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DVC Cruelty Delhi Highcourt

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IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI FAO 163/1997 Date of Decision: August 20, 2010 MRS.

FLORA OS! ".. A##e$$ant %&'oug&: M'. Suni$ Mitta$, A()ocate *!RS+S S+,RO%- OS! ".. Res#on(ent %&'oug&: .e/o. 0ORAM: 1O.2 L! MS. 3+S%-0! AR+.A S+R!S1 415 6&et&e' 'e#o'te's of $oca$ #a#e' /a7 8e a$$o9e( to see t&e :u(g/ent; 425 %o 8e 'efe''e( to t&e 'e#o'te' o' not; <es 435 6&et&e' t&e :u(g/ent s&ou$( 8e 'e#o'te( in t&e Digest; <es 3+D=M!.% 1. +n(e' c&a$$enge in t&is a##ea$ is t&e :u(g/ent an( (ec'ee of t&e $ea'ne( A((itiona$ Dist'ict 3u(ge (ate( >t& A#'i$, 1997 9&e'e87 t&e #etition of t&e a##e$$ant fi$e( un(e' Section 13 415 4ia5 an( 4i85 of t&e 1in(u Ma''iage Act 9as (is/isse(. 2. Succinct$7, t&e facts of t&e case a'e t&at #a'ties to t&e #etition 9e'e /a''ie( on >.12.197? acco'(ing to 1in(u 'ites an( ce'e/onies. One /a$e c&i$( An@u' ose 9as 8o'ne out of t&e 9e($oc@ on 7.>.197>. Res#on(ent is an a$co&o$ic. Man7 a ti/es &e 'e/aine( out of :o8 an( un(e' t&e inf$uence of $iAuo' an( e)en ot&e'9ise &e use( to t'eat t&e #etitione' 9it& c'ue$t7. Res#on(ent &a( to )acate t&e 'enta$ #'e/ises on account of non #a7/ent of 'ent an( #etitione' &a( to (e#en( fo' financia$ su##o't on &e' #a'ents. Res#on(ent &a( sto##e( ta@ing ca'e of t&e fa/i$7 nee(s. Afte' )acating t&e 'ente( acco//o(ation #a'ties sta'te( $i)ing in t&e &ouse of ,etitione's #a'ents. Afte' s&ifting to &e' #a'ents &ouse, #etitione' continue( 9it& &e' :o8 an( in t&e e)enings s&e sta'te( going to t&eate' $ea)ing &e' c&i$( in t&e ca'e of &e' #a'ents 8ecause Res#on(ent (i( not s&o9 an7 inc$ination o' inte'est to $oo@ afte' t&e c&i$(. ,etitione' 8eca/e #'egnant again, to 9&ic& Res#on(ent eB#'esse( &is s&oc@ an( (iso9ne( t&e c&i$( as &is o9n. 1e sus#ecte( &e' fi(e$it7 an( ,etitione' &a( to go fo' /e(ica$ te'/ination of t&e #'egnanc7. %o /eet &is ('in@ing &a8it, &e use( to ta@e /one7 f'o/ t&e ,etitione' o' &e' #a'ents an( so/e ti/es e)en so$( out &ouse&o$( a'tic$es. ,etitione' 9as a$$otte( a f$at an( Res#on(ent 9ante( to se$$ t&e a$$ot/ent $ette' to 9&ic& ,etitione' (i( not ag'ee. %&is 'esu$te( into &u'$ing of a8uses an( #&7sica$ 8eatings to t&e ,etitione' 87 t&e

Res#on(ent. %&e (is#utes an( (iffe'ences inc'ease( to t&e eBtent t&at #a'ties sto##e( t&ei' #&7sica$ 'e$ations. ,etitione' soug&t gui(ance f'o/ a )o$unta'7 o'ganiCation DSa&e$i, 9&e'e Res#on(ent 9as ca$$e( an( t&e (iffe'ences 9e'e 'econci$e( 9it& a )ie9 to 'esta't t&e /at'i/onia$ $ife. ,a'ties sta'te( $i)ing toget&e' 9.e.f. 20.0>.19>9. 1o9e)e', (is#utes an( (iffe'ences continue( as 8efo'e. On 2.12.19>9, a$$ege($7 a scene 9as c'eate( in t&e &ouse an( Res#on(ent too@ out a @itc&en @nife to assau$t t&e ,etitione' 8ut, 9&en t&ei' son inte')ene(, &e sustaine( in:u'ies an( 9as &os#ita$iCe(. ,etitione' $o(ge( a co/#$aint a8out t&is inci(ent 9it& t&e #o$ice on 3.12.19>9. Since 2.12.19>9 #a'ties a'e $i)ing se#a'ate$7. 3. Res#on(ent &as 'efute( t&e a$$egations of t&e ,etitione' t&at &e is a$co&o$ic o' t&at &e &a( 8een 8eating &is 9ife an( t&e c&i$( o' t&at &e (i( not ta@e ca'e of &i/ o' t&at &e &a( no inte'est in t&e c&i$(. 1e &as a$$ege( t&at &e ne)e' (ese'te( t&e ,etitione' 8ut 9as fo'ce( to $ea)e t&e &ouse on 2.12.19>9. 1e &as a$so a$$ege( t&at &e &a( to )acate t&e 'ente( acco//o(ation 8ecause of e)iction (ec'ee suffe'e( 87 &i/ fo' 8ona fi(e necessit7 an( not on account of non #a7/ent of 'ent. ?. On t&e #$ea(ings of t&e #a'ties, fo$$o9ing issues 9e'e f'a/e( fo' consi(e'ation 87 t&e 0ou't:E 415 6&et&e' t&e Res#on(ent &as t'eate( t&e ,etitione' 9it& c'ue$t7 as a$$ege(; 425 6&et&e' t&e Res#on(ent &as (ese'te( t&e ,etitione' fo' continous #e'io( of t9o 7ea's i//e(iate$7 #'ece(ing t&e #'esentation of t&e #etition as a$$ege(; 435 Re$ief. F. Res#on(ent &as 8een contesting t&e a##ea$ in #e'son. On 6t& August, 2009 &e &a( state( t&at &e 9as 'ea(7 an( 9i$$ing to (i)o'ce t&e ,etitione' 87 /utua$ consent #'o)i(e( &e 9as gi)en &a$f s&a'e in M-= f$at .o.F7ED, ,oc@et -*, Ma7u' *i&a', ,&aseE1, in 9&ic& &e c$ai/e( &i/se$f to 8e t&e coEo9ne' 9it& t&e a##e$$ant. 1e &a( a$so ag'ee( t&at if t&e a##e$$ant 9as a8$e to s&o9 0on)e7ance Dee( in &e' fa)ou' in 'es#ect of t&e sai( f$at, &e 9ou$( (i)o'ce &e'. %&e'eafte' t&e /atte' 9as $iste( fo' 12t& August, 2009 9it& t&e (i'ection to t&e a##e$$ant to #'o(uce t&e 0on)e7ance Dee( of t&e sai( f$at. 1o9e)e', on 12.0>.2009, t&e Res#on(ent (i( not a##ea' t&oug& a##e$$ant &a( 8'oug&t t&e o'igina$ 0on)e7ance Dee( eBecute( in &e' fa)ou' 87 t&e DDA in 'es#ect of t&e sai( f$at. -SS+! .O.1. 6. M'. Suni$ Mitta$ counse$ fo' t&e a##e$$ant 48eing 'efe''e( to as ,etitione'5 &as su8/itte( t&at t&e %'ia$ 3u(ge 9&i$e (e$i)e'ing t&e i/#ugne( :u(g/ent, &as not ca'efu$$7 eBa/ine( t&e state/ent of t&e 9itnesses of t&e #a'ties an( e''e( in (is8e$ie)ing t&e ,etitione's

