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Learning Task 7: Writing My First Learning Plan

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Writing My First Learning Plan

Learning Task 7

Desired Learning Outcomes

 Identify learning outcomes that are aligned with competencies.

 Prepare developmentally sequenced teaching and learning process to meet curriculum

Essential Questions

 What are the important considerations in preparing a developmentally sequenced teaching and
 When do we say that learning outcomes are aligned with learning competencies to meet
curriculum requirements?


Lesson Plan/Learning Plan is the blue print of the daily activities in the teaching-learning process.

 It guides the teacher on the instructional activities he/she will implement in class. This is an
important component in the instructional process.
 This will help teachers become systematic and organized and on track/on task while teaching.
 This will aid the teachers to teacher MORE and DO MORE and will help her/his learners attain
the outcomes set for the day.

This will help the teachers plan differentiated activities to cater to diverse types of learners.
This gives a sense of direction in relation to the curriculum map and teaching guides prepared for
the subject.
 It also serves as practical and useful basis for future plan.
 It gives the teacher more confidence in carrying out the daily tasks.
Parts of the Daily Lesson Plan

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard
B. Performance Standard
C. Learning Competencies

II. Content

III. Learning Resources

IV. Procedures / Learning Activities

A. Before the Lesson – Opening of the Lesson

 Conduct/review of the previous lesson
 Clarify concepts of the previous lessons
 Introduce the connection of the new and past lesson
 State the new lesson objectives
 Check background knowledge of the learners (getting the prior knowledge)
- Connect lesson to what is already known
- Get learners’ interest in the new lesson, to start up and warm up activities
- Provide the learners opportunity to ask questions about the lesson

B. The Lesson Proper – Middle or main part of the lesson (Firm-Up-Deepen-Transfer)

- Explain, model, demonstrate and illustrate concepts, ideas, skills and processes for
learners to internalize the lesson
- Convey new information to the learner
- Provide feedback
- Regularly check for learners’ understanding

C. After the Lesson (closure)

- do wrap – up activities
- provide summary of the lesson or ask students to summarize the key concepts and
- reinforce what the teacher has taught and what the learners have completed

V. Assignment (OPTIONAL) – It should be related to the lesson. It should allow learners to master
what was learned.

VI. Remarks
- This is to document specific instances that result in the continuation of the lesson in case of:

- re-teaching
- insufficient time
- transfer of lesson to the following day as a result of class suspension
VII. Reflection (to filled out after the lesson by the teacher intern)
 To write parts of the lesson that went well or the parts that were weak, and write briefly about
 To share their thoughts and feelings about the lesson that were successfully implemented,
need improvement or could be adjusted in the future
 To talk also to the learners who did not do well or those who need help

Performance Tasks

Performance Tasks 1: Request a sample lesson plan or module from your CT. Study each part
carefully. Attach it here.

Question: Is the learning plan developmentally sequenced to meet curriculum requirements?


Insights on the Learning Plan.

What is the impact of this to me as a teacher intern?

Performance Tasks 2: Make now your Learning Plan using the outline given to you by your

Lesso 2.1 Rational Algebraic



Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of rational algebraic

Performance Standard

The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving rational algebraic


Transfer Goal

Students on their own and in the long run will formulate real- life problems and
solve these using a variety of strategies and present these by making a short

Learning Objectives

 I can illustrate rational algebraic expressions. M8AL-lc-1 (A)

 I can define rational algebraic expressions (A)
 I can simplify rational algebraic expressions. M8AL-lc-2 (MM)


You have learned special products and factoring polynomials in Lesson 1.1 and 1.2. Your
knowledge on these will help you better understand the rational algebraic expressions.

Have your ever asked yourself how many people are needed to complete a job? What are the

bases for their wages? And how long can they finish the job? These questions may be answered
using rational algebraic expressions which you will learn in this module.

In this lesson, you will be working with rational algebraic expressions. You will
encounter different ways on how to simplify polynomials and it will help you
to master how to illustrate and simplify rational algebraic expressions.


What comes in your mind when you hear the word “rational”? Is it the idea of
reasoning or sanity? In order to define what rational is in Mathematics, perform the
next activity and try to identify different mathematical expressions and verbal

ACTIVITY 1. Can I translate?

Directions: There are verbal phrases below. Look for the mathematical expression in the figures that
corresponds to each verbal phrase. Write your answer on the space provided. Item 1 is
already done for you.
1. The ratio of a number x and four added to two. +2
2. The product of the square root of three and the number y. _________________
3. The square of a added to twice the a. _________________
4. The sum of b and two less than the square of b. _________________
5. The product of p and q divided by three. _________________
6. A number h raised to the fourth power. _________________

x+2 2–2 b2 9–1

4 x x2 pq (b + 2) √3y √3y
3 y
x2 – 1
3 x2 – 2x + 1 b2 – (b + 2) a2 + 2a w – ∛9
c2 c2
3 2 1
10x + 6 10 + 4 z3 – 9 h4 z3 n3
Process Questions:
1. What did you feel while translating verbal phrases to mathematical expressions?

2. What must be considered in translating verbal phrases to mathematical phrases?


3. Will you consider these mathematical phrases as polynomials? Why or why not?



The previous activity deals with translating verbal phrases to

polynomials. You also encountered some examples of non-polynomials.
Such activity in translating verbal phrases to polynomials is one of the
key concepts in answering word problems. Now, proceed to Activity 2.

ACTIVITY 2: Match It!

Directions: Match the laws of exponents with their appropriate expressions. Write the letter of
your answer before the number.

Laws of Exponent Rule

________1. Product Rule a. (a x ) y =a xy
________2. Quotient Rule b. a x / a y = a x− y
________3. Power Rule c. a x • a y = a x+ y
________4. Inverse Rule d. a 0=1
________5. Zero Exponent e. a−1=1/a

Were you be able to match each law of exponent with its expression?
Was it easy? It is important to review the laws of exponent in order for
you to easily illustrate rational algebraic expressions. Please proceed to
Activity 3.

ACTIVITY 3: Can You Break It Down?
Directions: Identify the terms, numerical coefficient/s, literal coefficients and constant of the
following algebraic expression below. Number 1 is done for you.

