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FCE Result - Vocabulary Unit01 PDF

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The circle of life

Words and phrases

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1.01 recognise /"rek@gnaIz/ (v)
remember sb or sth you have seen before I hadnt seen Jack for ten years but I recognised him immediately. recognition (n), recognisable (adj) exactly the same Im quite similar to my mother in looks. We both have dark hair and blue eyes. similarity (n)

1.19 raise /reIz/ (v)

bring up I was born in the UK but raised in Canada.

1.20 genetically /@"netIkli/ (adv)

having the same inherited biological features Twins are genetically the same but often have different personalities. gene (n), genetic (adj), genetics (n pl)

1.11 personality /%p3:s@"n&l@ti/ (n)

what is special about your character that makes you different from others Hes only four years old but already has a personality of his own.

1.02 skin tone /"skIn %t@Un/ (n)

colour of your skin My skin tone is fair but my sisters is quite dark.

1.21 behave /bI"heIv/ (v)

act The students behaved very badly in Miss Davids class and were sent home. behaviour (n)

1.12 sibling /"sIblIN/ (n)

a brother or sister

1.03 tanned /t&nd/ (adj)

dark colour of your skin after sitting in the sun Kate was tanned after her beach holiday. tan (n, v)

1.13 identical /aI"dentIkl/ (adj)
being exactly the same as sb or sth else This homework is identical to Garys. Did you copy it?

1.22 alike /@"laIk/ (adv)

similar Children are all alike. They love sweet things.

1.04 curly /"k3:li/ (adj)

of hair that is not straight My hair is straight but it always goes curly after Ive been in the rain. curl (n, v)

1.23 contact /"kQnt&kt/ (n)

communication Its important to keep contact with friends when they move away. contact (v)

1.14 twin /twIn/ (n)

person born immediately before or after sb else from the same mother twin (adj)

1.24 adoptive /@"dQptIv/ (adj)

having legally taken a child into your family to bring up as your own Adoptive parents usually bring children up as if they were their biological children. adopt (v), adopted (adj), adoption (n)

1.05 hazel /"heIzl/ (adj)

eye colour, greenish- or reddishbrown

1.06 bushy /"bUSi/ (adj)

thick, often used to describe eyebrows

1.15 feature /"fi:@(r)/ (n)

part of the face such as eyes, nose, etc. Her big, dark eyes are her best feature.

1.07 hooked /hUkt/ (adj)

with a curved shape, often used to describe a nose The old womans hooked nose made her look quite frightening to the children. hook (n)

1.25 react to /ri"&kt %tu, t@/ (v) 1.16 inherit /In"herIt/ (v)
receive money after a persons death, often a relatives. Molly inherited a million pounds when her grandfather died. inheritance (n) do sth in response to an event or situation Terry reacted badly to his poor exam results. He got very angry. reaction (n), reactive (adj)

1.08 turned up /%t3:nd "Vp/ (adj)

shape of a nose that lifts a little at the point

1.26 researcher /rI"s3:@(r)/ (n) 1.17 character /"k&r@kt@(r)/ (n)

personality person who finds out things about a particular subject. research (n, v)

1.09 relative /"rel@tIv/ (n)

person who is part of your family A lot of my relatives have blond hair and blue eyes.

1.18 equally /"i:kw@li/ (adv)

when two things have the same degree or level as each other The two restaurants are equally good. Ive had excellent meals in both. equal (adj), equality (n)

1.27 case /keIs/ (n)

real story or situation There have been several cases of children found living in forests with animals.

1.10 similar to /"sIm@l@ t@/ (adj)

being like sb or sth else but not

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1.28 apart /@"pA:t/ (adv)

separated, away from each other My parents had to live apart when my Dad was working in Germany.

or compete James challenged Lucy to a race across the fields. challenge (n), challenging (adj)

1.48 stage /steI/ (n)

Here: a step in a process There are several stages in cooking this dish. First is the preparation stage. Usually: a place where actors perform in a theatre.

1.38 notion /"n@USn/ (n)

idea At first people couldnt understand the notion that the earth was round and not flat!

