Cutviewer Mill User Guide V3
Cutviewer Mill User Guide V3
Cutviewer Mill User Guide V3
Copyright 2010,2011 LAMSON GLOBAL CORPORATION Introduction
What is CutViewer Mill? CutViewer Mi V!"2 i# $% e$#y to u#e progr$& th$t gr$phi'$ y (i#p $y# the &$teri$ re&o)$ pro'e## *or &i i%g+(ri i%g oper$tio%# i% 2, 2",, or ! $-e#" B$#e( o% the #to'. #t$te&e%t# $%( too (e*i%itio%#, CutViewer wi #how you e-$'t y wh$t &$teri$ wi /e re&o)e( *ro& $ r$w #to'." What Hardware does CutViewer Require? CutViewer i# $ !2 /it $pp i'$tio%" It ru%# i% 0i%(ow# 1,+12+M3+NT+2000+4P" The h$r(w$re &i%i&u&# i%' u(e $ Pe%tiu& pro'e##or, 56 MB o* RAM, 100 MB o* h$r( (i#. #p$'e, $%( $ )i(eo gr$phi'# '$r( with $t e$#t 2 MB o* )i(eo RAM" Display Settings Be*ore ru%%i%g CutViewer, #et the 0i%(ow# Co or P$ ette to 157/it &o(e 85,,!, 'o or#9 or higher" Evaluation Version The CutViewer (ow% o$( i# the *u )er#io% with $ !0 ($y ti&e i&it" A*ter th$t ti&e $ i'e%#e #eri$ %u&/er i# re:uire( to 'o%ti%ue u#i%g the #o*tw$re" To o/t$i% $ i'e%#e go to http;++www"'ut)iewer"'o& CutViewer Features CutViewer '$% ope% $%( (i#p $y St$%($r( ISO G7'o(e *i e#" 0e '$% $ #o pro)i(e upo% re:ue#t, $ #pe'i$ "( *i e th$t e%$/ e# it to re$( $%y 'o%tro " CutViewer pro)i(e# e$#y re$ 7ti&e &$%u$ e(iti%g $%( )eri*i'$tio% o* the progr$& *i e, )iewi%g the pro'e## *ro& (i**ere%t )iewpoi%t# o* the p$rt, &e$#uri%g the *i%i#he( p$rt, 'o i#io% (ete'tio%, $%( &$%y other *e$ture#" The po#t re$(er '$% /e u#er 'u#to&i<e( *or your #pe'i*i' CNC h$r(w$re" The r$w #to'. '$% /e (e*i%e( $# either $ #:u$re( / o'. or $ 'y i%(er" Sto'. $%( too ($t$ '$% /e i%' u(e( i% your CNC progr$&, or (e*i%e( #ep$r$te y prior to ru%%i%g the progr$&" Thi# )er#io% #upport# the *o B$ 3%( Mi Bu 3%( Mi = $t 3%( Mi Cor%er Rou%(i%g 3%( Mi T$pere( Mi # Ch$&*er Too # >ri # Ce%ter >ri # The /$ &i or o% the /$ owi%g type# o* too #;
Running CutViewer
0he% you *ir#t ope% CutViewer it $ppe$r# $# $ re(u'e( #i<e wi%(ow" ?ou '$% &$-i&i<e the &$i% wi%(ow /ut t$.e i%to $''ou%t th$t wi%(ow #i<e $**e't# the ru% #pee(" S'ree% $yout 'o%t$i%# the 3(it 0i%(ow $%( 1, 2 or 6 Gr$phi'# Output 0i%(ow# 8GO09" The GO0@# $re the gr$phi'$ output $re$# *or #i&u $tio%, i"e" the )iew#" Ap to *our (i**ere%t )iew# '$% /e repre#e%te( $t the #$&e ti&e" The gr$phi' wi%(ow with the *o'u# i# i(e%ti*ie( /y / ue /or(er#"
?ou '$% 'h$%ge the %u&/er o* GO0@# 81, 2, or 69, the orie%t$tio% o* GO0@# 8Verti'$ or Bori<o%t$ 9 $%( 3(it wi%(ow po#itio% 8Top, Botto&, Le*t, Right9 )i$ Setup &o(e" The pi'ture# /e ow #how #o&e po##i/ e #'ree% $yout#"
A*ter #t$rti%g CutViewer o% y the =i e7New, =i e7Ope%, $%( Setup ite&# $re $)$i $/ e" A wi%(ow# $re e&pty whe% they $ppe$r" To o$( $ *i e, #e e't the Ope% =i e /utto% $%( %$)ig$te to the (e#ire( (ire'tory" Se e't the $ppropri$te *i ter i% the D=i e o* type#E 'o&/o7/o- to te CutViewer whi'h 'o%*igur$tio% to u#e to i%terpret the g7'o(e"
FI&port$%t; #e e'ti%g wro%g 'o%*igur$tio% '$u#e# i%'orre't #i&u $tio% 8e"g" i* you ope% =$%u' NC *i e #e e'ti%g Bei(e%h$i% 'o%*igur$tio%9" I* #to'. $%( too i%*or&$tio% h$# %ot /ee% $((e( to the NC po#t *i e /e*ore h$%(, $ #erie# o* (i$ og# wi pro&pt you to (e*i%e the& whe% the NC *i e i# o$(e(" CutViewer &$i%t$i%# too ($t$/$#e *i e# i% the CutViewer (ire'tory *or e$'h type o* too you 'hoo#e to #$)e there" The#e too ($t$/$#e *i e# h$)e $ F"(/! e-te%#io%" ?ou '$% #tore $%( retrie)e the#e too # *or u#e i% $ o* your #i&u $tio%#" 0he% *i%i#he(, the 3(itor wi%(ow wi (i#p $y the NC *i e $%( $ #h$(e( Sto'. wi /e #how% i% the Gr$phi' 0i%(ow#" 3$'h gr$phi' wi%(ow h$# it# ow% #etti%g#" ?ou '$% 'h$%ge the#e #etti%g# through the wi%(ow popup &e%u 8i% or(er to ope% thi# &e%u the u#er #hou ( ' i'. with the &ou#e right /utto% #o&ewhere o% the wi%(ow $re$9"