asse'tion t&at Res#on(ent in(u$ge( in &ea)7 ('in@ing an( t&e'eafte' cause( #&7sica$ an( /enta$ c'ue$t7 to &e' on$7 on t&e g'oun( t&at t&e'e 9as no (ocu/enta'7 e)i(ence o' co/#$aint /a(e 87 t&e ,etitione' 'ega'(ing t&e ('in@ing &a8it of t&e Res#on(ent an( t&e c'ue$t7 #e'#etuate( 87 t&e Res#on(ent on t&e ,etitione' un(e' t&e inf$uence of $iAuo'. 1e 9as 9eig&e( 87 t&e fact t&at Res#on(ent &a( ta@en anot&e' #'e/ises on 'ent at 0&it'an:an ,a'@ afte' )acating t&e ea'$ie' #'e/ises. 6&i$e o8se')ing t&at &e 9as e/#$o7e( an( if &e 9as a$co&o$ic an( une/#$o7e(, &e cou$( not &a)e affo'(e( t&e 'ente( acco//o(ation in 0&it'an:an ,a'@. 1e &as a'gue( t&at t&e t'ia$ 0ou't fai$e( to ta@e notice of t&e co/#$aints !B.,6E1/3 an( !B.,61/F $o(ge( 87 t&e ,etitione' 9it& t&e #o$ice. 7. -t is fu't&e' a'gue( t&at t&e %'ia$ 0ou't 9ent 9'ong 9&i$e o8se')ing t&at t&e a$$egations of 8eatings $e)e$$e( against t&e Res#on(ent an( fo'cing &e' to se$$ a$$ot/ent #a#e's of DDA f$at 8ecause of 9&ic& s&e &a( to suffe' se'ious /enta$ #ain an( agon7 a'e gene'a$ in natu'e as t&e'e 9as no co/#$aint of 'ecei)ing an7 #&7sica$ in:u'7 o' 8o(i$7 in:u'7 8ut s&e co/#$aine( of &a)ing suffe'e( /enta$ to'tu'e an( agon7. 1e fu't&e' e/#&asiCe( t&at t&e %'ia$ 0ou't 9ent 9'ong in o8se')ing t&at t&e'e is no co/#$aint o' an7 e)i(ence #'o(uce( 87 t&e ,etitione' to s&o9 t&at s&e 9as 8eing as@e( 87 t&e Res#on(ent fo' (is#osa$ of t&e f$at an( t&e a$$egations a##ea'e( to 8e eBagge'ate(. -t is a$so a'gue( t&at %'ia$ 0ou't co//itte( an e''o' in (is8e$ie)ing t&e ,etitione' t&at s&e &a( to go fo' /e(ica$ te'/ination of &e' #'egnanc7 8ecause of t&e a$$egations $e)e$$e( 87 t&e Res#on(ent against &e' t&at s&e &a( 8eco/e #'egnant t&'oug& so/eone e$se. %&e 0ou't a$so 9ent 9'ong in a##'eciating t&at s&e 9ou$( not &a)e continue( to $i)e 9it& t&e Res#on(ent fo' t&e sa@e of t&e c&i$(, 7et s&e (i( not 'aise an7 9&is#e', neit&e' to an7 of &e' 'e$ations no' to t&e 'e$ations of t&e Res#on(ent. %&e 0ou't a$so (i( not #'o#e'$7 a##'eciate t&e state/ent of t&e ,etitione' t&at Res#on(ent 9as not 9o'@ing an79&e'e afte' .o)e/8e', 19>2, 9&en it o8se')e( t&at ,etitione' (i( not su//on t&e 'eco'( of M/s. A@s&a7 -n(ust'ies o' of M/s. ='ea)es 0otton -n(ust'ies to #'o)e 9&en Res#on(ent $eft t&ei' se')ices an( t&at t&e ,etitione' t&e'efo'e fai$e( to (isc&a'ge t&e onus of #'o)ing t&at Res#on(ent 9as une/#$o7e(. 0ounse$ fo' t&e a##e$$ant &as e/#&asiCe( t&at t&e fin(ings of t&e t'ia$ 0ou't on eac& an( e)e'7 acts of c'ue$t7 as na''ate( 87 t&e ,etitione' in t&e #etition an( #'o)e( in e)i(ence 87 9a7 of &e' o9n testi/on7 a'e e''oneous an( #e')e'se in natu'e. >. Lea'ne( counse$ fo' t&e ,etitione' &as 'e$ie( u#on fo$$o9ing cases:E 415 S/t. *i/$a Me&'a )s. S&'i G.S. Me&'a, 2009 --- AD 4De$&i5 11H 425 Sa/a' =&os& )s. 3a7a =&os&, 3% 2007 4F5 S0 F69H 435 =eeta 3ag(is& Mangtani )s. 3ag(is& Mangtani, 200F -n($a9 S0 F61H

4?5 A. 3a7ac&an('a )s. Anee$ Gau', 200? -n($a9 S0 103?H 4F5 *inita SaBena )s. ,an@a: ,an(it , 2006 4>75 DR3 6FF 4S05H 465 .a)een Go&$i )s. .ee$u Go&$i, 2006 4>75 DR3 630 4S05H 475 Ra:in(e' ,e's&a( 4(ea(5 87 LRs. )s. S/t. Da's&ana De)i, 2001 *- AD 4S05 272. 9. -n 8'ief, t&e acts of c'ue$t7 a$$ege( in t&e #etition a'e :E 415 Res#on(ent is an a$co&o$ic an( un(e' t&e inf$uence of $iAuo', &e &a( 8een in(u$ging in )e'8a$ a8uses an( #&7sica$ 8eatings to t&e a##e$$ant. 425 %o /eet &is financia$ 'eAui'e/ents as 9e$$ as &is nee( fo' $iAuo', &e &a( 8een /a@ing /oneta'7 (e/an(s on t&e a##e$$ant an( &e' #a'ents an( a$so /enta$$7 an( #&7sica$$7 to'tu'e( &e' fo' fu$fi$$/ent of &is (e/an(s. 435 A##e$$ant 'egiste'e( a f$at in &e' na/e 9it& t&e DDA. On a$$ot/ent of t&e sai( f$at Res#on(ent #'essu'iCe(, a8use( an( &a'asse( &e' to se$$ t&e a$$ot/ent $ette' 8ut, ,etitione' (i( not succu/8 to &is #'essu'e. 4?5 Res#on(ent continue( 9it& &is &a8it of ('in@ing &ea)i$7 an( e)en fai$e( to #a7 'ent an( suffe'e( e)iction. 6it& t&e 'esu$t #a'ties &a( to 'esi(e in t&e &ouse of #a'ents of t&e ,etitione'. 4F5 -n 19>1 ,etitione' concei)e( fo' t&e secon( ti/e 8ut Res#on(ent sus#ecte( &e' fi(e$it7 an( (iso9ne( t&e c&i$( as &is an( in(u$ge( into causing /enta$ an( #&7sica$ to'tu'e to &e'. ,etitione' &a( to un(e'go /e(ica$ te'/ination of #'egnanc7, 8ut fo' sa@e of t&e c&i$(, s&e continue( to $i)e 9it& &i/. 465 -n Ma7, 19>9 Res#on(ent ca/e 8ac@ &o/e &ea)i$7 ('un@ an( ga)e &e' #&7sica$ 8eatings, a8use( &e', t&'e9 utensi$s an( s#it an( )o/ite( on &e' an( Aua''e$e( 9it& &e' t&e 9&o$e nig&t. A##e$$ant &a( to $ea)e t&e &o/e in t&e /o'ning. 475 6it& t&e inte')ention of socia$ o'ganiCation DSa&e$i, #a'ties 9e'e 'eunite( on 20.09.19>9. 1o9e)e', t&e'e 9as no i/#'o)e/ent in t&ei' 'e$ations&i#. On 2.12.19>9 a Aua''e$ ensue( 8et9een t&e #a'ties 9&en Res#on(ent ca/e &o/e ('un@ at a8out 11:00 ,.M. 1e a$$ege($7 #ic@e( u# a @nife an( t&'eatene( to @i$$ t&e a##e$$ant. 1o9e)e', t&e c&i$( inte')ene( an( 'ecei)e( in:u'ies on &is #e'son. A##e$$ant /a(e a co/#$aint at ,o$ice Station Ma7u' *i&a' an( t&e c&i$( 9as got /e(ica$$7 eBa/ine(. Res#on(ent $eft t&e co/#an7 of t&e ,etitione' on 3.12.19>9 an( since t&e'eafte' #a'ties a'e $i)ing se#a'ate$7. 10. ,a'ties to t&e #etition 9e'e @no9n to eac& ot&e' e)en 8efo'e /a''iage as t&e7 9e'e 9o'@ing in t&e sa/e t&eate' an( &a( 8een /eeting 9it& eac& ot&e' 8efo'e t&e7 too@ t&e (ecision to get /a''ie(. 11. A##e$$ant as ,6E1 &as (e#ose( t&at afte' $osing $o8 in 3anua'7, 197F Res#on(ent in(u$ge( in t&e &a8it of ('in@ing 9ine 9it& &is f'ien(s.

%&oug& Res#on(ent 9as e/#$o7e( 9it& M/s. A@s&a7 -n(ust'ies in .o)e/8e', 197F &is ('in@ing &a8its inc'ease( an( Res#on(ent e)en so$( &ouse&o$( a'tic$es to 8u7 $iAuo' fo' &i/se$f. Res#on(ent 9as again une/#$o7e( an( a##e$$ant &a( to ta@e a #a't ti/e :o8 in 19>2 9it& De$&i A't %&eate' $ea)ing &e' c&i$( in t&e custo(7 of &e' #a'ents. S&e &as (e#ose( t&at instea( of i/#'o)ing &is 8e&a)iou' Res#on(ent sta'te( consu/ing /o'e $iAuo' an( to'tu'ing &e' /enta$$7 as 9e$$ as #&7sica$$7 87 gi)ing &e' 8eatings. 1e 9ou$( ta@e /one7 f'o/ &e' fo' &is ('in@ an( a$so fo'ce( &e' to get /one7 f'o/ &e' #a'ents. Res#on(ent 9it& a )ie9 to #u'c&ase ('in@s a$so too@ $oan an( sta'te( se$$ing &ouse&o$( a'tic$es. S&e &as (e#ose( t&at 9&ene)e' s&e 'esiste( t&e (e/an( of Res#on(ent fo' /one7, s&e 9as gi)en 8eatings. ecause of t&e 8eatings s&e suffe'e( /enta$ #ain as 9e$$ as #&7sica$ to'tu'e. S&e &as (e#ose( on oat& t&at 8ecause of eBcessi)e ('in@ing Res#on(ent sta'te( co/ing $ate at &o/e an( s&e an( t&e Res#on(ent seiCe( to &a)e an7 #&7sica$ 'e$ations&i# 9it& eac& ot&e'. 12. ,etitione' in &e' state/ent &as na''ate( t&e instance of Ma7, 19>9 stating t&at, Res#on(ent 'etu'ne( &o/e $ate at nig&t in ('un@en con(ition an( fo' no '&7/e o' 'eason ga)e &e' #&7sica$ 8eatings, #u$$e( &e' &ai', sat on &e', a8use( &e', s#it an( )o/ite( on &e' in t&e a8sence of &e' c&i$( 9&o &a( gone to sc&oo$ t'i#. S&e &as state( t&at Res#on(ent Aua''e$e( 9it& &e' t&'oug&out t&e nig&t 9it& t&e 'esu$t, s&e &a( to $ea)e &ouse in t&e /o'ning an( ta@e 'efuge in &e' #a'ents &ouse. %&e'e is no effecti)e c'oss eBa/ination of t&e a##e$$ant an( Res#on(ent as R6E1 &as not s#ecifica$$7 'efute( t&e act of c'ue$t7 co//itte( 87 &i/ on t&e ,etitione' in Ma7, 19>9. 13. %&e ot&e' inci(ent s&e &as na''ate( is of 2.12.19>9, 9&en un(e' t&e gui(ance of DS&a&e$i, a )o$unta'7 9o/en o'ganiCation, s&e &a( sta'te( $i)ing 9it& t&e Res#on(ent an( t&e c&i$( f'o/ 20.09.19>9. S&e &as testifie( t&at on t&at (ate Res#on(ent 'etu'ne( &o/e at a8out 11:00 ,.M. in ('un@en con(ition an( sta'te( a8using &e' fo' no 'eason. 6&en &e (i( not coo$ (o9n, s&e as@e( &i/ as to 9&7 &e 9as a8usi)e, on 9&ic& Res#on(ent #ic@e( u# utensi$s an( t&'e9 t&e/ u#on &e' an( &e a$so #ic@e( u# a @nife f'o/ t&e @itc&en an( t&'eatene( &e' of $ife. %o sa)e &e'se$f, s&e 9ent to t&e 'oo/ an( &e' son, 9&o &a( inte')ene( 8et9een &e' an( t&e Res#on(ent 9as a$so t&'eatene( an( 9as in:u'e( 87 &i/ 9it& a @nife on &is $eft e7e. 1?. -n 8et9een 20.09.19>9 to 2.12.19>9, as #e' &e' state/ent, #a'ties continue( to fig&t an( Res#on(ent continue( to co/e &o/e $ate at nig&t in ('un@en con(ition. 1e s&o9e( &is (isEinte'est to9a'(s t&e ,etitione' as 9e$$ as t&e c&i$(.

