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Week 5 DLL in Mother Tongue

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Teaching Date and Time JULY 11 15, 2016 10:15 AM 11:05 AM Quarter First


A. Content Standard Talk about famous people, Talk about family events using Identify and use simile in Observe the conventions of Correctly spell the words in the
places, events, etc. using expanding vocabulary in sentences. writing in composing a list of vocabulary words and the
expanding vocabulary in complete sentences. paragraph. words in the selections read.
complete sentences.
B. Performance Standard Correctly spell the words in the Read grade level texts with
list of vocabulary words and the appropriate speed.
words in the selections read.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Correctly spells the words in the Differentiates concrete nouns Give the meaning of the poem Expresses love for stories and Follow sequentially more than
Write the LC code for each. list of vocabulary words and the (person, place, animal, thing) read. other texts by browsing the 5-step written directions in
words in the selections read. from abstract nouns. MT3RC-If-2.3 books read to them and asking recipes.
MT3F-IVa-i-1.6 MT3G-If-g-4.2.1 MT3SS-Ie-f-1.4
to be read more stories and
Talking about people, places, Differentiating Concrete Nouns Identifying and Using Simile in Observing the Conventions of Following Sequentially more
events, etc. in using expanding (person, place, animal, thing) Sentences Writing in composing a than 5-step written Directions
vocabulary in complete from Abstract Nouns Paragraph in Recipe
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages
2. Learners Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review the past lesson. Review the past lesson. What are some examples of Can you give a sentence that Review of the skill/skills that the
presenting the new lesson concrete and abstract nouns? uses simile? pupils have difficulty.
Describe your friend using simile.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Pre-assessment Unlocking of difficult words/ Mix and Match! Have the pupils read a friendly Tell the correct words using the
lesson Exercise # 1: Vocabulary Enrichment Have the pupils do the activity in letter. configuration clues.
Tell if the word is an abstract group. Use letter strips.
noun or a concrete noun.
C. Presenting examples/Instances of Where do you spend your Activity: Lets Act It Out! In what objects/things are friends Answering questions in complete Ask: Have you observed your
the new lesson weekends? What do you do compared in the poem? sentences. mother while she is cooking?
during weekends? Does she follow the correct
(Give pupils opportunities to procedures in cooking? Why is it
share their experiences) important to follow the
procedures in cooking?
D. Discussing new concepts and Can you name famous people, What would you like to find out in The teacher reads the poem first Have the pupils read the body of Show the illustrations to the
practicing new skills # 1 places and events in your the story we are going to read? for modeling. the letter. class.
community? Reading of the Story Then let the pupils read the Have them observe how the
poem. body of the letter is written.
E. Discussing new concepts and Allow pupils to participate in the Answering questions about the Have the pupils read the poem Spelling Have the pupils observe the
practicing new skills # 2 activity. Teacher facilitates and story A Birthday Wish. again. Let them identify objects Have the pupils listen to the illustrations carefully. Have them
provides avenue for pupils to ask that were used to by the author words to be spelled orally. Use talk about them.
about what is being shared by in describing a friend. these words in sentences and
the pupils. give their meaning.
F. Developing mastery Use the graphic organizer below Make a birthday card for Lola Underline the simile that is used Ask: Ask them to read the sentences
(leads to Formative Assessment ) to identify the famous people, Ensang then write a birthday in each sentence. 1. Did you spell the words written on paper strips. Have
places and events in your greeting for her. (Refer to Activity 5, Q1 Week 5 correctly? them match the sentences with
community. LM, page _____) 2. Did you understand the their corresponding illustrations.
meaning of each word clearly?
3. Why is spelling important in
G. Finding practical application of Tell us something about the How do you show your respect, Ask: Have the pupils copy in a Were you able to do the activity?
concepts and skills in daily living pictures. love, and care for your family 1. Which activity did you find paragraph form the cooking
Paste the pictures on the graphic members? easier to do? directions for the 3-layer 9 inch
organizer. 2. What did you learn in these chocolate cake.
activities? Have them observe the
3. How can you use simile in conventions in writing a
when you talk? paragraph.
H. Making generalizations and Are there special Concrete nouns are naming Simile is a figure of speech in Ask: How were you able to identify the
abstractions about the lesson events/occasions celebrated in words that we can experience which two unlike things are 1. How did you write your correct sequence of the
your community? How are they using the five senses. Examples explicitly compared. paragraph? directions?
celebrated? How do you join in are ball, book, and friend. It uses the expressions, as 2. Is the first sentence in each Is it important to follow written
the celebration? Abstract nouns are nouns that and like. paragraph indented? directions? Explain.
tell about things we cannot see, Example: She is as sweet as 3. Is the beginning of each
hear, touch, taste, or smell. candy. sentence written in capital letter?
Examples are love, anger, and She is beautiful like a newly 4. Are there periods,
friendship. bloomed rose. apostrophes, and other
punctuations marks where they
are needed?
5. Are proper margins on both
sides of the paper observed?
6. Are all words spelled
I. Evaluating learning Refer to Activity Q1 Week 5 LM Group the class into 4 groups. Refer to Activity 6-7, Q1 Week 5 Refer to Activity 8, Q1 Week 5 Refer to Assessment Exercises 1
Have the groups work on their LM LM 3, , Q1 Week 5 LM
assigned activity simultaneously.
Let each group present its output
one after the other
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
H. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
K. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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