Citizens Charter
Citizens Charter
Citizens Charter
Vision: A professional and competent Air Force responsive to national security and development
Mission: To organize, train, equip, maintain and provide forces in order to conduct prompt and sustained air operations to accomplish the AFP mission.
Personnel Services Recruitment of Personnel - Officers - Candidate Soldiers Medical Services Emergency Room Procedures Out Patient Department Procedures Financial Services External Clients - Commercial Claims Internal Clients - Collateral & Variable Claims - Commutation of Unused Leave Benefits and Separation Gratuity - Morale and Welfare Benefits
Fill-up application form and proceed to station 1 and submit the same with initial requirements
2 min
Initial Requirements: 1) Authenticated NSO Birth certificate (20 to 24 y/o) 2)Authenticated Transcript of records (Baccalaureate Degree Holder ) Height Requirement:5 ft Physical Disqualifications: 1) Cross-eyedness 2) Bow-leggedness 3) Excess/Lacking Finger 4) Pierced ear/s for male 5) Extra ear piercing for female 6) Tattoo, etc...
1 min
Log in to the attendance sheet and wait to be called at station 3 for the examination permit Get exam permit and final instruction at station 4
Review/Check the application form for any wrong entry. Process examination permit. Explain to applicant the schedule of exam and what to bring during the exam
5 mins
2 mins
-Attire during examination: White T-shirt, Pants and Closed Shoes -Bring 2pcs Nr 2 Mongol Pencils
CONDUCT OF EXAMINATION PROCEDURE / STEPS APPLICANT Go to the examination area one hour prior the examination. PAFPMC ACTION Control and guide applicants PERSON INCHARGE Recruitment Branch, PTD personnel
REMARKS -Attire during examination: White T-shirt, Pants and Closed Shoes -Bring 2pcs Nr 2 Mongol Pencils
Prepare examination permit and ID card Remove shoes, roll sleeves and pants for limited physical examination Enter the examination area and prepare for the examination proper
Recruitment Branch, PTD personnel Recruitment Branch, PTD personnel Recruitment Branch, PTD personnel
1 min
Measure the height and check for any physical disqualifications Guide applicants on his/her designated seat.
1 min
1 min
-Attire during examination: White T-shirt, Pants and Closed Shoes -Bring 2pcs Nr 2 Mongol Pencils
Give house rules/ Examination directions Supervise and watch the examinees Give final instructions and briefing
10 mins
Answer all questions. Shade the correct answer. If done, wait for final instructions
3 hours
10 mins
PROCEDURE / STEPS APPLICANT Go to PAF Gymnasium at 6AM on the day of the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) Perform the PFT PAFPMC ACTION Get the attendance, and account the applicants
PERSON INCHARGE Recruitment Branch, Procurement & Testing Department (PTD) Pers
REMARKS Applicants will be notified regarding the date of the PFT. Attire: White T-shirt, shorts and rubber shoes PFT Exercises (See PFT form) 1) Push-ups 2) Sit-ups 3) 3.2 km Run Results will be posted in the afternoon after PFT at the PAFPMC
Supervise / Conduct the PFT with Air Force Special Service Group (AFSSG) personnel Brief applicants regarding the results
3 hours
10 mins
PROCEDURE / STEPS APPLICANT Go to PAFPMC at 8AM on the day of Special Written Examination (SWE) for acounting. Answer all questions. Shade the correct answer. PAFPMC ACTION 1) Get the attendance and account the applicants. 2) Brief applicants regarding the examination Give house rules/ examination directions
PERSON INCHARGE Recruitment Branch, Procurement & Testing Department (PTD) Pers Testing Branch, PTD personnel
DURATION 10 mins
REMARKS Attire: White TShirt, shorts and rubber shoes -Bring 2pcs Nr 2 Mongol Pencils
10 mins
Wait for instructions from the examiner. If done, wait for final instructions
Supervise and watch the examinees Give final instructions and briefing
3 hours
10 mins
CONDUCT OF PHYSICAL /MEDICAL EXAMINATION PROCEDURE / STEPS APPLICANT Go to PAFPMC at 8AM on the day of Physical / Medical Examination (PE) for accounting. Proceed to PAF General Hospital for the Medical Examination. PAFPMC ACTION 1) Get the attendance and account the applicants. 2) Brief applicants regarding the PE. PERSON INCHARGE Recruitment Branch, Procurement & Testing Department (PTD) personnel Recruitment Branch,PTD personnel
DURATION 10 mins
REMARKS Applicants will be notified regarding the date of the PE. Attire: White TShirt, shorts and rubber shoes
10 mins
CONDUCT OF BOARD INTERVIEW PROCEDURE / STEPS APPLICANT Go to PAFPMC one hour prior the scheduled Initial/ Final Interview PAFPMC ACTION Get the attendance, and account the applicants PERSON INCHARGE Recruitment Branch, Procurement & Testing Department (PTD) personnel Recruitment Branch,PTD personnel
REMARKS Applicants will be notified regarding the date of the Board Interview.
