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Vaastu and Astrology

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By Nikhil Gupta on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 11:12am

VAASTU AND ASTROLOGY we all know that when lord of first house goes into 8th or in 6th house... Its bad.... similarly when lord of 4th house placed in 12th or 8th or 6th... Its bad.... But whats the reason behind these conclusions.....(based on placements) like wise we have many such doubts..... right..... In this thread you will find the answers to most of your basic doubts..... from here you will also learn how scientific ASTROLOGY is.... so just fasten your seat belts.... to go for a ride, full of knowledge.... to start with ..... Let me give you, few basic concepts of vaastu, so that you can link it with astrology in the coming posts.... there are four basic "kond" or corners namely "ishanaya"----- north east (water or jal tatava) "aagneya"----- south east( fire or agni tatva) "vayvaya"----- north west (airy of vayu tatva) "naeshetraya"-----south west ( earth or prithvi tatva)

directions can be .... North east north north west west south west south south east.. 3 other directions are also possible which i will mention later.... There are mainly two types of energy, affecting us as per vaastu... solar energy or "Saaur prandik urja" (goes out from the direction in between North east and south east")

and "jaivik urja" (comes to us from "direction in between north east and north west") According to our ancient scriptures ...... Nature is made up of 3 "gund" namely "satva", "rajas" and "Tamas" we all have one prominent gund out of the above three.... in different proportion..... souls who have "tamas" in domination, ultimately goes in the "pashu yoni" or In the category of animals... souls who have rajas in domination lives on earth in the form of human biengs.. and souls who have satva in domination resides in "uchh lokas" These are the general classification.. but billions of permutations and combinations are possible giving rise to 84 lakh yoni's on earth itself.... You all must be thinking ,how does it relate to jyotish or vaastu.... so here is the answer.... first learn the basics and then we will go in deep...... In JYOTISH planets like rahu, mars, sat are tamsic planets like jupiter and sun are satvic. and planet like venus,mercury are rajsic... In VAASTU... Directions between north and east have "satvic gund" That means northeast is purelty satvic i.e 100% Adjacent directions on other sides of north east have 50% satvic gund All directions between (east and south) and (north and west) have "rajsic gund" That means South east is purely rajsic.(100%) and North west is also purely rajsic....(100%)

Direction between west and south have "tamsic gund" South west is purely tamsic.....(100%

Now you all can easily relate why jupiter is very good in "north east" that is in 2nd house..... as jupiter is purely satvic ,so as north east.... Venus being rajsic is very good in 11th and 12th houses.... as these houses correspond to "south east"....i.e purely rajsic.... similarly it can be applied to other planets too.... before exposing you to more concepts.... let me first tell you some other basics.... we all know that... Jupiter and mercury are dig bali in 1st house... moon in 4th.. saturn in 7th ..... sun and mars in 10th..... The reason why the above planets are dig bali can be interpreted from the above concept.... Now why their placement are influencing us in the horoscope reading and how is vaastu relatd to that.... we will come to that.... but before that, you must know that our ancient rishis have obseved a very basic but most important concept... which can applied in jyotish as well as in vaastu.... see whatever is present in this universe is dependent on the " prand" or life giving energy..... If we correctly know abt the this "prand" our life would become prosperous. dont take it in a literal sense.... This "prand" is classified as a mysterious energy which resides in all of us.... and has no relation with "five elements" i.e "fire, water,matter,space and air"

Its feel can be developed with the help of " high level of meditation" Our body is the representative of this "prand" and prand is exactly opposite to the "five elements" Tis prand is the only source of energy for 72000 arteries and veins... in our body.... Here i am going to tell you "rarest" aspect of prand. ITS correct way..... AND "HIS CONCEPT ITSELF IS THE BASIS OF JYOTISH AS WELL AS VAASTU" Since "prand"is sustained by energies from universe (consiting of all the planets) read this with rapt attention.... "this prand flows from north east corner to south west corner" But hold on.... Its path is not straight..... "From north east it first goes to north west and then goes to south west....." another path is .... "From north east corner to south east and then to south west...... " Just learn and meditate these concepts.... because I am going to extract whole of jyotish and vaastu out of it... coming to some practical examples of above concepts..... Take scorpio lagan.... now for this lagan ... East direction is ruled by mars...(lord of scorpio rashi, 1st house) north east by Jupiter...(lord of dhanu rashi..,2nd house)