The popup &e%u *or gr$phi' wi%(ow# pro)i(e# the po##i/i ity o* &$.i%g wi%(ow7 re $te( #etti%g#" O%e o* the *o owi%g )iew# '$% /e #e e'te( *or e$'h gr$phi' wi%(ow; Top Le*t Right =ro%t Re$r ISO The DShow Too p$thE &e%u ite& $'ti)$te# $%( (e$'ti)$te# the output o* the i%e gr$phi'# *or the too p$th" The DShow Too p$thE 'o&&$%( wi %ot t$.e e**e't u%ti the #i&u $tio% h$# /ee% #t$rte( or o%e o* the )iew ite&# h$# /ee% #e e'te(" The DShow Too E &e%u ite& $'ti)$te# $%( (e$'ti)$te# the output o* the too gr$phi'#" The DShow Progr$& Origi%E &e%u ite& $'ti)$te# $%( (e$'ti)$te# the output o* the Progr$& Origi% gr$phi'#" The 'urre%t #t$te o* the wi%(ow #etti%g# i# i%(i'$te( /y the 'he'.&$r. $t the $ppropri$te &e%u ite&" Pre## the DRu%E /utto% to #t$rt the #i&u $tio%" To &$.e the o% #'ree% 'utter #pee( # ower you '$% (e*i%e D>we E )$ ue 8&i i#e'o%(#9 i% DSetupE &o(e $%( the pro'e## wi /e #u#pe%(e( *or the #pe'i*ie( (we ti&e $t e)ery #'ree% poi%t o* the too &otio%" To &$.e the 'utter &o)e *$#ter (uri%g pro'e##i%g #i&p y pre## GHG .ey $%( pre## the G7G .ey to # ow it (ow%" Pre## DPgApE .ey *or the *$#te#t 'utter #pee(" There $re two &o(e# o* #i&u $tio% $''e##i/ e through Setup; 1" So i(; Gr$phi'$ y #i&u $te# the &$teri$ re&o)$ pro'e## /y up($ti%g the #to'. #o i( #h$pe $# the too &o)e# 8/y (e*$u t9" 2" Tur/o; Gr$phi'$ y up($te# o% y the too p$th with the too i&$ge 8i* DShow Too p$thE $%( DShow Too E were $'ti)$te(9" The &$'hi%e( p$rt $ppe$r# o% y $*ter re$'hi%g the e%( o* NC *i e or whe% the u#er pre##e# DStep =orw$r(E, DP$u#eE or DStopE /utto%" I* you w$%t to 're$te %ew NC progr$& (ire't y i% the CutViewer #e e't the D=i e7NewE &e%u ite&, the% #e e't the (e#ire( CNC type $%( $% e&pty No%$&e"%' *i e wi /e o$(e( to the 3(it wi%(ow" Now you '$% type the progr$&" To #$)e %ew progr$& to the (i#. #e e't the D=i e7S$)e $#E &e%u ite&" To #i&u $te %ew progr$& #e e't the DRu%7Re/ui (E &e%u ite& or #i&p y pre## Ctr 7=1" I* Too or Sto'. i%*o $re o&&ite( the% CutViewer wi i%iti$te the $ppropri$te (i$ og pro&pti%g *or &i##i%g i%*o" The *o owi%g /utto%# $re $)$i $/ e $t the M$i% Too /$r;
Open File Thi# i# *or ope%i%g NC *i e *ro& $ *o (er or $'ro## %etwor." But &$.e #ure you #e e't the $ppropri$te *i ter i% the D=i e# o* typeE 'o&/o7/o- to te CutViewer whi'h 'o%*igur$tio% to u#e to i%terpret the g7'o(e"
Reset Re#et# the #i&u $tio% #howi%g the i%iti$ Run Pre## thi# /utto% to #t$rt the #i&u $tio%" Step orward!"a#$ward Sto'. $t the #t$rt po#itio%"
Swit'he# to #tep7/y7#tep &o(e, $# thi# /utto% i# pre##e( repe$te( y, the too &o)e# i%'re&e%t$ y *orw$r( or /$'.w$r(" 0he% i% Step &o(e, the i%e /ei%g e-e'ute( wi /e high ighte( i% the 3(it wi%(ow $%( $ #ep$r$te (i$ og wi (i#p $y the 'urre%t 'oor(i%$te# $%( 'utti%g p$r$&eter#" Thi# he p# i% i(e%ti*yi%g the i%e# to e(it" To '$%'e the i%'re&e%t$ tr$'e &o(e pre## the DRu%E /utto%" Note; you '$% #i&p y pre## the DSp$'eE .ey to #wit'h to #tep7/y7#tep &o(e (uri%g e-e'utio%" A #o you '$% u#e the D$rrowE .ey# i%#te$( o* the DStepE /utto%# whe% #tep7/y7#tep &o(e i# $'ti)e" The too wi &o)e i%'re&e%t$ y *orw$r( i* you pre## D>ow%E or DRightE .ey $%( the too wi &o)e i%'re&e%t$ y /$'.w$r( i* you pre## DApE or DLe*tE .ey" Pre## DRetur%E .ey to '$%'e the i%'re&e%t$ tr$'e &o(e $%( 'o%ti%ue e-e'utio% or Pre## D3#'E .ey to #top e-e'utio%" %ause Su#pe%(# e-e'utio%" 0hi e pro'e##i%g i# p$u#e(, you &$y $pp y <oo&i%g, &e$#ure the p$rt $# we 'h$%ge the Setup p$r$&eter# $%( 3>IT the 'o(e" The DRu%E /utto% wi re#t$rt #i&u $tio% *ro& the p$u#e( po#itio% with