Numerical Literal
Algebraic Expression Terms Constants
Coefficients Coefficients
1. 3b2+2c-5 3b2, 2c and -5 3 and 2 b2 and c -5
2. 3a2+2b2+5
3. 6m2+4n-10
4. 4x+2
5. 5b+5

In the activity “Can You Break It Down”, you identify the parts of
algebraic expressions which will help you a lot to understand the lesson.
Observe each example and study well in order for you to master the
skill. As you go further, you will try different ways to simplify rational
algebraic expressions.


 What are the Laws of exponent?

 What are the different parts of algebraic expressions?
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________

In this lesson, you will learn more about the illustrations and techniques
in simplifying rational algebraic expressions. Answer the activity first for
you to recall on how to simplify fractions. God bless 

ACTIVITY 4. Finding my lowest term!

Directions: Reduce each fraction to its lowest term. Write your answer in the space provided.
Number 1 is done for you.

Prime Prime a
Factorization of Factorization of
Fraction b
the Numerator the Denominator
Lowest term
(a) (b)
6 2x3 2
1. 2x3 3x3 3x3
9 3

What is Rational Algebraic Expression?

A rational algebraic expression in one variable is an expression that can be written in the
form where P and Q are polynomials in one variable and Q ≠ 0.

In the activities given before, you had encountered rational algebraic expressions. You might
encounter some algebraic expressions with negative or zero exponents.

Some rational expressions are:

x−3 4 4 x ,∧x 2 +2 x−35
, , 2
2 x +1 x−2 x −9 3 x +4
Like any expression, you can evaluate and rewrite rational expressions. Remember that in evaluating
algebraic expressions, we replace the variables with the given values and then simplify the resulting

x2 −5
Example 1: Evaluate the expression when (a) x=0 and (b)x = 1.

x2 (0)2−5
a. = Replace x with 0.
x−2 ( 0)−2

5 1
¿ ∨2
2 2
2 2
x −5 (1) −5
b. = Replace x with 1.
x−2 (1)−2

When all the common factors in the numerator and denominator of a fraction have been divided
out, we can say that the fraction has been reduced to lowest term.

The fraction can be expressed to its lowest term. Observe how it is done in the example that


45 9 •5
= Factor the numerator and denominator using the GCF.
65 13 •5

Note: When
TEACHING the denominator of a rational algebraic expression is zero, it becomes undefined or55
9• 5
¿ Divide out the common factor 5.
13• 5
¿ Simplify.
Property of Equivalent Fractions
If a, b, and c are nonzero real numbers,
ac a
then =
bc b
The property of equivalent fractions implies that factors that are common to both the numerator
and denominator can be divided out. If all the common factors have been cancelled, then the
fraction is in its lowest term. To simplify a fraction means to write it in lowest term.

1. Factor the numerator and denominator.
2. Write a product of two rational expressions, one factor containing the GCF of the
numerator and denominator, and the other containing the remaining factors.
3. Rewrite the factor containing the GCF as 1.
4. Multiply the remaining factors by 1.

Example 2. Simplify this expression .

40 20 •2
1. = Factor the numerator and the denominator
60 20• 3
20 2
= • Rewrite the product, one factor containing the GCF of the
20 3
numerator and denominator, and the other containing the
remaining factors.
2 20
=1 • =1
3 20
= Removing a factor of 1 (Multiplicative Identity)

45 a2 b
Example 3. Simplify this expression
30 ab
45 a2 b ¿ 15• 3• a •a •b Factor the numerator and the denominator.
30 ab 15 •2 •a • b

15• a •b 3 • a
¿ • Rewrite the product, one factor containing the GCF of
15• a •b 2
the numerator and denominator, and the other
containing the remaining factors.
3•a 15• a •b
¿ 1• =1 for all meaningful replacements.
2 15• a •b
The process of cancellation can be used to reduce the number of steps in
simplifying rational expressions. Now let us try to simplify using the rule of
division of negatives.
quotient of
any nonzero
and its
negative is

3 b2−14 b−24 (3 b+ 4)(b−6)

Example 4. = Factor both numerator and the denominator.
48−8 b 8 (6−b)
(3 b+ 4)(b−6)
= Division of negatives

3 b+ 4
¿− Apply the distributive property

3 b−4 −3 b−1
NOTE: cannot be simplified as . Only factors can be divided out, terms of the factors
8 2

Self – check 1

Directions: Simplify each expression. Write your answer in the box provided.

x2 +8 x
x +8

10 a−2
1−5 a

After having an activity on how you are going to simplify the rational
expressions, you will now apply the skill in answering real- life problems.

Example 5. Machines A and B do the job in 12 hours if they operate at the same time. If each
machine works alone, Machine A could complete the job in 30 hours and Machine C takes twice
as long as Machine B. How long would it take Machine C to do the job alone?
Let x= Machine B’s time to do the job alone
2x= Machine C’s time to do the job alone
Step 1: Make a table
Machine A Machine B Machine C

Part of work done in 1 1 1

an hour 30 x 2x
Part of work done in 12 12 12
12 hours 30 x 2x
Step 2: Formulate an equation.
12 12 12
+ + =1
30 x 2x
Step 3: Find the LCD (Least Common Denominator)
The LCD is 30x
Step 4: Multiply the LCD in Step 2.
12 12 12
30x ( + +
30 x 2 x
= 1(30x) ( 1230 )
30x + 30x ( 12x ) + 30x

( 212x )=30 x
Step 5: Simplify
12(x) + (30)(12) +(15)(12) = 30x
12x+360+180 =30x
540 = 30x-12x
540 =18x

Self – check 2

Directions: Solve the given work problem. Write your answer in the box provided.
1. Painter A and C do the job in 6 hours if they operate at the same time. If each painter works
alone, Painter A could complete the job in 20 hours and Painter E takes twice as long as
Painter C. How long would it take Painter E to do the job alone?

After all the examples and activities you have, which part did you find difficult?
Always remember that the key concept of simplifying rational algebraic

expressions is the concept of reducing a fraction to its simplest form. Good job!

Quick Fact

When the terms of two polynomials are almost the same, except for the sign, the
polynomials are called negatives of each other.
a - b and b - a are negative to each other.
4a - 1 and 1 - 4a are negatives to each other.
Each is an additive inverse of each other.

Brain Check-Up

Reduce each expression to its lowest term.