like wise... north is ruled by saturn being lord of 4th house....(for scorpio lagan) south west ruled by mercury being lord of 8th house... west ruled by venus.... south ruled by sun.... we'll come to above example ... after this post.. Now since "prand" enters from the north east(purely SATVIC) corner of any house, we live.... we say that there .... 1) should be open lawns/ garden in the north east... 2)should be water bodies/swimming pools in north east... 3) more of windows should be present in the north east....(or lot of openings) 4) Any kind of obstruction like wall, tall trees etc..should NOT be there in the north east... 5) main door should be in the north east... 6) there should NOT be any gutter, toilet, septic tank or thick walls in the north east.... so all the above parameters becomes very scientific from the angle of vaastu... NOW what about jyotish...??? now coming to the example of scorpio lagan.... If lord of 2nd house jupiter, who represents north east for this particular lagan... If placed in 8th house...(that is in mithun rashi) I.e south west direction which is purely tamsic direction... then the result would not be auspicious as north east direction has developed a fault... why ??? As the planet representing the satvic direction is placed in tamsic south west direction.... Now if north east direction has developed fault... How does it affect us????

see, we receive all the fresh (air,sun light) from the north east direction... hence all the life giving energy comes enters first from north east... This is by default, because of the spin of earth on its axis and rotation of earth around the sun... sun moves from east to west following the route (lagan ,12th house,11th,10th,9th,8th and then 7th house....) Native having the above condition in his chart would not have adequate opening in the north east direction.... or in case of more ashubh prabhav on 2nd house...... There would be presence of toilet in north east....... hence he will not receive adequate fresh air and sun light as a result inauspicious results will follow....(for his health and then to his financial conditions...) Through astrology ,we immediately say that lord of 2nd house in 8th will lead to some inauspicious effect... similarly take an example of cancer lagan .... Moon is placed in lagan....(moon is the representative of east for this lagan) and sun in 2nd( sun is the representative of north east for this lagan) now both of them are swarashi in 1st and 2nd houses repectively..... and both of them are satvic... as a result from jyotish perspective we say its very auspicious.... now why it is auspicious....???? Its answer lies in vasstu..... since north east direction from where "prand" enters our house and then in our body.. is having no fault.....Because of sun and moon.... As a result......... The native will have adequate opening in east and north east direction of his house... hence will continuously get fresh air..... See as soon as fresh air goes inside our body it becomes "prand" and then it has no relation with "five elements"

Very mysterious..haannn... Here I must repeat ,what i have said earlier...... North east ,from where fresh air enters..... This fresh air has two kind of energies in it...... First is solar energy which is avialable (between north east and south east) and second is Life giving energy which we call as "jaivik urja" this "jaivic urja is available (between north east and north west) both kind of energies are available in north east.....(as north is the common direction in the above two senario's) Thats why ,fresh air from north east becomes very important.... Take one more example.... For tula lagan( libra) if satun is placed in 2nd house with rahu..... sun in 8th house with ketu.... now in this case both soth west and north east direction have developed fault.... what will be the senario in this case...??? the native will have toilet or septic taks in north east... or will have thick walls with no opening.. in north east .... as well as since south west has also developed fault because of the placement of sun in it... This corner will have openings,or would be seperated from the rest of the house... Always remember that.... Any decrease in the strength of sun and mars will lead to a fault in south direction.... (No thich walls lot of openings) any decrease in the strength of jupiter will lead to fault in north east... any decrease in the strength of saturn will lead to fault in west...

any decrease in the strength of moon will lead to fault in north ... any decrease in the strength of mercury will lead to fault in east... also remember that.... tamsic planets are more suitable for the directions west, south west and south.... i.e saturn ,mars ,rahu and ketu....(7th, 8th,9th,10th houses) Satvic planets are more suitable for the directions north,north east and east.. i.e jupiter, sun, moon....(1st ,2nd ,3rd and 4th houses) rajsic planets are more suitable in the directions like south east ,north west etc... i.e venus and mercury...(5th house, 6th house,11th house and 12th house) now this AGAIN is General classification....(which we will understand later on ) rajsic planets can be auspicious in satvic directions also... satvic planets can be auspicious in rajsic direction also.... Many more exceptions are also possible ,which will satisfy both vastu and jyotish.. I will explain how.... Now I am going to take few examples..... Meena lagan... Sat and mercury in lagan sun in 2nd house Rahu in 3rd Jupiter in 4th house... venus in 12th house.... moon in 11th house.. and ketu mars in 9th house... Now since saturn is in east( that is in lagan..) so a fault will exist in east.... (from the point of view of astrology we will say, declline in the auspicious qualities of lagan) why?? saturn is dig bali in 7th house...(in lagan it has no disha bal, hence unauspicious, secondly saturn being tamsic grah in satvic direction is again inauspicious, many more reasons are possible) so here entry should be either from west or south....