1F. %&e'e is no c'oss eBa/ination of t&e a##e$$ant a8out t&e 8e&a)iou' of t&e Res#on(ent to9a'(s t&e a##e$$ant afte' t&ei' 'eEunion on 20.09.19>9. -t is not (is#ute( t&at t&e #a'ties &a( 'econci$e( 9it& t&e assistance of )o$unta'7 o'ganiCation DSa&e$i, an( a (ocu/ent !B.,6E1/1 (ate( F.0>.19>9 4co#7 of t&e sa/e !B. R6E2/15 9as eBecute(. 1o9e)e', t&is (ocu/ent in no /anne' suggests t&at #a'ties &a( 'econci$e( t&ei' (is#ute. Rat&e' it suggests se#a'ation an( (i)o'ce 87 /utua$ consent. -t see/s t&at afte' eBecution of t&is (ocu/ent #a'ties continue( to )isit DSa&e$i, on its ca$$s an( conseAuent$7 (eci(e( to $i)e toget&e'. %&is is 'ef$ecte( f'o/ t&e $ette' (ate( 20.09.19>9 !B.,6E1/17, 9'itten 87 t&e Res#on(ent to Sa&e$i, ac@no9$e(ging t&ei' a()ice an( assistance in so$)ing t&ei' #'o8$e/ an( &e$#ing t&e/ to 'eEunite. 1o9e)e', t&e'e is no e)i(ence #'o(uce( 87 t&e Res#on(ent on 'eco'( to suggest t&at &e &a( i/#'o)e( u#on &is 8e&a)iou' to9a'(s t&e ,etitione'. 16. -t &as co/e in e)i(ence t&at afte' /a''iage #a'ties sta'te( $i)ing in a 'ente( &ouse at 0&it'an:an ,a'@. At t&at ti/e, Res#on(ent 9as e/#$o7e( 9it& M/s. Office !Aui#/ents an( &e $ost &is :o8 in 3anua'7, 197F. ,etitione' too@ u# :o8 in Se#te/8e', 197F 9it& M/s. G.=.G&os$a 0o/#'esso' at Fa'i(a8a(. Res#on(ent &a( ta@en a :o8 9it& M/s. A@s&a7 -n(ust'ies in 197F an( t&e'eafte' &e' #a'ents (isE continue( t&e financia$ su##o't. S&e &as (e#ose( t&at t&e 'ente( acco//o(ation &a( to 8e )acate( on 31.12.19>2 8ecause Res#on(ent (i( not #a7 t&e 'ent of t&e #'e/ises an( suffe'e( e)iction o'(e' an( s&e 9as fo'ce( to ta@e s&e$te' in &e' #a'ents &ouse a$ong 9it& Res#on(ent an( t&e c&i$(. S&e &as (enie( t&e suggestion t&at t&e tenante( #'e/ises 9e'e )acate( fo' 8onafi(e 'eAui'e/ent of t&e $an($o'(. Res#on(ent &as a g'ouse t&at t&e7 9e'e #'o)i(e( ga'age acco//o(ation 87 a##e$$ants #a'ents an( not in t&e &ouse. 0e'tifie( co#7 of t&e e)iction o'(e' &as not 8een #$ace( an( #'o)e( on 'eco'( 87 t&e Res#on(ent to (e/o$is& t&e state/ent of t&e a##e$$ant t&at t&e7 &a( to )acate t&e 'ente( #'e/ises at 0&it'an:an ,a'@ fo' non #a7/ent of 'ent. Res#on(ent &as not #$ace( on 'eco'( an7 (ocu/ent to in(icate t&at &e 9as e/#$o7e( an( t&e'efo'e t&e'e 9as no occasion fo' &i/ to (e/an( an7 /one7 f'o/ &is 9ife, t&e a##e$$ant o' &is inE$a9s to /eet &is (e/an(s. Since ,etitione' catego'ica$$7 (e#ose( t&at Res#on(ent 9as une/#$o7e( fo' /ost of t&e ti/e, it 9as fo' &i/ to (e/o$is& &e' e)i(ence 87 #'o(ucing 'e$e)ant e)i(ence on 'eco'(, (ocu/enta'7 o' ot&e'9ise, to in(icate &is financia$ status. ,ass oo@ !B.,6E1/RE3 #e'tains to t&e 7ea' 19>F ti$$ 3anua'7, 1991. De8it ent'ies in t&e account 8oo@ 8asica$$7 'e$ate to t&e sc&oo$ fees 9&ic& /ig&t &a)e 8een #ai( 87 t&e Res#on(ent. %o t&is a$so t&e eB#$anation &as 8een gi)en 87 t&e ,etitione' t&at, since sc&oo$ fees account 9as o#ene( un(e' t&e

gua'(ians&i# of fat&e', s&e &a( 8een financing t&e Res#on(ent to #a7 sc&oo$ fees of t&e c&i$( f'o/ t&e sai( account. 17. %o a suggestion #ut to &e' in t&e c'oss eBa/ination s&e &as (e#ose( t&at D-t is co''ect t&at /7 &us8an( &as 8een 'eso'ting to #&7sica$ in:u'ies to /e 'ig&t f'o/ t&e /a''iage. - got /a''ie( in t&e 7ea', 197?. - to$e'ate( t&e i$$t'eat/ent of t&e 'es#on(ent ti$$, 19>9 in t&e &o#e t&at t&e 8e&a)iou' of t&e 'es#on(ent /ig&t i/#'o)e. -t is co''ect t&at t&e inf$uence of t&e fat&e'/'es#on(ent on t&e c&i$( 9as not congenia$. 1>. -t is #e'tinent t&at t&e testi/on7 of t&e ,etitione' t&at Res#on(ent is a((icte( to &ea)7 ('in@ing an( &as 8een gi)ing #&7sica$ 8eatings an( causing /enta$ to'tu'e to &e' in ('un@en con(ition 'e/aine( uncont'o)e'te( as s&e &as not 8een c'oss eBa/ine( on t&is as#ect eBce#t t&at, 9&en as@e(, s&e &as 'e#$ie( t&at &e' &us8an( 9as a((icte( to a$co&o$ 'ig&t f'o/ t&e /a''iage. 19. %'ue t&at Res#on(ent in &is state/ent &as (enie( t&at e)e'7 (a7 &e in(u$ge( in eBcessi)e ('in@ing, 8ut t&en &is )ague (enia$ in t&e a8sence of an7 c'oss eBa/ination of t&e ,etitione' 9ou$( not in an7 /anne' #'o)e t&at Res#on(ent 9as not a$co&o$ic o' t&at un(e' t&e inf$uence of $iAuo' &e (i( not to'tu'e &is 9ife #&7sica$$7 o' /enta$$7. 20. %&e %'ia$ 0ou't 9&i$e consi(e'ing t&e o'a$ e)i(ence of t&e #a'ties o8se')e(:E I3?. As 'ega'(s t&e g'oun(s of c'ue$t7 9&ic& a'e 8ase( /ain$7 on t&e ('in@ing &a8its of t&e 'es#on(ent an( on t&e 8asis of fact t&at 'es#on(ent 9as une/#$o7e( fo' a consi(e'a8$e #e'io( an( t&at t&e 'es#on(ent &a( a$9a7s 8een as@ing t&e ,etitione' to 8'ing /one7 f'o/ &e' #a'ents, a$$ t&ese (o not stan( #'o)e( as - &a)e a$'ea(7 o8se')e( a8o)e.J I3F. As 'ega'(s t&e a$$egations a8out ('in@ing &a8it of t&e 'es#on(ent, t&e'e is no conc'ete e)i(ence eBce#t t&e o'a$ testi/on7 of 8ot& t&e #a'ties. %&e #etitione'/9ife &as $e)e$$e( a$$egations t&at t&e 'es#on(ent/ &us8an( 9as a 'egu$a' ('un@e' an( t&e 'es#on(ent/ &us8an( &as (enie( t&e sa/e. Since no #a'ticu$a' inci(ent of ('in@ing &as 8een #'o)e( on 'eco'(, 9&e'e87 'es#on(ent &a( ta@en eBcessi)e ('in@ing an( t&en un(e' t&e inf$uence of $iAuo' &e &a( cause( an7 c'ue$t7 u#on t&e #etitione' o' &a( t'eate( t&e #etitione' 9it& an7 c'ue$t7. So fin( t&at gene'a$ a$$egations 'ega'(ing ('in@ing

