Basic of Construction
Basic of Construction
Basic of Construction
Fig2.Working plan
1.2Project statement:
1.4 Excel:
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet tool capable of performing calculations, analyzing data and integrating information from different programs. Microsoft Excel is comprised of organizational units called workbooks. A standard workbook contains worksheets and chart sheets. Worksheets perform calculations, store and organize data, present graphics and controls like a web page; they are extremely versatile. A worksheet in turn is comprised of millions of cells. The job of a cell is to store a formula that performs a calculation or communicates with some other application (i.e. program) such as a database. They also store and present data. A chart sheet's job is to present a chart or graph developed from data stored on a worksheet. IMPORTANCE OF HAND CALCULATIONS The students have been asked to perform hand calculations. Computer analysis and design programs offer great benefits to the design engineer. However, the computer programscan be easily misused without proper precautions in analysis and design procedures. If the design of any structure is based on the results obtained from erroneous computer analysis, it can lead to structural failures, costly disputes and poor performing structures. Performing the following procedures can eliminate many of the errors. 1. Model the structure as closely to the real structure as possible. 2. Recognize the important structural reactions
2.1. Introduction:
Engineering is a professional art of applying science to the efficient conversion of natural resources for the benefit of the mankind. Engineering, therefore, requires above all creative imagination to innovate useful application for natural phenomenon. The entire process of structural planning and design requires not only imagination and conceptual thinking but also sound knowledge of science of structural engineering besides knowledge of practical aspects, such as recent design codes and bye laws, backed up by ample experience, intuition and judgment. It may be clarified that Code of practice, which is commendable of good practices drawn up by good experienced engineers, should never be allowed to replace the conscience and competence of the engineer. The purpose of standards is to ensure and enhance the safety, keeping careful balance between economy and safety. The process of design commences with planning of the structure, primarily to meet its functional requirements. Initially, the requirements proposed by the client are taken into consideration. They may be vague, ambitious or even unacceptable from engineering point of view because he is not aware of the various implications involved in the process of planning and design, and about the limitations and intricacies of the structural science. It is emphasized that any structure to be constructed must satisfy the need efficiently for which it is intended and shall be durable for its desired life span.
Structural Planning:
After getting an architectural plan of the buildings, the structural planning of the building frame is done. This involves determination of the following: (a) Positioning and orientation of columns. (b) Positioning of beams (c) Spanning of slabs (d) Layout of stairs (e) Selecting proper type of footing The basic principle in deciding the layout of component members is that the loads should be transferred to the foundation along the shortest path. 2.2.1. Positioning and orientation of columns : Following are some guiding principles which help in deciding the column positions. Columns should preferably be located at or near the corners of the building and at the intersections of the beams/walls. Since the basic function of the columns is to support beams which are normally placed under the walls to support them, their position automatically gets fixed. The commercial buildings have normally rectangular pattern of grid type but especially for residential buildings.The said type of pattern for columns does not become possible. Select the position of column so as to reduce the bending moments in beams, when the location of two columns are very near then one column should be provided instead of two at such a position so as to reduce beam moment. Under certain rare circumstances to satisfy the functional requirements, it may not be possible to provide upper storey columns above the columns at the parking level. Then the column at parking level is required to support the eccentric columns at the upper storeys. In such a case the column S at parking level is splayed or provided with a bracket to support the columns at the upper storey. However, the column at parking level will be subjected to heavy concentrated loads transferred from the columns of the upper storeys. Avoid larger spans of beams.
On the other hand, in the case of column, the increase in total load due to increase in length is negligible as long as the column is short. Therefore the cost of the beam per unit length increases rapidly with the span as compared to that of column. Columns are, therefore in general, always cheaper compared to beams on the basis of unit cost. Therefore, large spans of beams should preferably be avoided for economy reasons. In general, the maximum spans of beams carrying live loads up to 4 KN/m2 may be limited to following values.
Avoid large centre to centre distance between columns. Larger spacing of columns not only increases the span and the cost of beams but it increases the load on the column at each floor posing problem of stocky columns in lower storey of a multi-storey building. Heavy sections of column lead to offsets from walls and obstruct the floor area. Columns on property line The columns on property line need special treatment. Since column footing requires certain area beyond the column, difficulties are encountered in providing footing for such columns. In such cases, the column may be shifted inside along a cross wall to make room for accommodating the footing within the property line. Brackets may be taken out from the column in continuation of cross beams to support walls along the boundary line. Alternatively, a combined footing or a strap footing may be provided.