similarly logic can be applied .... 3rd house has rahu and saturn,mars are aspecting 3rd house... so a major fault in "north east" that is "ishanya" kond... since ketu is in 9th house with mars... so strong thick walls would be there in south and south west..... therefore no fault in south,,..and south west.

Vastu Basics-(Source) Atharva Veda: I-Direction Lords: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. North- Kubera- lord of wealth, South- Yama- lord of death, East- Indra- King of Devtas, West- Varuna- lord of water, Northeast {Eshanya} Lord Shiva (Eshanya Kond or corner), Southeast- Agni- fire deity-( agni kond or corner), Northwest- Vayu- god of winds (Vayu Kond or corner), Southwest- Pitru/Nairutya or Niruthi- ancestors/forefathers(Nairutya Kond), Center- Brahma- creator of the universe,

II-Soil Testing as given in the texts: Soil Particle test: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dig 2x2x2 pit, Soil should be taken out of the pit and then again pit should be filled with same soil, If some soil is left, land is excellent, If no soil is left, land is good, If the soil falls short in filling the pit completely, then the land should be rejected,

Soil Looseness Test: 1. Take out the soil from the pit and fill the pit with water,

2. Wait for 15 Minutes; if volume of the water remains same or unaltered, then consider land as excellent, if it is a slightly less, then also land is good but beyond that, for any level, land should be rejected III-Land selection: 1. Gaja Prishtha- High towards West (North-West/ South-West)-Gain of wealth, 2. Daitya Prishtha- High towards East (North-East/ South-East)-Loss of wealth, children and happiness, 3. Naag Prishtha- Elevated towards East & West, rising high towards North & South, hollow from the middle.- Death occurrences, 4. Koorma Prishtha-High in the middle and sloping in all directions-Good from all angles.

According to Vastu, land should not be purchased from those: 1) Who have become insolvent, 2) Who are suffering from leprosy and lunatics, 3) Who have left the country

IV-Types of mandalas (Using Pada Vinyasa Process): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Sakala (1 square) -Eka-pada (single division plot), Pechaka (4 squares)- Dwi-pada (two division plot), Pitha (9 squares) - Tri-pada (three division plot), Mahaapitha (16 squares)-Chatush-pada (four division plot), Upapitha (25 squares)- Pancha-pada (five division plot), Ugrapitha (36 squares) -Shashtha-pada (six division plot), Sthandila (49 squares) - sapta-pada (seven division plot), Manduka/ Chandita (64 square)- Ashta-pada (eight division plot), Paramasaayika (81 squares)- Nava-pada (nine division plot), 10. Aasana (100 squares)- Dasa-pada (ten division plot),

The most important mandalas are the Paramasaayika (81 squares) and the Manduka/ Chandita Mandala (64 squares) V-Land Shapes: Good Shapes (for wealth, prosperity and general well being): Rectangle, square, circle, Trishul (trident), elephant shaped, bull shaped, Egg, flag, bhadrasan, hexagon shaped, octagonal shaped, simha (lion face), gaumukh(cow face)

Bad Shapes (for wealth prosperity and general well being): Uneven land, Elliptical shaped, Snake shaped, bow, Vyajan, brihan mukhi, Land on hill areas (where middle part is elevated), Triangle, window shaped, moon shaped, Land having odd number of sides, Mridanga, Tabla, danda shaped(stick), Sieve, damru shaped, tortoise, fruit shaped, gada shaped, fan, cart shaped, Visham bahu, pot type, muslakar, varahan mukhi(pig shaped), long bar shaped.