pro)i#io% *or %ew p$r$&eter#" ?ou '$% $ #o e(it the *i e, /ut you h$)e to #e e't the DRu%7 Re/ui (E &e%u ite& or pre## Ctr 7=1 i% or(er to i&p e&e%t the 'h$%ge#" Stop Stop# e-e'utio% o* the #i&u $tio%" A% i.e DP$u#eE, you '$%%ot re#t$rt *ro& the 'urre%t po#itio% $*ter pre##i%g DStopE" Pre##i%g DRu%E *o owi%g DStopE wi #t$rt the #i&u $tio% *ro& the /egi%%i%g o* the *i e" A #o pre## DRu%E *o owi%g DStopE i* you w$%t to re#t$rt pro'e## $*ter *i%i#h o* the #i&u $tio%" The #i&u $tio% wi /e #t$rte( .eepi%g the $te#t #'$ e *or e$'h gr$phi' wi%(ow" I* you w$%t to #t$rt with the i%iti$ #'$ e pre## the Re#et /utto%" View "uttons
Pre## the $ppropri$te /utto% to #et the (e#ire( )iew *or the gr$phi' wi%(ow th$t h$# $ *o'u# 8thi# wi%(ow i# i(e%ti*ie( /y / ue /or(er9" &%arallel to '(is& se#tioning Ge%er$te# $ #e'tio%e( p$rt # i'i%g it with $ p $%e p$r$ )*hrough + points& se#tioning A ow# you to 'ut $w$y $ portio% o* the p$rt through $%y )erti'$ /y two poi%t#" ,nse#tioning Pre## thi# /utto% to re#tore the #e'tio%e( p$rt" -oo. Window p $%e (e*i%e( e to the A-i#"
A ow# *or the <oo&i%g /y $ wi%(ow or regio% #e e'tio% ðo(" To u#e thi# *u%'tio%, ' i'. the /utto% $%( whi e ho (i%g (ow% the e*t &ou#e /utto% #e e't the (e#ire( wi%(ow $%( the% re e$#e the &ou#e /utto%" -oo. /n Pre## thi# /utto% $%( the% pre## the e*t &ou#e /utto% $t the (e#ire( poi%t to Ioo& i% o% $ p$rt" Pre## the right &ou#e /utto% to e$)e Ioo& I% &o(e" -oo. Out Pre## thi# /utto% $%( the% pre## the e*t &ou#e /utto% to Ioo& out o% $ p$rt" Pre## the right &ou#e /utto% to e$)e Ioo& Out &o(e" -oo. Restore Re)ert# to the i%iti$ %an Mo)e# the p$rt withi% the wi%(ow" Pre## the /utto%, $%( the% ho ( the e*t &ou#e /utto% (ow% whi e &o)i%g the &ou#e" 0he% the )iew i# i% the (e#ire( po#itio% re e$#e the &ou#e /utto%" Pre## the right &ou#e /utto% to e$)e P$% &o(e" Rotate Rot$te# the )iew" Thi# &o(e i# $)$i $/ e *or ISO )iew o% y" Pre## the /utto%, the% ho ( the e*t &ou#e /utto% (ow% whi e &o)i%g the &ou#e" 0he% the )iew i# i% the (e#ire( po#itio% re e$#e the &ou#e /utto%" Pre## the right &ou#e /utto% to e$)e Rot$te &o(e" Measure.ents >i#p $y# $ too Setup L$u%'he# $ (i$ og where you '$% 'o%*igure how CutViewer wor.#" I* you pre## the #$)e /utto% to e-it r$ther th$% the OJ /utto% your #etti%g# wi /e the (e*$u t the %e-t ti&e you $u%'h CutViewer" *or &$.i%g &e$#ure&e%t# o* the p$rt" <oo& )iew"
The *ir#t three )$ri$/ e# $re the #to'. #i<e, gi)e% i% po#iti)e %u&/er# repre#e%ti%g the $'tu$ &e$#ure&e%t# o* the &$teri$ " The #to'. re*ere%'e poi%t 8origi%9 i# the ower e*t 'or%er i% the i#o&etri' )iew 8the poi%t with the &i%i&$ 4,?,I 'oor(i%$te#9 " The Sto'. origi% $ #o '$% /e i(e%ti*ie( /y the i%ter#e'tio% o* the ye ow, / ue $%( re( $-e# whe% the rot$te 8)iew9 /utto% i# pu#he(" The $#t three %u&/er# i%(i'$te the -,y,< po#itio% o* the progr$& origi% re $ti)e to the #to'. origi%" Thi# (e*i%itio% pro)i(e# &ore 'o%tro th$% $##ig%i%g <C0 $t the top #ur*$'e o* the / o'., it $ #o re:uire# &ore $tte%tio%" =or e-$&p e, i* the #to'. h$# $ e%gth o* 100 &&, $ wi(th o* K0 &&, $ height o* !0 && $%( the progr$& origi% i# $t 'e%ter o* the top *$'e; LSTOCJ+BLOCJ,100,K0,!0,,0,!,,!0 Si&i $r y, $ 5E-6E-1E #to'. with $ progr$& origi% $t the 'e%ter o* the top #ur*$'e i# writte% $#; LSTOCJ+BLOCJ,5,6,1,!,2,1 I* the #to'. #h$pe i# $ Cy i%(er with $ /ore; ;STOCK/CYLINDER, D1, D2, Height, Origin X, Origin Y, Origin Z >1 i# Outer >i$&eter >2 i# I%%er >i$&eter
The i%%er (i$&ter >2 &$y /e 0" >i$&eter# $%( Beight repre#e%t the $'tu$ &e$#ure&e%t# o* the 'y i%(er" The #to'. re*ere%'e poi%t 8origi%9 i# the 'e%ter o* the 'y i%(er /otto&"
