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Task 2 and 3 Ppat

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Task 2 This part of your submission will not be scored , but the information you include should have

implications regarding your instructional choices. Your response must be limited to 1,500 characters (approximately one-half typed page). o artifacts can be attached to the !ontextual "nformation textbox. a. #escribe your classroom. "nclude the grade level, content area, sub$ect matter, and number of students. %rovide relevant information about any of your students &ith special needs. b. #escribe any physical, social, behavioral, or developmental factors that may impact the instruction that occurs in your classroom. 'ention any linguistic, cultural, or health considerations that may also impact teaching and learning in your classroom. c. #escribe any factors related to the school and surrounding community that may impact the teaching and learning that occurs in your classroom.
a. In my elementary music classroom, I have several grades ranging from kindergarten through fifth grade that I teach. The grade that I will focus on for this task will be forth grade. The classroom that I teach in is very large. In the forth grade class there are twenty-four students with fourteen boys and ten girls. There is one child that suffers from ADD and takes medication. The classroom is filled with colorful music posters, as well as the different types of note values. The children sit in chairs that are in the shape of a ? ?. In the middle of the classroom are two large blue carpets, that are used !uite often during instruction. The classroom has all of the essential e!uipment in order to successfully teach a music class, such as a cd player, piano, music books, a smart board and an i"ad. I use the smart board daily to show the music and lessons that the students are learning each day. The cd player is used to play all of the music that the children listen, and sing to. #ach class also uses a music lesson book that corresponds with the grade that they are in. The i"ad id also used for pro$ecting pages of the book onto the %mart &oard and also educational music apps.

Guiding Prompts a. (hat instructional strategies &ill you use as part of the assessment) %rovide a rationale for your choices. b. (hat learning activities and student groupings &ill you use to prepare your students for the assessment) %rovide a rationale for your choices. c. (hat materials and resources, including technology, &ill you use to administer the assessment) %rovide a rationale for your choices.
a. I will use whole group work, individual group work and individual work. I believe that these three strategies will help the students meet the learning goals I have set for them. b. I will have the students gather together and sing 'The %tar %pangled &anner' that it is their book. I will then tell them why it is important that we learn the national anthem. I will ask the student if they know anything about the national anthem. After the class will watch a video on the history behind the song. After I will discuss the meaning behind the words in the song. In order to help the students understand the meaning of the words in the song, the class will play memory. After memory, we will sing the song again.

I will then allow the students to choose a partner to complete a word search on the lyrics to the song. (inally we will listen to several performances of the national anthem, which will show the students the proper way to sing the song. c. I will use the i"ad to display the website were we will watch the movie and also find the meaning to the lyrics of the song. The )D player will be used to play the song several times. The students will use their books to sing the national anthem. *orksheets will be passed out for the word search. I will also use the memory game about the national anthem.

Guiding Prompts a. "dentify t&o *ocus +tudents &ith different learning needs and for &hom you &ill need to modify the assessment. %rovide a rationale for selecting each of the students. ,efer to them as *ocus +tudent 1 and *ocus +tudent - as you respond to the guiding prompts belo&. b. .ased on their specific learning needs, ho& &ill you modify the assessment for each of the t&o *ocus +tudents) %rovide a rationale for each decision.
a.+b. (ocus %tudent , was unable to remember the words to the national anthem when it came time for the !ui-. I took the student to a separate room and had him sing the song out loud and fill in the blanks with the missing lyrics. .e was able to complete the !ui- with ease when he was able to sing the song out loud. (ocus %tudent / had trouble reading the !ui-, because it was not dark enough for her. I took the !ui- and !uickly made a darker copy and gave it to her so she could see it. %he was also able to complete the !ui-.