VI-While digging the land for house construction, the materials that are found also have meaning. Things which are good for wealth and overall prosperity: 1. Stone, Bricks, Copper, Horns of cow, Gold, Silver, Coins, Zinc, Brass pieces: Wealth, Prosperity, comforts, 2. Pieces of wood: Simply reject the land and get lost from that place., 3. Skull, Rags (torn clothes): Quarrels, litigations and fights, 4. Straw, eggs, Iron or steel pieces: Death, 5. Coal: Sickness and loss of wealth, 6. Bones of animals: Obstacles to progress, 7. Snake or Scorpion: Fear of these animals and obstruction to buildings progress, 8. Anthill, Termites: Destruction of wealth, reduced longevity of the owner, 9. Cotton: Sorrow,

VII-Basic Guidelines: 1. North treasury, study room, childrens room, basement(should not be used for living purpose), 2. Northeast entrance, prayer room, swimming pool, Lawns, garden, small stature plants, open space, drinking water storage, walls here should be 21 inches shorter than the walls in south, west and south west directions, basement(should not be used for living purpose) 3. East Prayer room, study room, Drinking water tank, 4. Southeast kitchen, gym, fitness centre, inverter, generator, motor., 5. South bedroom, big trees, strong and high stature walls, Toilet, automobile parking, lifts, 6. Southwest Bathroom, bedroom, big trees, strong and high stature walls, Toilet, armory, stairs, automobile parking, overhead tanks, 7. West Toilets, septic tank, lifts, stairs, overhead tanks, 8. Northwest Food storage, bedroom for unmarried girls, old aged people., 9. Center- Open space with no roof covering, fire rituals can be performed, marriages ceremonies, cultural events, playing etc can be held.

VIII-Entrance Vedha Doshas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Big Tree Trouble w.r.t kids, Gutter or Ditch grief, death, mis-happening, Open well mental problem, depression, Corner of another building mental problem, depression, Water drain wealth loss, Straight street Reduced longevity of occupants, Weak house or walls No prosperity, Staircase railings suffering, Pillars; Electric and telephone post affecting females health, progeny and marriage,

IX-Surya and Chandra Vedhi Constructions:

1. East-West length construction is called 'Surya Vedhi' Inauspicious for offices, temples etc, good for garden etc, 2. North-South length construction is called 'Chandra Vedhi' Auspicious for financial growth, gardens, and lawns. Not suitable for temples

he motive of this write up is to give you all a very wide and unobstructed imagination w.r.t directions which forms the most essential component of Vastu and I will be presenting that imagination in such a manner that those people all over the world who do not even know the ABCD of Vastu, would be the first one to learn something new and that too in a most meticulous manner. In return I just want that all of you should pray for your friend Nikhil. Remember only your prayers and blessings forces me to share some information which god has given me. The purpose of my life is to keep on collecting never ending blessings. So, as always let me come straight to the point. See; understand like this, Vastu is science through which we can live in an absolute synchronization with the Mother Nature and its laws. Now the question is how? The other day, a person was asking me that Nikhil, this world is the gift of God to us humans, then how come few places could be auspicious and few are inauspiciousness. Does god believes in doing partiality. I smiled and just told him to read my next article on Vastu and thats why I am writing this article. So dear all always remember that no place is inauspicious in itself but the movement of earth, dynamics of wind, and most important, the movement of sun w.r.t earth does create some rules of auspiciousness and inauspiciousness and those very rules are studied under the preview of Vastu. All in all we have 10 directions, North, South, east, west, north east, south east, south west and North West and the last two directions are up and down. Now to under stand those rules which I was talking about we need to take the help of these directions along with the net movement happening between earth and sun.