10 mins
Be ready for the interview. Enter the venue and answer all the questions. Wait for final instructions
Brief applicants regarding the interview Conduct the interview based on the prescribed Give final instructions
10 mins
10 mins
Interview proper
10 mins
APPLICANT 1 Fill-up application form and proceed to station 1 and submit the same with initial requirements
PAFPMC ACTION Check authenticity of documents submitted by the applicant Recruitment Branch, Procurement & Testing Department (PTD) pers Recruitment Branch, PTD personnel 2 mins Initial Requirements: 1) Authenticated NSO Birth certifcate (18 to 23 y/o) 2) Authenticated Transcript of records (72 College Units) Height Requirement: 5 ft Physical Disqualifications: 1) Cross-eyedness 2) Bow-leggedness 3) Excess/Lacking Finger 4) Pierced ear/s for male 5) Extra ear piercing for female
1 min
Log in to the attendance sheet and wait to be called at station 3 for the examination permit. Get the exam permit and final instruction at station 4
Review/check the application form for any wrong entry. Process examination
Recruitment Branch, Procurement & Testing Department (PTD) pers Recruitment Branch, Procurement & Testing Department (PTD) pers
5 mins
Explain to applicant the schedule of exam and what to bring during the exam
2 mins
-Attire during examination: White T-shirt, Pants and Closed Shoes -Bring 2pcs Nr 2 Mongol Pencils
Fill-up application form and proceed to station 1 and submit the same with initial requirements
2 mins
Initial Requirements: 1) Authenticated NSO Birth certificate (18 to 23 y/o) 2) Authenticated Transcript of records (72 College units) 3) 2pcs 2x2 pictures Height Requirement: 5 ft Physical Disqualifications: 1) Cross-eyedness 2) Bow-leggedness 3) Excess/Lacking Finger 4) Pierced ear/s for male 5) Extra ear piercing for female
Log in to the attendance sheet and wait to be called at station 3 for the examination permit.
Review/check the application form for any wrong entry. Process examination permit.
5 mins
Recruitment Branch, Procurement & Testing Department (PTD) personnel Recruitment Branch, PTD personnel Recruitment Branch, PTD personnel
1 hour
-Attire during examination: White T-shirt, Pants and Closed Shoes -Bring 2pcs Nr 2 Mongol Pencils
Prepare examination permit and ID card Remove shoes, roll sleeves and pants for limited physical examination. Enter the examination area and prepare for the examination proper
Check and mark examination permit Measure the height and check for any physical disqualifications Guide applicants on his/her designated seat
1 min
No permit, No exam
1 min
Recruitment Branch, Procurement & Testing Department (PTD) personnel Testing Branch, PTD personnel
1 min
Give house rules/ examination directions Supervise and watch the examinees Give final instructions and briefing
10 min
Answer all questions. Shade the correct answer. If done, wait for final instructions
PTD personnel
3 hours
10 mins
Go to PAF Gymnasium at 6AM on the day of the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
1 hour
Applicants will be notified regarding the date of the PFT. Attire: White T-shirt, shorts and rubber shoes
Supervise / Conduct the PFT with Air Force Special Service Group (AFSSG) personnel Brief applicants regarding the results
3 hours
PFT Exercises (See PFT form) 1) Push-ups 2) Sit-ups 3) 3.2 km Run Results will be posted in the afternoon after PFT at the PAFPMC.
10 mins
Go to PAFPMC at 8AM on the day of Physical / Medical Examination (PE) for accounting.
1) Get the attendance and account the applicants. 2) Brief applicants regarding the PE.
10 mins
Applicants will be notified regarding the date of the PE. Attire: White T-shirt, shorts and rubber
10 mins
1 hour
Applicants will be notified regarding the date of the Board Interview. Attire: Business Attire
Arrange applicants alphabetically. Female applicants first. Brief applicants regarding the interview procedure.
