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Washtenaw Community College Chemistry 122: General Chemistry II, Section 01 (CRN 92438) Fall 2012

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Washtenaw Community College Chemistry 122: General Chemistry II, Section 01 (CRN 92438) Fall 2012

Instructor: Dr. Rosemary A. Rader Phone: 7346775077 E-mail: drrar@wccnet.edu Office: LA230 R Office Mondays: 10:00 AM 10:30 AM and 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Hours: Tuesdays: 10:00 AM 11:55 AM and 4:00 PM 4:30 PM Wednesdays 10:00 AM 10:30 AM and 4:00 PM 4:30 PM Others By Appointment Instructor I make every effort to respond promptly to e-mail but if you send me an Contact: e-mail message and have not received a reply in 24 hours, call my office and leave a voice mail message. Any emergency circumstances regarding assignments and tests must be explained in person, not just electronically. Class Meeting Time: Class Meeting Location: M, W 10:30 AM 11:55 AM LA-327 (Lecture) W 1:00 PM 3:55 PM LA-305 (Lab) nd Text: Chemistry 2 ed., by Julia Burdge (either full text or customized text for CEM-122) Materials: ! Non-graphing scientific calculator, TI30XA recommended (Note that graphing calculators may not be used during tests & quizzes) ! Carbonless Copy Top Perforated Bound Lab Notebook ! Safety Goggles SILENCE your cell phone before entering the classroom or the lab! ! All calls and texting must be done outside the classroom or lab. ! If you bring a tablet or laptop to class, you may use it for class related activities only. This is a zero-tolerance policy! ! If you are ever found to be using your device for other purposes during class time, you will no longer be able to bring the device into the classroom or lab.

Course Information: Chemistry 122 is a four-credit course that covers kinetics,

chemical equilibrium, oxidation-reduction, chemical thermodynamics and electrochemistry. Laboratory work is an integral part of the course and counts 25% toward the final course grade. The learning outcomes for CEM 122 are: 1. Recognize the concepts and principles of general chemistry relating to chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, chemical thermodynamics and electrochemistry. 2. Apply the appropriate concepts or principles of chemistry to solve kinetics, equilibrium, thermodynamics and electrochemistry problems. 3. Perform laboratory procedures that apply best chemical practices for making measurements, recording data, calculating results and drawing conclusions. Lecture material is divided into five topic areas. Specific objectives for each topic will be posted on Blackboard. Students are strongly encouraged to work problems in the textbook as this is the best way to master the concepts of chemistry. Four tests, each worth 100

points, will be given to help students assess what they have learned and what they need to do next. All tests are written, not electronic, and cumulative. Throughout the semester four quizzes, each worth 25 points, will also be given. At the end of the semester a final course assessment worth 50 points will be given. You must take the final assessment test in order to receive a course grade of C or higher. There are two 90-minute class periods and one three-hour laboratory session each week for 15 weeks. A proposed schedule of topics, reading, problems and laboratory work is included with this syllabus. Consult the schedule for test dates and laboratory sessions. Any incomplete laboratory work or missed tests or quizzes will receive zero points. Blackboard (Bb) is a software system used college-wide to make class information available to you on-line. Announcements and assignments will be posted on Blackboard and the system will allow you to view your current scores in the class. You are expected to download the appropriate lecture and lab materials and bring these with you to class.

Attendance: Faithful attendance is necessary to be successful in CEM 122. Students are

expected to arrive prepared and on time to all class and lab meetings. You are expected to bring your non-graphing calculator and notes & handouts from Bb with you to all class sessions. In the laboratory this is especially crucial as you must arrive on time and be prepared for all lab sessions if you expect to do the lab work. The lab policy for lateness is shown below.

Lab Policy for Lateness:

Students are expected to be on time and prepared for all lab sessions. If you come to lab up to 5 minutes late, you will lose 1 point. If you come to lab up to 10 minutes late, you will lose 2 points. If you come to lab more than 10 minutes late, you will not be allowed to attend the lab.

