SciIA PopEcoICells Lab
SciIA PopEcoICells Lab
SciIA PopEcoICells Lab
Today you will: Observe plant, animal, protist and bacterial cells. Be able to identify cellular structures (membrane, nucleus, etc) Advice: Do not rush through this lab! Materials: Paper Lab eport Pen!Pencil Microscope Microscope "lides #over "lips $lodea Leaves Met%ylene Blue Part I. Observations of Plant Cells &irst, become familiar wit% t%e cellular structure of a leaf of Elodea, a water plant, by studyin' a prepared slide. T%e leaf %as many layers of cells, especially in t%e t%ic(est central part of t%e leaf. )%en many layers of cells overlap, t%e details of small structures wit%in eac% cell become %idden. Therefore, it is most important for you to find cells near the edge of the leaf. Choose cells that are large and easy for you to observe clearly. Make a hypothesis s(etc% w%at you t%in( t%e plant cell will loo( li(e. Procedure )et Mount: *et a leaf of livin' Elodea. #%oose one of t%e youn'est (smallest) leaves from a spri' of Elodea. Ma(e sure t%at t%e leaf is bri'%t 'reen and %as t%in, almost see+t%rou'% ed'es. Tear one leaf off t%e Elodea, tear it in %alf, and place it on a clean microscope slide. ,dd -+. drops of water to t%e leaf and place one cover glass on top of t%e leaf. ! CA"!#$%& cover glasses tend to stick together. /f you %ave two cover 'lasses stuc( to'et%er you will not be able to use t%e -001 ob2ective on your specimen. Collect Data $1amine t%e wet mount slide of Elodea, first usin' t%e 31, ob2ective, t%en wit% t%e -01, and t%en t%e 301. 4otice t%at t%ere are many different layers of cells present. ,t eac% level of t%e microscope (31, -01 and 301) ma(e a drawin' of . cells. Ma(e sure to identify c%loroplasts and cell walls. Analy'e the Data 5o t%e cells loo( li(e t%e plant cells t%at you see in t%e te1tboo(6 )%y or w%y not6 Conclusions )%at is t%e benefit of bein' able to see t%e cells wit% %i'%er ma'nification6
,n Elodea #ell. (,) 7pper surface of t%e cell (B) Middle of t%e cell. T%e dis(+s%aped t%in's are c%loroplasts located in t%e cytoplasm alon' t%e cell wall. 4otice t%e lac( of c%loroplasts in t%e center of t%e cell w%ic% is t%e vacuole.
,n Elodea #ell. (#) Middle of t%e cell, %i'%er ma'nification t%an , and B Below: epresentative c%ee( cells after Met%ylene Blue stainin'.
Part II. Observations of Ani(al Cells $nstained ,. T%e 8uman #%ee( #ell Make a )ypothesis )%at do you t%in( your c%ee( cells will loo( li(e6 Ma(e a s(etc%. Procedure Prepare a wet mount of your c%ee( cells: -. Put a drop of water on a slide. .. *ently scrape t%e inside of your c%ee( wit% t%e flat side of a toot%pic(. "crape li'%tly. 9. "tir t%e end of t%e toot%pic( into t%e water and t%row t%e toot%pic( away. 3. Place a coverslip onto t%e slide. (put one ed'e of t%e coverslip on t%e slide and t%en 'ently drop t%e ot%er ed'e into place. :. Locate cells under low power (-01). #ells may be %ard to see, but t%ey can be found. Ma(e sure to use t%e ad2ustment (nob. ;. Once you t%in( you %ave located a cell, switc% to %i'% power. ( emember, do 4OT use t%e coarse ad2ustment (nob). Collect Data "(etc% two cells. Ma(e sure to label t%e cell membrane and t%e nucleus. #urther *uestions 8ow are t%e elodea cells and t%e c%ee( cells different6 Ma(e sure you answer t%e <uestion in words and use pictures to furt%er e1plain t%e answers. Part II. Observations of Ani(al Cells +tained Make a )ypothesis )%at do you t%in( your c%ee( cells will loo( li(e wit% stain6 Ma(e a s(etc%. Procedure Prepare a wet mount of your c%ee( cells, wit% stain: -. Put two drops of water on a slide. "ee Ms. #ornic( to %ave a drop of met%ylene blue (0..=) put on a new slide. #aution: met%ylene blue will stain clot%es and s(in. Put two drops of water on t%e slide too. .. ,'ain, 'ently scrape t%e inside of your c%ee( wit% t%e flat side of a toot%pic( and stir t%e end of t%e toot%pic( into t%e stain and t%row t%e toot%pic( away. 9. Place a coverslip onto t%e slide. 3. "witc% to low power (-01). #ells s%ould be visible, but t%ey will be small and loo( li(e nearly clear purplis% blobs. /f you are loo(in' at somet%in' dar( purple, it is probably not a cell. :. Once you t%in( you %ave located a cell, switc% to %i'% power. Collect Data "(etc% at least two cells. Label t%e nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane.
Analy'e the data )%at did t%e stain allow you to do6 5id t%e cells loo( li(e t%e animal cells in t%e te1tboo(6 Wash off all slides and coverslips. Clean up your work area!