1.29 coincidence

/k@U"InsId@ns/ (n)
two things happening at the same time by chance Sue and Jenny wore the same outfit to Sams party. What a coincidence! coincidental (adj), coincide (with) (v)

1.49 pregnancy /"pregn@nsi/ (n)

the nine months during which a baby grows inside a woman. Brenda had a bad pregnancy. She was sick every day. pregnant (adj)

1.39 unnervingly

/%Vn"n3:vINli/ (adv)
strangely, upsettingly It was unnervingly quiet in the forest when I took the dog for a walk.

1.50 aspect /"&spekt/ (n)

part of an idea or situation The aspect of studying at university I like most is the freedom to work independently.

1.30 determine /dI"t3:mIn/ (v)

influence and direct Qualifications often determine your future career.

1.40 in terms of

/%In "t3:mz @v/ (phr)

when thinking about In terms of enthusiasm shes an excellent student but in terms of concentration she could improve!

1.31 mainly /"meInli/ (adv)

generally but not only The people at the party were mainly Helens friends but there were some of Grants too. main (adj)

1.51 provide /pr@"vaId/ (v)

give When there was a delay at the airport, the airline provided free drinks and sandwiches. provision (n)

1.41 mannerism /"m&n@rIz@m/ (n)

sth you do that you are often unaware of Our teacher has a mannerism. She always taps her pen on the desk.

1.52 attitude /"&tItju:d/ (n)

way you think about sth My brother Mike has a good attitude to studying. He says its his path to a good future.

1.32 treat /tri:t/ (v)

behave in a particular way towards sb My penpals parents treated me very kindly when I stayed with them in France. treatment (n unc)

1.42 trait /treIt/ (n)

a special quality or part of your personality My father and I share a lot of personality traits.

1.53 talent /"t&l@nt/ (n)

special ability I think people who have a talent for something like painting or singing are very lucky. talented (adj)

1.33 surroundings

/s@"raUndINz/ (n pl)
everything around or near you I like my surroundings to be calm and peaceful. surrounding (adj), surround (v), surrounded (adj)

1.43 occur /@"k3:(r)/ (v)

happen The power cut occurred on Sunday lunchtime when everyone was cooking! occurrence (n)

1.54 selection /sI"lekSn/ (n)

choice Have a chocolate. Theres a good selection. select (v), selected (adj)

1.34 take sth for granted

/%teIk ... f@ "grA:ntId/ (idm)

accept sth without thinking about it We take air travel for granted but a hundred years ago it wasnt possible.

1.44 at random /@t "r&nd@m/ (phr)

without a particular reason The teacher chose two girls at random to help with the preparations for the party.

1.55 aging /"eIIN/ (n)

getting older More people are worried about aging today than ever before.

1.35 unique /ju"ni:k/ (adj)

being the only one Fingerprints are unique to each person. No ones are the same.

1.45 regardless of

/rI"gA:dl@s @v/ (phr)

not depending on Everyone goes up to the next class regardless of the results of the exams.

1.56 truly /"tru:li/ (adv)

really I truly believed in the Tooth Fairy when I was younger!

1.36 fascinating /"f&sIneItIN/ (adj)

very unusual and interesting fascinate (v), fascination (n)

1.57 reunite /%ri:ju:"naIt/ (v)

bring together after a separation

1.46 ethnic /"eTnIk/ (adj)

cultural or national Children from many different ethnic groups attend this college. ethnically (adv)

1.58 share /Se@(r)/ (v)

Here: have the same as sb else Because they had been to the same school the boys shared the same experiences. Usually: divide sth between several people share (n)

1.37 challenge /"&lIn/ (v)

Here: go against an idea Some scientists say that the fact that parts of the Arctic are getting colder challenges the theory of global warming. Usually: invite sb to fight

1.47 DNA /%di: %en "eI/ (n)

genetic fingerprint The police catch a lot of criminals by checking their DNA.