=or e-$&p e, i* the 'y i%(er h$# $ (i$&eter o* 100 &&, $ height o* !0&& $%( the progr$& origi% i# $t 'e%ter o* the /otto& *$'e; LSTOCJ+C?LIN>3R,100,0,!0,0,0,0 I* the progr$& origi% i# $t 'e%ter o* the top *$'e; LSTOCJ+C?LIN>3R,100,0,!0,0,0,!0 i* the 'y i%(er h$# $ /ore (i$&eter 60 &&; LSTOCJ+C?LIN>3R,100,60,!0,0,0,!0 I* you #t$rt the progr$& with the wro%g Sto'. p$r$&eter# you '$% re7(ei%e the #to'. #e e'ti%g the DRe(e*i%e $ Sto'.E &e%u ite& *ro& the 3(it wi%(ow popup &e%u or #i&p y pre##i%g A tHS $%( the Sto'. (e*i%itio% (i$ og wi $ppe$r" /9 ; RO!/X "t#rt, Y "t#rt, Z "t#rt The =ROM i%e (e%ote# the #t$rti%g or ho&e po#itio% o* the too re $ti)e to the progr$& origi%" I% thi# e-$&p e u#i%g the #to'. $/o)e $%( the i%iti$ po#itio% o* the too 10 && $/o)e the top *$'e; L=ROM+0,0,10 The i%'h e-$&p e, i* the *ir#t too L=ROM+0,0,"1 '9 The TOOL The i%e (e%ote# the too po#itio% i# "1E $/o)e the origi%;
# i# (e#'ri/e( /e ow;
;TOOL/!ILL, Di#$eter, C%rner r#di&", Height, T#'er (ng)e FNote; *or Too +Mi ; the Cor%er R$(iu# wi i%(i'$te the type o* &i where GrG i# the 'or%er r$(iu# #pe'i*ie( $%( G>G i# the too >i$&eter; u#e(
rC0 *or $ * $t e%( &i rM>+2 *or /u rC>+2 *or /$ rC7>+2 *or /$ e%( &i e%( &i e%( &i
8=ig"19 8*ig"29 8i* the 'o%tro 8 i* 'o%tro poi%t i# the too tip9 8=ig"!9 9 8=ig"69
The *o owi%g $re 3-$&p e# o* )$riou# too #etti%g#; LTOOL+MILL,20,0,20,0 LTOOL+MILL,1,0,1", 7 * $t e%( &i LTOOL+MILL,20,10,20,0 LTOOL+MILL,1,",,2 7 /$ &i 8'o%tro too tip9 LTOOL+MILL,20,710,20,0 LTOOL+MILL,1,7",,2 7 /$ &i 8'o%tro 'e%ter o* the /$ 9 LTOOL+MILL,20,!,20,0 LTOOL+MILL,1,"12,,1 7 /u &i The i%e *or&$t *or Cor%er Rou%(i%g 3%( Mi i# (e#'ri/e( /e ow;
The i%e *or&$t *or Ch$&*er too # i# $# *o ow#; ;TOOL/CH(! ER, Di#$eter, *%int (ng)e, Height
The i%e *or&$t *or >ri i# (e#'ri/e( /e ow; ;TOOL/DRILL, Di#$eter, *%int (ng)e, Height
A%( the i%e *or&$t *or Ce%ter >ri # i# $# *o ow#; ;TOOL/CDRILL, D1, (1, L, D2, (2, H 8#ee =ig" /e ow9
FNote; ?ou '$% i%#ert $ %ew too i%to the NC *i e $t the %ee(e( po#itio%" To get the Too (e*i%itio% (i$ og 'hoo#e DI%#ert Too (e*i%itio%E *ro& the 3(it wi%(ow 'o%te-t &e%u" A*ter $ Too i%e i# i%#erte(, you h$)e to #e e't the DRu%E7ERe/ui (E &e%u ite& or pre## Ctr 7=1 i% or(er to i&p e&e%t the 'h$%ge#" ?ou '$% $(( $ %ew too to the too ($t$/$#e" Si&p y pre## the DA(( too to >BE /utto% *ro& the Too (e*i%itio% (i$ og" A*terw$r(# you '$% get the too *ro& thi# ($t$/$#e pre##i%g the DGet Too *ro& >BE /utto%" I* you h$)e the too ($t$/$#e the% you '$% u#e the *o Too (e*i%itio% 'o&&$%(; ;TOOL/ID,-or ;TOOL/ De".ri'ti%n,--I% thi# '$#e CutViewer wi D>e#'riptio%E )$ ue" (9 LCOLOR,R,G,B ?ou '$% $##ig% (i#p $y 'o or to e$'h too " Thi# &u#t *o Co&&$%(" R 7 #pe'i*ie# the i%te%#ity o* the re( 'o or G 7 #pe'i*ie# the i%te%#ity o* the gree% 'o or B 7 #pe'i*ie# the i%te%#ity o* the / ue 'o or The i%te%#ity *or e$'h $rgu&e%t i# i% the r$%ge 0 through 2,," I* $ three i%te%#itie# $re <ero, the re#u t i# / $'." I* $ three i%te%#itie# $re 2,,, the re#u t i# white" =or e-$&p e, you &$y type the *o owi%g; ow the TOOL u#e the too *ro& the ($t$/$#e with gi)e% DI>E or owi%g #y%t$- *or the
LCOLOR,0,2,,,0 7 >i#p $y Co or i# gree%L or LCOLOR,2,,,2,,,0 7 >i#p $y Co or i# ye owL Note; CutViewer i%#ert# Co or i%e $uto&$ti'$ y i* you u#e Too (e*i%itio% (i$ og" ?ou '$% 'h$%ge >i#p $y Co or *or e$'h too pre##i%g the 'o or $##ig%&e%t /utto% i% DSetupE &o(e or (ire't y u#i%g $ #i&p e .ey7'o&/i%$tio% DCtr 7TE" To 'h$%ge the 'o or, #i&p y ' i'. o% the $ppropri$te 'e i% the DCo orE 'o u&%" Note; A%y e$(i%g #y&/o # $re per&itte(, pro)i(e( they (o %ot i%ter*ere with progr$& e-e'utio%" =or e-$&p e, you &$y type the *o L=ROM+120,0,0 or N=ROM+120,0,0 Sto'. + Too #e e'tio% i% CLS $%( APT CL>ATA 8ASCII9 *i e#; owi%g;