In simple words, sun rises from east and sets in the west. This concept is taught to all of us in 1 standard but still hardly anyone of you knows to correctly apply this rule for our benefit. Ok now dont feel embraced just keep in your mind that Whole Vastu is based on this rule only. Or Sun moves from east (where it rises in the morning) to (south east) to (south-mid day) to (south west), to (westevening time) to (North West) to north (mid night) to North east to east (where it again rises in the morning). Hope this is very clear. Now our basic purpose in Vastu is to get maximum benefits of these sun rays. Since ancient times its a well known fact in all cultures of the world, that when sun rises, it marks the start of a new day, a new beginning, a new life, a new energy and you know that we humans have always strived for NEW ENERGY IN OUR LIFE, so where to get that NEW ENERGY from, answer is simple, THE RISING SUN, which brings new zeal of rejuvenating ENERGY WAVES along with it. Now dont wonder that what is this confusing concept of energy waves which Nikhil is talking about, just keep on reading, I am explaining. I know some of you are also very smart who already know everything, but dear friend, you will also learn something new, hence you should also keep on reading. Sun starts preparing for its rise from NORTH EAST and actually rises in east; hence these vital energy waves which are very important for us actually start their Journey from North east direction only making north east the most auspicious direction. These energy waves which comes out from rising sun are named as prand Vayu in our texts (LIFE ENERGY) is basically divided into 2 types, Saur prand urja(solar life energy- some also call it solar electric life energy) and jaivik prand urja (solar magnetic life energy). Without these Life energies no human being could survive. So basically from North east electromagnetic waves begins their journey. Magnetic part or jaivik prand urja take the path from North east to North to North West to west and finally to south west. Solar Electric part or Saur prand urja takes the path of north east to east to south east to south and finally to south west. So both these energies/parts starts from North east and finally reach to south west THROUGH DIFFERENT PATHS mentioned above. Therefore dear all, now you all must be getting some idea that how flow of energy waves due to the net movement of Sun w.r.t earth makes North east direction as the most auspicious direction and since they end their journey in south west direction, so south west become the most inauspicious direction. I have seen that many people face problems in the understanding or identifying these basic 10 directions. So, let me clear the mind of those people for whom recognizing directions is an alien kind of a task. They say that Nikhil though we know that sun rises from east but still, what next, where are the other directions. The question sounds stupid but I feel that the most stupid people are actually the most intelligent ones, since there is very less difference between very intelligent and very dumb people. So friends just read the words of your friend Nikhil very carefully, point both your hands towards the rising sun, now take your right hand in the right direction away from your left hand, as soon as both your hands are at right angle (90 degrees) to each other, your right hand will point towards the exact south direction. Now just opposite to your left hand is your west direction and just opposite to your right hand is your north direction. One more exercise which will help your understanding. Indian subcontinent is present in the south of Asia. I stay in Delhi which is in the north direction of Indian subcontinent. Moving ahead, I stay in the eastern part of Delhi; my colony is in the North eastern part of east Delhi;


my building is in the northern part of my colony and finally my exact local address is in the north western part of my building. Right now I am sitting in the western part of my house facing east direction. Do you understand what I am trying to do? No I am not confusing you nor I am telling you my address. Please dont laugh, its serious. I am telling you how play with directions, THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF VASTU. You must understand how to derive directions, though you all know that sun rises from east but still can you do this activity w.r.t any location on earth. If you can do this, then you would automatically become half Vastu expert. So lets revise again: India- south Asian country (with reference to Asian continent) Delhi- North of India (with reference to Indian subcontinent) My colony: eastern part of Delhi (with reference to Delhi city) My building: northern part of my colony. (With reference to my colony) My local address: north western part of my building. (With reference to my building) I am in the western part of my house. (With reference to my house) COMMON POINT OF REFERENCE IS PRESENCE OF RISING SUN IN EAST. Hence basically, point which is to be noted is that you can derive 10 different directions w.r.t any point or location. So whether its Asia or India or Delhi or your colony or your building or your house, any point will have all the directions. Though this is a very basic point still I am mentioning it because some people do get confused. Another VERY important point which is to be noted through above example is the importance level of various directions. FOR ME or FOR MY HOUSE, Direction of Asia will have the maximum importance followed by the direction of India (w.r.t Asia) followed by direction of Delhi (w.r.t India) followed by the direction of my Colony (w.r.t Delhi) followed by the direction of my building (w.r.t my colony) followed by the direction of my house (w.r.t my building) followed by my actual location (w.r.t my house). Generally Vastu experts do not consider the directions of the continent or sub continent or city or colony since these directions CANNOT BE ALTERED, but since I am teaching you the concept, hence I have mentioned this methodology. If you can derive your current position through directions, then you only need to know few additional 1000 Vastu rules, to become complete Vastu expert.

Vaastu and Astrology

We all know that when lord of first house goes into 8th or in 6th house, its bad. Similarly when lord of 4th house placed in 12th or 8th or 6 , it is not considered good, But have you ever thought that whats the reason behind these conclusions (based on planetary placements) Like wise we have many such doubts, right. In this article you will find the answers to most of your basic doubts w.r.t basic rules of Astrology, since I will be giving explanations w.r.t these doubts through Astrology. Hence, here you will also learn how scientific ASTROLOGY is! So just fasten your seat belts, to go for a ride, full of knowledge.