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1.59 youngster /"jVNst@(r)/ (n)

young person

1.72 argumentative

1.82 boast /b@Ust/ (v)

telling people good things about yourself I know hes clever but he shouldnt always boast about what hes done. boast (n), boastful (adj)

1.60 vacation /veI"keISn/ (n)

holiday h American English

/%A:gju"ment@tIv/ (adj)
often arguing Pete is so argumentative. He never agrees with anything! argument (n), argue (v)

1.61 sheriff /"SerIf/ (n)

officer of the law in America

1.83 modesty /"mQd@sti/ (n unc)

the fact of not telling everyone about your achievements Its important for children to learn modesty. People dont always want to hear about how clever you are! modest (adj)

1.62 migraine /"mi:greIn/ (n)

very bad headache

1.73 arrogant /"&r@g@nt/ (adj)

believing and acting as if you are better than others Mike is so arrogant! He assumes hell come top in the exams. arrogance (n), arrogantly (adv)

1.63 eerily /"I@rili/ (adv)

strangely and mysteriously eeriness (n), eerie (adj)

1.84 do your own thing

1.64 instance /"Inst@ns/ (n)

example There were several instances last year of cheating in sports competitions.

/%du: jO:r %@Un "TIN/ (idm)

do what you want to without worrying what people think Maria went to China to do her own thing and loved it!

1.74 bossy /"bQsi/ (adj)

always telling others what to do When I was young my elder sister was very bossy and I had to do everything she said. boss (n, v)

1.65 upbringing /"VpbrININ/ (n)

being brought up I had an exciting upbringing in Australia.

1.85 speak your mind

1.75 easy-going /%i:zi "g@UIN/ (adj)

relaxed and rarely getting angry Dad wont mind if you borrow the car. Hes very easy-going.

/%spi:k jO: "maInd/ (idm)

say what you think I always speak my mind, but sometimes people just dont want to hear the truth.

1.66 janitor /"&nIt@(r)/ (n)

caretaker, person whose job is to look after a building h American English

1.76 eccentric /Ik"sentrIk/ (adj)

acting differently from normal people I have an aunt who is quite eccentric. She always wears a hat in bed! eccentricity (n)

1.86 offended /@"fendId/ (adj)

feel hurt by what sb says Our teacher was really offended when Tracy said her grandmother had a dress like hers! offence (n), offensive (adj), offend (v)

1.67 rural /"rU@r@l/ (adj)

being in the countryside My parents decided to buy a house in a rural area because its quieter.

1.68 factor /"f&kt@(r)/ (n)

sth that contributes to a result Before making a decision you have to consider many different factors.

1.77 narrow-minded

/%n&r@U "maIndId/ (adj)

not tolerant of different behaviour My grandfather was a narrowminded person. He could never see my dads point of view.

1.87 laptop /"l&ptQp/ (n)
computer you can carry around

1.69 shape /SeIp/ (v)

influence the development of sth or sb A persons upbringing often shapes his future life. shape (n)

1.78 open-minded

/%@Up@n "maIndId/ (adj)

tolerant, accepting other ideas

1.88 tournament /"tU@n@m@nt/ (n)

competition where lots of games are played in a short time period

1.70 so far /%s@U "fA:(r)/ (adv)

until this point I havent done any of my homework so far, but Im going to start this evening.

1.79 sensible /"sens@bl/ (adj)

doing things for a good and logical reason Its sensible to take an umbrella if it looks like rain. sense (n), sensibly (adv)

1.89 take place /%teIk "pleIs/ (phr)

happen The concert will take place in the school hall on Friday.

1.71 indicate /"IndIkeIt/ (v)

show These grades indicate that you have been studying hard. indication (n), indicator (n)

1.90 port /pO:t/ (n)

place where ships arrive and leave Southampton is a busy port with many big cruise ships.

1.80 sensitive /"sens@tIv/ (adj)

reacting easily to emotional situations Sensitive people often cry at the end of sad films. sense (n), sensitivity (n), sensitively (adv)

1.91 get hold of /%get "h@Uld @v/

learn about A TV reporter got hold of the story that Gran had won the lottery.

1.81 perspective /p@"spektIv/ (n)

point of view If you look at the problem from a different perspective its not always so bad.