3$'h *i e &u#t 'o%t$i% i%*or&$tio% $/out #to'. i% *o PPRINT+BLOCJ,(1,(2,(!,(6,(,,(5 or PPRINT+C?LIN>3R,(1,(2,(!,(6,(,,(5 (1,(2,(!,(6,(,,(5 7 #ee G 'o(e #e'tio% =or e-$&p e; PPRINT+BLOCJ,100",K0",!0",,0",!,",!0" I%*or&$tio% $/out too *or CLS *i e#;
owi%g *or&$t;
TL>ATA+MILL,>,r"""" C &i TL>ATA+>RILL""""""" C (ri I%*or&$tio% $/out too # *or CL>ATA 8ASCII9 *i e#; CATT3R+>,r >7too (i$&eter r7 'or%er r$(iu# *or * $t e%( &i *or /$ &i
?ou '$% &o(i*y $% NC progr$& i% the 3(it wi%(ow, $# you wou ( e(it $ *i e" A 'h$%ge# wi /e $''epte( o% y $*ter you #e e't the DRu%7Re/ui (E &e%u ite& or pre## Ctr 7=1 *or progr$& reru%%i%g" =or progr$& (e/uggi%g you '$% #e e't the &e%u ite& DRu% to Cur#orE or #i&p y pre## =6 .ey" The DRu% to Cur#orE 'o&&$%( ru%# your progr$& *ro& the 'urre%t poi%t to the i%e the 'ur#or i# o% i% the e(it wi%(ow $%( the% #wit'he# to the Step7/y7Step &o(e" =or e-$&p e, i* you $re 'he'.i%g $ $rge NC *i e you &$y #e e't *$#t Tur/o &o(e o* oper$tio% the% #e e't the (e#ire( i%e i% the e(it wi%(ow $%( pre## =6" 0he% the progr$& #top# $t #e e'te( i%e you '$% #wit'h to the So i( &o(e $%( 'o%ti%ue pro'e##i%g" ?ou '$% $ #o u#e Ctr 7=6 $*ter &o(i*yi%g the progr$&" Thi# wou ( /e the #$&e $# DRe/ui (E $%( DRu% to Cur#orE" ?ou &$y $ #o #et /re$.poi%t# o% i%e# i% the NC *i e where you w$%t the progr$& e-e'utio% to p$u#e (uri%g $ ru%" Ru%%i%g to $ /re$.poi%t i# #i&i $r to Ru%%i%g to $ 'ur#or po#itio% i% th$t the progr$& ru%# u%ti it re$'he# $ 'ert$i% i%e" Bowe)er, u% i.e DRu% To Cur#orE, you '$% h$)e &u tip e /re$.poi%t# i% your *i e" To #et $ /re$.poi%t, #e e't the i%e i% the *i e where you w$%t the /re$.poi%t #et, the% (o o%e o* the *o owi%g; $9 Pre## =, /9 Choo#e Togg e Bre$.poi%t *ro& the Ru% &e%u '9 Choo#e Togg e Bre$.poi%t *ro& the 3(it wi%(ow 'o%te-t &e%u" 0he% you #et $ /re$.poi%t, the high ighte(" i%e o% whi'h the /re$.poi%t i# #et /e'o&e#
FNote; you '$% #e e't 3(it 'o&&$%(# through popup &e%u" I% or(er to ope% thi# &e%u the u#er #hou ( ' i'. with the &ou#e right /utto% #o&ewhere o% the 3(it wi%(ow $re$"
A#e o%e *ro& the *o owi%g /utto%# *or <oo&i%g;
-oo. Window A ow# *or the <oo&i%g /y $ wi%(ow or regio% #e e'tio% ðo(" To u#e thi# *u%'tio%# ' i'. the /utto% $%( whi e ho (i%g (ow% the e*t &ou#e /utto% #e e't the (e#ire( wi%(ow $%( the% re e$#e the &ou#e /utto%" FNote; The re#u ti%g p$rt wi *or *$#ter pro'e##i%g" -oo. /n Pre## thi# /utto% $%( the% pre## the e*t &ou#e /utto% $t the (e#ire( poi%t to Ioo& i% o% $ p$rt" Pre## the right &ou#e /utto% to e$)e Ioo& I% &o(e" -oo. Out Pre## thi# /utto% $%( the% pre## the e*t &ou#e /utto% to Ioo& out o% $ p$rt" Pre## the right &ou#e /utto% to e$)e Ioo& Out &o(e" -oo. Restore Re)ert# to the i%iti$ <oo& )iew" /e #e'tio%e( /e'$u#e o* &e&ory re#tri'tio%# $%(
View Rotation
=or )iew rot$tio% pre## the GRot$teG /utto%" To rot$te the )iew, ho ( the e*t &ou#e /utto% (ow% whi e &o)i%g the &ou#e" 0he% the )iew i# i% the (e#ire( po#itio%, pre## the right &ou#e /utto% to e$)e DRot$tio%E &o(e" FNote; you '$% e%$'t the DRot$tio%E 'o&&$%( (ire't y u#i%g $ #i&p e hot .ey without pre##i%g $ /utto%" Pre## the A t .ey $%( ' i'.7(r$g with the e*t &ou#e /utto%"
View Panning
=or )iew p$%%i%g pre## the DP$%E /utto%" To p$% the )iew, ho ( the e*t &ou#e /utto% (ow% whi e &o)i%g the &ou#e" 0he% the )iew i# i% the (e#ire( po#itio%, pre## the right &ou#e /utto% to e$)e DP$%E &o(e" FNote; you '$% e%$'t the DP$%%i%gE 'o&&$%( (ire't y u#i%g $ #i&p e hot .ey without pre##i%g $ /utto%" Pre## the Ctr .ey $%( ' i'.7(r$g with the e*t &ou#e /utto%"
