron page92. 3 Proceed through the Installer panes by following the onscreen instructions. 4 When the Install MacOSXServer pane appears, select a target disk or volume (partition) and make sure its in the expected state. If you want to customize what software is included in the installation, click Options in the Select a Destination pane. 5 Proceed through the Installer panes by following the onscreen instructions. If youre using an administrator computer to install onto a server in target disk mode and connected using a FireWire cable, complete the following: a Quit Server Assistant when it starts on the administrator computer. b Shut down the administrator computer and the server. c Start up the administrator computer and the server normally (not in target disk mode).
Chapter 5Installation and Deployment
After installation is complete, the target server restarts and you can perform initial server setup. Chapter6,Initial Server Setup,on page108 describes how.
To install MacOSXServer on a remote server from the server Install DVD, installation partition, or NetInstall disk, you need an administrator computer from which to use Server Assistant to manage the installation:
Administrator computer
Welcome >installer >installer
Subnet 1 Subnet 2
After the computer starts up from the Install Disk, you can control and manage the server from an administration computer. Important:If you have administrative applications and tools from MacOSXServer v10.5 or earlier, do not use them with MacOSXServerv10.6. To use the Installer user interface, use VNC to view and interact with the remote installer. For more information, see Installing Remotely with Screen Sharing and VNCon page102. You dont need to be an administrator on the local computer to use Server Assistant. To install on a remote server by using Server Assistant: 1 Start up the target computer using the Install DVD, installer partition, or NetInstall disk. If you need more information on your startup options, see About Starting Up for Installationon page84. 2 After the target computer starts, launch Server Admin in the /Applications/Server/ folder on the administrator computer.
3 Select the target server from the list of servers waiting for installation. If neither the target server nor the list appear, make sure the target server is on the same local subnet as the administrator computer.
4 If the target computer is not on the same local subnet as the administrator computer, add the server manually. a Choose Install Remote Server from the Server menu of Server Admin. b Enter the IP address or DNS name of the target server. If you do not know the IP address or DNS name of the target server, you must identify it first. For more information about this process, see Identifying Remote Servers When Installing MacOSXServeron page90.
5 For the password, enter the default password for installation. This is usually the first eight characters of the servers built-in hardware serial number. For more information about this password, see About Server Serial Numbers for Default Installation Passwordson page90.
6 Proceed by following the onscreen instructions. 7 When the Volumes pane appears, select a target disk or volume (partition), make sure its in the expected state and click Continue. 8 Proceed by following the onscreen instructions. While installation proceeds, you can open another Server Assistant window to install server software on other computers. Choose Server > Install Remote Server to do so. After installation is complete, the target server restarts and you can perform initial server setup. Chapter6,Initial Server Setup describes how.
If youre using an installation disc for MacOSXServerv10.6 or later, you can control installation from another computer using a VNC viewer, like MacOSXs built-in Screen Sharing, open source VNC viewer software, or Apple Remote Desktop. This allows you to remotely control preparation of the target disk or partition before beginning installation. You can partition the hard disk into multiple volumes, create a RAID set, or erase the target disk or partition. The process for remotely installing with VNC is the same as installing locally at the keyboard and monitor, except that you must first connect to the VNC server on the target computer with a VNC client, like Apple Remote Desktop.
For detailed instructions for connecting to a computer running from an Install DVD, see Remotely Accessing the Install DVDon page88. Important:If you perform an upgrade, make sure that saved setup data wont be detected and used by the server. If saved setup data is used, the server settings are not compatible with the saved settings and can cause unintended consequences. For more information, see How a Server Searches for Saved Setup Data Fileson page118. To install on a remote server by using Screen Sharing and VNC: 1 After the target computer has started from the server Install DVD, installation partition, or NetInstall disk, access the server using Screen Sharing or VNC client software on the administrator computer. 2 After the connection begins, proceed as though you were using a keyboard and mouse at the server. 3 Choose the language you want the server to use and click Continue. 4 When the Installer opens, if you want to perform a clean installation, use the Utilities menu to open Disk Utility to prepare the target disk or partition before proceeding. If you have not prepared your disk for installation, do so now with Disk Utility. For more instructions on preparing your disk for installation, see Preparing Disks for Installing MacOSXServeron page92. 5 Proceed through the Installer panes by following the onscreen instructions. 6 When the Install MacOSXServer pane appears, select a target disk or volume (partition) and make sure its in the expected state. To customize what software is included in the installation, click Options in the Select a Destination pane. 7 Proceed through the Installer panes by following the onscreen instructions. After installation is complete, the target server restarts and you can perform initial server setup. Chapter6,Initial Server Setup,on page108 describes how.
Sometimes you may need to explicitly set a remote computers startup disk. You can do this via the command line using the bless command. The tool Apple Remote Desktop can change a computers startup disk. Apple Remote Desktop is not included with MacOSXServer, and is available separately for purchase. To change a remote computers startup disk
# Method 1 sudo bless --folder "/Volumes/<disk>/System/Library/CoreServices" --setBoot
sudo shutdown -r now # Method 2 sudo systemsetup -liststartupdisks sudo systemsetup -setstartupdisk <path to disk root>
You use the installer tool to install server software on a local or remote computer from the command line. For information about installer, see the installer man page. These instructions assume you started up the computer using the Install DVD, installer partition, or NetInstall disk. If not, see About Starting Up for Installationon page84. To use installer to install server software: 1 Start a command-line session with the target server by choosing from the following:
Installing a local server:When the Installer opens, choose Utilities > Open Terminal
If you dont know the IP address or DNS name of the server, see Identifying Remote Servers When Installing MacOSXServeron page90. 2 For the password, enter the default password for installation. This is usually the first eight characters of the servers built-in hardware serial number. For more information about this password, see About Server Serial Numbers for Default Installation Passwordson page90. 3 Identify the target server volume where you want to install the server software. To list the volumes available for server software installation from the installation disc, type:
/usr/sbin/installer -volinfo -pkg /System/Installation/Packages/ OSInstall.mpkg
You can also identify a NetInstall image youve created and mounted:
/usr/sbin/installer -volinfo -pkg /Volumes/<name_of_install_image>/ System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg
The list displayed reflects your particular environment, but heres an example showing three available volumes:
/Volumes/Mount 01 /Volumes/Mount1 /Volumes/Mount02
4 If you havent already done so, prepare the disks for installation. For more information about preparing the disks for installation, see Preparing Disks for Installing MacOSXServeron page92. If the target volume has the latest MacOSXServer v10.5 or 10.4.11 installed, when you run installer it upgrades the server to v10.6 and preserves user files. If youre not upgrading but performing a clean installation, back up the user and settings files you want to preserve, then use diskutil to erase the volume and format it to enable journaling:
/usr/sbin/diskutil eraseVolume HFS+ "Mount 01" "/Volumes/Mount 01" /usr/sbin/diskutil enableJournal "/Volumes/Mount 01"
You can also use diskutil to partition the volume and to set up mirroring. For more information about the command, see the diskutil man page. Important:Dont store data on the hard disk or hard disk partition where the operating system is installed. With this approach, you wont risk losing data if you need to reinstall or upgrade system software. If you must store additional software or data on the system partition, consider mirroring the drive. 5 Install the operating system on the target volume. For example, to use Mount 01 in the example in step 4 to install from a server installation disc, enter:
/usr/sbin/installer -verboseR -lang en -pkg /System/Installation/ Packages/OSInstall.mpkg -target "/Volumes/Mount 01"
If youre using a NetInstall image, the command identifies them as step 3 shows. When you enter the -lang parameter, use one of the following values: en (for English), de (for German), fr (for French), or ja (for Japanese). During installation, progress information appears. While installation proceeds, you can open another Terminal window to install server software on another computer. 6 When installation from the disc is complete, restart the server by entering:
/sbin/shutdown -r
Server Assistant opens on the target computer when installation is complete. You can now set up the server. For more information, see Chapter6,Initial Server Setup.
After youve set up your server, youll want to update it when Apple releases server software updates. There are several ways to access update releases of MacOSXServer:
In Server Admin, select a server in the Servers list, then click the Server Updates
button. Note:The Server Updates button refers only to updates for the servers operating system software from Apple. Third-party software is not updated when used. Additionally, it does not control software updates hosted in the Software Update service.
Use the Software Update pane of System Preferences, if you are logged locally into
the server.
Use the softwareupdate command-line tool. Download a disk image of the software update from:
Basic characteristics of your MacOSXServer are established during server setup. The server can operate in three different configurations: advanced, standard, and workgroup.
After installing server software, the next task is to set up the server. There are several ways to set up a server:
Set up servers interactively. Automate the setup by using setup data youve saved in a file or on a server
To understand and record information for each server you want to set up, see the Installation & Setup Worksheet on the Install DVD or the Administration Tools CD. The following chapter provides supplemental explanations for some items on the worksheet. When you upgrade from the latest MacOSXServer v10.5 or v10.4.11, Server Assistant displays existing server settings, but you can change them. Use the Installation & Setup Worksheet to record settings you want the v10.6 server to use.
Server Assistant opens on a server that hasnt been set up and waits for you to begin the setup process. To set up the server later, you can postpone the setup process by using the servers keyboard, mouse, and display. To postpone setting up MacOSXServer: mm In Server Assistant, press Command-Q on the servers keyboard and then click Shut Down. When you restart the server, Server Assistant opens again.
If youre setting up a server without a keyboard or display, you can enter the following in the Terminal application to shut down the server remotely:
sudo shutdown now
Before setting it up for the first time, try to place a server in its final network location (subnet). If youre concerned about preventing unauthorized or premature access during setup, you can set up a firewall to protect the server while youre finalizing its configuration. If you cant avoid moving a server after initial setup, you must change settings that are sensitive to network location before it can be used. For example, the servers IP address and DNS name, stored in directories and configuration files on the server, must be updated. For more information, see Changing the Servers DNS Name After Setupon page144.
Your server has a built-in Ethernet port and might have additional Ethernet ports built in or added on. When youre using Server Assistant to interactively set up servers, all of a servers available Ethernet ports are listed and you select them to activate and configure. When you work in Server Assistants offline mode, you click an Add button to create a list of ports to configure. If you enable more than one port, you specify the order for the ports to be used by the server when routing traffic to the network. Although the server receives network traffic on any active port, network traffic initiated by the server is routed through the first active port. For a description of port configuration attributes, see the Installation & Setup Worksheet from the Install DVD or the Administration Tools CD.
Default SSH and Apple Remote Desktop state is enabled. Network interfaces (ports) are configured.
TCP/IP and Ethernet settings are defined for each port you want to activate.
Network names are defined.
The primary DNS name, computer name are defined by the administrator, and local hostname is derived from the computer name. For more information about names of MacOSXServer, see Understanding MacOSXServer Names.
Basic Directory information is set up. (Optional)
The server is set up as an Open Directory Master, or it is set to obtain directory information from another a directory service, or the directory setup can be deferred until first login. For more information, see Specifying Initial Open Directory Usage.
Some services are chosen and configured.
For a list of which services are enabled at startup, see Understanding Server Configuration Methods. If youre upgrading, the current settings are maintained through the setup process. Other settings, such as share points youve defined and services youve configured, are also preserved. For a complete description of whats upgraded and actions, see the online help and MacOSXServer Resources website at You can perform initial server setup only once without reinstalling a server. To change settings established during setup, you use Server Admin, Workgroup Manager, or Directory Utility (in /System/Library/CoreServices/) to manage directory settings.
During setup of MacOSXServerv10.6, you specify how the server stores and accesses user accounts and other directory information. You choose whether the server connects to a directory system or works as a standalone server. If youre setting up multiple servers and one or more will host a shared directory, set up those servers before setting up servers that will use those shared directories. When you set up a server initially, you specify its directory services configuration. Choices are:
Create Users and Groups
This setting makes the server an Open Directory Master or uses the servers local users and groups for authentication.
110 Chapter 6Initial Server Setup
This setting connects the server to an existing Open Directory or Active Directory system, importing the users and groups from an existing directory system. You can import Open Directory users or Active Directory users. You must provide a directory administrator name and password.