can not 8e te'/e( as c'ue$t7 of suc& a natu'e 9&ic& /a7 a/ount of /at'i/onia$ offence of c'ue$t7 fo' t&e #u'#oses of (isso$ution of /a''iage.J 21. %&e fact fin(ings of t&e 0ou't a'e not 8o'n out of t&e 'eco'(. -nci(ents of c'ue$t7 &a)e 8een s#ecifica$$7 testifie( 87 t&e ,etitione' as ,6E1. Suc& as inci(ents of Ma7, 19>9 an( 2.12.19>9. %&ese a$$egations cannot in an7 /anne' 8e consi(e'e( as gene'a$ in natu'e. -t is #'o)e( in e)i(ence of t&e ,etitione' t&at Res#on(ent use( to #&7sica$$7 an( /enta$$7 to'tu'e &e' fo' 8'inging /one7 f'o/ &e' #a'ents fo' fu$fi$$/ent of &is 'eAui'e/ent of $iAuo'. 22. %o /7 /in(, t&e %'ia$ 0ou't a$so (i( not #'o#e'$7 a##'eciate t&e a$$egations of une/#$o7/ent an( to'tu'e fo' /one7 as #'o)e( 87 t&e a##e$$ant in &e' testi/on7, 9&i$e o8se')ing:E I30. ""9i$$ go to s&o9 t&at t&e 'es#on(ent &a( at $east not $ost &is :o8 an( t&at is 9&7 afte' )acating one 'enta$ acco//o(ation at -n(e'#u'i, &e too@ u# anot&e' 'enta$ acco//o(ation in 0&it'an:an ,a'@. %&oug& &e &a( (enie( t&at &e sta'te( in(u$ging in ('in@ing $iAuo' (ai$7 an( &e &as not at a$$ a(/itte( fact of ta@ing ('in@s, 7et assu/ing fo' t&e sa@e of a'gu/ents t&at at ti/es t&e 'es#on(ent &a( 8een ta@ing ('in@s 8ut t&at facto' a$one 9i$$ not 8e sufficient to sa7 t&at t&e #etitione' 9as 8eing t'eate( 9it& c'ue$t7 87 t&e 'es#on(ent un$ess t&e sai( ('in@ing &a8it of t&e 'es#on(ent is cou#$e( 9it& t&e o)e't act of c'eating scenes o' gi)ing 8eatings to t&e #etitione'"". t&at t&e'e is no (ocu/ent on 'eco'( to suggest t&at t&e'e 9as an7 (is#ute 8et9een t&e #a'ties eit&e' o)e' ('in@ing &a8it of t&e 'es#on(ent o' t&e 'es#on(ent not ta@ing inte'est in t&e fa/i$7 affai's o' not su##o'ting t&e fa/i$7 financia$$7.J I32. ".. t&at none of t&e #a'ties &as su//one( an7 'eco'( f'o/ M/s A@s&a7 -n(ust'ies o' f'o/ M/s ='ea)es 0otton -n(ust'ies to s&o9 t&at t&e 'es#on(ent 9as not 9o'@ing an79&e'e afte' .o)., >2 an( 9as une/#$o7e( fo' so/e #e'io(. Since t&e a$$egation of une/#$o7/ent of 'es#on(ent a'e 87 t&e #etitione' so t&e onus to #'o)e t&e sa/e 9as on #etitione'. S&e s&ou$( &a)e s&o9n t&e 'eco'(s an( #'o)e t&at 'es#on(ent 9as une/#$o7e(.

33."". So t&e'e is a #'esu/#tion t&at t&e #etitione' /ig&t &a)e ta@en u# a #a't ti/e :o8 9it& De$&i A't %&eat'e on account of &e' inte'est in t&at fie$("" ut t&at (oes not s&o9 t&at s&e 9as co/#e$$e( to ta@e #a't ti/e :o8 8ecause of financia$ c'isis as t&e #etitione' &as not #'o)e( on 'eco'( to s&o9 t&at (u'ing t&e 7ea' 19>2 9&en s&e too@ u# #a't ti/e :o8 'es#on(ent 9as out of :o8 an( t&e'e 9as no ot&e' sou'ce of inco/e to #'o#e'$7 /aintain t&e fa/i$7.J 23. %&e %'ia$ 0ou't 9ent 9'ong in o8se')ing t&at afte' )acating t&e 'ente( acco//o(ation at -n(e'#u'i, &e too@ u# anot&e' 'ente( acco//o(ation at 0&it'an:an ,a'@ 8ecause, soon afte' t&e /a''iage #a'ties fi'st $i)e( at -n(e' ,u'i 9it& t&e #a'ents of t&e Res#on(ent fo' a )e'7 s&o't #e'io( an( t&e'eafte' t&e7 too@ 'ente( acco//o(ation at 0&it'an:an ,a'@, 9&e'e t&e7 continue( to 'esi(e ti$$ t&e e)iction o'(e' 9as #asse( against t&e Res#on(ent in 19>2 an( t&e'efo'e t&e %'ia$ 0ou't 9as not 'ig&t in its a##'oac& to (isca'( t&e testi/on7 of t&e a##e$$ant t&at Res#on(ent 9as une/#$o7e( 9&en it o8se')e( t&at Res#on(ent &a( not $ost &is :o8 an( t&at is 9&7 afte' )acating t&e 'ente( acco//o(ation at -n(e' ,u'i, too@ anot&e' acco//o(ation at 0&it'an:an ,a'@. Ana$7sis of e)i(ence 87 t&e %'ia$ 0ou't is t&e'efo'e, e''oneous an( &as to 8e 8'us&e( asi(e. 2?. %&e'e cannot 8e an7 (i'ect, o'a$ o' (ocu/enta'7 e)i(ence eBce#t t&e testi/on7 of t&e ,etitione' an( t&e ci'cu/stantia$ e)i(ence to #'o)e t&at t&e'e 9as (is#ute 8et9een t&e #a'ties eit&e' fo' ('in@ing &a8it of t&e Res#on(ent o' fo' Res#on(ent not ta@ing an7 inte'est in t&e fa/i$7 affai's o' fo' not su##o'ting t&e fa/i$7 financia$$7. Financia$ status of t&e Res#on(ent, in(icate( in &is #ass 8oo@, &as a$'ea(7 8een (iscusse( a8o)e. .ee($ess to sa7, Res#on(ent &as not cont'o)e'te( t&e state/ent of t&e ,etitione' t&at &e 9as une/#$o7e( o' t&at &e 9as not su##o'ting &e' financia$$7. Rat&e', &e to'tu'e( &e' #&7sica$$7 an( /enta$$7 to ta@e /one7 f'o/ &e' an( &e' #a'ents to /eet &is nee( fo' $iAuo'. -n &is c'oss eBa/ination &e a(/itte( t&at &e &a( no (ocu/enta'7 #'oof to s&o9 t&at &e 9as in e/#$o7/ent an( 9as getting sa$a'7 an( 9as financia$$7 soun( to /eet &is 'eAui'e/ents an( t&at of &is 9ife an( c&i$(. 2F. Res#on(ent in &is c'oss eBa/ination (i( a(/it t&at a co/#$aint 9as /a(e 87 t&e a##e$$ant 9it& a )o$unta'7 o'ganiCation DSa&e$i, 9&e'e &e 9as ca$$e( nu/8e' of ti/es fo' 'econci$iation. 1e a$so a(/itte( t&at a co/#$aint 9as $o(ge( 87 &is 9ife 9it& 0A6 0e$$ 9&ic& 'e/aine( a$i)e (u'ing t&e #e'io( f'o/ 20.09.19>9 to 2.12.19>9 9&en #a'ties 9e'e $i)ing toget&e'. %&is suggests t&at t&e7 sta'te( $i)ing

toget&e' on a t'ia$ 8asis to un(e'stan( eac& ot&e' 8ette' 8ut, unfo'tunate$7, t&e7 again fe$$ out as Res#on(ent (i( not i/#'o)e &is 8e&a)iou'. A(/itte($7, ,etitione' &as 8een financia$$7 in(e#en(ent t&'oug&out as s&e 'e/aine( in e/#$o7/ent an( a$so 9o'@e( in t&e t&eate' on #a't ti/e e/#$o7/ent afte' &e' office &ou's. -f t&e Res#on(ent 9as financia$$7 soun(, t&e'e 9as no nee( fo' t&e ,etitione' to ta@e u# a #a't ti/e :o8 in t&e e)ening afte' co/ing &o/e f'o/ t&e office at t&e cost of neg$ecting &e' &ouse an( t&e c&i$( 9&o a(/itte($7 9as 8eing ta@en ca'e of 87 &e' #a'ents in &e' a8sence. 26. -n &e' co/#$aint (ate( 3.12.19>9 !B.,6E1/3, /a(e at ,o$ice Station Ma7u' *i&a', ,etitione' &as s#ecifica$$7 $e)e$$e( a$$egations against t&e Res#on(ent t&at on 2.12.19>9 &e ca/e &o/e at a8out 11:00 ,.M. +n(e' t&e inf$uence of $iAuo' &e #ic@e( u# a Aua''e$ 9it& &e'. Si/i$a' 9e'e &e' a$$egations in &e' co/#$aint !B.,6E1/F /a(e on t&e sa/e (a7 to S1O, ,o$ice Station %'i$o@ ,u'i. -t is not in (is#ute t&at Res#on(ent 9as ca$$e( 87 t&e S1O of t&e conce'ne( ,o$ice Station fo' inte''ogation. 27. %&e'e is a $ette' 9'itten 87 t&e Res#on(ent on 11.09.19>9 !B.,6E 1/19 on t&e 'eco'(. Fe9 $ines of t&e sai( $ette' 8eing 'e$e)ant a'e 'e#'o(uce( 8e$o9:E I" Fa' f'o/ gi)ing #'o#e' 'etu'n fo' t&is $o)e. - &a)e 8e&a)e( in a )e'7 c'ue$ /anne' to 7ou f'o/ a$$ ang$es, /enta$, #&7sica$, financia$ an( socia$".J I" Fa' f'o/ 8eing g'eatfu$ to 7ou fo' t&is, - &a)e 8eaten 7ou, - &a)e to'tu'e( 7ou a $ot, an( - confess t&is t&ousan( ti/es. - gi)e 7ou 9o'(s t&at - 9i$$ 9o'@ &a'( to @ee# 7ou' &a##iness intact".J ISa)e /e f'o/ t&e g'i# of )ice, an( a$$o9 /e to (o #enance fo' a$$ /7 sins"..J 2>. %&us, t&e'e is c$ea' a(/ission on t&e #a't of t&e Res#on(ent /a(e to t&e a##e$$ant in t&is $ette' t&at &e &a( 8een to'tu'ing &e' /enta$$7, #&7sica$$7, financia$$7 an( socia$$7. 1e 9as not #'o)i(ing an7 finance to t&e a##e$$ant, 'at&e' fo'ce( &e' to #a't 9it& /one7 to /eet &is (e/an(s fo' $iAuo'. %&is a$so in(icates t&at Res#on(ent 9as not financia$$7 in(e#en(entH 8eing :o8$ess as a$$ege( 87 t&e ,etitione'. 6&en &e &as 'efe''e( to a D)ice, an( soug&t fo'gi)eness f'o/ t&e ,etitione', &e 'efe''e( to no ot&e' )ice 8ut &is a((iction to $iAuo'. -t 9as 8ecause of eBcessi)e ('in@ing, &e #&7sica$$7 an( /enta$$7 to'tu'e( &e', (i( not ta@e an7 inte'est in t&e fa/i$7, (i( not ca'e fo' &e' an( t&e c&i$(.