The p$rt '$% /e #e'tio%e( to #ee i%)i#i/ e e e&e%t#" CutViewer #upport# two &o(e# o* #e'tio%i%g, DP$r$ e to A-i#E $%( DThrough 2 poi%t#E" DP$r$ e to A-i#E ge%er$te# $ #e'tio%e( p$rt # i'i%g it with $ p $%e p$r$ e to the A-i#" Pre## the DP$r$ e to A-i#E /utto% $%( $% out i%e o* the top e(ge# o* the #to'. wi $ppe$r#" P $'e the &ou#e 'ur#or o% o%e o* the i%e# $%( (r$g it to the o'$tio% where you wou ( i.e to #ee the #e'tio% 'ut" 0he% you re e$#e the &ou#e $% out i%e o* the #e'tio% wi $ppe$r /e ow the i%e" ?ou &$y &o)e the #e'tio% i%e $g$i% with the &ou#e" Repe$t thi# *or other e(ge# i* %e'e##$ry" 0he% *i%$ y #$ti#*ie(, pre## the right &ou#e /utto% to 're$te the #e'tio%"
DThrough 2 poi%t# #e'tio%E7 $ ow# you to 'ut $w$y $ portio% o* the p$rt through $%y )erti'$ p $%e (e*i%e( /y two poi%t#" Thi# optio% i# $)$i $/ e o% y o% the Top $%( ISO )iew#" Mo)e the 'ur#or to the *ir#t po#itio% $%( pre## the e*t &ou#e /utto% (ow%" 0hi e ho (i%g the /utto% pu $ Dru//er /$%( i%eE to the (e#ire( po#itio%" Re e$#e the &ou#e /utto% $%( 'orre't the po#itio% o* the poi%t# $# %e'e##$ry" 0he% you $re #$ti#*ie( with the po#itio% o* the #e'tio% i%e, &o)e the 'ur#or to the #i(e o* p$rt you w$%t to re&o)e $%( pre## the right &ou#e /utto%" To re#tore the #e'tio%e( p$rt pre## the DA%#e'tio%i%gE /utto% or 'hoo#e the &e%u ite& DSe'tio%E, DA%#e'tio%i%gE"
A too h$# $ #o /ee% #upp ie( *or &$.i%g &e$#ure&e%t# o* the p$rt" =or &$.i%g &e$#ure&e%t# pre## the DMe$#ureE /utto%E $%( the% pre## the $ppropri$te /utto%" The &o#t o* &e$#ure&e%t# $re $)$i $/ e o% the Top )iew o% y" To /ui ( #e'tio%# through )erti'$ p $%e# pre## the DMe$#ureE7ESe'tio%E /utto% $%( i%put e-p i'it 'oor(i%$te# o* the *ir#t $%( #e'o%( poi%t# $%( #tep )$ ue or &o)e the 'ur#or to the *ir#t po#itio% $%( pre## $ e*t &ou#e /utto% (ow%" 0hi e ho (i%g the /utto% pu $ Dru//er /$%( i%eE to the (e#ire( po#itio%" Re e$#e the &ou#e /utto% $%( 'orre't the po#itio% o* poi%t# $# %e'e##$ry" 0he% you $re #$ti#*ie( with the po#itio% o* the #e'tio% i%e, pre## the right &ou#e /utto% $%( i%put $ #tep )$ ue i% the (i$ og /o-" The #e'tio% wi $ppe$r o% the #'ree%" ?ou '$% #ee re$ 'oor(i%$te# i% the 4,?,I /o/y ' i'.i%g $t $ poi%t o* the #e'tio%" ?ou &$y <oo& i% o% $ #e'tio% "?ou &$y $ #o 'hoo#e the D'oor(i%$te#E p$ge $%( #$)e 4,?,I )$ ue# i% the *i e" FNote; The )$ ue# o* PART $%( R3MOV3> VOLAM3S $re $ppro-i&$te $%( re $te to 'urre%t (i#p $y repre#e%t$tio% o* the p$rt 8t$.i%g i%to $''ou%t $ #e'tio%#9" STL Co&p$reE *u%'tio% $ ow# the u#er to per*or& $ 'he'. o* the 'ut &o(e to !> CA> &o(e i% STL *or&$t" =or &$.i%g 'o&p$ri#o% pre## the DSTL Co&p$reE /utto%" The STL Co&p$re (i$ og /o- $ppe$r#" Lo$( the STL *i e" ?ou '$% #ee the *o owi%g *ie (# $%( the /utto%#; (-,(y,(< $%( -$,y$,<$ $re u#e( *or #etti%g the STL orie%t$tio% re $ti)e y to the progr$& origi%" (-,(y,(< i%(i'$te the STL origi% re $ti)e y to the progr$& origi%" -$8y$,<$9 i%(i'$te# the $%g e o* STL rot$tio% $rou%( the 48?,I97$-i#" Pre## the DShow STLE /utto% to #how STL &o(e $%( to &$.e 'ert$i% o* STL po#itio% $%( orie%t$tio%" I%To 7 the to er$%'e )$ ue *or the gouge#" OutTo 7 the to er$%'e )$ ue *or the u%'ut $re$#" Pre## the DSt$rtE /utto% to /egi% the 'o&p$ri#o%" The pro'e## i# # ow, e#pe'i$ y *or /ig STL *i e#" The gouge# wi /e (i#p $ye( i% Re(, u%'ut $re# 7 i% ?e ow, $%( $ $re$G# withi% to er$%'e 7 i% Gree% 'o our" ?ou '$% 'h$%ge the 'o our# pre##i%g the $ppropri$te 'o oure( /utto%# $%( 'hoo#i%g (e#ire( 'o our"
Through the DSetupE /utto% you '$% 'h$%ge $%( #$)e the *o
owi%g p$r$&eter#;