Configure Manually
This setting used to set up the server to obtain directory information from a shared directory domain thats been set up on another server. You can connect to Open Directory servers or Active Directory servers. You can also defer directory configuration during setup by declining to specify a connection in the assistant. After setup, use Server Admin or the Login Options section of Account preferences of System Preferences to refine the servers directory configuration, if necessary. You can create or change a connection to a directory system by using Login Options. You can use Accounts preferences to set up connections to multiple directory servers, including Open Directory and Active Directory. You can make the server an Open Directory master or replica by using Server Admin to change the servers Open Directory service settings. From Accounts preferences, you can open Directory Utility if you need to set up connections to other kinds of directory servers or specify the search policy. Directory Utility lets you set up connections to other non-Apple directory systems and specify a search policy (the order in which the server should search through the domains). For information about changing directory services, see the online help and MacOSXServer Resources website at Note:If you connect MacOSXServerv10.6 to a directory domain of MacOSXServer v10.2 or earlier, users defined in the older directory domain cannot be authenticated with the MS-CHAPv2 method. This method may be required to securely authenticate users for the VPN service of MacOSXServerv10.6. Open Directory in MacOSXServerv10.6 supports MSCHAPv2 authentication, but Password Server in MacOSXServer v10.2 doesnt support MS-CHAPv2.
Even if you want to change the servers directory setup, selecting Configure Manually is the safest option, especially if youre considering changing a servers shared directory configuration. Changing from hosting a directory to using another servers shared directory or vice versa, or migrating a shared NetInfo domain to LDAP are examples of directory usage changes you should make after server setup to preserve access to directory information about your network. For information about directory usage options available to you and how to use Directory Utility (in /System/Library/CoreServices/) and Server Admin to make directory changes, see the online help and MacOSXServer Resources website at
To interactively connect to an additional directory server: 1 Open the Accounts pane of System Preferences on your server. 2 Click Login Options and then click Open Directory Utility. 3 Click the Add (+) button, and then choose the directory server from the pop-up menu or enter the directory servers DNS name or IP address. 4 If the dialog expands to show Client Computer ID, User Name, and Password fields, enter the name and password of a user account on the directory server. For an Open Directory server, you can enter the name and password of a standard user account; you dont need to use a directory administrator account. If the dialog says you can leave the name and password fields blank, you can connect without authentication, although this is less secure. For an Active Directory server, you can enter the name and password of an Active Directory administrator account or a standard user account that has the Add workstations to domain privilege.
The simplest way to set up a few servers is to use Server Admins guided interview process after establishing a connection with each server in turn. If you have only a few servers to set up, the interactive approach is useful. You can use the interactive approach to set up a local server, a remote server, or several remote servers. Server Assistant will display the Network pane separately for each server youre setting up remotely, even if youre setting up a list of servers. You then enter all network settings manually, if necessary. You provide server setup data interactively, then initiate setup immediately. Set up DNS and DHCP (if used for static IP address allocation) for your servers before setup. While not strictly mandatory, doing so will simplify the setup and post-setup processes. For example, if the servers DNS name is already associated to an IP address (with reverse lookup), and the IP address will be allocated to the servers MAC address by a DHCP server on the network, you will already have needed information for setup without doing the additional manual configuration work during and after setup.
The following illustration shows target servers on the same subnet as the administrator computer in one scenario and target servers on a different subnet in the other scenario. Both setup scenarios can be used to set up servers on the same and different subnets.
Welcome Welcome Welcome
Subnet 1 Subnet 2
If a target server is on a different subnet, you must supply its IP address or DNS name. Servers on the same subnet are listed by Server Assistant, so you select servers from the list. After server software is installed on a server, you can use the interactive approach to set it up remotely from an administrator computer that can connect to the target server. To set up servers interactively: 1 Make sure the DHCP or DNS servers you specify for the server youre setting up to use are running. 2 Make sure the target servers have been newly installed and are waiting for setup. 3 Fill out the Installation & Setup Worksheet from the Install DVD or Administration Tools CD. After installation, Server Assistant opens. 4 If you are installing on a remote server, open Server Admin, select Ready for Setup in the list on the left, and then select the servers you want to set up. After you click Set Up, Server Assistant opens and lists all the servers you selected in Server Admin. If instead you choose Server > Set Up Remote Server, Server Assistant doesnt list any servers in the Server pane, and you have to add them one by one by clicking Add. 5 Select the target servers from the configuration list.
If the computer you want to configure doesnt appear in the list, you can add it manually by clicking the Add button and supplying the requested information. 6 Remove computers from the configuration list that you dont want to set up by selecting them and clicking the Remove button. 7 Authenticate to the target server. You need authenticate for each listed server by selecting it, clicking Authenticate, and entering the servers password. The password is usually the first eight characters of the hardware serial number. For an upgraded server, its the password of the root user. To figure out what password to use, see About Server Serial Numbers for Default Installation Passwordson page90. 8 Click Continue, and continue to follow the onscreen instructions. 9 Enter the setup data youve recorded on the worksheet as you move through the Assistants panes, following the onscreen instructions. If youre setting up multiple servers, you dont need to manage each setup in a separate Server Assistant window. Server Assistant steps you through the necessary panes for each server on the list. After you enter setup data, Server Assistant displays a summary of the data. 10 Review the setup data you entered and, if necessary, click Go Back to change it. 11 To save the setup data as a text file or in a form you can use for automatic server setup (a saved setup file), click Details; then click Save Setup Profile. To encrypt a configuration file, select Passphrase Encryption from the Encryption popup menu, and finally enter the encryption passphrase. You must supply the passphrase before a target server can use an encrypted setup file. To see how this information can be used, see Using Automatic Server Setupon page115. 12 To initiate setup, click Set Up. When server setup is complete, you can log in as the server administrator user created during setup to configure services as needed. 13 See the Mac OS X Server Next Steps document thats placed on the server desktop during setup. For more information about the Next Steps document, see After Setting Up a Server on p. 69 of Getting Started.
When you have more than a few servers to set up, consider using automatic server setup. This approach also provides a way to preserve setup data so it can be reused if you need to reinstall server software.
Chapter 6Initial Server Setup 115
You can keep backup copies of setup data files on a network file server. Alternatively, you can store setup data files in a local partition that wont be erased when you reinstall server software. To use automatic server setup, you use Server Assistant to specify setup data for each computer or batch of computers. Finally, you provide that setup data to the target servers. You can provide the data using a variety of methods, like storing files on the hard disk or removable storage. By default, saved setup data is encrypted for extra security. When a server starts up for the first time, it searches for automatic setup data to configure itself before it starts the interactive Setup Assistant. Automatic server setup requires two main steps: Step 1: Create the setup data files. The following sections can help you create setup data files.
Creating and Saving Setup Dataon page116 Using Encryption with Setup Data Fileson page118
Step 2: Make the setup data files available to a freshly installed server. The following sections can help you make the data available to the servers:
How a Server Searches for Saved Setup Data Fileson page118 Setting Up Servers Automatically Using Data Saved in a Fileon page119
You can define generic setup data that can be used to set up any server. For example, you can define generic setup data for a server thats on order, or to configure 50 Xserve computers you want to be identically configured. You can also save setup data thats tailored for a server. Important:When you perform an upgrade, make sure that saved setup data wont be detected and used by the server. If saved setup data is used, existing server settings are overwritten by the saved settings. If you intend to create a generic setup file because you want to use the file to set up more than one server, dont specify network names (computer name and local hostname) and make sure that each network interface (port) is set to be configured using DHCP or BootP. To create a setup data file: 1 Fill out the Installation & Setup Worksheet from the Install DVD or Administration Tools CD. 2 On an administrator computer, open Server Admin. 3 In the Server menu, select Create Auto Server Setup File. The Server Assistant launches. 4 Enter the setup data as you move through the Assistant panes, following the onscreen instructions. 5 After entering setup information, choose to save the file as encrypted or unencrypted. If you encrypt the file, provide a passphrase. You must supply the passphrase before a target server can use an encrypted setup file. For more information, see Using Encryption with Setup Data Fileson page118. To use an encrypted setup file in an automated setup, see Setting Up Servers Automatically Using Data Saved in a Fileon page119. 6 To restrict the setup file to certain computers, select Restrict for use with certain computers in the Save Configuration pane. You can restrict the setup files by:
Serial number MAC address IP address DNS name
7 Click Save. When you click Save, you can give the profile any filename you like as long as it ends with .plist.
the start volume and then searching the rest alphabetically. Mounted share points are also searched, so any automounted or manually mounted share point can contain the auto setup files. For example, you can use automount or mount_afp via the command-line to mount a share point while the server is waiting for setup.
It searches through Auto Server Setup folders, looking for a file with the extension
.plist . There is no naming convention for the plist. The plist file must contain the key VersionNumber with value 4 or it will be ignored.
It evaluates all profile plists found to evaluate the most specific match.
If a saved setup data profile contains multiple network connection services, Server Assistant tries to match hardware (MAC) addresses. Failing that, it tries to match interface (BSD port) names. If a profile has multiple conditions, it applies to a computer that satisfies any of them.
If setup data is encrypted, the server needs the correct passphrase before setting itself up. You can use Server Assistant to supply the passphrase interactively, or you can supply the passphrase in a file containing the passphrase in the same folder as the corresponding auto setup profile but with a .pass extension. Important:When you perform an upgrade, make sure that saved setup data wont be detected and used by the server youre upgrading. If saved setup data is used, existing server settings are overwritten by the saved settings.
To use setup data from a file remotely: 1 Create the folder for the setup file on the remote server. a Connect to the remote server.
ssh root@<server address>
2 Copy the saved setup file from the administrator computer to the remote target computer. The password is the same for ssh connections during installation. For more information abotu passwords, see About Server Serial Numbers for Default Installation Passwordson page90.
scp <local setup file> root@<server address>:"/Auto\ Server\ Setup"
3 Restart the server using the command-line tool shutdown. a Connect to the remote server.
ssh root@<server address>
When a server encounters a setup problem, Server Assistant shows a description of the setup error, and gives some opportunity to either fix it or try again.
If you are setting up the target server remotely, you are given the option to share its screen and interact via the Server Assistant. If setup fails because a passphrase file cant be found when using setup data saved in a file, you can:
Use Server Assistant (if installing locally) or Screen Sharing (if installing remotely) to
For information on how to supply the passphrase, see Using Encryption with Setup Data Fileson page118 If a remote server setup fails for any other reason, repeat initial setup before trying to reinstall the server software. If a local server setup fails, restart the computer, rerun Server Assistant, and reinitiate setup, or reinstall the server software.
Setting Up Services
After installation and initial startup, the first time you open Server Admin, you see any services that were configured during server setup listed underneath the servers name in the server list. If no services were configured during server setup, Server Admin prompts you to select the services you want to configure on the server. You add services for administration and configure services using Server Admin and add users and groups using Workgroup Manager. Before you can enable or configure and service in Server Admin, it must be added to the administered service list. The following sections survey initial setup of individual services and tell you where to find instructions for tailoring services to support your needs.
Integrating with Active Directory and other non-Apple directories Configuring single sign-on Using Kerberos and other authentication techniques
This chapter shows you how to complete ongoing management for your systems, including setting up administrator computers, designating administrators, and maintaining service uptime.
Read the following sections as a basic introduction to MacOSXServer management:
Computers You Can Use to Administer a Serveron page124 Using the Administration Toolson page126 Changing the Servers Computer Name and the Local Hostnameon page144 Adding and Removing Servers in Server Adminon page128 Administering Serviceson page145 Tiered Administration Permissionson page149 Workgroup Manager Basicson page150
To administer a server locally using the graphical administration applications (in /Applications/Server/) log in to the server as a server administrator and open them. To administer a remote server, open the applications on an administrator computer. An administrator computer is any MacOSXServerv10.6 or MacOSX v10.6 or later computer where the administration tools have been installed from the MacOSXServer Admin Tools CD. See Setting Up an Administrator Computeron page124. You can run command-line tools from the Terminal Application (in /Applications/Utilities/) on any MacOSXServer or MacOSX computer. You can also run command-line tools from a UNIX workstation.
In the following illustration, the arrows originate from administrator computers and point to servers the administrator computers might be used to manage.