9 a+9
1. 2
a +2 a+1

6 k−3
3−6 k

Always remember that rational expression is said to be in its simplest form if the numerator and
the denominator are relatively prime. This means that they have no common factors. Putting a
rational expression in its simplest form is essential as this will make operations easier. Try to
search some common applications or problems that will help you to practice it correctly. God
Note: You may visit this site.


Assessment Tools

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is a blueprint of the daily instructional activities of the teacher?
A. Learning Plan C. Learning Procedures
B. Learning Content D. Learning Materials

2. Which refers to the material used to enrich students’ learning?

A. Learning Plan C. Learning Content
B. Learning Procedures D. Learning Procedures

3. Which can be given as an optional activity to reinforce students’ learning?

A. Art work C. Assignment
B. Activities D. Assessment

4. Why is Learning Plan important?

A. It keeps teachers on cue.
B. It is a requirement of the profession.
C. It enables the teachers to do what is next.
D. It guides the teachers in her/his daily activities.

5. Which plan is used by teachers who are new in the service or those who have less than a year of
teaching experience?
A. Daily Lesson Log C. Detailed Lesson Plan
B. Daily Lesson Plan D. Daily Learning Activities

6. Which Assessment task is aligned to this competency: “identify a classroom routine”?

A. Is classroom routine necessary for class order and discipline?
B. Give an example of a classroom routine.
C. What is meant by classroom routine?
D. What is a disadvantage of a classroom routine?

My Portfolio

Attach the Learning Plan or Module you wrote here.



Date Submitted:

Father in heaven, thank you for this day. Thank you for Jesus Christ who saved us and
redeemed us from sins. Thank you for this wonderful gift of life. Father, may you will grant me
wisdom and understanding as I answer my module. Bless my parents who continually support
my education. This I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Grade 8 learners, how are you, today? I am very excited because I will be your teacher
for one week. I know that you are going to do your activity despite the new norms in
educational learning. Just work hard to be the best student that you can be.

In this week’s module, we will be discussing about the triangle congruence that could be
applied in real world. If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do
not hesitate to contact me. Always bear in mind that you are not alone. You may contact me at
my email address erwinbostondeocampo@gmail.com or to my mobile number

About the Practice Teacher

Mister Erwin Boston Deocampo is a fourth-year
college student of King’s College of Marbel, Inc. taking up
Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in Mathematics.

He finished his primary education at Sto. Niño

Central Elementary School and graduated at Sto. Niño
National High School for secondary education. And now, he
is a practice teacher of Grade 8 – Mathematics at King’s
College of Marbel, Inc., with the purpose of bringing light,
hope and education to the learners. Thus, he is looking
forward for a meaningful experiences and productive
learning with his learners.

Module 2: Triangle Congruence

Have you ever wondered how bridges and buildings are designed? What
factors are being considered in the construction of buildings and bridges?
What knowledge are required in designing structures?
In this module, you will discover how important it is to plan well and utilize
essential mathematical skills to be able to accomplish several tasks and come up with
the desired output.
As you go through this module, think of this question: How does axiomatic
structure of geometry and triangle congruence help in formulating,
investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life problems?


In this lesson, you will examine these essential question when you take the following topics:
Lesson 1.1: Definition and Illustration of Triangle Congruence
Lesson 1.2: Definition and Illustration of Triangle Congruence Postulate and Theorems

In these lessons, you will learn the following:

Week Lesson Competencies
 I can define triangle congruence. (A)
 I can illustrate triangle congruence. (MM)
1.1: Definition and Illustration  I can define SAS, ASA and SSS
of Triangle Congruence congruence postulates. (A)
 I can illustrate SAS, ASA and SSS
1.2: Definition and Illustration congruence postulates. (MM)
of Triangle Congruence  I can define LL, LA, HyL and HyA
Postulate and Theorems congruence theorem. (A)
 I can illustrate LL, LA, HyL and HyA
congruence theorem. (MM)


Here is a simple learning map of the above lessons we will cover:

Triangle Congruence

Definition and Examples of

Congruent Triangles

Triangles Congruence Postulate

and Theorems

Proving Triangles Congruence

Applications of
Triangle Congruence

Find out how much you already know about the module. Just simply ENCIRCLE
the letter of your answer on each item. Take note of items that you were not
able to correctly answer and look for the answer as you go through this module.

1. In the figure ∆ POG ≅ ∆ SOR , what is the side corresponding to PO

´ ?
a. OS
b. RO´
c. ŔS
d. SO

2. Listed below are the six pairs of corresponding parts of congruent triangles. Name the
congruent triangles.
´ ≅ JO
OS ´ ∠ D ≅ ∠Y
´ ≅ OY
AD ´ ∠ A ≅ ∠O
´ ´
SD ≅ JY ∠ S≅∠J
a. ∆ ADS ≅ ∆ YJO
b. ∆ ASD ≅ ∆ JOY
c. ∆ SAD ≅ ∆ JOY
d. ∆ SAD ≅ ∆ JYO

3. In ∆ DOS , what side is included between ∠ D and ∠ O ?

a. DO´
b. D́S
c. SD
d. SO

4. Name the corresponding congruent parts as marked that will make each pair of triangles
congruent by SAS.
a. ∠ B ≅ ∠ N , BO´ ≅ NO ´ ≅ ´¿ ,
´ , OY
b. BO
´ ≅ NO ´ ,∠ BOY ≅ ∠ NOR , RO ´ ≅ YO´
c. BY ≅ NR , ∠BOY ≅ ∠NOR , BO ≅ NO
´ ´ ´ ´
d. YO
´ ≅ ´¿ , BO ´ , ∠ BOY ≅ ∠ NOR ,
´ ≅ ON

5. If corresponding congruent parts are marked, how can you prove ∆ BEC ≅ ∆ BAC ?
a. ASA
b. LL
c. SAS
d. SSS

6. Identify the pairs of congruent right triangles. What congruence theorem you will use?
a. ∆ AMP ≅ ∆ PAS
b. ∆ MAP ≅ ∆ SPA
c. ∆ MPA ≅ ∆ SPA
d. ∆ PMA ≅ ∆ APS
7. In ∆ ABC , AB= AC . If m∠ B=80, find the measure of ∠ A .
a. 20
b. 80
c. 100
d. 180

