English 2-Q2-W4-DLP
English 2-Q2-W4-DLP
English 2-Q2-W4-DLP
Grades 2
Subject: ENGLISH Quarter: TWO Week: FOUR
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text types
Writing and Comprehension -demonstrates understanding of the
process of writing to generate and express ideas and feelings
- demonstrates understanding of different formats to write for a
variety of audiences and purposes
G Grammar -demonstrates understanding of sentence construction for
correct expression
-demonstrates understanding of the concepts of nouns, verbs and
adjectives for proper identification and description
-demonstrates understanding of the concepts of pronouns and
preposition for appropriate communication
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words in English
Phonological Awareness -effectively transfers the knowledge of
letter-sound relationship from Mother Tongue to English
-correctly hears and records sounds in words
Vocabulary -uses familiar vocabulary to independently express
ideas in speaking activities
Book and Print Knowledge -correctly identifies book parts and
follows reading conventions
Reading Comprehension -uses information derived from texts in
presenting varied oral and written activities
-identifies correctly how paragraphs/ texts are developed
Writing and Comprehension -uses a variety of prewriting
strategies to generate, plan, organize ideas, make a draft for specific
-produces a variety of texts for creative, personal academic and
functional purposes
Grammar -uses pronouns and prepositions in a variety of oral and
written theme-based activities
Shows proficiency in constructing grammatically correct sentences
in different theme-based activities
Attitude -makes personal accounts on stories/texts as expression of
appreciation to familiar books
Study Strategy -independently uses strategies in accomplishing
literacy-related tasks
Talk about one’s activities/ responsibilities in the community
Engage in a variety of ways to share information (e.g. role playing,
reporting, summarizing, retelling and show and tell)
Perform dialogues, drama, mock interview, TV talk show etc.
Listen to a variety of media including books, audiotapes videos and
other age-appropriate publications and
g. Relate story events to one’s experience
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h. Discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific events
i. Identify the problem and solution
j. Retell a story listened to
Recognize proper eye movement skills (transfer skills)
left to right
top to bottom
return sweep
Derive meaning from repetitive language structures
Recognize common action words in retelling, conversation, etc.
Give the beginning letter of the name of each picture
Day 1
Talk about one’s activities/ responsibilities in the community
Learning Objectives Engages in a variety of ways to share information (e.g. role playing,
reporting, summarizing, retelling and show and tell)
Performs dialogues, drama, mock interview, TV talk show etc.
Subject Matter Expressing one’s activities/responsibilities in the community
Engaging in a variety of ways to share information (e.g. role
playing, reporting, summarizing, retelling and show and tell)
Performs dialogues, drama, mock interview, TV talk show
References TM, TG, BOW, Let’s Begin Reading in English 2 page 365 (others)
Procedure Grouping Structures (tick boxes):
Whole Class
Use these letter icons to show Describe the parts of the lesson (for Ability Groups
methodology and assessment
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activities. example the introduction), where Friendship Groups
you may address all grade levels as Other (specify)
Direct Teaching one group. Combination of Structures
Mixed Ability Groups
Grade Groups
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
“ I Am Part of a Community”
(See Appendix 1)
Say: Are you a part of the community?
What are the activities/reponsibilities that you do in your
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Presentation of outputs
Directions: How do you help in taking care of your community?
( Answer orally).
Day 2
Listens to a variety of media including books, audiotapes videos and
other age-appropriate publications and
a. Relates story events to one’s experience
b. Discusses, illustrate, dramatize specific events
Learning Objectives c. Identifies the problem and solution
d. Retells a story listened to
Recognizes proper eye movement skills (transfer skills)
left to right
top to bottom
return sweep
Derives meaning from repetitive language structures
Subject Matter Relating story events to ones’s experience
Dramatizing specific events
Identifying problem and solution
Retelling a story listened to
Recognizing proper eye movement skills
Deriving meaning
References TM, TG, BOW, (others)
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”It’s I, You, We, Who Builds the Community” (See
Appendix 5)
This is the proper eye movement when reading. It must start from
the left going to the right; top to bottom; and return sweep.
Unlocking of difficulties (See Appendix 6)
Group C – Act-It-Out
Directions: Dramatize the event in the story that you like best. (See
Appendix 9)
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Objectives Recognize common action words in retelling, conversation, etc.
Give the beginning letter of the name of each picture
Subject Matter Verbs
Recognizing common action words in retelling and
conversation etc.
Giving the beginning letter of each picture
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Group C – Choose Me!
Directions: Choose the correct action words that describe the picture.
Encircle the beginning letter of your answer. (See Appendix 13)
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