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1.92 reckon /"rek@n/ (v)

think I reckon its going to rain later on. Look at the sky. h informal

1.102 theory /"TI@ri/ (n)

idea or explanation for sth Whose theory about climate change do you believe? theoretical (adj), theorise (v)

1.111 scenery /"si:n@ri/ (n unc)

natural features of an area that are good to look at When we travelled through the Alps the scenery was fantastic! I love the mountains and the snow. scene (n), scenic (adj)

1.93 guess /ges/ Here: (v)

think I guess Ill see you at the party. h informal Usually: think of a possible answer.

1.103 deteriorate /dI"tI@ri@reIt/ (v)

get worse My gran is 98 and her health is deteriorating. deterioration (n)

1.112 spectacular

1.94 face-lift /"feIs %lIft/ (n)

surgery on the face to make the skin tighter Thousands of women had face-lifts in the UK last year. Everyone wants to look younger!

/spek"t&kj@l@(r)/ (adj)
amazing to look at The view from our hotel window was spectacular. spectacle (n), spectator (n)

1.104 cell /sel/ (n)

the smallest unit that our bodies are built from White blood cells help us fight illness. cellular (adj)

1.105 in favour of

1.113 plot /plQt/ (n)

story of a book, film or play I loved the book. The plot was really exciting. plot (v)

1.95 immortality /%ImO:"t&l@ti/ (n)
fact of living forever People have been searching for the secret to immortality for centuries. immortal (adj)

/%In "feIv@r @v/ (phr)

support Are you in favour of wearing a school uniform? I think its a terrible idea!

1.114 solitary /"sQl@tri/ (adj)

liking to spend time alone Ritas a solitary person. I often see her reading alone in the park. solitude (n), sole (adj)

1.106 generation /%en@"reISn/ (n)

people born at a similar time There were three generations at my birthday party my grandparents, my parents, and me and my cousins.

1.96 overcrowded

1.115 achievement

/%@Uv@"kraUdId/ (adj)
having too many people in a place Im sorry, you cant stay with us. The flat is overcrowded already.

/@"i:vm@nt/ (n)
sth good or difficult you succeed in doing His greatest achievement was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro when he was only 15. achieve (v), achiever (n)

1.107 spiral out of control

/%spaIr@l %aUt @v k@n"tr2@Ul/ (phr)

increase, grow too quickly to limit The young boys behaviour spiralled out of control and his parents didnt know what to do with him.

1.97 deal with /"di:l %wID/ (phr v)

take the right action in a situation The head teacher always deals with problem students himself.

1.116 resort /rI"zO:t/ (n)

popular place to stay on holiday Bournemouth is a famous seaside resort in England and it is very busy throughout the summer months.

1.98 commit /k@"mIt/ (v)

do (a crime) Bruce committed several serious crimes and is now in prison.

1.108 colonise /"kQl@naIz/ (v)

move people into new places, e.g. countries, planets A few centuries ago the big powers like England and Spain colonised countries in other continents. colony (n), colonial (adj)

1.99 pointless /"pOIntl@s/ (adj)

not having a good reason Its pointless waiting for Angela. Shes going to be at least another hour. point (n)

1.117 pine /paIn/ (n)

tree with leaves that dont fall and which grows in cold climates pine (adj)

1.109 entirely /In"taI@li/ (adv)

completely My cousins bedroom floor was entirely covered with clothes! entire (adj), entirety (n)

1.118 mountain range

1.100 wisdom /"wIzd@m/ (n unc)

knowledge that comes from experience People say that wisdom comes with age. wise (adj), wisely (adv)

/"maUnt@n %reIn/ (n)

group of mountains

1.119 reliable /rI"laI@bl/ (adj)

1.110 download /%daUn"l@Ud/ (v)
take material and information from the Internet I downloaded some great music last night. Would you like to hear it? download (n)

1.101 current /"kVr@nt/ (adj)

of the moment I try to watch the news every day to learn about current events. currently (adv)

doing what others expect of you Our TV isnt very reliable. Sometimes the picture goes black and white. rely (on) (v), reliability (n)

