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1. Draw the stick and circuit diagram of 2-input NAND gate using CMOS and n-MOS technology 2. Draw the stick and circuit diagram of 2-input NOR gate using CMOS and n-MOS technology 3. We have multiple instances in RTL (Register Transfer Language), do you doanything special during synthesis stage? 4. What is Channel length Modulation? 5. What is body effect? 6. What is latchup in CMOS design and ways to prevent it? 7. Difference between mealy and moore state machine? 8. What is CMOS Technology? 9. Give the advantages of CMOS IC. 10. What are four generations of Integration Circuits? 11. Why NMOS technology is preferred more than PMOS technology? 12. What are the different layers in MOS transistor? 13. What is Enhancement mode transistor? 14. What are the steps involved in manufacturing of IC? 15. What is meant by Epitaxy? 16. What are the processes involved in photo lithography? 17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of SOI process? 18. What are the various etching processes used in SOI process? 19. What is BiCMOS Technology? 20. What are the basic processing steps involved in BiCMOS process? 21. What is meant by interconnect? What are the types are of interconnect? 22. What is Stick diagram? 23. What are the uses of Stick diagram? 24. Compare between CMOS and bipolar technologies. 25. Define Threshold voltage in CMOS 26. What is Latch up? 27. What is demarcation line? 28. What are the two types of Layout design rules? 29. What is Lay-out design rule? 30. What are LVS and DRL tools? 31. What are the cells available in primitive library? 32. Draw the characteristics graph of enhancement mode of n-MOS. 33. What are the three modes in an enhancement MOS transistor? 34. How an Inversion layer is formed in MOS Transistor? 35. What are the different regions that can be defined in n-MOS depending uponthe voltages applied? 36. What is the formula for power dissipation for CMOS Inverter? 37. What is pull-down device? 38. How reliability of a VLSI circuit is related to itspower dissipation? 39. How environment is affected by the powerdissipation of VLSI circuits? 40. What are the commonly used conducting layersused in IC fabrication? 41. Show the basic structure of a MOS transistor. 42. What is the latch up problem that arises in bulkCMOS technology? How is it overcome? 43. Distinguish between the bulk CMOS technology withthe SoI technology fabrications. 44. What are the benefits of SOI technology relative toconventional bulk CMOS technology? 45. What are the basic assumptions of the fluid model? 46. Explain the function of a MOS transistor in thesaturation mode using fluid model. 47. Explain the function of a MOS transistor in thenonsaturation mode using the fluid model. 48. Explain the three modes of operation of a MOStransistors. 49. Explain the linear region of the I-V characteristic ofan nMOS transistor using the fluid model. 50. What is the threshold voltage of a MOS transistor? How itvaries with the body bias?

51. What is channel length modulation effect? How the voltagecurrent characteristics are affected because of this effect? 52. What is body effect? How does it influences the thresholdvoltage of a MOS transistor? 53. What is transconductance of a MOS transistor? Explain its rolein the operation of the transistor. 54. Explain the behaviour of anMOS transistor as a switch. 55. Explain the behaviour of a pMOS transistor as a switch. 56. How one nMOS and one pMOS transistor are combined tobehave like an ideal switch. 57. The input of a lightly loaded transmission gate is slowlychanges from HIGH level to LOW level. How the currents throughthe two transistors vary? 58. How its ON-resistance of a transmission gate changes as theinput varies from 0 V to Vdd, when the output has a light capacitiveload. 59. Draw the ideal characteristics of a CMOS inverterand compare it with the actual characteristics. 60. What is noise margin? Find out the noise margin from the actual characteristics of the inverter. 61. Compare the characteristics of the different typesof MOS inverters in terms of noise margin and powerdissipation. 62. What is the inversion voltage of an inverter? Findout the inversion voltage of a CMOS inverter. 63. How the inversion voltage is affected by the relativesizes of the nMOS and pMOS transistors of the CMOSinverter? 64. Find out the noise margin of a CMOS inverter. 65. How the noise margin is affected by voltagescaling? 66. What is the lower limit of supply voltage of a CMOSinverter. What happens if the supply voltage is furtherreduced? 67. What is sheet resistance? Find out the expressionof the resistance of rectangular sheet in terms of sheetresistance. 68. Find out the capacitance of a MOS capacitor. 69. Find out the expression of delay time of a CMOSinverter. 70. What are the various ways to reduce the delay timeof a CMOS inverter? 71. Explain the commonly used technique to estimatethe delay time of a CMOS inverter. 72. Justify the reason for not recommending more than 4 passtransistors to use in series in realizing logic circuits. 73. Draw the schematic diagram of an inverting super-buffer andexplain its operation. 74. Give the schematic diagram of a Bi-CMOS inverter. Explain its operation. 75. Compare the switching characteristics of a BiCMOSinverter with respect to that for static CMOS for different fan outconditions. 76. Prove that the delay of a series of pass transistors can bereduced from quardratic dependence to linear dependence on thenumber of transistors in series by inserting buffers at suitableintervals. 77. How the transfer characteristic of a CMOS NAND gate is affectedwith increase in fan-in? 78. How the transfer characteristic of a CMOS NOR gate is affectedwith increase in fan-in? 79. How switching characteristic of a CMOS NAND gate is affectedwith increase in fan-in? 80. How switching characteristic of a CMOS NOR gate is affectedwith increase in fan-in? 81. How noise margin of a CMOS NAND/NOR gate is affected with increase in fan-in? 82. For a complex/compound CMOS logic gate, how do you realizethe pull-up and the pull-down networks? 83. Give the two possible topologies AND-OR-INVERT AND-ORINVERT(AOI) and OR-ANDINVERT (OAI) to realize CMOS logicgate. Explain with an example. 84. Give the AOI and OAI realizations for the sum and carryfunctions of a full adder. 85. How do you realize pseudo nMOS logic circuits. Compare itsadvantage and disadvantages with respect to standard staticCMOS circuits. 86. In what way relay logic circuits differ from pass transistor logiccircuits? Why the output of a pass transistor circuit is not used as acontrol signal for the next stage? 87. What are the advantages and limitations of pass transistor logiccircuits? How the limitations are overcome? 88. Why is it necessary to insert a buffer after not more than fourpass transistors in cascade? 89. Why is it necessary to have swing restoration logic in passtransistor logic circuits? Explain its operation.

90. What is the sneak path problem of pass transistor logiccircuits? How sneak path is avoided in Universal Logic Module(ULM) based realization of pass transistor network. Illustrate withan example. 91. What are the key characteristics of MOS dynamic circuits? 92. Explain the basic operation of a 2-phase dynamic circuit? 93. How 2-phase clocks can be generated using inverters? 94. What makes dynamic CMOS circuits faster than static CMOScircuits? 95. Compare the sources of power dissipation between static CMOSand dynamic CMOS circuits? 96. What is charge leakage problem of dynamic CMOS circuits?How is it overcome? 97. What is charge sharing problem? How can it be overcome? 98. Explain the clock skew problem of dynamic CMOS circuits? 99. How clock skew problem is overcome in in domino CMOScircuits? 100. How charge sharing leads to power dissipation?

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