To start with, let me give you, few basic concepts of Vaastu, so that you can link it with astrology. There are four basic "kond" or corners namely "ishanaya"----- north east (water or Jal tatva) "Aagneya"----- south east (fire or Agni tatva), "vayvaya"----- North West (airy of Vayu tatva) "Naeshetraya"-----south west (earth or prithvi tatva) Basic Directions are: North east, north, North West, west, south west, south, south east 3 other directions are also possible which i will mention later. There are mainly two types of energy, affecting us as per Vaastu i.e.. solar energy or "Saaur prandik urja" (goes out from the direction in between North east and south east") and "jaivik urja" (comes to us from "direction in between north east and north west") According to our ancient scriptures; Nature is made up of 3 "gund" namely "satva", "rajas" and "Tamas" And we all have one prominent gund out of the above three in different proportion. Souls which have "Tamas" in domination, ultimately goes in the "pashu yoni" or in the category of animals. Souls who have rajas in domination lives on earth in the form of human beings and souls who have satva in domination resides in "uchh lokas or in Gods abode" These are the general classification but billions of permutations and combinations are possible, Giving rise to 84 lakh yoni's (Types of living beings) on earth itself. You all must be thinking, how all this relates to Jyotish (Astrology) or Vaastu, so here is the answer is that, first learn the basics and then we will go in deep. In JYOTISH Planets like Rahu, mars, sat are tamsik Planets like Jupiter and sun are satvic. And planets like Venus, mercury are rajsik. In VAASTU Directions between north and east have "satvic gund" which means northeast is purely satvic i.e.. 100%. Adjacent directions on other sides of north east have 50% satvic gund All directions between (east and south) and (north and west) have "rajsik gund" That means South east is purely Rajsik (100%) and North west is also purely Rajsik (100%) Directions between west and south have "Tamsik gund" South west is purely Tamsik (100% Now you all can easily relate why Jupiter is very good in "north east" that is in 2nd house as Jupiter is purely satvic, so as north east. Venus being Rajsik is very good in 11th and 12th houses as these houses correspond to "south east" i.e. purely Rajsik. Similarly it can be applied to other planets too. Ok before exposing you to more concepts, let me first tell you some other basics. We all know that Jupiter and mercury are Dig Bali (Direction wise strong0 in 1st house, moon in 4 , Saturn in 7th sun and mars in 10th. The reason why the above planets are Dig Bali can be interpreted from the above concept. Now why their placements are influencing us in the horoscope reading and how is Vaastu related to that. We will come to that but before that, you must know that our ancient rishis have observed a very basic

But most important concept which can applied in Jyotish as well as in Vaastu. See whatever is present in this universe is dependent on the "prand" or life giving energy. If we correctly know about this "prand" our life would become prosperous. Dont take it in a literal sense. This "prand" is classified as a mysterious energy which resides in all of us and has no relation with "five elements" i.e. "fire, water, matter, space and air". Its feel can be developed with the help of high level of meditation" Our body is the representative of this "prand" and prand is exactly opposite to the "five elements" Indeed This prand is the only source of energy for 72000 arteries and veins in our body. Here i am going to tell you "rarest" aspect of prand. ITS correct way! AND "THIS CONCEPT ITSELF IS THE BASIS OF JYOTISH AS WELL AS VAASTU" Since "prand" is sustained by energies from universe (consisting of all the planets), read this with rapt attention. "This prand flows from north east corner to south west corner" But hold on! Its path is not straight. "From north east it first goes to North West and then goes to south west." Another path is "From north east corner to south east and then to south west Just learn and meditate these concepts because now I am going to extract whole of Jyotish and Vaastu out of it. Take Scorpio lagan. Now for this lagan, East direction is ruled by mars (lord of Scorpio rashi, 1st house) north east by Jupiter (lord of dhanu rashi, 2nd house) like wise, north is ruled by Saturn being lord of 4th house (for Scorpio lagan) south west ruled by mercury being lord of 8th house, west ruled by venus, south ruled by sun. Well come to above example after these few s entences. Now since "prand" enters from the north east (purely SATVIC) corner of any house, we live in. As per Vaastu, We say that there. 1) There should be open lawns/ garden in the north east. 2) There should be water bodies/swimming pools in north east. 3) More of windows should be present in the north east (or lot of openings) 4) Any kind of obstruction like wall, tall trees etc should NOT be there in the north east. 5) Main door should be in the north east. 6) There should NOT be any gutter, toilet, septic tank or thick walls in the north east. So all the above parameters becomes very scientific from the angle of Vaastu! NOW what about Jyotish...??? Now coming to the example of Scorpio lagan. If lord of 2nd house i.e. Jupiter, who represents north east for this particular lagan is placed in 8th house (that is in Mithun (Gemini) rashi) I.e. south west direction which is purely Tamsik direction, then the result would not be auspicious as north east direction will develop a fault. Why?? As the planet representing the satvic direction is placed in Tamsik south west direction. Now if north east direction has developed fault. How does it affect us???? See, we receive all the fresh (air, sun light) from the north east direction, hence all the life giving energy comes enters first from north east. This is by default, because of the spin of earth on its axis and rotation of earth around the sun. Sun moves from east to west following the route (lagan, 12th house, 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th and then 7th house) As a