MakeUps: You are expected to attend the lab section for which you are
registered. If you have to miss your regular lab, note that lab work may be made up only during the week the lab is running, and only if there is space available in another section. If you have to miss a test or quiz, you must contact me immediately to schedule a make-up. All make-up tests and quizzes must be completed within seven days past the end date for the exam or quiz. Please note that no matter what the reason, all late tests and quizzes will have their maximum score reduced by 25%. This is in fairness to students taking tests and quizzes on time. There is no penalty in points if you arrange to take a test or quiz early. Any incomplete laboratory work, missed tests or quizzes will receive zero points.

Academic Dishonesty: I adhere to the college policies on academic dishonesty that are
discussed in the Student Rights and Responsibilities document. You can find this on-line at: http://www.wccnet.edu/trustees/policies/index.php?policy=4095 Fall 2012 CEM-122, MW section Page 2

Learning Support: If you have difficulties with any of the course material, get help
immediately! I am available during my office hours or via phone or e-mail to answer your questions. Please don't hesitate to contact me. I want you to be successful! If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss disability accommodations and other learning needs, please contact me or Learning Support Services, LA 104 (7349733342), as soon as possible for support services. You can also get information on-line at:

The law and school policy require that you self-declare your need to receive services. Tutoring is available to registered students free of charge in GM-201/203. Contact Learning Support Services, LA 104 (7349733342) for more information.

Course Grading: A final course percentage will be calculated by taking 75% of your
lecture percentage and 25% of your laboratory percentage. Lecture Percentage:
" " " "

Required Items 4 Tests @ 100 points each Final Course Assessment Blackboard Syllabus Quiz 4 Quizzes @ 25 points each Lecture % = total points 5.55

Points 400 50 5 100

Lab Percentage: Your laboratory percentage will be determined based on points earned out of 385 possible points Final Grades: A final course percentage will be calculated by adding 75% of your class percentage and 25% of your lab percentage. The final course percentage will be used to determine your final letter grade based on the following scale: 100% 93% 92% 90% 89% 87% 86% 83% 82% 80% A A B+ B B 79% 77% 76% 73% 72% 70% 69% 67% 66 % 63% 62% 60% below 60% C+ C C D+ D D F

To earn a grade of C or better in CEM-122 you must also meet the following criteria: Have attended and completed at least 12 of 14 laboratory sessions Have a lecture % that is at least 70% Have a lab % that is at least 70% Have taken the final assessment

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Note that a course grade of C in CEM122 does NOT meet the prerequisite for CEM211 and is generally not accepted for transfer credit at other institutions.
Following the Physical Sciences Department grading policy, I will give not give students a final grade of I or AU to avoid a failing grade. Be aware that the deadline for a student to change from credit to audit is September 7. I will not approve any change to audit status after this date.

Testing Center information can be found on-line at:


The Testing Center is located in SC300A. Testing Center hours are:

Monday Thursday 9:00 AM 7:15 PM Friday & Saturday 9:00 AM 4:15 PM Sunday 1:00 PM 4:15 PM Sunday hours begin on September 16, 2012. ! ! ! ! ! All tests collected at 7:45 PM All tests collected at 4:45 PM All tests collected at 4:45 PM

Students are not allowed to take tests during class time. Graphing calculators may not be used during any test or quiz. A photo id of some type such as a Drivers License must be presented in the Testing Center to obtain a test. All work must be shown to receive credit for answers. Answers must show correct significant figures and proper units. You are on your honor not to discuss tests and quizzes with classmates until after the tests and quizzes have ended in the Testing Center.

The Testing Center is closed on:

* Monday, September 3 * Thursday, November 22 through Sunday, November 25 * Saturday, December 22 through January 1, 2013

Reduced Fall 2012 Testing Center Hours:

Friday, August 31: 10:00am to 4:45pm Friday, September 28: 10:00am to 4:45pm Friday, October 26: 10:00am to 4:45pm Wednesday, November 21: 9:00am to 4:45pm Wednesday, December 19: 9:00am to 4:45pm Thursday, December 20: 9:00am to 4:45pm Friday, December 21: 9:00am to 2:00pm

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Chemistry 122 Tentative Schedule, Fall 2012