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Use of English
1.120 stubborn /"stVb@n/ (adj)
refusing to do what you dont want to do Ive tried to persuade Nigel to come with us but hes very stubborn and says he wont. stubbornness (n)

1.128 conscientious

1.138 assert /@"s3:t/ (v)

/%kQnSi"enS@s/ (adj)
doing work well and on time Chris is conscientious and wont go out until hes finished his homework.

emphasise, point out She asserted that she hadnt been there when the crime happened. assertion (n), assertive (adj)

1.129 irritable /"IrIt@bl/ (adj)

easily annoyed Mum gets irritable when shes tired. Dont ask her any questions then! irritability (n), irritate (v)

1.139 by consequence

/%baI "kQnsIkw@ns/ (adv)

as a result Our climate is getting warmer and by consequence the ice caps will soon melt. consequently (adv), consequent (adj)

1.121 probe /pr@Ub/ (n)
small unmanned spaceship

1.130 correspond with

/kQrI"spQnd %WwID/ (v)

Here: match Your story about the accident doesnt correspond with the other drivers. Usually: write letters to correspondence(n)

1.140 evaluate /I"v&ljueIt/ (v)

think about and assess the value of sth Were having a meeting later to evaluate the results of the project. evaluation (n)

1.122 I cant hear myself think!

/aI %kA:nt %hI@ maI%self "TINk/ (phr)

when sth is too loud The volume was so high on the TV that I couldnt hear myself think!

1.131 contradict /%kQntr@"dIkt/ (v)

say sth is different from what sb else says Dont ever contradict the teacher. Shell get angry! contradiction (n), contradictory (adj)

1.141 data /"deIt@/ (n unc)

facts or information Its important to store data carefully so that it cant be lost or stolen.

1.123 van /v&n/ (n)

vehicle used to carry things Hes a window cleaner now and he keeps all his equipment in the back of his van.

1.142 focus on /"f@Uk@s %Qn/ (v)

concentrate on sth in particular I need to focus on improving my English pronunciation. My accent is very strong!

1.132 differ /"dIf@(r)/ (v)

be different from The film of Oliver Twist differs quite a lot from the book. different (adj), difference (n), differentiate (v)

1.124 exhausted /Ig"zO:stId/ (adj)
very tired Im exhausted today after that late night at the party. exhaustion (n), exhausting (adj)

1.143 thorough /"TVr@/ (adj)

careful and complete The teacher is very thorough when she tests us in class and we have to answer lots of questions. thoroughly (adv)

1.133 adulthood /"&dVlthUd/ (n)

state of being an adult

1.134 lessen /"lesn/ (v)

get smaller or fewer The number of mistakes I make in English has lessened over the last few months.

1.144 self-disciplined

1.125 fall out /%fO:l "aUt/ (phr v)

stop being friends I fell out with Greta last month because of something very silly and we havent spoken since then.

/%self "dIs@plInd/ (adj)

able to control how you do sth If you want to work from home, you have to be self-disciplined. It isnt easy to decide your own hours.

1.135 convinced /k@n"vInst/ (adj)

sure Im convinced that Miss Fuller has dyed her hair! convince (v), convincing (adj), conviction (n)

1.145 considerate

1.126 carry out /%k&ri "aUt/ (phr v)
do (a study or survey) Last summer our class carried out a survey on meals in the cafeteria.

/k@n"sId@r@t/ (adj)
thinking about other peoples feelings David is very considerate and never says anything to hurt other people. consideration (n), consider (v)

1.136 question /"kwes@n/ (v)

ask questions to discover the truth Dont question my honesty! You know I always tell the truth. question (n), questionable (adj), questioning (adj)

1.146 neuroticism

1.137 notably /"n@Ut@bli/ (adv)

especially Sandy got good marks in her exams, notably in Biology. notable (adj)

/njU@"rQtIsIz@m/ (n unc)
fact of worrying too much about things His neuroticism was making him very ill and he went to see a psychotherapist. neurotic (adj), neurosis (n)

1.127 period /"pI@ri@d/ (n)

length of time My grandparents lived for a long period in South America. periodic (adj), periodically (adv)

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1.147 tense /tens/ (adj)

not relaxed Maggie and Bill had had an argument and the atmosphere in the room was tense. tense (v), tension (n)

1.157 decline /dI"klaIn/ (v)

get smaller The number of people coming here on holiday has declined over the last two years.