Mac OS X administrator computer
Mac OS X Servers
When youve installed and set up a MacOSXServer that has a display, keyboard, and optical drive, its already an administrator computer. To make a computer with MacOSX into an administrator computer, you must install additional software. MacOSXServerv10.6 administration tools require:
MacOSX v10.6 1 GB of RAM 1 GB of unused disk space
To enable remote administration of MacOSXServer from a MacOSX computer: 1 Insert the MacOSXServer Admin Tools CD. 2 Open the Installer folder. 3 Start the installer (ServerAdministrationSoftware.mpkg) and follow the onscreen instructions.
Information about administration tools can be found on the pages indicated in the following table.
See Command-Line Tools(page48) iCal Service Utility(page46) Using the installer CommandLine Tool to Install Server Software(page104) Media Streaming Management(page47) Working with Settings for a Specific Server(page130) Server Admin(page38)
Administer a server using a UNIX command shell. Add locations and resources to your iCal server. Install server software or upgrade it from v10.4 or 10.5. Manage media playlists and prepare it for streaming or progressive download. Configure and monitor services and administrator access, and configure share points. Set up and manage QuickTime media streaming.
QTSS Web Admin, QuickTime Broadcaster, and QuickTime Player Server Admin
Server Assistant Server Monitor System Image Utility Workgroup Manager Xgrid Admin Apple Remote Desktop (optional)
Set up a v10.6 server. Monitor Xserve hardware. Manage NetBoot and NetInstall disk images. Administer accounts and their managed preferences. Monitor local or remote Xgrid controllers, grids, and jobs. Monitor and control other Macintosh computers.
Setting up Servers Interactively(page113) Using Server Monitor(page172) System Image Management(page47) Workgroup Manager Basics(page150) Xgrid Admin(page49) Apple Remote Desktop(page50)
You can use the version of Server Admin included with MacOSXServerv10.6 to administer the latest MacOSXServer v10.5. Using MacOSXServerv10.6 will not administer DNS hosted on a server version earlier than v10.6.
You can use Workgroup Manager on a v10.6 server to manage MacOSX clients running the latest MacOSX v10.5. However, after you edit a user record using Workgroup Manager on v10.6, you can only access it using Workgroup Manager on v10.6.
For Apples administration applications to function, the following ports must be enabled.
Tool used SSH command-line shell Server Admin (with SSL) Workgroup Manager Directory QuickTime Streaming Management Xgrid Admin
In addition, other ports must be enabled for each service you want to run on your server. For a port reference guide, see the online help and MacOSXServer Resources website at
After setup, the firewall is off by default in Advanced Server mode, and therefore all ports are open. When the firewall is on, all ports are blocked except the following for all originating IP addresses:
Port number and type 22 TCP 311 TCP 626 UDP 625 TCP ICMP incoming and outgoing 53 UDP Service SSH command-line shell Server Admin (with SSL) Serial number support Remote Directory Access standard ping DNS name resolution
You use Server Admin to administer services on MacOSXServer computers. Server Admin also lets you specify settings that support multiple services, such as creating and managing SSL certificates and specifying which users and groups can access services.
You can add a server to the Servers list and log in to it in two ways:
Click the Add (+) button in the bottom action bar and choose Add Server. Choose Server > Add Server from the menu bar.
The next time you open Server Admin, any server youve added is displayed in the list. To change the order of servers in the list, drag a server to the new location in the list. You can remove a server from the Servers list in a similar fashion. First you select the server to remove, then do one of the following:
Click the Perform Action button in the bottom action bar and choose Disconnect
menu bar.
If a server in the Servers list appears gray, double-click the server or click the Connect button in the toolbar to log in again. To enable auto-reconnect the next time you open Server Admin, select the Remember this password in my keychain while you log in.
You can make more specific, targeted groups of servers from your All Servers list. First, create blank lists and then add servers to them from the All Servers list. To create a server group: 1 Under the Server list at the bottom of the Server Admin window, click the Add (+) button. 2 Select Add Group, and name the group. To rename groups, click the group and let the mouse hover over the name for a few seconds. When the name becomes editable, rename the group. 3 Drag the servers from the All Servers group to the newly created group.
IP address OS version
To create a server smart group: 1 Under the Server list at the bottom of the Server Admin window, click the Add (+) button. 2 Select Add Smart Group. 3 Name the smart group. 4 Define the criteria that servers will appear in the list and click OK. The group appears in the Server list.
To work with general server settings, select a server in the Servers list. You then select from a number of buttons in the toolbar that show configuration options or tabs of configuration options. The following shows the Settings pane for a server:
The following table contains a summary of what you find for each button:
Toolbar button Overview Logs Graphs Sharing Server Updates Shows Information about the servers hardware, software, services, and status. The system log and security systems log. A pictorial history of server activity. Configuration options for defining file sharing folders, share points, and automounts. Software updates available from Apple to update the servers software. This only controls updates to the servers own software. The servers security certificates. The servers network settings, server software serial number, service access controls, and other information.
Certificates Settings
When you click Settings, you have access to the following panes:
General pane:Click General to work with the server serial number or to enable
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Network Time Protocol (NTP), Secure Shell (SSH), Remote Management, and server-side mobile home-sync feature support. SNMP is a standard that facilitates computer monitoring and management. The server uses the open source net-snmp project for its SNMP implementation. Although no server administration tools use or require SNMP, it enables the server to be monitored and managed from third-party SNMP software such as HP OpenView. Use the NTP checkbox to enable NTP service. For information about NTP, see the online help and MacOSXServer Resources website at SSH is a shell you can use to access command-line tools to remotely administer the server with. MacOSXServer uses the open source OpenSSH project for its SSH implementation. SSH is also used for other remote server administration tasks, such as initial server setup, Sharing management, and displaying file system paths and the contents of folders in the server administration tools. SSH must be enabled while creating an Open Directory replica, but it can be disabled afterwards. Remote Management allows the server to be administered by Apple Remote Desktop (ARD). You enable and disable ARD administration in this pane in addition to the Sharing pane of System Preferences. Client Binding Discovery with Bonjour offers directory services to client computers on the local subnet, allowing the users to choose whether to bind to the server.
Server-side file tracking for mobile home-sync is a feature of mobile home folders. For information about when to enable this feature, see the online help and MacOSXServer Resources website at
Network pane:Click Network to view or change the servers computer name or
local hostname, or to see a list of network interfaces and addressing information for this server. The computer name is what a user sees when browsing the network (/Network). The local hostname is usually derived from the computer name, but it can be changed. The network interfaces table shows the name of the interface, the type of addressing (IPv4, or IPv6), the IP address, and the DNS name found by reverse lookup for the address.
Date & Time pane:Click Date & Time to set the servers date and time, NTP source
preference, and time zone. For more information about NTP, see the online help and MacOSXServer Resources website at
Notifications pane:Click Notifications to configure MacOSXServers automatic
event notifications. You set the mail address and notification trigger in this pane. For more information about notifications, see Using Server Status Notification in Server Adminon page175.
Access pane:Click Access to control user access to some services and to designate
administration privileges for users. When you select the Services tab, you set up access to services to users and groups (referred to as service access control lists, or service ACLs). You can set up the same access to all services, or you can select a service and customize its access settings. Access controls are simple. Choose between enabling all users and groups to use services or enabling only specific users and groups to use services. When you select the Administrators tab, you designate users to have administration or monitoring privileges for the services on the server. For detailed information about these settings, see Defining Administrative Permissionson page150.
Services pane:Click Services to show or hide services in Server Admin for this
When you change a servers IP address, DNS name, local hostname, or computer name, there might be additional configuration steps needed for each service provided. Each service relies on IP addresses or names differently; therefore, the exact combination of steps relies on your individual setup.
The following sections give guidance regarding the types of changes will be necessary for a name or IP address change.
Only the DNS name is the Internet-routable name that services use for network identity.
Generally, changing the IP address or name of an infrastructure server requires an intimate knowledge of the new network configuration and topology as well as manual setting changes. Changes to these infrastructure services can cause widespread disruption of other services until the correct setting modifications are made. DNS For a server not hosting DNS, changing a servers IP address requires changes to the data in the DNS server. Minimally, the servers NS, A, and PTR records must be changed. Because the DNS information for the server is hosted elsewhere, those records must be updated manually on the DNS server.
Your network configuration might have other domains, computers, and record types that are impacted by a servers IP address change (SRV records, for instance). These other records should be examined thoroughly after any change to a servers IP address. If the server is a DNS server, use the tool changeip to change the NS, A, and PTR records. Changing a DNS servers IP address directly impacts any client computer that uses the DNS server. For example, the DNS servers IP address could be provided to DHCP clients automatically, so all DHCP clients rely on the DNS servers correct IP address. All DNS names for all domains hosted by the DNS server must be examined. Because of DNS caching, many clients might not respond to changes in the DNS system as quickly as needed. To expedite DNS server setting propagation, update all wireless access points, DHCP servers, manually configured IP address clients, and DHCP address clients by restarting them or renewing their DHCP leases. In summary, clients that refer to the DNS servers IP address for name resolution need to be updated to use the new IP address. Changing a servers DNS name or domain impacts all other services that rely on the servers domain name resolving correctly in DNS. The affected services include:
Directory service Kerberos service and Kerberos Realm names WINS server names DHCP supplied search domains
DHCP Changing the IP address of a DHCP server might invalidate all subnets and static IP addresses handled by the server. Additionally, the change in IP address might result in unreachable search domain names, WINS server names, or LDAP URLs. Examine these settings, if needed. Many clients might not respond to the changes in the DHCP system immediately. After a DHCP server change, update all wireless access points, manually configured IP address clients, and DHCP address clients by restarting them or renewing their DHCP leases. Changing the domain name of a DHCP server could also make obsolete the search domain names, WINS server names, or LDAP URLs. Changing the only hostname segment to a fully qualified domain name might not have the same effect. Directory Service and Kerberos Changing the IP address of an Open Directory Server might invalidate the data records themselves (computer records, or user home directories). None of the contents of the records are altered when you change the IP address, only the configuration.
Changing the DNS name of the directory server requires that all bound machines be rebound to the new directory name and address. If you have set up a Kerberos environment, the Kerberos realm does not change when the hostname is changed. Firewall Changing the IP address of the Firewall can significantly alter the effectiveness of the service. In MacOSXServerv10.6, IP firewall rules are stored and referenced as address groups. A change to the IP address of the firewall server might prevent traffic to the address groups from being routed, and therefore none of the specific firewall rules would be applied. Check all firewall rules when changing the IP address of the firewall server. Mobile Access (Proxy Services) Most proxy services should remain relatively unaffected by a change to IP address or domain name. If you have edited the manually to have the proxy server connect to itself for some service by some other address than the link-local address ( or localhost), you must change it manually again. However, proxy services are affected if the IP address or DNS name of the destination servers changes. If you change a proxied services name or address, you must reconfigure Proxy Service. If you configured an HTTP Secure Proxy virtual host, you must delete and re-create the proxy mappings of any proxied servers. NAT NAT should not be affected by a change to the servers IP address or DNS name. All clients behind the NAT server still have contact with the NAT router by the internal IP address. If you made manual modifications to the NAT service configuration files, make sure those changes are compatible with the new IP address or DNS name. NetBoot NetBoot does not require reconfiguration after changing the IP address or DNS name. However, all clients that use it must reselect the server after the changes. RADIUS If you change the RADIUS server IP address, you might need to check or reconfigure the IP addresses of the associated base stations. Additionally, if youre using SSL certificates, you must regenerate or repurchase the certificates. You must use Server Admin to import the new certificates, and then configure the services new certificate.
VPN VPN servers allocate IP address ranges to VPN clients and mediate DNS queries of VPN clients. Any of these can be affected by a change to the VPN servers IP address or domain name. Additionally, the VPN server contains routing definitions based on IP addresses. A change to the IP address can make those routing addresses unreachable. Check all the VPN settings when changing the IP address of the VPN server.
Generally, these services in the initial default configuration are resilient and adjust to changes made to the IP address or the server name. However, if your web services are customized, they might need manual configuration changes to maintain service integrity. Web If you change the web servers DNS name or IP address, you must modify the domain name and web server aliases. You should also check the site load balancer members. If you change the web servers DNS name, you must modify virtual hosts that use SSL. Virtual hosts that use SSL need new certificates. You might need to regenerate or repurchase the certificates. Use Server Admin to import the new certificates, then configure each virtual hosts new name and certificate. If you change the web servers IP addresses, use Server Admin to change any virtual hosts that use a specific IP address. The default wild-card virtual host doesnt need to be modified. For either change, if you configured Mobile Access for web (or possibly other proxy settings), delete and recreate the proxy settings for all affected hosts.