Orientation of columns: Avoid projection of column outside wall. According to requirements of aesthetics and utility, projections of columns outside the wall in the room should be avoided as they not only give bad appearance but also obstruct the use of floor space, and create problems in placing furniture flush with the wall.
2.2.2. Positioning of beams : Following are some of the guiding principles for positioning of beams. Beams, shall, normally be provided under the walls to avoid the loads directly coming on slabs. Since beams are primarily provided to support slabs, its spacing shall be decided by the maximum spans of slabs. Slab requires the maximum volume of concrete to carry a given load. Therefore the thickness of the slab is required to be kept minimum. The
When the rectangular slab is supported at its four edges, it acts as one way slab when (ly/lx)>2 and two way slab for (ly/lx) <2. However the two way action of slab not only depends on the aspect ratio (ly/lx) but also on ratio of reinforcement in the two directions.
A slab with (ly/lx)>2 is designed as one way, since in that case one way action is predominant. In one way slab, main steel is provided along the short span only and load is transferred to two opposite supports only. The steel along the long span just act as distribution steel and is not designed for transferring the load but to distribute the load.
A two way slab having aspect ratio (ly/lx) <2 is general economical compared to one way slab because steel long both the spans acts as main steel and transfer the load to all its four supports.
The two way action is advantageous essentially for large spans and for live loads greater than 3 KN/m2. For short spans and light loads, steel required for two way slab
2.2.4 Layout of stairs: Initially it is necessary to know the different parts of stairs and guide lines for fixing their dimensions. The guidelines for fixing dimensions of the component parts of stairs are as under: The rise R should not be more than 200 mm and tread T not less than 200 mm. For residential buildings rise R lies between 150 mm to 180 mm and tread T between 220 mm to 250 mm. For public buildings rise R lies between 120 mm to 150 mm and tread between 250 mm to 300 mm. The sum of tread plus twice the rise should be between 500 mm 650 mm. The width of the stairs is dependent on its usage and shall be such as to avoid overcrowding. For residential buildings the width of the stairs should be between 0.8 m to 1mfor public buildings width of the stairs should be between 1.8 m to 2 m The width of the landing should not be less than width of stairs. For comfortable ascend on stairs, the number of steps on each flight should not be greater than 12. The pitch of the stair way should not be greater than 38 degrees. The head room measured vertically above any step or below mid landing shall not be less than 2 m Avoid winders as far as possible.
The type stairs and its layout is governed by the available size of staircase room and the positions of beams and columns along the boundary of the staircase. 2.2.4. Choice of footing type: The type of footing depends upon the load carried by the column and bearing capacity of the supporting soil.Even under small building the soil may vary from soft clay to hard morrum. For framed structures under study isolated column footings are normally preferred.
3.1.1. Dead Load(DL): Dead loads are permanent or stationary loads which are transferred structure throughout their life span. Dead load is primarily due to self weight of structural members, permanent partition walls, fixed permanent equipment and weights of different materials. Dead load calculations: o Dead load: Slab weight: Floor finishes: 0.120*25 =1.50 KN/m2 =14.4KN/m = 3 KN/m2
3.1.2. Imposed load or Live loads(LL): Live loads are either movable or moving loads without any acceleration or impact. These are assumed to be produced by the intended use or occupancy of the building including weights of movable partition or furniture etc. The floor slabs have to be designed to carry uniformly distributed loads or concentrated loads whichever produce greater stresses in the part under considerations. Since it is unlikely that any one particular time all floors will not be simultaneously carrying maximum loading, the code permits some reduction in imposed loads in designing columns, load bearing walls, piers, their supports and foundations. o Live load: 2.00 KN/m2 on all typical floors 1.50 KN/m2 on the terrace,3.00 KN/m2 on Stair case
3.1.3 Wind load(WL):WIND LOAD is defined as the load on a structure due to windintensities. Generally wind intensities vary from time to time. So it is suggested to take maximum probable wind intensities calculation for a structure for which damage can be avoided. WIND LOAD CALCULATION:
According to IS CODE (875 PART 3), Vz =VbK1K2K3 Where Vz=design wind speed at a height z meter in m/s. Vb=basic design wind speed at 10m height. For example Vb is 50 m/s for cities like Cuttack and Bhubaneswar and 39 m/s for Rourkela.K1, K2, K3 can be calculated from the IS-CODE(875
Zone IV.