10 mins
10 mins
Emergency Room/Out Patient Department Procedures for Civilian Patients to avail at the Air Force General Hospital
CIVILIAN PATIENTS: Direct Dependents of Surviving Spouse - Unmarried and unemployed legitimate, legitimated, illegitimate, acknowledge children as appearing in the birth certificate; legally adopted below 21 yrs of age; and children who are 21 yrs old or above with congenital disability or any disability acquired that renders total dependence. CE of OSND and AFP - Those employed in the OSND and the AFP whose appointments are in the nature of permanent, casual, emergency and contractual status duly approved by the DND. Other Civilian Patients - Refers to persons, such as but not limited to PNP, Coast Guard Personnel, dependents other than direct, or plain civilian clientele who are granted authority. (Ref:
Circular Nr 1 dtd 20 Jan 2004)
2. RECORDING OF PATIENTS: Nr 2 PROCEDURE Proper identification and categorized of patients (Military Dependents, RMP, Civilian Employees and Civilians) will be properly observed and recorded in their respective Patients Logbook IN-CHARGE Nurse on Duty DURATION REMARKS
3. MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS: Nr 3 PROCEDURE Patients must be assessed by PGI/MOD/Civilian Doctor on duty prior to initiation of medical or surgical management of patients IN-CHARGE PGI (Post Graduate Intern) MOD (Medical Officer on Duty) Civilian Doctor 4. OBSERVATION AND LABORATORY EXAMINATION: Nr 4 PROCEDURE Laboratory and other ancillary procedures requests must be ordered by the MOD or Civilian Doctor on duty. Results will be followed up from the laboratory to guide proper management of patient IN-CHARGE MOD (Medical Officer on Duty) Civilian Doctor Laboratory Personnel DURATION REMARKS DURATION Depends upon severity of condition REMARKS Civilian patients who consult at the ER will be assessed, recorded and managed like all other patients; outpatient consultation shall be instructed to pay at the Final section
5. RESOLUTION OF PATIENTS ADMIT OR DISCHARGE: Nr 5 PROCEDURE If a civilian is deemed admissible he/she needs to have their Authority for Admission duly signed by any active military personnel in the PAF Patients who are assessed and evaluated for admission by MOD/Civilian Doctor on duty will be admitted and logged in with proper ID number Patients admitted will be given a Phil Health form upon admission PGIs on duty at the ER will be responsible for completing the patient consultation logbooks and the Admitting History and Physical Examination. Civilian Patients who opt to transfer to their hospital of choice should IN-CHARGE Civilian Doctor DURATION Depends upon severity of condition or length of recovery of patients REMARKS All medications/supplies utilized by civilian patients either out-patient or admitted will be replaced with the same medication/supply prior to discharge. Changes will only be made if the medication or supply is not routinely available at local pharmacies.
Laboratory Personnel
Civilian patients will be charged accordingly under the fees authorized by Circular Nr. 1
1. PRESENTATION OF VALID ID TO OPD PERSONNEL Nr 1 PROCEDURE Patient must present a valid identification prior to consultation IN-CHARGE OPD Personnel DURATION REMARKS Present Military Dependents ID for Direct Dependents
2. OPD PERSONNEL FILLS UP MEDICAL RECORD FORM Nr 2 PROCEDURE OPD personnel will accomplish the patients medical record form for documentation IN-CHARGE OPD Personnel DURATION REMARKS
3. OPD PERSONNEL FILLS UP MEDICAL RECORD FORM Nr 3 PROCEDURE OPD personnel will record patients body temperature, pulse rate (Or hurt rate), blood pressure, and respiratory rate IN-CHARGE OPD Personnel DURATION REMARKS
4. PAYMENT OF CONSULTATION FEES Nr 4 PROCEDURE Patient will proceed to the Finance section for payment of consultation fees IN-CHARGE Finance Section DURATION REMARKS Civilian Patients exclusive of Military Dependents are classified as paying patients
5. SPECIALTY TREATMENT ROOM Nr 5 PROCEDURE IN-CHARGE Patients are instructed to proceed Finance with the relevant specialty treatment Section room which suits with the patients conditions. A patient is directed to a medical consultant often a specialist with expertise in a particular field of medicine DURATION REMARKS Civilian Patients exclusive of Military Dependents are classified as paying patients
6. PATIENT ADMIT OR DISCHARGE Nr 6 PROCEDURE Patients major concern is evaluated by the physician through physical examination then further procedure (if deemed necessary) is required in the diagnosis of the condition IN-CHARGE Consultant DURATION REMARKS Some patients are given prescription, needs no further work up and may rest at home.