MySQL In general, MySQL is not affected by changing an IP address or DNS name. However, none of the data in the databases is altered when the DNS name or IP address are changed. You are responsible for replacing references to the DNS name and address (if used) in your databases. If you set a database root password, there might be entries in the database GRANT table (database=mysql, table=user) that refer to the previous server DNS name. In this case, use Server Admin to reset the root password, which will then reflect the current server identity. Server administrators should make sure that MySQL clients that have saved references to the DNS name of the MySQL Service are updated to reflect any change in the server identity. QTSS The typical default configuration will not need further configuration after changing the DNS name or IP address of QTSS. If you configured specific IP bindings, change those to the new address and restart the service. Relays you defined might have invalid IP addresses after an IP address change. Wiki Wiki service remains unaffected by a change in the IP address, assuming Apache is still functioning and DNS names change. However, wikis can be configured to specific DNS names. If you manually edited configuration files to restrict wiki access to DNS names, make the relevant changes in those files. Certificates for Web and Wiki Services Web and wiki servers that use SSL will need new certificates. You might need to regenerate or repurchase the certificates. You must use Server Admin to import the new certificates, then configure each services, or sites, new certificate.
For the most part, changing the network address or DNS name of a file server has no internal affect on file services. The file service processes monitor network interfaces for changes and adapt as necessary without administrator intervention. No further configuration is required. A few places might need configuration settings changed:
SMB:The computer name defaults to the unqualified primary DNS name. Changing
the DNS name of the server causes a mismatch between the DNS name and the defined computer name.
FTP:The service can use SSL certificates, and will need new certificates. You might
need to regenerate or repurchase the certificates. Use Server Admin to import the new certificates, then configure each services new certificate. Additionally, clients might have URLs, bookmarks, favorites or documentation that refers to previous DNS names or IP addresses. Ensure that client information is updated to reflect the new name or address. Finally, you might have other software that interfaces with file servers (for example, automated scripts) and refers to old DNS names and IP addresses. Update those applications or scripts as well.
Most mail services require a restart after changing a DNS name or IP address of the mail server. If you manually changed configuration files, you might need to edit them manually again. Additionally, some mail services require a full shutdown and startup (rather than a simple service reload) to get the address and identity changes. There are many places in the mail services configuration panes where you enter domain names, mail host names, relay host names, and mail addresses. Any change you make to the DNS name could potentially have an affect on the service. Doublecheck name and IP address settings carefully.
IMAP and POP Dovecot, the IMAP and POP service, loads the fully-qualified domain name at startup and configuration reload. After a change, Dovecot must be restarted or given a SIGHUP command, at a minimum). You must also restart if you manually edited the listen or ssl_listen parameters. SMTP Postfix, the SMTP service, is very sensitive to network address and identity changes. The information it stores about the DNS name, the IP address, and network interfaces is only loaded once at service startup. To resume service after a change to the DNS name or the IP address, you must fully stop the service, and restart it. You must also restart it if you manually edited the inet_interfaces, inet_protocols, smtp_bind_address, myhostname, or mydomain configuration parameters. Mailing List Mailman, the mailing list service, tracks the incoming and outgoing mail hosts by reading them on startup. If you change the hostname or IP address, restart Mailman for it to honor the configuration changes. Antivirus and Antispam ClamAV, the antivirus service, gets its listening address at startup as well. After making any changes to the DNS name or IP address, you must stop and restart to resume service. SpamAssassin, the anti-spam service, gets its configuration information at startup and can reload configuration data while running. To load new configuration data, restart SpamAssassin or give it a SIGHUP command, at a minimum. Certificates for Mail Services Mail servers that use SSL need new certificates. You might need to regenerate or repurchase the certificates. Use Server Admin to import the certificates, then configure each services new certificate.
Address Book Service Changing the IP address of an Address Book server does not affect new connections to the server; however, it can disconnect existing client connections. If you manually edited the BindHTTPPorts or BindSSLPorts options in the carddavd.plist file, edit them again and restart the service. Changing the DNS name of an Address Book server necessitates restarting the service. If you manually edited the ServerHostName setting in the carddavd.plist file, you might need to do so again before restarting the service. iCal Service The iCal Server is based on the same underlying technology as the Address Book Server, so the needs are the same. Changing the IP address of an iCal server does not affect new connections to the server; however, it can disconnect existing client connections. If you manually edited the BindHTTPPorts or BindSSLPorts options in the caldav.plist file, you must edit them again and restart the service. Changing the DNS name of an iCal server necessitates restarting the service. If you manually edited the ServerHostName setting in the caldavd.plist file, you might need do so again before restarting the service. iChat Service The iChat service is highly resilient to network and identity changes on the primary Ethernet port. No additional configuration is necessary if youve changed the DNS name or IP address of the iChat server. However, the jabber IDs associated with the server do not update to the new iChat server DNS name. For example, changing the server from to, Joes jabber ID ( doesnt migrate to The jabber IDs for service users can be changed using the jabber_autobuddy tool. The tools modifies the database by changing the part of user names associated with the old domain to reflect the new domain, as well as secondary references (individual- and group-based buddies) that reference the old domain. To migrate the jabber IDs, run the following commands:
sudo serveradmin stop jabber sudo jabber_autobuddy --move-domain <old_domain> <new_domain> sudo serveradmin start jabber
Additionally, the tool makes an automatic backup of the previous database (/var/jabberd/sqlite/jabberd2_bak.db), which can be stored or restored as needed.
Certificates for Collaboration Services AddressBook, iCal, and iChat servers that use SSL will need new certificates. You might need regenerate or repurchase the certificates. Use Server Admin to import the new certificates, then configure each services new certificate.
You can reduce the number of services to reconfigure by initially defining an alias record in DNS (a CNAME record) and using the DNS name alias as the DNS name for configuration purposes. If any listed servers use SSL, they will need new certificates. You might need to regenerate or repurchase the certificates. Use Server Admin to import the certificates, then configure each services new certificate.
To change the IP address of the Podcast Producer computer: 1 Stop the Xgrid job queue when empty (or stop and empty it). 2 Reconfigure DNS, Open Directory, DHCP, and other infrastructure services. For example, in DNS, change the A record IP address of the Podcast Producer server. 3 Use changeip to change the IP address of the Podcast Producer server. 4 Restart (or renew the DHCP leases of ) all Podcast Camera Agents. 5 Restart (or renew the DHCP leases of ) all Xgrid Agents used for the Podcast Producer workflow grid. Alternatively, instead of restarting the computers, you flush the Directory services cache (using dscacheutil and sending a HUP to the mDNSResponder daemon).
To change the DNS name of the Podcast Producer computer: 1 Stop the Xgrid job queue when empty (or stop and empty it). 2 Reconfigure DNS, Open Directory, DHCP, and other infrastructure services. For example, in DNS, change the A record host name of the Podcast Producer server. 3 Use changeip to change the DNS name of the Podcast Producer server. 4 Restart (or renew the DHCP leases of ) all Podcast Camera Agents. 5 Restart (or renew the DHCP leases of ) all Xgrid Agents used for the Podcast Producer workflow grid. Alternatively, instead of restarting the computers, flush the Directory services cache (using dscacheutil and sending a HUP to the mDNSResponder daemon).
6 Unbind the Podcast Camera Agents from the previous DNS name and rebind them to the new name. 7 Reconfigure Xgrid Agents to use the new DNS name. 8 Reconfigure services used in the workflow to reference the new DNS name, if needed. 9 Update and reissue an SSL certificates that contain the servers DNS name. 10 Reconfigure Kerberos service on the server (using Directory Binding or ssoutil). 11 Update any scripted or automated software that submits data to or polls data from Podcast Producer.
After Software Update changes the DNS name or IP address, a number of changes must be made by the clients. However, the following guidelines for the server should be followed. Print Print service needs no changes if the IP address changes. If the DNS name changes, the administrator must restart print service to re-register the service with Bonjour to publish the name change. If you made custom configurations of the cupsd.conf file, or configured /Config/Printers entries in the directory service, review those custom configurations and update them if needed. If you assigned per-queue printing quotas to user accounts, update the account quotas to reflect the new server DNS name if needed. Also, make sure that printing clients that have saved references to the DNS name of print queues are updated to use the new DNS name. Push Notification Push notification servers should be cleared or removed from the service before changing the servers IP address or DNS name. Re-enable push notification after the network identity has changed. Software Update Server Software Update must be restarted after changes are made to the DNS name or IP address of the service. Afterward, update the list of available software updates. Also, make sure clients that saved references to the DNS name of the Software Update server are updated to use the new DNS name. Xgrid Xgrid service must be restarted after changes are made to the DNS name or the IP address of the service. Changes to the DNS name or IP address should be made when the Xgrid job queue is empty and stopped. If you use Kerberos for client authentication to the controller, resolve Kerberos configuration issues before attempting to reconfigure for Xgrid service. If you change the DNS name of the controller, reconfigure all Xgrid Agents to use the new controllers new DNS name.
You can use the scutil command-line tool to set the computer name and local hostname. For more information, see the scutil man page. Do not use the changeip command-line tool to change DNS names, even though the tool is still available.
You can use the scutil command-line tool to set the local hostname and local hostname. For more information, see the scutil man page. Do not use the changeip command-line tool to change computer names, even though the tool is still available. To change computer name and local hostname: mm Change the names in the Network pane of the Settings section for the server in Server Admin. From the command line:
sudo scutil --set ComputerName <newComputerName> sudo scutil --set LocalHostName <newLocalHostName>
Administering Services
To work with a service on a server selected in the Servers list of Server Admin, click the service in the list under the server. You can view information about a service (logs, graphs, and so forth) and manage its settings. The following is a sample service configuration pane in Server Admin.
To start or stop a service, select it and then click Start <service name> or Stop <service name> in the bottom action bar.
To configure service access SACLs 1 Select a server in the Servers list. 2 Click Settings, then click Access. 3 Click Services. 4 Choose a service, and choose whether to allow everyone access to it or whether to allow specified users access to the service. 5 If you have chosen to specify users, add the users and groups as desired.
Managing Sharing
To work with share points and access control lists, click the File Sharing icon in the Server Admin toolbar. Learn more in the online help and MacOSXServer Resources website at
In previous releases of MacOSXServer, there were two classes of users:admin and everyone else. Admin users could make any change to the settings of any service or change any directory data including passwords and password policies. In MacOSXServerv10.6, you can now grant individuals and groups specific administrative permissions without adding them to the UNIX admin group. In other words, you can make them administrator users. There are two levels of permissions:
Administer:This level of permission is analogous to being in the UNIX admin group.
You can change any setting on the server for the designated server and service only.
Monitor:This level of permission allows you to view Overview panes, Log panes,
and other information panes in Server Admin, as well as general server status data in server status lists. You do not have access to any saved service settings. Any user or group can be given these permissions for all services or for selected services. The permissions are stored on a per-server basis. The only users that can change the tiered administration access list are users that are in the UNIX admin group.
Chapter 7Ongoing System Management 149
Server Admin updates to reflect what operations are possible for a users permissions. For example, some services are hidden or the Settings pane is dimmed when you can only monitor that service. Because the feature is enforced on the server side, the permissions also impact the usage of serveradmin, dscl, dsimport, and pwpolicy command-line tools because these tools are limited to the permissions configured for the administrator in use.
You use Workgroup Manager to administer the following accounts:user accounts, group accounts, and computer lists. You also use it to set preferences for MacOSX user accounts, group accounts, computers, and to access the Inspector, an advanced feature that lets you do raw editing of Open Directory entries.
The following topics describe general Workgroup Manager usage. Instructions for conducting specific administration tasks are available in Workgroup Manager help and the MacOSXServer Resources website at
Administering Accounts
User accounts and group memberships are not administered in Server Admin. You use Workgroup Manager to add and remove users and groups. What follows is a brief synopsis of account administration using Workgroup Manager. Do not use this section as your only source of information about accounts.
