RepMat - Video - Workheet 1
RepMat - Video - Workheet 1
RepMat - Video - Workheet 1
upset anxious exhausted surprised embarrassed 6 Watch the video and answer the questions.
stressed in a bad mood 1 Why do computers analyse our body movements?
2 Why can humans decode body language better than
3 Work in pairs. Choose one word from exercise 2 computers?
and describe the typical facial expressions or body 3 What does the computer look at when trying to
language that help to express it. read the presenter’s mind?
4 How does the computer show our mental state?
E�T�N�E� 5 Why might an open-mouthed expression be
4 Match the characteristics (1–6) with their definitions 6 Did the robot express disgust or arrogance?
(a–f). Could a computer ever possess any of these
human qualities? Why (not)?
1 compassion a a set of standards for good
or bad behaviour
7 Complete the summary with the words in the box.
Watch the video again in order to check.
2 solidarity b your own opinion of yourself
express feelings nod ambiguous university
3 morality c qualities that make a person interaction analyse expressive
or thing different from others
4 cultural identity d a shared belief about
the group you belong to
At Cambridge (1) , scientists are exploring whether
5 individuality e a strong feeling of computers can read human (2) . A computer tries
understanding and a wish to to (3) body movements, but concentrates on
relieve someone’s suffering the face because this is the most (4) part of the
6 self-image f the mutual support and body. For example, when we (5) and smile at the
agreement between people same time, we are showing agreement. However, it is harder
in a group to read some expressions because they are (6) .
The research also teaches robots to (7) emotions
so that we can recognise them. But the demonstration
5 Read the sentences. Can you guess what the words/ showed that (8) between humans and robots is
expressions in bold mean? really difficult!
1 This may be able to give a computer clues about how
2 People can decode body language, but computers
have no idea how to do it. 8 Work in groups. Think how computer software
3 Their gestures and facial expressions will help you recognizing human feelings could help
understand what they are saying. an organisation work. Follow these steps:
4 A psychologist is supposed to evaluate their mental 1 Choose an organisation, e.g. a security firm, health
state. centre, clothes shop, etc.
5 Some of our facial expressions may seem ambiguous. 2 Make a list of tasks that the computer software
6 Yuck! I now understand that look of disgust on your could help with. Remember to add how it could help
face. with each task.
3 Present your ideas in the form of a short pitch
(50–100 words), which scientists could use
when introducing their computer software
to the organisation.
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