!%de %+ Si$&)#ti%n 1" So i(; Gr$phi'$ y #i&u $te# the &$teri$ re&o)$ pro'e## /y up($ti%g the #to'. #o i( #h$pe $# the too &o)e# 8/y (e*$u t9" 2" Tur/o; Gr$phi'$ y up($te# o% y the too p$th with the too i&$ge 8i* DShow Too p$thE $%( DShow Too E were $'ti)$te(9" The &$'hi%e( p$rt $ppe$r# o% y $*ter re$'hi%g the e%( o* NC *i e or whe% the u#er pre##e# DStep =orw$r(E, DP$u#eE or DStopE /utto%" (&t%"#/e %'ti%n"
#pe'i*y whi'h optio%# $re #$)e( $uto&$ti'$ y whe% CutViewer i# ' o#e(" A 'he'. &$r. &e$%# it i# e%$/ e(" 7 M$i% wi%(ow po#itio%; i* 'he'.e( the% &$i% wi%(ow #i<e $%( po#itio% $re #$)e(" 7 GO0 #etti%g#; i* 'he'.e( the% #etti%g# *or e$'h gr$phi' wi%(ow# $re #$)e(" 3(it wi%(ow po#itio%; #etti%g po#itio% o* the 3(it wi%(ow i% the &$i% progr$& wi%(ow" S.reen )#0%&t "etting" #pe'i*y the %u&/er o* gr$phi'$ wi%(ow#81,2 or 69, e(it wi%(ow 8 e*t,right,top,/otto&9 $%( GO0 orie%t$tio% 8Verti'$ or Bori<o%t$ 9" po#itio%
Che.1 R#'id C%))i"i%n e%$/ e# or (i#$/ e# the (ete'tio% o* R$pi( Co i#io%" I* thi# optio% i# o% the% CutViewer gr$phi'$ y #i&u $te# $%y 'o i#io% the too h$# with the #to'. &$teri$ whi e u%(er R$pi( Tr$)er#e" 3-e'utio% o* the NC *i e wi #top $t the / o'. o* 'o(e where the 'o i#io% o''ur# $%( $ #pe'i$ (i$ og /o- wi $ #o $ppe$r th$t wi (i#p $y the 'oor(i%$te# *or the 'urre%t type o* &o)e i% $ *ro&7to *or&$t $%( the /utto%# to (e*i%e %e-t $'tio%#" ?ou &$y 'o%ti%ue e-e'utio%, p$u#e or #top it" I* you pre## the DIg%ore A E /utto% the% e-e'utio% wi 'o%ti%ue /ut without $%y R$pi( Co i#o% (ete'tio%# or i% other wor(# the optio% DChe'. R$pi( Co i#io%E wi /e O**" Th$t@# why (o%@t *orget to tur% DChe'. R$pi( Co i#io%E to O% i* you w$%t to h$)e thi# *e$ture /eei%g $)$i $/ e *or *urther #i&u $tio%# i% the #$&e #e##io%"
D2e)) 3$i))i"e.%nd"4 #pe'i*ie# $ (we $t the e)ery #'ree% poi%t o* too #'ree% too #pee( Tr#.e "te' #pe'i*ie# $% $&ou%t o* the too i%'re&e%t$ y &otio% *or # owi%g the o%
T%%) 5ie2 #pe'i*ie# So i( o* 0ire*r$&e &o(e *or the too C%)%r" #etti%g the 'o or p$ ette"
FNote; 0he% CutViewer o$(# NC *i e, it 're$te# $ re'or( i% &e&ory o* $%y too #i<e or too 'o or #t$te&e%t# th$t h$)e /ee% i%#erte( where the too # t$.e e**e't" A (i**ere%t 'o or #t$te&e%t '$% optio%$ y *o ow e$'h too (e*i%itio%" I* %o 'o or #t$te&e%t# $re *ou%( i% the po#t, CutViewer u#e# the DP$rt 'o orE #how% i% the Setup (i$ og" Ch$%ge# &$(e to too 'o or# /y &e$%# o* the #etup (i$ og wi per#i#t o% y i* there $re %o 'o or# $##ig%e( i% the NC *i e" A Ctr 7T .ey 'o&/i%$tio% wi (ire't y $u%'h the too 'o or (i$ og" Re o$(i%g the NC *i e 8Re/ui ( O Ctr 7=19 wi '$u#e the progr$& to u#e $%y 'o or# $((e( to the e(itor /u**er $%( o)erri(e 'h$%ge# &$(e i% &e&ory through the #etup (i$ og" O%'e the NC po#t i# o$(e( i%to &e&ory the too 'o or# '$% /e 'h$%ge( i% the #etup $%( #ee% i&&e(i$te y" So, *or $ per&$%e%t 'o or up($te we #hou ( $(( COLOR 'o&&$%(# to the NC *i e"
CutViewer u#e# $ #i&p e te-t *i e with $% F"%'i e-te%#io% to 'o%*igure CutViewer *or #pe'i*i' #ty e o* po#t" The %'i *i e u#e# the #$&e *or&$t the 'o&&o% "i%i *i e" The#e *i e# $re .ept i% the CutViewer i%#t$ (ire'tory" The F"%'i 'o%*igur$tio% *i e (e*i%e# the e-te%#io% *i ter $%( (e#'riptio% th$t $ppe$r# i% the 'o&/o7/o- i% the ope% *i e wi%(ow" The e-te%#io% *i ter '$% /e u#e( to i&it )iewi%g o% y tho#e *i e# *or whi'h the 'o%*igur$tio% *i e i# 'orre't"