29. %&is $ette' 9as 9'itten 87 t&e Res#on(ent :ust nine (a7s 8efo'e &e :oine( t&e co/#an7 of t&e ,etitione' in Se#te/8e' 19>9 an( 'eE sta'te( $i)ing 9it& &e'. 1o9e)e', (es#ite a$$ t&e assu'ances an( un(e'ta@ings gi)en 87 &i/ in t&is $ette', &e co/#$ete$7 fai$e( to &onou' t&e/. %&e %'ia$ 0ou't &as fai$e( to a##'eciate t&e (ocu/enta'7 e)i(ence as (iscusse( a8o)e an( e''oneous$7 o8se')e( t&at t&e'e 9as no (i'ect e)i(ence #'o(uce( on 'eco'( fo' t&e a$$ege( /isEcon(uct an( i$$E8e&a)iou' of t&e Res#on(ent 9it& t&e ,etitione'. 30. Anot&e' instance of g'a)e /enta$ c'ue$t7 is 9&en in 19>1 ,etitione' concei)e( fo' t&e secon( ti/e, s&e suffe'e( #&7sica$ as 9e$$ as /enta$ to'tu'e at t&e &an(s of t&e Res#on(ent 8ecause &e sus#ecte( &e' fi(e$it7 an( s&e &a( to get /e(ica$ te'/ination of t&e #'egnanc7 (one. 31. %&e %'ia$ 0ou't co//itte( e''o' 9&en it o8se')e( t&at ,etitione' cou$( not &a)e continue( to $i)e 9it& t&e Res#on(ent afte' te'/ination of t&e #'egnanc7 on t&e a$$ege( g'oun( of sus#ecte( fi(e$it7 8ut s&e (i( not (o so an( continue( to $i)e 9it& t&e Res#on(ent in(icating t&at no suc& c'ue$t7 9as co//itte( 87 t&e Res#on(ent an( t&at t&e state/ent of t&e ,etitione' 9as not 8e$ie)a8$e. 32. Res#on(ent &as not (is#ute( t&at in 19>1 ,etitione' &a( concei)e( secon( ti/e an( a$so t&at s&e &a( to un(e'go /e(ica$ te'/ination of #'egnanc7. %&e'e is no c'oss eBa/ination of t&e ,etitione' on t&is as#ect of t&e /atte', no' Res#on(ent &as state( an7t&ing in &is state/ent as R6E1 in(icating t&e 'easons 9&ic& /ig&t &a)e fo'ce( t&e ,etitione' to get &e'e #'egnanc7 te'/inate(. 33. %&e'efo'e, - fin( no 'eason to (is8e$ie)e t&e testi/on7 of t&e ,etitione' t&at s&e &a( to un(e'go te'/ination of #'egnanc7 8ecause of t&e Res#on(ents sus#icion on &e' fi(e$it7, an( &e accuse( t&at t&e c&i$( 9as not &is an( (iso9ne( &i/. .ot&ing can 8e /o'e c'ue$ to a 9o/an, 'at&e' a /ot&e', t&an suc& accusation on &e' c&a'acte' an( a$so t&e fat&e' (iso9ning t&e c&i$(. 3?. Rift 8et9een t&e #a'ties 9i(ene( fu't&e' 9&en ,etitione' 9as a$$otte( a f$at 87 t&e DDA. -t &as co/e in e)i(ence t&at Res#on(ent #'essu'iCe(, a8use(, &a'asse( an( i$$Et'eate( t&e ,etitione' fo' se$$ing t&e a$$ot/ent (ocu/ents to 9&ic& ,etitione' ne)e' ag'ee(. %o #'essu'iCe &e', Res#on(ent ga)e &e' #&7sica$ 8eatings an( /enta$$7 to'tu'e( &e'. -t &as a$so co/e in &e' state/ent, 9&ic& &as 'e/aine( uncont'o)e'te( on 'eco'( t&at, Res#on(ent ne)e' #'o)i(e( an7 financia$ assistance to &e' fo' #u'c&ase of t&e f$at. -t is not t&e case of t&e Res#on(ent in &is testi/on7 t&at &e &a( financia$$7 su##o'te( &is 9ife to #a7 t&e #u'c&ase #'ice of t&e sai( f$at to DDA. -t is an a(/itte( case of t&e #a'ties t&at Res#on(ent &a( fi$e( a ci)i$ suit

see@ing &a$f s&a'e in t&e sai( f$at 8ut &e $ost t&e case. 1is c&a$$enge to t&e :u(g/ent an( (ec'ee of t&e t'ia$ cou't in a##ea$ a$so fai$e(. -t is o8)ious t&at Res#on(ent #'essu'iCe( a##e$$ant to se$$ t&e a$$ot/ent of t&e f$at 9it& a )ie9 to &a)e eas7 access to finances 9&ic& 9ou$( &a)e co/e in t&e &an(s of t&e ,etitione' on sa$e of t&e f$at. -t is #e'tinent t&at e)en 8efo'e t&is 0ou't, Res#on(ent /a(e a state/ent t&at &e 9as 'ea(7 an( 9i$$ing to (i)o'ce &is 9ife 87 /utua$ consent #'o)i(e(, &e 9as gi)en &a$f s&a'e in t&e f$at, 8eing coEo9ne'. 6&en ,etitione' #'o(uce( t&e o'igina$ 0on)e7ance Dee( (ate( 2>.12.200F on t&e (esi'e of t&e Res#on(ent, &e a8sente( &i/se$f @no9ing it 9e$$ t&at t&e f$at 9as o9ne( 87 t&e ,etitione' an( &e &as no s&a'e in t&e sa/e. A co#7 of t&e 0on)e7ance Dee( &as 8een #$ace( on 'eco'( 87 &e' to #'o)e t&at t&e sai( f$at is a$$otte( to &e' in &e' in(i)i(ua$ na/e an( not :oint$7 9it& t&e Res#on(ent. A #e'son, 9&o 'e/aine( a$/ost une/#$o7e( (u'ing &is sta7 9it& &is 9ife, sta'te( s#en(ing /one7 on $iAuo', in(isc'i/inate$7, ca/e &o/e $ate at nig&t, ga)e #&7sica$ 8eatings as 9e$$ as /enta$$7 to'tu'e( &e' an( $east of a$$ (e/an(e( s&a'e in &e' f$at, cannot c$ai/ t&at &e 9as not D0R+!L to &is 9ife. ,etitione' &as 8een 'unning &e' &ouse&o$( an( 8'inging u# t&e c&i$( sing$e &an(e($7, 9it& no su##o't f'o/ &e' &us8an(. e&a)iou' of t&e Res#on(ent o)e' t&e 7ea's can on$7 8e te'/e( as D0R+!L. 3F. %&e 9o'st inci(ent of c'ue$t7, as #'o)e( on 'eco'(, is of t&e nig&t of 2.12.19>9. -t is #'o)e( in e)i(ence f'o/ t&e testi/on7 of t&e R61, 9&ic& fin(s co''o8o'ation f'o/ conseAuent F-Rs/#o$ice co/#$aints /a(e 87 t&e ,etitione' at ,o$ice Station, %'i$o@ ,u'i an( Ma7u' *i&a', t&at on t&e fatefu$ nig&t Res#on(ent ca/e &ea)i$7 ('un@en an( fo' no '&7/e o' 'eason #ic@e( u# Aua''e$ 9it& &e', ga)e &e' 8eatings, a8use( &e', #ic@e( u# utensi$s an( t&'e9 t&e/ on &e', #ic@e( u# a @nife an( t&'eatene( &e' of $ife. 6&en su((en$7 &e' son inte')ene( to sa)e &e' f'o/ &is ange' an( t&'eat un(e' t&e inf$uence of $iAuo' an( 9&en &e t'ie( to inf$ict in:u'ies on &e', &e got in:u'ies on &is $eft e7e. 1e 9as ta@en to SD. &os#ita$ 9&e'e &e 9as #'o)i(e( 9it& #'o#e' /e(ica$ assistance. ML0 !B. ,6E1/2 9as #'e#a'e( 87 t&e conce'ne( (octo' of t&e &os#ita$. As #e' t&is ML0 &isto'7 of t&e #atient as 'eco'(e( is I8eing 8eaten 87 8$unt 9ea#on A/e an( $eft e7e congeste(J. Res#on(ent in &is c'oss eBa/ination cou$( not eB#$ain as to &o9 &is son got in:u'ies on &is $eft e7e. 1e &as (e#ose( t&at &e &a( no i(ea if on t&e fatefu$ nig&t of 2.12.19>9 &is son suffe'e( in:u'ies on &is $eft e7e. 1e a$so &a( no i(ea if &is son 9as in:u'e( 9&en &e /a(e atte/#t to sa)e &is /ot&e' (u'ing &is fig&t 9it& t&e ,etitione'. Acco'(ing to &i/, &e ca/e to @no9 t&at &is c&i$( 9as #'o)i(e( /e(ica$ ai( on$7 afte' co/ing to t&e 0ou't. 1e a(/itte( t&at neig&8ou's (i( co/e on account of co//otion afte' &ea'ing t&e $ou( )oice an( s&outing of &is 9ife. 1e (i( a(/it