8. Use the marked triangles, what should be the correct congruence statement?
a. ´¿ ≅ ḾS c. ´¿ ≅ ḾS
LO ´ ≅ ME´ ´ ≅ ME
OL ´
OT ≅ ES ´ ´
OT ≅ SE´
∆ LOT ≅ ∆ MES ∆ LOT ≅ ∆ MSE
b. ´¿ ≅ SM
´ d. TL
´ ≅ ḾS
LO ´ ≅ ḾE LO´ ≅ ḾE
OT ´ ≅ ES´ OT´ ≅ ME´
∆ LOT ≅ ∆ SME ∆ TOL ≅ ∆ SME

9. Hexagon CALDEZ has six congruent sides. CE ´ , CD ´ are drawn on the hexagon forming 4
´ , CL
triangles. Which triangles can you prove congruent?
a. ∆ CEZ ≅ ∆ CDE
∆ CDE ≅ ∆ CAL
b. ∆ CEZ ≅ ∆ CLA
∆ CED ≅ ∆ CLD
c. ∆ CED ≅ ∆ CEZ
∆ CLA ≅ ∆ CLD
d. ∆ CZE ≅ ∆ CED
∆ DEC ≅ ∆ LCD

10. If ∆
∑ ≅ ∆ PRO, which angle is congruent to∠ M .
a. ∠ O
b. ∠ P
c.∠ R
d. ∠ S

11. Jancent knows AB=XY and AC= XZ . What other information must he know to prove
∆ ABC ≅ ∆ XYZ by SAS postulate?
a.∠ A ≅ ∠ X
b. ∠ B ≅ ∠ Y
c. ∠ C ≅∠ X
d. ∠ C ≅∠ Z

12. Miguel knows that in ∆ MIG and ∆ JAN , MI=JA , IG=AN , and MG=JN . Which postulate
or theorem can he use to prove triangles congruent?

b. AAS
a. ASA
c. SAS
d. SSS

13. You are tasked to make a design of the flooring of a chapel using triangles. The available
materials are square tiles. How are you going to make the design?
a. Applying triangle congruence by AAS
b. Applying triangle congruence by ASA
c. Applying triangle congruence by SAS
d. Applying triangle congruence by SSS
For items 14 to 15
Complete the proof. Fill in the blank with the letter of the correct answer.
a. ASA
b. ∠ BCO ≅ ∠ ACO
c. CO
´ ≅ CO
d. SAS

14 – 15. In ∆ ABC , let O be a point in AB such that CO bisects ∠ ACB, if AC ´ . Prove that
´ ≅ BC
∆ ACO ≅ ∆ BCO .
Statements Reasons

1. ´ ≅ BC
AC ´ 1. Given

´ bisects ∠ ACB
2. CO 2. Given

3. (14) ____________ 3. Definition of Angle Bisector

´ ≅ CO
4. CO ´ 4. Reflexive Property of Congruence

5. ∆ ACO ≅ ∆ BCO 5. (15) ___________

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of axiomatic structure of
geometry and triangle congruence.

Performance Standard

The learner is able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and

clarity in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life problems
involving congruent triangles using appropriate and accurate representations.

Transfer Goal
Students on their own and in the long run will be able to communicate
mathematical thinking with coherence and clarity in formulating, investigating,
analyzing, and solving real-life problems and present these by making a logo with
narrative report.

Learning Competencies

 Illustrates triangle congruence. (M8GE – IIId-1)

 Illustrates the SAS, ASA and SSS congruence postulates. (M8GE–IIId–e 1)

Essential Understanding

The learners will understand that axiomatic structure of geometry and triangle
congruence will help in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life
problems using appropriate and accurate representations which leads in
developing through strong and stable structures.

Essential Question

How does axiomatic structure of geometry and triangle congruence help in

formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life problems?

You are a company logo designer. The newly elected Math Club president contracted
you to design their logo, which is primarily made up of triangles in preparation for the upcoming
Math Olympics. More specifically, you are required to use congruent triangles in the design and
make sure that they are indeed congruent using appropriate geometric construction tools. A
narrative report explaining how congruence of triangles is achieved and how it contributed to
the overall beauty of the design should be presented to the Math Club president. Your work will
be graded according to the following criteria: Originality of the Design, Accuracy of
Measurements, Neatness of the Design, and Clarity of the Narrative Report.

Criteria 4 - Excellent 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 - Poor Score

The design is The design is The design The design does

comprehensive and presentable and makes use of the not use
Originality of the displays the make use of the geometric geometric
Design aesthetic aspects of concepts of representation representations
the mathematical geometric but not and not
concepts learned. representation. presentable. presentable.

The Some
The measurements measurements measurements
are erroneous
are accurate and are accurate and are erroneous
Accuracy of and do not show
show wise use of show use of the and show use of
Measurements use of the
the concepts of concepts of some concepts of
concepts of
triangle congruence triangle triangle
congruence congruence

There is
adequate unity
but some Project has text
There is unity and and graphics Project lacks text
among text and however; they or graphics with
consistency among
graphic lack or have too no organized
text and graphic
elements. Text much white white space.
Neatness of the elements. Text and
and graphic space. There is There is no unity
Design graphic elements
elements are little unity and or consistency
are arranged to
consistency among text and
create an organized arranged but lack among the text graphic
white space. and graphic elements.
appropriate white elements.
space appearing

Most of the Presentation

Complete required concept does not pertain
Complete concept
concept is is completed; to the
is illustrated, and
Clarity of the represented but explanations are mathematical
Narrative Report minimal limited or concept selected.
using mathematical
explanation is missing; Concept is given
terms and details.
given. infrequent or no with little or no
use of key terms. detail.


In this lesson, you will work with triangle congruence. You will describe
a triangle congruence, illustrate triangle theorems and postulates and solve
problems involving triangle congruence that will help you apply in real-life
applications problems.

 I can define triangle congruence. (A)

 I can illustrate triangle congruence. (MM)
Learning Objectives
|EXPLORE Session 1

What to know
Let’s begin the lesson by finding out what is congruent triangle. As you go over the
activities, keep this question in mind, “How does axiomatic structure of geometry and
triangle congruence help in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving
real-life problems?”
ACTIVITY 1: Picture Analysis
Directions: Answer the following questions based on the pictures below. Write your answer on
the space provided on the next page.