Date Aug 27 Aug 29 Aug 29 Sep 3 Sep 5 Sep 5 Sep 10 Sep 12 Sep 12 Sep 17 Topic Reading Problems Kinetics 1: Introduction 14.1 14: 1, 73 Kinetics 2: Rates of Reactions 14.1 14: 28 LAB 1: Introduction, Safety, and Math & Concepts Review No Class, Labor Day Holiday Kinetics 3: Reaction Rate and 14.2 14: 9-15; 17, 19, 20 Reactant Concentration LAB 2: Determination of KMnO4 by Absorption Spectroscopy More Kinetics 3: Rate Laws 14.2 14: 9-15; 17, 19, 20 and Rate Constants Kinetics 4: Concentration and 14.3 14: 24, 25, 26, 27, Time; Integrated Rate Laws 29, 31, 33 LAB 3: Kinetics I. Iodination of Acetone, Rate Law Determination More Kinetics 4: Graphical 14.3 Page 598: Determination of Rate Law Checkpoint 14.3 Kinetics 5: Collision Theory Temperature and Rate 14.4 14: 34, 36, 42, 43 More Kinetics 5: 14.4 14: 71, 122 Reaction Energy Diagrams Kinetics 6: 14.5 14: 50-52; 54, 58, Reaction Mechanisms 59, 61, 63, 66, 123 LAB 4: Kinetics II. Iodination of Acetone, Ea Determination More Kinetics 6: Reaction 14.5 14: 50-52; 54, 58, Mechanisms & Catalysts 14.6 59, 61, 63, 66, 123 Equilibrium 1: Introduction 15.1 15.2 15: 13; 68; 1417 Equilibrium 2: 15.2 15.3 15: 9, 11, 21, 23, 25, Reaction Quotients 29, 35 Equilibrium Constants LAB 5: Equilibrium I. Determination of Equilibrium Constant Equilibrium 3: 15.4 Equilibrium Calculations Equilibrium 4: 15.5 Le Chateliers Principle LAB 6: Equilibrium II. Equilibrium Systems 15: 39, 41, 43, 49 15: 50, 52, 55 ,56, 59, 61, 63

Quiz #1 in Testing Center: Fri. Sep 14 Tue. Sep 18

Sep 19

Sep 19 Sep 24 Sep 26 Sep 26 Oct 1 Oct 3 Oct 3

TEST #1 in Testing Center: Fri. Sep 28 Tues. Oct 2

Quiz #2 in Testing Center: Fri. Oct 5 Tues. Oct 9

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Date Oct 8 Oct 10 Oct 10 Oct 15 Oct 17 Oct 17 Oct 22 Oct 24 Oct 24 Oct 29

Topic Reading Problems AcidBase Equilibrium 1: 16.1 16.2 16: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, Introduction 10, 11, 13 Bronsted-Lowry Model AcidBase Equilibrium 2: pH 16.3 16.5 16: 17, 19, 21, 23, Calculations; Strong Acids & 25, 33, 35, 37, 40 Bases; Weak Acids 44; 49, 51, 53, 113 LAB 7: Acid-Base I. Standardization of NaOH AcidBase Equilibrium 3: Weak 16.7 16.10 16: 59, 60, 61, 63, Bases; Relative Strengths of 67, 69 Acid-Base Conjugate Pairs; AcidBase Equilibrium 4: 16.10 16: 70, 75, 84, 85, Salts & Hydrolysis 89, 93, 95, 97, 107, pH of Salt Solutions 111, 113 LAB 8: Acid-Base II. Acid Content of Aspirin AcidBase Equilibrium 5: 17.1 17.2 17: 15, 9, 11, 15, Common Ion Effect & Buffers 18, 21 AcidBase Equilibrium 6: 17.3 17: 23, 24, 29, 33, Titration Curves & Calculations 35, 41 LAB 9: Qualitative Analysis I. Development of Qual Scheme More AcidBase Equilibrium 6: 17.3 17: 23, 24, 29, 33, Titration pH Calculations 35, 41 Polyprotic Acids 16.8 16: 78,79 Acid Structure & Acid Strength 16.9 16: 87, 88, 89 Solubility Equilibrium 1: 17.4 17.5 17: 44, 45, 49, 51, Ksp and Solubility; Common Ion 53, 59, 63, 65, 67 Effect; Solubility and pH LAB 10: Qualitative Analysis II. Testing the Qual Scheme Solubility Equilibrium 2: 17.5 17.6 17: 80, 83 Complex Ion Equilibria Lewis Acids and Bases 16.12 16: 112, 113, 115, 117, 119 9 Test Tube Mystery Lab Prep 9 Test Tube Bring Handout to Mystery Lab Class More Solubility Equilibrium 2: 17.5 17.6 17: 80, 83 Complex Ion Equilibria Fractional Precipitation LAB 11: Qualitative Analysis III. Analyzing an Unknown