The (e*$u t 'o%*igur$tio% *i e '$ e( Pg'o(e"%'i &$y /e *ou%( i% the CutViewer (ire'tory" I* you h$)e o% y o%e NC &$'hi%e #i&p y e(it thi# *i e" I* you #t$rt /y e(iti%g the (e*$u t *i e it wou ( /e $ goo( i(e$ to #$)e the origi%$ /e*ore e(iti%g" Se)er$ #$&p e F"%'i *i e# $re pro)i(e( with the progr$& $%( '$% /e u#e( to )iew #o&e (e&o po#t#" Mo)e $%y &o)e $%y o* the#e #$&p e %'i *i e# to $%other (ire'tory to #horte% the i#t o* 'hoi'e# i% the *i e ope% 'o&/o7/o-" I* you h$)e #e)er$ &$'hi%e#, &$.e 'opie# o* Pg'o(e"%'i u%(er (i**ere%t %$&e# i% the CutViewer (ire'tory $%( e(it the#e *i e#" Notep$( or 0or(P$( '$% /e u#e( to e(it the&" 0he% #$)i%g the#e *i e#, &$.e #ure the *i e i# #$)e( $# =i eN$&e"%'i $%( %ot $# =i eN$&e"%'i"t-t 8Notep$( i# %otoriou# *or thi#9" Note; A /$'.up o* the (e*$u t Pg'o(e"%'i i# $ #o *ou%( u%(er the %$&e Pg'o(e"(e*" To o$( $% NC *i e i%to CutViewer you &u#t #e e't the 'orre't 'o%*igur$tio% *i e *ro& the D=i e# o* TypeE 'o&/o7/o- i% the *i e ope% (i$ og whe% you o$( $ *i e" Creating new 0C/ iles There $re two re:uire( #e'tio%# i% thi# *i e; QCo&&o%R Q=or&$tR NCI *i e# $re %ot '$#e #e%#iti)e" O% y the #etti%g# th$t $re u#e( /y your progr$& %ee( to /e i% the *i e" Co&&e%t# h$)e /ee% $((e( $/o)e e$'h #etti%g i% $ (i**ere%t *o%t to #how th$t they $re %ot %ee(e( i% the *i e" A #$&p e %'i *i e oo.# i.e thi#; he p (e#'ri/e wh$t .i%( o*
QCo&&e%t#R A (e#'riptio% th$t, whe% #ee% i% the 'o&/oC/o-, wi po#t the 'o%*igur$tio% i# *or" CNCC=$%u' OMC
The e-te%#io% *i ter, whi'h i# u#e( /y the ope% *i e wi%(ow to *i ter the *i e i#t, #hou ( /e the #$&e $# wh$t $ppe$r# i% you NC po#t *i e%$&e" =i e3-tCF"%' Note; &u tip e e-te%#io%# $re $ owe(" 3-$&p e; =i e3-tCF"%'LF"'%' i%e th$t te # the &$'hi%e
The 'h$r$'ter th$t the po#t u#e# /e*ore $ 'o%tro er %ot to i%terpret th$t i%e i#, Co&&e%tP'hrC8
The wor( I%'h or Metri', (epe%(i%g o% whi'h u%it #'he&e wi po#t *i e" A%it#C&etri' Q=or&$tR The %e-t ! #etti%g# (e*i%e the 'oor(i%$te #y&/o # -P$((rC4 yP$((rC? <P$((rCI The %e-t ! #etti%g# (e*i%e )$ ue o* 4,?,I 'oor(i%$te#; -P#'$ eC1 yP#'$ eC1 the r$tio 4,?,I )$ ue i%
/e u#e( i% the NC
*i e
<P#'$ eC1
The %e-t two #etti%g# (e*i%e how $r' 'e%ter# $re re$( whe% either G10 or G11 i# $'ti)e $%( o% y $pp y to $ G02+G0! i%e th$t h$# $ 'e%ter (e*i%e( with I S J wor(# /ut %ot whe% 4 I R i# u#e(" ISJ*or&$tP$/#C ISJ*or&$tPi%'rC There $re e-$'t y , (i**ere%t #tri%g )$ ue# th$t '$% /e u#e( with e$'h; I $%( S $re $/#o ute Ce%ter" I $%( S $re i%'re&e%t$ e%(7'e%ter" I $%( S $re i%'re&e%t$ 'e%ter7#t$rt" *ro& the 4? e%( poi%t o* the $r' *ro& the #t$rt poi%t o* the $r' 'e%ter# $re $ w$y# $ po#iti)e %u&/er $%
I* the 'o%tro e-pe't# th$t i%'re&e%t$ D$/#E i# $((e(" $/#8e%(7'e%ter9 $/#8#t$rt7'e%ter9 I* G10 $'ti)e IT.*or&$tP$/#C I* G11 $'ti)e IT.*or&$tPi%'rC 3-$&p e; IS.*or&$tP$/#Ce%(7'e%ter IS.*or&$tPi%'rC$/#8e%(7'e%ter9 The *ee( r$te #y&/o *P$((rC= The RPM #y&/o #P$((rCS The too #y&/o too P$((rCT
The *ee( r$te th$t $/o)e whi'h r$pi( 'o or i# (i#p $ye( $%( 'o e-pe'te( i* the 'utter h$# &et &$teri$ " *Pr$pi(C,000 Cutter 'o&pe%#$tio% g7'o(e#" 'ut'o&P e*tCG61 'ut'o&PrightCG62 'ut'o&Po**CG60
i#io% i#
P e$#e %ote th$t i* your CAM #y#te& i# po#ti%g pro*i e# u#i%g the 'utter 'e%ter i%e i%#te$( o* the p$rt pro*i e, e$'h o%e o* the#e #hou ( /e #et to DG--E #o th$t they $re ig%ore( whe% e%'ou%tere(" The e%( o* the &$i% progr$& progPe%(CM!0 Su/ routi%e '$ #u/P'$ CM12P Begi% #u/ (e*i%itio% #u/P/egi%CO
e-$&p e o* $
Pg'o(e"%'i *i e ;
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u#erP'o%)ertC&y'o)erter"( the% *ir#t o* $ CutViewer wi try to '$ the pro'e(ure %$&e( A#erP'o%)ertPpro' *ro& &y'o%)erter"( *i e" A#erP'o%)ertPpro' pro'e(ure h$# 2 p$r$&eter# 7 i%put *i e %$&e $%( output *i e %$&e" The#e p$r$&eter# CutViewer p$##e# to your pro'e(ure" I* you write your progr$&# o% >e phi the (e' $r$tio% *or the pro'e(ure i% >LL oo.# $# *o ow#; Pro'e(ure u#erP'o%)ertPpro'8i%*i e,out*i e;p'h$r9L#t('$ L
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