Initially, accounts listed are those stored in the last directory node of the servers search path. When you use other Workgroup Manager windows, such as Preferences, click Accounts in the toolbar to return to the account window. To specify the directories that store accounts you want to work with, click the small globe icon. To work with different accounts in different Workgroup Manager windows, click New Window in the toolbar. To administer the accounts listed, click the Users, Groups, Computers, or Computer Groups button on the left side of the window. You can filter the accounts listed by using the pop-up search list above the accounts list. To simplify defining an accounts initial attributes when you create the account, use presets. A preset is an account template. To create a preset, select an account, set up all the values the way you want them, then choose Save Preset from the Presets pop-up menu at the bottom of the window. To work with only accounts that meet specific criteria, click Search in the toolbar. The Search features include the option for batch editing selected accounts. To import or export accounts, select the accounts, then choose Server > Import or Server > Export, respectively.
Click Details to use the preference editor to work with preference manifests. The following is a sample of the preference editor sheet in Workgroup Manager:
To display the inspector: 1 Choose Workgroup Manager > Preferences. 2 Enable Show All Records tab and inspector and click OK. 3 Select the All records button (which looks like a bulls-eye) to access the Inspector. 4 Use the pop-up menu above the Name list to select the records of interest. For example, you can work with users, groups, computers, share points, and many other directory objects.
Server Admin has configuration assistants to guide you through setting up services that require more setup than a single configuration pane. The assistants present you with all configuration panes necessary to fully enable a service. Assistants are available for the following services:
Server Assistant:This assistant helps you configure remote servers, install
Launch the assistant using a button in the lower right side of NAT services Overview page.
Mail:This assistant helps you set up incoming and outgoing mail service. Launch
the assistant using a button in the lower right side of Mail services Overview page.
RADIUS:This assistant helps you set up RADIUS authentication for Apple Airport
wireless access points. Launch the assistant using a button in the lower right side of RADIUS services Overview page.
Xgrid:This assistant helps you set up Xgrid controllers. Launch the assistant using a
When backing up system settings and data, take special care to make sure all your critical configuration files are backed up. The nature and frequency of your backups depend on your organizations backup, archive and restore policies. For more information about creating a backup and restore policy, see Defining Backup and Restore Policieson page31. The following is a list of configuration and data files for services available on MacOSXServer. Time Machine backs up service states and configuration files, but not files with your created data. To see which services Time Machine backs up, see Understanding Time Machine as a Server Backup Toolon page36. General
File type Service states SSH configuration files and hosts public / private keys System keychain Location /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/* /etc/ssh/* /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
iCal Service
File type Configuration files Data Location /etc/caldavd/caldavd.plist /Library/CalendarServer/Documents/
iChat Server
File type Configuration files Data Location /etc/jabberd/* mysqldump jabberd2 > jabberd2.backup.sql
Firewall Service
File type Configuration files Location /etc/ipfilter/*
Mail Service The following are configuration files and data stores for Mail services. MailSMTP Server Postfix
File type Configuration files Data:(default locations) Location /etc/postfix/ /var/spool/postfix/
File type Configuration files Data:(default locations) Location /etc/amavisd.conf /var/amavis/
MailClam AV
File type Configuration files Location /etc/clamav.conf /etc/freshclam.conf Data:(default locations) /var/clamav/ /var/virusmails/
File type Configuration files Data:(default locations) Location /var/mailman/ /var/mailman/
File type Configuration files Data:(default locations) Location /etc/mail/spamassassin/ /etc/mail/spamassassin/
MySQL Service
File type Configuration files Location There is no config file for MySQL, but the administrator can create one, which should be backed up if present. /etc/my.cnf Data:(default locations) /var/mysql/ mysqldump --all-databases > all.sql
NAT Service
File type Configuration files Location /etc/nat/*
File type Configuration files Location /etc/emond.d/ /etc/emond.d/rules/ /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
OpenDirectory Service The entire Open Directory configuration can be saved with the archive feature.
Filetype Configuration files Data:(default locations) Location /etc/openldap/slapd.conf /etc/openldap/ (stop slapd, and then backup with slapcat)
File type Configuration files Location There is no config file for PHP, but the administrator can create one (copying /etc/php. ini.default to /etc/php.ini and modifying it), which should be backed up if present. /etc/php.ini Data:(default locations) Designated by administrator
Web Service
File type Configuration files Location /etc/apache2/* (for Apache 2.2) /etc/httpd/* (for Apache 1.3) /etc/webperfcache/* /Library/Keychains/System.keychain Data:(default locations) /Library/WebServer/Documents/ /Library/Logs/WebServer/* /Library/Logs/Migration/webconfigmigrator.log (Apache config migration log)
The default location for web content is configurable and is most likely modified and extended to include multiple virtual host content and WebDAV directories. Note:Log files for web service are a critical source of revenue for some sites and should be considered for backup. The location is configurable and can be determined using Server Admin. Wiki and Blog Server
File type Configuration files Location /etc/wikid/* /Library/Application Support/Apple/ WikiServer(wiki themes and template files) Data:(default locations) Log files:(default location) /Library/Collaboration/ /Library/Logs/wikid/*
Eliminating single points of failure and using Xserve and hardware RAID can boost your server availability. Other things you can do range from simple solutions like using power backup, automatic restart, and ensuring proper operational conditions (for example, adequate temperature and humidity levels) to more advanced solutions involving link aggregation, load balancing, Open Directory replication, and data backup.
Although it is almost impossible to eliminate all single points of failure, you should minimize them as much as possible. For example, using a backup computer and a file storage pool for MacOSXServer eliminates the computer as a single point of failure. Although master and backup computers can fail at once or one after the other, the possibility of such an event happening is negligible. Another way to prevent a computer from failing is to use a backup power source and take advantage of hardware RAID to mirror the hard disk. With hardware RAID, if the main disk fails, the system can still access the same data on the mirror drive, as is the case with Xserve.
single drive failure from causing unavailability or performance degradation of the surviving drivesa common problem with multidrive SCSI implementations.
Xserve uses Error Correction Code (ECC) logic to protect the system from corrupt
data and transmission errors. Each DIMM has an extra memory module that stores checksum data for every transaction. The system controller uses this ECC data to identify single-bit errors and corrects them on the fly, preventing unplanned system shutdowns. In the rare event of multiple-bit errors, the system controller detects the error and triggers a system notification to prevent bad data from corrupting further operations. You can set the Server Monitor software to alert you if error rates exceed the defined threshold.
Xserve has built-in hardware RAID mirroring, which protects your server from failing
if the main drive fails. For more information about Xserve, visit
Power source
You can set up Energy Saver options on your MacOSXServer computer to automatically restart if it goes down due to a power failure or system freeze.
automatically starts up the server after the server stops responding, has a kernel panic, or freezes. When you select the option to restart after a freeze, MacOSXServer spawns the watchdogtimerd daemon, which every 30 seconds commands your computer to restart after 5 minutes. Each time the command is sent, the restart timer is reset. Thus, the timer wont reach 5 minutes as long as the server is running. If the computer freezes, the power management unit restarts it after 5 minutes. To enable automatic restart: 1 Log in to the server as an administrator. 2 Open System Preferences and click Energy Saver. 3 Select restart options. 4 Close System Preferences.
Link Aggregation
Although not common, the failure of a switch, cable, or network interface card can cause your server to become unavailable. To eliminate these single points of failure, you can use link aggregation or trunking. This technology, also known as IEEE 802.3ad, is built into MacOSX and MacOSXServer. Link aggregation allows you to aggregate or combine multiple physical links connecting your Mac to a link aggregation device (a switch or another Mac) into a single logical link. The result is a fault-tolerant link with a bandwidth equal to the sum of the bandwidths of the physical links. For example, you can set up an Xserve with four 1-Gbit/s ports (en1, en2, en3, and en4) and use the Network pane of System Preferences to create a link aggregate port configuration (bond0) that combines en1, en2, en3, and en4 into one logical link. The resulting logical link will have a bandwidth of 4 Gbit/s. This link also provides fault tolerance. If a physical link fails, your Xserves bandwidth will shrink, but the Xserve can still service requests as long as not all physical links fail at once. The following illustration shows four Ethernet ports aggregated as a single interface: 400 Mbit/s
4 x 100 Mbit/s
Link aggregation also allows you to take advantage of existing or inexpensive hardware to increase the bandwidth of your server. For example, you can form a link aggregate from a combination of multiple 100-Mbit/s links or 1-Gbit/s links.
If a node doesnt receive LACP packets from its peer (the other node in the aggregate) regularly, it assumes that the peer is no longer active and removes the port from the aggregate. In addition to LACP, MacOSXServer uses a frame distribution algorithm to map a conversation to a specific port. This algorithm sends packets to the system on the other end of the aggregate only if packet reception is enabled. In other words, the algorithm wont send packets if the other system isnt listening. Mapping a conversation to a specific port guarantees that packet reordering does not occur.
These scenarios are described in the following sections. Computer to Computer In this scenario, you connect the servers directly (as shown in the following illustration) using the physical links of the link aggregate.
4 x 100 Mbit/s
This allows the two servers to communicate at a higher speed without the need for a switch. This configuration is ideal for ensuring back-end redundancy.
Computer to Switch In this scenario shown in the following illustration, you connect your server to a switch configured for 802.3ad link aggregation.
4 x 1 Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s
The switch should have bandwidth for handling incoming traffic equal to or greater than that of the link aggregate (logical link) you define on your server. For example, if you create an aggregate of four 1-Gbit/s links, you should use a switch that can handle incoming traffic (from clients) at 4 Gbit/s or more. Otherwise, the increased bandwidth advantage in the link aggregate wont be fully realized. Note:For information about how to configure your switch for 802.3ad link aggregation, see the documentation provided by the switch manufacturer. Computer to Switch-Pair In this scenario shown in the following illustration, you improve on the computerto-switch scenario by using two switches to eliminate the switch as a single point of failure:
3 x 1 Gbit/s
2 x 1 Gbit/s
For example, you can connect two links to the master switch and the remaining links to the backup switch. As long as the master switch is active, the backup switch remains inactive. If the master switch fails, the backup switch takes over transparently. Although this scenario adds redundancy that protects the server from becoming unavailable if the switch fails, it results in decreased bandwidth.
To create a link aggregate: 1 Log in to the server as an administrative user. 2 Open System Preferences. 3 Click Network. 4 Click the Gear button and choose Manage Virtual Interfaces in the pop-up menu. 5 Click the Add (+) button, and select New Link Aggregate in the pop-up menu. Note:You only see this option if you have two or more Ethernet interfaces on your system.
6 In the Name field, enter the name of the link aggregate. 7 Select the ports to aggregate from the list. 8 Click Create. 9 Click Done. By default the system gives the link aggregate the interface name bond<num>, where <num> is a number indicating precedence. For example, the first link aggregate is named bond0, the second is bond1, and the third is bond2.
The interface name bond<num> assigned by the system is different from the name you give to the link aggregate port configuration. The interface name is for use at the command line, but the port configuration name is for use in the Network pane of System Preferences. For example, if you enter the command ifconfig -a, the output refers to the link aggregate using the interface name and not the port configuration name:
bond0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::2e0:edff:fe08:3ea6 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xc inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast ether 00:e0:ed:08:3e:a6 media: autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>) status: active supported media: autoselect bond interfaces: en1 en2 en3 en4
You do not delete or remove a link bond from the Network Pane of System Preferences. You remove the bond through the Manage Virtual Interfaces sheet used to create the bond.
Load Balancing
One factor that can cause services to become unavailable is server overload. A server has limited resources and can service a limited number of requests simultaneously. If the server gets overloaded, it slows down and can eventually crash. One way to overcome this problem is to distribute the load among a group of servers (a server farm) using a third-party load-balancing device. Clients send requests to the device, which then forwards the request to the first available server based on a predefined algorithm. The clients see only a single virtual address, that of the loadbalancing device. Many load-balancing devices also function as switches (as shown in the following illustration), providing two functions in one, which reduces the amount of hardware you need to use.
Note:A load-balancing device must be able to handle the aggregate (combined) traffic of the servers connected to it. Otherwise, the device becomes a bottleneck, which reduces the availability of your servers. Load balancing provides several advantages:
High availability. Distributing the load among multiple servers helps you reduce the
There might be a brief disruption of service if, for example, a server fails while a user is downloading a file from shared storage, but the user can reconnect and restart the file download process.
