FCE Result - Vocabulary Unit01 PDF
FCE Result - Vocabulary Unit01 PDF
FCE Result - Vocabulary Unit01 PDF
1.13 identical /aI"dentIkl/ (adj)
being exactly the same as sb or sth else This homework is identical to Garys. Did you copy it?
1.25 react to /ri"&kt %tu, t@/ (v) 1.16 inherit /In"herIt/ (v)
receive money after a persons death, often a relatives. Molly inherited a million pounds when her grandfather died. inheritance (n) do sth in response to an event or situation Terry reacted badly to his poor exam results. He got very angry. reaction (n), reactive (adj)
or compete James challenged Lucy to a race across the fields. challenge (n), challenging (adj)
1.29 coincidence
/k@U"InsId@ns/ (n)
two things happening at the same time by chance Sue and Jenny wore the same outfit to Sams party. What a coincidence! coincidental (adj), coincide (with) (v)
1.39 unnervingly
/%Vn"n3:vINli/ (adv)
strangely, upsettingly It was unnervingly quiet in the forest when I took the dog for a walk.
1.40 in terms of
1.33 surroundings
/s@"raUndINz/ (n pl)
everything around or near you I like my surroundings to be calm and peaceful. surrounding (adj), surround (v), surrounded (adj)
1.45 regardless of
1.72 argumentative
/%A:gju"ment@tIv/ (adj)
often arguing Pete is so argumentative. He never agrees with anything! argument (n), argue (v)
1.77 narrow-minded
1.87 laptop /"l&ptQp/ (n)
computer you can carry around
1.78 open-minded
learn about A TV reporter got hold of the story that Gran had won the lottery.
1.112 spectacular
/spek"t&kj@l@(r)/ (adj)
amazing to look at The view from our hotel window was spectacular. spectacle (n), spectator (n)
1.105 in favour of
1.95 immortality /%ImO:"t&l@ti/ (n)
fact of living forever People have been searching for the secret to immortality for centuries. immortal (adj)
1.96 overcrowded
1.115 achievement
/%@Uv@"kraUdId/ (adj)
having too many people in a place Im sorry, you cant stay with us. The flat is overcrowded already.
/@"i:vm@nt/ (n)
sth good or difficult you succeed in doing His greatest achievement was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro when he was only 15. achieve (v), achiever (n)
1.110 download /%daUn"l@Ud/ (v)
take material and information from the Internet I downloaded some great music last night. Would you like to hear it? download (n)
doing what others expect of you Our TV isnt very reliable. Sometimes the picture goes black and white. rely (on) (v), reliability (n)
Use of English
1.120 stubborn /"stVb@n/ (adj)
refusing to do what you dont want to do Ive tried to persuade Nigel to come with us but hes very stubborn and says he wont. stubbornness (n)
1.128 conscientious
/%kQnSi"enS@s/ (adj)
doing work well and on time Chris is conscientious and wont go out until hes finished his homework.
emphasise, point out She asserted that she hadnt been there when the crime happened. assertion (n), assertive (adj)
1.139 by consequence
1.121 probe /pr@Ub/ (n)
small unmanned spaceship
1.124 exhausted /Ig"zO:stId/ (adj)
very tired Im exhausted today after that late night at the party. exhaustion (n), exhausting (adj)
1.144 self-disciplined
1.145 considerate
1.126 carry out /%k&ri "aUt/ (phr v)
do (a study or survey) Last summer our class carried out a survey on meals in the cafeteria.
/k@n"sId@r@t/ (adj)
thinking about other peoples feelings David is very considerate and never says anything to hurt other people. consideration (n), consider (v)
1.146 neuroticism
/njU@"rQtIsIz@m/ (n unc)
fact of worrying too much about things His neuroticism was making him very ill and he went to see a psychotherapist. neurotic (adj), neurosis (n)
1.166 glove /glVv/ (n)
covering for hands in cold weather
1.159 demonstrate
1.149 extroversion
/"dem@nstreIt/ (v)
show Keira Knightley demonstrated her acting ability in the Jane Austen film. demonstration (n), demonstrative (adj)
/%ekstr@"v3:Sn/ (n unc)
the fact of being open and friendly and enjoying going out with people. Extroversion is a quality that many film stars have. extrovert (adj)
1.171 cornflakes /"kO:nfleIks/ (n)
breakfast cereal
1.164 mutual /"mju:u@l/ (adj)
sth shared My brother and I have a mutual fear of the dark.