7. PAYMENT OF ANCILLARY PROCEDURE Nr 7 PROCEDURE Patients who needs further work up proceeds to the finance section for the payment of ancillary procedures he/she needs IN-CHARGE Finance Section DURATION REMARKS Civilian Patients exclusive of Military Dependents are classified as paying patients
8. PROCEED TO ANCILLARY SECTION Nr 8 PROCEDURE Patients proceed to corresponding ancillary section for work up IN-CHARGE Ancillary service personnel DURATION REMARKS Hospital Ancillary Services are those support services other than room, board, medical and nursing services. Hospitals normally outsource such services as laboratory radiology, pharmacy and physical therapy services.
9. INTERPRETATION OF RESULT AND TREATMENT Nr 9 PROCEDURE Physician reviews the patients medical history examines the result of laboratory/radiology reports and makes recommendations as to care and treatment 10. PATIENT ADMIT OR DISCHARGE Nr 10 PROCEDURE After result are interpreted, patients will be advised either to go home and are given prescription or if admission is recommended (patient is endorsed to ER for admission) IN-CHARGE Consultant DURATION . REMARKS IN-CHARGE Ancillary service personnel DURATION . REMARKS
III. Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Unit Procurement Request Business Name/DTI (Contracting Company) Certificate of Funding Chargeability Annual Procurement Plan Project Procurement Management Plan OBR/BUR/SAA Certificate of Availability of Funds signed by Chief Accountant (If items procured are aircraft parts and supplies) Acknowledgement Receipt for Equipment ( If items procured are aircraft spares) Invitation To Bid (If bidding) Minutes of Conference (If bidding) Abstract of Bids as calculated (If bidding) Contract Signed by PAF Bidding committee and contracting parties Notice to Proceed (If Shopping/Negotiated) Canvass Proposal (If Shopping) Notice of Award Technical Inspection and Acceptance Report by 520TH ABW ( If items delivered are Quarter Master, Office Supply, Medicine ) Delivered Items Inspection Report by 420TH SW (If items are CCIE and Ammunition) Certificate of Acceptance Notice of Delivery Notice of Receipt
Commercial Claims Processing STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 OFFICE PAF Unit PAF PROCO PAF PROCO PAF Unit AFAC PAF PROCO PAF PROCO AFAC/FAU AFFC (BFSO) AFFC (MFO) AF MFO AFFC(DRBr) LBP ACTIVITY Generate SAA,UPR and CFC Prepares Notice of Procurement Deliberates Canvass, Award and Create PO Print OBR For JEV Procurement Process (time of process varies with the Mode of Procurement) Compute Taxes and Print DV For JEV Pre Audits Hard Copy of Documents vs System Based Checklist Requests NCA Releases NCA to AFFC Preparation and submit Check and ACIC to LBP Credit Amount to Suppliers Account thru ADA Note: Payment Process starts in step #9 DURATION 1 day 1 day 7-15 days day 2 days 30 -100 days 1 day 2 days day 10 min 2 Hrs 2 Hrs day
B. Variable Claims - refers to payment attributed to promotion, change in longevity pay and to any kind of regular pay and allowances which are not included in the preparation, processing and payment under the PAF Payroll System within the pay period. Types of Variable Claims 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Promotion Differential Restored Pay Longevity Pay Differential Fractional Pay Step Increment Differential for Civilian Personnel
III. Requirements: COLLATERAL CLAIMS Flying Pay 1. Rated Officers Certification of Flying Time duly signed by the Director of Operations. 2. Non-Rated Officers & EP Certification of Flying Time duly signed by the Unit Director of Operations. - Renewal Orders of Flying Status (every six (6) months January and July) HDP,RHP,CDP,IDP,PP, ASP, HA,MC,CW,ASA 1. Unit Order 2. HPAF Confirmation order 3. Certification of Actual Performance duly signed by the Unit Commander RCA 1. Reenlistment Unit Order 2. HPAF Confirmation Order (if photocopy, must be authenticated by OAFA) 3. Tally sheet (RIV) from 421st Supermart (Original Copy)