1.166 glove /glVv/ (n)
covering for hands in cold weather

1.158 consistent /k@n"sIst@nt/ (adj)

staying the same My end of term marks have been consistent this year. consistency (n), consistently (adv)

1.148 curious /"kjU@ri@s/ (adj)

interested in knowing about sth Im curious about who Jackie is taking to the concert. curiosity (n unc)

1.167 tracksuit /"tr&ksu:t/ (n)

special top and trousers you wear for sport

1.168 gap year /"g&p %jI@(r)/ (n)

year that students often take off between the end of school and the start of university.

1.159 demonstrate

1.149 extroversion

/"dem@nstreIt/ (v)
show Keira Knightley demonstrated her acting ability in the Jane Austen film. demonstration (n), demonstrative (adj)

/%ekstr@"v3:Sn/ (n unc)
the fact of being open and friendly and enjoying going out with people. Extroversion is a quality that many film stars have. extrovert (adj)

1.169 promote /pr@"m@Ut/ (v)

give sb a higher position at work Jack has just been promoted to manager. promotion (n)

1.160 apparent /@"p&r@nt/ (adj)

clear, easily seen Hes moving his whole family to France. Its apparent that he no longer wants to live in England. apparently (adv)

1.150 assumption /@"sVmpSn/ (n)

belief not necessarily based on fact It was my assumption that all the good students in the class were going to university but two decided not to. assume (v)

1.170 suit you down to the ground

/%su:t ju: %daUn t@ D@ "graUnd/ (phr)

be exactly right for you The new flat suits Fiona down to the ground. Its near the shops, her work and opposite a park.

1.161 throw doubt on

/%Tr@U "daUt %Qn/ (phr)

make sth less believable The result of the last match throws doubt on whether the club can win the championship.

1.151 on the contrary

/%Qn D@ "kQntr@ri/ (phr)

the opposite of what has just been said I thought Ken liked Brad Pitt films. On the contrary, he hates them.

1.171 cornflakes /"kO:nfleIks/ (n)
breakfast cereal

1.162 issue /"ISu:/ (n)

point, question There are a lot of issues that need to be discussed at the meeting.

1.152 debunk /%di: "bVNk/ (v)

show an idea is wrong The results debunk his theory. In fact, they prove the opposite.

1.172 impress /Im"pres/ (v)

make sb notice sth Her acting in the play really impressed me. It was excellent. impressive (adj), impression (n)

1.163 debate /dI"beIt/ (v)

discuss Politicians are still debating the problem of how to control pollution. debate (n), debatable (adj)

1.153 concept /"kQnsept/ (n)

idea The concept of time travel is impossible to understand! conceive (v), conception (n), conceptual (adj)

1.173 lack /l&k/ (v)

not have enough of sth Id like to work in films but I lack the ability to be really successful. lack (n)

1.164 mutual /"mju:u@l/ (adj)
sth shared My brother and I have a mutual fear of the dark.

1.154 tend /tend/ (v)

likely to do sth Children of artistic parents tend to be artistic themselves. tendency (n)

1.174 gain /geIn/ (v)

get more of sth He gained a lot of experience by working in the USA for a year.

1.155 mature /m@"U@(r)/ (v)

become adult in the way you think and act Young people mature at an earlier age than before. maturity (n), mature (adj)

1.165 seize the chance

/%si:z D@ "A:ns/ (phr)

take and use an opportunity When the teacher gave the students the day off Laura seized the chance to go to London to visit her brother.

1.175 confidence /"kQnfId@ns/ (n)

belief in your own ability Ben hasnt got enough confidence to speak in front of a lot of people. confident (adj), confidential (adj)

1.156 carer /"ke@r@(r)/ (n)

person who looks after sb

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