Process Questions:
1. What can you say about the long bridge in the picture? How about the tall building?

2. Why are there triangles in the structures? Are the triangles congruent? When are two
triangles congruent?

3. Why are bridges and buildings stable?


You gave your initial ideas on congruent triangles and the stability of buildings
and bridges. The wonders of Geometry are present everywhere, in nature and in
structures. Designs and patterns having the same size and same shape play an
important role especially on the stability of buildings and bridges.

Your goal in this section is to learn and understand key concepts related to
triangle congruence.
Two triangle are congruence if their vertices can be paired so that
corresponding sides are congruent and corresponding angles are congruent. The
symbols for ‘corresponds to’ is ↔.
AB↔ DE´ is read as ‘line segment AB corresponds to line segment DE’.
∠ A ↔∠ D is read as ‘angle A corresponds to angle D’.
In writing correspondence statement, match up the vertices correctly to
make a correspondence.

ACTIVITY 2: Is this my Partner?
Directions: Study the triangles and pair the parts that are congruent. Fill out the activity sheet
using the following information below. The first row is done for you.


Investigate: Matching vertices of the two triangles
First Match: ABC ↔ EDF (A corresponds to E, B corresponds to D, C corresponds
to F)
Second Match: ABC↔ EFD
Third Match: ABC↔ DEF

Corresponding Congruent or Corresponding Congruent or

Sides not Congruent Angle not Congruent
First None not congruent None not congruent

How did you find the activity? Were you able to fill out the table?
You need to think critically in comparing two triangles. This activity will
help you to know how to properly name triangles so that you can
compare them correctly. Keep it up!

|FIRM-UP Sessions 2 – 6

Learning Objectives

 I can define SAS, ASA and SSS congruence postulates. (A)

 I can illustrate the SAS, ASA and SSS congruence postulates. (MM)
 I can define LL, LA, HyL and HyA congruence theorem. (A)
 I can illustrate LL, LA, HyL and HyA congruence theorem. (MM)
Two triangle are congruent if their vertices can be
paired so that corresponding sides are congruent and
corresponding angles are congruent. The symbols for
‘corresponds to’ is ↔.
AB↔ ´ is read as ‘line segment AB corresponds to line
segment DE’.
∠ A ↔∠ D is read as ‘angle A corresponds to angle D’.

In this section, you will learn more about the triangle

congruence especially with the different triangle congruence
postulates namely: SSS congruence, SAS congruence, ASA

In your Activity 2 entitled “Is this my Partner?”, you were able to determine whether the
corresponding sides and angles are congruent or not. The following were the result of the
activity. Study them and see how pairs of corresponding sides and angles were identified.

Second Match: ABC↔ EFD

The corresponding sides and angles are not congruent because they are not equal to
each other.
Third Match: ABC↔ DEF
The corresponding sides and angles are congruent because they have equal side and
Before you study the postulates that will give some ways to show that the two triangles
are congruent given less number of corresponding congruent parts, let us first identify the parts
of a triangle in terms of their relative position.

In∆ SON , the angle S or ∠ S is an included angle between SN ´ , because∠ S is

´ and SO
the angle between the line segment of SN and SO. ∠ O is an
included angle between OS ´ and ON´ and ∠ N is an included
angle between NO and NS .
´ ´

The line segment SO or SO ´ is an included side between ∠ S and∠ O, because SO´ is the
common side between the two given angles. ON is an included side between ∠ O and ∠ N and
´ is an included side between ∠ S and ∠ N .
Based on these, you can define included angle as an angle between two sides of triangle
and included side is the side common to two angles of a triangle.

You have learned that triangles are congruent “if their corresponding sides and angles
are congruent.” However, there are excessive requirements that need to be met in order for
this claim to hold.
In this section, you will learn postulates and theorem that prove triangles congruent
with less information required. These postulates are useful because they only require three
corresponding parts of triangles to be congruent rather than six corresponding parts, on the
other hand theorems require only two corresponding parts of triangles.

To prove that two segments or two angles are congruent, you must show that their
corresponding parts of congruent angles.

For triangle congruence, you have the following:

 SSS (Side-Side-Side) congruence
 SAS (Side-Angle-Side) congruence
 ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) congruence

Let's take a look at the first postulate.

SSS (Side-Side-Side) Congruence Postulate

”If the three sides of one triangle are congruent to the three sides of another triangle,
then the triangles are congruent.”
As you can see, the SSS Postulate does not concern itself with angles at all. Rather, it
only focuses on corresponding congruent sides of triangles in order to determine that two
triangles are congruent. An illustration of this postulate is shown below.

∆ ABC ≅ ∆≝¿ because all three corresponding

sides of the triangles are congruent.

The ≅ corresponding sides are:

AB↔ ´
´ ↔ EF
AC ´
´ ´

Examples of SSS Postulate:

In the figures above, if AB ´ ,  BC
´ ≅ RP ´  
´ ≅ PQ
and CA
´ ≅ QR´ , then ∆ ABC ≅ ∆ RPQ .
Check the illustration above,
∆ ABC ≅ ∆≝¿, if AB
´ ≅ DE´ , AC ´ , and
´ ≅ DF
BC ≅ EF .
´ ´

´ ≅ QR´ , NP
´ ≅ RS
´ ,
´ . By SSS
Congruence Postulate,
∆ MNP ≅ ∆ QRS If AB
´ ≅ XY
´ , BC
´ ≅ YZ
´ ,
´ . By SSS
´ ≅ ZX
Congruence Postulate, ∆ ABC ≅ ∆ XYZ

Now, the second postulate concerns with an included angle.

SAS (Side-Angle-Side) Congruence Postulate

“If the two sides and an included angle of one triangle are congruent to the
corresponding, two sided and the included angle of another triangle, then the triangles are
A key component of this postulate (that is easy to get mistaken) is that the angle must
be formed by the two pairs of congruent, corresponding sides of the triangles. If the two sides
that are congruent and are corresponding to the parts of another triangle which do not form
the included angle, then you cannot use the SAS Postulate.