TEST #2 in Testing Center: Fri. Oct 19 Tues. Oct 23

Quiz #3 in Testing Center: Fri. Oct 26 Tues. Oct 30

Oct 31 Oct 31 Nov 5

Nov 7

Nov 7

TEST #3 in Testing Center: Fri. Nov 9 Tues. Nov 13

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Date Nov 12 Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 19 Nov 21 Nov 21 Nov 26 Nov 28 Nov 28 Dec 3 Dec 5 Dec 5 Dec 10

Topic Reading Thermodynamics 1: Driving 18.1 18.2 Forces & Laws of Thermo Thermodynamics 2: Calculating 18.3 18.4 Entropy Changes Gibbs Free Energy & Work LAB 12: Nine Test Tube Mystery No Class, Faculty Inservice No Class, Thanksgiving Holiday No Lab, Thanksgiving Holiday Thermodynamics 3: Gibbs Free 18.5 18.6 Energy & Equilibrium Electrochemistry 1: Redox 19.1 Reactions & Balancing LAB 13: Thermochemistry: Heat of Solution

Problems 18: 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11 18: 14, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25

18: 35, 37, 39, 55, 71, 77 19: 1, 2

Quiz #4 in Testing Center: Fri. Nov 30 Tues. Dec 4

Electrochemistry 2: Voltaic 19.2 19.3 19: 36, 11, 13, 15, Cells 17 Electrochemistry 3: Free 19.4 19.5 19: 21, 23, 29, 31, 33 Energy & Electrical Work LAB 14: Electrochemistry: Electrochemical Cells More Electrochemistry 3: 19.4 19.5 19: 21, 23, 29, 31, 33 Electrolytic Cells Faradays Law Nuclear Chemistry Particles and Nuclear Decay 20.1 20.2 Kinetics of Radioactive Decay 20.3 20.4 Lecture: More Nuclear Chemistry Review for Test #4 and Final Assessment

TEST #4 in Testing Center: Wed. Dec 12 Sat. Dec 15

Dec 12 Dec 12 Dec 17 20: 18, 15 20: 23, 25, 27, 34, 35

Final Course Assessment, in Class Only

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Chemistry 122 Tentative Test & Quiz Schedule

Quiz #1 TEST #1 Quiz #2 TEST #2 Quiz #3 TEST #3 Quiz #4 TEST #4 Final Assessment START DATE Friday, September 14 Friday, September 28 Friday, October 5 Friday, October 19 Friday, October 26 Friday, November 9 Friday, November 30 Wednesday, December 12 END DATE Tuesday, September 18 Tuesday, October 2 Tuesday, October 9 Tuesday, October 23 Tuesday, October 30 Tuesday, November 13 Tuesday, December 4 Saturday, December 15

Monday, Dec 17 only, in class

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Chemistry 122 Lab Schedule

Lab #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 Date 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/17 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 #13 #14 11/28 12/5 12/12 Title Lab Introduction and Safety Information Math and Concepts Review Determination of KMnO4 by Absorption Spectroscopy Kinetics I. Iodination of Acetone Rate Law Determination Kinetics II. Iodination of Acetone Activation Energy Determination Equilibrium I. Determination of Equilibrium Constant Equilibrium II. Equilibrium Systems Acid-Base I. Standardization of NaOH Acid-Base II. Weak Acid Titration Qualitative Analysis I. Development of Qual Scheme Qualitative Analysis II. Testing the Qual Scheme Qualitative Analysis III. Analyzing an Unknown Nine Test Tube Mystery No Lab, Thanksgiving Break Thermochemistry: Heat of Solution Electrochemistry: Electrochemical Cells Lecture: Nuclear Chemistry Review for Test #4 and Final Assessment 25 25 Points 35 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25

Your laboratory percentage will be determined based on points earned out of a possible 385.

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