t&at on 3.12.19>9 in t&e /o'ning, #a'ents of t&e a##e$$ant an( )o$untee's f'o/ DSa&e$i, ca/e to &is &ouse. 36. %&us, it is c$ea' f'o/ t&e ans9e's gi)en 87 t&e Res#on(ent in &is c'oss eBa/ination t&at, &e cou$( not 'eco$$ect t&e inci(ent of 2.12.19>9, o8)ious$7 &e 9as un(e' t&e inf$uence of $iAuo' 9&en &e #&7sica$$7 8eat &is 9ife, t&'e9 utensi$s on &e' an( t'ie( to cause in:u'ies 9it& a @nife. %o sa)e &e'se$f, ,etitione' &a( to $oc@ &e'se$f in t&e 'oo/. %o sa)e &is /ot&e' 9&en t&e c&i$( inte')ene(, &e a$so 'ecei)e( in:u'ies on &is $eft e7e. 37. %&e 9o'( Dc'ue$t7 fin(s no (efinition in t&e Act. %&e'efo'e, t&e 9o'( Dc'ue$t7 use( in Section 13 415 4ia5 of t&e Act is in t&e conteBt of &u/an con(uct an( 8e&a)iou' in 'e$ation to an( in 'es#ect of /at'i/onia$ (uties o' o8$igations. -t is a cou'se o' con(uct of one s#ouse 9&ic& a()e'se$7 affects t&e ot&e' s#ouse. 0'ue$t7 can 8e /enta$ o' #&7sica$, intentiona$ o' unintentiona$. 6&i$e :u(ging t&e #&7sica$ c'ue$t7, 0ou't &as to :u(ge t&e (eg'ee of suc& #&7sica$ to'tu'e an( if it is /enta$, t&e enAui'7 is 'eAui'e( to t&e natu'e of c'ue$ t'eat/ent an( t&en as to t&e i/#act of suc& t'eat/ent on t&e /in( of t&e ot&e' s#ouse. 3>. %&e ing'e(ients of c'ue$t7 as 'eAui'e( to 8e #'o)e( on 'eco'( 87 t&e ,etitione' a'e 8ase( on (e$icate #e'sona$ 'e$ations&i# of &us8an( an( 9ife. 0ou't, t&e'efo'e, &as to see t&e #'o8a8i$ities in a gi)en case to fin( out t&e $ega$ c'ue$t7, not /e'e$7 as a /atte' of fact, 8ut as to t&e effect on t&e /in( of t&e ,etitione' s#ouse 8ecause of t&e acts o' o/ission of t&e ot&e'. %&is c'ue$t7 8esi(es #&7sica$, /enta$ can a$so 8e co'#o'ea$. 39. %o constitute c'ue$t7, t&e con(uct co/#$aine( of s&ou$( 8e Ig'a)e an( 9eig&t7J so as to co/e to t&e conc$usion t&at t&e ,etitione' s#ouse cannot 8e 'easona8$7 eB#ecte( to $i)e 9it& t&e ot&e' s#ouse. -t /ust 8e so/et&ing /o'e se'ious t&an Io'(ina'7 9ea' an( tea' of /a''ie( $ifeJ. %&e con(uct, ta@ing into consi(e'ation t&e ci'cu/stances an( 8ac@g'oun( &as to 8e eBa/ine( to 'eac& t&e conc$usion 9&et&e' t&e con(uct co/#$aine( of a/ounts to c'ue$t7 in t&e /at'i/onia$ $a9. 0ou't (ea$ing 9it& t&e #etition fi$e( fo' (i)o'ce on t&e g'oun( of c'ue$t7 &as to @ee# in /in( t&at t&e #'o8$e/s 8efo'e it a'e t&ose of &u/an 8eings an( t&e #s7c&o$ogica$ c&anges in a s#ouses con(uct &a)e to 8e 8o'ne in /in( 8efo'e (is#osing of t&e #etition fo' (i)o'ce. 1o9e)e', insignificant o' t'if$ing, suc& con(uct /a7 cause #ain in t&e /in( of anot&e'. ut 8efo'e suc& con(uct can 8e ca$$e( c'ue$t7, it /ust touc& a ce'tain #itc& of se)e'it7. ?0. ,ett7 Aui88$es, t'if$ing (iffe'ences s&ou$( not 8e eBagge'ate( an( /agnifie( to (est'o7 a /a''iage. Foun(ation of /a''iage is

to$e'ance, a(:ust/ent an( 'es#ect to9a'(s one anot&e'. %&e'efo'e, in&e'ent$7 to$e'ance of eac& ot&e's fau$t to a ce'tain 8ea'a8$e eBtent &as to 8e @e#t in /in( 8efo'e consi(e'ing a #a'ticu$a' con(uct of a s#ouse to9a'(s t&e ot&e' as tanta/ounting to Dc'ue$t7. %&e 0ou't &as to consi(e' t&e /enta$ an( #&7sica$ con(itions of t&e #a'ties, t&ei' c&a'acte's an( socia$ status an( t&e'efo'e, t&e inci(ents 9&ic& can 8e te'/e( as Dc'ue$t7 &a)e to 8e a(:u(ge( in a case on t&e facts an( ci'cu/stances an( t&e e)i(ence a((uce( on 'eco'(. -t is not 'eAui'e( t&at #&7sica$ )io$ence as 9e$$ as /enta$ to'tu'e a'e essentia$ to constitute c'ue$t7. !)en con(uct inf$icting a /ise'a8$e /enta$ agon7 an( to'tu'e un(e' t&e gi)en ci'cu/stances /a7 constitute c'ue$t7 9it&in t&e /eaning of Section 13415 4ia5 of t&e Act. ?1. -n case of #&7sica$ c'ue$t7, t&e 0ou't gene'a$$7 gets (i'ect e)i(ence 8ut in case of /enta$ c'ue$t7, t&e 0ou't &as to fi'st /a@e an inAui'7 to t&e natu'e of c'ue$ t'eat/ent, t&e i/#act of suc& t'eat/ent in t&e /in( of t&e s#ouse if it cause( 'easona8$e a##'e&ension t&at it can 8e &a'/fu$ o' (ange'ous to $i)e 9it& t&e ot&e'. -t is not necessa'7 fo' t&e #a't7 to na''ate eac& inci(ent against t&e ot&e' s#ouse to constitute suc& con(ucts as c'ue$t7. So/eti/es t9o o' t&'ee inci(ents /a7 8e sufficient to #'o)e t&e c'ue$t7 co//itte( on t&e #etitione' 87 t&e ot&e' s#ouse. Man7 a ti/es /enta$ c'ue$t7 is /o'e se)e'e t&an t&e #&7sica$ c'ue$t7. ?2. -n KSa/a' =&os& *s. 3a7a =&os&2 420075 ? S00 F1, t&e Su#'e/e 0ou't &as enu/e'ate( so/e instances of &u/an 8e&a)iou' 9&ic& /a7 8e 'e$e)ant in (ea$ing 9it& t&e cases of /enta$ c'ue$t7. %&e7 a'e: I 4i5 On consi(e'ation of co/#$ete /at'i/onia$ $ife of t&e #a'ties, acute /enta$ #ain, agon7 an( suffe'ing as 9ou$( not /a@e #ossi8$e fo' t&e #a'ties to $i)e 9it& eac& ot&e' cou$( co/e 9it&in t&e 8'oa( #a'a/ete's of /enta$ c'ue$t7. 4ii5 On co/#'e&ensi)e a##'aisa$ of t&e enti'e /at'i/onia$ $ife of t&e #a'ties, it 8eco/es a8un(ant$7 c$ea' t&at situation is suc& t&at t&e 9'onge( #a't7 cannot 'easona8$7 8e as@e( to #ut u# 9it& suc& con(uct an( continue to $i)e 9it& ot&e' #a't7. 4iii5 Me'e co$(ness o' $ac@ of affection cannot a/ount to c'ue$t7, f'eAuent 'u(eness of $anguage, #etu$ance of /anne', in(iffe'ence an( neg$ect /a7 'eac& suc& a (eg'ee t&at it /a@es t&e /a''ie( $ife fo' t&e ot&e' s#ouse a8so$ute$7 into$e'a8$e. 4i)5 Menta$ c'ue$t7 is a state of /in(. %&e fee$ing of (ee# anguis&, (isa##oint/ent, f'ust'ation in one s#ouse cause( 87 t&e con(uct of ot&e' fo' a $ong ti/e