Scalability. If demand for your services increases, you can transparently add more
Daemon Overview
By the time a user logs in to a MacOSX system, a number of processes are running. Many of these processes are known as daemons. A daemon is a background process that provides a service to users. For example, the cupsd daemon coordinates printing requests, and the httpd daemon responds to requests for web pages.
Configuration files are used by launchd to define the parameters of services and daemons run. The configuration files are plist files stored in the LaunchAgents and LaunchDaemons subdirectories of the Library folders. For more information about creating the launchd configuration files, see the following Developer Documentation page: LaunchOnDemandDaemons.html
The launchctl utility is the command-line tool used to control launchd. It can:
Load and unload daemons Start and stop launchd controlled jobs Get system utilization statistics for launchd and its child processes Set environment settings
Effective monitoring allows you to detect potential problems before they occur and gives you early warning when they occur.
Detecting potential problems allows you to take steps to resolve them before they impact server availability of your servers. In addition, getting an early warning when a problem occurs allows you to take corrective action quickly and minimize disruption to your services.
Gathering data about your systems is a basic function of good administration. Different types of data gathering are used for different purposes:
Historical data collection: Historical data is gathered for analysis. This could be used
for IT planning, budgeting, and getting a baseline for normal server conditions and operations. What kinds of data do you need for these purposes? How long does it need to be kept? How often does it need to be updated? How far in the past does it need to be collected?
Real-time monitoring: Real-time monitoring is for alerts and detecting problems as
they happen. What are you monitoring? How often? Does that data tell you what you need to know? Are some of these real-time collections for historical purposes?
Debugging: Recurring problems can be analyzed and fixed if properly tracked.
Even if you dont control source code, good debugging logs and data can increase the ability of the developer to address your issues. How can you capture what is going wrong? How often? Does that data tell you what you need to know? Are they problems you can fix on your end, or do you need vendor support?
The response to your monitoring is as important as the data collection. In the same way a backup policy is pointless without a restore strategy, a monitoring policy makes little sense without a response policy.
What is the time to response? What is an acceptable interval between failure and
What are the scaling considerations? Can the response plan work with all expected
policy is catching the data you need, and how do you know the responses are timely and appropriate? Have you tested the monitoring system recently?
The Server Status Dashboard widget is provided for quick access and information about a single system. The Server Status widget lets you monitor MacOSXServerv10.6 activity from any computer with MacOSXv10.6. Server Status shows you graphs of processor activity, network load, disk usage, and whether the service is polled hourly, daily, or weekly. You can also see up to six running services and their status reports. By clicking on the service, you can open Server Admin to the related service overview panel. To configure the Server Status widget: 1 Add the widget to the Dashboard like any other widget. 2 Enter the server IP address or domain name. 3 Supply an administrative or monitoring login name and password. 4 Click Done. To change the server address, login name, or password, click the information button (i) at the top of the widget and change the settings.
The Server Monitor application can issue alerts via mail, cell phone, or pager notification as soon as it detects critical problems. Built-in sensors detect and report essential operating factors like power, temperature, and the condition of several key components. The Server Monitor interface allows you to quickly detect problems. In the main window, Server Monitor lists each server on a separate line, with temperature information and the status of each of its components, including fans, disk drives, memory modules, power supplies, and Ethernet connections.
A green status indicator shows the component is OK, a yellow status indicator notes a warning, and a red status indicator notes an error. Server Monitor works for Xserves only. For more information about Server Monitor, choose Server Monitor Help from Server Monitors Help menu.
Like Server Monitor, you can configure RAID Admin to send a mail or a page when a component is in trouble. For every unit, RAID Admin displays the status of the unit and each of its components, including disk drives, fibre channel, and network connections. RAID Admin uses green, yellow, or red status indicators. You can also configure it to send you a mail or a page when a component is in trouble. In addition, RAID Admin provides you with an overview of the status of the Xserve RAID units that appear in the main window. For more information about RAID Admin, choose RAID Admin Help from RAID Admins Help menu.
Use Console to monitor relevant log files for potential problems that might cause your server to fail. For example, you can monitor your web servers /var/log/httpd/access_log file for signs of denial of service (DoS) attacks. If you detect these signs, you can immediately implement a planned response to prevent your web server from becoming unavailable. To improve your log monitoring efficiency, consider automating the monitoring process using AppleScript or Terminal commands like grep and launchd.
Running out of disk space can cause your server to become unreliable and probably fail. To prevent this from happening, you must constantly monitor disk space usage on your servers and delete or back up files to clear disk space. MacOSXServer ships with a number of command-line tools to monitor disk space on your computer:
df. This command tells you how much space is used and how much is available on
For example, the following command lists local volumes and displays disk usage:
df -Hl Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/disk0s9 40G 38G 2.1G 95% /
In this example, the hard disk is almost full with only 2.1 GB left. This tells you that you should act immediately to free space on your hard disk before it fills up and causes problems for your users.
du. This command tells you how much space is used by specific folders or files.
For example, the following command tells you how much space is used by each users home folder:
sudo du -sh /Users/* 3.2M /Users/Shared 9.3M /Users/omar 8.8M /Users/jay 1.6M /Users/lili
Knowing whos using most of the space on the hard disk lets you contact users and have them delete unused files. Note:With Workgroup Manager, you can set disk quotas for users and generate disk usage reports.
diskspacemonitor. This command lets you automate the process of monitoring disk
space usage. When the amount of free disk space drops below the level you specify, executes shell scripts that send you a notification. This command defines two action levels:
AlertSends you a warning message when disk space usage reaches 75%. RecoverArchives rarely used files and deletes unneeded files when disk space
usage reaches 85%. For more information about these commands, see the corresponding man page.
Degradation in network performance or other network problems can adversely affect the availability of your services. The following network monitoring tools can alert you to problems early, so you can take corrective action to avoid or minimize down time.
To monitor network activity, use the tcpdump utility in MacOSXServer. This utility
prints the headers of incoming and outgoing packets on a network interface that match specified parameters.
Using tcpdump to monitor network traffic is especially useful when trying to detect denial of service (DoS) attacks. For example, the following command monitors incoming traffic on port 80 on your computer:
sudo tcpdump -i en0 dst port 80
If you detect an unusual number of requests coming from the same source, use Firewall service to block traffic from that source. For more information about tcpdump, see the corresponding man page.
Consider using Ruby, Perl, shell scripts, or AppleScript to automate the monitoring
process. For example, using tcpdump to monitor traffic can be time consuming, so automation is necessary.
Consider using Ethereal, an X11 open source packet sniffing tool that you can run in
the X11 environment on MacOSXServer. Unlike tcpdump, this tool has a graphical user interface and a set of powerful network analysis tools. For more information about Ethereal, see
You can use other third-party tools that automatically analyze network traffic and
Server Admin has an easy to use notification system that can keep you informed of your servers hard disk status, software status, and certificate status. Server Admin will send a mail to any address (local or not) when:
There is less than a specified percentage of free space left on any system hard disk. Software Update packages are available from Apple for the server. A certificate has expired or will soon expire.
To use the email functionality, the server starts SMTP. Make sure the firewall allows SMTP traffic from the server. To set a notification: 1 Open Server Admin. 2 Select a server, click the Settings button in the toolbar, and then click the Notifications tab. 3 Below the Addresses to notify field, click the Add (+) button and add an address. 4 Repeat as needed, then click Save.
Server Admin has several ways to see a status overview, from detailed information for a single server to a simplified overview for many servers.
This overview shows basic hardware, operating system versions, active services, and graphs of CPU history, network throughput history, and disk space. mm Use the serveradmin XML web interface. a Open Safari to the following URL: https://<server address>:311/servermgr_info.html b Select getState from the pop-up menu. c Click Send Command. The web page returns an XML text version of the server overview.
A kernel panic is a type of error that occurs when the core (kernel) of an operating system receives an instruction in an unexpected format or when it fails to handle properly. A kernel panic can also follow when the operating system cant recover from a different type of error. A kernel panic can be caused by damaged or incompatible software or, more rarely, damaged or incompatible hardware.
When a server kernel panics it abruptly halts all normal system operations. Usually, a kernel process named panic() outputs an error message to the console and stores debugging information in nonvolitile memory to be written to a crash log file upon restarting the computer. Saving the memory contents of the core and associated debugging information is called a core dump. This debugging information is highly technical, but system administrators can use this information to:
Record details about machines that are panicking and why.
For example, if you manage a large number of MacOSXServers, you might want to monitor which servers are panicking and why. You can use this information to determine how frequently kernel panics occur, whether there are common symptoms, and, most importantly, whether third-party kernel extensions are involved.
Perform offline debugging on high-availability systems.
If you manage a high-availability server and you have problems with server panicking, you can capture a kernel core dump, immediately restart the server, and then debug the problem without interrupting service. For more information on debugging core dumps see Developer Technical Note #2118 at You can configure a MacOSXServer computer so that, when the machine panics, it transmits a core dump of the kernel to a remote core dump server via TCP/IP. The core dump server uses a daemon to collect the kernel core dump from the client and writes it to a file on the hard disk. You can then analyze the core dump using a variety of tools, most notably GDB. CAUTION:The core dump of kernel memory is sent to the server in the clear. Its possible that this data might include sensitive information. Therefore, configure your network so this data cant be seen by unauthorized persons. For example, use switched hubs, a firewall, or a VPN. To use a FireWire connection to transmit a core dump (a useful alternative when the kernel panic on the client involves the built-in Ethernet driver or some other network code), see the Read Me file in the FireWire SDK for MacOSX that describes the setup process for using FireWire to transmit a core dump. The following sections contain information to set up a remote listening server, which receives core dump information from panicked computers, and to set up a server to send its core dump information to the remote listening server via TCP/IP over Ethernet.
You cannot put the core dump server behind a firewall or NAT unless all clients using it are also behind it. You cannot use IPv6-only addresses for the server.
Have enough disk storage space for multiple dumps.
In general, core dumps are large. Core dumps can be as small as 200 MB to 500 MB but they can be much larger, depending on the kernel map size, physical memory size, memory usage during the panic, and other factors. Make sure you have enough free disk space. To set up a core dump server on a computer running a system earlier than MacOSX v10.5, more extensive configuration is needed. See Developer Technical Note #2118at Setting up a core dump server: 1 Create a core dump directory named PanicDumps, owned by user root, and group wheel, which is writable by everyone. Using the command line, type:
sudo mkdir /PanicDumps sudo chown root:wheel /PanicDumps sudo chmod 1777 /PanicDumps
2 Activate the core dump server process (kdumpd). Using the command line, type:
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ plist
After this command is executed, the core dump server process starts. This step does not need to be repeated when the server restarts. 3 Verify that the core dump server process is running. Using the command line, type:
sudo launchctl list | grep kdump
The result should list 4 Make sure UDP port 1069 is open for core dump connections. When the core dump server is active, configure MacOSX computers as clients to send their kernel panic information to this server. See Setting Up a Core Dump Clienton page179.
Important:You can reset the boot-args NVRAM variable whenever you install new system software, including software updates, and when you change the startup disk using System Preferences. 2 If the core dump client is running MacOSXServer, modify the watchdogtimerd behavior to either keep it from restarting the server before the core dump is complete, or modify the amount of time it waits before restarting the server. To disable automatic restarting, turn off the Restart automatically after a power failure option in the Options tab of the Energy Saver System Preferences pane. To increase the amount of time before automatic restarting, add a count program argument larger than 6 (but smaller than 480) to the watchdogtimerd configuration file at /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ For more information about the arguments and options, see the watchdogtimerd(8) man page. 3 Restart the computer for the settings to take effect. For additional NVRAM debug flags that are useful in core dump debugging, see Developer Technical Note #2118, subsection Debug Flags in Depth,at
Changing any of these options requires that you restart the computers to reload the new settings. All settings assume the core dump client and the core dump server are using MacOSX v10.5 or later.