Guiding Prompts a. /o& did your rubric0scoring guide align &ith your learning goal(s) for the lesson) %rovide a rationale. b. #escribe the graphic representation of your collected data. .ased on your graphic representation, analy1e the assessment data to determine your students2 progress to&ard the learning goal(s). c. /o& efficient &as the data-collection process that you selected) !ite examples to support your analysis. d. /o& effective &ere the instructional strategies, learning activities, student groupings, and materials and resources, including technology, for student learning) !ite examples to support your analysis. e. #escribe ho& you engaged students in analy1ing their o&n assessment results to help them understand their progress to&ard the learning goal(s).
a. I believe that the scoring guide went well with my learning goals, because the goal was to successfully learn the national anthem. The assessment was a copy of the national anthem, with certain words missing. The students had to fill in the missing words. b. &ased on the data collected, the ma$ority of the students made a '&' or higher on the !ui-. There were only three students who made below a ')' and that was due to there participation in the class activities.

c. I believe that the data collection precess that I used was very helpful in knowing were the students stand on knowing the national anthem. In a music class it is hard to gather information about each individual student0s progress in the class. This !ui- allowed me to see what students understood and what students did not. d. The activities used all of the learning styles that the students process. The singing of the national anthem, reached the students that are auditory learners,watching the video helped to reach the visual students, and the memory game helped to reach the kinesthetic learners. I believe that the activities were very effective in helping the students to learn the national anthem. e. The ne1t class period, I passed out the graded !ui--es to the students and had them sing the national anthem while holding their !ui--es. After I asked them to correct the lyrics that they missed.

Task 2

Guiding Prompts a. (hat learning theory &ill guide your planning process) %lease provide a brief description of the theory. /o& &ill you ma3e use of it). b. (hat learning goal(s) and content standards, both state and national standards, did you identify for the lesson) /o& &ill they guide the planned learning activities) c. (hat is the content focus of the lesson) (hat related content that the students have previously encountered &ill support the learning in this lesson) d. (hat are some difficulties students might encounter &ith the content, and ho& &ill you address the difficulties)
a. %tudents will be able to identify several community helpers in 3reenwood and their $obs. *hen given a song students will be able to properly identify the beat of the music, by clapping or tapping. *hen given the song ?This is *hat I )an Do? students will be able to demonstrate the different rhythmic patterns. b. 4ational %tandards ,e5 %ing in a group, responding to a conductor. /b5 "erform easy rhythmic patterns. 6a5 7ead icons for one and two sounds to a beat. 8c5 Demonstrate knowledge of basic rhythm. 8e5 9ove in response to music. :b5 7elate music to %ocial %tudies. %tate %tandards The student will read and notate music. 93;-2., &egin to read and perform rhythmic notation using traditional, nontraditional, and invented symbols to represent beat, divided beat, and rest <!uarter note, eighth notes and !uarter rest.= 93;-2.> &egin to use icons for writing musical ideas. <for e1ample5 short and long dots or lines, placement of icons high or low for pitch.= The student will listen to, describe, analy-e, and evaluate music and music performances. %) Academic Indicator<s=5 93;->.6 se body movement in response to beat, tempo, dynamics, and te1t of

music. 93;->.8 7eact to specific elements of musical works that evoke emotion and response. %tudents will be guided through songs and activities to accomplish these goals and standards. I chose community helpers and learning about the city of 3reenwood in the lesson to help bring social studies into the classroom and geography. I used This is what I can do to teach the concept of long and short sounds which is the beginning stages of learning how to read and analy-e music. c. The content focus of this lesson was to learn short and long sounds and also becoming aware of our community helpers. %tudents have encountered how

to tell the number is sounds in a name or &ord by counting the syllables. " used their 3no&ledge of ho& to count syllables to teach long and short sounds. d. 4ne difficulty that the students may encounter is comprehending that one beat can hold more than one sound. 5 6beat6 can hold t&o short sounds. "n order to sho& this " &ill have the students thin3 of a food in the grocery store that has t&o sounds (apple). " &ill then explain that apple is one &ord, but it has t&o sounds, $ust as a beat can have t&o sounds.

