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Book Lesson Plan 2

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Name: Callie McKoy Grade: 2nd Grade Subject: ELA/ Social & Emotional


Lesson Title: That is Okay!! Date:

Unit Level Goals:

- Understand differences in people
- Understand how to celebrate those differences
- Explore the different ways that people can be different
- Allow students to feel comfortable talking/asking questions about cultural differences (ability, race, gender, ethinicity, culture)

State Mandated Standard(s):

ELAGSE2SL1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and
larger groups.
a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a
time about the topics and texts under discussion).
b. Build on others’ talk in conversations by linking their commentsto the remarks of others.
c. Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and texts under discussion.

IEP Goals to be Addressed in Lesson

- Questions will be read aloud to students who need it
- Students will be prompted with specific questions to guide their discussion

Lesson Objectives: Assessment(s): Planned Feedback:

- Understand the differences that exist - Mainly informal assesments will be - Verbal feedback will be given during
in our classroom. used to assess students on their the class discussion as some of the
- Educate students on how to talk ability to discuss and understand vocabulary used and topics discussed
about these differences kindly and differences within the classroom, may be new to some students.
correctly. follow the previously agreed upon - Formal, written feedback will be give
- Allow students to communicate with rules of the discussion. to the students based on their
each other about topics not usually - Formal assessment will be used by written summary of the discussion.
discussed in the classroom. getting the students to summarize
their discussion and describe
similarities and differences in the
Key Communication Skills Required: Vocabulary to be Taught: Use of Vocabulary and/or Communication
- Responding to questions asked by - Culture Skill in the Lesson
the teacher and other students - Differences - Vocabulary will be used as a way to
- Knowing when and how to express - Similarities introduce the book and the
not wanting to ask/answer a question - Ability/Disability discussion.
- Understadning how to ask a question - Autism - Communication skills will be needed
to another student with the proper - Race in order to create the rules for the
language and approach - Gender discussion and take part in the actual
- Neurotypical (referred to as NT in the discussion.

Instructional Resources & Materials: Use of Technology: Assistive Technologies:

- Why Johnny Doesn’t Flap: NT is OK! - No technology will be used in this - Pencil Grips, Slant Boads, and
By Clay and Gail Morton lesson as it is discussion based. assistive seating will be used for any
- Guess Who template from Google student with a need.
- Student Question Form (send home)

Planned Supports: As we do our class discussion, we will all be sitting on the rug or outside, weather permiting,
in order to be in a calm enviormoent, allowing all of us to be on the same level, phsycially,
and take part in the discussion without enviormental barriers.
Differentiated Instruction Strategies: - Students will be able to take home the question form to fill out with their parents.
- Students will have the opportunity to present different things about themselves of
their family throughout the discussion.
- Content of the discussion will be determined largely by the students and their
cultures, also by their interested.
- Material will be presented through the book, the question form, and the discussion.
Planned Collaboration with Others: Share this lesson plan with others in the school to potential get a bigger discussion started
and begin to celebrate the differences througoht the school. Could also potentially be used in
staff meetings to encourage different to be explored within the staff. Students will also take
home the question sheet and possibly start this conversation with their families.
Management Considerations Students will be redirected verbally to remember to respect others when talking and not be

Introduction to Lesson/Activate Thinking: Hook:

- Teacher will read Why Johnny Doesn’t Flap: NT is OK! by Gail and Clay Morton as an
introduced to cultural and the differences between to friends.
- Students will also establish “house rules” that will govern their actions during the
class discussion and discussions to come.

Connection to Background knowledge or Previous Learning:

- Students will have a chance to present any information previously learned in classes
or at home, however, this topic may be new to a lot of students.
- Studnets will also have a take home question sheet to complete at home with their
parents asking about their different cultural identities.

Body of Lesson/Step-by-Step Introduce and Model New Knowledge:

Procedures/Teaching Strategies - Students will work together to establish “house rules” that they will follow when
taking part in any discussion or classroom activity.
- Students will also go over the different cultures that are present within the classroom.
Students will also be exposed to new vocabulary terms and will be given a vocab card
to keep with them during the discussion.

Guided Practice:
- Students will take place in a group discussion to explore the cultural similarities and
differences within the classroom. Discussion prompts will include:
o What cultures are present in the classroom?
o Does anyone notice any similaries in themselves and others?
o What about differences?
o How do all of our different cultures come together?
o Can different cultures all work together?
o Why are different cultures important?

Independent Practice:
- Students will complete a discussion summary with different prompts to envoke
different takeaways from the discussion
Lesson Closure: Review Standard/Summarize Learning:
- Students will complete a summary of their experiences based off of the promts
- Students will also revisit the “house rules” determined before the discussion.

Connection to Tomorrow’s Lesson:

- As a follow up lesson, students will begin to explore cultural differences in their
favorite books and movies.
Student Question Form:
Name: _________________________________ Grade: __________________________________ Age:_________

What are some of your families favorite activites to do together? _______________________________________________________

What is your favorite type of music? ______________________________________________________________________________

What kind of movies do you like to watch? _________________________________________________________________________

How, or does, your family celebrate Christmas? Hannukuh? ___________________________________________________________

Does everyone in your house speak English? _______________________________________________________________________

Do you speak any other languages? _______________________________________________________________________________

Where do you like to shop? _____________________________________________________________________________________

Do you both of your parents work? If so, where?____________________________________________________________________

Do both of your parents live with you?____________________________________________________________________________

Do you live close to your gradnparents?___________________________________________________________________________

Do you have any quirky traits?___________________________________________________________________________________

Our House Rules:
Miss McKoy’s Class

Rule #1:_______________________________

Rule #2:_______________________________

Rule #3:_______________________________

Rule #4:_______________________________

Rule #5:_______________________________
Vocab Cheat Sheet
o Differences: the condition of being different from or not like.
o Similarities: a specific point or instance of likeness.
o Culture: the language, customs, ideas, and art of a particular group of people.
o Ability: the power to do something; the quality of being able.
o Disability: the condition or state of being unable to do certain things, especially when
caused by an injury, illness, or other medical condition.
o Autism: a developmental disorder usually becoming detectable in very early childhood that
is characterized especially by atypical acquisition or use of language as well as atypical
patterns of social interaction.
o Race: a human population sharing certain common physical characteristics that have been
passed down from one generation to the next.
o Gender: being a male or female
o Neurotypical (referred to as NT in the book): not displaying or characterized by autistic or
other neurologically atypical patterns of thought or behavior.
Summary Question Prompts:
What cultures are present in the classroom?

Does anyone notice any similaries in themselves and others?

What about differences?

How do all of our different cultures come together?

Can different cultures all work together?

Why are different cultures important?

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