Now, observe the following illustrations below:
Incorrect Correct

The illustration above uses the SAS The illustration above uses the SAS
Postulate ‘incorrectly’ because the congruent Postulate correctly. Notice that the
sides of the triangle do not form the angles corresponding sides of the triangle that are
that are congruent. congruent form the angles that are

Examples of SAS Postulate

Observe the two triangles on the

right side. If ´ ,  BC
´ ≅ PQ
AC ´  and
´ ≅ PR
∠ C ≅∠ P , then by the SAS postulate,
∆ ABC ≅ ∆ QRP .

Given the two triangles on the left side, if CD

´ ≅ AD
,  BD ´  and ∠ D ≅ ∠ D, then by the SAS
´ ≅ BD
postulate, ∆ BAD ≅ ∆ QBCD.

Based on the illustration on the right side, you can say that ∆ ABC ≅ ∆ EDC by SAS
Congruence postulate, if AC ´ , BC
´ ≅ EC ´ and ∠ C ≅∠ C .
´ ≅ DC

The third Postulate focuses more on the included sides of the corresponding triangles.

ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) Congruence Postulate

“If the two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to the
corresponding two angles and an included side of
another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.” An
illustration of this postulate is shown on the right side.
In a sense, this is the opposite of the SAS
Postulate. The SAS Postulate required congruence of
two sides and the included angle, whereas the ASA
Postulate requires two angles and the included side to
be congruent. Observe the markings provided in the
given illustration.

Examples of ASA Postulate

In the illustration on the right side, if

´ , ∠ A ≅ ∠ Q,
´ ≅ QP
AC and ∠ B ≅ ∠ R, then
∆ ABC ≅ ∆ QRP by ASA.

In the illustrations on the left side, if

´ , ∠ R ≅ ∠ R, and
´ ≅ RS
PQ ∠ Q ≅ ∠Q, then
∆ PQR ≅ ∆ SRQ by ASA

In the figure on the left side, if

´ , ∠ C ≅∠C , and ∠ A ≅ ∠ E , then
´ ≅ CE
∆ ACB ≅ ∆ DCE by ASA.

Right Triangle Congruence
Isosceles and equilateral triangles are not the only classifications of triangles with
special characteristics. Right triangles are also
significant in the study of geometry and, as you will
see, you will be able to prove the congruence of
right triangles in an efficient way.
Before you begin learning this, it is important
to break down right triangles into parts. Learning
terms that refer to the parts of a right triangle will
help you avoid confusion throughout this section.
All right triangles have two legs, which may
or may not be congruent. The legs of a right triangle
meet at a right angle. The other side of the triangle
(that does not form any part of the right angle), is
called the hypotenuse of the right triangle. This side
of the right triangle will always be the longest of all
three sides. The angles of a right triangle that are
not the right angle must be acute angles.

For right triangle congruence, you have the

 LL (Leg-Leg) congruence
 LA (Leg-Angle) congruence
 HyL (Hypotenuse-Leg) congruence
 HyA (Hypotenuse-Angle) congruence

Now, let's learn what the LL (Leg-Leg) Theorem is and its illustration.

LL (Leg-Leg) Congruence Theorem

“If the legs of one right triangle are
congruent to the legs of another right triangle,
then the two right triangles are congruent.”
An illustration of this theorem is shown
on the right side.
This statement is the same as the SAS
Postulate you have learned because it involves
two sides of triangles, as well as the included
angle (which is the right angle).

Examples LL Congruence Theorem

Consider the two right
triangles, ΔABC and ΔPQR on the right
Here, the corresponding sides
of ΔABC and ΔPQR are, AB ´ ;
´ ≅ PQ
BC ´ and CA
´ ≅ QR ´ . Moreover, the
´ ≅ RP

corresponding angle, ∠B ≅ ∠Q = 90°. Hence, ΔABC and ΔPQR are congruent triangles by Leg-
Leg congruent theorem.

The illustration on the right side, ∆ ABC∧∆ CDE

are right triangles, because they both have right
angles. AC
´ ≅ CE´ and BC ´ . Hence, the two ∆ ABC
´ ≅ CD
and ∆ CDE are congruent by Leg-Leg theorem.

After the LL Congruence Theorem, the next theorem gives emphasizes on a leg and an angle of
two right triangles.

LA (Leg-Angle) Congruence Theorem

“If a leg and an acute angle of one right
triangle are congruent to the corresponding
parts of another right triangle, then the two right
triangles are congruent.”
An illustration of this theorem is shown
on the right side.
This statement is equivalent to the ASA
Postulate you have learned because it involves
right angles (which are congruent), a pair of
sides with the same measure, and congruent
acute angles.

Examples of LA Congruence Theorem

Consider the two right triangles, ΔABC and ΔPQR on the right side.
Here, the corresponding ≅ legs of
ΔABC and ΔPQR are AB ´ . Moreover,
´ ≅ PQ
the corresponding acute angle, ∠C ≅ ∠R.
Hence, ΔABC and ΔPQR are congruent
triangles by Leg-Angle congruent

Based on the illustration on the right side, ∆ PQR∧∆ RST are right triangles. QR
´ ≅ ŔS
and ∠ PRQ ≅ ∠ SRT . Hence, the two triangles are congruent by Leg-Acute Angle theorem.

The next theorem focuses on the longest side of the right triangle and on a given leg.

HyL (Hypotenuse-Leg) Congruence Theorem

“If the hypotenuse and one leg of a right triangle are equal to the hypotenuse and one
leg of another right triangle, then the two right triangles are congruent.”
Recall that the criteria for congruent postulates have called for three pairs of congruent
parts between triangles. The HL Theorem essentially just calls for congruence between two
parts: the hypotenuse and a leg.

Let's look on illustration that shows the correct way to use the Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem.

In the figure, you have congruent

hypotenuses ( AB ´ ) and congruent legs (
´ ≅ DE
´ ).
´ ≅ FD

Examples of HyL Congruence Theorem

What additional information do you need in order to prove that the triangles on the right
side are congruent by the Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem?
Notice that both triangles are right triangles because they both have one right angle in
them. Therefore, if you can prove that the
hypotenuses of the triangles and one leg of each
triangle are congruent, you will be able to apply
the HL Theorem.
Looking on the illustration, you notice
that segments SQ and VT are congruent. Recall
that the side of a right triangle that does not
form any part of the right angle is called the
hypotenuse. So, the diagram shows that you
have congruent hypotenuses
No other information about the triangles is given to you. Had you been given that
another pair of legs was congruent, then your criteria for using the HL Theorem would have
been satisfied.