Guiding Prompts a. +elect a maximum of three different instructional strategies that you plan to use to engage students in the lesson and to enhance their learning. %rovide a rationale for your choice of each strategy. b. /o& do the instructional strategies connect to the learning goal(s) to facilitate student learning) c. (hat informed your decisions to use individual, small group, and0or &hole group instruction to facilitate student learning)
a.The first instructional strategy that I will complete is whole group instruction. The students will come to the carpet and look at the '&ig &ook'. I will e1plain community helpers. The class as a whole will then clap the number of syllables or sounds in names of community helpers that I call out. This activity will help to get the students thinking about sounds that are long and short. The second instructional strategy that I will introduce will also be whole group instruction. The students will be led to look at the '&ig &ook' and I will e1plain long and short sounds through the words 'apple' and 'milk'. The students will then chant the rhythm using the words 'apple' and 'milk'. After I will e1plain that the sound or word for short sounds is 'ti ti' and for long sounds it is 'ta'. The students will then be given a pair of sticks and we will tap the rhythm on our sticks while saying the correct sounds. b.&oth of these instructional strategies help to meet my learning goals, because the students are learning the difference between long and short sounds. The students can also demonstrate them on the rhythm sticks.

c.In a music classroom setting it is most efficient to use whole group instruction, because their is not enough time to work individually with each child. %tudents in higher level grades would be able to do group work, but kindergarten would be to overwhelmed with that kind of task.

Guiding Prompts a. (hat learning activities do you plan to implement in the lesson) %rovide a rationale for your choices. b. /o& do the chosen activities address student strengths and needs) c. /o& do your class demographics inform the design of the learning activities you chose)
a. ?ne learning activity that I plan to implement is tapping the rhythm given to the students on the rhythm sticks. &y doing this activity the students will be able to demonstrate long and short sounds. The students will also be able to practice self control, because they have to keep their sticks !uiet while I am talking. b. This activity will indicate what students understand the concept of short and long sounds and what students are not !uite understanding. c. The students will be sitting on the carpet in front of the me and the '%mart &oard' containing the rhythms, which will allow them to see both me and the rhythms with ease. This will also allow me to see what students need help with the rhythm.

Guiding Prompts a. (hat materials and resources &ill you use to support your instruction and student learning) %rovide a rationale to support your choices. b. (hat types of technology do you plan to use in your instruction) c. /o& &ill your chosen technology enhance your instruction and student learning in the lesson)
The main material that I will use is the '&ig &ook'. The '&ig &ook' contains the resources necessary to teach the lesson. The '&ig &ook' comes from the kindergarten music series <%potlight on 9usic=. b. I will use the %mart &oard and i%ad to reflect the rhythms to teach short and long

sounds. " &ill use the cd player to play the songs that correspond &ith the lesson. c. +tudent &ill be able to read the rhythms clearly, because they &ill be magnified on the +mart .oard. 5lso, the students &ill be able to hear and sing music that corresponds &ith the lesson through the !# player.
Guiding Prompts *ocus +tudent 17 a. "dentify *ocus +tudent 12s learning strengths and challenges related to the learning goal(s) of the lesson. b. #escribe ho& you &ill differentiate specific parts of your lesson plan to help *ocus +tudent 1 meet the learning goal(s) of the lesson. %rovide a rationale.

c. (hat evidence &ill you collect to sho& the progress *ocus +tudent 1 ma3es to&ard the learning goal(s)) *ocus +tudent -7 a. "dentify *ocus +tudent -2s learning strengths and challenges related to the learning goal(s) of the lesson. b. #escribe ho& you &ill differentiate specific parts of your lesson plan to help *ocus +tudent - meet the learning goal(s) of the lesson. %rovide a rationale. c. (hat evidence &ill you collect to sho& the progress *ocus +tudent - ma3es to&ard the learning goal(s))
(ocus %tudent , @ / a. The strength of the both students was being able to properly keep a beat. &oth students can find the beat in any piece of music. The weakness that the students faced was trying to put too many sounds in one word, such as the word 'milk'. b. 9ilk has one sound, but this student drags the word out to make it have two sounds. I will e1plain to the student that we do not pronounce the word 'milk' like 'mi-ilk', we simple say 'milk'. I was them demonstrate a word that has tow sounds such as 'cookie'. c. I will ask the student to think of some foods in the grocery store with one sound and two sounds. I will determine if the child understands by his answers.