4. Zone V. SEISMIC LOAD CALCULATION: According to the IS-CODE 1893(part 1) the horizontal Seismic coefficient Ah for a structure can be formulated by the following expression Ah=ZISa/2RG WHERE Z=Zone factor depending upon the zone the structure belongs to. For Zone II (z=0.1) For Zone III (Z=0.16) For Zone IV (Z=0.24) For Zone V (Z=.36) I=Importance factor. For important building like hospital it is taken as 1.5 and other for other building it is taken as 1.
Table1: Parameter fy Maximum bar diameter Minimum bar diameter Main reinforcement 415 N/mm2 25 mm 12 mm Secondary reinforcement 415 N/mm2 12 mm 8 mm
Fig11.Deflection diagram
Fig13.ShearForce diagram
Beams are the simplest structural elements that are used extensively to support loads. They may be straight or curved ones. For example, the one shown in Fig. 1.2 (a) is hinged at the left support and is supported on roller at the right end. Usually, the loads are assumed to act on the beam in a plane containing the axis of symmetry of the cross section and the beam axis. The beams may be supported on two or more supports as shown in Fig. 1.2(b). The beams may be curved in plan as shown in Fig. 1.2(c). Beams carry loads by deflecting in the same plane and it does not twist. It is possible for the beam to have no axis of symmetry. In such cases, one needs to consider unsymmetrical bending of beams. In general, the internal stresses at any cross section of the beam are: bending moment, shear force and axial force.
Slabs are plate elements forming floors and roofs of building and carrying distributed loads primarily by flexure. A slab may be supported by beams or walls and may be used as the flange of a T or L-beam. The common shapes of slabs are square, rectangular, triangular and circular. Slabs are classified mainly into two types: 1. One-way slabs 2. Two-way slabs 4.1.1 ONE-WAY SLABS:
One-way slabs are those supported continuously on the two opposite sides so that the loads are carried along one direction only, in general when the aspect ratio ly/lx is greater than 2. The direction in which the load is carried in one-way slabs is called the span. It may
Two-way slabs are those slabs that are supported continuously on all four sides and of such dimensions that the loads are carried to the supports along both directions. In two-way slabs, the slab is stiffened along both the directions by providing main steel reinforcement along both the directions. In general slabs are designed as two-way slabs when the aspect ratio (ly/lx)is less than 2. Generally two-way slabs are economical than one-way slabs.
The maximum permissible span length of slabs are considered as follows: Support condition Slab type Simply supported One way 3.50 Two way 4.50
Max span(m)
CODE PROVISIONS FOR DESIGN OF SLABS: As per IS: 456-2000, Code of practice for design of R.C.C structures recommends the following: For frames the effective spans taken as per Clause No.21.2 of IS:456-2000 Effective depth is the distance between the centroid of the area of the tension reinforcement to the top of compression fiber excluding the finishing.
Ast =
0.5 f ck fy
4.6M u 1 1 bd f ck bd 2
In any case of the above, the thickness should not be less than 100mm Effective span
Distance between centre to centre of support Clear span plus effective depth
0.15% gross c/s of slab for MS bars 0.12% gross c/s of slab for HYSD bars
Spacing of main bars The spacing or c/c distance of main bars shall not exceed following:
Distribution or Temperature reinforcement This reinforcement runs perpendicular to the main reinforcement in order to distribute the load and to resist the temperature and shrinkage stresses. It should be at least equal to;
0.15% gross c/s of slab for MS bars 0.12% gross c/s of slab for HYSD bars
Spacing of distribution bars The spacing or c/c distance of distribution bars shall not exceed the following
3D Analysis and Design of a multi storey building 4.1.1. Results: Design of Slabs (Using Excel Sheets):
4.2.1(a)DESIGN of BEAMS
A concrete beam should be able to resist tensile, compressive and shear stresses induced in it by the loads on the beam. Concrete is fairly strong in compression but very weak in tension. Plain concrete beams are thus limited in carrying capacity by the low tensile strength. Steel is very strong in tension. Thus, the tensile weakness of concrete is overcome by the provision of reinforcing steel in the tension zone around the concrete to make a reinforced concrete beam. There are three types of beams. a) Singly reinforced beams.