result, Native having the above condition in his chart would not have adequate opening in the north east direction or in case of more Ashubh prabhav (malefic influence) on 2nd house, There would be presence of toilet in north east. Hence he will not receive adequate fresh air and sun light as a result inauspicious results will follow (for his health and then to his financial conditions) Through astrology, we immediately say that lord of 2nd house in 8th will lead to some inauspicious effect similarly take an example of cancer lagan. Moon is placed in lagan (moon is the representative of east for this lagan) and sun in 2

(sun is the representative of

north east for this lagan) now both of them are swarashi in 1st and 2nd houses respectively And both of them are satvic as a result from Jyotish perspective we say its very auspicious. Now why it is auspicious???? Its answer lies in Vaastu. Simple, since north east direction from where "prand" enters our house and then in our body is having no fault Because of the presence of auspicious sun and moon there, As a result, The native will have adequate opening in east and north east direction of his house hence will continuously get fresh air and as soon as fresh air goes inside our body it becomes "prand" which then has no relation with "five elements" Very mysterious isnt it! Here I must repeat, what i have said earlier. North east, from where fresh air enters. This fresh air has two kind of energies in it. First is solar energy which is available (between north east and south east) and second is Life giving energy which we call as "jaivik urja" this "jaivic urja is available (between north east and north west) Both kind of energies are available in north east (as north is the common direction in the above two scenarios) Thats why; fresh air from north east becomes very important. Take one more example, for Tula lagan (Libra) if Satun is placed in 2nd house with Rahu. Sun in 8th house with ketu, now in this case both south west and north east direction have developed fault. What will be the scenario in this case...??? The native will have toilet or septic tanks in north east or will have thick walls with no opening in north east as well as since south west has also developed fault because of the placement of sun in it. This corner will have openings, or would be separated from the rest of the house. Always remember that any decrease in the strength of sun and mars will lead to a fault in south direction. (No thick walls or lot of openings) Any decrease in the strength of Jupiter will lead to fault in north east. Any decrease in the strength of Saturn will lead to fault in west. Any decrease in the strength of moon will lead to fault in north. Any decrease in the strength of mercury will lead to fault in east. Also remember that; Tamsik planets are more suitable for the directions west, south west and south i.e. Saturn, mars, Rahu and ketu (7th, 8th, 9th, 10th houses) Satvic planets are more suitable for the directions north, north east and east i.e. Jupiter, sun, moon (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses) Rajsik planets are more suitable in the directions like south east, north west etc i.e. venus and mercury (5th house, 6th house, 11th house and 12th house) Now this AGAIN is General classification (which we will understand later on) Rajsik planets can be auspicious in satvic directions also & satvic planets can be auspicious in Rajsik direction also. Many more exceptions are also possible, which will satisfy both Vaastu and Jyotish. I will explain how;

Example; Meena (pieces) lagan, Sat and mercury in lagan, sun in 2nd house, Rahu in 3 , Jupiter in 4th house, venus in 12th house, moon in 11th house and ketu mars in 9th house. Now since Saturn is in east (that is in lagan) so a fault will exist in east. (From the point of view of astrology we will say, decline in the auspicious qualities of lagan) why?? Saturn is dig Bali in 7th house (in lagan it has no disha BAL, hence inauspicious, secondly Saturn being Tamsik grah in satvic direction is again inauspicious, many more reasons are possible) So here entry should be from west or south, similarly logic can be applied, 3rd house has Rahu and Saturn, and mars are aspecting 3rd house, so a major fault in "north east" that is "ishanya" kond. Since ketu is in 9th house with mars, so strong thick walls would be there in south and south west and therefore no fault in south and south west.

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