Guiding Prompts a. 8o &hat extent did the lesson facilitate student learning) (hat evidence did you gather to support your conclusion) b. /o& did the students use the content presented to demonstrate meaningful learning) %rovide specific examples from the lesson and from the students2 &or3 to support your analysis. c. (hat modifications0adaptations to the lesson did you implement during instruction for the &hole class to better support student engagement and learning) %rovide examples to support your decisions. d. (hat steps did you ta3e to foster teacher-to-student and student-to-student interactions) /o& did they impact student engagement and learning) e. (hat feedbac3 did you provide during the lesson to facilitate student learning) (hat impact did the feedbac3 have on student learning) %rovide specific examples.
a. At the beginning of the lesson, the class had never heard of long and short sounds. The activities that I used e1plained to the students what were long and short sounds. &y the end of the lesson, students were able to properly identify and tap long and short sounds. %tudents were also aware of the many community helpers in their city. b. After I e1plained what long and short sounds were, the students were able to demonstrate using rhythm sticks. This activity allowed the students to have hands on learning, which helped them to thoroughly understand the material.

c. *hen I was first introducing the long sound 'ta' and the short sound 'ti', the students were having trouble reading the music and rhythms, so I demonstrated the rhythm, and then asked the students to echo. After demonstrating the students were able to read the music and rhythms. d. During instruction, the students came to the carpet in order to be closer to me and the materials. I also asked many !uestions to get the students on the right track to thinking about long and short sounds. The students were abel to use rhythm sticks. I played a short rhythm e1cerpt and the students echoed. I always stayed very positive and gave complements to hard working students. e. Throughout the lesson I constantly gave positive feedback, such as, 'great $ob', 'you all are so smart', 'way to go'. If a student was not doing right I would show them what they were doing wrong then praised them when they got it right. &ecause of the positive feedback, students remained positive and engaged throughout the lesson.

Guiding Prompts a. 8o &hat extent did each of the t&o focus students achieve the learning goal(s) of the lesson) !ite examples to support your analysis. b. /o& did your differentiation of specific parts of the lesson plan help each of the t&o focus students meet the learning goal(s)) !ite examples to support your analysis.
a. &oth of the students reached the learning goals set for the class, after I e1plained the correct way to find how many sounds are in a word. b. I did not differentiate parts of the lesson. I only spent e1tra time with them e1plaining the concept of syllables and sounds in words.

Guiding Prompts a. (hat specific instructional strategies, resources, and technology &ill you use to help students &ho did not achieve the learning goal(s)) #escribe ho& these lesson components &ill help the students achieve the learning goal(s). b. /o& &ill you use your analysis of the lesson and the evidence of student learning to guide your planning of future lessons)
a. %tudents who did not achieve the learning goals will receive e1tra help in the following classes. I will use the i"ad to play educational games that teach short and long sounds. I will also sing songs that contain short and long sounds. b. I will make sure that I have many e1amples and hands on activities to help the students understand and meet the learning goals.

Guiding Prompts a. /o& &ill you use your analysis of the lesson and the evidence of student learning to guide your planning of future lessons for each of the t&o *ocus +tudents) b. (hat differentiation &ill you apply to future lessons for each of the t&o *ocus +tudents) %rovide a rationale for your choices.
a. I will be sure to save time in the lesson to further e1plain any concept that certain students do not grasp. I will have many different activities to help teach the lesson.

b. In order to make sure that the students understand the lesson, I will ask them !uestions and pay close attention to them as they compete activities.

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