Option To set an alternate UDP port... Action On the core dump server, change the SockServiceName string property from 1069 to the desired port in /System/Library/ LaunchDaemon/ On the core dump client, add the _panicd_port flag to the NVRAM boot-args. For example, to change it to UDP port 12345, add _panicd_port=12345 to the list of boot-args flags. To set an alternate network interface... On the core dump client, add the kdp_match_name flag to the NVRAM boot-args. For example, to change it to always use en1, add kdp_match_name=en1 to the list of boot-args flags after the _panicd_ip flag. AirPort interfaces cannot be used to transmit core dumps. To set an alternate file destination... To specify a network router... On the core dump server, change the expected directory location in the /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ file, ProgramArguments string, then reload the kdumpd process. On the core dump client, add the _router_ip flag to the NVRAM boot-args. For example, to change it to use the router, add _router_ip= to the list of boot-args flags after the _panicd_ip flag.
To change the location of the core dump directory, change the expected directory location in the file, then reload the process.
SNMP is a common protocol for monitoring the status of network equipment (for example, routers and smart switches), computers, and other networkable devices like Uninterruptable Power Supplies. MacOSXServer uses Net-SNMP to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c, and SNMP v3 using IPv4 and IPv6.
SNMPv2 is the default access protocol and the default read-only community string is public.
Configuring snmpd
The configuration (.conf ) file for snmpd is typically at /etc/snmpd.conf. If you have an environment variable SNMPCONF, snmpd will read any files named snmpd.conf and snmpd.local.conf in these directories. The snmpd process can be started with a -c flag to indicate other conf files. For more information about which conf files can be used, see the snmpd man page. Configuration files can be created and installed more elegantly using the included script /usr/bin/snmpconf. As root, use this script with the -i flag to install the file at /usr/share/snmp/. Otherwise, the default location for the file to be written is the users home folder (~/). Only root has write permission for /usr/share/snmp/. Because snmpd reads its configuration files at startup, changes to configuration files require that the process be stopped and restarted. You can stop snmpd with ProcessViewer or at the command line (kill -HUP <pid>).
To enable and configure SNMP: mm Use the /usr/bin/snmpconf command, which takes you through a basic text-based setup assistant for configuring the community name and saves the info in the configuration file. The snmp config file is located in /usr/share/snmp/snmpd.conf. SNMP Configuration Example Step 1: Customize data 1 To customize the data provided by snmpd, add an snmpd.conf file using /usr/bin/ snmpconf as root or using sudo, by executing this command:
/usr/bin/snmpconf -i
If there are existing configuration files, you can read them into the assistant and incorporate their contents with the output of the assistant. 2 Choose to read-n the file by indicating the file at /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf. You then see a series of text menus. 3 Make these choices in this order: a Select file: 1 (snmpd.conf ). b Select section: 5 (System Information Setup). c Select section: 1 (The [typically physical] location of the system.). d The location of the system: type text string here such as server_room. e Select section: f (finish). f Select section: f (finish). g Select File: q (quit). You have created an snmpd.conf file with a creation date of today. To verify its creation enter ls
-l /usr/share/snmpd.conf.
Step 2: Restart snmpd to take changes 1 Open Server Admin. 2 Select a server, click the Settings button in the toolbar, and then click the General tab. 3 Deselect Network Management Server (SNMP). 4 Click Save. You can also do this via the command line by killing and restarting the smnpd process as root:
Step 3: Collect SNMP information from the host mm To get the SNMP-available information you added, execute this command from a host that has SNMP tools installed:
/usr/bin/snmpget -c public <hostname> system.sysLocation.0
Replace <hostname> with the name of the target host. You should see location you provided. In this example, you would see:
SNMPv2_MIB::system.sysLocation.0 = STRING:\"server_room\"
The final .0 indicates you are looking for the index object. The word public is the name of the SNMP community that you did not alter. If you need information about either of these or if you need explanations of SNMP syntax, tutorials are available at
Books Essential SNMP by Douglas Mauro, Kevin Schmidt Publisher: OReilly (Second Edition Sept 2005) ISBN: 0-596-00840-6, 460 pages
To monitor and log system events, the operating system runs several daemons that intercept application messages and log them or act on them.
It logs messages in accordance with the settings found in /etc/syslog.conf. You can examine the output files specified in that configuration by using a file printing or editing utility because they are plain text files. Administrators can edit these settings to fine-tune what is being monitored. Many administrators will tail or scrape the log file, meaning they will have scripts parse the log files and perform some action if a designated bit of information is present in the log. These home-grown notifications vary in quality and usefulness and are tailored to the script-writers specific needs. You can configure the syslogd daemon to send and receive log file information to or from a remote server (by editing /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ This is not recommended because syslogd does not use secure means to send log messages across the net.
emond: The emond daemon is the event monitoring system for
MacOSXServerv10.6. It is a unified process that handles events passed from other processes, acts on the events as designated in a defined rule set, and then notifies the administrator. Currently, emond is the engine used for Server Admins mail notification system. It is not used for Server Monitors notifications. The high-level service receives events from the registered client, analyzes whether the event requires handing based on rules provided by the service at the time it was registered and, if handling is required, the action related to that event is performed. To accomplish this the emond daemon has three main parts: the rules engine, the events it can respond to, and the actions it can take. The emond rules engine works in the following manner. It:
Reads the config info from /etc/emond.d/emond.conf. Reads in the rules from plist files in the /etc/emond.d/rules/ directory. Processes the startup event. Accepts events until terminated. Processes the rules associated with the event, triggering as needed. Performs actions specified by the rules that were triggered. Runs as the least privileged possible (nobody).
WARNING:The file formats and settings in emond.conf and rules plists are not documented for customer use. Tampering could result in an unusable notification system and is unsupported.
MacOSXServer maintains standard UNIX log files and Apple-specific process logs. Logs for the OS can be found in:
/Library/Logs ~/Library/Logs
Each process is responsible for its own logs, the log level, and verbosity. Each process or application can write its own log file or use a system standard log, like syslog. You can use the Console application (in /Applications/Utilities) to read these and other plain-text log files regardless of location. The logs are set to roll (compress and rename the log file) every 5 MB. Most services in MacOSXServer have a logging pane in Server Admin. You can use these panes to set logging levels and view the logs for any particular service.
The system log, syslog, is a consolidated catch-all location for process log messages. syslog has several levels of available log detail. If you select low detail logging, detailed messages are not saved, but high detail logging results in large and possibly unhelpfully large log files. The level of logging you use for syslog can be tuned by process and should be relevant to the level necessary for successful notification and debugging. Syslog log levels (in ascending order from least to most detail)
Level name None Emergency Alert Error Warning Notice Info Debug Level indicator in syslog.conf .none .emerg .alert .err .warn .notice .info .debug Most Amount of detail None Least
Syslog Configuration File The Syslog configuration file can be found at /etc/syslog.conf. Each line has the following format: <facility>.<loglevel> <path to logfile> Replace <facility> with the process name writing to the log. The path is the standard POSIX path to the log file. You can use asterisks (*) as wildcards. For example, the setting for the kernel is:
kern.* /var/log/system.log
This shows that all messages to the log of all levels from the kernel are to be written in the file /var/log/system.log. Likewise, the following setting is an example of all emergency messages from all processes being sent to a custom emergencies log file:
*.emerg /var/log/emergencies.log
Note:The debug log is not self-documented and is not intended for normal logging. It is very verbose and very opaque. It shows API calls, plugin queries, and responses.
To run slapd in debugging mode: 1 Stop and remove slapd from launchds watch list:
launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.openldap.plist
AFP Logging
The server side of Apple File Service Protocol (AFP) keeps track of access and errors, but it does not have much debugging information. However, you can add client-side logging to AFP clients to help monitor and troubleshoot AFP connections. To enable client-side logging: Perform all these actions on the AFP client computer. 1 Set the client debug level (levels 0-8):
defaults write -dict-add afp_debug_level 4
2 Set the client log message recipient (in this case, syslog):
defaults write -dict-add afp_debug_syslog 1
3 Enable syslog to catch the debugging messages from the client. You do this by adding *.debug /var/log/debug.log to the syslogd.conf file. 4 Restart the syslog process.
You can use additional aids for monitoring MacOSXServer. There are a number of third-party server monitoring packages, as well as an additional Apple monitoring tool. The inclusion of third-party tools in the following list does not constitute an endorsement of or support for these products. They are listed for informational purposes only.
Apple Remote Desktop (ARD):This software package contains many features that
allow you to interact with, get reports on, and track computers running MacOSX and MacOSXServer. It has several powerful administration features and excellent reporting capabilities.
Nagios (third-party):This tool is an open source computer system and network
monitoring application.
Growl (third-party):This tool is a centralized, extensible notification service that
Provide increased server responsiveness to clients and reduce server load with Push Notification Server.
MacOSXServerv10.6 uses an XMPP Pubsub architecture for the Push Notification Server. XMPP Pubsub is an open standard extention to XMPP (XEP-060) that allows servers and clients to communicate as needed, rather than clients continually asking the server for updates. A service (like iCal or mail) maintains a simple connection with the client and the service informs the client that there is new data. This differs from previous methods, where calendar or mail clients contacted the server at regular intervals, requesting data, if present. With the previous method of notification, the server must attend to each client, regardless of whether the client has data waiting for it. By using the new push method of client updating, only clients with new data are contacted, and only as needed.
MacOSXServerv10.6 push notification uses the same underlying technology as iChat server, but you dont need to run iChat on a computer that is running push notification. Push notification is available for the following services:
iCal Server Mail Server
Clients of these services must support push notification to make use of it. Apples client applications on MacOSX v10.6, and iPhone 3.0 client applications support push notification service. Third-party client applications may support it. MacOSXServerv10.6 push notification is not the same system as push notification for iPhone application development. You cannot use MacOSXServerv10.6 to host iPhone application push notification.
When you start push notification on a server, the service broadcasts its availability on the local network to other services that support it. This means that when a different server turns on a service that supports push notification, the push notification server address populates the settings of the pushing service. You must still enable Push Notification support for the pushing service before it works. Additionally, you can choose to encrypt the data passed between the client and the push server by choosing an SSL certificate. This does not encrypt the data between the client and the pushing service. To encrypt transport between the pushing service and the client, enable SSL with the pushing service. To enable Push Notification: 1 Use Server Admin to connect to the server. 2 Enable administration of Push Notification. This only needs to be done the first time you use Server Admin to administer the server. For more information about adding a service to the administered services list, see Adding and Removing Services in Server Adminon page146. 3 From the list of administered services for the desired server, select Push Notification. 4 Click the Start Push Notification or Stop Push Notification as needed. From the command line:
# setting Server Admin administration of push notification sudo serveradmin settings ServerAdmin.Notification:configured = yes # on the notification server sudo serveradmin start notification
If push notification is configured on the server, it is listed in the location on the services settings pane. If another computer on the subnet is configured as a push notification server, it appears in the services setting pane. You can use these instructions to specify a different server. Each service that can use push notification must have push notification enabled, and can use a unique push notification server. Important:Push notification servers should be cleared or removed from the service before changing the servers IP address or DNS name. You then re-enable push notification after the network identity has changed. Be sure to make the relevant changes to your firewall to allow network access to the push notification server. For more specific instructions, see each services help. To change the existing push notification server: 1 In Server Admin, select a server and choose the service. 2 Click the Settings button in the toolbar You might need to navigate to additional tabs, depending on the chosen service. 3 Select Remove near the push notification area. 4 In the new sheet, enter the host name of the push notification server, enter an administrators name and password for the push notification server, and click Ok. 5 Click Save, then restart the service.