/a7 $ea( to /enta$ c'ue$t7. 4)5 A sustaine( cou'se of a8usi)e an( &u/i$iating t'eat/ent ca$cu$ate( to to'tu'e, (isco//o(e o' 'en(e' /ise'a8$e $ife of t&e s#ouse. 4)i5 Sustaine( un:ustifia8$e con(uct an( 8e&a)iou' of one s#ouse actua$$7 affecting #&7sica$ an( /enta$ &ea$t& of t&e ot&e' s#ouse. %&e t'eat/ent co/#$aine( of an( t&e 'esu$tant (ange' o' a##'e&ension /ust 8e )e'7 g'a)e, su8stantia$ an( 9eig&t7. 4)ii5 Sustaine( 'e#'e&ensi8$e con(uct, stu(ie( neg$ect, in(iffe'ence o' tota$ (e#a'tu'e f'o/ t&e no'/a$ stan(a'( of con:uga$ @in(ness causing in:u'7 to /enta$ &ea$t& o' (e'i)ing sa(istic #$easu'e can a$so a/ount to /enta$ c'ue$t7. 4)iii5 %&e con(uct /ust 8e /uc& /o'e t&an :ea$ous7, se$fis&ness, #ossessi)eness, 9&ic& causes un&a##iness an( (issatisfaction an( e/otiona$ u#set /a7 not 8e a g'oun( fo' g'ant of (i)o'ce on t&e g'oun( of /enta$ c'ue$t7. 4iB5 Me'e t'i)ia$ i''itations, Aua''e$s, no'/a$ 9ea' an( tea' of t&e /a''ie( $ife 9&ic& &a##ens in (a7 to (a7 $ife 9ou$( not 8e a(eAuate fo' g'ant of (i)o'ce on t&e g'oun( of /enta$ c'ue$t7. 4B5 %&e /a''ie( $ife s&ou$( 8e 'e)ie9e( as a 9&o$e an( a fe9 iso$ate( instances o)e' a #e'io( of 7ea's 9i$$ not a/ount to c'ue$t7. %&e i$$Econ(uct /ust 8e #e'sistent fo' a fai'$7 $engt&7 #e'io(, 9&e'e t&e 'e$ations&i# &as (ete'io'ate( to an eBtent t&at 8ecause of t&e acts an( 8e&a)iou' of a s#ouse, t&e 9'onge( #a't7 fin(s it eBt'e/e$7 (ifficu$t to $i)e 9it& t&e ot&e' #a't7 an7 $onge', /a7 a/ount to /enta$ c'ue$t7. 4Bi5 -f a &us8an( su8/its &i/se$f fo' an o#e'ation of ste'i$iCation 9it&out /e(ica$ 'easons an( 9it&out t&e consent o' @no9$e(ge of &is 9ife an( si/i$a'$7, if t&e 9ife un(e'goes )asecto/7 o' a8o'tion 9it&out /e(ica$ 'eason o' 9it&out t&e consent o' @no9$e(ge of &e' &us8an(, suc& an act of t&e s#ouse /a7 $ea( to /enta$ c'ue$t7. 4Bii5 +ni$ate'a$ (ecision of 'efusa$ to &a)e inte'cou'se fo' consi(e'a8$e #e'io( 9it&out t&e'e 8eing an7 #&7sica$ inca#acit7 o' )a$i( 'eason /a7 a/ount to /enta$ c'ue$t7. 4Biii5 +ni$ate'a$ (ecision of eit&e' &us8an( o' 9ife afte' /a''iage not to &a)e c&i$( f'o/ t&e /a''iage /a7 a/ount to c'ue$t7. 4Bi)5 6&e'e t&e'e &as 8een a $ong #e'io( of continuous se#a'ation, it /a7 fai'$7 8e conc$u(e( t&at t&e /at'i/onia$ 8on( is 8e7on( 'e#ai'. %&e /a''iage 8eco/es a fiction t&oug& su##o'te( 87 a $ega$ tie. 7

'efusing to se)e' t&at tie, t&e $a9 in suc& cases, (oes not se')e t&e sanctit7 of /a''iageH on t&e cont'a'7, it s&o9s scant 'ega'( fo' t&e fee$ings an( e/otions of t&e #a'ties. -n suc& $i@e situations, it /a7 $ea( to /enta$ c'ue$t7.J ?3. !)i(ent$7 /enta$ c'ue$t7 cannot 8e co/#'e&ensi)e$7 (efine(, 9it&in 9&ic& a$$ @in(s of cases of /enta$ c'ue$t7 can 8e co)e'e(. 1u/an /in( is eBt'e/e$7 co/#$eB an( &u/an 8e&a)iou' is eAua$$7 co/#$icate(. Si/i$a'$7 &u/an ingenuit7 &as no 8oun( an( t&e'efo'e, to assi/i$ate t&e enti'e &u/an 8e&a)iou' in one (efinition is a$/ost i/#ossi8$e. 6&at /a7 a/ount to c'ue$t7 in one case /a7 not a/ount to c'ue$t7 in t&e ot&e' case 8ecause, conce#t of c'ue$t7 (iffe' f'o/ #e'son to #e'son (e#en(ing u#on &is/&e' u#8'inging, $e)e$ of sensiti)it7, e(ucationa$, fa/i$7 an( cu$tu'a$ 8ac@g'oun(, financia$ #osition, socia$ status, custo/s, t'a(itions, 'e$igious 8e$iefs, &u/an )a$ues an( t&ei' )a$ue s7ste/. %&e conce#t of /enta$ c'ue$t7 &as c&ange( 9it& t&e #assage of ti/eH 8ecause of i/#act of /o(e'n cu$tu'e t&'oug& )a'ious /e(ias e$ect'onic an( #'int an( ot&e' )a$ue s7ste/. %&e'efo'e, t&e'e cannot 8e an7 st'aig&t :ac@et fo'/u$a o' fiBe( #a'a/ete's fo' (ete'/ining t&e /enta$ c'ue$t7 in /at'i/onia$ /atte's. .o unifo'/ stan(a'(, t&e'efo'e, can 8e $ai( (o9n fo' gui(ance 9&at /a7 constitute /enta$ c'ue$t7 in /at'i/onia$ (is#utes. ??. 0o/ing 8ac@ to t&e facts an( ci'cu/stances of t&is case, #a'ties to t&e #etition 9e'e /a''ie( in Dece/8e', 197?. %&e7 continue( to $i)e toget&e' fo' a #e'io( of fifteen 7ea's eBce#t a s&o't se#a'ation f'o/ Ma7 19>9 to Se#te/8e' 19>9. ,etitione' &as 8een to$e'ating t&e #&7sica$ to'tu'e as 9e$$ as /enta$ agon7 at t&e &an(s of t&e Res#on(ent fo' t&e sai( #e'io(. S&e continue( to $i)e 9it& t&e Res#on(ent (es#ite t&e fact t&at &e sus#ecte( &e' fi(e$it7 9&en s&e concei)e( fo' t&e secon( ti/e in 19>1. S&e /ust &a)e suffe'e( g'a)e /enta$ #ain an( agon7 9&en s&e &a( to go fo' /e(ica$ te'/ination of #'egnanc7. Res#on(ent 9as ne)e' financia$$7 sta8$e an( soun(. ,etitione' &a( 8een 9o'@ing since afte' &e' /a''iage an( $oo@ing afte' t&e financia$ nee(s of t&e fa/i$7 inc$u(ing t&at of t&e Res#on(ent. -t is not (is#ute( t&at #a'ties &a( to )acate t&e 'ente( acco//o(ation in 0&it'an:an ,a'@ 8ecause of t&e e)iction o'(e', 9&ic& Res#on(ent suffe'e(. Res#on(ent (i( not /a@e an7 a''ange/ent fo' anot&e' 'ente( acco//o(ation. Rat&e' &e s&ifte( 9it& t&e ,etitione' in t&e &ouse of &e' #a'ents, 9&e'e s&e continue( to $i)e in a ga'age fo' Auite so/eti/e. Res#on(ent 9as in t&e &a8it of ta@ing $iAuo' 8ut, &e 8eca/e a$co&o$ic o)e' t&e #e'io( of ti/e. ?F. As (iscusse( a8o)e, t&e'e is enoug& e)i(ence to in(icate t&at to /eet &is (e/an(s fo' $iAuo', &e #&7sica$$7 an( /enta$$7 to'tu'e( t&e ,etitione'. So/e of t&e instances of #&7sica$ an( /enta$ c'ue$t7

