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Lesson 3

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NSU Lesson Plan Format

Candidate Name: Elisabeth Person

Date: November 16, 2018

Lesson Title: Multiply 4-digit by 1-digit numbers

Grade Level: 4th

Subject: Math

Time allotted: 1 hour

Standards/Performance Indicators/Skills
Identify the state and national standards, addressed by the lesson.
Oklahoma Academic State Standard(s):
4.N.1.3 Multiply 3-digit by 1-digit or a 2-digit by 2-digit whole numbers, using efficient and generalizable
procedures and strategies, based on knowledge of place value, including but not limited to standard algorithms.

Learning Objectives/Goals
Describe the lesson’s objectives and the learning outcomes that are appropriate for meeting
curricular/classroom needs.
Lesson’s Objective(s) Explain in your own words, using measurable goals, what you want your students to know
and be able to do after instruction:
Students will solve problems given using mental math or place-value strategies.

Assessment (the type[s] of assessment used throughout the lesson)

Identify the assessment that occurred before, during, and after the lesson.
Examples of assessments are: Pre-test, Observation, Peer Evaluation, Checklist, Portfolio, Journals, Essay, Exam,
Group Presentation, Concept Mapping, Rubric, Scored Discussions, Oral Presentations, etc. (This should be a

Pre-Assessment of Student Knowledge & Skills (How will you assess students’ prior knowledge and skills before
the instruction?):

We will complete a solve and share activity before the lesson begins. This will allow me to check for prior
knowledge and understanding of lesson being taught.

Formative Assessment (How will you monitor students’ understanding during/throughout instruction?):

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During the lesson, students will solve problems from the guided practice on white boards which will allow me to
check for understanding throughout the lesson.

Post Assessment (How will you assess students’ understanding after the instruction?):

Students will complete independent practice on their own where I will walk around and check understanding as
well as help students who may be struggling.
Lesson Structure and Procedures
Describe the sequence of events of the lesson elements, including the before and during the lesson (i.e., the
engagement/opening, the procedures used, the activities for guided practice).
Introduction/Set Induction/Hook (Describe how you will interest, engage, and involve your students so
that they are motivated to learn. This should be different than your pre-assessment.):

Students will solve problem using a different strategy different than the example show. Students can
discuss with a partner.

Instructional Procedures and Learning Activities (Describe the instructional strategy that will be used to
provide the learning opportunities. Describe what the teacher and students will actually DO as they
engage in learning. Make sure they are aligned with the specific lesson objective(s) and the standard(s)).:

After the introduction, students will participate in the solve and share, watch the lesson video, and
participate in the guided practice with me on the interactive smart board. During this portion of the lesson,
students will begin to realize that this can be solved with mental math.

Lesson Conclusion Activity

Include the conclusion activity, review activity, summarize the lesson, and/or help students connect the lesson’s
concepts to previous or future learning. This should be different than the post assessment.

Students will participate in a task card activity where they get into groups of three and play a board game using
task cards that have problems from the days lesson. The student to the left of them will check their answer.

Resources and Materials

List the materials used to plan and deliver the lesson.

Foam dice, game boards, task cards, game pieces, white boards, expo markers, textbooks

NSU Lesson Plan Format 2

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and
student learning.

Describe the technology used to support and advance instruction, for example, SmartBoard, iPad, cell phones,
Distance Learning, Webcast, Digital Camera/Video, CD, DVD, Internet, Assistive Technology, robotics,
calculator, etc.

SmartBoard, internet, textbook site

Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications/Increases in Rigor
Describe the modifications made to meet the needs of all learners and to accommodate differences in students’
learning, culture, language, etc.

Discuss how different learning needs are met, such as, learning styles, exceptionalities, diversity and language
needs, adaptations, modifications, 504, IEP, etc.

This lesson incorporates many learning styles. For example, students who are visual learners can see the work
being done on the board. Students who are auditory can listen to the video. Students who are kinesthetic will
thrive with the board game activity. The students who are on an IEP for math go to the SPED room for their math
lesson. There is no reading involved in this lesson except what the video and smart board reads aloud so no
modifications will be necessary for reading.

Describe the activities for early finishers that extends the students’ understanding of and thinking about the
learning objectives/goals by having them apply their new knowledge in a different way.

When students complete the required activity/assignment, what will they do to stay engaged and challenge their
learning? (This is not required for all students, but an extension for those students who finish quickly.)

For the extension activity, once students become comfortable with this concept, they will multiply use the
challenge cards provided with their board game.
Additional Information
If applicable, identify any area or lesson component that was not covered by this lesson plan format but that you
feel is vital to include in a description of the lesson.

NSU Lesson Plan Format 3

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