Showing the two situations in which you could have used the HL Theorem to prove that
∆ QRS ≅ ∆ TUV ?
Situation A Situations B
I n t h e d i a g r a m

the same information as in the original, as In the diagram above, notice that all
well as the fact that QR and TU are of the original information has been given to
´ ´
congruent. You can apply the HL Theorem in us as well as the fact that ŔS and UV
´ are
this situation to prove congruence. congruent. Here, you can apply the HL
Theorem to prove that the triangles are

The last theorem under the right triangle congruence gives focus on the hypotenuse and an
acute angle.

HyA (Hypotenuse-Angle) Congruence Theorem

“If the hypotenuse and an acute angle of a
right triangle are congruent to the hypotenuse and
an acute angle of another right triangle, then the
two triangles are congruent.”
An illustration of this theorem is shown on
the right side. Observe the markings on the
hypotenuse and on the acute angle.

Examples of HyA Congruence Theorem

Consider the two right triangles, ΔPQR
and ΔABC.
Here, the corresponding equal
hypotenuse and legs of ΔABC and ΔPQR is
´ and ∠ Q ≅ ∠ B . Hence, ΔPQR and
´ ≅ BC
ΔABC are congruent triangles by Hypotenuse-
angle congruent theorem.

Based on the illustration on the left side, ∆ OPQ∧∆ IJK are right triangles. OQ
´ ≅ JK
and ∠ Q ≅ ∠ J . Hence, the two ∆ OPQ∧∆ IJK are congruent by Hypotenuse-Angle theorem. 

 Were you able to define and illustrate SAS, ASA and SSS congruence postulates?
 Were you able to define and illustrate LL, LA, HyL and HyA congruence theorem?

Two triangle are congruence if their vertices can be paired so that corresponding sides
are congruent and corresponding angles are congruent. The symbols for ‘corresponds to’ is ↔.
To prove two segments or two angles are congruent, you must show that they are
corresponding parts of congruent angles.
For triangle congruence, you have the following:
 SSS (Side-Side-Side) congruence
If the three sides of one triangle are congruent to the three sides of another triangle,
then the triangles are congruent.
 SAS (Side-Angle-Side) congruence
If the two sides and an included angle of one triangle are congruent to the
corresponding, two sided and the included angle of another triangle, then the triangles are
 ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) congruence
If the two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to the
corresponding two angles and an included side of another triangle, then the triangles are

For right triangle congruence, you have the following:

 LL (Leg-Leg) congruence
If the legs of one right triangle are congruent to the legs of another right triangle,
then the two right triangles are congruent.
 LA (Leg-Angle) congruence
If a leg and an acute angle of one right triangle are congruent to the corresponding
parts of another right triangle, then the two right triangles are congruent.
 HyL (Hypotenuse-Leg) congruence
If the hypotenuse and one leg of a right triangle are equal to the hypotenuse and one
leg of another right triangle, then the two right triangles are congruent.
 HyA (Hypotenuse-Angle) congruence
If the hypotenuse and an acute angle of a right triangle are congruent to the
hypotenuse and an acute angle of another right triangle, then the two triangles are

|DEEPEN Session 7

Directions: Supply what is missing in the given statement. Write

your answer on the space provided.
A. B.

In ∆ ABC and ∆ EDF are

said to be congruent if:
In ∆ LET and ∆ NEP are said 1. ∠ B ≅ ______
to be congruent if: 2. _____ ≅ _______

1. ´¿ ≅ _____
2. ____ ≅ _____
3. ¿¿ task
´ here is to master the skills that you have acquired
in the past lesson most especially in determining the congruent
triangle, postulate and theorems. Begin the task with a positive mind.
Now, please proceed to Activity 3.

ACTIVITY 3: Complete Me
Directions: Supply what is missing in the given statement. Write your answer on the space
provided. Refer to pages 12 – 19 as your guide in this activity.

1. 2.

In ∆ NOP and ∆ DES are said to be In ∆ LOV and ∆ LEV are said to be congruent
congruent if: if:

1. PO
´ ≅¿ 1. ∠ E ≅ _______
2. ¿¿ ≅ ∠ E 2. LV
´ ≅¿
3. ¿¿ ≅ ____ 3. ¿¿ ≅ ∠ L

3. 4.

In ∆ ABD and ∆ ACD are said to be

In ∆ ABC and ∆ DBC are said to be congruent if:
congruent if:
1. DC´ ≅ _______ 1. BD
´ ≅ _______
2. AD
´ ≅ _______
2. _____ ≅ ______

ACTIVITY 4: Take the Written Assignments

Directions: Perform the indicated activity in your workbook entitled “Dynamics Minds” on pages
80 -81 (Taken the written assignments A), Items 1 and 2. Write your answer on
the table provided in this module. Write legibly and use a ballpen not a pencil. Refer to
pages 12 – 15 as your guide in this activity.
Take the Written Assignments
A. Answer the following questions
For Number 1 item For Number 2 item
a. a. d.
b. b. e.
c. c. f.


Were you able to identify if the two segments and angles are congruent?
Were you able to identify the congruent parts of the triangle? Did you find
it easy or difficult? Please, proceed to activity 5. God bless!

ACTIVITY 5: We are Congruent

Directions: Perform the indicated activity in your workbook entitled “Dynamics Minds” on
page 81 (Taken the written assignments B), Items 1 - 5. Write your answer

on the space provided in this module. Write legibly and use a ballpen not a pencil.
Refer to pages 12 – 19 as your guide in this activity.
1. _______________________ 4. _______________________
2. _______________________ 5. _______________________
3. _______________________

Were you be able to tell that the two triangles are congruent? How can you
come up with that idea? Just remember to think critically in determining the
triangle congruence. The next part of this is to apply the skills in practical
situation. You can do it. God bless!

Session 8

Learning Objectives:

 I can define triangle congruence. (A)

 I can illustrate triangle congruence. (MM)
 I can define SAS, ASA and SSS congruence postulates. (A)
 I can illustrate the SAS, ASA and SSS congruence postulates. (MM)
 I can define LL, LA, HyL and HyA congruence theorem. (A)
 I can illustrate LL, LA, HyL and HyA congruence theorem. (MM)

 Read your workbook entitled “Dynamics Minds” on page 80, about

Triangle Congruence.