c) FLANGED BEAMS: In most reinforced concrete structures, concrete slabs and beams are cast monolithic. Thus beam form part of the floor system together with the slab. In bending the slab forming the top part of the beam at mid span would be in compression for a definable width greater than the width of the rid (or the beam) thus increasing the moment of resistance for given rib width. At continuous supports the position is reversed. The slab in tension and part of it have cracked in tension, this beam is equivalent to rectangular section at the supports IS CODE PROVISIONS: The loading on the beam is taken as per clause 24.5 of IS: 456-2000 For continuous beam with equal/unequal spans and equal/unequal loaded, the bending moment is obtained by using matrix displacement method. Effective span and effective depth of beam is same as explained in slab provisions. The beams at mid span are designed as T beams and the same steel reinforcement is provided for all beams and the reinforcement provided is minimum. At supports when the moment of resistance exceeds the balancing moment, the section is designed as double reinforced section. Minimum reinforcement in the tension shall not be less than
Ast 0.85 = bd fy
v =
Vu Clause 40.1 bd
Minimum shear reinforcement will be provided when v<c given in table 19. Maximum spacing of shear reinforcement shall not exceed the least of 0.75d or 300 mm for vertical stirrups vide clause
Shear reinforcement shall be provided to carry a shear equal to Vu - bd. The strength of the shear reinforcement Vs shall be calculated for vertical stirrups.
Vs =
0.87 f y Asv d Sv
Clause 40.4(a)
At least 1/3rd positive moment reinforcement in simple beam and 1/4th positive moment reinforcement in continuous beam shall extend along the same face of the member in to the support to a length equal to Ld/3 clause For curtailment, reinforcements shall extend beyond the point at which it is no longer required to resist flexure for a distance equal to the effective depth of the member or 12 times the diameter of the bar whichever is greater Clause
The minimum shear reinforcement in the form of stirrups shall be provided such that
0.4 Clause 0.87 f y
Asv bS v
Where, Asv Sv b fy
=Total cross-sectional area of stirrup legs effective in shear = Stirrup spacing along the length of the member = Breadth of the beam or breadth of flanged beam =Characteristic strength of the stirrup reinforcement in N/mm2whichshall not be taken greater than 415N/mm2.
Specifications Regarding Spacing Of Stirrups In Doubly Reinforced Beams: Compression steel placed in doubly reinforced beams also has to be restrained against local buckling during its action like the compression steel. The same rules regarding restraining of column reinforcements by lateral ties apply to compression reinforcements in beams also. Accordingly, the diameter of stirrups (ties) should be 6mm and the pitch should not be more than the least of the following: Least lateral dimension 16 times the diameter of longitudinal bar 300mm
o o o
necessary ties for the compression steel and make them effective.
Reinforced Cement Concrete Column Plan and Section In this article, we are going to discuss in detail the basis of classification of columns and different types of reinforcement required for a certain type of column.
Based on shape
o Rectangle o Square o Circular o Polygon
Based on type of loading o Axially loaded column o A column subjected to axial load and uni-axial bending o A column subjected to axial load and biaxial bending
Minimum eccentricity o Emin >(500) + (30) > 20 o Where, l = unsupported length of column in mm o D = lateral dimensions of column
Longitudinal Reinforcement: o Minimum area of cross-section of longitudinal bars must be at least 0.8% of
Helical Reinforcement o The diameter of helical bars should not be less than 1/4th the diameter of
Pitch should not be less than, o 25mm o 3 times the diameter of helical bar o Pitch should not exceed (if helical reinforcement is not allowed)
Least lateral dimension o 16 times the diameter of longitudinal bar (smaller) o 300mm
3D Analysis and Design of a multi storey building 4.2.2(b) Results of column design:
3D Analysis and Design of a multi storey building 4.3. DESIGN OF FOOTINGS USING EXCEL SHEETS:
Footing or foundation is defined as the part of substructure, which transmits the load from superstructure to surrounding soil stratum safely.
Isolated or independent footings are the footings that support the individual columns. They distribute and spread the load over a sufficiently large area of the soil stratum to minimize the bearing pressure. Isolated footings may be square, rectangular or circular. In general, it is assumed that the soil behaves elastically i.e. the strain in the soil is proportional to applied stress i.e., stress and strain distribution in the soil immediately under the base of the footing is linear. Stress distribution is different for different soils. For analysis purpose, a footing can be compared with a rigid body in equilibrium subjected to loads. Like other structural members, a footing is designed to resist shear forces and bending moments. In design, for any soil the pressure distribution is assumed to uniform. In design, the critical section for one way shear (beam shear) is at a distance equal to the effective depth, d from the face of column footing. The critical section for two way shear or slab type shear shall be at a distance d/2 from the periphery of column, perpendicular to the plane of the slab. The critical section for bending moment is at the face of the column. Generally the footing is sensitive to punching shear.