#'o)e( on 'eco'( a'e of 19>1, Ma7 19>9 an( of 2.12.19>9. -t is significant t&at 8e&a)iou' of t&e Res#on(ent 8eca/e /o'e c'ue$ 9&en &e 'efuse( to cont'i8ute fo' t&e #u'c&ase of t&e f$at a$$otte( in t&e na/e of t&e ,etitione' 87 t&e DDA. .ot on$7 t&is, &e 9ante( to se$$ t&e a$$ot/ent 8ut, cou$( not succee( as ,etitione' 'e/aine( fi'/ on &e' (ecision not to se$$ t&e a$$ot/ent, fo' 9&ic& s&e &a( to face #&7sica$ as 9e$$ as /enta$ c'ue$t7 at t&e &an(s of t&e Res#on(ent. %&e con(uct of t&e Res#on(ent in #'essu'iCing t&e ,etitione' to se$$ t&e a$$ot/ent is o8)ious f'o/ &is )a'ious su8seAuent acts. 1e fi$e( a suit c$ai/ing &a$f s&a'e in t&e #'o#e't7 8ut &e $ost. 1e (is#ute( t&e a8so$ute tit$e of t&e ,etitione' in t&e sai( #'o#e't7 at Ma7u' *i&a'. !)en in t&is a##ea$, &e /a(e it c$ea' t&at &e 9ou$( (i)o'ce t&e ,etitione' on$7 afte' &e 9as gi)en &a$f s&a'e in t&e &ouse. +n(e' t&e ci'cu/stances, to sa7 t&at con(uct of t&e Res#on(ent to9a'(s t&e ,etitione' cannot 8e const'ue( as c'ue$t7 9it&in t&e /eaning of Section 13415 4ia5 of t&e Act 9ou$( not 8e co''ect. ?6. ,a'ties to t&e a##ea$ a'e a'tists. An a'tist 87 te/#e'a/ent is e/otiona$ an( sensiti)e. e&a)iou' of t&e Res#on(ent to9a'(s t&e ,etitione' t&'oug&out fifteen 7ea's of t&ei' $i)ing toget&e' &as 8een un'easona8$e an( to'tu'ous. 1is i$$ 8e&a)iou' can 8e safe$7 const'ue( as g'a)e. 1e &as 8een i$$Et'eating t&e ,etitione'. %&e'e is e)i(ence to in(icate t&at t&e'e 9as cessation of seBua$ inte'cou'se, neg$ect of t&e ,etitione' an( t&e fa/i$7, &is in(iffe'ence attitu(e to9a'(s t&e fa/i$7 an( &is asse'tion t&at ,etitione' is unc&aste, a'e facto's 9&ic& constitute /enta$ o' $ega$ c'ue$t7. Res#on(ent, un(e' t&e inf$uence of $iAuo' see/e( to 8e $osing &is te/#e' to suc& an eBtent t&at &e 9ou$( in(u$ge into gi)ing se)e'e 8eatings, )o/iting on &is 9ife, s#itting on &e'. Once 8e #ic@e( u# a @nife an( t&'eatene( t&e ,etitione' of $ife. -n t&is fig&t, it 9as t&e innocent c&i$(, t&ei' son, 9&o 'ecei)e( in:u'ies on &is $eft e7e. 6&at cou$( 8e /o'e t&en 9&at &as 8een (iscusse( a8o)e to const'ue $ega$ c'ue$t7; Res#on(ent t&oug& &a( 8een assu'ing t&e ,etitione' of 'efo'/ation, neit&e' &is 8e&a)iou' no' &is con(uct i/#'o)e(. Rat&e' &is 8e&a)iou' an( in(iffe'ence to t&e ,etitione' an( t&e fa/i$7 inc'ease(. -t 9as 9&en ,etitione' cou$( not 8ea' t&e Res#on(ent an7 fu't&e' t&at s&e $eft t&e &ouse in Ma7 19>9 an( 9ent to &e' #a'ents. S&e t'ie( to 'ea(:ust 9it& t&e Res#on(ent 9it& t&e assistance of 9o/en o'ganiCation DSa&e$i. Again Res#on(ent (i( not t'7 to i/#'o)e &i/se$f in an7 /anne'. 1is nee( fo' finances 9as anot&e' 'eason fo' &is to'tu'ous con(uct to9a'(s t&e ,etitione'. ,etitione', t&e'efo'e, suffe'e( #&7sica$ as 9e$$ as /enta$ c'ue$t7 an( it cou$( not 8e eB#ecte( t&at t&e7 cou$( $i)e toget&e' afte' t&e inci(ent of 2.12.19>9. ?7. Since afte' Dece/8e' 19>9, #a'ties a'e $i)ing se#a'ate$7. Son is no9 a8out 31 7ea's of age an( sett$e( in $ife. ,a'ties a'e $i)ing se#a'ate$7

fo' a8out 21 7ea's. %&e /at'i/onia$ 8on( 8et9een t&e #a'ties &as, t&e'efo'e, 8een 'u#tu'e( 8e7on( 'e#ai' 8ecause of /enta$ an( #&7sica$ c'ue$t7 cause( 87 t&e Res#on(ent. Afte' se#a'ation, t&e #a'ties (i( not &a)e an7 inte'action 9it& eac& ot&e'. Rat&e' t&e7 &a)e 8een $itigating, /a7 8e in a 0i)i$ 0ou't of $a9. - fin( on 'eco'( a co/#$aint (ate( Ft& Fe8'ua'7, 19>9 !B. ,6E1/1F, (isc$osing t&e 8e&a)iou' of t&e Res#on(ent of ?.02.19>9. Res#on(ent &as a(/itte( t&at &e &as not /et &is c&i$( since afte' 2.12.19>9. ?>. %'ia$ 0ou't (i( not #'o#e'$7 a##'eciate t&e uncont'o)e'te( state/ent of t&e ,etitione' 9&en it o8se')e( t&at t&e a$$egations of 8eatings, /enta$ to'tu'e, #ain an( agon7 suffe'e( 87 t&e ,etitione' 9e'e Auite gene'a$ in natu'e an( t&at t&e g'oun( of c'ue$t7 as #$ea(e( 87 t&e ,etitione' (i( not #'o)e t&e eBtent t&at s&e 9as 8eing t'eate( 87 t&e Res#on(ent 9it& suc& c'ue$t7, 9&ic& /a7 a/ount to /at'i/onia$ e)ents of c'ue$t7 un(e' Section 13415 4ia5 of t&e Act. %&e a##'eciation of e)i(ence 87 t&e %'ia$ 0ou't is not in t&e co''ect #e's#ecti)e on facts an( ci'cu/stances of t&e case an( e)i(ence a((uce( on 'eco'(. +ncont'o)e'te( e)i(ence of t&e ,etitione' &as #'o)e( #&7sica$ as 9e$$ as /enta$ c'ue$t7 an( e)e'7 inci(ent of suc& c'ue$ 8e&a)iou' of t&e Res#on(ent c$ea'$7 esta8$is&e( t&at Res#on(ent t'eate( &e' 9it& $ega$ c'ue$t7. ?9. 1ence, t&e fin(ings of t&e %'ia$ 0ou't on t&is issue a'e set asi(e an( it is (eci(e( in fa)ou' of t&e ,etitione'. -SS+! .O. 2 F0. On 3'( Dece/8e', 19>9 9&en Res#on(ent $eft t&e &ouse &e 9as 'esi(ing in Ma7u' *i&a' i.e. t&e f$at o9ne( 87 t&e ,etitione'. %&is &a##ene( 8ecause of a Aua''e$ &a)ing ta@en #$ace 8et9een t&e #a'ties on t&e inte')ening nig&t of 2n( /3'( Dece/8e', 19>9. ,a'ties continue( to fig&t t&e 9&o$e nig&t. Res#on(ent 9as )io$ent an( a8usi)e to9a'(s t&e ,etitione' in so /uc& so t&at &e e)en inf$icte( in:u'7 to &is son. -t 9as un(e' t&ese ci'cu/stances t&at &e $eft t&e &ouse in t&e /o'ning of 3'( Dece/8e' 19>9 in t&e #'esence of 9o'@e's of 9o/en o'ganiCation DSa&e$i an( #a'ents of t&e ,etitione'. F1. %&e'e is no (is#ute t&at Res#on(ent eBecute( a (ocu/ent !B. ,6E 1/? on 3'( Dece/8e', 19>9 in t&e #'esence of S.*ats7a7an, ,6E2. -n t&is (ocu/ent, &e &as 9'itten t&at &e 9as fina$$7 $ea)ing t&e #'e/ises .o.F7ED, ,oc@etE-*, Ma7u' *i&a', .e9 De$&i of &is o9n 9it& a #$e(ge not to co/e 8ac@ to t&e sai( #'e/ises an( (istu'8 t&e ,etitione' s in futu'e fo' an7 'eason 9&atsoe)e'. -t is su8/itte( 87 counse$ fo' t&e ,etitione' t&at Res#on(ent (ese'te( t&e ,etitione' on

3.12.19>9 of &is o9n. - fin( no fo'ce in &is su8/ission. -t is significant to note t&at in t&e $ast fe9 $ines of t&is $ette' &e &as 9'itten t&at &e 9ou$( not c$ai/ an7 'ig&ts o' #'i)i$eges in t&e sai( f$at. -n 'etu'n &e 9ante( t&at ,etitione' s&ou$( not see@ an7 /oneta'7 assistance f'o/ &i/ fo' t&e &ouse&o$( f'o/ t&at (ate. -t is a$so 'eco'(e( t&at #a'ties &a( ag'ee( to go in fo' /utua$ (i)o'ce of /a''iage in a cou't of $a9 9it&in fifteen (a7s f'o/ t&at (ate. %&us, it is c$ea' f'o/ t&is $ette' t&at Res#on(ent &a( (ese'te( t&e ,etitione' 8ecause of t&e inci(ent of t&e nig&t. -t cannot 8e sai( t&at &e 9as $eft 9it& no o#tion 8ut to $ea)e t&e &ouse. F2. As #ointe( out a8o)e, ,etitione' &a( $o(ge( a co/#$aint (ate( 3'( Dece/8e', 19>9 !B. ,6E1/3. ,e'usa$ of t&is co/#$aint in(icate t&at Res#on(ent &a( to $ea)e t&e &ouse as a 'esu$t of eBte'na$ inte')ention afte' 9'iting t&e attac&e( cont'act !B.,6E1/?. -t a$so in(icate t&at ,etitione' 9ou$( a##'oac& t&e cou't of $a9 fo' /utua$ (i)o'ce an( in t&e /eanti/e soug&t #o$ice #'otection. Since Res#on(ent $eft t&e &ouse un(e' a()e'se an( st'aine( ci'cu/stances, it cannot 8e sai( t&at &e (ese'te( t&e ,etitione' 9it&in t&e /eaning of Section 134154i85 of t&e Act. 1ence, fin(ings of t&e %'ia$ 0ou't on t&is issue a'e affi'/e( 8ut, fo' (iffe'ent 'easons. R!L-!F F3. -n )ie9 of /7 fin(ings on issue .o.1, a##ea$ is #a't$7 a$$o9e( an( (ec'ee an( :u(g/ent of t&e %'ia$ 0ou't (ate( >t& A#'i$, 1997 on t&is is &e'e87 set asi(e. - &e'e87 #ass a (ec'ee fo' (i)o'ce un(e' Section 13415 4ia5 of t&e Act. F?. +n(e' t&e ci'cu/stances, #a'ties a'e $eft to 8ea' t&ei' o9n costs. Dec'ee 8e #'e#a'e( acco'(ing$7. %'ia$ 0ou't 'eco'( 8e sent 8ac@ a$ong 9it& an atteste( co#7 of t&is o'(e'. AR+.A S+R!S1 43+D=!5 A+=+S% 20, 2010

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