Promotion Differential Officer - GO from GHQ, AFP EP - SO from Unit and Confirmed SO from HPAF (A2C) - SO from HPAF (A1CCMSG)
VARIABLE CLAIMS Restored Longevity Fractional Pay Pay Pay Differential Certification Officer - GO Certification from CPO, from HPAF from CPO, AFFC AFFC EP - Unit Order - HPAF Confirmation Order
IV. Procedure:
Publication of Order Flow Chart through Finance Collateral Processing System (FiCoPS) (for Collateral Claims)
FiCoPS Process
STEP 1 2 3 4 5 OFFICE/UNIT PAF UNIT BFSO OA-1 AFA AFFC (CCPBr) ACTIVITY Encode and Print PO for Collateral Claim Validates Electronic PO Vs Hard Copy of PO Validates claim (PAF Wide) Confirmation and Publication of Order Consolidates Confirmed Orders and Unit PO DURATION
Payment Flow Chart though PAF Variable and Collateral Claims System (PAF VCS)
PAF VCS Payment Process STEP 1 OFFICE/UNIT PAF Personnel ACTIVITY Submits Confirmed order from AFA to AFFC (VCS) in five (5) copies Encodes Individual Claim Print encoded claims for pre-audit/ evaluation Forwards Orders to AFAC Allow or disallow encoded claims and compare with submitted documents Returns back the Orders to AFFC Approves encoded claims and print payroll with designated no. Print Payroll for signature of Chief, CCPBr and Head, Finance Opns Dept Payroll grouped according to Batch for request of Fund to AFMFO Issues SAA per unit and NCA per payroll number Attach obligation request per unit per SAA and transfer voucher Chief, DRBr Pre audit obligated VCS payroll Forwards payroll to AFAC pre-audit to certify adequate funds, properly approved, supported by documents legal DURATION day
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 day 10 min 10 min 1-4 days 10min day 1 day 1 day 3 - 5 days 1-2 days 1-2 days 5-7 days
14 15 16 17 18 19
& proper and account codes proper Releases payroll to AFFC for Issuance of checks per payroll no. For Issuance of Check to be signed by EX-O and CO , AFFC Check is forwarded to CCPBr for deposit slip Prepare and submit ACIC to AGDB (LBP) Deposit check at LBP with attached database Credits to individual ATM Account Numbers
II. Entitled to Receive: PAF Military and Civilian Personnel who Compulsory/Optionally Retired, Resigned and Honorably Discharge/Separated from the service. III. Requirements: Commutation of Unused Leave Benefits Officer/EP Civilian Employee 1. Commutation Order 1. DF (From PAFPMC to CAS) 2. Retirement/Resignation/Discharge 2. Application for Leave Order 3. Statement of Last Payment 3. Statement of Service 4. Service Record 4. PAF Command Clearance 5. Leave Record 5. Military Leave Record 6. PAF Command Clearance 6. Statement of Last Payment 7. Clearances (OAFIG, JAGO, AFPM, AFAC, OESPA) 7. Statement of Assets and Liabilities 8. Unit Clearance 9. Statement of Assets and Liabilities
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Separation/Retirement Gratuity Officer Civilian Employee Resignation Order 1. DF (From PAFPMC to CAS) Statement of Service 2. Application for Leave Ombudsman Clearance 3. Computation of retirement Gratuity from PAFPMC PAF Command Clearance 4. Statement of Last Payment Statement of Last Payment 5. Service Record GHQ, AFP Accounting Clearance 6. Leave Record 7. PAF Command Clearance 8. Clearances (OAFIG, JAGO, AFPM, AFAC, OESPA) 9. Unit Clearance 10. Statement of Assets and Liabilities