Square = B = (w+w1)/P0 Where, Po = safe bearing capacity of soil w1 = self weight of footing w = self weight of footing For Rectangle = b/d = B/D A=bxd
Net upward pressure on the footing
Critical section for maximum bending moment is taken at the face of the column For a square footing, Mxx = q x (B/8) (L a)2 Mxx = q x (L/8) (B b)2 Myy = q x (B/8) (L a)2
Step 3: To fix the depth of the footing shall be greater of the following:
Depth from bending moment consideration d =(M/Qb) where, Q = moment of required factor Depth from shear consideration. Check for one way shear Check for two way shear or punching shear Critical shear for one way shear is considered at a distanced from face of the column. Shear force, V = qB[((B b)/2) d] Nominal shear stress, v = k .c
c = 0.16 Fck
Critical section for two way shear is considered at a distance at a distance d/2 from all the faces of the column. SF, V = q [ B2 (b + d)2] SF, V = q [L x B (a + d)(b + d)] Nominal shear stress, Tv = V/2((a+d)(b+d)d)
v = V/4((b+d)d)
k = 0.5 + > 1
c = 0.16 *Fck1/2
Footings shall be designed to sustain the applied loads, moment and forces and safe bearing capacity is not exceeded. In R.C.C. Footing, the thickness at the edge shall not be less than 15 cm for footing on soil. The greatest bending moment to be used in the design of an isolated concrete footing, which supported on column, shall be computed at the face of the column. The critical section for diagonal cracking is taken at a distance equal to the Effective depth from the face of the column in hard soils and shall not exceed nominal shear stress.
3D Analysis and Design of a multi storey building 4.3.1 Results of footing design:
3D Analysis and Design of a multi storey building 4.4 DESIGN OF STAIR CASE USING EXCEL SHEETS:
The purpose of staircase is to provide pedestrian access to different levels within a building. The geometrical forms of staircases may be quite different depending on the individual circumstances involved. They are two main components of a staircase
o Stairs o Landing slab.
The stairs and landing slab can be arranged in different forms to get different types of staircases. In the shape and structural arrangement of a staircase would generally depend on two main factors. a. Type of construction of the structure around the stair case i.e. load bearing brick structure or reinforced concrete structure b. Availability of space Classification of Staircases:
o Straight stair o Quarter turn stair o Half turn stair (open newel type or open well stair) o Dog-legged stair o Open newel stair with quarter space landing o Geometrical stairs such a circular stair, spiral stair etc.
General Principles:
o Between consecutive floors there should be an equal rise per every parallel
The effective span of stairs without stringer beams shall be taken as the following horizontal distances:
In the case of stairs with open wells, where spans partly crossing at right angles occur, the load on the areas common to any two such spans may be taken as one half in each direction. Where flights or landings are embedded into walls for a length of not less than 110mm and are designed to span in the direction of the flight, a 150mm strip may be deducted from the loaded area and the effective breadth of the section increased by 75mm for purpose of design. In this, stairs spanning longitudinally, the beam is supported at top and at the bottom of flights. Loads
Self weight of a step Self weight of plan Live load Floor finish
For the efficient design of an RCC stair, we have to first analyze the various loads that are going to be imposed on the stair. The load calculations will help us determine, how much strength is required to carry the load. The strength bearing capacity of a staircase is determined on the amount of steel and concrete used. The ratio of steel to concrete has to be as per standards. Steel in the staircase will take the tension imposed on it and the concrete takes up the compression. These are the essential steps that are to be followed for the RCC Stair Design.
3D Analysis and Design of a multi storey building 4.4.1 Results of staircase design:
DistributionSteel Ast=185mm^2 Diameter ofbar=8mm Spacing=270mm Development Length Ld=(xs)/(4xTbd) Therefore,Ld=564mm Provide,Ld=570mm
The design of slab, beam, column, rectangle footing and staircase are done in limit state method which is safe at control of deflection and in all aspects.
For the construction of residential building, the safe bearing capacity is taken as 200 KN/m in order to bear all the loads coming on to the building.
Using software, the design consideration has been taken as per the IS codes. The design is safe in all conditions.
On comparison with the drawings, manual design and the geometrical model developed using; the area of the steel requirement for the beam, Column, footing and slab are comparatively similar to that of the requirement.
The percentage of variation in area of steel for the beams, column, footing and slab