Your goal here is to apply what you have learned to real-life situation. You
will be given tasks in order for you to show mastery in triangle
congruence. Widen your imagination, passion and creativity to do this
task. Start from Activity 6 to 8. You can do it.

ACTIVITY 6: Find More!

Directions: Perform the indicated activity in your workbook entitled “Dynamics Minds” on page
82 (Taken the written assignments C), Items 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6. Write your answer

on the space provided in this module. Write legibly and use a ballpen not a pencil. Refer
to pages 12 – 15 as your guide in this activity.
1. _______________________ 5. _______________________
2. _______________________ 6. _______________________
3. _______________________
ACTIVITY 7: Complete Me!
Directions: Given the theorem and state what additional information is required in order to know
that the triangles are congruent. Write your answer on the space provided. Number one
item is already done for you. Refer to pages 15 – 19 as your guide in this activity.
1. HyL

´ ≅ XY
FE ´

Answer: DE
´ ≅ VW
´ ∨ DF
´ ≅ XV

2. HyA 3. LA

´ ≅ D́I
∠U ≅∠ D
¿¿ _____ ¿¿ ____

4. LL

´ ≅ MK
MK ´

¿¿ ____

ACTIVITY 8: Mini Task 1!

Directions: Make your own logo design made up of congruent triangles. Present your output to
your MATH Club president (any members in your family). Put your logo in the box
provided below. Please submit your output on February 12, 2021.

Were the activities easy? In which part can you consider difficult?
Always bear in your mind that you need to fully master the skills
because it is useful in real life.

Summary and Closure

 Were you able to define triangle congruence, the SAS, ASA and SSS congruence
postulates and LL, LA, HyL and HyA congruence theorem?
 Were you able to illustrate triangle congruence, the SAS, ASA and SSS congruence
postulates and LL, LA, HyL and HyA congruence theorem?

When two triangles are congruent they will have exactly the same three sides and
exactly the same three angles. The equal sides and angles may not be in the same
position (if there is a turn or a flip), but they are there.
Any triangle is defined by six measures (three sides, three angles). But you don't
need to know all of them to show that two triangles are congruent. Various groups of
three will do. Triangles are congruent if: SSS (side side side) - all three corresponding
sides are equal in length; SAS (side angle side) - a pair of corresponding sides and the
included angle are equal; and ASA (angle side angle) - a pair of corresponding angles
and the included side are equal. The right triangles are congruent if: LL (Leg-Leg)
congruence - the legs of one right triangle are congruent to the legs of another right
triangle; LA (Leg-Angle) congruence - a leg and an acute angle of one right triangle
are congruent; HyL (Hypotenuse-Leg) congruence - the hypotenuse and one leg of a
right triangle are equal; and HyA (Hypotenuse-Angle) congruence - the hypotenuse
and an acute angle of a right triangle are congruent.
Designs and patterns having the same size and the same shape are seen in
almost all places. You can see them in bridges, buildings, towers, in furniture even in
handicrafts, and fabrics.
Congruent triangle has many applications in the real world. Architects and
engineers use triangles when they build structures because they are considered to be the
most stable of all geometric figures. Triangles are oftentimes used as frameworks,
supports for many construction workers.
In life, if you want to be successful, you must have exact correspondence,
agreement consistency between your principles, words and actions. Always remember
that, nobody can be a father, mother, brother, husband or wife by themselves, they have
to be a father, mother, brother, husband or wife to someone. Nothing can be greater or
smaller, it has to be greater or smaller of something else. Nothing can be similar, it has to
be similar to something else.
For our next lesson, you will still be dealing with triangle congruence wherein you

need to master the skills of identifying the congruence triangle, congruence postulates
and theorems. This will help you to prove that the two triangles are congruent in order
that to solve real life problems.
Remember to do your performance task about making the logo with a narrative
report. If you have questions about them, feel free to contact your teacher.

Activity 2: Is this my Partner? (Page 10)

Congruent or
Corresponding Corresponding Congruent or
Match not
Sides Angle not Congruent

First none not congruent none not congruent

Second none not congruent none not congruent

Third ´ ↔ DE
AB ´ , BC
´ ↔ EF
´ , ∠ A ↔∠ D ,
congruent Congruent
CA ↔ DF ´ ∠ B↔ ∠ E , ∠ C ↔∠ F


Let’s Review (Page 21)

A. B.
1. NE 1. ∠ D
2. ℜ́ ´ ≅ BC∨
2. DF ´ AC
´ ≅ EF
3. TL

Activity 3: (Pages 21 - 22)

1. 2. 3. 4. A
1. ∠O 1. ´
AC 1. ´
1. ´
SE 2. ´
LV 2. ´ ´
CB ≅ CB 2. ´
2. ∠O 3. ∠L
3. ´ ≅ ON
ED ´

Activity 4: Taken the Written Assessment Activity 5: We are Congruent!

A. (Page 22) B. (Page 22)

1 2 1. Yes. SSS Congruence Postulate

2. No
a. True a. GP´ ≅ TP ´
3. Yes. SAS Congruence Postulate
b. False b. ṔS ≅ ṔS 4. Yes. LL Congruence Theorem for Right
c. False c. GS
´ ≅ TS´ Triangles or SAS Congruence Postulate
d. True d. ∠ G ≅ ∠ T 5. Yes. HL Congruence Theorem.
e. False e. ∠ GPS ≅ ∠T PS
f. ∠ GSP ≅ ∠TSP
Abuzo, E., Bryant, M., Cabrella, J.B., Caldez, B., Callanta, M., Castro, P.A., Halabaso, A., Javier, S.,
Nocom, R., & Ternida, C. (2017). Mathematics: Learner’s Module 8:3 RD Floor, Bonifacio Bldg.,
DepEd Complex (ULTRA) Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines: Department of Education
Canlapan, R., David, O., Dominguez, M.L., & Urgena, J.N. (2019). Dynamics Minds: A Math
Workbook 8. 120 Thailand corner, Legazpi Streets, Legaspi Village, 1229 Makati City,
Philippines. DIWA Learning System Inc.



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