access ACLs55, 75 IMAP139 IP address restrictions52 Keychain Access Utility66 LDAP21, 58 Mac address53, 90 remote installation84, 88, 90, 101, 102 SACLs75 user132, 147 See alsopermissions accounts. Seeuser accounts, Workgroup Manager ACLs (access control lists)55, 75 Address Book service17, 140, 156 addresses. SeeIP addresses Administer permission level149 administrator74, 75, 76, 149, 150 administrator computer83, 124, 125 AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) service22, 187 Apple Remote Desktop (ARD)50, 131, 187 archiving server data32, 36 ARD. SeeApple Remote Desktop asr tool36, 87, 88 authentication Kerberos21, 57, 58 key-based SSH72, 73 keychain services155 MS-CHAPv2111 Open Directory57 overview56 passwords77, 78 RADIUS21, 58, 135, 155 SASL57 Server Admin38 single sign-on58 standalone server112 TLS54 user56, 58, 73, 111 Workgroup Manager151 See alsocertificates authorization56 See alsoauthentication
backups command-line tools36 critical files155 media types35 policy considerations31, 32, 35 rotation scheme34 scheduling34 server setup data116, 118 Time Machine37 types33 validation of35 Berkeley Software Distribution. SeeBSD binding to multiple servers112 bless tool103 blog service159 BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)23
calendar service. SeeiCal service Certificate Authority (CA) creating66 creating certificates from68 distributing to clients70 intermediate trust61 introduction60 overview60 requesting certificates from63, 64, 65, 68 See alsoPKI Certificate Manager62, 68 Certificate Signing Request. SeeCSR certificates collaboration services141 command-line tools62, 70 creating65, 66, 68 deleting70 editing69 identities61 importing68 intermediate trust61 mail service139 management of69 overview59, 60
preparing64 private keys59 public keys59 renewing71 requesting63, 64, 65 root66 self-signed61, 65 Server Admin62, 148 services using71 web service137 wiki services137 changip tool145 chat service. SeeiChat service ClamAV139 clients certificates70 client-side logging187 core dump information179 group accounts153 intermediate trust62 NetBoot27 See alsousers command-line tools backup tools36 certificates62, 70 daemon control169 disk image installation87, 88 disk space monitoring173 erasing disks99 identity changes145 installing server software104 partitioning disks95, 98 permission considerations150 restoration tools36 server administration48 startup disk changes103 computer lists151, 153 computer name132, 133, 144 computers, administrator83, 124, 125 computer-to-computer network164 computer-to-switch network165 computer-to-switch-pair network165 concatenated RAID set96 configuration advanced18 authentication57 automatic116, 118 connecting to network109, 164, 165 DHCP82 directory connection112 Ethernet109 interactive113 introduction18, 108 link aggregation166 Open Directory110, 112, 123 postponing108
saving setup data116, 118 server infrastructure30 server types18 services122, 123, 155 settings overview109 SSL148 standalone server110 types of108 Console173 core dump server178, 179, 180 CSR (Certificate Signing Request)63, 64, 65, 68
daemons, overview169 Darwin (core operating system)23 Date & Time preferences132 debugging, server problem171, 186, 187 df tool173 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) service30, 82, 134 digital signature148 directories. Seedirectory services, domains, folders directory services directory domains20, 111, 154 logs186 planning of26, 30 See alsoOpen Directory disk images encrypting56 installing with27, 47, 86, 91 Disk Utility56, 95, 97, 99 disks command-line management of173 erasing free space99 installation preparation93 mirroring96 monitoring tools173 partitions86, 94, 95, 97, 99 quotas27 See alsoRAID diskspacemonitor tool174 diskutil tool95, 98, 99 ditto tool36 DMZ, network52 DNS (Domain Name System) service30, 82, 133, 134, 144 documentation13, 14, 15 Domain Name System. SeeDNS domains, directory20, 111, 154 See alsoOpen Directory drives. Seedisks du tool174 DVDs, installation85, 100 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. SeeDHCP
email. Seemail service emond daemon184 encryption54, 55, 59, 118 See alsoSSL Ethereal packet sniffing tool175 Ethernet53, 109, 166 exporting service settings146 Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol. SeeXMPP
file services22, 137, 187 file sharing148 file systems backing up36 choosing93 See alsovolumes, ZFS File Transfer Protocol. SeeFTP files backup31, 32, 35, 155 configuration186 full file-level copies33 security55, 56 setup data116, 118 shared secret60 storage considerations27 FileVault55 Firewall service52, 53, 82, 135, 156 folders27, 55, 132 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) service22, 138 full file-level copies33 full image backup type33
Gateway Setup Assistant155 group accounts153 groups129, 147, 149, 151 Growl application187
hardware requirements16, 31, 81, 97 hdiutil tool87 help, using12 HFS+J volume93 HFSX volume93 historical data collection171 home folders27, 132 host name changing144 definition133 local132
iChat service140, 156 identity, network changing144 collaboration services139 file services137 infrastructure services133 mail service138 names for servers133 overview132 Podcast Producer141 print service143 server IP address144 Software Update service143 web service136 wiki services136 Xgrid service143 images. Seedisk images, NetBoot, NetInstall IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)139 importing certificates68 service settings146 incremental backups33 infrastructure requirements29, 30 Inspector154 installation administrator computer83 collecting information81 command-line method104 disk image27, 47, 86, 91 disk preparation93 from earlier OS versions25, 28, 79, 84 identifying servers90 infrastructure requirements29, 30 integration strategy28 interactive99, 100, 101, 102 local100 multiple server106 network services setup82 overview79 planning for24, 25, 26, 28 postponing setup after108 remote access84, 88, 90, 101, 102 server installation disc82 server software104 starting up for84, 85, 86, 91 system requirements81 updating107 installer tool104, 106 intermediate trust61 Internet Message Access Protocol. SeeIMAP IP addresses access restriction52 changing server31 firewalls82 overview22 remote server installation90
Kerberos21, 57, 58, 134 kernel panic176, 178, 179, 180 key-based authentication72, 73 Keychain Access Utility66 keychain services62, 155
LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol)164 launchctl tool36, 170 launchd daemon36, 169 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) service21 LDAPv3 access58 link aggregation163, 164, 165, 166, 167 Link Aggregation Control Protocol. SeeLACP load balancing168 local computers installing on100 local directory domain112 login, authenticating72, 73 logs monitoring173, 184, 185, 186, 187 web service159
MAC (media access control) addresses53, 90 Mac OS X administration from125 installation considerations84 Mac OS X Server administration tools38, 126 integration strategy28 introduction16, 17, 18 supported standards20 system requirements16 UNIX heritage23 See alsoconfiguration, installation mail service17, 21, 138, 155, 156 mailing lists139 managed preferences, defining153 media, streaming. Seestreaming media migration25, 28 mirroring, disk96 mobile accounts17, 132, 135 Monitor permission level149
Nagios application187 naming conventions. Seeidentity NAT (Network Address Translation)135, 157 NetBoot service27, 47, 91, 135 NetInstall47, 92 Network Address Translation. SeeNAT Network File System. SeeNFS network interfaces132 network services DHCP30, 82, 134 DNS30, 82, 133, 134, 144 installation82 NAT135, 157 NTP131, 132 planning for30 VLAN53 VPN136 See alsoIP addresses network time protocol. SeeNTP networks connection configurations109, 164, 165 environment for installation80 Ethernet53, 109, 166 monitoring tools174, 180 security52, 53, 54, 55 See alsoidentity NFS (Network File System)22 notification system daemons183 push notification188, 189 Server Monitor44 server settings132, 158 server status175 See alsologs NTP (network time protocol)131, 132
Open Directory authentication57 backup files158 identity changes134 logs186 SACLs75 setup110, 112, 123 Open Directory master82 Open Directory replica57, 162 open source modules Kerberos21, 57, 58, 134 OpenLDAP21 OpenSSL54 PHP158
PackageMaker47 packets, data, filtering of52 partitions, disk86, 94, 95, 97, 99 passwords77, 78, 90 permissions administrator74, 75, 149, 150 files55 folder55 SACL75 types55 PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor)158 physical infrastructure requirements29 PKI (public key infrastructure)54, 59 Podcast Composer49 Podcast Producer17, 141 POP (Post Office Protocol)139 portable computers132 Portable Operating System Interface. SeePOSIX ports Ethernet109 list of127 status of127 TCP72 POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface)55 Post Office Protocol. SeePOP Postfix transfer agent139 power considerations161 preferences153 presets152 print service143 private key59, 61 privileges, administrator75, 149, 150 See alsopermissions Property List Editor47 protocols file service22, 187 network service30, 82, 131 overview22 See alsospecific protocols proxy server settings135 public key certificates. Seecertificates public key cryptography72 public key infrastructure. SeePKI push notification188, 189
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service)21, 58, 135, 155 RAID Admin48, 173 RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) administration tool48, 173 creating set96, 97 hardware requirements27 real-time monitoring171 Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service. SeeRADIUS remote servers accessing88 Apple Remote Desktop50, 131, 187 identifying90 installing from or to84, 88, 90, 101, 102 startup disk103 replication57, 162 requirements hardware16, 31, 81, 97 infrastructure29, 30 operating environment162 software16, 81, 83 restart, automatic161 restoration, data31, 32, 34 root certificate66 rsync tool36
SACLs (service access control lists)75 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)57 Screen Sharing89, 102 scutil tool145 Secure Empty Trash56 secure SHell. SeeSSH Secure Sockets Layer. SeeSSL Secure VM56 security administrator74, 75 authorization56 best practices76 file55, 56 Firewall service52, 53, 82, 135, 156 installation82 network52, 53, 54, 55 overview51 physical51 SASL57 service level75 settings148 SSL54, 59, 60, 62, 148 TLS54 See alsoaccess, authentication, certificates, SSH self-signed certificates61, 65 serial number, server90, 120
Server Admin access control147 as administration tool128 authentication38 certificates62, 148 configuration methods18 customizing40 notification system175 opening38 overview11, 18, 38, 39 server status175 service management146 system imaging47 Server Assistant41, 101, 108, 155 Server Message Block. SeeSMB Server Monitor44, 172 Server Preferences18, 42 Server Status widget48, 172 serveradmin tool push notification190 servers adding128 administration tools38, 48, 124, 126, 127 basic settings109, 130 binding to multiple112 core dump178, 179, 180 groups of129 infrastructure requirements29, 30 IP address for144 load balancing168 reliability tools159, 161, 163, 168 relocation considerations31 removing128 serial numbers for90, 120 standalone110, 112 startup84, 91 status monitoring171, 172, 173, 174, 175 time131, 132 See alsoconfiguration, identity, installation, remote servers service access control lists. SeeSACLs services access control132, 147 adding146 exporting settings146 identity changes133 importing settings146 management of155 planning for distribution of26 removing146 security71, 75 setup122, 123, 155 viewing132, 145 See alsospecific services setup procedures. Seeconfiguration, installation share points55, 148
shared directory domain21, 111 shared secret files60 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SeeSMTP Simple Network Management Protocol. SeeSNMP single points of failure159 single sign-on authentication58 See alsoKerberos slapd daemon187 SMB (Server Message Block) service22, 138 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)139 snapshots, data33 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) as monitoring tool180, 181, 182, 183 definition22 settings131 snmpd daemon181 Software Update service107, 143 spam. Seejunk mail screening SpamAssassin139 srm UNIX utility56 SSH (secure SHell host) backup location155 installation82 key-based72, 73 overview72 remote access88, 89 settings131 SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)54, 59, 60, 62, 148 standalone server110, 112 standard configuration type18 startup disk settings103 See alsoNetBoot service static IP addresses82 storage considerations27 streaming media27, 47, 158 striping96 subnets109, 114 syslog configuration file185 syslogd daemon184 System Image Utility47 system imaging. SeeNetBoot service, NetInstall
tar tool36 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)52, 72 tcpdump tool174 Time Machine37, 155 time server131, 132 TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol54 Tomcat application server158 Transmission Control Protocol. SeeTCP Transport Layer Security protocol. SeeTLS troubleshooting core dumps176, 178, 179, 180 debugging logs171, 186, 187 trusted server61
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)52, 180 UNIX23 updating software107 upgrading from previous server versions25, 28 saved setup data117 vs. migration25, 28 UPS (uninterruptible power supply)161 user accounts group153 managed preferences153 management of151 mobile132 setup123 See alsousers User Datagram Protocol. SeeUDP users access control132, 147 administrative access for74, 75 authentication56, 58, 73, 111 certificates60 disk space quotas27 groups147, 149, 151 home folders27, 132 management of151 permissions149 Windows27 See alsoclients, user accounts, Workgroup Manager
Xgrid Admin49 Xgrid49, 143, 155 XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)23, 188 Xserve hardware installation81 Server Monitor44 server reliability160, 161 VLAN support53
Virtual Private Network. SeeVPN virus screening139 VLAN (virtual local area network)53 VNC (virtual network computing)16, 81, 88, 89, 102, 106 volumes backing up36 erasing99 partitioning94, 95 RAID96, 97 startup84, 91 supported93 VPN (Virtual Private Network)136
web service136, 159 web technologies22 weblog service. Seeblog service wiki services137, 159 Windows NT28 Windows users27 Workgroup Manager administering accounts151