IV. Procedure: Commutation of Unused Leave and Separation Gratuities STEP OFFICE 1 AFFC (VCS) ACTIVITY - Received from PGAB complete documents - Verification last payment (CPO Br) - Preparation of Disbursement Voucher (CCP Br - Indexing (CPO Br) - Verification & Sign Disbursement Voucher (CCPBr) - Pre-Audit (CCP Br) - Signed by C, CCP Br and C,CPO Br) - Transmit to A-1 A-1 (DMS) - Message Center (Recording) - Recording & Signature (OA-1 DMS) - Signature (OA-1, DPP) - Transmit to AFMFO AFMFO - Receiving (Prepare list for request DBM) - Sign the list of Actual Retirees (C,MFO) - OSAS Re-Type Ltr request to DBM - CAS-signed transmittal (DF) to CG,PAF - VCG, PAF - CG, PAF Approval of Ltr request - GHQ, MFO Transmittal to CSAFP through SND - GHQ, MFO Ltr Request to DBM - After DBM back to PAF AFFC - Attached Obligation request (signed by C,CPBr and (MFO) C,MFO AFFC) - Voucher for funding signed by C,MFO AFFC - Signature (CO, AFFC) - Courier to AFMFO AFMFO - For Pre Audit with Fund AFAC - Journal Entry Voucher (JEV) AFFC(DRBr) - Preparation of check to be signed by EX-O and CO, AFFC - Preparation and Submission of ACIC to AGDB (LBP) - Release of Check to claimant DURATION
4-5 days
1-2 days
3-4 wks
3-5 days
5 6 7
2 days
II. Entitled to Receive: A. PAF MRS Members - PAF Officers, EP, Civilian Employees, Aviation Cadets, P2LT, CS and Retired Military and Civilian Employee with Lifetime Membership B. PAF SFA Members Active PAF Military and Civilian Personnel C. PAF WF Active PAF Military Personnel D. PAF Medical Reimbursement - Active PAF Military Personnel III. Requirements: PAF MRS 1. Death Certificate of the memberauthenticated 2. Certificate of Lifetime Membership - if retired 3. Latest Pay slip of Member if active 4. Marriage Contract- authenticated 5. Birth certificate of Son/Daughter if wife is deceased 6. Receipt from funeral Homes 7. Waiver from Brother/Sister in favor of claimant PAF SFA 1. Death Certificate of deceased dependent 2. Birth certificate of claimant if dependent is parent 3. Birth Certificate of son/daughter- if dependent is son/daughter 4. Marriage Contract 5. Latest Pay slip
Medical Reimbursement 1. Request of claimant 2. Personal Action Form (110) 3. Medical certificate 4. Clinical Abstract 5. Original Receipts 6. Marriage Contract (If Husband/Wife was claiming) 7. Birth Certificate (Of daughter/son of claimant) 8. Birth Certificate of Claimant (If parents are patient)
IV. Procedure: PAFMRS Benefit STEP 1 OFFICE Active PAF Personnel Beneficiary/ Retired Member Beneficiary OAFA (PGAB) AFFC (FMBr) AFFC (FMBr) ACTIVITY Submit complete supporting documents to AFA (PGAB) DURATION 1 day
2 3 4
Validates all requirements make authority letter to be signed by the Chief OAFA and transmit to AFFC Prepares Voucher and Check to be Signed by the Chief, FMBr and CO, AFFC Release the check to the beneficiary
1 day day
PAFSFA Benefit STEP 1 2 3 4 OFFICE PAF UNIT (DP) OAFA (PGAB) AFFC (FMBr) AFFC (FMBr) ACTIVITY Indorse request signed by the unit commander to OAFA/PGAB with complete supporting documents Validates all requirements make authority letter to be signed by the Chief OAFA Prepares Voucher and Check to be Signed by the Chief FMBr and CO, AFFC Release the check to the member DURATION 1 day 1 day day
PAF Welfare Fund STEP 1 OFFICE PAF UNIT (DP) AFOCS ACTIVITY Indorse request signed by the unit commander to AFOCS attached with the medical Certificate of the recipient Chief surgeon will evaluate said request DURATION 1 day
1 day
3 4 5
OA-1 (DMS) AFFC (FMBr) OA-1 (Secretary PAF MRS) OA-1 (Chairman PAF MRS) AFFC (FMBr)
For approval of the Board of Trustees (Board Resolution) Prepare Voucher and Check to be signed by CO, AFFC Sign the check Voucher
Releasing of Check
PAF Medical Reimbursement STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 OFFICE PAF UNIT OCSAF OA-1(DMS) AFRMO AFMFO AFFC (MFO) AFFC (VCS) AF MFO AFAC AFFC (DRBr) OA-1 AFFC (DRBr) AFFC (DRBr) ACTIVITY Request medical Reimbursement Deliberate Request For Board deliberation For fund Allocation For Release of SAA For fund Release and preparation of UBR For processing of voucher and checking of completeness of supporting documents. For NCA For JEV For processing of check to be signed by the Chief, DRBr For counter Signature of check Preparation and submission of ACIC to AGDB Release of Check DURATION 1 day 1 week 3 day 3 days 3 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 2 days 1 day 1 day day